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03/05/21 11:20 PM

1) First Indian woman Dentist- Dr. Vimla Sood- Punjab University.

2) Lucy Hobbs Taylor: The first woman to receive a DDS. While Emeline
Roberts Jones was the first woman to practice dentistry in 1855, it wasn't until
1866 that the first woman earned her DDS. That honor went to Lucy Hobbs
Taylor (born in 1833).
3) Hesy-Re, an Egyptian scribe, often called the first “dentist.” An inscription on
his tomb includes the title “the greatest of those who deal with teeth, and of
4) Dental Council of India- Dental Council of India is a Statutory Body
incorporated under an Act of Parliament viz. The Dentists Act, 1948 to
regulate dental education and the profession throughout India
○ It is the key to oral hygiene
○ Wrong brushing can lead to- cavities, abrasion of enamel, bleeding of
○ Types-
§ Horizontal scrubbing technique
§ Vibratory techniques
□ Bass technique-
® Brush kept at 45 degree angle
® Short strokes
® 20 times at each side
□ Stillman's brushing technique
® Same as bass at 45 degree- but brushing of teeth as well
as gingiva in short light strokes
® Massages the gingiva
§ Vertical techniques
□ Modified bass technique
® Brush is placed vertically behind the teeth and rolling
motion used
§ Rotary brushing techniques
□ Fones
® In these, brush is placed against a set of teeth and moved
in circular motion 5-6 times
○ Recommended duration- twice a day for 2 minutes
○ Brushing in the evening before bedtime helps remove bacteria and
plaque in your mouth helping to eliminate any damage done by less
saliva production. Brushing your teeth in the morning gets rid of that
morning breath by removing the acid and bacteria that build up
○ Frequency- atleast twice a day
○ Must start with the molars and one end and proceed to the molars at the
other end
○ Cleaning of tooth brush- rinsed with hot water. Not stored in a container
(since no ventilation and walls of the container can contaminate the
○ Brush replacement- 3 months. Good indication is when toothbrushes with
colored tips begin to fade in 3 months.
○ 2500 bristles grouped into 40 tufts

6) Ingredients of toothpaste-
a. Fluoride- prevent tooth decay by decreasing plaque accumulation and
streptococci bacteria
b. Abrasives- Calcium carbonate- cleaning and polishing agents
c. Foaming agent- sodium Lauryl Sulfate
d. Antibacterial- Triclosan- helps prevent gingivitis, periodontitis
7) Function of toothpaste
a. Proper cleaning
b. Removal of dental plaque
c. Reduction of bacteria
d. Fluoride prevents tooth decay
8) Herbal toothpaste-
a. They use concentrated herbs and oils
b. Eg neem, babool, laung
c. Base material- calcium carbonate
d. Does contain fluoride
9) Senstivity toothpaste-
a. Contain strontium chloride and potassium nitrate
b. mild abrasive
c. sensitive toothpaste has additives that help desensitize or protect the
sensitive parts of your teeth. Dentin is the layer under the enamel of
your teeth. As the enamel wears away, it exposes the dentin, which is
sensitive to touch and temperatures.
d. Sensitivity toothpastes work by either covering up exposed dentinal
tubules or by desensitizing the nerve endings in the dentinal tubules.
Sensitive toothpastes also contain fluoride, which has been shown to
strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay.
10) What causes senstivity
a. Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed
tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other
factors, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or
gum disease.
b. brushing your teeth too hard · using a hard toothbrush · grinding your
teeth at night · regularly eating or drinking acidic foods
11) What causes bad breath?
a. Improper oral hygiene
b. Gingivitis
c. Bacterial accumulation at the back of the tongue
a. Liquid products used to rinse our teeth gums and mouth. Usually contain
an antiseptic to kill harmful bacteria
b. Can be used for- bad breath, plaque, , xerostomia, gingivitis
c. Ingredients- chlorhexidine - antiseptic, essential oils such as menthol,
fluoride- anti cavity
13) Smoking- Chemicals in tobacco products affect saliva flow in the mouth,
making it easier for oral bacteria to stick to teeth and gums.
a. Smoking affects the normal function of gum tissue, causing infections and
restricting blood flow. It also delays healing after oral surgery for
dental implants, tooth extraction or treatment of gum disease. This makes
the recovery process difficult. When brushing or flossing, smokers may
notice that their gums bleed easily.
Leads to oral cancer
4. Changes teeth and breath – Smoking can stain teeth to a yellow
color and also cause bad breath.

14) Top dental problems-

a. Caries
b. Gingivitis
c. Sensitivity
d. Mal-aligned teeth
15) Caries vs cavities
a. Caries is a microbial infection that results in destruction of tooth
b. Cavity is the opening or hole on the surface of the teeth caused due to
c. 4 factors- Tooth surface + bacteria + carbohydrates + time
d. Bacteria- streptococci and lactobacilli
16) Toothbrush vs Datun
○ Brushing teeth with neem datun helps to maintain the alkaline levels in
your saliva, further aiding in remineralizing enamel and fighting against
cavity-causing bacteria.
○ But can lead to abrasion of teeth
17) Why expensive?
○ Material costs. Eg alginate, instruments.
○ Technology is Expensive eg. Cad cam
○ As cost of material inc, inc in precision and durability

18) Latest advances-

○ CAD cam
○ Prios 3s- intra-oral scanner. Scanning of oral cavity. Digitally evaluate.
○ Shade technology- spectrophotometer. Vita easy shade guide.
○ Invisalign.- 3D template which fits into the teeth
○ Digital Smile designing software
○ Lasers- Light amplification of stimulated emission. diagnosis of dental
caries. Diode laser 650nm- DignoDent pen.
○ Lasers in caries excavation.
○ Bleaching - KTP laser (potassium titanyl phosphate)- faster bleaching.
Laser activation instead of thermal activation.

19) Bleaching- Lightening the colour of discoloured tooth. Breaks double bonds
into smaller single bonds. Hydrogen peroxide. Sodium bicarbonate. Ultrasonic
bleaching- euphoria- mouth cap with sodium bicarbonate.
20) Dental clinic- 10- 15 lacs
○ Dental chair
○ Instruments
○ Sterlization area, waiting area
○ Radiographic machine
○ Autoclave machine

21) Dental radiographs

○ OPG (Orthopantomogram) and Cephalogram are types of dental x-rays.
An OPG produces a panoramic view of the jaw whilst a cephalogram is
an x-ray of the facial structures. A lateral cephalogram produces a side
profile image of the face, jaws and soft tissues to assess the relation of the
teeth to the jaws, the jaws to the skull, and the relation of the soft tissues
to the teeth and jaws.
○ Precautions-
§ Lead aprons
§ Distance rule- 6 feet away
22) RCT
○ Incase Pulp infection.
○ Incase of dental trauma where pulp is exposed
○ Dental cracks involving pulp
○ Swelling, long standing chronic pain.

23) Acute vs chronic dental pain

○ Acute- injury.
○ Chronic- dental caries extensively involved
○ Small- Composite - very technique sensitive- needs proper isolation of
teeth for chemical bonding. Needs good enamel.
○ Amalgam- an alloy of mercury with silver
○ Ceramic fillings are made of porcelain and are a very aesthetically
pleasing option that is also very durable.
○ For wide restorations- inlay onlay- intra and extra coronal restoration.-
metal or ceramic (Rs.2000) lab charges- 1500
○ Need as per aesthetic requirements

25) Amalgam
Dental amalgam fillings may release small amounts of mercury in the
form of a vapor (gas), depending on the number and age of existing
fillings, and actions such as tooth grinding and gum chewing. When a
new amalgam filling is placed or an old filling is removed, patients and
healthcare providers may experience a temporary increase in exposure to
mercury vapor. While there are no known health risks associated with
ingestion (swallowing) of small particles of dental amalgam, inhaling
(breathing in) mercury vapors may be harmful in certain patients.
In general, people with multiple dental amalgam fillings may have slightly
higher mercury levels in their blood or urine, however, they usually
remain at a level considered safe. Studies on people with dental amalgam
do not show conclusive evidence that dental amalgam causes harmful
health effects in the general population.
Who Should Be Concerned About Dental Amalgam?
Certain people, including women who are pregnant or who are planning
to become pregnant, nursing mothers, children (especially those under
the age of six), people with a known allergy to mercury, and people with
neurological impairment or kidney dysfunction, may be more susceptible
to the effects of exposure to mercury from dental amalgam and may be at
greater risk for adverse health effects.
Amalgam Poisoning- tremors, insomnia, headaches, nerve damage,
kidney problems
○ Post RCT
○ Or after cracked tooth for occlusal stability
○ Metal, zirconia, ceramic
○ Endo crowns
○ Superficial discolouration
○ Minor spacing
○ Fluorosis
○ 0.5mm- 1mm
○ No-prep veneers- only 0.5mm
28) AGE factor-
○ Cementosis with old age. Pulpal obliteration.
○ Old age- medically compromised. Eg. Hypertensive- LA doses increase
○ Stress inducing
○ Diabetic patients- healing is delayed
○ Children- tell show do
○ Pola Office tooth bleaching kits, zoom tooth bleaching. Controlled
bleaching + fluoride gels. Using mild bicarbonates.
○ Earlier used hydrogen peroxide/ hcl- damaged tooth.
33) Aesthetic dentistry
○ Smile makeover
○ Create tooth dimensions which are most aesthetically pleasing. Such as
golden ratio. Gum levels.
○ Only half of inter-dental papilla
○ Pink gingiva


a. Launched in Octiber 2019 by union health minister as an online portal to
provide health information
Dr Harsh Vardhan launches 'eDantseva' digital platform for oral health
Read more At:


Prior to 1986, sporadic efforts were made for the introduction of a
comprehensive oral health care programme. In 1986, these efforts culminated
in the introduction of the first National Oral Health Policy, drafted by the
Indian Dental Association.

In 1999, the Ministry of Health Family Welfare launched the first National
Oral Health Care Programme on a pilot basis in collaboration with
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. The program was implemented in one
district in five States across the country.

In the 11th Five Year Plan, from 2007 to 2012, all disease control programs
were coalesced under the National Rural Health Mission under which a token
amount was allocated for research and training in Oral Health.

In the 12th Five Year Plan, in 2012, an allocation was made for the set up of a
National Oral Health Cell at the Ministry of Health Family Welfare.

In 2014, an expert group for Oral Health steered by Dr. Jagdish Prasad,
Director General Health Services, was formed and the National Oral Health
Programme in its current form was introduced. The Center for Dental
Education and Research (CDER), AIIMS, New Delhi functions as the National
Center of Excellence for Implementation of NOHP.

The National Oral Health Programme functions under two components:

• National Health Mission (NHM) component – Through the PIP

(Program Implementation Plan) process, States and UTs can seek support
to set up Dental Care Units at the level of District Hospitals and below
in order to render oral health services to all. The states and UTs may
propose for support for all or any of the following components, as per
○ Manpower support [Dentist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Assistant]
○ Equipment including Dental Chair, X-ray units, autoclaves etc.
○ Consumables for dental procedures
• Tertiary component – Includes activities that are carried out at the
central level to further the program’s objectives. These include:
○ Designing IEC/ BCC materials like Posters, TV, Radio Spots,
Training Modules etc.
○ Organizing national and regional nodal officers training programs to
enhance program management skills and review the status of the
○ Preparing State/District level Trainers by conducting national and
regional workshops to train the dental and paradental health
functionaries in the health care delivery system.

39) NMC
a. Chairperson- Dr. Suresh chandra sharma
b. Regulatory body for medical education and medical professionals
c. Replaced MCI on 25th september 2020
d. Grants recognition of medical qualifications, gives accreditation to
practitioners and monitors medical practice
e. Under MoHFW
f. NEXT exam
g. Aim- to remove corruption
a. This proposed Bill will repeal the existing Dentists Act 1948 and dissolve
the Dental Council of India. ... It proposes the formation of a new
regulatory body, called the National Dental Commission (NDC), to draft
policies and maintain quality standards in dental education and the
b. Next exam
c. National registration of all dentists
d. 4 autonomous boards- UG, PG, ethics, rating and assessment
e. Grievance redressal system
f. ISSUES- The proposed bill is a well intended attempt aimed at imparting
quality dental education.
i. CENTRALIZATION- There is a provision for the election of DCI
members under the Dentists Act 1948. But in the new Bill, members
of the commission as well as the autonomous boards will have to be
appointed by the Centre, based on the recommendations of a search
committee also nominated by the Centre (sections 5 and 18). This
will lead to the concentration of powers at the Centre.
ii. Section 53 states that the “Central government [will] supersede the
Commission” – which appears to be an effort to bring the NDC
under the control of the Central government. So in case of a conflict
against the NDC’s decision on a matter, the Centre will supersede
the NDC.
iii. new Bill doesn’t address geographical inequalities in the distribution
of dental education as well as its professionals, the quality and cost
of dental services, a private sector limited to urban geographies and,
of course, patient safety.
iv. Dental auxiliaries assist dentists treating patients. The Dentist Act
1948 recognises two types of auxiliaries: dental hygienist and dental
mechanic. Currently, only 6,605 dental auxiliaries are available in
India – and is one of the more-ignored professional groups of allied
health professionals. The proposed Bill overlooks the definition and
mention of dental auxiliaries.
v. the proposed Ethics and Dental Registration Board omits students
and teachers from the list. The Bill may reconsider this point, since
a record of students could help generate information on
demographics, enrolment by UG/PG courses or by speciality, the
drop-out rate and the total annual graduates.
vi. Lack of clarity wrt NEXT exam
a. To strengthen oral healthcare delivery systems at all levels
b. Built capacities of public health facilities
c. Integrate oral health in other policies
d. Establish baseline data
e. Increase utilization of oral health facility by 50% per district by 2030
f. Greater focus on Preventive- pit and fissure sealants
g. Local manufacturing
42) Schemes for oral health
a. Rashtriya vayoshree yojana
c. National Programme to control fluorosis
43) Oral cancer
a. In India, 20 per 100000 population are affected by oral cancer which
accounts for about 30% of all types of cancer
b. 2nd most common.
c. Risk facors- chewing tobacco, smoking
44) Common drugs used in dentistry
45) What oral health problems are associated with-
- diabetes?
• Dry mouth: Uncontrolled diabetes can decrease saliva (spit) flow, resulting in

dry mouth. ...

• Gum inflammation (gingivitis) and periodontitis
• With increased blood glucose levels, people living with diabetes may have
more glucose in their saliva and very dry mouths. These conditions allow
dental plaque to build up on teeth, which leads to tooth decay and cavities.
• Nutritional problems- scurvy- vitamin C deficiency
• COVID tongue is an inflammatory disorder that usually appears on the top
and sides of the tongue. Affected tongues typically have a bald, red area of
varying sizes that is surrounded by an irregular white border. Because the
affected areas on the tongue can change in shape and size, like the continental
drift, the disease is commonly referred to as “geographic tongue” (GT)
• HIV- Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a type of cancer in which patches of abnormal
tissue grow under the skin or mucous membranes in the mouth

46) Major problems of dentistry

a. Preventive- no focus
b. Lack of dental insurance
c. Inequitable concentration
d. Low oral hygiene awareness
e. Infrastructure and funding
f. only 3% (i.e. 7,337 out of 254,283) of registered dentists are employed in
government service. An increased mismatch between the availability of
dentists overall and their availability in the public sector and in rural
areas has created a supply-demand issue in the profession. The shortfall
of dentists in rural public facilities is also because there are few
sanctioned positions for dentists and the absence of periodic recruitment
to fill vacancies.


1) Fluoride
a. 1000-1500ppm
b. Sensodyne- 927ppm
c. Anti cavity toothpaste will have more
d. Senstivity toothpaste- abrasives like calcium carbonate are less and
potassium nitrate is present
2) Fluorosis
3) Dental pulp stem cells
a. Communication- explaining complex things in a simple manner
b. Eye for detail
c. Step by step Approach of diagnosis, treatment planning and follow up
can be emulated in administration also
d. Knowledge of health sector and human body can be used in

5) What is an antibiotic?
a. It is pharmaceutical drug that inhibits the growth of or destroys
6) What is vaccination?
a. A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired
immunity to a particular infectious disease.
b. Immune system registers the agent and produces antibodies
7) TB

8) Antibiotics for oral infection

9) Bacteria in oral cavity

a. Streptococci mutans- caries
b. Lactobacilli- root caries
c. Staphylococci
d. Perfyromonas gingivalis- gingivitis
e. 700 bacteria
f. Fungi- candida


a. IDA
b. DCI
c. State dental council
11) Extraction
a. Grossly decayed
b. Cysts
c. Moving towards conservative dentistry with minimum extraction
d. As technology is advancing intra oral scanners

12) THERE are many doctors who have become administrators, inspite of that
when we look at health indicators, there isn't much improvement?
a. Health is a complex and multidimensional subject
b. Health is directly related to other social problems also like education and
c. Health should not be a delineated subject and health knowledge need to
be imparted to all.

13) Do you think dentistry is a speaciality?

a. Yes, since focus is restricted to a single part- oral cavity
14) Do you think dentistry is an essential service?

15) Why is dental treatment so painful

a. Depends on procedure

16) Conservative dentistry

a. Conservative Dentistry is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with
the conservation of teeth in the mouth. It embraces the practice of
operative dentistry and endodontics, and includes various kinds of direct
and indirect restorations of individual teeth in the mouth.
17) Orthodontics
a. Branch of dentistry which deals with aligning the teeth into their correct
position by using biomechanical forces
18) Forensic dentistry
a. involves the application of dental knowledge, primarily for the
identification of human remains.
b. Homo Hiedelbergensis
19) Cosmetic dentistry
a. FOCUSES on aesthetics and appearance
20) Preventive dentistry
a. Non invasive
b. Focusses on preservation of health of teeth
21) Smile designing

22) Evolution of teeth

a. Diastema and simian gaps reduced
b. Canine blunt
c. Size reduced
d. Evolution is going on - wisdom tooth
23) Is tooth living or dead after root canal?
a. Functionally active
24) When was anaesthesia used
a. on Oct. 16, 1846, that a dentist named William T. G. Morton
administered an effective anesthetic to a surgical patient.
25) Before anaesthesia how was tooth extracted
26) Where are RBC formed?
a. Bone marrow of long bones-
27) What is formed in Liver?
a. Bile
b. The liver secretes bile, a digestive fluid; metabolizes proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats; stores glycogen, vitamins, and other substances;
synthesizes blood-clotting factors; removes wastes and toxic matter from
the blood; regulates blood volume; and destroys old red blood cells.
28) Use of nanotechnology in dentistry

29) As a dentist you work in a small area, won't you feel lost in civil services?
a. Eye for detail
30) Plight of Dentists?
a. Dental health is not a priority for most Indians
b. Dental awareness is low
c. Treatment modalities are not understood
31) How to improve dental awareness?
a. Fluoride treatment at school levels and dental awareness camps
b. Awareness will spread from children to parents not other way round
32) Is smile designing not wrongly promoting standards for beauty?
a. It is also about self confidence
33) Home remedies- Namak ,Laung ,Nimbu- how useful?
34) Toothpaste vs tooth powder vs mouth wash
35) Automatic vs manual
36) At what age should we start brushing?
a. Gum massage
37) What are fake teeth made of?
a. Acrylic
b. Metals- gold, cobalt chromium, nikel chromium
c. Ceramics- castable mouldable- lithium disilicate, zirconia

38) Common oral infections

a. Candidiasis
b. Ulcers
c. Osmf

39) Mechanism of tooth decay

40) Why animals don't have to brush

41) Why are caries increasing?
42) Common dental problems and solutions
a. Caries
b. Mal aligned tooth
c. fluorosis
43) What are dentures made of?
a. Polymethyl methacrylate
b. Metal- cobalt chromium
44) Why is dental treatment so expensive?
45) Pros and cons of becoming a dentist
○ Work life balance
○ Satisfaction
○ Skill development- communication skills, empathy
○ Restricted to oral cavity
○ Needs a setup, Heavy initial investment

46) Dental tourism

47) Amalgam poisoning
48) How to make dentistry more affordable?
a. PHC setups
b. Indian material production.
49) How is pricing regulated?
50) Challenging case
51) Experience
52) Future of dentistry
a. Bright with dental awareness
b. Changing consumption patterns
c. Technology enhancement. 4th IR
d. Telemedicine
53) Reforms required in dental education?
a. Public health- more focus
b. Compulsory rural internship
c. Futuristic technologies
54) AI in dentistry
a. 3D printing
b. Precision instruments
c. Maintain records
55) Cancer center- Rajiv Gandhi research institute and cancer center, Tata
Memorial centre
56) Dental emergencies
a. Tooth avulsion
b. Tooth fracture
c. Fracture of the mandible
57) Dentistry during covid
58) How has covid impacted dentistry
a. Highest risk group
b. Infection management protocols have become more stringent
c. Tele-consultation
d. Patient flow has reduced
e. Patient hesitancy increased
f. Spacing of patient appointments to reduce rush
59) Dentist running clinic in covid times
a. PPE
b. Proper ventilation in clinics
c. Eye protection, head caps
d. Mask
e. Repeated sterilization
f. Fumigation- chlorine compounds, formaldehyde
g. Non-aerosol generating procedures- Prostho, extraction, manual scaling
rather than ultrasonic
60) Mask protocol
○ 3 layer-
○ an inner layer of absorbent material such as cotton.
○ a middle layer of non-woven material such as polypropylene.
○ an outer layer of non-absorbent material, such as polyester or
polyester blend.
61) Clinical establishment rules
62) Biomedical waste disposal
63) Covid waste management
64) Why dentistry not popular in India?
a. Awareness levels are low
b. Restricted to metropolitan cities and urban areas
c. Expensive
d. Rural area quacks and emphasis on home remedies
e. Habit of going for dental check ups not enculcated since school days
65) Why oral cancers are so common in India
a. Habit of Gutka chewing, tobacco
b. Malnourishment is more
c. Oral hygiene
d. 56% of non-tribal men between age group of 15-54 use tobacco. This
goes to 72% in tribal men. NFHS
e. 1 million people die of oral cancer every year- Global Adult Tobacco
f. Initiation age is 17 years
66) Are dentists doctors
a. Doctor is someone who treats a patient and relieves them of their pain.
b. Dentists also relieve patients of their pain but they specialize in one
particular part of the body
c. Dentists are legally designated as doctors and take the hippocratic oath
67) Hippocratic oath
68) Dentists Act 1948
69) How dentists can improve health indicators
a. Teeth are the first step of nutrition intake
b. Digestion starts in the mouth and nutrition absorption
c. Deficiency diseases can be diagnosed in oral cavity
d. Control diabetes by advocating against sugar- NCDs
70) Dental hygiene in India
a. AIIMS along with Ministry of Health will lead largest pan-India Oral
Health Survey, 2019. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Centre for Dental Education and Research (CDER) in collaboration with
the Ministry of Health will undertake the largest nationwide Oral Health
Survey 2019.
71) Why girls take up dentistry
a. Work-life balance
b. More flexibility
c. Less medical emergencies
72) National dental commission bill 2020
73) Reasons for failure of DCI
74) Types of patients- cooperative and non cooperative
75) Diff between rural and urban

76) Dental companies

77) How can India become self reliant in dental material
a. PLI scheme for dental materials
b. Start ups and MSMEs
c. Technology transfer
d. Collab between IITs and DCI
e. Research on emerging technologies such as 3D printing and CAD CAM
78) Rural urban divide
a. Electricity
b. Public health cadre
c. More focus on preventive healthcare
d. Mobile dental camps
e. Health indicators added in Finance commission

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