Bogani Road TIA Report v0.2 NO-MO

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Traffic Impact Assessment Report

June 2024

Client / Developer Consultant

Zinger Enterprises Limited, GLINCE LTD
P.O. Box 73196-00200, P.O. Box 285-00200, Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya. Email: [email protected]
Tel: +254 717 691 294
Traffic Impact Assessment Study and Access Design for the Proposed Development
on Plot LR No.: Nairobi/Block 34/328, along Muthithi Road, Westlands, Nairobi

Submitted By:

P.O. Box 285-00200, City Square,
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254-717-691294
E-mail: [email protected]

Traffic Impact Assessment Report

Ver Date Description Prepared Checked Approved

. By By
1.0 28/06/2024 1st Draft NO MO MO
Table of contents

Executive Summary..............................................................................v

1 Introduction....................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose of the Report..........................................................................1
1.2 Project Information..............................................................................2

2 Transport Schemes Considerations................................................4

2.1 Road Functional Requirements...........................................................4
2.2 Future Transport Projects in the Vicinity............................................5

3 Transportation Considerations.......................................................6
3.1 Road Capacity (Level of Service).........................................................6
3.1.1 Traffic Surveys......................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Vehicle Classification............................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Design Flow Rate..................................................................................... 7
3.1.4 Traffic Modelling Suite and Parametres..................................................7
3.1.5 Capacity Analysis Criteria........................................................................8
3.1.6 Scenario 1: Base (Existing) Traffic Conditions.......................................11
3.1.7 Scenario 2: Future (2032) Traffic Conditions WITHOUT Development... .15
3.1.8 Recommendations.................................................................................. 18
3.2 Parking Demand................................................................................18
3.3 Public Transit Considerations...........................................................18
3.4 Travel Demand Management and Sustainability..............................18

4 Road Design Proposal...................................................................20

4.1 Geometric Design for Access Road...................................................20
4.1.1 Design Standards................................................................................... 20
4.1.2 Access Design Criteria...........................................................................20
4.2 Pavement Design...............................................................................23
4.3 NMT Facilities...................................................................................23

5 Traffic Management Plan During Construction...........................24

5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................24

5.1.1 Purpose................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Legal Basis............................................................................................. 24
5.1.3 Traffic Categories................................................................................... 24
5.2 Traffic Management Activities..........................................................25
5.2.1 General................................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Traffic Control Personnel.......................................................................25
5.2.3 Impact and mitigation of traffic control activities..................................25
5.3 Implementation and Control..............................................................26
5.3.1 Traffic Control Devices...........................................................................26
5.3.2 Working Times........................................................................................ 27
5.3.3 Material Deliveries................................................................................. 27
5.3.4 Emergencies........................................................................................... 30
5.4 Monitoring and Review.....................................................................30
5.5 Enforcement......................................................................................31

6 Conclusions and Recommendations.............................................32

References......................................................................................... 33

Appendices........................................................................................ 34
Appendix 1: Sample Traffic Survey Photos................................................34
Appendix 2: Base Year O-D matrices (2024)..............................................35
Appendix 3: Internal Access Road Approval..............................................37
Appendix 4: Certificate of Lease................................................................38
Appendix 5: Access Design Drawings........................................................42

List of Tables
Table 2-1: Kenya Roads Classification System..........................................................
Table 3-1: Vehicle Classification................................................................................
Table 3-2: AM Peak Design Flow Rates.....................................................................
Table 3-3: Analysis Criteria for approach lane/road sections....................................
Table 3-4: Practical capacity of two-lane urban roads..............................................
Table 3-5: Level of Service Criteria for Intersections................................................
Table 3-6: Future traffic growth rates for interurban roads....................................10
Table 3-7: Generated Trips in the Peak Hour for Single-Family Homes.................11
Table 3-8: Considerations for Travel Demand Management and Sustainability.....18
Table 4-1: Applicable Geometric Design Parameters for Accesses in Urban..........20
Table 5-1: Potential negative traffic impacts...........................................................26
Table 5-2: Traffic Management Signage.................................................................26

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Conceptual Approach and Methodology.................................................

Figure 1-2: Project Location......................................................................................
Figure 1-3: Access Road Layouts...............................................................................
Figure 2-1: Extract of the Kenya Road Register........................................................
Figure 3-1: Traffic survey locations...........................................................................
Figure 3-2: Extent of Traffic Model...........................................................................
Figure 3-3: Base (Existing) Scenario –Section Delays - AM Peak............................11
Figure 3-4: Base (Existing) Scenario –Section Delays - PM Peak............................12
Figure 3-5: Base (Existing) Scenario – Node Delays- AM Peak...............................13
Figure 3-6: Base (Existing) Scenario 1– Node Delays- PM Peak.............................13
Figure 3-7: Base (Existing) Scenario – V/C Ratios lengths - AM Peak.....................14
Figure 3-8: Base (Existing) Scenario – V/C Ratios lengths - PM Peak.....................14
Figure 3-9: Scenario 2 –Section Delays - AM Peak..................................................15
Figure 3-10:Scenario 2 –Section Delays - PM Peak.................................................15
Figure 3-11: Scenario 2 – Node Delays- AM Peak...................................................16
Figure 3-12: Scenario 2 – Node Delays- PM Peak...................................................16
Figure 3-13: Scenario 2 – V/C Ratios lengths - AM Peak.........................................17
Figure 3-14: Scenario 2 – V/C Ratios lengths - PM Peak.........................................17
Figure 4-1: Access Road Design Layout..................................................................21
Figure 4-2: Typical Cross-Sections..........................................................................22
Figure 5-1: Organization of the traffic management personnel..............................25

List of Abbreviations
HCM Highway Capacity Manual

KeNHA Kenya National Highways Authority

KURA Kenya Urban Roads Authority

LOS Level of Service

TIA Traffic Impact Assessment

NMT Non-Motorised Traffic

Executive Summary

Introduction: The proponent proposes to develop Plot LR No. Nairobi/Block

148/576, located off Bogani Rd, in Karen Hardy Area, Nairobi as shown below. The
development consists of 10 single-dwelling units on the 5-acre plot and an access
road to serve the residents.

Road Functional Requirements: The primary access for the proposed

development is Bogani Road. Based on the Road Classification Manual (KRB, 2009)
and Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 4 of 2016 on the Classification of Roads (GoK,
2016), Bogani Rd is designated as Road No. UCB14-Nairobi, which is an Urban
Class J (Bu) road. Class J (Bu) roads are urban arterials that are meant to provide
the highest level of service at the greatest permissible speed for the longest
uninterrupted distance. They fall under the jurisdiction of the Kenya Urban Road
Authority (KURA). They have access control as their main function is mobility and
limited access, hence requiring proper design of the access road to ensure safety
and uninhibited traffic flow.

Approach and methodology: In consideration of access to the major roads or

traffic impacts on local areas, the following key aspects of transportation have
been assessed: 1) Transport Schemes in the Vicinity; 2) Roadway Capacity
Analysis; 3) Road Safety Considerations; 4) Parking Demand, Supply and Restraint;
and, 5) Public Transit Considerations.

Capacity Analysis Results: Traffic surveys consisting of motorised traffic volume

counts were undertaken at the nearby intersections from 19th June 2024 over 3
days. The widely accepted Level of Service (LOS) concept based on the Highway
Capacity Manual (HCM 6th edition) was used to assess roadway capacity. The
results show that the traffic conditions are likely to deteriorate in the future with
or without the generated traffic from the development. The road authorities must
put in place measures to alleviate this problem in the future. It is recommended
that KURA expands the proposed Nairobi ITS system to not only the proposed
Parklands Road/ Prof.Wangari Maathai Road intersection but also other
intersections such as the Muthithi Road/Professor Wangari Maathai Road, Ojijo
Road/Kipande Road/Professor Wangari Maathai Road and Chiromo Lane/Muthithi
Road be signalized. The construction of the proposed development will have a
minimal impact on the existing road network conditions.

Conclusions and Recommendations: To improve access in and out of the

development, an access road has been provided with adequate walkways, drainage
and street lighting. In total, 340m of access and internal roads have been provided
to serve all the 10 no. dwelling units. Based on the parking demand, the minimum

recommended parking space is 2 no. per dwelling unit. Public transit routes
adequately serve the project area with several routes plying the Bogani Road.
Pedestrians can access the development using public transit easily with stops
within walkable distances, i.e. within 500m of the site.

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Report

In consideration of access to the major roads or traffic impacts on local areas,
traffic issues typically focus on the impacts on the adjacent major road, the road
network, or other modes (including modal split). These issues are often created by:

1. Type of development.
2. Scale, form or layout of the development.
3. Location and type of access onto adjacent roads.

Some of the impacts typically include:

1. Amenity impacts on local communities (e.g. excessive traffic on adjacent

2. Increased traffic kilometres away from a development
3. Reduced operational efficiency of roads near and approaching the proposed
4. Road safety impacts
5. Accessibility challenges to motorised and non-motorised traffic
6. Internal circulation and parking capacity issues
7. The degree to which the development or its traffic and transport impacts
align with government objectives and planned projects

Therefore, to assess the impacts of the issues above on the abutting road network
and the current and future traffic conditions, the traffic impact assessment report
will cover the following:

Road functional

Construction Transport
Traffic Schemes in the
Management Plan Vicinity

Public Transit Roadway Capacity

Considerations Analysis

Parking Demand,
Supply and Road Safety
Restraint Considerations

Figure 1-1: Conceptual Approach and Methodology

1.2 Project Information

The proponent proposes to develop Plot LR No. Nairobi/Block 148/576, located off
Bogani Rd, in Karen Hardy Area, Nairobi as shown below. The development
consists of 10 single-dwelling units on the 5-acre plot and an access road to serve
the residents.

Figure 1-2: Project Location

The developer has received approval from the county government approval for a
change of use and sub-division. As part of the approval conditions, the developer is
expected to upgrade the access roads with the plot to a paved road. The proposed
access roads have a total length of 340m and will connect directly to Bogani Rd as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 1-3: Access Road Layouts

Source: Approved NCCG Access Road Drawings

2 Transport Schemes Considerations

2.1 Road Functional Requirements

Kenya’s road network is classified as shown below

Table 2-1: Kenya Roads Classification System

Functio Level of Service Provided Rural Road Urban
nal Class Road
System Class
Provides the highest level of service at the S -
greatest permissible speed for the longest A H (Au)
uninterrupted distance, with access
B J (Bu)
Provides a lower level of services than C K (Cu)
arterial roads at lower permissible speeds
over shorter distances with limited access
r D L (Du)
control. Meant to collect traffic from local
roads and connect it with arterials
Consists of all roads not defined as E M (Eu)
arterials or collectors; primarily provides F N (Fu)
Local access to residential, commercial or
industrial areas with little or no, through G P (Gu)
Source: Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 4 of 2016 on the Classification of Roads (GoK,

Road functional class determines the level of access control needed to ensure it
functions satisfactorily during its life. In principle, each road section has a
functional level and design class requirements:
1. Arterial Roads have as their major function to provide mobility. Full access
control is desirable, and partial can be allowed.
2. Local Roads provide access to residential, commercial or industrial areas
with little or no, through-movement. Full access control is desirable, and
partial can be allowed.
3. Collector roads whose function is to link the local access roads to arterials.
They serve a dual function in accommodating shorter trips and feeding the
higher classes of the roads, with partial or unrestricted access.
The primary access for the proposed development is Bogani Road. Based on the
Road Classification Manual (KRB, 2009) and Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 4 of
2016 on the Classification of Roads (GoK, 2016), Bogani Rd is designated as Road
No. UCB14-Nairobi, which is an Urban Class J (Bu) road as shown below.

Figure 2-4: Extract of the Kenya Road Register
Source: Kenya Road Register

Class J (Bu) roads are urban arterials that are meant to provide the highest level of
service at the greatest permissible speed for the longest uninterrupted distance.
They fall under the jurisdiction of the Kenya Urban Road Authority (KURA). They
have access control as their main function is mobility and limited access, hence
requiring proper design of the access road to ensure safety and uninhibited traffic

2.2 Future Transport Projects in the Vicinity

The Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) plans to undertake a city-wide traffic
management project involving upgrading 25 major intersections by implementing
intelligent transport systems (ITS). These junctions will be linked to a traffic
management centre coordinating and managing the system. The project is
expected to start in FY 2023/24 and will take approximately 2-3 years.

As part of the project, the following intersections in the area will be signalised:
1. Langata Road / Langata South Road intersection
2. Langata Road / Karen Road intersection
3. Langata Road/Kungu Karumba Road intersection
However, the impact of the current development on the Nairobi ITS project will
not be assessed in this report as they are outside the development's area of
influence and the generated traffic is quite low.

3 Transportation Considerations

3.1 Road Capacity (Level of Service)

3.1.1 Traffic Surveys
Traffic surveys were undertaken over three days from 20 th June 2024 during peak
hours at the locations shown in Figure 3-5.

1 2

1 Turningmovement counts
2 Turningmovement counts

Figure 3-5: Traffic survey locations

The selected survey locations were deemed the most critical in evaluating the
current and future traffic operating Levels of Service (LOS) and road capacities
due to the proposed development. The surveys were undertaken on days
representative of normal demand. Abnormal days such as school holidays, special
events, and holidays were avoided because they do not represent normal traffic
operating conditions and could result in over- or under-estimation of traffic

3.1.2 Vehicle Classification

The traffic surveys consisted of manual traffic counts recorded in traffic survey
forms by trained enumerators. Vehicles were classified under the categories shown
in Table 3-2 below, the acceptable vehicle classification methodology under the
State Department of Transport Guidelines and industry practice.

Table 3-2: Vehicle Classification
*Vehicle Vehicle Category Description
Motorcycle Motorcycles
All mopeds and motorcycles
Cars Cars, Jeeps, 4WD Include jeeps, 4WDs seating capacity less than 9
Pickups, Vans All pickups, private vans
Buses Matatus All public service vehicles with a seating capacity of
less than 23
Small All public service minibuses with a seating capacity
bus/Minibuses of 24-40
Large Bus All public service buses with a seating capacity of
more than 40
Trucks Light Goods 2 Axle trucks with single rear wheels (3-6 Tonne
Vehicles (LGV) payload)
Medium Goods 2 Axle trucks with double rear wheels (7-10 Tonne
Vehicles (MGV) payload)
Heavy Goods
All trucks with 3 – 7 axles
Other Vehicles Tractors, construction equipment, etc.
* Vehicle grouping adopted in the traffic modelling suite

The data was then encoded and neatly organised in a workbook for each site and
then analysed using coded MS Excel sheets to determine the design flow rates for
each intersection.

3.1.3 Design Flow Rate

The Design Flow Rate (or the actual flow rate) for an approach, lane, or lane group
is the Peak hour volume (flow rate) for that entity divided by the peak hour factor.
A simpler way to arrive at the design flow rate is to multiply the Peak fifteen-
minute volume by 4, as shown below.

Peak hour volume

Design Flow Rate= =4 ×(Peak 15 minute volume)
Peak Hour Factor

The design flow rates were then used to build an origin-destination (O-D) matrix
for each of the 4 vehicle groups for the road network, which is then loaded onto
the traffic simulation software. Table 3-3 shows sample design flow rates for all the
vehicle types combined in the AM peak periods. The detailed O-D matrices are
attached in the appendices.

Table 3-3: AM Peak Design Flow Rates-Cars

3.1.4 Traffic Modelling Suite and Parametres

AIMSUN Next is a vehicle-based traffic simulation software capable of transport
network editing; estimation of current transport demand and forecasting;
simulating vehicle movement; 3D animation outputs; and multiple scenarios
testing. The traffic model for the current project covers the 4 intersections, as
shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Extent of Traffic Model

The road network was coded onto the modelling interface, and the following basic
parameters were adjusted.
1. Road types and speed sections;
2. Road section capacities;
3. Driver behaviour (aggression, cooperation and other driver parametres);
4. Vehicle categories and characteristics and,
5. Traffic demand and analysis periods.

3.1.5 Capacity Analysis Criteria Lane/Section Capacity Analysis Criteria
The Level of Service (LOS) for road sections is based on the Volume to Capacity
(V/C) ratio. Six (6) Levels of Service (LOS) are normally defined for each type of
facility. Letters designate each level, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best
operating conditions and LOS F the worst. Each level of service represents a range
of operating conditions and the driver’s perception of those conditions.

Table 3-4 below shows the HCM criteria for evaluating the operational
performance of a road section or link based on the V/C calculated.

Table 3-4: Analysis Criteria for approach lane/road sections

LO Description (Driver’s Perception) (V/C)
A Free flow conditions with drivers unaffected by other <0.6
movements in the traffic streams
B Stable flow with drivers having reasonable freedom to 0.65-0.75
C Stable flow, but drivers are somewhat restricted. 0.75-0.85
D Approaching stable flow limits with drivers significantly 0.85-0.95
E Unstable flow of traffic or close to capacity with drivers 0.95-1.0
severely restricted
F Forced flow, over capacity limits >1.0
(TRB, 2010)

The lane capacities for urban roads follow the recommendations of Draft
Guidelines for Urban Roads (MOLG/ KUTIP, 2001) as shown below.

Table 3-5: Practical capacity of two-lane urban roads

Capacity in pcu per hour
(both directions)
Description Remarks
2-lane (7.3
2-lane (7.0 m) m)
All Purpose roads with no frontage All Purpose
access, no parking permitted 1,350 1,500 distributor
All Purpose streets with high-
capacity junction "waiting Distributor and
1,000 1,200
restricted" Access roads

All Purpose streets with capacity

restricted by park vehicle and 450 - 600 600 - 750 Access roads
Source: Draft Guidelines for Urban Roads (MOLG/ KUTIP, 2001)
10 Intersection Capacity Analysis Criteria
The LOS at an unsignalized intersection is expressed in terms of the weighted
average control delay of the overall intersection or by approach. The control delay
and volume-to-capacity ratio can be used to characterise LOS for a lane group.
Table 3-6 below shows the LOS criteria for unsignalized intersections.

Table 3-6: Level of Service Criteria for Intersections

Level of Average Control Delay (seconds/vehicle)
Service Unsignalized Signalized
A 0 – 10 0 – 10
B >10 - 15 >10 - 20
C >15 – 25 >20 – 35
D >25 – 35 >35 – 55
E >35 – 50 >55 – 80
F >50 >80
(TRB, 2010)
LOS C is generally considered an acceptable operational LOS, and no remediation
is usually required (in most jurisdictions). LOS A and B represent optimal
conditions with free flow of traffic, while LOS D, E and F represent congestion.
AIMSUN Next Traffic Modelling Software was used to model the road network,
and the results are presented in this chapter. LOS Analysis Scenarios

The traffic impacts in terms of LOS (delay, V/C ratio) on the road network and
accesses were assessed based on the following scenarios:
1. Scenario 1: Base (Existing) Traffic Conditions
2. Scenario 2: Future (2032) Traffic Conditions WITHOUT Development Traffic Growth Rates

The Final RSIP2 Report1 (MoTIHUD&PW, 2022) is a legal document that outlines
development and maintenance priorities for the road sector over the indicated
period. The traffic growth rates recommended in the RSIP2 report were derived
from past trends in economic performance, recent road design studies and
historical traffic data. The traffic growth rates are summarised in the table below.
The medium-traffic growth rate was adopted for projecting traffic growth along the

2nd Road Sector Investment Plan report 2018-2022 (RSIP2) published by the Ministry of Transport,
Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works (MoTIHUD&PW)
Table 3-7: Future traffic growth rates for interurban roads
Vehicle category Low GR (%) Medium GR (%) High GR (%)
Motorcycles 3.9 6.0 10.4
Cars 3.9 6.4 10.0
Pickup/ Vans 2.5 5.8 10.4
Matatu/ Minibus 3.5 5.3 8.2
Buses 3.5 5.4 8.2
Trucks 2.9 5.6 7.8
Source: Final RSIP 2 Report (MoTIHUD&PW, 2022) Horizon Year and Future Traffic Flow Rates

Traffic impacts are normally assessed 5 years after the opening of the development
as the developer is only expected to mitigate the immediate impacts attributable to
the development, which is usually within 5 years. Planning for mid to long-term
impacts falls under the responsibility of the planning authorities, such as road
agencies, city/ municipal councils, etc., as it is difficult to assign the direct impacts
of a single development over a longer period due to constant changes in traffic
patterns due to land use changes, economic impacts and/or government policy

Assuming a construction period of 18 – 24 months and allowing for 6 months for

design and approvals, the development is expected to be open by the end of 2027.
Hence the horizon year is taken as 2032. The existing traffic volumes were thus
extrapolated using the adopted growth rates to get design peak traffic flows at the
horizon. Generated Traffic from the Proposed Development

Generated/attracted traffic due to the proposed development is computed
following the Institution of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual
10th Edition recommendations. The estimated Peak hourly generated trips are
presented in Table 3-8 based on two assumptions considered.

Table 3-8: Generated Trips in the Peak Hour for Single-Family Homes
Description (ITE Expected
Units AM In AM Out PM In PM Out
Code) Units
Assumption 1 – No. No. of 10 2 6 6 4
of Constructed Units
Assumption 2 –No. Vehicles 10 2 4 4 2
of Vehicles Owned

In both assumptions, the total number of generated vehicles does not exceed 10
vehicles in the peak hour. The traffic generation rates in Table 3-8 above are
considered conservative as car ownership and usage rates in the United States of
America are much higher than in Kenya. It is, therefore, reasonable to expect

better levels of service if acceptable theoretical LOS is computed using the
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) approach.

3.1.6 Scenario 1: Existing (2024) Traffic Conditions

The figures below show overall results for delays, queue lengths and v/c ratio for
the existing traffic conditions at the Prof.Wangari Maathai Road/Muthithi Road
intersection (TMC 1) and the Muthithi Road/Bweha Lane intersection (TMC 2).

Intersection Delays

Figure 3-7: Base (Existing) Scenario – Node Delays- AM Peak

Figure 3-8: Base (Existing) Scenario 1– Node Delays- PM Peak

Professor Wangari Maathai Road/Muthithi Road Intersection operates at LOS F in
the AM peak period due to the high traffic and large number of conflicting
movements at the intersection.

Volume-to-Capatiy Ratios(V/C)

Figure 3-9: Base (Existing) Scenario – V/C Ratios lengths - AM Peak

Figure 3-10: Base (Existing) Scenario – V/C Ratios lengths - PM Peak

The V/C ratios indicate that all the road sections are operating at LOS A in the AM
and PM Peak periods. This is due to the low throughput of vehicles due to the
congestion at the adjacent intersections.

3.1.7 Scenario 2: Future (2032) Traffic Conditions WITHOUT Development
This scenario assumes that the proposed development is NOT constructed in 2030.
Therefore, normal traffic growth has been applied to the traffic using the adopted
traffic growth rates shown in Table 3-7. The Scenario 2 analysis results are shown
in the figures below.

Intersection Delays

Figure 3-11: Scenario 2 – Node Delays- AM Peak

Figure 3-12: Scenario 2 – Node Delays- PM Peak

In the future, all intersections in the network will experience LOS F. The increased
traffic volumes will lead to longer queues in the road sections.

Volume-to-Capacity Ratios(V/C)

Figure 3-13: Scenario 2 – V/C Ratios lengths - AM Peak

Figure 3-14: Scenario 2 – V/C Ratios lengths - PM Peak

All the road sections at the Muthithi Road/Bweha Road Intersection and Professor
Wangari Maathai Road/Muthithi Road Intersection experience LOS A in the AM
Peak. This is because vehicles are not able to get through due to the congestion.

Although the delays will increase marginally at MCC1, the generated traffic from
the proposed development will have minimal impact on future traffic conditions as
the junction will still be operating at LOS A.

3.1.8 Recommendations
Overall, the traffic conditions are likely to deteriorate marginally in the future with
or without the generated traffic from the development. However, the level of
service in both scenarios operates below LOS C, with all intersections and road
sections operating optimally. With the adoption of the intelligent transport system
at the major intersections in the network, the overall level of service will still be
optimal in the future.

3.2 Parking Demand

Parking demand was estimated based on the ITE Parking Generation Manual 5 th
edition (ITE, 2019), the TIA Guideline for Cities in Africa (SSATP/AfDB, 2021) and
the National Building Code (GoK, 2024) as shown below.

No Reference Recommendation
1. ITE Manual 1.22 per dwelling unit
2. Guideline for Cities in Africa 1 parking per dwelling Unit
3. National Building Code
1 parking per 100 square metres of gross
4. Planning and Building Regulations
built-up area

Based on the above, the minimum recommended parking space is 2 no. per
dwelling unit.

3.3 Public Transit Considerations

Public transit routes adequately serve the project area with several routes plying
the Bogani Road. Pedestrians can access the development using public transit
easily with stops within walkable distances, i.e. within 500m of the site.

3.4 Travel Demand Management and Sustainability

TDM involves interventions to modify travel decisions so that enhanced transport,
social, economic or environmental objectives can be achieved, and the adverse
impacts of travel can be reduced. Developers can play their role by adopting the

Table 3-9: Considerations for Travel Demand Management and Sustainability

N Sustainable transport measures Provisions

1 Reducing dependence on the private Provision of adequate pedestrian

car for many trips facilities within the development
2 Encouraging walking, cycling and connected to the external NMT network.
the use of public transport Bicycle parking areas to be provided for
each development designated.
2 Encouraging people to organise
Reduction of trip frequencies through the
their travel better so they make
fewer trips, make shorter trips, use provision of tack shops for small
one vehicle to carry more people purchases and coffee lounges. These are

N Sustainable transport measures Provisions

and combine journey purposes.

available across the road.
4 Reducing the distance of trips
5 Parking restraints, i.e. end of trip Not provided
restraints, discourage the use of
private transport modes.
6 Supporting alternative commuting Not provided

4 Road Design Proposal

4.1 Geometric Design for Access Road

4.1.1 Design Standards
To improve access in and out of the development, an access road has been
provided with adequate walkways, drainage and street lighting. The access road
will serve all the 10 no. dwelling units.

Access design follows acceptable local and international standards and guidelines
that consider the functional classification, the terrain type, the traffic volume, the
density of adjacent land use and economic justification. The following manuals,
guidelines and practices have been referred to:
1. Kenya Road Design Manual;
2. Kenya Draft Guidelines for Urban Roads (MOLG/ KUTIP, 2001);
3. Kenya Urban Road Design Guidelines;
4. AASHTO Green Book; and,
5. Road Agencies’ requirements on access control.

4.1.2 Access Design Criteria

Based on the above guides, the proposed criteria for the design of the access road
are summarised in the table below.

Table 4-10: Applicable Geometric Design Parameters for Accesses in Urban

Design Element Requirements Refs
Major road class Class J (Bu) (urban KRB Rd. Register
Access control level Partial access control KRB Road
Major road design speed 50 km/h URDG Ch. 2.1
Running Speed 50 km/h URDG Ch. 2.1
Minimum stopping sight distance 65 m URDG T.6-1
Design speed of access road 20 km/h
Access Entry/Exit radii of the access 9.0 m min.
Minimum Lane Width of the access road Recommended 2.5– URDG T.9-4
2.75m; Adopted 3.0m
Length of Taper N/A
Desirable Length
of Deceleration URDG T.9-5
Length of N/A
Deceleration section
Length of Length of Taper N/A URDG T.9-6
Acceleration section
Design Element Requirements Refs
Length of N/A
Acceleration section
URDG – Draft Urban Roads Design Guidelines

The road design layout is shown below and also provided in the appendices.

Figure 4-15: Access Road Design Layout

Figure 4-16: Typical Cross-Sections

4.2 Pavement Design
The proposed pavement structure for the access road and footpath is summarised

 80 mm precast concrete paving blocks on sand bed layer

 150mm hand-packed stone base
 200mm selected subbase natural material
 300mm selected subgrade material compacted to 95% MDD

4.3 NMT Facilities

Based on the trip generation and modal split, the development is expected to
generate and attract some NMT trips in and out of the development. A walkway
has been provided along the access road to help with pedestrian access.

5 Traffic Management Plan During

5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Purpose
The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) addresses the potential construction traffic
effects associated with the construction. The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) shall
be incorporated into the bid document for the construction of the proposed
development. The purpose of the TMP is to specify the responsibilities of the
developer. It identifies the standards necessary for the management of traffic
during the construction of the project roads.

The TMP is subject to modifications with necessary approvals as will arise in the
course of the project execution to address changes in construction methodology,
guidelines from the concerned road agencies, and regulatory requirements for the
implementation of such plans.

5.1.2 Legal Basis

The TMP fulfils the following legal requirements:

1. Physical Planning (Building Compels developers to provide adequate access

and Development Control) roads, parking bays, vehicular and pedestrian
Act (Section 33) circulation spaces or other services to the
proposed development site or premises,
necessitating plans to manage construction
traffic and associated disruptions

2. Part III Cap 77(3) of the Requires employers to provide safe access for all
Occupational Health and employees to and within the work premises,
Safety Act (2007) underscoring the need for a Traffic Management

3. National Environmental requires the submission of a comprehensive

Management and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report
Coordination Act 1999 before any project is undertaken. This TMP
forms part of the EIA report.

5.1.3 Traffic Categories

Vulnerable Road Users: These are the road users not in a car, bus or truck,
generally considered to include pedestrians, motorcycle riders, cyclists, children 7
years and under, the elderly and users of mobility devices. They are the most
exposed to crashes especially given that they have little to no protection from
crash forces.

Motorised Traffic: These are self-propelled vehicle types on the road other than
motorcycles, and include cars, buses, vans, trucks, scooters and others falling
within this definition.

Non-motorised Traffic: This entails human-powered transportation, particularly

bicycles, pedestrians, handcarts, push scooters, skaters and animal-drawn carts.

Construction Traffic: This entails the traffic delivering materials to the site
(delivery trucks), and those removing cuts, excavated material and wastes from the
site for disposal elsewhere. It also includes small vehicles ferrying construction
workers and visitors to the site.

5.2 Traffic Management Activities

5.2.1 General
Due to the anticipated traffic volumes on the project roads and the tight
construction schedule, the construction works shall be undertaken on different
road sections in order to complete the construction on time.

5.2.2 Traffic Control Personnel

Prior to the commencement of construction, the contractor will mobilize adequate
personnel for traffic management including traffic wardens. The traffic wardens
will be trained on traffic rules and regulations on how to best guide the traffic
during construction. The wardens will be equipped with reflective jackets and
appropriate flags to enable them to execute their duties effectively and efficiently.

The wardens will be supervised by the contractor’s safety officer and a manager
who will have the overall responsibility of ensuring the smooth flow of traffic
during the construction period. Figure 5-17 below is an organogram of the staff
who will be in charge of the site traffic management.

Figure 5-17: Organization of the traffic management personnel

5.2.3 Impact and mitigation of traffic control activities

Table 5-11 below summarizes the identified potential impact of road construction
on motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and abutting developments.

Table 5-11: Potential negative traffic impacts

No Traffic Control Impact
. Activity
1. Footpath  Inconvenience to pedestrians and residents along
closure/detour the road;
 Disconnection of access to bus stops;
 Increased exposure of pedestrians to traffic.
2. Cycle lane closure  Inconvenience to cyclists along the route; and
 Increased exposure of cyclists to traffic.
3. Lane closure  Inconvenience to road users;
(Alternating flow  Reduced road capacity;
operation; Contra-flow  Increased side friction resulting from narrowed
operation; and One- lanes; and,
direction closure)  Diversion of traffic away from the closure onto
inappropriate routes such as residential streets or
other sensitive facilities.

In order to mitigate the potential negative impacts, the contractor will undertake
the following:

a) Erecting of appropriate direction signs at strategic locations to direct traffic

to minimise inconveniences to motorists. Table 5-12 below shows the type
and number of signs to be provided.

Table 5-12: Traffic Management Signage
N Description Quantit Remarks
o y
1. Construction sign 6

2. No overtaking sign 6

3. Slow down sign 6

4. Left turn sign 2

5. Right turn sign 2 Traffic signs will be increased or

decreased according to the actual site
6. Road closed sign 2 demands, which shall meet the
construction requirements.
7. Guiding signs 4

8. No passing 2

9. Billboard 2

10. Notice board 2

b) The contractor will also ensure that the adjacent property to the project
roads is not inconvenienced by selecting the construction areas based on the
existing road layout and the location of access to the various commercial
and residential properties.

c) Lastly, the contractor will also work closely with the traffic police to ensure
that any incident on the detours is quickly cleared to ensure the continual
operation of the detours.

5.3 Implementation and Control

5.3.1 Traffic Control Devices
Traffic control devices are crucial for channelizing traffic during construction to
minimise the effects of disruptions. They include:

Traffic signs;

Traffic signals;

Road markings;

Barricades and bollards.

Traffic signs are the most commonly used devices for construction-related traffic
disruptions. These devices should be availed, and strategically positioned for the
convenience of road users. They should be positioned so as to allow road users
enough time to respond. A typical layout is provided in Appendix 3 which should be
customized by the contractor on site.

5.3.2 Working Times

NEMA regulations restrict construction activities at night in residential places.
However, this does not mean that material delivery and other supportive tasks
cannot be executed at this time. Any change in the normal programming of
activities that will significantly disrupt normalcy along the abutting project roads
should be timely communicated. A written notice/advertisement informing the
affected parties of the impending disruption should be floated to the public at least
48 hours before the disruption. Generally, developers are expected to observe the
prescribed working timelines to the latter.

5.3.3 Material Deliveries Deliveries Access
The developer should construct acceleration and deceleration lanes to channel
delivery trucks to the site without creating a backlog of traffic behind them as they
navigate turns of entry. These lanes, once the construction is complete, will
similarly serve the development during operations. All construction deliveries will
take place on-site utilizing the approved site access. All vehicles will be met by a
banksman before being directed into a dedicated unloading area. Vehicles will
then load/unload before exiting. Deliveries to Site

The Site Manager will stagger the deliveries to minimise queuing of vehicles on
and off the site. Most traffic disruptions and inconveniences occur from long
queues of delivery trucks entering and leaving construction sites. As such, the
delivery of materials should be sequenced in such a way that there is no queuing
along the access roads. This sequencing should be designed to minimise
disruptions by staggering their trips to avoid stacking up traffic. The scheduling
should be done in consideration of the storage space capacity of the site and the
impact of frequent movements in and out of the site on the access road users. The
site manager should determine what delivery schedule would avoid queues and
cause minimal disruptions to vulnerable road users.

All deliveries should be controlled by a strict delivery booking system which will
distribute deliveries across the week and across working hours. Deliveries should
not be accepted outside of their designated time slot, and such deliveries will be

asked to re-book unless there is capacity to accommodate within the specified
loading area.

Every week, the Site Manager should evaluate the details of the daily profile of
deliveries proposed for the upcoming week. Haulers will be required to contact the
site daily and indicate their delivery schedule for the following day. The proposed
deliveries will be checked against the weekly delivery schedule. This will be
overseen by the Site Manager to ensure that HGV deliveries are scheduled and
that there is always space at the site to accommodate the necessary plant and

The following measures will be implemented to reduce the number of vehicle

movements to the site;
1. Backloading vehicle operation, where site delivery vehicles are utilized to
remove waste materials from the site as part of the same trip, where
possible; and,
2. Practical re-use of any aggregates on site and recycling of material, where
possible. Delivery Times

Where feasible, the contractor will seek to minimise deliveries during the weekday
peak hours (08:00 – 09:00 and 17:00 – 18:00). Vehicle Size 4.5.4 It is likely that the
majority of vehicles accessing the site will be 6-wheel grab lorries (8.1m), rigid
delivery vehicles (7.8m), 6-wheel concrete pump lorries (7.7m) and delivery vans
(5.6m). As such it is envisaged that all vehicles accessing the site for purposes of
construction will be less than 10m in length.

Deliveries from the site should be included in the delivery schedule to avoid
clashing movements at the access which may result in significant traffic
disruptions along the project access road. They should be adequately alternated
with trucks delivering to site to avoid queues at the gate. Mud on Roads

Generally, heavy vehicles from the site carry mud and other debris on their wheels
which may significantly interfere with the aesthetic appeal, functionality and safety
of the access roads. A wheel cleaning procedure will be used in order to mitigate
the amount of mud that could potentially be deposited on the highways by vehicles
exiting the site. An area close to the site exit will be utilized for wheel washing
before vehicles leave the site. A power washer will be used to wash off any mud
from the vehicle's wheels, with excess mud/slurry being collected and disposed of.

The wheel wash station will remain on site until the development is complete.
Before leaving the site, vehicles will be inspected for any heavy deposit left on
wheels. If present, these will be removed manually. Following inspection, all

wheels are to be washed down using a high-pressure jet wash until clear of all
deposits. Vehicles will be permitted to leave the site following approval of the site
manager/site representative that the above steps have been completed to a
satisfactory standard.

The site will be kept as free of mud as is practical during ground working
operations. Machine and wagon trafficking around the site will be kept to a
minimum in order to reduce the effects of rain on ‘broken’ ground. Guidelines for Pedestrians

Generally, the developer should protect the pedestrians from any disruption. They
should ensure that the walkways along the project site access road are maintained
in their current state (no heaping on or packing within these spaces). Eating into
these walkways or leaving low-hanging machinery (like cranes) which would
otherwise scare away pedestrians should be avoided. Where such cannot be the
case, the developer should provide alternative routes for pedestrians, with visible
leading traffic signs and/or traffic personnel (bankers or marshals) to channel them
safely to these alternative routes (See the layouts for different scenarios and their
mitigations in the Appendices). Guidelines for Working Outside Working Hours

Any activity that is scheduled outside the normal working hours should only be
undertaken with necessary permits from the relevant authorities, and/or
stakeholders. The developer should communicate to all affected parties at least 48
hours before the commencement of the activity to notify them of the impending
works, clearly outlining the effects and how such will be mitigated. Guidelines for Road Restoration

Prior to the commencement of the project, a condition survey to document the
current road status is necessary. More specifically, they are needed to establish
the pavement deterioration with time in order that advance estimates of
maintenance needs and costs be made.

Before any local road is used by frequent heavy material-loaded vehicles making
trips to and from the site, a road dilapidation report will be prepared. The
contractor should submit the report to the relevant road agency before the
commencement of works. The liability of the damages to the local project roads
should be discussed by the two parties and a solution provided (ideally, the
contractor should indemnify the road agency for the damage, the value of which is
dependent on the outcomes of the evaluation of the extent of damage). Community Consultation

Regular updates and notifications of intended disruptions to the neighboring
community is crucial. Notifications can be done through ad hoc physical meetings,
written public notices, and/or Short Message Services (SMS), social media
updates, letters and advertising among other considerably mass-reaching
communication channels. The site manager will give these updates and
notifications ensuring that there is adequate liaison among the following key
stakeholders throughout the construction period:
1. The Contractor;
2. The Developer;
3. Site neighbours;
4. Concerned County and National Government agencies;
5. Other local stakeholders such as emergency services or local transport
providers. Communication
There will be a designated Site Manager to deal with any complaints and enquiries
from the general public and any other interested parties. Any changes to the
designated Site Manager will be notified to County Leadership. The details of the
Site Manager (including a 24-hour phone number) will be provided to County
administrators prior to activities beginning on-site. The Site Manager’s details will
also be advertised at the site entrance.

The Site Manager for the project will undertake the transport coordination role for
the site. In this respect, their main responsibilities should include:

1. Managing the implementation of the Construction Management Plan;

2. Vehicle scheduling;
3. Informing local residents and county leadership of the commencement of
construction works;
4. Informing local residents and county leadership of any major or noise-
intensive works associated with the construction of the site to
avoid/minimise disruption;
5. Checking for scheduled road works, special events and incidents and
handling any complaints; and 
6. Acting as a point of contact for employees, contractors county leadership
and the general public.
5.3.4 Emergencies Emergency Plan
This contractor shall prepare an emergency plan as part of his contract
submissions to address the uncertainties experienced during construction. The
emergency plan aims to determine and establish mitigation and contingency
measures to address any dangers, risks and accidents that may arise during
construction. The emergency plan aims to evacuate any person in an accident
safely and on time.
31 Emergency rescue team
The contractor shall mobilise an emergency rescue team, who will work closely in
case of an emergency. If any accident happens, they shall report to the local police
officers immediately with suggestions, call the local emergency centre in case of
any casualty, and provide coordination and rescue timely at the scene of the
accident. Emergency actions

In case of any accident, the emergency team led by the site safety officer shall
assist and send the injured person (if any) to the nearby hospital promptly and
inform the police.

5.4 Monitoring and Review

The plan will be monitored and reviewed regularly to accommodate emergent
changes and address emerging issues. The site manager will be held responsible
for monitoring and review.

The TMP will be updated, with the necessary approval, throughout the
construction of the project roads to reflect changes associated with the
construction methodology, requirements from the concerned road authorities and
the regulatory requirements for the implementation of traffic control during

5.5 Enforcement
The construction TMP prescribes what is to be done to address the possibility of
traffic disruptions and other construction-related inconveniences to traffic flow and
safety. As such, it will be used as long as the proposed project runs, with
occasional adjustments authorized by the necessary approving bodies. Thus, it can
be used as a reference tool by stakeholders to assess adherence and compliance to
the prerequisites for construction in Urban areas as specified in NEMA
regulations, particularly in relation to traffic flow, infrastructure and safety.

6 Conclusions and Recommendations

The construction of the proposed development will have a minimal impact on the
existing road network conditions. However, adequate measures have been
implemented to minimize these impacts and ensure that all road users, both within
the development and on the adjacent roads, can safely and efficiently use the road
facilities. Additionally, a traffic management plan will be in place during
construction to reduce disruptions.


GoK. (2016). Kenya road network: Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 4 of 2016.
Nairobi: Government of Kenya.

GoK. (2024). Legal notice No. 47, The National Building Code, 2024. Nairobi:
Government of Kenya.

ITE. (2019). ITE Parking Generation Manual 5th Edition. Washington DC: Institute
of Transportation Engineers.

KRB. (2009). Kenya Road Classification Manual. Nairobi: Kenya Roads Board.

MOLG/ KUTIP. (2001). 2nd Draft Road Design Guidelines for Urban Roads.
Nairobi: Ministry of Local Government.

MoR. (2009). Kenya Roads Classification Manual. Nairobi: Ministry of Roads /

Kenya Roads Board.

MoTIHUD&PW. (2022). 2nd Road Sector Investment Plan report 2018-2022

(RSIP2). Nairobi: Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban
Development and Public Works.

SSATP/AfDB. (2021). TIA Guideline for Cities in Africa. African Development Bank

TRB. (2010). Highway Capacity Manual 2010 6th Edition. Washington DC:
Transport Research Board.

TRB. (2016). Highway Capacity Manual 2010 6th Edition. Washington DC:
Transport Research Board.


Appendix 1: Sample Traffic Survey Photos

Appendix 2: Base Year O-D matrices (2024)
AM Peak-Motorcycles

AM Peak-Cars

AM Peak-Buses

AM Peak-Trucks

PM Peak-Motorcycles

PM Peak-Cars

PM Peak-Buses

PM Peak-Trucks

Appendix 3: Internal Access Road NCCG Approval

Appendix 4: Certificate of Lease

Appendix 5: Access Design Drawings


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