Ehi I

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QP Code : 19UT114EHI1 QP Code : 19UT114EHI1 2

2. Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ ◊TˆX◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX f 12 × 3 = 36

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B◊¨K˜Eı YÁPˆy‘] ( Elective Course ) (b) %Â`Á„EıÃ[˝ W˝„∂ˆÇÃ[˝ ]…_ È[˝◊`rÙÓm◊_ Eı› Eı› ◊ªK˜_ ? A„Eı
◊Eı Â[˝Ïà˘ W˝]Ô [˝_Á ^ÁÃ^ ?
c˜O◊Tˆc˜Áa ( History ) (c) mä^«„GÃ[˝ `ÁaX[˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁÃ[˝ AEı◊ªRÙO ae◊l˘ä ◊[˝[˝Ã[˝S
Y“U] Yy (1st Paper) ◊_F«X*
Ancient India : EHI-1
(d) Y“ÁªJÙ›X \ˆÁÃ[˝„TˆÃ[˝ LÁ◊Tˆ[˝SÔ Y“UÁ a+„EÔı AEı◊ªRÙO
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Y…SÔ]ÁX f 100 (Full Marks : 100) (e) Y“ÁªJÙ›X \ˆÁÃ[˝„Tˆ [˝Á◊SLÓ C XGÃ[˝ÁÃ^„SÃ[˝ È[˝◊`rÙÓm◊_
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Special credit will be given for precise and correct
=w¯Ã[˝ ◊VXª f 6 × 4 = 24
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, (a) c˜Ã[˝¥YÁ a\ˆÓTˆÁÃ[˝ YTˆ„X %\ˆÓ‹ôˆÃ[˝›S %[˝l˘„Ã^Ã[˝ \…ˆ◊]EıÁ
untidiness and illegible handwriting. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks. (b) È[˝◊VEı Ã[˝Á‰r—Ù Ã[˝ÁL`◊N˛Ã[˝ Y“ÁW˝ÁXÓ
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B.A.-15166-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ YúˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15166-Y

3 QP Code : 19UT114EHI1 QP Code : 19UT114EHI1 4

English Version e) Discuss about the characteristics of trade

and urbanisation in ancient India.
1. Answer any two questions : 20 × 2 = 40

a) Discuss about the importance of literary f) Write a short essay on painting of ancient

sources in writing the history of ancient India.

3. Write short notes or answer briefly on any four of
b) Make a comparative discussion about the the following : 6 × 4 = 24
Rig-Vedic and later Vedic societies.
a) Role of internal decay in the downfall of the
c) Discuss about the administrative structure Harappan civilization.
of the Pala dynasty.
b) Supremacy of monarchy in Vedic state.
d) Give an estimate of the condition of women
c) Role of ‘‘Brahmanical Revolt’’ in the
in ancient India.
downfall of the Mauryas.
2. Answer any three questions : 12 × 3 = 36
d) Indo-Greek ruler Menander.
a) Discuss briefly about the social and
e) Chandra dynasty of Bengal.
religious life of the Harappan civilization.
f) Second Urbanisation.
b) What were the main characteristics of
Ashoka's Dhamma ? Could it be called g) Religion and philosophy of the Vedic age.

Buddhism ? h) Mathura Art.

c) Write a brief description of the Gupta


d) Give an analytical description of the caste

system in ancient India.

B.A.-15166-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ YúˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15166-Y

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