Asianhost Paper
Asianhost Paper
Asianhost Paper
18 8,670
5 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Qian Wang on 08 April 2019.
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—The recent developments in the automobile industry vehicle by simply delivering compromising CAN messages
and the self-driving technology necessitated an increase in the [1]. Moreover, the potential for interference in such attacks is
traditional automobile features to guarantee the drivers safety, exacerbated by the increasing external connections with the
improve the driving convenience and realize the autonomous
driving. To support these necessary functions and features, a in-vehicle control network, including USB ports, Bluetooth,
significant amount of the hardware equipment, i.e., Electronic the mandatory on-board diagnostic (OBD-II) port and the ex-
Control Unit (ECU), is integrated into the car system. However, tended connection to the Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)
these ECUs also bring security vulnerabilities because their [2]. By injecting malicious CAN messages through those ports,
communication follows the Controller Area Network (CAN) the attacker could cause intentional malfunctions to a wide set
protocol that was designed without supporting message origin
authentication. Several methods to resolve this problem have been of components including the engine, instrument panel, radio,
proposed in the literature, but most of them would require heavy heating, lights, brakes, etc. Consequently, several of those
communications and calculations to support the cryptography attacks have been demonstrated on vehicles by academic and
algorithms. In this paper, we propose a delay-based Intrusion De- industrial researchers, e.g. [3] [4]. These attacks are primarily
tection System (IDS) to protect the CAN network by identifying facilitated by injection from the connecting ports to the CAN
the location of the compromised ECU for the in-vehicle network.
We develop and implement our detection method on CAN bus bus network.
prototype, and our results show that our method is capable of Several cryptographic techniques have been proposed for
an overall detection accuracy above 97%. The proposed scheme integrating security into the current CAN architecture, [5] [6].
is demonstrated to protect the integrity of the messages on CAN Similar to traditional secure systems, these techniques rely
bus leading to a further improve the security and safety of on secure provisioning cryptography algorithms on the CAN
autonomous vehicles.
bus, e.g., message authentication code (MAC). However, using
standard cryptographic techniques to protect data originality
(such as appending messages with MAC) could violate timing
Over the past few years, automobiles have evolved from constraints for CAN communication. This stems from the fact
mechanical devices to connected communication platforms. that the CAN protocol allows only for 64 bits to be used
To assist those necessary computerized functions, sensors with for payload. That is, implementing the SHA256, for example,
Electronic Control Units (ECU) have seen increasing demand using the CAN protocol will lead to an overhead of eight
in modern vehicles. Approximately 50-100 ECUs are deployed messages to carry the computed SHA256 code; an 800%
in vehicles nowadays and they are no longer isolated from the increase in the communication bandwidth. This large increase
outside world. Indeed, each ECU is assigned with several func- in the communication bandwidth will degrade the performance
tions and is connected through the Controller Area Network of the system in terms of its ability to satisfying the required
(CAN) bus system. CAN is the most commonly used protocol hard timing constraints. When the message is safety critical,
in the vehicle industry and it has a fast reaction time and such as emergency stop, this could result in life-threatening
proper transmission reliability. It allows the ECU to control the incident.
vehicle maneuvers by sending and sharing messages through Meanwhile, the automotive Intrusion Detection System
its bus system with the guarantee of timing predictability (IDS) [7] is drawing attention as another promising method for
and fault-tolerance for communication. Unfortunately, CAN securing in-vehicle CAN networks. First, automotive IDS can
bus lacks security protection when it was designed in the be applied without causing computational and communication
late 1980s. More specifically, the primary design flaw is that overhead in the CAN protocol. Second, because of its self-
CAN has no mechanism for supporting security protocols or adaptive nature, IDS can be easily adapted in the automotive
for ensuring message confidentiality and integrity by design. domain as a seamless extension to new vehicles. Message-
The lack of security in CAN bus has aroused much attention based IDS focuses on each message by utilizes message
in both industry and research. In 2010, researchers provided information and properties (e.g., message ID, frequency, clock-
the first evidence showing that it is possible to control the skew, etc.) to detect malicious attacks [8], [9], [10]. Unfor-