the world
The world of Zoa is a planet that has suffered a surface, there is little water, with lakes and lakes
series of cataclysms where a large flat landmass in the south, but below the ground, there is a large
remains, sustained by unknown magical forces, submerged ocean of freshwater, which according
floating in the great void. The world has a diameter to its inhabitants, has been little explored. It rains
of about 800 kilometers, with a desert climate to the in the southern forest regions, but in the desert
north, a huge mountain range cutting through its area, very little. The planet has 4 seasons in the
entire length, known as the OldbAckbone, and to year: summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Snow
the south a very mild climate with beautiful forests is common in the high mountains, being very rare
that cover this whole area. Zoa has a small sun that in the lower regions. The average temperature in the
surrounds it for about 14 hours, making a period of forest regions is 20C (68F), while in the desert, it
9 hours of light and 5 hours of darkness. On the can reach 35C (95F).A fauna é bem rica na The
the world
The fauna is very rich in the forest region with Main Locations in Zoa
birds, wild animals, and small reptiles. In the
desert area, reptiles and large insects are very There are small villages, cities spread across the
common, one being the giant scorpion. There planet, but there are 6 powerful state cities. Are
is a strip of land connected to the world to the they:
north by a series of floating islands, which has
the name of Magra, with a homonymous city. Nubia - is a city of merchants in a large oasis
that receives goods from different worlds.
There is a large hole in the middle of the There it is possible to buy several exotic things.
continent, where it is possible to see the great It has a mighty army that guards the city.
void at its bottom. This is known as the “Eye
of the Void,” and it is also possible to see the Bagia - It is known as the Desert Hope. A city
great underground ocean through it. located right in the middle of the gray desert
where doctors, physicists, and alchemists,
It is a fantastic sight because the walls of develop magic potions, rare alchemical elements,
this hole are glazed and transparent, and it is and a whole series of items aimed at healing and
possible to see the water there. It is estimated well-being. It is beautifully decorated, with
that its depth is about 40 kilometers, and its huge libraries, universities, and large hospitals.
width on the surface is 50 kilometers.
Arga - Known as the city of arms. Humans and
The People of Zoa dwarves live there, producing weapons, armor,
and all sorts of war material. Many nobles and
In Zoa, in its great predominance, there is a adventurers go to this city in search of news
race of men present in all cities. However, there for the war. It has a large army that defends it.
are fantastic creatures such as goblins, orcs,
kobolds, giants, dwarves scattered across the Magra - The city of schools of magic and
planet in several areas. There is no population magicians. There, isolated from the world,
census, and it is not known how many beings students of magic from all over Zoa dedicate
live in this world. themselves to arcane, natural, divine, and
They have a technology very similar to necromantic studies.
medieval, but in terms of magic, they are very
advanced. They have machines powered by It has several universities, libraries and keeps
magic, especially aerial ships, and iron golems, the world’s recorded history. It was founded
which act like soldiers in small conflicts. They by Master Zoa, a large wizard who gave the
also have advanced knowledge of alchemy and world a name and managed to re-establish it
the creation of potions and poisons. after the cataclysms.
the world
Tiria - The city of artists. Place rich in Other famous spots
museums, libraries, universities, and schools.
Sons of nobles come to study in this place Black Tower - In the gray desert, the Black
and learn various offices. There is a large Tower is a large black tower abandoned,
observatory from which “The Great Void” is deserted for hundreds of years. There is no
studied. magical aura, and wandering monsters inhabit
it. It is said to have belonged to a magician
Nimbus - The so-called city of light. A large named “Br’lock,” but no one knows her name
metropolis that brings together embassies from for sure.
all other cities in Zoa. It is the largest of all cities
and is considered by many to be the world’s The Great Dry Tree - Another highlight is a
capital. huge tree about 200 meters high in the middle
It is surrounded by a beautiful forest and is one of the desert called the “Dry Tree.” They say
of the most beautiful places on the planet. They it is thousands of years old and that it was
say that big decisions come out of Nimbus. Zoa from the pre-cataclysmic time. A local legend
was buried here, and there are great monuments says that when this tree blooms again, a big
in his honor. change will occur in Zoa.
These cities live in peace with each other, and The Entrance to the Interior Ocean - A large
once a year, they meet in Nimbus to discuss the cave descends about 2 kilometers to the so-
world, wage wars against hordes of monsters called deep beach.It is a passage to the interior
and make expeditions to other worlds. ocean of Zoa. Inside, there are small ode caves
inhabiting tribes of Goblins, Kobolds, and a
The Portals large orc city. Interestingly, Zoa’s orcs are red
and live close to a state of wildness.
Portals are passages to different worlds. There
are 13 of them that allow the inhabitants of Zoa Transport and Economy
to travel between these locations. They are in a
remote and desert area. The connection between the main cities in Zoa
is made by airships levitated magically. Arcane
The portals work in both directions. Zoa magic allows these boats to sail through the
people use them to visit other worlds and trade sky and can cross small areas of the Great Void
between them in a disguised and discreet way. towards Magra to take and bring goods and
In the worlds that these portals reach. They are passengers.
well hidden, and their discovery is rare. By land, caravans leaving cities and crossing
deserts are very common. These caravans are
composed of large wagons, the size of houses,
the world
each function with a function: kitchen, repair In Zoa, there are curiously horses; it seems that
shop, bedrooms, water, defense, hospital, brought them from other worlds and oxen,
and cargo ones. In the desert, they are pulled pigs, and sheep. There are common animals
by giant scorpions, which have enormous such as wolves, wild boar, deer, among others.
heat resistance and consume little water. In Still, there are animals of the planet, such as
the colder regions, these beasts of burden desert lizards, giant desert scorpions, and also
are exchanged for animals very similar to the dragons, these very rare being commonly seen
elephant, solid and resistant, that pull these in mountainous regions in their well-hidden
large carts. dens..
Trade is done between all the cities and
is common in small localities with smaller Threats and Dangers
caravans that hold itinerant fairs that take
goods worldwide. Items brought from other Zoa has many dangers: renegade wizards and
worlds through portals are only found in large necromancers, wanderer goblins, red orcs, and
cities, rare in small villages or towns. human looters living throughout the world.
These usually attack small villages, commercial
In Zoa, there are planting and mining activities.caravans, or unsuspecting travelers.There are
There are all sorts of ores, including gold, also so-called air pirates, commanded by the
silver, and copper, which are the basis of the terrible Martina ”Bllodeye” Vieira. This one
local economy. A gold coin is worth ten silver has a fleet of 3 airships that go on plunder to
coins, and one silver coin is worth ten copper unsuspecting and unsuspecting vessels.
coins. It is possible to buy different things
in the cities, and there are guilds specialized Some necromancers command small groups
in commerce and other activities such as of the undead who are wandering around the
construction, crafts, etc. world in search of victims.
the world
There are old abandoned dungeons, temples, with foreigners. They direct the newcomers
magical and cursed places, waiting for the to Nubia, where they are interrogated to
daring adventurer and willing to explore these find out their intentions. They use magic
dangers searching for fame and fortune. to understand visitors’ language, and in
a short time, they completely dominate
The Laws communication.
In Zoa, laws are rigorous, with capital It is our first impression of Zoa; we talk
punishment for murders and the amputation of more about this new and strange world in
hands in the theft of sacred or magical objects the future.
being common. There are minor punishments
like lashes in public or imprisonment for
disorderly conduct. Large cities have courts
with judges, and in smaller towns, mayors
with counselors exercise the role of judge and
In Zoa, people believe in minor deities, familiar
spirits, and nature spirits. There are religious
orders usually coming from schools of magic or
from clergy who search for a common spiritual
Reincarnation is a common consense, and
conversation with the spirits of the dead is a
natural thing. Each race has its pantheon.
Arriving on Zoa
Designed byVoxel House
In the portals area, a military detachment and Game Studio
Lore, maps and Art:
wizards are taking over the place. If you are
Tony Garcia
a stranger to the world, you will be stopped
by them immediately. These are called http://www.voxelhouse.
the “doorkeepers,” who watch the traffic com - 2021
between worlds and make the first contact