OEM Wise Course Analysis

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Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile

Use SAS Studio And SAS Enterprise
Guide To Write And Submit SAS
Access SAS, Microsoft Excel, And Text
Explore And Validate Data
As a SAS programmer,
Prepare Data By Subletting Rows And
candidate might consider
Computing New Columns
This course is for those who need to moving into consulting or
Analyze And Report On Data
learn data manipulation techniques information technology
Export Data And Results To Excel, PDF,
SAS Certificate using the SAS DATA step and management roles. Trainee
And Other Formats
Specialist: procedures to access, transform, and could also explore
1 SAS Use SQL In SAS To Query And Join
Base summarize data. opportunities as an
Programming Global exam aligned with this course: information technology
Understand And Control DATA Step
SAS Certified Specialist: Base consultant, senior information
Programming. technology manager, or
Create An Accumulating Column And
senior information technology
Process Data In Groups
operations manager
Manipulate Data With Functions
Convert Column Type
Create Custom Formats
Concatenate And Merge Tables
Process Repetitive Code
Restructure Tables
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
SAS Visual Analytics 1 for SAS
Viya: Basics SAS Visual Analytics 2
for SAS Viya: Advanced. Use SAS Visual Analytics for data
SAS Visual Analytics is an easy-to-use preparation, data discovery, and report
data visualization tool that is used creation.
for reporting, data exploration, and Use advanced functionality and features
analytics. The application enables provided by SAS Visual Analytics.
SAS Certified SAS Visual Analytics is a
users - even those without advanced Use SAS Visual Statistics to build
Specialist: useful skill in a variety of
analytical skills - to understand and predictive models for highly interactive,
2 Visual careers, including business
examine patterns, trends, and rapid model fitting.
Business analyst, researcher,
relationships in data. SAS Visual Graph data effectively and avoid
Analytics statistician or data scientist.
Analytics makes it easy to create and common pitfalls in data visualization
share reports and dashboards that and common fallacies and paradoxes in
monitor business performance, and statistics and data analysis.
predictive analytics enable business Administer a SAS Visual Analytics
analysts to assess possible outcomes environment deployed on Linux.
to help their organization make
smarter, data-driven decisions.
A trainee could start out in IT
support, then go to a System
Engineering role that could
lead to a Database
Administrator job, and then
Develop key insights into key Creating a well-informed cloud strategy onto a Cloud Architect role.
concepts and features of Oracle and managing the adaptation process. Student could start out as a
Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Evaluating cloud applications, hardware, Developer, learn about
3 Oracle Infrastructure
Identify how OCI s global and software. DevOps and then build out
distribution of infrastructure Developing and organizing cloud system deployment
components can assist a enterprise. systems processes.
A Cloud Architect is a
professional responsible for
managing and maintaining an
organization’s cloud
computing system.
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
They develop and implement
cloud strategies, evaluate
applications and hardware,
and ensure the effective
functioning of cloud systems.
As a Java Developer, person will be Writing clean, efficient, well- Designing, coding, testing, and
Java responsible for designing, documented code and debugging and debugging Java applications
4 Development developing, and maintaining high- troubleshooting the program. based on project
on Cloud quality Java applications. Analyzing user requirements, testing requirements and
software, resolving issues. specifications.
Perform as technical support
Robotics & Automation is a field of for the system/product
engineering that deals with the created.
design and creation of robots. They Test and design the software
Robotics technicians install, service,
Certificate on use computers to manipulate and processes used for dictating
maintain, troubleshoot, and repair
5 Robotics and process robotic actions, basic tasks the functionality of the
robots and automated production
Automation are automated through software or robotic product.
hardware systems that function Install, calibrate, and operate
across a variety of applications, just the product.
Autofina as human workers do. Write programming code for
Robotics the robotic applications.
Robotics Engineering Career
offers various job positions
Certificate course in Robotics &
Advanced such as Robotics Engineer,
Automation is a technical program Robotics technicians install, service,
Certificate Robotics Specialist, Robotics
that focuses on the design, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair
6 Course on Technician, Robotics
development, and application of robots and automated production
Robotics and Application Engineer, Lead
robotics systems and automation systems.
Automation Robotics Software Engineer,
Project Engineer, Research
Engineer and others.
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
course features intensive hands-on A VMware administrator
training that focuses on installing, manages a company's
Install and configure ESXi hosts.
configuring, and managing VMware VMware environment,
Deploy and configure VMware vCenter®
VMware vSphere 8, which includes VMware including storage and
Server Appliance™.
vSphere: ESXi™ 8 and VMware vCenter® 8. network management. Job
Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to
7 Install, This course prepares as administer a duties include installing new
manage the vCenter Server inventory
Configure, vSphere infrastructure for an VMware software, monitoring
and the vCenter Server configuration.
Manage [V8] organization of any size. performance, developing
Manage, monitor, back up, and protect
This course is the foundation for more effective techniques,
vCenter Server Appliance.
most VMware technologies in the and troubleshooting
software-defined data center. problems.
The VMware vRealize Operations:
Install, Configure, Manage [V8.6]
course is designed to teach IT Create, modify, manage, and deploy
professionals how to use VMware Cloud Templates.
vRealize Operations as a forensic and Integrate Cloud Assembly with
VMware predictive tool. The course covers Terraform and SaltStack.
the vRealize Operations Manager Describe Cloud Automation Services
architecture, deployment, policies, (Cloud Assembly and Code Stream).
VMware v capacity and cost optimization, Configure and manage ABX actions,
Realize performance optimization, custom properties, event broker
Automation: troubleshooting, managing subscriptions, and vRealize Orchestrator VMware Engineer, Cloud
Install, configurations, application workflows. Computing Engineer
Configure, monitoring, and custom alerting. Use logs and CLI commands to monitor
Manage [V8.6] With VMware vRA and troubleshoot vRealize Automation.
Training and VMware vROps Configure and manage the Service
Training, learners will gain the skills Broker.
to manage and maintain the health, Customize services and virtual machines
performance, and compliance of with cloudConfig.
their IT infrastructure. The course Connect to a Kubernetes Cluster and
offers hands-on experience through manage namespaces.
practical exercises, ensuring that
participants can effectively install,
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
configure, and manage the vRealize
Operations platform.
A CCNA network administrator is
responsible for designing and
Grasp Basic Network Concepts:
implementing computer networks
Understand network devices,
that meet the needs of the
fundamentals, and architecture Data Center Associate,
Networking organization. This includes
9 including TCP/IP and OSI models. Learn Network Support Technician,
Essentials understanding the requirements of
IP Connectivity and Subnetting: Acquire Video and Voice Engineers,
the organization and choosing the
skills in IP addressing, subnetting, and
appropriate network topology,
Cisco configuring IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
network hardware, and network
The job of a CCNA or Cisco Certified CCNA validates a broad range of
Network Analyst, Network
Network Associate is to install, fundamentals for all IT careers -
Consultant, Network Manager,
configure, and troubleshoot from networking technologies, to
10 CCNA Network Administrator,
networks using products from Cisco, security, to software development -
Network Engineer, network
a major provider of networking proving you have the skills businesses
services. need to meet market demands.
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is
a professional who has expertise in
handling the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux System. The Certified
Engineer takes care of various tasks The Certified Engineer takes care of
RedHat such as setting kernel runtime various tasks such as setting kernel
Network Administrator,
11 RedHat certified parameters, handling various types runtime parameters, handling various
Network Engineer
Engineer of system logging and providing types of system logging and providing
certain kinds of network operability. certain kinds of network operability.
The professionals must have the
ability to install networking services
and security on servers running Red
Hat Enterprise Linux.
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
Red Hat Install, patch installations, upgrade,
Managing Windows, Linux, or Mac
System and maintain Intel-based system
systems. Upgrading, installing, and
Administration hardware and software.
configuring application software and
I - RH124 + Administrators implement LAMP System Administrator,
12 computer hardware. Troubleshooting
Red Hat (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) Network Administrator,
and providing technical support to
System web server configuration, which
employees. Creating and managing
Administration includes installation of all standard
system permissions and user accounts.
II -RH134 plugins, configuration, and SSL.
UI/UX designers are responsible for
creating user-centered designs for
digital products, such as websites, UI/ UX designers conduct user research,
mobile apps, and software interfaces. interviews and surveys, and use the
Application Designers, Content Creators,
13 Their primary focus is on enhancing information to create sitemaps,
Design Freelancers
user satisfaction and usability by customer journey maps, wireframes,
improving the accessibility, and prototypes.
efficiency, and aesthetics of the
work on conceptualizing, designing and
animating dynamic 2D and/or dynamic
2D animation uses hand-drawn
2D and 3D typography.
images with or without the help of a
Designing and animating broadcast
computer, creating characters that Graphic Designer, Animator,
Digital Media quality motion graphics scenes in After
have height and width. 3D animation Editor, Animation Artist,
14 Editing Effects. Completing projects from
uses computer generated characters Visual designer, Freelancer,
(2D/3D) concept to completion as a team of one
that have height, width, and depth, Entrepreneurs
and as part of a larger team
giving them a more realistic and
three-dimensional appearance
Working with input and direction from
Senior Artists
iOS developers are responsible for
Designing and building advanced
iOS App designing and developing mobile
applications for the iOS iOS App Developer, Tester,
Development applications for devices powered by
15 Apple platform. Collaborating with cross- Designers, Content Creators,
Course Apple’s iOS OS. A highly skilled iOS
functional teams to define, design, and Freelancers
Overview developer is an expert in either of the
ship new features. Unit-testing code for
two programming languages,
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
Objective-C or Swift, to develop iOS robustness, including edge cases,
mobile apps.Designing and building usability, and general reliability.
advanced applications for the iOS
platform. Collaborating with cross-
functional teams to define, design,
and ship new features. Unit-testing
code for robustness, including edge
cases, usability, and general
Final Cut Pro (often abbreviated FCP
or FCPX) is a professional non-linear
video-editing application initially
developed by Macromedia, and, since
1998, by Apple as part of its pro apps
collection. Final Cut Pro allows users
to import, edit, and process video
footage, and output it to a wide
variety of formats.
Final Cut Pro Final Cut Pro offers the most Video Content Creator, Video
Creating, editing and producing the
16 Course advanced organizing tools of any Developer, Editor, Animator,
highest-quality video
Overview professional video editing Freelancers
Final Cut Pro revolutionizes post-
production with 360° video editing
and motion graphics, 4K HDR
support, and advanced tools for
colour correction.
Final Cut Pro allows users to import,
edit, and process video footage, and
output it to a wide variety of formats.
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
An ethical hacker, also known as a
‘white hat hacker’, is employed to
legally break into computers and
certified ethical hackers investigate
networks to test an organization’s
security breaches and cyber incidents to
overall security. Ethical hackers Penetration tester,
mitigate the impact and prevent future
possess all the skills of a cyber Vulnerability assessor,
Certified occurrences swiftly. They possess an
criminal but use their knowledge to Information security analyst,
17 Ethical Hacker excellent understanding of high-tech
improve organizations rather than Security analyst, Security
– CEH tools and techniques to assess network
exploit and damage them. consultant, Security
and system vulnerabilities,
By employing an ethical hacker, engineer/architect
recommending effective remediation
organizations get an insight into
their own security vulnerabilities –
thus safeguarding them from future
cyber attacks.
A cybersecurity specialist works with
company leaders to develop and
implement security policies and
procedures. They listen to company
leaders' concerns and goals for
Network Security
cybersecurity and help them
Communication: Both written and EngineerCyber Security
establish a plan to protect sensitive
verbal communication play a key role in Analyst.Security
information and minimize
cybersecurity.Collaboration: As a Architect.Chief Information
interruptions to standard business
Cyber Security cybersecurity analyst, person will likely Security Officer (CISO) Cyber
18 operations. Cybersecurity specialists
Analyst work with a larger security team of Security Manager.Information
analyze a company's assets and
other cybersecurity professionals. Risk Security
potential threats and vulnerabilities
management, Adaptability, Critical Manager.Cybersecurity
to those assets and identify proper
thinking. Engineer.Application Security
controls, policies and procedures to
help companies improve their
security posture. Once they find or
develop the appropriate system, they
implement it on behalf of the
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
Embedded Software Engineering is
the process of controlling various
devices and machines that are
different from traditional computers,
using software engineering.
Embedded engineers must possess
Integrating software engineering
expertise in designing secure systems,
with non-computer devices leads to
implementing encryption algorithms,
Embedded Full the formation of embedded systems.
and preventing threats such as hacking Software Developer, Software
19 Stack IIOT An embedded software engineer
and data breaches. Internet of Things Engineer, Software Tester,
Analyst might touch any part of the
(IoT) Devices: The IoT (Internet of
embedded software. Professionals
Things) is rapidly expanding, connecting
might actually write the code or
various embedded systems.
affect any other part of the design
and development. engineers might
also assist with testing and
maintenance of the system once it
has been deployed.
The job involves carrying out
development and testing of IoT System
Embedded Full Stack IoT Engineer is Design based on the work requirements,
responsible for creating and specifications of key components,
implementing new Embedded OS dependencies, constraints and other Embedded Engineer, IoT
based on system requirements functional parameters, developing Product Developer, IoT
Embedded Full
20 and/or industry specifications, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Embedded System Engineer,
Stack IIOT
building and managing OS Drivers appropriate applications required for a IoT Full-Stack Developer, IoT
for any custom-made hardware and IoT based framework and performing Project Manager
to enhance existing application with validation, testing and troubleshooting
new features. of the prototype developed for a IoT
based system and rectifying
malfunctions, if any.
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
Secure identities with Microsoft Entrap
The Microsoft Azure Security
and users and groups.
Technologies is a trending and
Configure and manage hybrid identity.
highly-valued certification offered by
Deploy and maintain identity protection
Microsoft for professionals aiming Microsoft Azure Security-
and privileged identity in Azure.
Microsoft for a career in the security domain. Security Engineer
Design and manage an enterprise
Certified: This course provides the knowledge Azure Security Analyst
21 governance strategy for your security
Azure Security and skills required by IT security Security Engineer - Threat
Technologies professionals to maintain an Detection & Incident
Configure and manage network and
organizations security posture, Response
perimeter security solutions to protect
implement security controls, and
your Azure environment.
identify and remediate security
Manage the security of any hosts and
containers running in your environment
Microsoft In the course, students will learn Demonstrate fundamental AI concepts
about Azure Artificial Intelligence related to the development of software
(AI), cognitive services, natural and services of Microsoft Azure to create
Microsoft language processing operations, AI solutions.
Certified: image recognition, and more. They Describe Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing, AI Experts,
Azure Artificial will also learn about data workloads and considerations
Machine Learning Engineer,
Intelligence preparation and usage, setting up Describe fundamental principles of
22 Principal Machine Learning
(AI) & ML machine learning models, and machine learning on Azure
Engineer, Sr. Machine
certified creating powerful cognitive services. Describe features of computer vision
Learning Engineer
Associate This course is ideal for those workloads on Azure
training interested in developing skills Describe features of Natural Language
related to the AI landscape, including Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure
software engineers, developers, and Describe features of generative AI
data scientists. workloads on Azure
Digital Learn the fundamentals of digital Measure marketing performance Digital Marketing Executive,
Marketing marketing and e-commerce to gain through analytics and present insights, Digital Marketing - Email
23 Google
Course - the skills needed to land an entry- Build e-commerce stores, analyze online Marketing interns, Ad creator,
Introductory level job performance, and grow customer loyalty Freelancer
Course Description Expertise / Learning Out come Job profile
Google’s Digital Marketing Course
and Certificate Program is widely
reviewed as an educationally sound These digital marketing courses take a
Digital Marketing
resource for those looking to get into deep dive into various digital marketing
Digital Coordinator, Marketing
digital marketing. The course strategies, including Search Engine
Marketing Specialist, SEO Specialist,
24 provides a detailed overview of Optimization (SEO), use of Google Ads,
Course - Search Engine Analyst, Media
digital marketing, including topics analyzing website traffic, etc.. They will
Advanced Planner, E-commerce
such as web analytics, creative help to implement them in alignment
techniques such as blogging and with your business goals.
search engine optimization, and
social media marketing.
The Salesforce Associate certification
is designed for individuals who have
a fundamental awareness of how an
integrated CRM platform solves the Able to resolve business requirements
CRM, Sales Support, Customer
challenge of connecting departments with the Salesforce platform
Salesforce Support, QA, testing,
25 and customer data. Understanding Fundamental knowledge of Salesforce
Associate debugging and developing
reporting, user administration, reports, security, customization, and
user documentation
sharing, customization, and data data management.
management at a foundational level
Salesforce is also beneficial, but technical
expertise is not required.
A Salesforce Administrator
The Salesforce Admin course is responsible for managing and
is designed for new system optimizing Salesforce systems, including
Salesforce administrators responsible for the user and license management, support, Salesforce Administrator,
Administrator setup, configuration, and training, and system upgrades. They Salesforce Developer
maintenance of their organizations' ensure effective utilization of Salesforce
Salesforce applications. tools and collaborate with stakeholders
to meet organizational requirements.

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