SIP Report Format - BBA-bcom 2022 Batch

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Guidelines for the Summer

Internship Project Report

<<COURSE>> :<<Batch>>
Eg: BBA/ : 2022-25

1. Student will make three copies of training project report; one for the Institute, one for Company
and one for themselves for their future reference.
2. The approved hard bound project report needs to be submitted on or before Friday, 15th
November 2024. Deadline is strict and no extension will be granted on any pretext whatsoever.
3. Student is required to make a soft copy of the report in CD and submit to the Institute along with
the hard-bound copy.
All the students are required to follow the instructions as mentioned below.

a. There should not be any deviation from requirement of reproducing the cover page of the report
from the format prescribed below.

Annexure 1 - Prescribed Cover Page

Summer Internship Project Report


A report submitted to
Asian School of Business, Noida
as a partial fulfillment of Full time
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)/
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCOM)
Affiliated to Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Name of Faculty Guide Name of Student:
Asian School of Business Roll No.:
Noida Batch:

Asian School of Business (ASB)

A2, Sector – 125, Noida
Website :

NOTE: The cover page must be hard bound.


b. The size of the report would depend on the project undertaken. However, it must be 100 (approx)
typed pages (Single space) on A4 size paper. All the students are required to use the uniform font
and format throughout the text of the report i.e. “Times New Roman” of font size 12 in the text &
14 in the headings, double line spacing, page margins 1” on all sides with 0.5” gutter on left.

c. The project report must accompany a certificate from the organization in which he/she has
undergone the summer internship authenticating the originality of the work done in the prescribed
format, as given below:

Annexure 2 – Certificate from Industry Mentor


(to be issued on letter head of organization provided training)

This is to certify that <name of student>, student of Asian School of Business (ASB), Noida
has undergone Summer Internship in our company on << Project Title >>.
The project work done by the candidate is original and he/she has worked under my guidance.
The candidate has undergone training from to at our office.

Date: Seal/Stamp of the Organization Name of the Industry Mentor


d. Annexure 3 - Project Guide (Faculty Mentor) Certificate

Guide Name Asian School of Business

Dept. Of Management Plot A2, Sec-125,

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled............................................... (Title). is
submitted to Asian School of Business, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the Bachelor of Business Administration, and is a record work by
(Name & Enrol. No. of Student). The project has been done under
my supervision & guidance and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree or other similar title to any candidate.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

e. Annexure 4 - Student Declaration

I, the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report titled < Project Title> is based
on my own work carried out during the course of my summer internship. The work
contained in the report is original and has been done by me under the supervision of my
supervisor. The work has not been submitted to any other Institution / University for any
other degree/diploma/certificate or by any other candidate in this institution. I have
followed the guidelines provided by the institution in writing the report. Wherever I have
used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, I have given due
credit to them in the text of the report and given their details in the references.




To be Activity Marks
Completed by Allotted
Finalization of Title 5
First Draft of Project PPT with all chapters 10
Final PPT submission and approval from Faculty
21st Nov’ 2023 Project Viva 50
7 Nov’ 2024 Submission of Ch 1 (Introduction), Ch 2 (Objectives) & Ch 3 5
(Company Profile). Submission of & Ch 4 (Review of
Literature) & Ch 5 (Research Methodology) Ch 6 (Data
Analysis & Presentation) and Ch 7 (Results and Learning
Outcomes). This should include questionnaires (wherever
applicable) as annexure. Feedback from faculty mentor to be
received by 23 December 2022
9th Nov’ 2024 Final Draft (Soft Copy) including all 7 chapters and 5
preliminary pages of the report to the respective project guides.
It should be submitted after incorporating all revisions
suggested by faculty mentors in the various chapters.
10th Nov’ 2024 Approval / Final revisions in the report to be emailed by 5
11th Nov’ 2024 Final submission of soft copy pdf reports to project guides for 10
approval. Print out should be taken only after approval from
faculty mentors on email. The approval mail needs to be
attached as annexure in report.
15 Nov’2024 Submission of 2 copies of Final Hard Bound Report to the 10
respective guides.
Total Marks 100

Note: Delay in submission as scheduled will result into negative marking of 2 marks per day.
Student will be solely responsible for timely submission of chapters and getting review from
faculty supervisor as per mentioned dates. No extension will be given in the dates of final soft
copy pdf and hard bound report submission under any circumstances whatsoever.


1. Sequence
The final report should be written and compiled in the following the sequence:
(a) Title Page – As per Annexure 1
(b) Certificate from Industry as per Annexure 2 (duly signed by Industry Mentor)
(c) Certificate from Project Guide as per Annexure 3 (duly signed by Faculty Mentor)
(d) Declaration- As per Annexure 4 (duly signed by student)
(e) Acknowledgements
(e) Executive Summary
(f) Table of Contents
(g) List of Tables
(h) List of Figures
(i) List of Symbols
(j) List of Abbreviations
(k) Body of the Project Report (Chapters 1 - 7)
(l) Bibliography
(m) Appendices

2. Title Page
The format of the title page is given as Annexure-1 above.

3. Certificates

The format of the certificates is attached as Annexure-2 and Annexure-3 above.

4. Declaration

The format of the declaration to be given by student is attached as Annexure-III. It is to be

attached after the certificate of the faculty supervisor.

5. Acknowledgements

In the “Acknowledgements” page, the researcher recognizes his/her indebtedness for guidance
and assistance by the faculty guide and any other member(s). Courtesy demands that he/she
also recognizes specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as libraries and
research foundations. Acknowledgements should be expressed duly signed above the name.

6. Executive Summary

Executive Summary is a brief or condensed summary of the project for higher-level

management positions. It should be about 1-2 pages in length. It should comprise company
profile (if applicable), objectives & scope of the project, methodology and tools used, results,
limitations, and directions for future development.

7. Contents & List of Tables/Figures/Abbreviation

The format of Contents and list of Tables/Figures/Symbols is attached as Annexure-5.

8. Body of the Project Report: Guidelines for Project Report Writing

The guidelines for writing the Project Report (methodology) are detailed in the guidelines.
Following aspects must be adhered to:

(a) Page Size: Good quality white A4 size executive bond paper should be used for
typing and duplication.

(b) Chapter Numbering: The chapters are to be numbered as Chapter-1, Chapter-2

etc. The heading/title of the chapter is to appear below the chapter number in

(c) Page Specifications:

(i) Left Margin : 1 inch plus 0.5” gutter

(ii) Right Margin : 1 inch
(iii) Top Margin : 1 inch
(iv) Bottom Margin : 1 inch

(d) Page Numbers: All text pages starting from Body of the Project Report should be
numbered at the bottom center of the pages.

(e) Normal Body Text:

(i) Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing, Single Side Writing.
(ii) Paragraphs Heading Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, Bold
(iii) Page/Title Font Size: 16, UPPER CASE, Bold

(f) Structure of Final Report: The project report should be covered between 75 to
100 typed pages in double space (excluding Appendices and Bibliography) on A4 size
paper with 12 font size.

(g) Table and Figure Number: Table numbers are to be written at the top of the
table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of the
figure/graph/diagram as given below:
(i) Table 1: Number of Employees in Organisation ABC
(ii) Figure 1: Sales Figures of RO Water Purifier 2012-2016

(h) Binding & Color Code of the Report:

(i) Hard Bound Report

(ii) Background of the cover page - BLACK
(iii) Letters in Gold

9. Bibliography

Secondary sources should be duly acknowledged as per format specified in guidelines.

10. Appendices

The appendices / annexures are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered
as Appendix-A, Appendix-B etc. right justified at the top of the page. Below the word
Appendix write in parenthesis “Refer Para No ”. The para number should be the number
in the body of text where the reference of appendix is given. The annexures are to be
attached after the appendices. The annexures are to be numbered as Annexure-I, Annexure-
II etc.


The summer internship project is broadly divided into two parts (i) On Job Training done with the
organization (ii) Task assigned and solved by the students through research activity. Incorporating both
these aspects, the following chapters and contents need to be included in the report:
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction should include a description of the internship site and the scope of the work
completed during the internship. It may include background information necessary to understand
the work completed during the internship.
Chapter 2: Learning Objectives of Internship
Objectives of Internship should be pragmatic and consistent with the title of the Project and
achievable during the course of internship project within the prescribed schedule. Students are
advised to develop the objectives in consultation with their respective industry and faculty mentors
according to the training provided and work assigned to them during their internship. The
objectives must start with action oriented verbs. A sample of objectives is given below as example:
(a) To have hands on experience of sales of consumer goods through dealers and understand
the challenges involved.
(b) To study the growth of sales of Kent RO Water Purifiers.
(c) To understand the customer perception regarding use of RO Water Purifier.

Chapter 3: Company Profile

Briefly explain the nature of the organization and its business. It should include type of industry
& business in which the company is operating, its vision & mission, geographical & functional
area of operation, size of organization & its structure, turnover, market share & position of the
company in the industry, product range, present leadership, strengths & weaknesses, if any.

Chapter 4: Literature Review

The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a selected topic.
Sources covered in the review may include scholarly journal articles, books, government reports,
Web sites, etc. The literature review provides a description, summary and evaluation of each
The purpose of the literature review is to provide a critical written account of the current state of
research on the selected topic:

 Identifies areas of prior research on the topic

 Helps in understanding of the specific issue, area of research, or theory under review
 Helps in identifying the variables relevant for the study and relationship between them
 Identifies new ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in previous research
 Points the way forward for further research

Under literature review chapter, student should write about the theory related to the topic on
which training was provided and research task was assigned by the company during internship.
Working principles, advantages and limitations of the system in the organization, applications of the
system, other types of processes and systems available (advanced) and their merits and demerits, etc.
should be given.

Chapter 5: Research Methodology

This chapter should include:

1. Sources for Data Collection:
(a) Primary Data Collection Sources: If the project is based on primary data, data
collection should be done through a questionnaire which should be made part of the project
report as annexure. The questionnaire should be consistent with the objectives and the
scope of the study and duly vetted by the respective faculty supervisor. The questionnaire
should be designed in a simple language so that the targeted population must understand
and is able to respond effectively.
(b) Secondary Data Collection Sources: In case of any secondary data, proper references of
sources of data must be compiled and mentioned against each data used in the study in the
following manner (with reference to above example):

(i) The sales data of Forbes & Kent brands of RO Water Purifier is collected from their
Annual Financial Statements for the period 2012-2017.

2. Methodology:

a) Universe/Population: The universe consists of all survey elements that qualify for inclusion in
the research study. The precise definition of the universe for a particular study is set by the research
question/objectives, which specifies who or what is of interest. The universe may be individuals,
groups of people, organizations, or even objects. For example, research about voting in an
upcoming election would have a universe comprising all voters.
The students should define the universe/population selected for conducting the study using primary

b) Sample & Sampling Units: The characteristics of whole population are difficult to study in
most of the researches. In order to best analyse the results, sample is taken from the population
which best describes the characteristics of the population. A sample is a sub group of the
population selected for the study and best describes the population.
The term sampling unit refers to a singular value within a sample database. For example, if you
were conducting research using a sample of university students, a single university student would
be a sampling unit. Another example of a sampling unit could be if you were conducting online
research with 50 households, one household would be a singular sampling unit.
The students should explain about the respondents from whom the primary data was collected.

c) Sample Size: The sample size of a survey most typically refers to the number of
units/respondents that were chosen from which data was gathered. The sample size selected for
the study should be mentioned in the report. The justification for selecting the sample size (total
number of respondents) should also be explained.

d) Sampling Technique: A sampling technique is the name of the technique or identification of

the specific process by which the entities/ respondents of the sample have been selected. There are
basically two type of sampling methods- probability sampling methods and non- probability
sampling methods which are further divided into different types.
The Sampling technique should be selected according to the problem under study. The justification
for selecting particular sampling technique should also be explained.

e) Tools Used for Data Analysis: In this part the students have to explain the concepts, tools and
techniques used for data analysis. The rational and justification for using a particular tool and
technique should be explained. For example, if a student uses Standard Deviation as a statistical
tool, he should explain the concept of Standard Deviation and its relevance to the study along with
its formula.

Chapter 6: Data Analysis & Interpretation


Raw data (primary or secondary) collected must be reduced to standard formats such as tables,
charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. and is to be presented in this chapter. The tool for data presentation
should be suitably selected so that interpretation and inferences could be drawn easily and become
self-explanatory. Proper titles, legends, scales, source (s), etc. must be mentioned along with each
In this chapter, students are required to present the data in the form of tables & graphs/charts and
inferences have to be drawn through data analysis. Students should apply established theoretical
concepts, tools and techniques (discussed in Chapter 4 and 5) to the data presented and draw
inferences. Students are required to discuss rationale and logic for drawing inferences. For each
inference, proper linkages are to be established with the data analyzed in this chapter. Wherever,
calculations are to be carried out, it must be provided before drawing any inference.

Chapter 7: Results and Learning Outcomes:

This Chapter should comprise of the following:
(a) Findings & Conclusion of the Study: These are to be presented and supported by facts
& figures in narrative form and be extracted from the Chapter 6. The sequence of the results
must be consistent with the objectives of the study mentioned in Chapter 2. The concluding
paragraph should summarize and conclude the study in brief giving your interpretation and
understanding drawn from the findings.
(b) Internship Outcomes:
This section contains a discussion of the internship and should address the following
 Were the objectives achieved?
 What skills were learned during the internship?
 How did the BBA curriculum prepare you for the internship?
 What challenges did you experience during the internship?
 What is your overall evaluation of the internship experience?

(c) Recommendations: Suggestion based on the main findings of the study should be
(d) Limitations: The limitations could be mentioned in terms of data insufficiency, time &
expertise constraints etc.

If any material in the report is picked up from any source and the source name is not referred in
the bibliography section then it will be treated as a case of plagiarism/cheating.
The standard format for referencing should be used for writing the Bibliography. In business and
social science research, the two most accepted formats are those of Harvard and APA (American
Psychological Association). Both formats to quote various type of sources that you may have
referred are given below for your reference. Note the formatting and punctuations very carefully:

Journal Article:
APA: Lazear, E. P. (2000). Performance pay and productivity. American Economic Review, 90( 5), 1346-
Harvard: Lazear, E.P., 2000. Performance pay and productivity. American Economic Review, 90 (5),
Book Article:
APA: Dwivedi, A. (2019). Peace in Economic Equilibrium: A Micro-Perspective. In Handbook of
Research on Promoting Peace Through Practice, Academia, and the Arts (pp. 427-439). IGI Global.
Harvard: Dwivedi, A., 2019. Peace in Economic Equilibrium: A Micro-Perspective. In Handbook of
Research on Promoting Peace Through Practice, Academia, and the Arts (pp. 427-439). IGI Global.
APA: Coelli, T. J., Rao, D. S. P., O'Donnell, C. J., & Battese, G. E. (2005). An introduction to efficiency
and productivity analysis. Springer Science & Business Media.
Harvard: Coelli, T.J., Rao, D.S.P., O'Donnell, C.J. and Battese, G.E., 2005. An introduction to efficiency
and productivity analysis. Springer Science & Business Media.
When accessing online sources, care should be taken to mention the entire link, and not merely
the website, in addition to date of access.

Give full link of the webpage, (example: for RBI Annual Report which you searched on
google, is not accepted. Correct form would be: accessed on (date)
and (time). (from where and when you actually accessed the report).

An appendix contains data that cannot be placed in the main document and has references in the
original copy or file. An annexure, on the other hand, is usually a standalone document that offers
additional information than contained in the main document.
Thus, your questionnaire (in case of primary data collected through survey) and approval
mail from project supervisor will be given as annexure in the project report. Annexures are
to be put in the end of the report and numbered as Annexure-I, Annexure-II and so on.

The appendices (in case of secondary data like balance sheets of a company or stock price data
from NSE) are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered as Appendix-A,
Appendix-B and so on. Below the word Appendix write in parenthesis “Refer Para No ”. The
para number should be the number in the body of text where the reference of appendix is given.
List of Appendices /Annexures is to be given after the index in the beginning of report.


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