Good Night Gorilla
Good Night Gorilla
Good Night Gorilla
GOOD NIGHT, GORILLA pranks, have them describe the funniest Have children think about what might
Book by Peggy Rathmann ©1994 thing they ever saw or heard. happen next in the story if it were to con-
Themes: Animals, Humor, Zoo tinue on. Then discuss the following
Grade Level: Pre-K - 2
Share the book Good Night, Gorilla with questions:
Running Time: 8 minutes
children. Then ask: • What do you think happened when the
SUMMARY • Why didn’t the zookeeper know what zookeeper’s wife awoke the next morn-
One by one, the zookeeper says good was going on? ing?
night to all the animals in their cages. • Where did the animals go when they • What do you think happened to the
But tiptoeing right behind him, is a preco- followed the zookeeper? gorilla? the mouse?
cious little gorilla who manages to unlock • Who awakened when the animals all • How might the zookeeper keep the ani-
each cage. The animals end up following said “good night”? mals in their cages in the future?
the zookeeper home and discovering that • Where did the zookeeper’s wife take
his bedroom makes a fine sleeping place. the animals?
But what will the zookeeper’s wife say OTHER VIDEOS AND FILMS ABOUT
Visit the library with children and gather INCLUDE:
OBJECTIVES up some books about the animals • THE CAMEL WHO TOOK A WALK
• Children w ill learn about different described in the story (gorilla, mouse, ele- by Jack Tworkov & illus. by Roger
kinds of animals. phant, lion, hyena, giraffe, armadillo.) Duvoisin
• Children will be introduced to humor Have children choose one animal to learn • CAPS FOR SALE by Esphyr
in a story. about and share their information with Slobodkina
• Children will learn that pictures, as others in the group. You might encour- • CHARLIE NEEDS A CLOAK by Tomie
well as words, tell a story. age children to demonstrate the ways the dePaola
animals move, describe the different • CIRCUS BABY by Maud & Miska
BEFORE VIEWING ACTIVITIES kinds of foods they eat, discuss the kinds Petersham
Talk with children about experiences they of habitats they live in, or describe the • THE COW WHO FELL IN THE
may have had visiting a zoo. Ask: ways they care for their young. Let chil- CANAL
•What kinds of animals did you see dren accompany the stories with their by Phyllis Krasilovsky, illus. by Peter
there? Describe their sounds. own illustrations. Spier
•How were the animals cared for? • THE DAY JIMMY’S BOA ATE THE
•What kinds of foods were the different Provide large sheets of poster-sized WASH by Trinka Hakes Noble, illus. by
animals eating? paper, poster paints, and brushes children Steven Kellogg
can use to paint a large zoo mural for the • HOT HIPPO by Mwenye Hadithi,
Explain to the children what a prank is. classroom. Encourage cooperation as illus. by Adrienne Kennaway
Have children talk about how it feels to children share supplies, work side by • THE LITTLE RED HEN by Paul
fool someone or to be fooled. If children side, and discuss the different animals Galdone
have not experienced harmless tricks or they will include in the mural. • ROSIE’S WALK by Pat Hutchins