ADCexp 3
ADCexp 3
ADCexp 3
UID 2023201002
Exp no. 3
Problem Statement:
1) Generate AM using the Simulink/MATLAB based on the mathematical expression of DSBFC
AM considering single sine wave input & Observe waveform and spectrum. Calculate
Modulation index for 2 cases. Label all waveforms and spectrum and save results.
2) Generate multitone AM using the Simulink/MATLAB based on the mathematical expression
of DSB-FC AM considering two sine wave inputs & Observe waveform and spectrum. Label
all waveforms and spectrum and save results.
Theory :
Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a modulation technique in which the amplitude of a high-
frequency carrier wave is varied in proportion to a low-frequency message or information
signal. AM is widely used in electronic communication for transmitting audio and data
signals over a radio frequency (RF) carrier wave. During amplitude modulation, only the
amplitude of the carrier wave changes, while its frequency and phase remain constant.
Mathematical Representation:
The amplitude-modulated (AM) signal can be represented as:
s(t) = AM modulated signal
Ac = Amplitude of the carrier signal
fc = Frequency of the carrier signal
Am= Amplitude of the message/modulating signal
fm = Frequency of the message/modulating signal
t = Time variable
μ = Modulation index (ratio of ( Am / Ac ))
Spectrum of AM:
The frequency spectrum of a Double Sideband Full Carrier (DSB-FC) AM signal consists
of three main components:
The USB and LSB carry the same information and are symmetrically located around the
carrier frequency. Thus, the bandwidth of an AM signal is given by:
Key Points:
AM signals are simple to implement and demodulate, making them suitable for
broadcast radio transmission.
The carrier component does not carry any information but is necessary for
demodulation at the receiver.
Due to the presence of both sidebands and the carrier, the bandwidth
requirement is twice the frequency of the message signal.
This summarizes the theory of amplitude modulation along with its key parameters and
spectral components.
Part A :
close all;
% Parameters for the signals
Ac = 20; % Carrier amplitude
Am = 2; % Message signal amplitude
fc = 9924; % Carrier frequency in Hz
fm = 2142; % Message signal frequency in Hz
fs = 10000; % Sampling frequency in Hz
t = 0:1/fs:0.2; % Time vector for 0.2 seconds UID
Part-B :
Conclusion :
In this experiment, we successfully demonstrated the generation and analysis of Double
Sideband Full Carrier (DSBFC) amplitude modulation using MATLAB. We performed the
modulation using single-tone and multitone inputs and observed their impact on the waveform
and spectrum. Additionally, we calculated the modulation index and understood its role in
determining the depth of modulation. Through spectrum analysis, we confirmed the presence of
sidebands corresponding to the modulating signals, validating the theoretical concepts of AM.