Community Health Presentation
Community Health Presentation
Community Health Presentation
rukab mo
Pima Medical Institute
Dental Hygiene Program
Hosted by your future dental hygienists:
Amita, Briana, Gricelda, Rio, Sarah & Ying
Healthy People 2030 focuses on reducing tooth decay and other oral health
conditions and helping people get oral health care services.
Strategies to help people access dental services can help prevent problems like
tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Individual-level interventions like topical
fluorides and community-level interventions like community water fluoridation can
also help improve oral health. In addition, teaching people how to take care of their
teeth and gums can help prevent oral health problems.
2030 Healthy People Objectives
OBJECTIVE 1: Reduce the proportion of older adults with untreated root surface decay
● 29.1% of adults aged 75 years and over had untreated root surface decay in 2015-16
OBJECTIVE 2: Reduce the proportion of adults aged 45 years and over who have lost all their
● 7.9% of adults aged 45 years and over had lost all of their natural teeth in 2013-16
OBJECTIVE 3: Reduce the proportion of adults aged 45 years and over with moderate and
severe periodontitis
● 44.5% of adults aged 45 years and over had moderate and severe periodontitis in
Occlusal Decay
Root Surface Decay
Do you currently go to the Do you get numb for your Do you have fillings, crowns,
dentist on a regular basis? dental cleanings? implants or root canals in
your mouth?
Have you had a filling, crown, Does the possibility of having When you go to the dentist,
implant or root canal placed in decay in your mouth keep you area you usually told you have
the last year? from seeing your dentist? a cavity?
Do you brush your teeth at Do you use a manual Do you smoke cigarettes?
least once a day? toothbrush or electric
Do you have dental Do you consider your diet Do you experience dry
insurance? to be high in sugar? mouth?
Do you drink coffee daily? Are you taking at least two medications daily? If yes, what
conditions are you taking the medications for?
Filipino Americans and Oral Health
Dental care in the Philippines is crucial as statistics show that at least 80 percent of Filipinos suffer from dental problems. The
current dental system has not been effective in reducing the number of people suffering from tooth decay or cavities.
The 2010 U.S. Census showed there is a substantial population in the region who are Filipino or Filipino in combination with
another race/ethnicity
● more than 20,000 in Seattle
● more than 60,000 in King County
2015-2016 Smile Survey found that children from low-income families in Washington state were more likely to experience tooth
decay. Other factors associated with poorer outcomes included race/ethnicity and speaking a language other than English at
45 percent of the Filipino population in King County is foreign-born, and 61 percent of Filipino households speak an
Asian/Pacific language at home
Increases in related search volume for dentures (DS) from 2015-2019, dental braces (DB) from 2014-2019, but results for tooth
decay (TD) and dentist (DT) showed little changes
How to Prevent Dental Decay
● Homecare
○ Brushing
○ Flossing
○ Water flosser
○ Proxybrush
● Fluoride
● Dental Home
● Nutrition
01 What is homecare? 02 BRUSHING
How you take care of We recommend using an
your oral cavity at home. electric toothbrush and
brushing your teeth 2x a
day for approximately 2
Flossing is important because Proxybrush is an additional
it cleans the space between homecare aid that should be
your teeth that your used in additional to brushing
toothbrush cannot reach. We and flossing. It helps kill the
recommend flossing your bacteria that leads to decay
teeth twice a day. and periodontal disease.
● Use a soft bristle toothbrush with
● Place the brush at a 45-degree
● Brush for two minutes twice a day
● Ensure that all surfaces of the
teeth are brushed
● Brush the tongue with a
toothbrush or use a tongue
Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush
● Removes plaque
better ● More
● Has a 2 minute timer Affordable
● Gentler on gums ● Can be
● Only replace heads purchased at
● Better for limited most stores
mobility ● Requires no
● Easier use with batteries or
braces charging
● Different Modes
● Pressure sensor
● Removes bacterial buildup
and plaque formation from
areas toothbrushes cannot
● Different floss available to
clean underneath the gums
● Lack of flossing can lead to
swollen and bleeding gums
● Reduces and prevents
inflammation caused by the
immune response to the
toxins produced by
interdental plaque
Water Flosser
● Another way to clean between and
around your teeth
● Handheld device that sprays
streams of water in steady pulses
● Water flosser is just as efficient as
regular floss in removing
interdental plaque
● Great for people who lack manual
dexterity, have bridges or
undergoing orthodontic treatment
Proxy Brush
- What is it?
Carbohydrates in Diet