PP 2019 Icas Ma Eng D D

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Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
1 D Space & Geometry Read a legend and interpret a direction on a map

Algebra & Patterns Use a doubling and halving strategy to solve a

2 B multiplication equation
3 C Number & Arithmetic Solve a simple word problem involving subtraction

Space & Geometry Read a legend and interpret the shortest route on a
4 B map
Interpret a table and calculate the equivalent fraction
5 A Number & Arithmetic required
Chance & Data Compare the chance of rolling a particular shape on a
6 B fair dice
7 C Measures & Units Identify the shape with the largest area

8 D Number & Arithmetic Use factors of a number to solve a problem

Chance & Data Group shapes by pattern, number of sides and position
9 C to solve a problem
Identify the operation used to convert millimetres to
10 C Measures & Units metres
Number & Arithmetic Solve a problem involving a pattern that decreases by
11 B halves
12 D Space & Geometry Identify the pattern that is translated
Calculate a base angle of an isosceles triangle given
13 A Space & Geometry they are equal
14 B Algebra & Patterns Solve a problem involving two fixed amounts
Identify expressions that are equivalent to the sum of
15 A, D Number & Arithmetic fractions with the same denominator
Solve a problem involving the comparison of distances
16 C Measures & Units over the same time period

17 B Measures & Units Solve a problem involving am and pm time

Solve a problem involving a number of decimal
18 D Number & Arithmetic differences in measurements
Algebra & Patterns Apply an understanding of place value to solve a
19 B multiplication problem
20 A Space & Geometry Identify the net that will not fold to make a cube

21 D Space & Geometry Identify a shape after a one-step reflection

22 A Number & Arithmetic Solve a problem involving subtraction and division

23 C Measures & Units Calculate the area of a fraction of a square

Chance & Data Interpret two diagrams and identify the incorrect
24 D response
Space & Geometry Identify the smallest shape that can be formed by
25 B overlaying three shapes
26 B Number & Arithmetic Solve a problem involving minimising distance

Measures & Units Identify the cut-out shape with the same perimeter as
27 A the original square
Algebra & Patterns Solve a problem involving symbols that represent
28 B numbers
29 A Chance & Data Solve a number problem involving a frequency table

30 A Number & Arithmetic Solve a problem involving factors and multiples


Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
Solve a problem involving angles and changing
31 D Space & Geometry direction
32 B Measures & Units Interpret two timetables to find the fastest route

33 B, D Number & Arithmetic Calculate percentage discounts to find the best deals

34 D Number & Arithmetic Solve a number problem involving percentages

Determine the number of possible outcomes involving
35 C Chance & Data three dice
36 35 Measures & Units Solve a problem involving perimeter

37 112 Space & Geometry Calculate missing angles involving angles at a point
Use 12-hour time and 24-hour time to solve a duration
38 59 Measures & Units problem
Determine the rule used to generate numbers and
39 50 Algebra & Patterns apply it to solve a problem

40 90 Space & Geometry Solve a packing problem involving rectangular prisms


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