Trolley NCETIMES125
Trolley NCETIMES125
Trolley NCETIMES125
0- 2018
Now-a-days shopping is increasing rapidly. People take the items and put it into trolley. After shopping they go at the billing counter
for billing but there are many people standing in queue for billing purpose. So more time is required for the individuals for billing because
of existing barcode technology. To reduce this time we have implemented a system which is based on RFID technology[3]. The system
contains the items attached with RFID tags. The cart is interacting with the main server and it will have the facility to generate the bill for
all the products added into the cart. The proposed system will be helpful for avoiding queues in shopping malls for billing. The customer
can identify the location of product in shopping malls with automatic billing. With the proposed design there is no conventional queue
system instead of that automatic billing is generated and hence the shopping becomes easy and enjoyable.
I. INTRODUCTION RFID reader and the number of items purchased are already
entered in to the cart before reaching up to the counter. There
Frequently people encounter a problem of spending too will be elimination of queue.
much of their time waiting in queues for billings their After the card is swiped, the number of items are read by
purchases in different shopping centers, malls and RFID Reader and they are enter into cart before one reach to
supermarkets. Waiting in-queues negatively affects human the counter, queues would be eliminated. Another important
morale and may cause misunderstandings or conflict amongst technology used in Smart Cart system is called ZIGBEE
people for instants,when someone breaks the line and stands wireless communication, which is one measure to reduce the
infront of other people[2]. The proposed system aims to waiting time of customer’s is to introduce an intelligent
eliminate this problem by introducing a novel alternative to billing system using electronic Smart Cart as an alternative to
traditional billing methods, speeding up the payment process. existing barcode system. Smart cart allows a customer to
The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board.It has on manually perform billing without relying on cashier by means
Atmega328 M.C. It contains 14 digital input and output pins. of swiping the RFID tags over RFID reader. Unlike barcode
So our aim is to design automatic billing system which is system, smart cart does not need any visual contact with
based on RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technology. barcodes which may get distorted in real life situations. All
The smart cart uses a serial interface and receives its data about purchased products and user account data are
power from sources like a card reader. A smart card is like a stored in a cloud database in the Internet. Then, smart cart
chip card. It is a plastic card that contains an embedded shows this information to customers on its display.
computer chip-either a memory or microcontroller type that A customer can delete an item from the list whenever he
store and transacts data. This data usually associated either or she wishes by selecting subtraction button. If the customer
value, processed within the cards chip. The card data is decides to finish purchasing, there's a total button press is
transacted via a reader that is part of computing system. The required to upload all purchased product data and their total
smart shopping systems usually require other auxiliary cost to billing counter PC through ZIGBEE. Once all payment
wireless communication systems but the proposed system we data is sent to the PC, total cost is withdrawn from the
are using called as ZIGBEE wireless communication registered account cash of the customer and the customer can
(especially low-cost) to perform indoor positioning and freely pass the anti-theft gate with the purchased products.
product information broadcasting Thus, the dual-antenna II. ARCHITECTURE
RFID reader is adopted in the developed SSC to identify the The technology currently used in checkouts at supermarket
items in the cart (internal antenna) and out of the cart is barcodes, which is developed in the1970s .Today barcodes
(external antenna ). A customer when purchases item after is found on almost every item. Barcodes are a universal
swiping card the prize and number of item are read by the technology in that they are the norm for retail products; stores
Fig. 3 Flow chart of displaying the bill