Revolt of 1857

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The 1857 Revolt

According to P.E. Roberts, "The Revolt of 1857 was just

a sepoy mutiny and it arose due to cartridges with fats."
According to V.D. Savarkar, "The Revolt of 1857 was
the first war of India's independence, the great rebellion,
the Indian mutiny.
These sections of the country were responsible for the revolt
in 1857
Common people
Through the Doctrine of Lapse, the British brought a
number of kingdoms under its control. Queen of Jhansi
Lakshmibai, Nana Saheb, the son of the Maratha
Peshwa Baji Rao II and Begum Hazrat Mahal, the queen
of Awadh opposed this policy.
Due to commercialization of the agriculture peasants were
compelled to grow cash crops. They had to pay very high
taxes. There was no hope for improvement of the fertility
of land.
The Indian soldiers were unhappy with the Britishers as
they were not given high position in the army.
Apart from this reason, they were also not content with
the policy of British government regarding the overseas
jobs and the remuneration. Common people were forced
to accept the religion of Christian Missionaries.
H-298 Indian Freedom Struggle

Causes of the Revolt Spread of the Revolt

1. Political Causes The Revolt was sparked off on March 29, 1857 when
Growing suspicion among native rulers over Lord a section of Indian Soldiers of the 19h and 34th Native
Dalhousie's policies of Doctrine of Lapse' and Infantry posted at Barrackpur near Calcutta mutinied
annexation of the territories of native rulers; and a Brahmin soldier, Mangal Pandey, killed the British
Annexation of Avadh on the ground of
'misgovernance': army oficers, the regiment was disbanded and Pandey
Disposing of Nawab Wazid Ali Shah, the reigning
ruler of Avadh; At Meerut, in May 1857, 85 sepoys of the 3rd Cavalry
Absentee 'soverigntyship' of the British in India; regiment on their refusal to use the greased cartridges
Lord Canning's announcement that Mughals were court martialled and were sentenced to long term
would lOse the titles of Kings and be mere princes;
and imprisonment.
disbanding of the Pindaris and irregular soldiers On 10h May, 1857, the sepoys broke out in open rebellion,
who costituted a large section among the amy shot their officers, released their fellow sepoys and headed
towards Delhi with the cry Delhi Chalo' Delhi was seized
2. Administrative and Economic Causes
Inefficient and prejudiced administrative machinery by the rebels on 12 May, 1857. Bahadur Shah II was
of the company; proclaimed the Emperor of India.
Rampant corruption; Delhi became the centre of revolt and Bahadur Shah was
Racialism in civil and military administration; its symbol.
Deprivation of the traditional ruling classes Very soon the rebellion spread to Lucknow, Alahabad,
of their luxury due to the establishment of the
company's suzerainty over the Indian states; Kanpur, Bareilly, Benaras, in parts of Bihar, Jhansi and
Introduction of new land revenue system which other places.
snatched the land from the cuitivator and gave it In many Indian states, the rulers remained loyal to British
to moneylender or traders or new aristocrats, and Government but their soldiers revolted. South India
De-industrialisation of the country. remained practically undisturbed.
3 Military Causes Kanpur was captured the rebels on sth June, 1857.
Displeasure of Indian sepoys with alien rule;
Compulsion of the sepoys to serve at the Nana Sahib was proclaimed the Peshwa, General Sir
cantonments; Hugh Wheeler commanding the station surrendered on
Withdrawal of free postage facility to sepoys 27 June. At Kanpur Nana Sahib was joined by his able
following the enactment of Post-Office Act of
1856 which necessitated them to serve beyond the Lieutenant Tantia Tope and Azimullah. Later on, Kanpur
was captured by Campbell on December 6, 1857.
Debarring the foreign service allowance or batta The revolt of Lucknow was led by the Begum Hazrat
for Sepoys serving in Sindh and Punjab, and Mahal, who declared her son Birjis Kadir as the Nawab
Racial discrimination.
4. Social and Religious Causes of Awadh. Helped by the sepoys at Lucknow and the
Social discrimination of the British against Indians; Zamindars and peasants of Awadh, the begum organised
Spread of Christainity through missionaries; in all out attack on the British. Sir Henry Lawrance was
Missionaries' attempt to conversion to Christainity: killed during the course of the residency. Later on, General
Enactment of the Religious Disabilities Act 1850, Outram and Hemelock force their way into the residency.
which enabled a convert to inherit his ancestral
property; and They were also besieged but later on were relieved.
Antagonism of the traditional Indian society due to Laxmibai of Jhansi joined the rebels when the British
the law prohibiting sati, child marriage and female refused to acknowledge her right to adopt a heir to the
infanticide. gaddi of Jhansi.
5. The Immediate Cause
The Government introduced a new Enfield rifle in the
On June4, 1858, Rani Laxmibai was proclaimed the head
Army. Its cartridges had greased paper cover which had of the state and she provided spirited lead to the rebels and
to be bitten off before the cartridge was loaded into the fought heroically against the British forces.
rifle. She and her companion Tantia Tope made the most
It was believed that the grease was composed of beef imaginative and heroic resolve to capture Gwalior.
and pig fat.
Maharaja Scindia tried to fight against Rani of Jhansi, but
The Hindu as well as Muslim sepoys were enraged
because the use of greased cartridges was against most of his troops deserted to her and he took refuge at
their religion and they feared that the government was Agra. Rani of Jhansi died fighting on 17th June, 1858.
deliberately trying to destroy their religion and convert At Bareilly, Khan Bahadur Khan had proclaimed himself
them to Christainity. the Nawab Nizam. In Bihar a ocal Zamindar Kunwar
This issue is said to have agitated both Hindu and Singh raised the banner of revolt.
Muslim soldiers.
Indian Freedom Struggle H-299
They gave assurance to the rulers of different provinces
Timeline-Sepoy Mutiny that their provinces won't be annexed further. But British
29th March 1857: Revolt of Barrackpore Calcutta. Mangal crown would be their original sovereign.
Pandey killed two British army officers
May 1857: 85 Sepoys of 3rd Cavalry regiment at Failure of the Revolt
Meerut were court martialled. Lack of coordination and central leadership.
Sepoys revolted at Meerut, shot their Revolt lacked a forward-looking programme, coherent
officers, released fellow sepoys and ideology, a political perspective or a vision of the future
marched towards Delhi. society and economy.
Delhi seized by mutineers and Bahadur Rebel leaders lacked resources and experiences as
Shah Zafars II proclaimed "Shahenshah compared to British.
e-Hindustan by rebels. Revolt lacked the support of martial races of the north.
Mutiny reached to Ferozpur, Aligarh, British power had remained intact in the Eastern,
Etawah, Bulandshahar, Nasirabad, western and southern parts of India from where the
Bareilly, Moradabad, Shahjahanpur. forces were sent to Suppress the revolt.
June 1857: On 4th June, 2nd cavalry and 1st Native Limited territorial and social base.
Infantry revolted, revolts at Gwalior,
Bharatpur, Allahabad, Jhansi, Faizabad, Result of the Revolt
Sultanpur, Lucknow. Even though the revolt of 1857 ended in failure yet it had
July 1857 Mutinies at Indore, Mhow, Sagar, shuddered the British rule in India from its very foundation.
Jhelum, Sialkot. It was the first great and direct threat to British rule in
September 1857: Delhi recaptured by the British India. That was why, aftermath of the revolt, the British
October 1857: Revolt reached Koltab troops did inhuman atrocities upon the Indian people.
December 1857: The British won the 'Battle of Kanpur' in Thousands of rebels were executed publicly after a mock
the leadership of Sir Colin Campbell' trial.
March 1858 British recaptured Lucknow. The revolt of 1857 brought about fundamental changes in
April 1858 the character of British administration.
British recaptured Jhansi. Fresh revolt in
Some of these were:
Bihar led by Kunwar Singh.
May 1858: Bareilly, Jagdishpur and Kalpi were The Queen's Proclamation
recaptured by the British. Pursuing the policy of divide and rule
December 1858: British re-established their authority over Reorganisation of British army
India. The Act for the better governnent of India l858 was passed etc.
The leaders and the centres of the revolt Features of the Revolt of 1857
Centre Leader Commander-in-chief
The Revolt has been called the first war of independence
and opened a glorious chapter in the history of people
Delhi Bahadur Shah Zafar Bakht Khan in India.
Kanpur Nana Sahib Tantia Tope The Revolt inspired the people of India to imbibe the
LucknowBegum Hazrat Mahal Maulvi Ahmadullah spirit of selfless services and patriotism.
Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan It produced many heroes like Rani Lakshmibai and
Bihar Kunwar Singh Tantia Tope.
Jhansi Rani Lakshmibai It gave patriotism to future generations people.
Kalpi Tantia Tope It made Indians aware of the true nature of the British.
The British Governor general mobilized all his forces and The participation of common people, rulers, soldiers,
hanged thousands of people. The revolt was suppressed students and others gave the revolt its popular character.
by the British. Many people and rulers whose survival threatened were
drawn into the revolt.
Effects of the Revolt
A new Act was passed in 1858 by which the power of NATIONAL MOVEMENT
EEIC was shifted to British crown. A secretary of State
for India was appointed. The title of viceroy was given to Rise of Nationalist Movement
the governor general. The British army was reorganized
in India. The foundation of the nationalist movement had been laid
Hindus and Muslims became united against the British by the end of the 19th century.
government. The main target this movement was to face the
Policies were made to protect zamindars and landlords. challenge of foreign supremacy. Its effects were the socio
Religious and social practices of India were decided to be religion reform movement, the spread of modern western
respected by the British. education, the emergence of the middle class and the
economic consequences of the British rule.

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