Level 3 Food Hygiene and Safety in Catering: Course Content Overview

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Level 3 Food Hygiene and Safety

in Catering

0333 006 7000

The European Union Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs
requires food handlers of all levels, including managers and supervisors, to be
appropriately trained in how to carry out their roles safely.

This Level 3 Food Hygiene and Safety in Catering course ensures that you comply
with this regulation and provides learners with information on how to adhere
to food safety legislation in a catering premises, how to promote good food
hygiene practices amongst workers and how to contribute towards towards the
implementation of an effective HACCP food safety management system. It also
outlines your responsibilities in regard to food safety hazards, food storage, food
preparation, temperature control and personal hygiene.

Module One - Introduction and Supervising Food Safety Module Four - Chemical Contamination and Non-Bacterial
This module introduces the key terms and issues that surround Food Poisoning
supervising a food catering business. The module also looks at why This module looks at the second of the four main types of food
food safety is so important and how supervisors are responsible safety hazards - chemical contamination. It provides information
for reducing risks. on the different forms of chemical contamination and how to
control it and also looks at non-bacterial food poisoning.
• Key terms
• Why is food safety important? • Chemical contamination
• Which foods cause illness? • Acrylamide
• Who is most at risk? • Scombrotoxic food poisoning
• Roles of responsibility • Poisonous ingredients
• Metals
• Mycotoxins
Module Two - Food Safety Legislation • Food safe packaging
This module explains your legal responsibilities and looks at how • Chemical food poisoning
the law is enforced should your business not comply. The module • Controlling chemical contamination
looks at the specific legal responsibilities of supervisors and
Module Five - Allergenic Contamination
• Food hygiene and the law This module looks at the third of the four main types of food
• Food safety management systems safety hazards - allergenic contamination. It provides information
• Enforcing the law on how to control allergenic contamination, the laws and policies
• Working with authorised officers surrounding allergens, safe food storage and distribution of
• Notices allergenic and non-allergenic foods.
• Fines and prosecution
• Due diligence • What is a food allergy?
• Supervisor responsibilities • Anaphylactic shock
• Investigating outbreaks of food-borne illness • The 14 named food allergens
• Allergen labelling laws
• Natasha’s law
Module Three - Physical Contamination • Allergenic cross-contamination
This module looks at the first of the four main types of food • Controlling allergenic contamination
safety hazards - physical contamination. It provides information • Allergen policy
on how contamination can occur in a catering premises and what • Allergens and food deliveries
control measures can be put in place in order to prevent physical • Allergens in food distribution and storage

• Physical contamination Module Six - Microbial Contamination

• The 6 Ps This module looks at the fourth of the four main types of food
• Controlling physical contamination safety hazards - microbial contamination. It provides information
• Detecting contaminants on the risks caused by spoilage bacteria, the optimum conditions
for bacterial growth and control measures that need to be in place
to prevent this.

• Why is microbial contamination a risk?

• Food spoilage
• Bacterial growth
• Bacterial spores
• Toxins
• Cross-contamination
• Controlling microbial contamination
• Cooking instructions
Module Seven - Food Poisoning and Food-Borne Diseases Module Ten - Premises and Equipment Design
This module closely examines food poisoning, food-borne diseases This module looks at how a premises should be designed,
and viruses and explains the sources, onset period, symptoms and including looking at the materials a food premises should be made
control measures of each type of bacteria. of, to ensure good food safety and hygiene practices. It also covers
the utilities, fixtures and equipment that should be provided and
• What is food poisoning? how you can ensure these are appropriate for the workplace.
• Salmonella
• Clostridium perfringens • The principles of design
• Staphylococcus aureus • Suitable workplace materials
• Bacillus cereus • Lighting and ventilation
• Escherichia coli (E. coli) • Utilities
• Clostridium botulinum • Work equipment
• Food borne diseases • Fixtures and fittings
• Campylobacter enteritis • Food storage areas
• Escherichia coli O157
• Listeria monocytogenes
• Typhoid and paratyphoid Module Eleven - Waste Management and Cleaning
• Dysentery (shigella) This module explains the importance of having a regular cleaning
• Viral contamination schedule in place and the benefits of correct cleaning and waste
disposal. It also outlines the different cleaning methods and
chemicals that you can safely use in order to keep your premises
Module Eight - Food Deliveries, Storage and Preservation clean and tidy at all times.
This module looks at the essential food safety precautions when
accepting food deliveries and the importance of using reputable • Storing waste
suppliers. It also explains how to safely store food in your • Waste removal
premises and methods of food preservation that can help keep • Waste review
your food safe. • Benefits of cleaning
• Supervising cleaning
• Food deliveries • Types of cleaning
• Reputable suppliers • Six stages of cleaning
• Traceability • Cleaning chemicals
• Stock control • Cleaning work equipment and surfaces
• Use by dates • Cleaning schedules
• Best before dates
• Food storage
• Food service and display Module Twelve - Pest Control
• Types of food preservation This module explains the different types of common pests that can
• Methods of preservation be found in a catering premises and how to identify them. It also
looks at how pest infestation can be prevented and controlled.

Module Nine - Temperature Control • Pest control and the law

This module explains the critical temperatures that must • Common pests
be adhered to in regard to food storage, cooking and hot or • Stored product pests
cold holding food. It also explains how to correctly take the • Animal pests
temperature of food using a temperature probe, details the • Controlling pests
different types of temperature measuring equipment and the • Environmental, chemical and physical controls
necessity of keeping records. • Pest control documentation

• Safe temperatures
• Fridge temperature Module Thirteen - Implementing a Food Safety Management
• Freezer temperature System
• Seasonal weather This module explains the importance of having an effective food
• Cooking temperature safety management system based on the principles of HACCP
• Reheating food in place. It outlines the 12-step process you need to follow and
• Cooling food details the 7 principles of HACCP.
• Cold and hot holding
• Cook-chill • What is HACCP?
• Cook-freeze • Prerequisite procedures
• Measuring equipment • The 12-step process
• How to take food temperatures • TACCP & VACCP
• Taking food temperatures correctly • The 12 steps and 7 principles of HACCP
• Air temperature • Recording and labelling
Module Fourteen - Personal Hygiene
This module explains the personal hygiene standards that all food
handlers need to follow, including an animation that details the
correct handwashing procedure. It also looks at how to report
sickness and when staff should be excluded from food preparation

• Why is personal hygiene important?

• Upholding and monitoring standards
• Standards of personal hygiene
• Handwashing
• Skin infections and wounds
• Sickness
• Returning to work
• Protective clothing
• Hair
• Jewellery and perfume
• Smoking and eating at work

Module Fifteen - Training Staff

This module highlights the importance of training for all staff
members and outlines the different levels and types of training
available. It also explains the role that a supervisor or manager
plays in the training of staff.

• Why is training important?

• Levels of training
• Staff induction training
• On-going training
• Staff training records
• Food safety culture and whistleblowing
• The role of management

Module Sixteen - Course Resources

This module contains links to each of the resources included
throughout the course that you can download and use in your
own business or access to learn more information about the topics

• Downloadable resources
• Further training
• Further reading
Aims of the training
By the end of this course learners will:

• Understand why food hygiene and safety practices are essential for all food handlers in a catering environment.
• Have awareness of the relevant food safety legislation and how it can be complied with.
• Understand the different ways in which food can be contaminated and how these risks can be effectively controlled.
• Have knowledge of the way that bacteria can affect food and make it unfit for consumption, plus know how to control the risk.
• Understand the correct procedures for deliveries, storage and preservation of food and be able to state the safe temperatures for
cooking, chilling and freezing food and know how to take accurate temperature readings.
• Know that the premises must meet certain design standards and that work must occur in a way to promote good food hygiene and
reduce the risk of contamination.
• Understand the importance of cleaning schedules, managing waste and pest control.
• Understand the basics of implementing a HACCP food safety management system and recognise the tools that can be used to do so.
• Know what the law requires in regards to personal hygiene when working in a catering premises.
• Understand the role of the supervisor in ensuring all staff are appropriately supervised, instructed and/or trained in food hygiene.

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