Paper-II 1518000150
Paper-II 1518000150
Paper-II 1518000150
(sr) q{dqr q} firtrd rqi qd q+a ffr illI FreT Roll No. ........... Ibtel Peges : 05
gfrr t5.r{.[.
1q; <afi Ei qrq-q qrsst qi frqTrd 6,d q qrffrc
(s) Es{ qrseqr scfl t
Paper II
Unit III
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
56,r$ ur
Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at leasl one
6. Write briefly about the following :
question from each Unit. Q. No. 1 is compulsory. All
(a) Species Diversity questions carry equal marks.
(b) Stratification in a communtiY v-eo 5+,6 qa cfi gtft gs, Ed fq Y{-n +
(c) Ecologicaldominance. 5+6+5=16 Bil {frq I v*r dwt r e{Frsrd * r rsfr c{it *
firetufsc+ctq{sicqf€tus emqqn*r
1q; rq1fr ffitra
(s) s5<rq {
Rfl-{-{sl Compulsory Question
(s) qtRF€Ifffi' stis I g{Frqr{ uPa
7. Discuss different types of positive and negative interactions 1. Briefly discuss the following terms :
among species highlighting their ecological significance. (D Invasive alien species
t6 (ii) Carrying capacity
s-qrHf { rF5'RrdFF frqI :F6'RrFr.6- er<fficBt + fqfrq (iii) Allelopathy
rfiRi ql srd qftfte{ftr+tq rr6FI rR IT+IYI sm+ Es s"tl (iv) Ecads
qifqq t (v) CyclicOscillations
(vi) Physiognomy
r-10119(fR) 4 (2-67lr) L10[9(IR) P.T.O.
(vii) Weed interference (b) Sigrnoid population growrh lbr..:
(viii) Demographic transition. 8x2=16 (c) Populationflucruations
FrqFflFs( ql qsic { suir +ifqs (d) Relativeabundance.
(i) gTrs.qsrfirft f{fuft e-qrfdd f+qfdEd { t ffi i c{ sRJ"il ffi frtuq:
(ii) zrEa qrqdl (3I) frfi €RDfr
(iii) qffit4 (E) f€rdrs qrri@r !!ts H6q
(iv) t*qe (s) q{Sqr 3im-q6FT
(v) qmq +dr (<) s-qFrd enftr* t
v{iEqr q?r€ (qr eflrfiR vqdar, Tqcdf,r, qrg s€{r 5. Discuss about the following :
ilqr frRR + Hc # { wseqr qt fqFri ffisdrsil (a) Density dependent and density independent factors