Food and Eating Ss

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Discuss these questions:

1.Are you a vegetarian/ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛərɪən/? Would you ever consider going veggie? /ˈvɛdʒi/
2.Do all vegetarians eat the same foods? Do you know the difference between…?
a. Vegan/ˈviːɡən/
b. Flexitarian
c. Ovo vegetarian /ˌəʊvəʊˌvedʒɪˈtɛərɪən/
d. Lacto vegetarian /ˌlæktəʊˌvedʒɪˈtɛərɪən/
e. Lacto-ovo- vegetarian /ˌlæktəʊˌəʊvəʊˌvedʒɪˈtɛərɪən/
f. Pescatarian
3. Why vegetarianism has become more fashionable these days? Isn't it just a fad?
4. What is a better reason for becoming a vegetarian; health reasons or animal rights?
5. Can food be addictive? Why do you think people get hooked on eating certain foods?
7. Why are colouring and preservatives used in food? Are they damaging for health?
8. Do you rely on GM food? (genetically modified)
9. What do you think of organic food?
10. Are you a fussy/picky eater?
11. Do you know what is the right intake of carbohydrates and proteins for an adult?
12. What are the most common eating disorders?


Listen to this news report and complete the gaps. Use ONE word for each gap.

1. To find out how to make food attractive to us, food companies rely on ______________ ______________
2. The food industry analyses the connection between _________________ __________________ in our
tongue with the corresponding __________________ _________________ in our brain.
3. The food companies aim at making carefully ___________________ ___________________ of salt, sugar,
fat and chemicals so we can’t eat only one.
4. Michael Moss investigated the science behind __________________ _____________________ for 4 years.
5. He was amazed at how much _________________ that industry puts into making their food send us
_________________ ________________ _________________.
6. Looking at some database, we discover Chemistry, Physics and Biology for the service of making
________________ food.
7. To reduce costs, food companies can _________________ chemical reactions or aromas and also can
__________________ the taste of something without using the real product.
8. Salt, sugar and fat are the three ____________________ food processing industry rests on.


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