The Red Cell Histogram and The Dimorphic
The Red Cell Histogram and The Dimorphic
The Red Cell Histogram and The Dimorphic
Abstract conditions and may provide major clues in some morphological features of dimorphism
The RBC histogram is an integral part of the diagnosis and management of significant and the ensuing characteristic changes in their
automated hematology analysis and is now red cell disorders. In addition, it is frequently RBC histograms.
routinely available on all automated cell used, along with the peripheral blood film, as
an aid in monitoring and interpreting abnormal Keywords: histogram, dimorphic red cells, red
After reading this article, readers should be able to correlate a RBC Hematology exam 51102 questions and corresponding answer form
histogram and red blood cell distribution width with microscopical are located after this CE Update on page 309.
To paraphrase an adage, 1 histogram graph is worth Table 1_Conditions Associated With Dimorphic
1000 numbers. A large collection of data, displayed as a visual Red Cells5-12
image, can convey information with far more impact than
the numbers alone. In hematology, these data take on several Early iron developing microcytic population
forms, 1 of which is the RBC histogram. Visual scanning Folate/vitamin B12 developing macrocytic population
Post-iron treatment of iron deficiency anemia
of the histogram gives a good initial sense of the range, size,
Post-iron treatment of iron deficiency with megaloblastic anemia
shape, and other salient features of the red cell morphology.
Post-iron treatment of megaloblastic anemia
The RBC histogram, a graphic representation of particle
Post-iron treatment of megaloblastic anemia with iron deficiency
size distribution, is now routinely available on automated cell Post-iron transfusion macrocytic anemia
analyzers as a standard part of automated complete blood Post-iron transfusion microcytic anemia
count (CBC) analysis. This histogram in association with Iron deficiency anemia with either folate or vitamin B12 deficiency
other CBC parameters, such as RBC distribution width Sideroblastic anemia (myelodysplasia)
(RDW) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), has been Hemolytic anemia (reticulocytosis, spherocytosis, fragmentation, pyropoikilocytosis)
found abnormal in various hematological conditions and may Cold/warm auto agglutination
provide major clues in the diagnosis and management of sig- Erythropoietin-induced erythropoiesis
nificant red cell disorders.1-4 In addition, it is frequently used, Delayed transfusion reaction
along with the peripheral blood film, as an aid in monitoring Homozygous hemoglobinopathies (admixture of many RBC forms)
and interpreting abnormal morphological changes, particu- Myelofibrosis (admixture of extramedullary hematopoiesis)
larly dimorphic red cells. Constitutional chromosomal translocation t(11;22)(p15.5;q11.21)
Table 1 lists conditions associated with dimorphic red
cell changes. Before reporting CBC results, a clear distinc-
tion between dimorphic and dual populations must be clari-
fied as they are sometimes interchangeable and confusing. In a dimorphic picture, the histogram may have 2 or more
(multiple) red cell populations, whereas in dual populations
the histogram has 2 distinct red cell populations (eg, hypo-
chromic-microcytic and normochromic-normocytic red cells).
Corresponding Author These 2 distinct populations may be comprised of either a
Benie T. Constantino, SH, I; ART, MLT(CSMLS) patient’s own red cells (post-iron treatment) or a mixture of
[email protected] patient and donor red cells (post-iron transfusion). Although
this is an arbitrary categorization, the term dimorphic is less
restrictive and therefore more widely used, as it can be applied
Abbreviations to either the dual or the multiple red cell populations. Thus,
CBC, complete blood count; RDW, red blood cell distribution width;
the dimorphic blood picture will look like a dual popula-
MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemo-
tion of microcytic and normocytic (Image 1A) or normocytic
globin concentration; IDA, iron deficiency anemia; RDW-CV, red
and macrocytic red cells, or an admixture of small, normal,
blood cell distribution width coefficient of variation; thal, thalas-
and large cells of different sizes and forms (Image 1B). Some
semia; SD, standard deviation; HPP, hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
morphological features of dimorphism and the ensuing char-
acteristic changes in their RBC histograms are discussed in
this article.
RBC Histograms
Figure 1_Red cell histograms in various hematological conditions. (Key hematological features of these conditions are summarized in
Table 2.) Figure (A) Normal histogram, (B) Microcytosis, iron deficiency anemia, (C) Microcytosis, beta thal trait, (D) Macrocytosis with
normal RDW, (E) Macrocytosis, megaloblastic anemia, (F) Cold agglutination, (G) Sideroblastic anemia, (H) Beta thalassemia major,
(I) Pyropoikilocytosis, (J) Reticulocytosis, (K) Post-iron therapy, (L) Post-iron therapy.
Condition HGB (g/L) MCV (fL) MCHC (g/L) RDW-CV (%) RBC Histogram
1A Normal 146 89.6 330 14.4 Normal
1B Iron deficiency anemia 86 54.7 314 21.6 LS
1C Beta thalassemia 131 66.0 318 14.5 LS
1D Macrocytosis 131 102.8 351 14.3 RS
1E Megaloblastic anemia 65 127.8 324 35.7 DM RS SKL
1F Cold agglutinin 124 110.6 +++++ 17.5 DM BM
1G Sideroblastic anemia 92 90.9 320 39.2 DM BM LS SKR
1H Beta thal major 86 79.6 285 32.1 DM LS
1I Pyropoikilocytosis 99 60.2 358 41.5 DM LS SKR
1J Reticulocytosis 87 72.2 298 31.3 DP LS SKR
1K Post-iron therapy 132 81.1 317 14.8 DP BM
1L Post-iron therapy 112 85.8 330 35.0 DP BM
Reference range 120-160 80-95 320-360 11.5-14.5
HGB, hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW-CV, red cell distribution wiidth-coefficient of variation; DM, dimorphic; BM, bimodal; DP, dual population; LS, left-shift; RS, right-shift;
SKR, skewed to the right; SKL, skewed to the left; MCHC (+++++) overrange.
RBC Histograms
Figure 2_Histograms of iron deficiency anemia after treatment (key hematological features are summarized in Table 3). Figures B to G are rep-
resentative examples of dimorphic (dual) red cell population response to hematinic treatment of iron deficiency anemia in 6 patients.
Hematological Parameters
range, however, allowing the lower end of the histogram to The following are important points to consider when
be monitored. Normally, the space below 36 fL remains clear, reviewing/analyzing histograms.13
but in certain conditions the histogram may begin above the • position of individual populations compared to normal/
baseline or show a high takeoff on the far left of the curve typical positions
(Figure 1G to Figure 1I), which generally indicates the presence • amount of separation between populations compared to
of small particles. These particles include red cell fragments, normal/typical separation
microspherocytes, nucleated RBCs, nonlyzed RBCs, elliptocy- • relative concentration of each population compared to
tosis, macrothrombocytes, platelet clumps, bacteria, parasitic normal/typical concentrations
organisms, and other interfering substances such as cryoglobu- • presence of unexpected or non-typical populations
lin, cold agglutinin, and macroglobinemia.7,16-18
Figure 1A to Figure 1D are typical examples of normal,
microcytic, and macrocytic red cell histograms. They are
symmetric, single-peaked, and “bell shaped” normal curves.
Analysis and Interpretations of Histograms The curve is considered symmetric if the 2 sides of the curve
in Figure 1 and Figure 2 coincide when folded in half or are approximately mirror im-
sometimes involved. The dimorphic population message is as red cell fragments, nucleated RBCs, microspherocytes, and
generated when there are 2 cell size populations or there microcytic red cells, producing an erroneous mean cell vol-
are multiple peaks in the RBC histogram pattern.13,24 ume for the intact cell population. Although the curve appears
unimodal, the instrument interpreted it as dimorphic, prob-
ably due to the admixture of different cell populations. Any
spurious cell population that is >1% as numerous as the red
Cold Agglutination cells will influence the MCV, RDW, and histogram results.26
Because this is a time-, temperature-, and agglutinin titer- Thus, in all these examples, only by careful examination of
dependent reaction, the frequency curves may vary in shapes the histogram, knowledge of the possible causes of the abnor-
(Figure 1F). A U-shape-like appearance of the curve would mal curves, and careful correlation with the peripheral blood
usually suggest the presence of 2 discrete populations, 1 on morphology can a correct diagnosis be derived.
either side. However, in this case, the abnormal histogram is
the result of a high titer cold agglutinin causing red cells to
agglutinate and interfere with their sizing and enumeration.
Some analyzers with an Interpretive Program of flags and Pyropoikilocytosis
Sideroblastic Anemia
This is an example of a bimodal distribution with 2 sepa- Reticulocytosis
rated small, distinct high points (Figure 1G). To produce a The histogram is bimodal and is skewed to the right (Fig-
single distribution, the 2 red cell populations must differ by ure 1J). Usually, this may be the kind of picture seen in initial
less than 15% in volume.16,25 It appears that the particle size post-iron treatment IDA. Three to 8 days after effective iron
distribution is very wide, from a group of very small cells— therapy, a reticulocytosis (polychromasia) of this magnitude
reflected as a high take-off on the baseline of the curve, to a may occur, producing a secondary peak representing this new
group of normal and macrocytic cells that are equally spread population of cells. Generally, reticulocytes are slightly larger
on the other side. The groups themselves represent different than normal mature red cells.23 The reticulocyte count of this
ranges of values so the entire sets of results are actually wide- patient is 5.5%. According to some authors, a reticulocytosis
spread. In other words, it is an admixture of small cells, nor- in excess of 15% and/or a volume difference of 2 populations
mal cells, and large cells in various proportions. The results of less than 15% are required to affect histogram analysis.16,25
of the red cell indices, however, are within normal range, and However, others have suggested it is possible to detect the ap-
if one were to rely on indices alone, the important finding pearance of a new population of cells (eg, reticulocytes) even at
of mixed populations would be missed. This reinforces the just more than 5% of the total red cell population, by skewing
importance of examining the blood cell histograms and blood the histogram.4 Thus, depending on the instrument algorithm,
film in tandem in order to detect the bimodal populations.2 a cohort of cells even at 5% may be interpreted as another
When viewed microscopically, it is clear the red cell volume population, hence, the dimorphic instructive comment.
histogram accurately reflects the dimorphic appearances. These 2 histograms (Figure 1K and Figure 1L) seem to be
similar in appearance: both have 2 unevenly high peak points
with middle trough or valley. What is surprising in these
curves is the difference in the RDW results. Despite the bi-
Beta Thalassemia Major modal histogram, Figure 1K shows a normal RDW compared
(and Other Small Particles) to Figure 1L, which has a higher RDW. The reason for the
In this case, a high frequency of small cells (<50 fL) can normal RDW is that only the major populations are included
be seen at the beginning of the histogram (Figure 1H). This and measured for the MCV and RDW calculations, so the
may be due to the small particles seen in this disorder, such MCV and RDW are that of the main population only. The
middle trough, which is below the 20% frequency truncation, Although direct inspection of the distribution curve
and the minor populations, as represented by the low peak, offers a sensitive method for detecting small populations of
are excluded from the MCV and RDW calculations. The microcytic or macrocytic red cells, the estimation of the num-
inclusion of minor populations will also require the inclu- ber of cells from the distribution curve should be avoided.
sion of the middle trough, and thus may spuriously elevate Misleading results can occur because the frequency curve
the RDW. On the other hand, because the valley in Figure shows only the relative and not the actual number of cells in
1L has surpassed the detection level, the minor and the major each size range.13 Even though the MCV can be easily located
populations are included in the MCV and RDW calculations; on any symmetric distribution curve, attempting to do so in
hence, the higher RDW value. Microscopically, both show a a skewed, bimodal, or dimorphic population is discouraged
dual population of hypochromic-microcytic and normochro- because the MCV is an average value and does not reflect the
mic-normocytic red cells. heterogeneity or the presence of different cell populations.
Figure 2A to Figure 2F are representative histograms of When combined with the concept of the normal curve and
post-iron treatment IDA from 6 patients. The red cell histo- the knowledge of particular CBC parameters, such as RDW
gram assists in confirming the diagnosis of IDA and in fol- and red cell indices, histograms become a practical working
lowing its treatment. Patients with microcytosis due to IDA tool in the initial stage of morphological analysis. Observation
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