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Keywords: A novel biphasic organic solvent, 2-phenoxyethanol (EPH) was introduced to pretreat and fractionate rice straw
Biphasic organic solvent into glucose/glucan, xylose/xylan and lignin under mild conditions. In addition, the combined severity factor
2-phenoxyethanol (CSF) was used to evaluate the effect of pretreatment severity on the composition variation of rice straw. Under
Fractionation the biphasic system (0.05 M H2SO4, 70 % EPH:30 % H2O), 130 ℃ cooking rice straw 2 h, 86.48 % of cellulose
Rice straw
retention in solid residue, 92.10 % of hemicellulose removal and 63.16 % of lignin removal were obtained. Then,
Mild condition
the solid residue was enzymatically digested with a glucose yield of 80.94 % at 36 h, and the pure lignin (92.60
%) was recovered by simple precipitation. Based on the fractionation process, 96.69 % of glucose and glucan,
81.83 % of xylose and xylan, and 71.71 % of lignin in solid and liquid phase were recovered. Finally, the residue,
especially the retrieved lignin was characterized by SEM, XRD, FTIR, HSQC and thermogravimetric analysis.
1. Introduction Zhou et al., 2014). Most of the hemicellulose could be generally re-
moved, and > 80 % cellulose was usually kept in the solid residue by
Lignocellulosic biomass, an abundant natural feedstock for pro- acid or/and steam explosion pretreatment with the combined severity
duction of biofuels and valuable chemicals, has been a focus for the factors of 2.10–4.12 (Bonfiglio et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2014). How-
development of green energy (Zhang et al., 2016). Amongst all bio- ever, the reaction conditions for acid or steam explosion pretreatment
masses, agricultural crop straw in China, with an annual production of are harsh, which in turn hindered its extensive application. In contrast,
787.4 million tons in 2015, is an important biomass material, of which the alkali pretreatment was mild in common. With aqueous alkali
rice straw holds about 30 % production share (Yu et al., 2019). Efficient pretreatment, > 60 % lignin would be removed, while > 50 % hemi-
utilization of rice straw is therefore a significant study for production of cellulose together with most of cellulose was kept in the solid residue at
environmentally-friendly fuels and green chemicals. The cell wall of conditions such as 50 ℃, 360 min and 2 % NaOH loading (Ma et al.,
rice straw with a complex and enzyme-resistant matrix structure, is 2015; Ravindran and Jaiswal, 2016). Taking these pretreatment
chemically composed of 35–45 % cellulose, 20–30 % hemicellulose and methods as references, > 80 % hemicellulose and > 50 % lignin could
20–25 % lignin (Hou et al., 2018). Fortunately, this complex structure be simultaneously decomposed with acid-catalyzed organosolv pre-
can be decomposed into carbohydrate and aromatic products after treatment with the combined severity factors of 2.10–4.00 (Wang et al.,
various pretreatments, resulting in various fractionation, which means 2016).
fractionation is the cornerstone of rice straw biorefinery, and pre- At present, one-phase systems and biphasic systems were most
treatment is an essential method to get effective fractionation. commonly used to pretreat lignocellulosic biomass. For one-phase
Several pretreatment methods, such as acid pretreatment, alkali system, > 90 % hemicellulose and > 80 % lignin could be removed by
pretreatment, organosolv pretreatment and steam explosion pretreat- ethanol or acetone or tetrahydrofuran-water- acid system at high tem-
ment, have been developed to degrade lignocellulosic biomass perature (> 160 ℃) (Kalogiannis et al., 2018; Mostofian et al., 2016).
(Bonfiglio et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2015; Ravindran and Jaiswal, 2016; In addition, formic/ acetic acid pulping methods also gave an efficient
Corresponding authors at: Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, CAS, 2 Nengyuan Road, Wushan, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510640, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Tan), [email protected] (X. Zhuang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 18 September 2019; Received in revised form 31 December 2019; Accepted 2 January 2020
Available online 16 January 2020
0926-6690/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Q. Zhang, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 145 (2020) 112091
Table 1
The chemical composition variation of rice straw (RS) and residues.
Group EPH:water /V:V Tem./℃ Time/h SA loading/M Composition content/% Cellulose retention/% Removal/%
SA: Sulfuric acid; SA loading (mol/L) was based on the total solution volume.
delignification at 80–110 ℃ (Jahan et al., 2007; Lam et al., 2001). mixture, and the mixture was heated at target temperature. The mixture
Moreover, CIMV, based on this formic/ acetic acid method, had de- was cooled at the end of cooking and filtered with 40 ml glass filter
veloped an industrial process for vegetable refinery at pilot-scale (G3). The solid residue was swilled with hot water for at least three
(Delmas, 2008). However, cellulose formylation/ acetylation occurred times and oven dried at 105 ℃ to constant weight. The organic phase
due to 70–90 % of concentration of acid, which would hinder the en- was separated by filtering using a separatory funnel. The lignin was
zymatic hydrolysis of cellulose (Zhao and Liu, 2012). Encouragingly, precipitated from the organic phase with dimethyl carbonate (DMC)
several effective pretreatments with γ-valerolactone-water system and named LR. Enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw was performed ac-
under relatively mild condition, in recent years, were reported cording to previous study (Zhang et al., 2019).
(Luterbacher et al., 2014; Shuai et al., 2016b). For biphasic system,
methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) or 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran (MeTHF)- 2.3. Analytical methods
water system could degrade > 90 % hemicellulose and > 50 % lignin
under similar conditions to one-phase system (Li et al., 2017; Zhang The chemical composition of rice straw and residues was analyzed
et al., 2017). Although one-phase system like γ-valerolactone could following the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
depolymerize more hemicellulose and lignin under similar condition, (Sluiter et al., 2012). Glucose and xylose were identified according to
biphasic system is still a good choice due to its convenience for se- our previous report (Zhang et al., 2019). To combine temperature,
paration (Katahira et al., 2014; vom Stein et al., 2011). cooking time and sulfuric acid (pH) into a single parameter, the com-
In this study, we chose a novel biphasic organic solvent, 2-phe- bined severity factor (CSF) was introduced to help to optimize the
noxyethanol (EPH) to fractionate rice straw. The effects of various pretreatment conditions (Overend et al., 1987; Studer et al., 2011).
temperature, cooking time, catalyst loading and EPH concentration Tr − Tb
were first investigated. Combining the results of pretreatment with the R 0 = t *exp( )
combined severity factor (CSF), an optimized condition was then ap-
plied to fractionate rice straw. Subsequently, the effects of fractionation CSF = logR 0-pH
on chemical compositions, enzymatic hydrolysis, structural features
Where t is the cooking time (min), Tr is the pretreatment temperature
and thermal stability of solid residue and retrieved lignin were also
(℃) and Tb is base temperature, i.e. 100 ℃.
comprehensively evaluated.
3. Results and discussion
2. Materials and methods
3.1. Organosolv pretreatment
2.1. Materials
The chemical composition of rice straw and residues were shown in
Rice straw composed of 41.93 % cellulose, 24.99 % hemicellulose, Table 1. These results showed that cellulose and hemicellulose removal
23.85 % lignin and 3.44 % ash, was provided by National Engineering increased with elevated temperature or extended cooking time. No-
Research Center of Plant Space Breeding, South China Agricultural tably, when temperature and cooking time were more than 130 ℃ and
University. Rice straw was first milled and then screened to 20 and 60 3 h, the lignin removal decreased. To explore this phenomenon, the
mesh. Subsequently, the selected rice straw was oven dried at 105 ℃ surface characteristic of raw rice straw and the residues from the group
overnight. 3 and 5 was analyzed by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
All reagents used in this study are analytical reagent (AR). Solid- technic. The results, as shown in Fig. S1 and Table S1, revealed that the
state cellulase with a filter paper activity of 191.7 FPU/g, was pur- surface lignin coverage (SL) of all residues increased compared with
chased from Jade Bio-technology Co., Ltd, China. The Milled-Wood that of rice straw, and then decreased to near that of the rinsed rice
Lignin (MWL) of rice straw was obtained and named LM referring to straw. Meanwhile, the corresponding SEM profile confirmed this var-
previous report (del Rio et al., 2012). iation of lignin condensation (Fig. S2). The results provided a caution
that high temperature or long time would inhibit the removal of lignin
2.2. Organosolv pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis in a given solvent system due to irreversible condensation of lignin
fragments (Shuai et al., 2016a). Accordingly, temperature and cooking
Pretreatment experiments were conducted in duplicate at tem- time should be selected within a proper range for efficient pretreat-
perature 110–150 ℃, cooking time 1−5 hours, sulfuric acid loading ment. Moreover, comparing the group 1, 8 and 9 in Table 1, it was
0.05-0.2 M and EPH concentration 50–90 % with the liquid: solid ratio found that increased proportion of EPH favored delignification. Based
of 20:1 (V/W). The oil bath was first heated to target temperature. 2 g on these results, it could be found that high delignification was gen-
rice straw (dry weight) was then added to acidified aqueous solvent erally accompanied by good removal effect of hemicellulose, and
Q. Zhang, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 145 (2020) 112091
Q. Zhang, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 145 (2020) 112091
Fig. 2. Mass balance of the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in rice straw during the process of fractionation.
in the spectra of LR, were assigned to β-β′ resinol (Cγ) and β-1′ spir-
odienone (D) structure respectively. Hibbert ketone structures (Hk) at
δC/δH 67.12/4.11 was also observed in LR, which accorded with pub-
lished reports that lignin would be broken down into Hibbert ketone in
acidic aqueous (alcohol) reagent (Muley et al., 2019). In the aromatic
region (Fig. 4c and d), a large amount of tricin units was absent in the
spectra of LR, compared to that of LM, which indicated that tricin may
be easy to degrade in acidic aqueous organic solvents. The signal at δC/
δH 114.38/6.26 was assigned to C8-H8 in p-coumarate unites (pCA8),
and not present in the spectra of LR, which was mainly because of
complete hydrolyzation of the acylated γ-OH in PCA8 (de Menezes
et al., 2017).
The semiquantitative analysis of the interunit linkages and the units,
and the molecular weight distribution of LM and LR, as shown in Table
S3, showed the relative abundance of β-O-4′ aryl ether linkages in LR
decreased from 59.98 % to 12.71 %, compared to that in LM, which
contributed to high delignification. As to the dramatic increase of H
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of rice straw lignin and the precipitated lignin.
units and decrease of S units as well as an unremarkable improvement
of G units in LR, it was primarily owing to the easy depletion of S units
and the facile enrichment of H units, along with a relatively stable 4. Conclusion
structure of G units at an increased pretreatment severity (de Menezes
et al., 2017), which provided a decreased S/G ratio of 1.06. In addition, In short, an effective biphasic fractionation system was proposed.
the average molecular weight (Mw) of the retrieved lignin, as shown in The rice straw was efficiently fractionated into glucose/glucan, xylose/
Table S3, increased from 3115 to 4975 compared to that of LM, which xylan and lignin with EPH-water-sulfuric acid system under mild con-
was not in line with that in some published reports (Singh and Dhepe, dition, most of glucose in the solid residue was easily released by en-
2016; Xue et al., 2018). While compared with CIMV’s industrial tech- zymatic hydrolysis, and simple precipitation gave an efficient lignin
nology, EPH fractionation still provided a moderate average molecular retrieval. Based on these processes, 96.69 % of glucose and glucan,
weight of the recovered lignin (Institut National de la Recherche 81.83 % of xylose and xylan, and 71.71 % of lignin were recovered.
Agronomique (INRA, 2014). During depolymerization of rice straw, the lignin removal was related
Table 2
Comparison of treatment with EPH to that with other typically used biphasic solvents.
Material Reaction condition Cellulose retention Hemicellulose removal Lignin removal Reference
Rice straw 70 %EPH, 0.05 M H2SO4 130 ℃, 120 min 86.48 % 92.10 % 63.16 % Current study
Rice straw 100 %Water, 0.05 M H2SO4 130 ℃, 120 min 88.17 % 80.99 % 18.47 % Current study
Rice straw 70 %MeTHF, 0.05 M H2SO4 130 ℃, 120 min 84.32 % 86.65 % 26.63 % Current study
Rice straw 70 %MIBK, 0.05 M H2SO4 130 ℃, 120 min 82.85 % 88.19 % 27.74 % Current study
Beechwood 60 %MIBK, 0.10 M H2SO4 175 ℃, 60 min 83.8 % 96.6 % 49.4 % Kalogiannis et al., 2018
Bamboo 50 %MeTHF, 1 M oxalic acid 140 ℃, 20 min – ∼85 % ∼35 % Li et al., 2017
Eucalyptus grandis 67 %MeTHF, 0.03 M formic acid 160 ℃, 90 min 31.48 % 99.74 % 74.33 % Zhang et al., 2017
Eucalyptus grandis 67 %MIBK, 0.03 M formic acid 180 ℃, 30 min 34.30 % 98.89 % 69.27 % Zhang et al., 2017
Q. Zhang, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 145 (2020) 112091
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