The Development of Tabeli Media Learning Strategy

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Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan Volume 38 Issue 1 p-ISSN: 1411-5255 April 2024 e-ISSN: 2581-2297

Diterima : 25 April 2024
DOI: Direvisi : 28 April 2024
Disetujui : 29April 2024
Diterbitkan : 30 April 2024



Eva Bela Puspita1, Fitri Puji Rahmawati2

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia1,2

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media konvensional berupa tabungan
belajar menulis guna meningkatkan proses belajar menulis tegak bersambung siswa kelas II sekolah
dasar. Metode yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini ialah Research and Development (R&D)
menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari Tahap Analysis, Tahap Desain, Tahap
Development, Tahap Implementation serta Tahap Evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilaksanakan
dengan wawancara serta observasi. Sedangkan uji analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif
kualitatif dengan menjelaskan mengenai desain pada pembelajaran keterampilan menulis tegak
bersambung yang dibantu media Tabeli. Keabsahan data penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi
teknik dan sumber. Hasil penilaian dan pengembangan media menurut ahli ialah dapat dikatakan
layak sebagai bahan penunjang proses pembelajaran keterampilan menulis tegak bersambung siswa
kelas II sekolah dasar. Tingkat kelayakan pada media Tabeli menurut ahli media, angket guru dan
uji coba terbatas skala kecil pada siswa kelas II memperoleh hasil dengan kategori “layak” dan
“baik”. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan media Tabeli layak untuk digunakan sebagai penunjang
pembelajaran menulis secara tegak bersambung siswa kelas II sekolah dasar.
Kata-kata Kunci : menulis, tegak bersambung, sekolah dasar.



Abstract: This research aims to develop conventional media in the form of writing learning savings to improve
the learning process of cursive writing for grade II elementary school students. The method developed in this
research is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model which consists of the Analysis Stage,
Design Stage, Development Stage, Implementation Stage, and Evaluation Stage. Data collection techniques were
done by interviews and observation. Meanwhile, the data analysis test used qualitative descriptive analysis by
explaining the learning design for cursive writing skills assisted by tabeli media. The validity of the data in this
research used triangulation of techniques and sources. According to experts, the results of the assessment and
development of the media can be concluded to be suitable as supporting subject for the learning process of cursive
writing skills for grade II elementary school students. The level of feasibility of the Tabeli media according to media
experts, teacher questionnaires, and small-scale limited trials on grade II students obtained results in the "decent"
and "good" categories. So it can be concluded that the Tabeli media is suitable for use as a support for learning to
write in cursive order for second-grade elementary school students.
Keywords : writing, cursive, elementary school .

104 PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 April 2024

Learning is an activity that could not be separated from human activities in the world. Learning process can
gain the potential that has existed since birth. In the world of education, there are several types of learning, one
of which is learning Indonesian. Indonesian can be interpreted as the national language and the state language
for all Indonesian people. As regulated in the 1945 Constitution, article 36 reads "The State Language is
Indonesian". Learning Indonesian can be said to be a very important subject in the world of education. Several
skills in the Indonesian language learning process are useful for honing students' language skills, including
speaking skills, listening skills, writing skills, and reading skills. This research aims to improve students' writing
skills. The problem that occurs is that quite a lot of students have difficulty writing so they cannot participate in
learning activities optimally. Apart from that, students also experience difficulties when capturing and
understanding the information contained in textbooks. Learning activities that are less than smooth will have an
impact on the learning progress process, students will be slower to learn compared to other friends.
Writing is the result of thoughts that have meaning to express thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions
originating from the writer(Hulwah & Ahmad, 2022; Nyoman Suastika, 2018). At elementary school age, cursive
writing skills are aimed at lower grades to develop cognitive and fine motor skills. In line with research (Lestari
& Rahmawati, 2022) writing skills have to be done optimally, especially in initial writing skills for grade II
elementary school. Cursive or cursive writing is writing that is done vertically by connecting lines written at an
angle. The learning process for cursive writing can be said to be low because it is in line with research done by
Central Connecticut State University regarding writing skills in Indonesia, which is ranked 60th out of 61
countries. Kharismi also revealed that around 50% of the literacy skills of elementary school students in Indonesia
in six provinces trained by the Primary Education Quality Improvement Project (PEQIP) cannot write (Novia Vini
Syafitri et al., 2021).
The benefits of writing according to (Maulani & Iswara, 2022) are that writing cursively trains students' ability
to think, as well as hone students' fine motor skills in writing cursive letters so they are neater and easier to read.
Another benefit of writing upright in cursive according to (R. Widyaningrum, 2019) is that it can make it easier
for students to equalize the size of letters when writing, it can help students to write uppercase and lowercase
letters correctly, it can stimulate the brain's work process to be more creative, and it can write smoothly. faster
because without lifting a writing utensil, it can produce more beautiful and neat writing and hone students'
artistic spirit in the field of beautiful writing. In line with the neatness of cursive writing in journals(Dias Artama
et al., 2023) state that in writing cursive, students have not been able to be consistent in terms of neatness, size,
and style on each line which is influenced by students' inaccuracy and students' ignorance of connecting one
word with another. other word. However, apart from that, there are also benefits to writing cursively according
to (Elisa & Mukhlishina, 2023), it can help students obtain maximum learning results, can discipline students in
writing neatly, and give students patience. According to (H. K. Widyaningrum et al., 2022) students who can
master writing skills will be able to master abilities in various other fields because the main function of writing
is to make students learn and think logically. (Skjelbred & Borgen, 2019) explains that the purpose of text/writing
is to strengthen the relationship between the formal curriculum, that were the perceived and operational
curriculum, in other words, the text becomes the control center in operationalizing the curriculum with the
relationship between basic skills, that were writing.
In the journal (Syafira Pratiwi, 2023) the role of educators is not only to teach but also to modify the learning
process so that it does not become boring and seem monotonous, so that students can develop motivation to
study harder with the presence of media or support for the learning process.
The development of this learning media is designed to help students achieve the goal of learning Indonesian,
that were writing in cursive order. According to Kompri (2017: 83), media is any form of something that is used
to convey messages so that it can stimulate and provoke students' thinking patterns in learning and curiosity
(Hanifa Sukma & Rizky Amalia, 2021). This learning media is made from used cans which are modified into a
savings account that can be opened and closed, then in savings, there is a money card that contains cursive
writing that students can use or copy to write. The paper money can be reused by erasing it and returning it to
This research aims to develop conventional media in the form of writing learning savings to improve the
learning process of writing in cursive order for elementary school students. Apart from that, this research also
aims to provide an rerview of social study or phenomena that occured in the surrounding environment. Writing
cursively for students can improve writing skills which are still said to be low, and improve fine motor
development for students. Observations were done by researchers at SD N 3 Sumberagung, at the time of the
research they had not yet achieved maximum results in learning cursive writing skills. Some students still do not
understand and apply cursive writing during learning. The cause of the lack of interest in writing in cursive
letters according to students is that it is too complicated to combine letter by letter neatly, the curvature of letters
which they think is complicated so they always write using loose letters. Writing using correct rules can produce

PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 Oktober 2024 105

neat writing, making it easier for readers to read the writing and understand the writing. Based on the results of
the interview, it can be concluded that there are still many students who cannot write cursive letters neatly and
do not understand the use of capital letters and letter shapes in cursive writing.

The research used the Research and Development (R&D) method which called development research. This
method used to produce a product and test the effectiveness of the product. According to Sugiyono (2011:297),
to obtain a particular product, research was used like needs analysis and testing the effectiveness of the product
so that it functions in the wider community, so product testing was needed to find out the effectiveness of the
product (Okpatrioka, 2023).
The sample for this research was grade II of SD N 3 Sumberagung with a total of 15 students. The research
was done from October to November 2023. In this research, the data collection method was observation to find
out how the learning process was taking place, interviews were used to find out how important media was in
supporting the learning process, and questionnaires were used to find out how important media was for grade
II students. The approach used in this research was qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data comes from
interviews, observations, and documentation. Meanwhile, quantitative data collection techniques come from
validated questionnaires and student response questionnaires.
This research used the ADDIE development model which consists of the Analysis Stage, Design Stage,
Development Stage, Implementation Stage, and Evaluation Stage. The ADDIE stages used in this research
are as follows, with a more detailed description :
1. Analysis Stage
This analysis stage takes the form of a process of analyzing student needs and analyzing the curriculum
and student characteristics.
2. Design Stage
The design stage consists of creating a design for learning to write in cursive writing using concrete media
in the form of tools for saving in the form of savings, savings books, stationery, and play money which has
a place for writing in cursive.
3. Development Stage
The development stage consists of a media validation process, media practicality, and the effectiveness of
Tabeli media.
4. Implementation Stage
This implementation stage was practiced in grade II elementary school Indonesian language subject.
5. Evaluation Stage
The evaluation stage was done after the media has been put into practice by collecting data in the form of
questionnaire instruments and validation sheets. To find out the suitability of the media, an assessment
process was required in the form of adding up the scores obtained and then comparing them to the expected
The formula for calculating the percentage of eligibility was as follows:

𝑃= x 100%

P = Eligibility percentage
∑x = Total score obtained

∑xi = Highest score total

At the product feasibility stage, the scoring process was identical, so a high score will indicate that the product
from the validation results has a good and high level of feasibility. So according to (Setiawan et al., 2021), there
were criteria for making validation decisions in the form: Table 1. Validity categories
No. Percentage Category
1. 80% - 100 % Very Feasible

106 PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 April 2024

2. 60%- 79,99 % Feasible
3. 50 %- 59,99 % Less Feasible
4. 0%- 49,99 % Not Feasible


This research used a development model in the form of ADD (Analysis, Design, and Development). The
results of the research and development done were as follows:
1. Analysis
At the analysis stage, the initial observation process was done on second-grade elementary school
students regarding the need for learning media to support the learning process so that it runs better. This
media was used to support the learning process of cursive writing in Indonesian language subjects. Based
on the results of observations, there were still quite a lot of students who cannot write cursively correctly.
The results obtained from the student interview process were as follows:
"I don't like the lesson of writing in cursive, the teacher just made us write in cursive like in the
companion book, but didn't even tell us how." (A/18-10-2023).
"My cursive writing was bad, many words cross the lines, some were bigger and some were smaller
because in cursive books the lines were very small while my writing was big." (D/18-102023).
This can be proven in the students' soft notebooks, many of their writings were beyond the lines,
not on the lines as well as writing words that were not quite right, such as not big enough, too big, and
others. They felt that the lines in cursive books were usually small, while the writing of lower-grade students
tended to be quite large.
In elementary schools there was also no media that can support the students' learning process,
teachers still rarely use media during the learning process.
Teachers usually only use the lecture method and dictate to students the process of learning writing
skills. The media used in this school was still not sufficient to support the student learning process. So
students tend to feel bored and less enthusiastic when learning takes place.
Meanwhile, interviews done with teachers resulted in the following statements: "When teaching
cursive writing, I only rely on the book and demonstrate the writing to the students, then I ask the students
to copy it. "Students' writing up to now can be said to be not neat, there was still a lot that needs to be
improved and innovated so that it can make students more enthusiastic about writing cursively." (MY/18-
From the results of the interviews that have been done, it can be concluded that the learning process
in elementary schools does not use media optimally, teachers usually use lecture methods and simple
practices without media. During the presentation of the Tabeli media, the teacher felt interested because it
was innovative and interesting to the students. The students improved their cursive writing skills because
there were rewards.
2. Design
At the design stage, this media was in the form of Tabeli media to support the process of writing
in cursive order. In this media, there was paper and books as well as savings to support students' sense of
saving money and being able to write in cursive on the back of the money. In this savings media, there was
a place to deposit money in the form of a tube and there was something they can put into the tube media.
Tabeli design consists of digital designs and real media forms:

PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 Oktober 2024 107

1) The tube used for saving has a size

Figure 1 Place to storeplay money (savings)

Figure 2. The phyical form of savings

2) Play money and smooth lines for writing cursive letters. This money was used as a tool that
students can use to save money. On the back of the money, there were straight lines that were
used to write letters vertically continuously.

Figure 4. Image of

Figure 5. The
physical form of
Figure 3. Money
design for writing
cursive letters

108 PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 April 2024

3) Savings books to find out how much play money they have and what words or sentences in
cursive letters have been written by students, students and teachers can find out how much
money and cursive letters written by students have been saved into savings. This savings
book contains words/sentences in cursive letters that have been written by students, the
amount of money used to write them, and the teacher's assessment of the students' cursive

Figure 6. Savings book design

Figure 7. The physical form of the savings book

3. Development
The feasibility test for the development of the Tabeli media was done on experts including media
experts by the media validator with the initials MA, and linguistic experts by the language validator with
the initials MY. Below was data that has been obtained from experts:
Table 2. Assessment of media feasibility based on media experts
No Media Feasible Obtained Maximum
Aspect Score Score
1. Suitability of 4 4
media design
with cursive
writing subject

PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 Oktober 2024 109

2. Suitability of 4 4
media design
with the
concept of
saving in
school children
3. Harmony in 3 4
the use of
images, font
size, and color
4. Savings size 3 4
5. Use of letters 4 4
and image
6. Appropriate 4 4
letter shape
and letter size
7. Readability of 4 4
8. Not easy to tear 2 4
9. Reusable 2 4
10 Easy to use 3 4
11. Safe media 3 4
(blunt and
12. Suitability of 4 4
illustrations to
13. Accurate use of 4 4
graphics in
Total Score 44 56
Feasible Percentage 78,5 % 100%
Criteria Feasible

Based on the results of the media validation questionnaire above, it can be concluded that the media that
has been created was suitable for use as supporting media for elementary school students in cursive writing
skills. This data obtained a score of 44 or the equivalent of 78.5% so it can be an indication of media suitability
based on media aspects with appropriate/appropriate criteria. Furthermore, below was data originating
from the teacher questionnaire.
Table 3. Assesment pf feasibility of media based on teacher questionnaires
No Media Obtained Maximum
Feasible Score Score
1. Media 3 4
displays have

110 PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 April 2024

an appeal to
2. Suitability of 4 4
media design
with cursive
3. The use of 3 4
media was
clearly and
was easy for
students to
4. The right 3 4
media size for
5. The display of 4 4
can help
students in
the process of
writing in
Total Score 17 20
Feasible Percentage 85% 100%
Criteria Feasible

Validation by the teacher produces a feasibility percentage of 85% or appropriate. This was proven in
the results of the questionnaire done by the validator. In the questionnaire, results were obtained in several
aspects, including the appearance of the media, suitability of the design, instructions for using the media,
size of the media, and the appearance of illustrations on paper media.
From these two validation results, it can be concluded that the media can be categorized as
"Appropriate" so that the media can be tested in the field.
The implementation stage of Tabeli media in the process of learning activities in the classroom.
The Tabeli learning media has been validated by media experts with expert revision suggestions. The
next step was to do limited trials on the learning media. The trial was done on 14 17 November 2023 in
grade II of SD N 3 Sumberagung. The sample in this study was 15 grade II students. The initial trial stage
was used to prepare students to use the Tabeli media product being developed. They were given to the
media to see whether the media obtains a significant response with the criteria "very good", "good", "fairly
good", "poor", and "very poor".

PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 Oktober 2024 111

Figure 1. Tabeli media trial
When the trial was done, several students were very enthusiastic about trying to write cursively using
this medium. Using the Tabeli media was very easy, the teacher gives a tube that can be used to store the
play money on each bench so there was 1 tube for 2 students. Then students were given a choice of money
with the condition that with a nominal value of 1000, students can write 1 word on one side of the money,
on banknotes with a nominal value of 2000, students write 2 words on one side of the money, while on a
nominal 5000, students can write more than 3 words. The next step was to collect the money and then hand
over the savings book to the teacher. The teacher corrects the student's cursive writing, then the next day
the money and books were returned to the student. The money which already has cursive writing written
on it was then put into a tube to store it, while the savings book was kept by the students. The tube used to
store money was placed in the corner of the classroom or another place in the classroom that has been
prepared by the teacher. At the end of the semester, students and teachers opened the contents of the money
in the tube and then counted it together. After knowing the amount of money saved, the money can be used
to buy stationery or food that the teacher has prepared beforehand. So in this case students can get the results
they have saved previously. With this media, the author hopes that elementary school students' cursive
writing skills can improve. When the trial was done, they felt that this medium was interesting for writing
in cursive. On money and lines, writing in cursive writing could be erased and rewritten with other words.
Table 4. Student responses before the trial were limited
Criteria Media Assessment

Frequency Percentage
Very Good 0 0%

Good 0 0%
Quite 8 53,33%
Poor 5 33,33%
Very Poor 2 13,34%
Total 15 100%

Table 5. Student responses in limited trials

Criteria Media Assessment

Frequency Percentage
Very Good 0 0%
Good 10 66,66%
Quite 3 20%
Poor 2 13,34%
Very Poor 0 0%
Total 15 100%

Based on the frequency distribution data above, the assessment of the learning media aspect shows that
there were 66.66% of student assessments with "good" criteria, 20% of student assessments with "sufficient"
criteria, and 13.34% of student assessments with "poor" criteria. So it can be concluded that the results of
the media assessment were "sufficient" with a percentage of 66.66%. There was a need for improvements

112 PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 April 2024

to the media so that it can reach the "very good" criteria, improvements come from media experts and
teachers who have assessed the Tabeli media. The results of interviews with several students stated that:
"I like this media because the writing can be erased and used again." (N/ 10-28-2023)
"I don't like this media because there were too many things to carry, such as savings, savings books,
play money, and markers." (D/ 10-282023).
Based on the results of interviews regarding table media, it can be concluded that approximately 11
students like table media while the others don't like it. There was a need to improve the table media so that
it can be used and preferred by lower-grade elementary school students. They can use the Tabeli media
more effectively and quite efficiently. In the Tabeli media, the place for storing money was too big so
students need a large enough space in the classroom to store the savings.

The skill of writing cursively was a subject found in Indonesian language learning in elementary schools.
This research and development produced learning media in the form of Tabeli (writing learning savings). This
Tabeli media consists of savings books and stationery used for the process of improving cursive writing skills
in class 2 of elementary school. The images contained in the media can be used. The Tabeli media aim to develop
conventional media in the form of learning to write savings to improve the process of learning to write in
cursive order for grade II elementary school students. The results of interviews done with students stated that
students were interested in using this media because it could facilitate their cursive writing skills.
Contextual learning media has an attraction and influences students in learning activities. This Tabeli media
used objects that were often found around the environment such as ivory paper, markers, and modified play
money. This Tabeli learning media was inspired by an article written by (Pahrun et al., 2023) with the concept of
writing in cursive letters, there was a picture with initials in front of it, then students continue to name the picture
in cursive letters, while the media developed in this research article was in the form of pictures of money that
school children usually see. Apart from this media image, there were also lines for writing in continuous upright.
This modification was made so that it was the same as in a soft book as a board for writing in cursive order as
research (Elisa & Mukhlishina, 2023; Indriani, 2023) explains that improving the learning process of writing in
cursive order used a board with lines to make it easier for students to write in cursive order. Apart from using a
soft book, the writer was inspired to use lines on a board by modifying them on ivory paper which was larger
than the soft book which was usually used for writing in cursive upright.
In the Tabeli media, there were play money with denominations of 1000, 2000, and 5000, on each banknote
there was a provision that for each banknote with a nominal value of 1000, students can write 1 word on one side
of the money, on banknotes with a nominal value of 2000, students write 2 words on one side of the money,
whereas on a nominal value of 5000 students can write more than 3 words. After that, students can put the money
into a tube/piggy bank, and then after the money has been collected at the end of the semester, students can
spend the money at a shop prepared by the teacher with examples of goods such as stationery or snacks.
The Tabeli media has been designed so that students can write letters vertically and continuously using
money media and six horizontal lines. The writing medium (play money) can be written using ivory paper so
that students who write on the paper and use markers can erase it and reuse it.
Based on the data that has been obtained through media validation, media feasibility testing and media
implementation, it can be concluded that Tabeli media can be applied in elementary schools to improve cursive
writing skills because the innovations contained in this media were attractive to students, can be used
repeatedly so that they can save paper and interesting media as in research (Khoirurrohman & Irma, 2021)
containing learning media that can make it easier for students to learn Indonesian and this media was used
repeatedly while research (Wardana et al., 2022) shows the results that there were media in the process
Learning can help students understand language subject and be more interested and active in learning
activities. Based on Table 2 regarding the assessment of media experts, it can be concluded that the Tabeli media
was suitable for use but improvements need to be made so that the media can be used optimally. Things that
need to be improved include the appearance of the Tabeli media, and the use of the Tabeli media, where there
was still information that was not clear and precise for second-grade elementary school students, such as an
explanation of the abbreviation SB which can be interpreted as Very Good, B which can be interpreted as Good,
and C which means
Sufficient. According to experts, the results of the assessment and development of the media can be said to
be suitable as supporting subject for the learning process of cursive writing for grade II students.
a. The results of research and development of this media were certainly needed to support the cursive
writing process of grade II students. So, with the table media, learning the skill of writing in cursive not
only used a soft notebook but can also use another tool, that were play money which has been designed
so that there was a line on the other side that was used for writing in cursive. Not only that, students
can be trained to be literate in writing skills using media so that the writing process was more

PERSPEKTIF Ilmu Pendidikan - Vol. 38 No. 1 Oktober 2024 113

interesting, as in research (Pahrun et al., 2023) which aims to enable students to understand the learning
process of cursive writing skills in the Indonesian language learning process. The existence of Tabeli
media aims to reduce problems or errors in writing beginnings among school students as in research
(Hulwah & Ahmad, 2022; Lestari & Rahmawati, 2022)which states that there were students who write
continuous upright letters but go outside the lines of the book, students who writing was slow, there
was no space in cursive writing and students' writing was not clear, besides the role of parents and
teachers in accompanying students in writing so there were obstacles such as not concentrating, often
being tired and often playing in between learning

This research and development of the Tabeli media was implemented at SD N 3 Sumberagung class 2 with
a total of 15 students. This table media contains elements of cursive writing skills. According to media experts
and teacher questionnaires, this media can be said to be "suitable" for use by grade 2 elementary school students.
Based on the results of media feasibility research, the Tabeli media can be categorized as feasible based on media
experts, while the media feasibility percentage based on the teacher questionnaire was very feasible. So this can
be indicated as a media that was suitable for use by second-grade elementary school students. In the evaluation
that has been done in this research, the existing media can be further developed so that it can be used effectively
and efficiently by elementary school children because the tubes in this media were quite large and sometimes
the continuous upright writing on money can disappear if it was touched by skin or other objects before the
marker ink was dry.

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