SHI-III - New Syllabus

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SHI-III (New) (UT-43) SHI-III (New) (UT-43) 2

ÿoˆÁTˆEı YÁPˆy‘] (B.D.P.) (F) ◊\ˆ„Ã^XÁ a„∂ˆ]_„XÃ[˝ ]…_ =„ï`Ó Eı› ◊ªK˜_ ? Ac˜O
◊`l˘Á[˝bÔÁ‹ôˆ YÃ[˝›l˘Á (Term End Examination) a„∂ˆ]_„X Eı› Eı› Y“W˝ÁX ◊aà˘Á‹ôˆ G c˜›Tˆ c˜„Ã^◊ªK˜_ ?
◊Qˆ„a∂ëˆÃ[˝, 2013 C L«X, 2014 (Dec.-2013 & June-2014) (G) c˜Oe_ÓÁ„≥Qˆ ÂEıX ◊`î ◊[˝Y¿[˝ Y“U] c˜„Ã^◊ªK˜_ ?
c˜O◊Tˆc˜Áa ( History ) (H) c˜O=„Ã[˝Á„Y a]ÁLTˆÁ◊‹óˆEı %Á„≥VÁ_„XÃ[˝ W˝ÁÃ[˝Á a+„EÔı
ac˜ÁÃ^Eıı YÁPˆy‘]-3 (T ˆTˆ›Ã^ Yy)
Subsidiary-3 (Paper-III) : Modern Europe and Making AEı◊ªRÙO Y“[˝μ˘ ◊_F«X*
of the Modern World (1789 – 1956)
NEW SYLLABUS (I¯) Y“U] ◊[˝`ü^«„à˘Ã[˝ YÃ[˝ Z–ıÁ„≥aÃ[˝ ◊XÃ[˝ÁYw¯Á Y“Ã^Áa EıTˆªRÙOÁ
(From July 2010 Enrolment Session) ^«◊N˛^«N˛ ◊ªK˜_ ? Ac˜O Y“Ã^Áa ÂEıX [˝ÓUÔ c˜„Ã^ ^ÁÃ^ ?
a]Ã^ f ◊TˆX H∞RÙOÁ Y…SÔ]ÁX f 100
Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100 (ªJÙ) ◊•Tˆ›Ã^ ◊[˝`ü^«„à˘Ã[˝ Zı_ÁZı_ ◊[˝‰`¿bS EıÃ[˝”X*
( ]Á„XÃ[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ f 70% )
(Weightage of Marks : 70%) 2* Â^ ÂEıÁX ◊TˆX◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX f 12 × 3 = 36
Y◊Ã[˝◊]Tˆ C ^UÁ^U =w¯„Ã[˝Ã[˝ LXÓ ◊[˝„`b ]…_Ó ÂVCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* (Eı) ÂX„YÁ◊_Ã^ÁX ÂEıX ]c˜Á„V`›Ã^ [˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁÃ[˝ Y“[˝Tˆ¤X Eı„Ã[˝X ?
%£à˘ [˝ÁXÁX, %Y◊Ã[˝¨K˜~TˆÁ A[˝e %Y◊Ã[˝õıÁÃ[˝ c˜ÿôˆÁl˘„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Âl˘‰y X∂ëˆÃ[˝
ÂEı‰ªRÙO ÂXCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* =YÁ„‹ôˆ Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ ]…_Ó]ÁX a…◊ªJÙTˆ %Á‰ªK˜* Ac˜O [˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁ ÂEıX [˝ÓUÔ c˜„Ã^◊ªK˜_ ?
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
(F) YÓÁ◊Ã[˝ Eı◊]=„XÃ[˝ YTˆX c˜„Ã^◊ªK˜_ ÂEıX ?
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The weightage for each question has been (G) c˜OTˆÁ◊_Ã[˝ BEıÓ %Á„≥VÁ_„X ]Ád◊a◊X, EıÁ\«ˆÃ[˝ C
indicated in the margin.
GÓÁ◊Ã[˝[˝◊∑QˆÃ[˝ %[˝VÁ„XÃ[˝ T«ˆ_XÁ]…_Eı %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
1* Â^ ÂEıÁX V«◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX f 20 × 2 = 40
(H) Ã[˝Á◊`Ã^ÁÃ[˝ c˜O◊Tˆc˜Á„a 1917 aÁ„_Ã[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ Eı› ?
(Eı) Z–ıÁ„≥a a‹óˆÁ„aÃ[˝ `Áa„XÃ[˝ YªRÙO\…ˆ◊] Eı› ◊ªK˜_ ? %ÁY◊X
◊Eı a‹óˆÁ„aÃ[˝ `ÁaX„Eı XÓÁÃ^aÜTˆ [˝„_ ]„X Eı„Ã[˝X ? (I¯) Y“U] ◊[˝`ü^«„à˘Ã[˝ ÊY“◊l˘Tˆ ◊[˝‰`¿bS EıÃ[˝”X*

B.A.-5708-W [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-5708-W

3 SHI-III (New) (UT-43) SHI-III (New) (UT-43) 4

(ªJÙ) _›G %Zı ÂX`Xa-AÃ[˝ [˝ÓUÔTˆÁÃ[˝ Y∏JÙÁ„Tˆ aVaÓ (A’) =‰QŒˆÁ =c˜O_a„XÃ[˝ ʪJÙÏï VZıÁ `Tˆ¤*
Ã[˝Ár—Ùm◊_Ã[˝ \…ˆ◊]EıÁ Eı› ◊ªK˜_ ? (ªRÙO) ÂL„X\ˆÁ ÊY“Á‰ªRÙOÁEı_*
(ªK˜) LÁ]ÔÁ◊X„Tˆ XÁd◊a[˝Á„VÃ[˝ =xÁX [˝ÓÁFÓÁ EıÃ[˝”X* (Pˆ) Â&„XÃ[˝ G c˜^«à˘*
(L) ◊•Tˆ›Ã^ ◊[˝`ü^«„à˘Áw¯Ã[˝ ^«„G %Á„]◊Ã[˝EıÁ C Ã[˝Á◊`Ã^ÁÃ[˝
=xÁX„Eı B◊Tˆc˜Á◊aEıÃ[˝Á Eı›\ˆÁ„[˝ [˝ÓÁFÓÁ Eı„Ã[˝‰ªK˜X ?
(Mı) X[˝Ó-DY◊X„[˝◊`Eı %UÔÍX◊TˆEı ◊XÃ^‹óˆS X›◊Tˆ a∂누μ˘
ae„l˘„Y ◊_F«X*
3* ªRÙO›EıÁ ◊_F«X (Â^ ÂEıÁX ªJÙÁÃ[˝◊ªRÙO) f 6 × 4 = 24
(Eı) ]„‹ôˆï«ı*
(F) Y◊[˝y ªJ«Ù◊N˛*
(G) T ˆTˆ›Ã^ ÂX„YÁ◊_Ã^Á„XÃ[˝ ◊[˝„V` X›◊Tˆ*
(H) ◊[˝a]Á„EÔıÃ[˝ "Ã[˝N˛ C Â_Ïc˜' X›◊Tˆ*
(I¯) Â^ÁGÁ„^ÁG ◊[˝Y¿[˝*
(ªJÙ) EıÁ_Ô ]ÁEÔıa*
(ªK˜) ◊Qˆ„a◊∂ëˆò∫RÙO %Á„≥VÁ_X*
(L) aÁ∂ɈÁLÓ[˝ÁV Y“a„Ü Â_◊X„XÃ[˝ Tˆ√º¯*
(Mı) ÂaÃ[˝Á„L„\ˆÁ c˜TˆÓÁEıÁ≥Qˆ*
B.A.-5708-W [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-5708-W
SHI-III (New) (UT-43) SHI-III (New) (UT-43) 2

English Version b) Why did Paris Commune decline ?

(From July 2010 Enrolment Session) c) Make a comparative discussion of the

contributions of Mazzini, Cavour and
Garibaldi in the unification movement of
1. Answer any two questions : 20 × 2 = 40
a) What was the background of the Reign of
d) What was the importance of the year 1917
Terror in France ? Do you think that it was
in the history of Russia ?
justified ?
b) What were the principal objectives of the e) Analyse the perspective of the First World

Vienna Congress ? What were the main War.

decisions adopted in this Congress ? f) What was the role of member states behind
c) Why did the Industrial Revolution first take the failure of the League of Nations ?
place in England ?
g) Explain the rise of Nazism in Germany.
d) Write an essay on the pattern of the
socialist movement in Europe. h) How did the historians interpret the rise of
America and Russia in the post-Second
e) To what extent was the French search for
security justified after the First World War ? World War era ?

Why did it fail ? i) Write briefly on the neo-colonial policy of

f) Analyse the results of the Second World economic control.
3. Write short notes on any four of the following :
2. Answer any three questions : 12 × 3 = 36
6 × 4 = 24
a) Why did Napoleon introduce the
Continental System ? Why did this system a) Montesquieu.
fail ? b) Holly Alliance.

B.A.-5708-W [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-5708-W

3 SHI-III (New) (UT-43) SHI-III (New) (UT-43) 4

c) Foreign policy of Napoleon-III.

d) The ‘Blood and Iron’ policy of Bismarck.

e) The Transport Revolution.

f) Karl Marx.

g) The Decembrist Movement.

h) Lenin’s theory of imperialism.

i) Assassination at Sarajevo.

j) Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilson.

k) The Geneva Protocol.

l) The Spanish Civil War.

B.A.-5708-W [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-5708-W

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