Study of Factors Influencing Students Buying Behavior: Keywords: Buying Behavior, Self Buying, Perception, Common Effects

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Study of Factors Influencing Students Buying Behavior

*Prof.Swati Padoshi
** Prof.Hrishikesh Pol

This paper studies the main factors that influence the buying behavior of students in general. The
two factors that are primary in this study are Clothing and Electronics. The research is a primary
research done through questionnaire method. The paper evaluates the main factors that drive the
decision of students while buying clothes, electronics and other products. The paper also studies
the buying pattern of students, whether they buy all by themselves or their parents help them buy
.A structured questionnaire was constructed to provide answers to our research question. In this
study, sixty questionnaires were distributed, but only fifty useable questionnaires were realized.

Keywords: Buying Behavior, Self buying, Perception, Common Effects

The study of consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to
spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption-related
items (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1997). The field of consumer behavior covers a lot
of ground. According to Solomon (1996), consumer behavior is a study of the
processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose
of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.

The official definition of consumer behavior given by Belch (1998) is ‘the process
and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs
and desires’.Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer's
attitudes, preferences, intentions and decisions regarding the consumer's
behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service.

*Research Scholar, JJTU, Rajasthan, ** Research Scholar, JJTU, Rajasthan

The study of consumer behavior draws upon social science disciplines of

anthropology, psychology, sociology, and economics. Consumer behavior is
driven by trends, brands, availability, and people’s perception. There is a impact
of many factors on Consumer buying behavior such as age, gender, buying
capacity, peer review, media marketing, cost or price of products. Consumers
make many buying decisions every day. Most large companies research
consumers buying decisions in great detail to answer questions about what
consumers buy, where they buy, how and how much they buy, when they buy,
why they buy. But learning about whys of customers are not so easy. The
answers are often locked deep in the consumer’s mind.

1. To understand if young people do their own buying.
2. To study the factors which play a major role in their buying behavior.

Research Methodology
The research is done through primary research, questionnaire method. The
Sample size was around 60, out of which 50 were usable data.

This study will help brands to understand the buying behavior of students and
work on their marketing strategy.

As per data collected emphasis is on clothing and electronics. Other products

data is minimum. The sample taken was based on only particular age group-21
to 27 years.

Analysis and Interpretation

1. To understand if young people do their own buying.

Table 1 Number of respondents towards doing their own shopping

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Yes 49 98
No 01 2
Total 50 100
Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Figure 1 Number of respondents towards doing their own shopping

Number of respondents towards doing their own
Yes shopping


Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the majority of the youth
do their own shopping. Only 2 percent depend on their friends or elders to shop
for them.
Table 2 The Main Products young people buy on your own

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Clothes 27 54

Electronics 3 6

Others 3 6

Both 17 34

Total 50 100
Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Figure 2 The Main Products young people buy on their own

Main Products young people buy on their own

Clothes Electronics Others Both




Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the 34 percent majority

of the youth buy both clothes and Electronics on their own. If we see the data 54
percent of the students are interested in buying clothing and the rest are
interested on buying electronics and other products.
Table 3 The main outlets from where the young people buy.

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Online websites and Malls 12 24

Brand Outlets and Malls 6 12

Super Market and Malls 8 16

Malls 7 14

Unorganized Market 11 22

Not specified/ Not Applicable 6 12

Total 50 100

Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Figure 3 The main outlets from where the young people buy.

The main outlets from where the young people buy

Online websites and Malls Brand Outlets and Malls Super Market and Malls
Malls Unorganized Market Not specified




Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the 24 percent of the

youth buy products through online websites, 12 percent from brand outlet 16
percent from Super markets, a major junk of 22 percent from unorganized market
where the products are substitute to the brand outlets , cheaper in cost and most
of the students fall into middle class category and majority of the students like to
go to Mall for shopping because they get entertainment, shopping ,variety
restaurants and retail outlets of food industry like Mc Donald’s, Pizza Hut and
many more.

2. To study the factors which play a major role in their buying behavior

Table 4 Role of Factors to buy electronics

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Known Brands 37 35

TV commercials 13 13

Friends Recommendation 17 16

Family recommendation 15 14

Discount and deals 13 12

Anything you like 8 8

Not interested 2 2

Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Figure 4 – Role of Factors to buy electronics

Role of Factors to buy electronics

Known Brands TV commercials Friends Recommendation
Family recommendation Discount and deals Anything you like
Not interested

12% 35%


16% 13%

Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the 35 percent of the

youth buy electronic products through known brands, 13 percent from TV
commercials, 16 percent from friends recommendation, 14 percent from family
recommendation, 12 percent from discount deals, and 8 percent buy anything
they like. Most of the students buy products from known brands as they feel
secure that the brands have good market reputation and on discount deals as
they can get some other items of their choice which would fall in their budget.

Table 5 – Role of Factors to buy clothes

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Known Brands 32 31

TV commercials 4 4

Friends Recommendation 15 15

Family recommendation 8 8

Discount and deals 26 25

Anything you like 18 17

Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Figure 5 – Role of Factors to buy clothes

Role of Factors to buy clothes

Known Brands TV commercials Friends Recommendation
Family recommendation Discount and deals Anything you like


15% 4%


Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the 31 percent of the

youth buy clothes through known brands, 4 percent from TV commercials, 15
percent from friends recommendation, 8 percent from family recommendation, 25
percent from discount deals, and 17 percent buy anything they like. Most of the
students buy products from known brands as they feel secure that the brands
have good market reputation and on discount deals as they can get more variety
of clothes of their choice at a reasonable price.

Table 6 – Role of Factors to buy other products

Particulars Number of respondents Percentage

Known Brands 29 25

TV commercials 14 12

Friends Recommendation 19 16

Family recommendation 16 14

Discount and deals 27 23

Anything you like 10 8

Not Interested 3 2

Source: Collected through Questionnaire

Interpretation: Among 50 respondents we can find that the 25 percent of the

youth buy other products which include perfumes, cosmetics and deodorants
through known brands, 12 percent from TV commercials, 16 percent from friends
recommendation, 14 percent from family recommendation, 23 percent from
discount deals, and 8 percent buy anything they like. Most of the students buy
products from known brands as they feel that these products have good market
reputation and on discount deals as they can get more variety of products of their
choice at a reasonable price.
Figure 6 – Role of Factors to buy other products

Role of Factors to buy other products

Known Brands TV commercials
Friends Recommendation Family recommendation
Discount and deals Anything you like
Not Interested

8% 2%

14% 16%


 It was been observed that the majority of the youth do their own shopping.
Only 2 percent depend on their friends or elders to shop for them.
 34 percent majority of the youth buy both clothes and Electronics on their
own. From the data 54 percent of the students were interested in buying
clothing and the rest were interested on buying electronics and other
 The majority of students buy clothes, electronics and other products
which include perfumes, cosmetics and deodorants through known brands
and through discount deals as they feel that these products have good
market reputation and on discount deals as they can get more variety of
products of their choice at a reasonable price.


With respect to the findings of students buying behavior it can be stated that
today’s youth prefer more on buying clothes and electronics that are of brand
value and are of reasonable price.
 It can be suggested or recommended to the sellers on Online websites to
increase their brands and availability of the same as most of the youth
prefer to go on online shopping.
 The Brand outlets, Super market , Malls and Unorganized Market have to
bring out marketing strategies to attract majority of the youth towards
their products depending upon the social hierarchy, availability, price and
quality of the product.

Here we can conclude that majority of the youth have different types of buying
behavior like personal, psychological and social factors depending upon their
preferences, affordability, perception and choice in buying their clothes,
electronics and other products.

 Consumer Behavior - Michael R. Solomon , 8th edition, Eastern Economy publication.
Consumer Behavior- David L. Loudon and Albert J. Della Bitta-4th Edition- Tata
McGraw Hill Publications. 10 Consumer Behavior- Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar
Kanuk, 5th Edition- Prentice Hill Publication.
 Consumer buying decisions models: A descriptive study, Ram Komal Prasad and Manoj
K. Jha, International Journal of Inovation and Aplied Studies ISN 2028-9324 Vol. 6 No. 3
July 2014, p. 35-351.
 Determinants of Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Theoretical Framework of Rural India-
Hemanth K P and Shruthi V K- Journal of Exclusive Management Science – March 2013,
Vol. 2 Issue 3 - ISSN 2277 – 5684, p1-16

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