EMInduction MC

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Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction states that the induced emf is

A. proportional to the change in magnetic flux linkage.

B. proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linkage.

C. equal to the change in magnetic flux linkage.

D. equal to the change of magnetic flux.


2. A circular coil of wire of radius r is placed in a uniform magnetic field of flux

density B. The angle between the plane of the coil and the magnetic field is θ.

The magnetic flux linking the coil is

A. πr2B.

B. πr2B sin θ.

C. πr2B cos θ.

D. πr2B.

3. When a coil is rotated in a uniform magnetic field at a certain frequency, the
variation with time t of the induced emf E is as shown below.

0 t

The frequency of rotation of the coil is reduced to one half of its initial value.
Which one of the following graphs correctly shows the new variation with time t
of the induced emf E?

A. B.

0 0
0 t 0 t

C. D.

0 0
0 t 0 t


4. The magnetic flux Φ through a coil having 500 turns varies with time t as shown

2 .5

2 .0

1 .5
/ 10 W b

1 .0

0 .5

0 .0
0 1 2 3 4 5
t / 10 s

The magnitude of the emf induced in the coil is

A. 0.25 V.

B. 0.50 V.

C. 250 V.

D. 1 000 V.

5. The diagram below shows the variation with time t of the emf E generated in a
coil rotating in a uniform magnetic field.

0 T T 3T t
2 2

What is the root-mean-square value Erms of the emf and also the frequency f of
rotation of the coil?

Erms f
A. e T
B. e T
e 2
C. 2 T
e 1
D. 2 T

6. A uniform magnetic field of strength B completely links a coil of area S. The field
makes an angle  to the plane of the coil.

area S

The magnetic flux linking the coil is

A. BS.

B. BS cos .

C. BS sin .

D. BS tan .

7. A magnetic field links a closed loop of metal wire. The magnetic field strength B
varies with time t as shown.

B t1 t2 t3

0 t

A current is induced in the loop during the time period

A. t1 only.

B. t2 only.

C. t2 and t3 only.

D. t1 and t3 only.

8. A coil of area S has N turns of wire. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field of
strength B so that its plane makes an angle θ with the direction of the magnetic
field as shown.
m ag n etic field
stren g th B

co il, area S
N tu rn s

The magnetic flux linkage is

A. BSN sin θ.

B. BSN cos θ.

C. BSN tan θ.


9. The north pole of a permanent bar magnet is pushed along the axis of a coil as
shown below.

ax is o f co il N S

The pointer of the sensitive voltmeter connected to the coil moves to the right
and gives a maximum reading of 8 units. The experiment is repeated but on this
occasion, the south pole of the magnet enters the coil at twice the previous

Which of the following gives the maximum deflection of the pointer of the

A. 8 units to the right

B. 8 units to the left

C. 16 units to the right

D. 16 units to the left


10. A coil rotates at a constant rate in a uniform magnetic field. The angle of rotation
of the coil from its starting position is θ.

The variation with angle θ of the emf E generated in the coil is shown below.

0 180 360
0 / d eg ree

Which one of the following graphs best shows the variation with θ from the
starting position of the emf E when the rate of rotation of the coil is doubled?

A. B.

00 00
180 360 180 360
/ d eg ree / d eg ree

C. E.

00 00
180 360 180 360
/ d eg ree / d eg ree


11. The variation with time t of the magnetic flux Φ through a coil is shown below.

0 t

Which of the following diagrams best shows the variation with time t of the emf
E induced in the coil?

A. E B. E

0 0
0 t 0 t

C. E D. E

0 0
0 t 0 t


12. A thin copper ring encloses an area S. The area is linked by magnetic flux that
is increasing. The rate of change of the magnetic flux from time t = 0 to time t =
T is R.

The emf induced in the copper ring during the time t = 0 to time t = T is

A. R.

B. RS.

D. T

13. The diagram below shows two concentric loops lying in the same plane.

in n er lo o p

o u ter lo o p

The current in the inner loop is clockwise and increases with time as shown in
the graph below.

cu rren t

0 tim e

The induced current in the outer loop is

A. constant in the clockwise direction.

B. constant in the anticlockwise direction.

C. variable in the clockwise direction.

D. variable in the anticlockwise direction.


14. The magnetic flux  in a coil varies with time t as shown below.

Which graph best represents the variation with time t of the emf E induced in
the coil?

A. B.

0 0
t t

C. D.

0 0
t t


15. The diagram below shows the variation with time of the magnetic flux linkage
through a coil.

flu x lin k ag e

t1 t2 t3 t4
0 tim e

At which times is the induced emf equal to zero?

A. t1 and t3

B. t2 and t4

C. t1 and t2

D. t1 and t4

16. A metal ring is placed in a region of uniform magnetic field such that the plane
of the ring is perpendicular to the direction of the field. The field strength is
increasing at a constant rate.

rin g

m ag n etic field

The sketch-graph shows the variation with time t of the magnetic flux  linking
the ring.

0 t

Which of the following graphs best shows the variation with time t of the induced
current I in the ring?

A. I B. I

0 0
0 t 0 t

C. I D. I

0 0
0 t 0 t


17. Two coils P and Q are arranged as shown below.

co il Q V

co il P

Coil Q is connected to a sensitive voltmeter. The current I in coil P is varied as

shown below.

0 tim e

Which of the following graphs best shows the variation with time of the emf E
induced in coil Q?

A. B.

0 0 0 0
tim e tim e

C. D.

0 0 0 0
tim e tim e


18. A conductor in the shape of a solid square is moving with constant velocity in a
region of magnetic field as shown in the diagram below.
v elo city

m ag n etic field
in to p ag e

co n d u cto r

The direction of the field is into the plane of the page.

Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the separation of the

induced charges?

A. B. C. D.

– – –

+ – – +
+ – – +
+ – – +
– – –


19. The diagram shows a coil of wire wound on an iron core.

When the switch is closed, the ammeter reading gradually increases from zero
to a maximum value.
What is the explanation for this gradual growth of current?

A. An e.m.f. is induced in the coil.

B. The e.m.f. of the battery is increasing.

C. The iron core has a very low resistance.

D. The battery has a large internal resistance.


20. A metal ring has its plane perpendicular to a magnetic field.
m etal rin g

m ag n etic field

The magnetic flux through the ring increases at a constant rate by 4.0×10 –5Wb
in 5.0 s.

During this change the e.m.f. induced in the ring

A. remains constant at 8µV.

B. remains constant at 20µV.

C. increases from zero to 8µV.

D. increases from zero to 20µV.


21. The variation with time of the current in the primary coil of an ideal transformer
is shown below.

cu rren t

tim e

At which time will the magnitude of the induced e.m.f. in the secondary coil be

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


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