Introduction To Communication System Chapter Two Analog Modulation Techniques
Introduction To Communication System Chapter Two Analog Modulation Techniques
Introduction To Communication System Chapter Two Analog Modulation Techniques
Chapter two
Analog Modulation techniques
Introduction to modulation
Reasons for modulation
Types of analog modulation
Amplitude modulation/ Demodulation
Modulation index AND significance of Modulation index.
Different forms of AM (DSB-LC, DSB-SC, SSB, VSB)
Angle modulation
Frequency modulation, Phase modulation, Spectra and bandwidth, Shannon’s
Comparison of the modulation techniques
What is modulation
Modulation is the process of encoding information from a
message source in a manner suitable for transmission
It involves translating a baseband message signal to a band
pass signal at frequencies that are very high compared to the
baseband frequency.
Baseband signal is called modulating signal
Band pass signal is called modulated signal
To avoid interference
Practicality of Antennas
1. Changing of the carrier amplitude Ac(t) produces Amplitude Modulation signal (AM).
2. Changing of the carrier frequency fc produces Frequency Modulation signal (FM)
3. Changing of the carrier phase ϴ produces Phase Modulation signal (PM).
g(t) is called the complex envelope of AM signal.
AM Modulation/Demodulation
. Source Channel Sink
Modulator Demodulator
fc=5/π =1.6Hz,
Carrier signal : Ac cos(2πfct) = 4 cos(10t)
sAM (t) = Ac [1+ m(t)]cos(2πfct)
Different Forms of Amplitude
1. Conventional Amplitude Modulation (DSB-LC) (Alternatively known as Full AM or Double
Sideband with Large carrier (DSB-LC) modulation.
2. Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation
3. Single Sideband (SSB) modulation
4. Vestigial Sideband (VSB) modulation
Conventional Amplitude Modulation
(Full AM)
Derive the Frequency Spectrum for Full-AM
Modulation (DSB-LC)
1. The carrier signal is
sc (t) = Ac cos(wct) where wc = 2πfc
2. In the same way, a modulating signal (information signal) can also be expressed as
sm (t) = Am coswmt
3. The amplitude-modulated wave can be expressed as
s(t) = [Ac + sm (t)]cos(wct)
4. By substitution of the message signal
s(t) = [Ac + Am cos(wmt)]cos(wct)
5. The modulation index ,
6. Therefore The full AM signal may be written as
s(t) = Ac (1+ Kcos(wmt)) cos(wct)
cos Acos B =1/ 2[cos( A + B) + cos( A - B)]
s(t) = Ac (coswct) + KA2c cos(wc +wm )t + KA2c cos(wc -wm )t
Draw the Frequency Spectrum of the above AM signal
and calculate the Bandwidth
Frequency Spectrum of an AM signal
The frequency spectrum of AM waveform contains three parts:
1. A component at the carrier frequency fc.
2. An upper side band (USB), whose highest frequency component is at fc+fm.
3. A lower side band (LSB), whose highest frequency component is at fc-fm
The bandwidth of the modulated waveform is twice the information signal
Because of the two side bands in the frequency spectrum its often called Double Sideband
with Large Carrier.(DSB-LC).
The information in the base band (information) signal is duplicated
in the LSB and USB and the carrier conveys no information.
We have an audio signal with a bandwidth of 5 KHz. What is the
bandwidth needed if we modulate the signal using AM?
An AM signal requires twice the bandwidth of the original signal:
BW = 2 x 5 KHz = 10 KHz
AM Radio Band
. Modulation Index (Ka)
What is the significance of modulation index ?
Ka is merely defined as a parameter, which determines the amount of
What is the degree of modulation required to establish a desirable AM
communication link?
to maintain Ka<1.0 (m<100%).
This is important for successful retrieval of the original transmitted
information at the receiver end.
f -f f f +f
c m c c m
Generation and Detection of DSB-SC
The simplest method of generating a DSB-SC signal is
merely to filter out the carrier portion of a full AM (or
DSB-LC) waveform.
Given carrier reference, modulation and demodulation
(detection) can be implemented using product devices or
balanced modulators.
Block Diagram
The desired output from the filter
It is necessary to have synchronization in both frequency and
phase between the transmitter (modulator) & receiver
(demodulator), when DSB-SC modulation ,which is of the
coherent type, is used.
Both phase and frequency must be known to demodulate
DSB-SC waveforms.
What if no synchronization????