Performance Task 5 - Research Chapter IV - Group 4 ABM Taylor
Performance Task 5 - Research Chapter IV - Group 4 ABM Taylor
Performance Task 5 - Research Chapter IV - Group 4 ABM Taylor
This chapter is a presentation of the results, data interpretations derived from the
conduct of the study, and the analysis, giving emphasis to the salient findings. Data is
presented, analyzed, and interpreted based on the problems discussed. This includes
the data on "The determinant factors affecting the purchasing behavior of Legazpi City
Science High School Grade 11 ABM Students". The information was carefully analyzed
in a detailed review that shows the factors affecting their online purchasing behavior.
Taylor 17 68%
Fayol 8 32%
Table 1. Number of Respondents per section
In table 1, the amount of grade 11 ABM students per section can be seen and
shows that the majority of the respondents are found in the section Taylor with 68% of
the total respondents.
The respondents were asked about their insights and opinions towards online
shopping and their purchasing behavior.
The respondents were asked if they partake in online shopping with a yes or no
question. Figure 1 shows the number of respondents who indulge in online shopping.
Based on the data gathered, 24 out of 25 students, which amounts to 96% of the
respondents, partake in online shopping. And a single student (4%) that responded that
they do not partake in any means of online shopping.
Weekly 3 12%
Monthly 16 64%
Every 6 months 1 4%
Approximately once 1 4%
every four months
Never 1 4%
Total 25 100%
Table 2. Frequency of Online Shopping
The respondents were given choices on how frequent their online shopping
venture is. As shown in table 2, the majority of the students at 16 (64%) out of 25
respondents partake in online shopping at a monthly rate. While 3 (12%) students
purchase using online means weekly. And a single (4%) student who partakes once in
2-3 days. There is also 1 (4%) respondent that responded with online shopping every 6
months, 1 (4%) student responded at least thrice a year, 1 (4%) student that responded
once every two months, 1 (4%) student that responded approximately once every four
months and a single student (4%) that responded as they never once tried to partake in
online shopping.
D. Purpose of Online Shopping
educational purposes 1 4%
stress reliever - -
less person-to-person 2 8%
Table 3. Purpose of online shopping
The respondents were inquired about their purpose for online shopping. Majority
of the respondents’ reason to shop online is for personal purposes and for personal
matters with a number of 12 (48%) respondents. Second is that 10 (40%) of the
respondents chose to shop online because it saves time, money and effort. Shopping
online is a great alternative to physical shopping especially at crucial times. There are
also 2 (8%) respondents that chose to shop online because of privacy, security and less
person-to-person contact, and there is a single respondent (4%) that goes to shop
online for educational purposes. And zero (0) respondent chose online shopping as
their stress reliever. Equalling to 25 respondents.
5 4 3 2 1
Convenience 20 5 0 0 0
Time saving 16 2 6 1 0
Discounts/Vouchers 17 4 4 0 0
No pressure shopping 13 8 2 2 0
Saves effort 14 11 0 0 0
Price Comparisons 14 6 5 0 0
The table above shows the advantages when purchasing online. Out of 25
respondents, as shown in the second column, 20 strongly agree that purchasing online
is convenient, 16 for time saving and wider range of choices, 17 for discounts/vouchers
and easy access to consumer reviews, 13 for no pressure shopping, 14 for saving effort
and price comparisons, 7 for less compulsive shopping and 15 for more payment
methods. As seen in the third column, only 5 agrees on convenience as an advantage,
2 on time saving, 4 on discounts/vouchers, 7 on wide ranges of choices, easy access to
consumer reviews, more payment methods, 8 agrees that there is no pressure when
shopping online, 11 agrees that it saves effort, and 6 on price comparisons as well as on
less compulsive shopping.
The fourth column shows the number of respondents that had a neutral
response. 6 out of 25 respondents for time saving, 4 when it comes to
discounts/vouchers, 2 for wide ranges of choices and no pressure when shopping, 5 for
price comparisons, and less compulsive shopping. 7 answers are neutral, 1 for easy
access to consumer reviews, and when it comes to more payment methods, 3
responded. 1 person disagrees with time saving being an advantage, 2 with no pressure
shopping and 4 with less compulsive shopping, as shown in the fifth column. The last
column presents that 1 out of 25 respondents strongly disagrees with a wider range of
choices and less compulsive shopping as an advantage.
a. Variety of Choices
b. Quality of Choices
c. Convenience
d. Available Discounts/Vouchers
e. Price Range
f. Safety
g. Comfortability
Different factors are observed by different people. The majority of the factors
that encourage the purchasing behavior of students are geared towards convenience
and safety. The respondents reasoned out that the use of online shopping within the
evolving day is at ease and greatly convenient. Convenience is the ability to do a certain
thing with less effort. Online shopping proves itself convenient to people by the benefits
it gives them. Online shopping allows no "lines", unlike at the physical supermarket, and
whenever or wherever a person may be, shopping online is a possibility.
One factor that encourages people to shop online is the variety of choices and
the availability of those that are unavailable in some physical stores. Online shopping
allows people to find almost anything that they are looking for without having to look
around or walk around a physical store. A far greater selection of products, either locally
or internationally, can be obtained from the various sectors found in different online
shopping platforms. Along with the variety of choices available, the quality of choices
found in the shops online may be better than those found at physical stores and, as
such, they are easily obtainable with the accessibility of online shopping.
Shopping online in this day and age has an ease of process that makes it suitable
for people’s purchasing experience. With that, the presence of online vouchers and
discounts along with the price ranges of certain products can influence the purchasing
behavior of people. Comparing and researching products and their prices is easier with
the ability to shop online. Customer reviews and product comparisons in the online
market may link to the best prices and best products. The ability to research first-hand
experience, ratings, and reviews for most products and retailers is one of the reasons
why it is so easy and yet efficient to shop online. Along with the ability to compare and
contrast products and price ranges, the presence of online discounts and vouchers also
makes things more affordable and can affect the decision or the purchasing behavior of
a certain person.
Rate how the said factor in the previous question affects you.
What are your insights about the factors that affect your online shopping behavior?
The respondents were asked to give their insights on the factors affecting
purchasing behavior. The responses emphasize the factors affecting their purchasing
behavior and the importance of knowing these factors. Most factors affecting the
purchasing behavior of grade 11 students are convenience, safety, and product variety.
One respondent answered that knowing these factors can help provide information and
emphasize the effects of these factors, whether they may be beneficial or not. Another
respondent responded that knowing these factors can help them avoid being careless
and being influenced unknowingly. The majority of the respondents answered that
knowing these factors helped in being aware of the factors and using them for
advantageous purposes instead of not beneficial circumstances.