TFN Reporting 2
TFN Reporting 2
TFN Reporting 2
2 responses
(So, what are the goals of adaptation?
1. adaptive (basahin sa slide) then
Survival, growth, reproduction, mastery and person and environmental
transformation. Mastery means adaptation level depends on what
stimuli affects the body. Adaptation happens if the response is
effective or positive, since it promotes health which is aligned to
adaptation’s goal.)
2. Cognator-as your brain and feelings. It's the part of you that
thinks and feels. It helps you understand what's happening
around you and how you should react. For example, when you
see a samgyupsal or letchon, your cognator will help you to
decide whether or not to eat it based on what you know (like is it
healthy? Is it good for you?) or how you feel about that certain
food (do u deserve to eat this? Do you really crave it?)
So, these two parts, the Regulator and the Cognator, work together to make
sure you stay healthy and make good choices. They talk to each other and
help your body and mind work well.
Basahin lang sa slid na may 4 adap mode then (These four adaptive
modes provide the form or manifestations of cognator regulatory
activity. Responses to stimuli are carried out through four adaptive
modes. )
Next slide….
So, these four adaptive modes are like tools in your toolkit to help you with
your body, how you feel about yourself, your different roles, and how you get
along with people. They're there to make life easier and help you adapt to
whatever comes your way!
Yung model
Perception is the interpretation of a stimulus. Coming from the word
stimulus, it is anything that can trigger physical or behavioral change. So,
from the input stimuli it will be linked to or process to regulator and cognator,
and will transform into interpreted perceptions. And, The responses
following perception are feedback into both the cognator and the regulator"
(Galligan, 1979, p. 67).
Next slide…
Bashain slide then, Relationships among the four adaptive modes occur when
internal and external stimuli affect more than one mode, when disruptive behavior
occurs in more than one mode, or when one mode becomes the focal, contextual, or
residual stimulus for another mode (Brower & Baker, 1976; Chinn & Kramer, 2008;
Mastal & Hammond, 1980).
With regard to human social systems, Roy broadly categorizes the control processes
into the stabilizer and innovator subsystems. The stabilizer subsystem is analogous to
the regulator subsystem of the individual and is concerned with stability. To maintain the
system, the stabilizer subsystem involves organizational structure, cultural values, and
regulation of daily activities of the system. The innovator subsystem is associated with
the cognator subsystem of the individual and is concerned with creativity, change, and
growth (Roy & Andrews, 1999)
Moving on to Dr. Callista Roy's theory critiques.
Starting with clarity, (read ppt "Clarity", mukhang enough na yung sentence doon).
Next for simplicity, Dr. Roy made her model contain several major concepts and
subconcepts, although these concepts are clearly defined, the relational statements she
used are complex until the model is learned.
For accessibility, (read 1ST PARAGRAPH ng ppt "Accessibility"). She also studied and
analyzed 500 samples of patient behaviors collected by nursing students. From the
analysis, Roy proposed her four adaptive modes in humans.
Lastly, for importance. Dr. Roy's adaptation model has a clearly defined nursing process
that is useful in guiding clinical practice. This is because her model is also capable of
generating new information through the testing of hypotheses that have been derived from