DRRR Module W4 L4

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A hazard can be defined as a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition
that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods
and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.
The hazards of concern to disaster risk reduction are of natural origin and related
environmental and technological hazards and risks. Such hazards arise from a variety of
geological, meteorological, hydrological, oceanic, biological, and technological sources,
sometimes acting in combination. In technical settings, hazards are described quantitatively
by the likely frequency of occurrence of different intensities for different areas, as determined
from historical data or scientific analysis.

Exposure refers to people, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that
are thereby subject to potential losses.
While the literature and common usage often mistakenly combine exposure and vulnerability,
they are distinct. Exposure is a necessary, but not sufficient, determinant of risk. It is possible
to be exposed but not vulnerable (for example by living in a floodplain but having sufficient
means to modify building structure and behavior to mitigate potential loss). However, to be
vulnerable to an extreme event, it is necessary to also be exposed.
Vulnerability refers to the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset
that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard.
There are many aspects of vulnerability, arising from various physical, social, economic, and
environmental factors. Examples may include poor design and construction of buildings,
inadequate protection of assets, lack of public information and awareness, limited official
recognition of risks and preparedness measures, and disregard for wise environmental
management. Vulnerability varies significantly within a community and over time.
Resilience can be defined as the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards
to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and
efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic
structures and functions
Prevention of emergencies includes a range of activities that require the allocation of
resources (human and financial) and multi-agency support to ensure a coordinated and well
planned approach to hazard mitigation and risk reduction.

Prevention takes many forms, including legislation, risk mitigation activities, programs and
plans. Much of this work is integrated within everyday business and activities of services,
agencies and the community.

Key agencies develop and implement a range of plans and initiatives that ensure appropriate
prevention/mitigation activities are conducted regularly. The following list are examples of
plans and activities developed and implemented by Council and other agencies:
Municipal Fire Prevention Plan.
Municipal Fire Management Plan.
Annual Fire Prevention Program.
Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Department of Environment and Primary Industries Fire Operations Plan.

Preparedness for emergencies includes a range of activities that require the allocation of
resources (human and financial) and the support of agencies to ensure a coordinated and well
planned approach.

Preparedness takes many forms, including planning, training, exercising, purchase of

infrastructure and the development and implementation of programs. Whilst much of this
work is integrated within the everyday business and activities of Council and agencies,
community preparedness is an important component.

Key agencies develop and implement a range of plans and initiatives that ensure they, and
the community are appropriately prepared for emergencies. The following are examples of
plans and activities developed and implemented by Council and other agencies:

Exercises and training.

Community Information Guides .
Municipal Relief and Recovery Plan.
Municipal Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan (MNSPP).

Community Education
Community education is a vital component of prevention and preparedness. The development
of relevant and appropriate community education resources and activities empower the
community and enhances their resilience through being well informed and therefore better
equipped emotionally and physically for an emergency. Resilient communities are well
prepared, better able to respond to and recover from the impacts of an emergency.

Council services.
Emergency management planning.
Current event information.
Neighbourhood Safer Places.
Public health.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan.
Community Emergency Risk Assessment.
Fire prevention.
Business continuity.
Recovery activities
Planned meetings and activities.

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