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Important Questions and Answers on Human Resource


HRM .1. Why study human resource management?

Ans. why study human resource management? You will recognize

that staffing the organization, designing jobs and team, developing
skillful employees, identifying approaches for improving their
performance, and rewarding employee successes—all typically are
known as HRM issues-are as relevant to line managers as they are to
managers in the HR department.

To work with people effectively, we have to understand human

behavior, and we have to be knowledgeable about the various
systems and practices available to assist us build a skilled and
motivated people. At the same time, we have to be aware of
economic, technological, social, and legal issues that either facilitate
or constrain our efforts to achieve organizational goals.

advantage. Particularly in knowledge-based industries such as

software and information services, success increasingly depends on
“people-embodied know- how”. This includes the knowledge, skills,
and abilities people of an organization possess.
Management experts now realize that the key to a firm’s success is
based on establishing a set of core competencies. Core competencies
are an integrated knowledge set within organizations that distinguish
it from its competitors and delivers value to customers. For example,
McDonalds has developed core competencies in management
efficiency and training.

Canon Corporation has core competencies in precision mechanics,

fine optics, and microelectronics. Core competencies tend to be
limited in number, but they provide a long-term basis for technology
innovation, product development, and service delivery.

HRM 2 Define human resource management.

Ans. According to Flippo, “Human resource management is the

planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement,
development, compensation, integration, maintenance and
reproduction of human resource to the end that individual,
organisational and society’ objectives are accomplished.”
management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and
compensating employees and attending to their labour relations,
health, and safety and fairness concerns.”

resource management is a species of integrated decisions that form

the employment relationships; their quality contributes to the ability
of the organisations and the employees to achieve their objectives.”

HRM 3. What is human resource development?

Ans. Human Resource Development is the continuous process of

improving the capabilities required to achieve organizational and
individual goals. It is a broader concept than Human Resource
Management. Generally, it consists of several subsystems such as
appraisal; counselling, training, rewards, and welfare, quality of work
life, etc.

It is also most important for the welfare of both the employees and
employer. In simple words, HRD is an organized learning experience
aimed at matching the organizational need for human resource with
the individual need for career growth and development.

The discipline of Human Resource Development (HRD) was

developed because the Human Resource Management has failed to
meet the new challenges of the 20 century. The first workshop of
HRD was held in 1979. A National HRD Network has been established
in 1985. Now several public and private sector organizations have
HRD department and HRM managers.

HRM 4. Explain the need for human resource development?Ans.

Need for HRD are:

1. Changes in Economic Policies in 1991

2. Changing Job Requirements

3. Need for Multi-skilled Human Resources

4. Organizational Complexity

5. Human Relations

6. Organizational Viability and Transformation Process

7. Technological Advances

HRM 5. Differentiate between performance appraisal and job


Ans. Performance Appraisal:

(i) Meaning – Performance appraisal refers to knowing of the level of

performance of employees working in an organisation.
ii) Relation – It concerns with individuals because the level of their
performance is to be determined.

iii) Objective – Its objective is to provide basis for promotion,

transfer, training, etc.

(iv) Basis of Policies – Policies regarding training, promotion, transfer

etc. are formulated on its basis in an organisation.

Job Evaluation:

(i) Meaning – Determining of the relative worth of different jobs of

an organisation is called job evaluation.

(ii) Relation – It is concerned with the job and not individuals. Worth
of each job is determined.

(iii) Objective – Its main objective is to determine remunerations for

different jobs.

(iv) Basis of Policies – Remuneration policy of an organisation is

determined on its basis.

HRM 6. Discuss the importance of Human Resource Planning.

Ans. Need and Importance of Human Resource Planning:

(i) To carry on its work and to achieve its objectives, every
organisation requires employees with adequate knowledge,
experience and aptitudes. Human Resource Planning is helpful in
selection and training activities.

(ii) Human Resource Planning identifies gaps in existing manpower in

terms of their quantity and talent

(iii) There is need to replace employees who retire, die, resign and
become incapacitated due to injury. Provision for replacement of
personnel can be made through Human Resource Planning.

(iv) Human Resource Planning facilitates the expansion and

diversification of an organisation.

(v) Human Resource Planning creates awareness about the effective

utilisation of human resources throughout the organisation. It helps
to reduce wastage of manpower. It also helps in judging the
effectiveness of human resource policies and programmes of

(vi) Human Resource Planning is helpful in effective utilisation of

technological progress.
(vii) With the help of Human Resource Planning, areas of surplus
manpower can be anticipated and timely action can be taken (e.g.

(viii) Human Resource Planning is useful in anticipating the cost of

human resources, which facilitates the budgeting process. It also
helps in controlling human resource costs through effective

(ix) Human Resource Planning facilitates career succession planning

in the organisation.

(x) Human Resource Planning helps in planning for physical facilities

like canteen, staff quarters, dispensary and school for the staff and
their children.

(xi) At the national level, Human Resource Planning facilitates

educational reforms, geographical mobility of talent and
employment generation.

HRM 7. What are the objectives of career planning?

Ans.i. To provide and maintain appropriate manpower resources in

the organisation by offering careers, not jobs.
ii. To provide environment for the effectiveness, efficiency and
growth of its employees and motivating them to contribute
effectively towards achieving the objectives of the organisation.

iii. To map out careers of various categories of employees suitable to

their ability, and their willingness to be ‘trained and developed for
higher positions.

iv. To have a stable workforce by reducing absenteeism and

employee turnover.v. To cater to the immediate and future human
resources need of the organisation on a timely basis.

vi. To increase the utilisation of managerial reserves within


HRM 8. What are the different methods of recruiting employees?

Ans. The possible recruiting methods can be divided into three


1. Direct

In this method, recruiters visit colleges and technical schools, e.g.,

Infosys, the Tata group, IBM, Siemens and several other companies
maintain continuous relationship with institutions to hire students
for responsible positions. Internships and walk-in interview are other
methods of direct recruitment 2 Indirect:

This involves advertising in newspaper, radio, T.V., journals etc.,

advertising can be very effective if its media is properly chosen.

3. Third Party Methods:

Under this Method, recruitment is done through third parties


(i) Employment agencies and exchange,

(ii) Management consultants or professional search firms known as

head hunters,(iii) Professional associations.

HRM 9. What is job design?

Ans. Job design is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in

terms of its duties and responsibilities. In the methods to be used in
carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, system and procedures,
and in the relationship that should exist between the job-holder and
his Superiors, subordinates and colleagues.

It is a deliberate and systematic attempt to structure the technical

and social aspects of work so as to improve technical efficiency and a
job satisfaction. It established matching between the job
requirement and human attributes. Aim of job design is to integrate
the needs of the individual and the requirement of the organisation.

Needs of the individuals refers to job satisfaction and requirement of

organisation means the high productivity, technical efficiency and
quality of work. Today educated and creative employee demanded
for well-designed jobs, therefore, job rotation, job enlargement and
job enrichment are introduced in the organisation, to retain the
employee or to attract them towards the organisation.

HRM 10. Management of men is a challenging job. Explain!

Ans. “The Management of Man” is a very important and challenging

job; important because it is a job, not of managing ‘men,’ but of
administering a social system. The management of men is a
challenging task because of the dynamic nature of the people. No
two persons are similar in mental abilities, traditions, sentiments,
and behaviour; they differ widely also as groups, and are subject to
many and varied influences.

People are responsive; they feel, think, and act; therefore, they
cannot be operated like a machine or shifted and altered like a
template in a room layout. They, therefore, need a tactful handling
by management personnel. If manpower is properly utilised, it may
prove a dynamic motive force for running an enterprise at its
optimum results and also work as an elixir for maximum individual
and group satisfaction in relation to the work performed.

Manpower management is a most crucial job because “managing

people is the heart and essence of being a manager.” It is concerned
with any activity relating to human elements or relations in
organisation. Material elements, however, are beyond its domain.
This view has been rightly summed up by J. M. Dietz (of Chicago).

He observes- “A business or an industry can be thought of as an

inter-weaving of human elements and material elements, with the
human elements as the warp; while interlocking and inter-weaving
with this element are the material elements the woof of the fabric.
The warp of the fabric is the human element appearing and
reappearing, the strength giving element holding the entire fabric
together, and giving it life and a character of continuity.” A business
cannot succeed if this human element is neglected.

HRM 11. Define management.

Ans. Management has been defined by Mary Parker Follett as, “the
art of getting things done through people.” But it is felt that
management is much more than what is said in this definition.
Management is further defined as, “… that field of human behaviour
in which managers plan, organise staff, direct and control human,
physical and financial resources in an organised effort, to achieve
desired individual and group objectives with optimum efficiency and

It is clear from this definition that management is concerned with

the accomplishment of objectives by utilizing physical and financial
resources through the efforts of human resources. Thus, human
resource is a crucial sub-system in the process of management.

The term human resource is quite popular in India with the

institution of ‘Ministry of Human Resource Development’ in the
Union Cabinet. Having studied, the meanings of human resource and
management, we now proceed to discuss the meaning of human
resource management.

HRM 12. Difference between job description and job specification.

Ans. Job description is the measure of job whereas job specification

is the measure of the job-holder. Job description is the summary of
the duties, responsibilities and other characteristics of the job
whereas job specification is a statement of the qualities and
qualifications required in the job holder to perform the job properly.
Job specification assists the management in selecting a match for the

Job description tells what is to be done and what is the nature of job,
whereas job specification tells what attributes are needed in the
person handling the job. Job description helps the candidate to
understand the requirements of the job which are to be fulfilled by
him and it also helps him in making self-appraisal by comparing his
actual performance with job description. Job description assists the
management in appraising the performance of the employees.

HRM Question and Answers:- Q.13. List out the limitations of

performance appraisal.

Ans. The drawbacks or limitations of various methods of

performance appraisal are as follows:

1. If the factors included in the assessment are irrelevant, the result

of merit rating will not be accurate.

2. Different qualities to be rated may not be given proper weightage

in certain cases.

3. Some of the factors are highly subjective like initiative and

personality of the employees.
4. Supervisors often do not have critical ability in assessing the staff.
Sometimes, they are guided by their personal emotions and likes.

HRM 14. What is training?

Ans. The dictionary meaning of training is “imparting instruction in a

particular art, profession or occupation.” In Public Administration,
“training means conscious efforts made to improve the skills, powers
and intelligence of an employee and to develop his attitudes and
value system in a desired direction.

According to M.P. Sharraa, “In the context of Public Administration,

training is rather specified and vocational, intended to increase a
person’s skill in some particular kind of work, while education is
general and aim at the broadening of the mind.”

According to Beach, “Training is the organised procedure by which

people learn knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.”

According to Dale Yoder, “Training is the process by which man

power is filled for the particular jobs it is to perform.”

In the training, the trainee will acquire new manipulative skill,

technical knowledge, problem solving ability or attitudes etc. It is a
continuous process or never ending process. Not only the fresher,
but also the employee in service requires training for promotion or
to change any new job. It makes fresher employee fully productive,
in the minimum time. Even for old worker training is necessary to
refresh them.

In short, training is the act of improving or updating the knowledge

and skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The role of
training has been brilliantly analysed in the report of the committee
on the training of civil servants, which is known as the Assheton
Committee Report, submitted to the British Chancellor of the
Exchequer in 1944.

HRM 15. What are the goals of performance appraisal?

Ans. Recognize the efforts and contributions of current staff. Reward

staff with compensation directly linked to performance. Motivate
staff to improve performance. Orient staff towards goal
achievement. Retain key employees through the use of competitive
compensation programs. Attract quality employees with an effective
performance management system.

The key elements of a Performance Management System include the


i. A formal Compensation Philosophy Statement

ii. Salary Administration Program

iii. A Formal Audit/Success Rating overview on an annual or periodic
basis with disclosure of results to management.

HRM 16. What do you understand by industrial relation?

Ans. Industrial relations means the relationship between employer

and employees in industrial organisation. According to pale Yode,
“The term industrial relation refers to the whole field of relationships
among people, human relationship that exist because of the
necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment
process of modern industry.”

In a narrow legalistic sense, industrial relation is a subject of study

and aspect of management which includes the relationship between,
employers and employees. But in a broad sense, the term: industrial
relation includes the relations between the various unions between
the state and the union as well as those between the employers and
the government.

Relations of all these associated in industry may be called industrial

relation. It includes individual relation and joint consultation
between employers and workers of the place of work. According to
the International Labour Organization, industrial relations means
relationship between the state on the one hand and the employers
and employees organizations on the other hand and the relationship
among the occupational organizational themselves.

HRM 17. Briefly explain the importance of discipline.

Ans. Discipline is vital for smooth functioning of an organisation. It is

compliance with rule, procedures and etiquette and helps to
maintain order and decorum. The fundamental purpose of discipline
is to maintain good industrial relation in the organisation by
establishing harmonious relationship between the employers and
employees. It also develops feeling of cooperation among workers.

Other incidental purposes of discipline are developing a sense of

equanimity and spirit of tolerance, adjustment among superior and
subordinates, acceptance to the rules, regulation and procedure of
the system on the part of workers, securing responsible behaviour
on the part of employees, improving overall effectiveness of the
organisation, by emphasizing organisational culture.

Discipline indicates the behaviour of employees, which is governed

by informal norms. It is essential for smooth discharge of duty not
only in administration, but also in social and civic life. It is necessary
to avoid misuse of official power and resource.

Lack of it leads to corruption.

Discipline is very essential in civil service. If the civil servant is corruption no doubt, other people followed it. Discipline
in the service is very essential for an efficient personnel system.
Promotion of the employees depends upon their good behaviour and
observance of discipline in the service. To prevail abuse of power by
the civil servants, disciplinary rules are more essential.

HRM 18. Discuss the basic objectives of human resource

management effectiveness.

Ans. In the opinion of Jucius- Human resource refers to a whole

consisting of inter-related, inter- department and interacting
physiological, sociological and ethical components. Again he explain
that “Human resource management may be defined as that field of
management which has to do with planning, organising and
controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and
utilising a labour force. Human resource management is known by
different names, e.g. personal management, manpower
management personal administration, staff management etc.”

The basic objectives of human resource management effectiveness

may be explained as follows:
1. To maintain high morale and good human relations within the

2. To help the organisation attain its goods by providing well-trained

and well-motivated employees.

3. To bring about maximum individual development of members of

the organisation by providing opportunities for training and

4. To develop and maintain a quality life.

5. To secure the integration of all the individuals and groups with the
organisation by reconciling individual.

6. To help maintain ethical policies and behaviour inside and outside

the organisation.

7. To recognise and satisfy individual needs and group goals by

offering appropriate monetary and non-monetary incentives.

Management is primarily dealing with human beings and its

problem. But it is no doubt; management is the development of
people, not the direction of things.

HRM 19. What do you mean by Human Resource Department?

Ans. Human resource department is established as a staff
department to advise all other departments and the top
management on human resource matters, within the human
resource department the relations are of line type. Human resource
manager is the head of the human resource department.

The human resource department is set up to provide advice and

assistance to line manager in performing their human resource
functions. By providing advice and information, human resource
department enables a line manager to concentrate on
technical/operative responsibilities of his department.

Therefore, the final authority and responsibility for the management

of human resource still rests will line managers. Thus, human
resource management is a line management’s responsibility, but a
staff function.

HRM department may consist of human resource manager, human

resource officers and a few assistants/ clerks. Management is getting
things done through and with people, responsibility of managing
people rests with the line manager. Therefore, HRM is the
responsibility of every manager and not that of the HRM department
alone. But line managers advice and assistance in HRM matters.
HRM department provides specialised advice, assistance and
information to line executives so that they may concentrate on their
respective functions. HRM is a staff function and it helps all
executives in making the organisation a good place to work in. The
HRM department has staff relationship with other departments and
it acts in an advisory capacity.

HRM 20. Define conflict.

Ans. “Conflict is an interpersonal process that springs from

disagreements over the goals to attain or the methods to be used to
accomplish those goals”.

“It is a process in which an effort is purposely made by one person or

unit to block another so as to frustrate others in attaining goals”. –
Stephen Robbins.

“Conflict is the condition of objective incompatibility between values

and goals”. – Ralph Kilmann and Kenneth Thomas.

HRM 21. What is the purpose for conducting selection interview?

Ans. The overall purpose of selection interviews in an organization

are as follows:

a. Help to obtain additional information from the applicant

b. Facilitate giving general information to the applicant such as
company policies, job, products manufactured etc.

c. Help to build the company’s image among the applicants.

HRM 22. Briefly describe the importance of motivation.

i. Leads to high performance

ii. Enhances morale.

iii. Increases productivity.

iv. Reduces Turnover/absenteeism.

v. Induces cooperation and team spirit.

vi. Helps in assuming responsibility and working in disciplinary


vii. Helps in better utilisation of resources.

viii. Helps achieve organisational goals.

HRM 23. Explain the main characteristics of staffing?

Ans. Main Characteristics of Staffing are:

1. Staffing is an integral part of the management process.

2. It is required in each and every organisation. It is a pervasive

3. It is concerned with attracting and retaining people.

4. It is the function of every manager and not simply of Human

Resource Department.

5. It is a continuous function because needs of an organisation keep

on changing and some people leave the organisation from time to

HRM 24. Explain the role of audit in Human Resource Management.

Ans. Role of Audit in the human resource management is most

important. There is no legal provision to carry out human resource
audit. But conscious employers voluntarily use it as a tool for
evaluation and control of human resource function.

Evaluation and critical review of human resource function is no less

important than that of accounting and finance function. Therefore,
human resource audit is most essential to check the organisational
performance in the management in the human resources.In recent
years, role of human resource audit has increased due to the
following reasons:
1. Now-a-days trade union have more powerful and playing more
active role in human resource management. They often question
management’s competence in industrial relation. Management can
meet this challenge through human resource audit.

2. Role of human resource audit is essential due to rising labour cost

and increasing opportunity for competitive advantage in human
resources management.

3. In order to protect employee interest central and state

governments intervene more the activities of human resource
management here audit of human resource is helpful in avoiding
such intervention of government.

4. As an organisation grows, continuous feedback is required to

improve the performance of its personnel. Human resource audit
provides the required feedback. It is necessary in a diversified and
decentralised organisation.

5. Growing proportion of technical, professional and women

employees creates more difficult problems in human resources.
Audit is required to tackle these problems. Other important role of
human resource audit is that, it encourages greater responsibilities
and professionalism among members of the HR department It
improves the professional image of the HR department.

HRM 25. What are the different objectives of HRM?


1. Societal Objectives – To be ethically and socially responsible to the

needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative
impact of such demands upon the organization.

2. Organizational Objectives – To recognize the role of HRM in

bringing about organizational effectiveness. HRM is only means to
achieve to assist the organization with its primary objectives.

3. Functional Objectives – To maintain department’s contribution

and level of services at a level appropriate to the organization’s

4. Personal Objectives – To assist employees in achieving their

personal goals, at least in so far as these goals enhance the
individual’s contribution to the organization. This is necessary to
maintain employee performance and satisfaction for the purpose of
maintaining, retaining and motivating the employees in the
HRM 26. Differentiate between training and development.

Ans. Although training is often used in conjunction with

development, the terms are not synonymous. Training typically
focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping them
correct deficiencies in their performance. For example, when an
organisation is introducing new equipment, they may give training to
their workers regarding how to use that equipment on their job. In
contrast, development is an effort to provide employees with the
abilities the organisation will need in the future.

1. In training, the focus is solely on the current job while in

development, the focus is on both the current job and the jobs that
employees will hold in future.

2. The scope of training is on individual employees, whereas the

scope of development is on the entire work group or organisation.

3. Training is job specific and addresses particular performance

deficits or problems, while development is concerned with the
workforce’s skills and versatility.

4. Training tends to focus on immediate organizational needs and

development tends to focus on long-term requirements.
5. The goal of training is fairly quick improvement in workers’
performance, whereas the goal of development is the overall
enrichment of the organisation’s human resources.

HRM 27. Briefly describe the importance of HRM.

i. Human resources, along with financial and material resources

contribute to the production of goods and services in an

ii. It is through the combined and concerted efforts of people that

monetary and material resources are harnessed to achieve
organizational goals.

iii. Personnel management policies: A policy is a statement or general

guidelines for employees to make decisions in respect of to any
course of action.

iv. Personnel policies provide guidelines for a variety of employment

relationships and identify the organization’s intentions in
recruitment, selection, development, promotion, compensation,
motivation etc.

HRM 28. What are the various objectives of HRD?

1. Work Opportunity – HRD provides an opportunity and a systematic
framework for the development resource in the organisation for full
expression of their talents.

2. Development of Traits – HRD is associated with the development

of total personality so that these can show and use their talent for
the benefit of the organisation.

3. Ability development – HRD makes capable employees. Thus they

can develop their capability by which they can do their present job

4. Creative Motivation – HRD manager motivates employees and

improve their level of performance.

5. Good Relation – HRD manager stresses the need of coordination

which is used for the benefits of himself and for the benefits of those
who come in their contact.

6. Develop team spirit – HRD manager develops the spirit of

teamwork; team work for it is used for the effective cooperation and
coordination of each employee which ultimately checks industrial
7. Organisational Growth – HRM manager is responsible for
developing health, culture and effective work plan which always
result in more profitability.

8. Human Resource Information – HRM manager in general keeps all

records to employees working in his organisation; these can be used
at any time when these are needed.

HRM 29. What is the importance of training?

Ans.1. Training enables the management to face the pressure of

changing environments.

2. Training usually results in the increase of quantity and quality of


3. Training leads to job satisfaction and higher morale of the


4. Trained workers need lesser supervision.

5. Trained workers enable the enterprise to face competition from

rival organization.

6. Training enables employees to develop and rise within the

organization and increase their earning capacity.
7. It moulds the employee’s attitudes and helps them to achieve
better co-operation with the organization.

8. Trained employees make better economic use of materials and

equipment resulting in reduction of wastage and spoilage.

9. Training instructs the workers toward better job adjustment and

reduces the rate of labour turnover and absenteeism.

HRM 30. Briefly explain the nature of career planning?

Ans.1. A Process – Career planning is a process of developing human

resources rather than an event.

2. Upward movement – It involve upward movement in the

organizational hierarchy, or special assignments, project work which
require abilities to handle recurring problems, human relations
issues and so on.

3. Mutuality of Interest – The individual’s interest is served as his

needs and aspirations are met to a great extent and the
organization’s interest is served as each of its human resources is
provided an opportunity to develop and contribute to the
organizational goals and objectives to the optimum of its ability and
4. Dynamic – Career planning is dynamic in nature due to an ever
changing environment.

HRM 31. What are the important elements of a good appraisal


a. Reliability and validity b. Standardization c. Training to Appraisers

d. Employee access to results

e. Post Appraisal Interview

f. Not vindictive in nature

g. Job relatedness

h. Practical viability

i. Clear Objectives

j. Periodic Review.

HRM 32. Why is performance appraisal needed?

Ans.1. To create and maintain satisfactory level of performance.

2. To contribute to the employees growth & development through

training and self & management development program.
3. To help the superior to have a proper understanding about their

4. To grid, the job changes with the help of continuous ranking.

5. To facilitate fair and equitable compensation based on


6. To facilitate for resting & validating selection test, interview

techniques through comparing their scores with performance

7. To providing information for making decision regarding lay off,

retrenchment, retirement.

8. To suggest changes in employees behavior.

HRM 33. Briefly explain training versus education.

Ans. Training is learning job specific KSAs i.e., acquisition of

knowledge, skills and attitudes that one requires to do a particular
job. While, education is learning general KSAs that may directly or
indirectly help an individual in his job.

Training and development can be contrasted as follows:

i. Opportunity of learning.

ii. It is time specific.

iii. Every training should ideally result in development.


i. Outcome of learning.

ii. It is continuous, never-ending life long process.

iii. Development may/may not be because of training. Development

can be at times because of non-training factors too.

HRM 34. Who are career anchors?

Ans. Career anchors are distinct patterns of self – perceived talents,

attitudes, motives and values that guide and stabilize a person’s
career after several years of real world experiences and feedback.
Career anchors denote the basic drives that create the urge to take
up a certain type of a career.

These drives are as follows:

a. Managerial Competence – Person having this drive seek

managerial positions that provide opportunities for higher
responsibility, decision making, control and influence over others.
b. Technical Competence – People having this anchor seek to make
career choices based on the technical or functional content of the
work. It provide continuous learning and updating one’s expertise in
a technical or specialised area such as quality control, engineering,
accounting, advertising, public relations etc.

c. Security – If one’s career anchor is security than he is willing to do

what is required to maintain job security (through compliance with
organisational prescriptions), a decent income and a stable future.

d. Creativity – This drive provides entrepreneurial and innovative

opportunities to the people. People are driven by an overwhelming
desire to do something new that is totally of their own making.

e. Autonomy – These people seek a career that provides freedom of

action and independence.

HRM 35. Compare the functions of HRM and HRD.

HRM Function:

i. The HRM function is a routine, maintenance oriented

administrative function.

ii. HRM function is seen as an independent function with

independent sub-functions.
iii. HRM function is regarded as mainly a reactive function responding
to the demands of the organization as and when they arise.

iv. HRM is supposed to be an exclusive responsibility of the

personnel department.

v. HRM takes a very narrow view of its scope and aims only at
developing and administering people.

vi. HRM function considers salary, economic rewards, job

simplification and job specialization as important motivators.

vii. HRM function considers improved satisfaction and morale as the

cause of improved performance.

HRD Function:

i. HRD is a continuous development function. The major attention of

HRD is on improving the human process.

ii. HRD is viewed as a sub-system of a larger system. This means that

the design of HRD cannot be considered in isolation.

iii. HRD is regarded as a proactive function- The function of HRD is

not merely to cope with the needs of the organization but to
anticipate them and to act on them in advance in a continuous and
planned way.
iv. HRD aims at developing the capabilities on all line managers to
carry out various personnel functions themselves.

v. HRD takes a much wider view of its scope and aims at developing
the total organization.

vi. HRD emphasizes the importance of higher needs in motivating

individuals. It considers informal organization, autonomous work
groups, job enrichment, job challenge and creativity as the main
motivating forces.

vii. HRD considers improved performance as the cause and improved

satisfaction and morale of as its results.

HRM 36. What are different trends in the nature of work?

Ans. (i) Technological Changes:

Technological changes have already taken over the age old

management in manufacturing, communications, designing raw
material supply, storage movements, by accepting near to method
techniques, products, machines, raw materials supply chain, logistics,
thus helping increasing productivity and reduce number of
Labour intensive blue collar and clericals jobs have started declining
with arrival of the new techniques. Technology will also force
companies to be competitive, job redesigning, change in organisation
structures are being accepted.

Information technology has also speeded up what experts call the

“call of hierarchy”, in other words managers depend less and less on
yesterday’s stick-to-the chain of command approach to organising.

(ii) Another Trend Refers to Globalization:

This refers to the tendencies of companies to extend their sales or

manufacturing to the new markets abroad for business,
internationally, production is becoming globalised too, as
manufacturing facilities are put around the world by manufacturers,
at places which give them better advantages.

This globalization of markets and manufacturing has vastly increased

international competition, changes are taking place in the nature of
work, jobs due to the trends in technological change and
globalization. Information technology including fax machines,
personal computers and after e-business applications have allowed
companies to relocate operations to locations with lower wages.
There is trend to use temporary and part time workers, employees
on contract basis and as consultants. There is trend to get work done
through service industry, to get knowledge through Information
Technology. An enormous shift from manufacturing jobs to service
jobs is taking place in America and Western Europe.

Other trends affecting Human Resource Management relate to legal

protection to employees in the matter of employment, health of
employees, safety provisions, and union-management relations.

HRM 37. Discuss various applications of job analysis.

Ans. Job analysis is useful or applied in the following fields:

1. Organisational Design:

Job analysis are useful in classifying jobs and interrelationship among

them. Responsibility commensurate with authority and
accountability for various jobs can be specified so as to minimize
duplication or overlapping. In order to improve organisational
efficiency, sound decisions concerning, hierarchical positions and
functional differentiation can be taken on the basis of information
obtained through job analysis.

2. Requirement and Selection:

Job analysis provide information about the task, responsibilities,
knowledge and skill required for a job. It is helpful for recruitment
and selection of employee. Job analysis provides understanding of
what an employee is expected to do on the job.

3. Performance Appraisal:

Job analysis determines performance standards of the job. So an

employee performance is compared with the standard set with the
help of job analysis.

4. Training and Development:

Job analysis provides valuable information required to identify

training needs to design training programs and to evaluate training

5. Human Resource Planning:

Job analysis is an essential element of effective human resource

planning. It helps in determining quality of human resources required
in an organisation. It also provides useful information for forecasting
manpower requirements in term of knowledge and skills.

6. Health and Safety:

Job analysis reveals unhealthy and hazardous environmental and
operational conditions in various jobs. Heat, noise, dust, fumes etc.
are examples of such condition. On the basis of such information,
management can develop measures to ensure the health and safety
of employees.

7. Job Evaluation:

On the basis of job analysis, worth of different jobs are determined.

It is helpful in developing appropriate wage and salary structure.

8. Labour Relation:

Information obtained through job analysis is helpful to both

management and trade unions for collective bargaining. It is also
helpful to resolve disputes and grievances originated in the

HRM 38. Discuss the classical approaches to job design.

Ans. The classical approach was developed by F.W Taylor with his
principles of scientific management. On the basis of his principles of
scientific management jobs are designed in most of the
organisations. These principles have focus on the planning,
standardizing and improving human effort at the operative level for
higher productivity.
The scientific management approach has provided the following
principles for job design:

(i) Specialisation- Workers should be selected to perform specific

tasks so as to ensure narrow specialisation.

(ii) Monetary Compensation- Monetary compensation will be

provided to the employees for their efficient performance.

(iii) Training- Workers should be trained for better performance of


(iv) Task Fragmentation- Every task should be fragmented into small

components in order to improve technical efficiency.

(v) Optimization of Technology- Through scientific study and analysis,

the best method for doing a task is developed.

(vi) Individual Responsibility- Each worker is responsible for their

own task. One man can do one job. All these principles of Taylor
appear as a rational and task-centered approach to job design.
Standardisation, simplification and specialisation help to make job-
holders experts leading to higher productivity, and lower costs.

HRM 39. Define promotion.

Ans. The term “promotion” covers a change and calls for greater
responsibilities, and usually involves higher pay and better terms and
conditions of service. Promotion may be defined as “an upward
advancement of an employee in an organisation to another job,
which commands better wage, better prestige and higher
opportunities, responsibilities, and authority, better working
environment, hours of work and facilities, and a higher rank.”

According to L.D. White, “Promotion means an appointment from a

given position to a position of higher grade, involving a change of
duties to a more difficulties type of work and greater responsibility,
accompanied by change of title and usually an increase of pay.”

Thus, promotion means progress from a lower to a higher class with

the change of duties and responsibilities. When an employee is
promoted, it leads to the increase in his salary and grade also. But
only increment in salary is not called promotion. Also if the employee
is promoted and there is no increase in the employee’s pay, it is
called a ‘dry’ promotion.

HRM 40. What are the four components of 360 degree appraisal?

Ans. Performance appraisal has come to occupy a vital place in

human resource function. 360 system involves evaluation of a
manager by everyone above, alongside and below him. Several
corporations like General Electric, Reliance Industries, Crompton
Greaves, Godrej soaps, and Wipro, Infosys, Thermax, etc. are making
use of this technique.

There are four integral components of 360 Degree Appraisal:

(1) Self-Appraisal

(2) Superior’s Appraisal

(3) Subordinate’s Appraisal

(4) Peer Appraisal

HRM 41. What are the limitations of MBO?

Ans. MBO suffers from the following drawbacks:

1. Difficulty in Goal Setting- It is often blue- collar workers are unable

to set their job goals.

2. Problem of Participation- Traditional hierarchical structures and

authoritative attitudes do not allow active participation of
subordinates in goal- setting. In practice, leadership style of many
managers may not be compatible with participative goal-setting.
3. Lack of Understanding- MBO often fails due to lack of knowledge
about the philosophy and process of MBO. Failure to carefully
monitor the system is also a problem.

4. Time-Consuming and Expensive- MBO programme involves

considerable time, energy and expenditure. It is difficult to
administer because continuous interaction between superior and the
subordinate is required.

5. Inflexibility- MBO can be self-defeating if it fails to take into

consideration the deeper emotions of people. Rating of every
individual on the basis of specific targets may make it difficult to
compare the ratings.

HRM 42. Explain the objectives of job evaluation.

Ans. Job evaluation has various objectives, which are given below:

i. To provide a basis for wage negotiations with trade unions.

ii. To provide a framework for periodic reviews and revision of wage


iii. To develop a consistent wage policy.

iv. To establish a rational basis for incentive and bonus schemes.

v. To determine equitable wage differentials between different jobs
in the organisation.

vi. To eliminate wage inequities.

vii. To enable management to gauge and control the payroll costs.

viii. To minimise wage discrimination on the basis of age, sex, caste,

region and religion, etc.

HRM 43. Discuss material and non-material incentives.

Ans. Incentive is the important motivational factor. Every

organisation provided financial incentives and non-financial
incentives to its employees to motivate them. It also provide
opportunity for hard working and ambitious workers to earn more. It
helps in minimizing absenteeism and in improving productivity.

Therefore, every organisation provided two types of incentives to its


(a) Material incentives, and

(b) Non-material incentives.

(a) Material Incentives:

Material incentives are the primary needs of the individuals which
must be satisfied. It includes food, cloth and shelter. It is provided by
the employer to its employee directly.

Material incentives are of two types:

1. Individual Incentives, and

2. Group Incentives.

(b) Non-Material Incentive Plans:

Non-material incentive plans are mostly used in administration field.

It stress on the higher needs of employee. It assists for promotion
and nomination to higher posts. It is provided through appreciation
letters, merit certificates, medals, more meaningful involvement in
decision-making and opportunity for self-growth. In this plan, for any
welfare activities, an employee doesn’t get any financial incentives
rather provided with non-financial incentives, which sustain the
morale of that employee.

HRM 44. What are the features of profit sharing?

Ans. The different features are:

1. The payment is in addition to normal wages and allowances.

2. It is an agreement made between an employer and his employee
at the unit level or at the industrial level.

3. Such agreement as voluntary.

4. The profit-sharing is not based on individual merit or performance.

Rather it is a reward for collective effort.

5. Workers share the profits only and do not contribute to the

company’s loss.

6. The employee participating in the scheme must have some

minimum years of service or other qualification.

HRM 45. What are the different kinds of pension?

Ans. Pensions are of different types, they are:

1. Superannuation Pension- Superannuation pension given to an

officer who retires at the prescribed age. It was maintain in rules of
Central Civil Service.

2. Retiring Pension- Retiring pension given to an officer who retires

after completing a fixed period of qualifying services.

3. Invalid Pension- Invalid pension, given to an employee who retires

from service because of his mental weakness or bodily weakness,
permanently incapacities for his work. But it is certified by the
appropriate medical authority.

4. Compensatory Pension- Compensatory pension granted to an

officer whose permanent post is abolished and the Government is
unable to provide him with an alternative post on such equal rank of
post is offered to him, but not accepted by him

5. Compassionate Allowances- Such allowances are granted to a

public servant, when pension is not admissible on account of a public
servant’s removal from service for misconduct, insolvency or

6. Compulsory Retirement Pension- Such pension is granted to a

government servant, when he is compulsorily retired as a penalty.

7. Extra-ordinary Pension- Extra-ordinary pension are provided for-

(a) Injury Pension.

(b) Family Pension.

HRM 46. What are annual confidential reports and there


Ans. The term “Annual Confidential Report” or Confidential

Character Role is used to name performance appraisal chart in
government generally, confidential report is a report which is
prepared by the employee’s superior. It deals the strength and
weaknesses, achievements and failures of the employee. It is also
used for promotion and transfers of employee. In the modern time a
negative confidential report is required to be communicated to the

To adopt a system of promotion by merit calls for an efficient

performance appraisal system. The true purpose of a performance
appraisal system is primarily to assess the capabilities of a person in
terms of his contribution towards the achievement of organisational

A performance appraisal model will be of great use in reforming

annual confidential report Confidential report have far-reaching
influence on the career of an employee, it remarks such as-good,
very good, satisfactory, fair, etc. are not made with precision and
each one of these has different implications.


Annual confidential reports should be limited to the span of control

and it became a meaningless routine activity. Assessment of
employee made in terms of satisfactory, good, outstanding differs
from officer to officer and also department to department it is a
common complaint that appraisal reports are never written on time.
Time lag means that reporting and reviewing authorities do not
remember all benchmarks of performance for the period under

HRM 47. What is the importance of HR audit?

Ans. Importance of HR Audit:

1. To ensure the effective utilization of an organization’s human


2. To review statutory compliances with a myriad of administrative


3. To instill a sense of confidence in management and the human

resources function that it is well managed and prepared to meet
potential challenges.

4. To maintain or enhance the organization’s and the department’s

reputation in the community.

5. To perform a “due diligence” review for shareholders or potential

HRM 48. Critically discuss the principal methods of wage and salary

Ans. Pay is a motivational factors. According to Manson Haire, Pay in

one form or another is certainly one of the mainspring of motivation
in our society. The survival services depend on the level of
remuneration offered. Therefore a salary system so designed that it
attract, retain and motivate the employee towards the organisation.
Also it is the responsibility of manager in the organisation to
motivate the employee towards the work place.

Every task in the organisation is effectively done if there are a right

number of employees with the right level of talent and skill and right
incentive. An adequate and sound salary structure is the “sine qua
non” for organisational efficiency and effectiveness. Inadequate
compensation creates strikes, intensive tensions rivalries, frustration,
poor performance and low morale of the employees.

Methods of Wage Payment:

Generally there are two methods of wage payment:

1. Time wage system

2. Piece wage system.

1. Time Wage System:

Under this system, wages are paid on the basis of time spent on the
job irrespective of the amount of work done. The unit of time may be
a day, a week, and a fortnight or a month. In the past, daily wages
have been the most common basis and therefore, it came to be
known as the “Day wage system.”

2. Piece Wage System:

Under this system, remuneration is based on the amount of work

done on output of a worker. One unit of output is considered as one
piece and a specific rate of wage is paid per piece. Greater is the
number of pieces produced by a worker, higher is his remuneration,
thus, a workman is paid in direct proportion to his output. It is called
payment by results.

HRM 49. What are the functions of HRD?

Ans. The functions are:

1. Performance appraisal

2. Employee Training

3. Employee Development

4. Organizational Change
5. Organizational Development

6. Career planning and development

7. Involvement in social and religious Organizations

8. Involvement in Quality Circles

9. Involvement in Workers Participation in Management

10. Job rotation

11. Rewards

12. Feedback and Counselling

HRM 50. What are the six steps in training?

Ans. Important steps in training are:

1. Discovering or identifying training needs.

2. Preparing the instruction or getting ready for the job.

3. Preparing the trainee.

4. Presenting the operation.

5. Try out the trainee’s performance.

6. Follow-up or rewards and feedback.

HRM 51. What is profit sharing?

Ans. Profit-sharing plan is an important supplement to wages and a

good financial incentive, the purpose of profit-sharing is to distribute
additional profit among employees in the form of bonus or
incentives, which may be paid in cash or transferred to their account.
The company contributes a portion of its pretax profits to a pool that
is distributed among eligible employees.

The amount distributed to each employee may be based on

employee’s basic salary. It means the employees, who get higher
salaries receive a slightly higher amount of profits. This is actually
done on an annual basis.

According to the International Labour Organisation, “Profit-sharing is

a method of industrial remuneration under which an employer
undertakes to pay to his employees, a share in the net profits of the
enterprise in addition to their regular wages. The main objective of
profit-sharing is to create unity of interests and the spirit of

HRM 52. Briefly explain the importance of career planning.

Ans. Importance of career planning are:

1. To attract competent persons and retain them in the organization.

2. To provide suitable promotional opportunities,

3. Map out careers of employees suitable to their ability, and their

willingness to be trained and developed for higher positions.

4. To ensure better utilisation of managerial reserves within an


5. To reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover.

6. To correct employee placement.

7. To improve employee morale and motivation by matching their

skills to job requirements.

8. To achieve higher productivity and organization developments.

9. To provide guidance and encourage employees needs to fulfill

their potentials.

HRM 53. Is performance appraisal advantageous?

Ans. The advantages of performance appraisal are:

1. SWOT Analysis – Performance Appraisal gives a complete idea of

the employee’s strength, weaknesses and based on that their
opportunities and threats.
2. Career Planning – On the basis of one’s own SWOT analysis, an
employee can have his career plans.

3. Suitable Placement – Performance appraisal enables a company to

give suitable placement to an employee based on their talents and

4. Self-Development – Performance Appraisal is very much a positive

activity which enables an employee to know his own weaknesses and
also enables him to remove their weaknesses and lead to self-

5. Effective Training Program – Training programmes can be drawn

out on the basis of the needs of employees to remove their

6. Sound Personnel Policies – Personnel policies for promotions,

transfer must be sound and objective. Performance Appraisal
provides valuable information and reliable data for such decisions.

7. Employee-Employer Relations – Will be healthy if performance

Appraisal information will be used for personnel management. This
will minimize grievances and improve confidence in the
8. Higher Employee Productivity – Employer morale will be high
because there can be a system of rewards for employees with higher
performance. This will improve organization productivity.

9. Human resource planning – Performance Appraisal will help in

potential human resource planning.

HRM 54. Why is training needed?

Ans. Training is needed for following purposes:

1. To match the Employee specifications with the job Requirements

and Organizational needs.

2. Organizational viability and the transformation process.

3. Technological Advances.

4. Organizational Complexity.

5. Human Relations.

6. Change in the job assignments

7. To increase productivity

8. To improve quality of the products and services

9. To improve organizational climate

10. To improve health and safety

11. To prevent obsolescence

12. Effect personal growth

13. Minimize the resistance to change

14. To act as a mentor

HRM 55. Do you think reskilling can prove to be beneficial to both

the organisation and the employees?

Ans. Reskilling means an employees, where he get chance to proceed

towards a new career path with the same employer. It further
provides a chance to the personnel to make use of their already
acquired skills in conjunction with the newer opportunities and
challenges faced by the organisation.

Reskilling employees should be on ongoing process. In the reskilling

process both employees and employers have more trust and
commitment Therefore, reskilling can prove to be beneficial to both
the organisation and also to the employees.

The importance of reskilling has been discussed in the following:

1. Reskilling employees should be never-ending process.

2. It help employees to accelerate skill development

3. It enhance job satisfaction, reduces employee turnover.

4. It mainly focus on employee’s performance, what they do best for

the firm.

3. It provides not only information on personnel, but also gets

information on strength of employees on different position.

6. Reskilling employees to be effective through distance mode, the

role, responsibility and performance of the training institution.

HRM 56. What is learning?

Ans. According to Burgoyne and Hodgson, “Learning is a process

through which an individual goes through qualitative changes in
comparison to what has been conceived by him or her earlier in life.”

Learning is the process through which an individual acquire some

knowledge or skill which is helpful not only in his present life, but
also in his future life. He utilise that acquire knowledge and skill, in
different field. Learning is a natural or never ending process.

It effects the individuals. By this individual are totally change. It is a

process through which individual learn how to adjust with the
prevailing or complex situation. It is a continuous or life long process,
throughout the life, individual learn something.

HRM 57. Explain the importance of management development.

Management development is necessary for the following reasons:

1. Today, labour-management relations are complex. Workers are

better educated and more aware. More competent managers are
needed to manage to modern workforce.

2. Management needs education and training to understand and

adjust to changes in socioeconomic forces. Changes in public policy,
social justice, industrial democracy, ecology, cultural anthropology
are the main socioeconomic changes.

3. Management of state enterprises, public utilities and civic bodies

improve operational efficiency,

4. The size and complexity of organisations are increasing. Managers

need to be developed to handle the problems of complex
organisations in the face of increasing competition.

5. Management development programmes are required to train and

develop professional managers.
6. Business and industrial leaders are increasingly recognition their
social and public responsibilities.

HRM 58. Discuss the advantages or benefits of total quality


Ans. Advantages and Benefits of TQM:

1. It Channelises the procedures necessary to achieve quality

performance. Quality cannot be achieved instantly. It requires a
systematic and long- term planning and strategic approach by
focusing on defining the quality policies, goals and objectives. All the
organisations adopting Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and
Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques and developing and using
a system of evaluation. The aim of the organisations is to achieve the
desired and objective quality performance.

2. It helps examine critically and continuously all processes to

remove non-productive activities and waste. The organisation always
aims at improving productivity asset, leads to reduction in cost
resulting in increased unprofitability. A continuous effort to identify
the problems and to resolve them helps to reduce the waste. Thus,
the culture of well-being improves housekeeping, cost effectiveness
and safety.

3. It gears organisations to fully understand the competition and

develop an effective combat strategy. The dynamic changes has been
taken place especially in the global market and also in the open
market policies adopted by a large number of organisations, which
help to increase competition among them.

It is essential for each and every organisation today to understand

the competition and develop and adopt suitable strategies to meet
the challenge. It also helps to understand the pulse of the customer.
Therefore, the market gives an edge to the organisation to meet the

4. It helps to develop good procedure for communication and

acknowledging good work. Improper procedures and inadequate
communication create misunderstanding, confusion, low
productivity, poor quality, low morale and so on Total Quality
Management bring together members of different levels of

HRM 59. What is National Renewal Fund (NRF)?

Ans. The new industrial policy was announced by the Government of
India on July 24, 1991. Its main aim is to protect the interest of the
worker, enhance their welfare and equip them in all aspects to deal
with the inevitability of technological change. The Government of
India believes that no small section of society can corner the gains of
growth, leaving workers to bear its path. Labour will be made on
equal partner in progress and prosperity.

Worker’s participation in management will be encouraged to

participate in the packages designed to turn around sick companies.
Intensive training, skill development and upgradation programmes
will be launched. National Renewal Fund (NRF) was prepared by the
Department of Industrial Development in January, 1992. During the
year, discussion is on that, the labour will not be thrown out of
employment in the name of modernisation.

On the whole, the NRF was constituted on February 3, 1992 but

become operational only in early 1993. On May 5, 2000 the NRF in its
original form was abolished accordingly. At present the budgetary
support for implementation of VRS in central public sector
undertakings has been made available directly to the concerned
administrative ministries by Ministry of Finance from the financial
year 2001-2002 and funds required for retraining of rehabilitation of
employees availing VRS has been placed with the Department of
Public Enterprises from 2001-2002.

HRM 60. Briefly describe the concept of strategic human resource


Ans. The concept of Strategic Human Resource Management

(SHRM), defined as the integration of HRM with the strategic goals
which improve business performance for achieving organizational
goals. It mainly accepting the HR function of the company’s
strategies through planned HR activities such as, recruiting, selecting,
training and rewarding personnel.

The strategic of HRM is mainly related to the culture, style and

structure of the organisation. In the strategic of HRM, line managers
is responsible for managing human resources, who basically manage
people at work. HR policies, practices and activities are aligned with
the objectives and strategies of the organisation.

HRM 61. What are the importance of redeployment?

Ans. The importance of redeployment has been discussed in the


(i) It offers employees unique opportunities such as multiple career

pathways and opportunities for development.
(ii) It promote the organisation as an employee of choice.

(iii) Reinforce work ethos and commitment to the spirit of service.

(iv) The employee is to be consulted on any proposed appointment

(v) Individual employee’s entitlement to privacy must be respected

throughout the process and information then can only be released
with their agreement.

(vi) Any redeployment process must fit easily within the overall
restructuring programme and be easy to understand and administer
within a reasonable time.

(vii) Retain people who are familiar with the organisational networks,
culture and behaviour and ethical standards.

(viii) Retain institutional knowledge and specialised competencies.

HRM 62. Discuss the objectives of management development.

Ans. Management Development means development of the

managerial activities or development of manager, as manager play
an important role in the management.

Objectives of management development is:

1. To provide opportunities to executives to fulfil their career

2. To sustain good performance of manager to prepare him for

higher jobs in future.

3. To ensure required number of managers with the needed skills to

meet the present and anticipated future needs of the organisation.

4. To ensure that the managerial resources of the organisation are

utilised optimally.

5. To improve the performance of manager at all levels of activities.

6. To replace elderly executive who have risen from the ranks by

highly competent and academically qualified professionals.

HRM 63. What are the limitations of training?

Ans. Training is considered as one of the lesser developed areas of

public personnel administration- In many organisations it is failed
due to its weakness in policies, procedures and practices relating to
training activities.

It is failed due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of coordination among the training staff and other staff.

2. There is no clear training policy and have not proper linkage with
HRD policy.

3. Top management have little confidence about the training

methods which ensuring development of human resources.

4. Lack of efforts to make better utilisation of the trainees.

5. Organisational arrangements, budgetary allocations, staff

resources, aids etc. are not adequate and properly placed.

6. Lack of seriousness in the procedures of training for ensuring

effectiveness of training.

7. Lack of evaluation of training at various stages. The outcomes of

training programmes are not mentioned.

HRM 64. What are the objective of capacity building?

Ans. Following are the objective of capacity-building:

1. For implementing and evaluating what worked, what did not and
what was learnt in the process.

2. For bringing suitable modifications.

3. For identifying required resource to achieve identified outcomes.

4. For developing specific outcomes to achieve strategies and tactics.

5. For prioritizing the areas for improvement

HRM 65. What are the measures required for making workers
participation in management successful?

Ans. The following steps are taken for making successful workers
participation in management:

(1) Participation should be a continuous process. Adequate time

must be allowed to let it take roots. It is a slow and steady process. It
should be start from the shop floor level to the boardroom level.

(2) Proper training and education should be provided to the workers

and their representatives, about the process of participative

(3) Workers should be made aware of the benefits of participation.

(4) Workers’ participation has looked after the workers interest on

one side and efficiency, productivity, quality and profitability on the
other side.

(5) Employers should adopt a progressive outlook. They should

consider organisation a joint endeavour in which workers have an
equal say. Employer should be made conscious of their obligation to
workers and the benefits of participative management. They should
provide security to workers.

(6) Strong, enlightened and truly representative trade union should

be developed. Only one union should be recognised in each
industrial unit to represent the workers.

(7) Employers and workers should agree on the objectives of

industry. They would recognise and respect the rights and
obligations of each other.

(8) Mere legislation cannot make participation successful. A true

spirit of mutual cooperation and commitment to participation must
be developed on the part of both management and labour. Both are
in trust with each other.

HRM 66. What is meant by collective bargaining?

Ans. Collective bargaining is the process, where terms and conditions

of employment are determined by mutual agreement between the
employer and the employees. This process is called ‘collective’ as
both employer and employees participate in groups rather than as
individuals and bargaining refers to arriving at a stage of agreement
using methods like discussion, exchange of ideas and facts, and
negotiation rather than confrontation.
Collective bargaining is bipartite in nature because only the
employers and the employees are involved in the bargaining process.
The idea is that the employer and employee should not make
decision unilaterally or with the intervention of any third party.

In 1973, the International Labour Office Workers Manual defines

collective bargaining as “negotiation about working conditions and
terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers
or one or more employers’ organisations. On the one hand, and one
or more representative workers’ organisations, on the other with a
view to arrive at an agreement.”

HRM 67. How trade union was originated?

Ans. According to an old Sanskrit proverb, strength lies in the

organisation. This is true for those who earn their living by service
under a private employer or state. Trade unions have become vital
part of organisation. It is true that if the employees do not organise
themselves, it would be difficult for them to get better working
condition and improve their life.

The idea of employees association first developed in private industry

in the nineteenth century Socialism At that time workers were feel
that employers are getting more profit by using their collective
strength and employees could expect little, from their employers in
the matter of wages and working conditions. As a result they were
organized themselves into Trade Unions which arose in the wake of
the Industrial Revolution.

At that time attitude of the government towards these unions was

not good but time changes everything. In the initial stages, the
authorities not only refused to recognize such bodies but vigorously
prohibited the services from joining them. But in the recent years the
pressure of the public employees on the governments became so
pronounced that they latter had to submit to the wishes of the

Such change is due to two grounds-moral and practical. From moral

point of view it was realised that the public services must have a
voice in determining their own condition of Work. From practical
point of view the co-operation of the employees with the employer
was essential to stimulate the interest of the employees in their work
and prevent administrative abuses. Such a participation was
considered essential from efficiency and economy point of view.

Generally, Trade Union is formed by the employees of subordinate

public services. Object of this union is to improve the wages, and
other conditions of service of their members. If their demands are
not fulfilled they do not hesitated to resort to strikes.

HRM 68. Define conciliation.

Ans. Conciliation is the process by which representatives of workers

and employers are brought together before a third party. It involves
friendly intervention of a neutral person or group of persons to help
the parties to settle their dispute peacefully.

A Conciliation Officer, appointed by the government to settle the

dispute. He investigates the dispute and sent his report to the
government. He submits his report within 14 days from the date of
commencement of conciliation proceedings. He has no power to
force a settlement but assist the parties to reach an agreement.

The task of a conciliation officer is administrative and not judicial. If

the dispute was not settled by a conciliation officer, government may
constitute a Board of Conciliation. A Board of Conciliation consists of
a chairman and two or four other members. The chairman is an
independent person and its members are appointed by the dispute
parties itself in equal number.

If any party fails to appoint any person as their representative

Government shall appoint such person as their representative. The
Board investigates the dispute and submits its report within two
months. Conciliation method saves a lot of time and expenditure of
the disputed parties.

HRM 69. What are the measures for improving industrial relations?

Ans. Following are the requirements for a sound industrial relations:

(1) Participative Management

(2) Collective Bargaining

(3) Responsible Union

(4) Sound Human Resource Policies

(5) Grievance Procedure

(6) Constructive Attitude

(7) Employee Welfare.

HRM 70. What is meant by incentives?

Ans. Incentives refer to those psychological stimulations which

activate and motivate persons to do more work. Research has
revealed that there is highly positive correlation between incentive
and consequence. Every person needs incentive. It is difficult to
attain the goal without inspiration. Employees do work only when it
is gainful for them to do so.

In the words of George R. Terry, “Incentive means that which incites

or has a tendency to incite action.”

Thus, it can be said that incentive is that attraction which motivates

the employees to do more production. Incentive is taken as synonym
of temptation or allurement.

HRM 71. What is the scope of workers’ participation?

Ans. 1. Social Decisions- Hours of work, welfare measures, work

rules, safety, health, sanitation and noise control.

2. Personnel Decisions- Recruitment and selection, promotions and

transfers, grievance settlements, work distribution

3. Economic Decisions- Methods of manufacturing, automation,

layoffs, shut-downs, mergers and acquisitions and other financial

HRM 72. What is the scope of human resources management?

Ans. The scope of HRM is very wide.

1. Personnel Aspect:
This is concerned with man power planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, lay off
and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity etc.

2. Welfare Aspect:

It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteen,

creches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical
assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities etc.

3. Industrial Relations Aspect:

This covers union- management relations, joint consultations,

collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures,
settlement of disputes etc.

HRM 73. Define job specifications.

Ans. Job specifications specify the minimum acceptable qualifications

required by the individual to perform the task efficiently. Based on
the information obtained from the job analysis procedures, job
specification identifies the qualifications, appropriate skills,
knowledge, abilities, and experience required to perform the job.

It also specifies not only educational qualifications but also certain

personality characteristics that may be required specifically for a job.
At times, individuals with certain temperamental qualities may also
be specified in job specifications. In other words, this process
identifies the particular qualities needed in an individual to perform
the job.

By reading them, the candidate should also get a fair idea as to the
expectations of the organization. Another inherent factor is that the
matching of the qualifications need to be done in such a manner that
a matching exists with job requirements.

HRM 74. What does employee assistance programme include?

Ans. Employee assistance programmes include:

(i) Counselling to overcome death of a loved one, children-parent

relation, husband-wife relation, alcoholism, drug abuse, depression,

(ii) Legal assistance in property disputes, husband-wife separation,

cheating cases etc.

(iii) Building better health- Pre-employment medical check-ups,

teaching relaxation techniques, special diets, onsite physical
rehabilitation, ergonomics, onsite gym, etc.

HRM 75. What is the importance of merit rating?

Ans. Importance of Merit Rating:

1. It is helpful to measure the performance of employees. On the

basis of performance, we can utilize him in better works.

2. After telling the weak points of employees, we can increase the

performance of employees.

3. It is the helpful to promote of employees.

4. Merit rating tells the strength and weakness of employee with

proper record. So, it is helpful to give more training to employee.
With training, we can convert his work points into strength points.

HRM 76. What are the steps involved in domestic enquiry?

Ans. The domestic enquiry require the following procedure for

providing proper justice to the employee or to the management:

1. Opportunity provided to the employee for cross examining


2. Enquiry officer is required to record his findings with reasons in his


3. Enquiry officer should be independent. He may be a senior officer

of the organisations as mentioned in the standing orders of the
4. Witness is to be examined in the presence of the employee.

5. Employee has to be given a fair opportunity

5. Employee has to be given a fair opportunity to produce his

witnesses, for his defense.

6. Opportunity provided to the other party to be heard in good faith.

HRM 77. What is the importance of HRM in recent time?

Ans. Human resource management has become very significant in

recent time, due to the following reasons:

1. Increase in the size and complexity of organisation.

2. Growing expectations of society from employers.

3. Rapid technological development.

4. Increasing proportion of women in the work force.

5. Rapidly changing jobs and skills requiring long term manpower


6. Risk of professional and knowledgeable workers.

7. Growth of powerful nationwide trade union.

8. Revolution in information technology that might affect the work

HRM 78. How is data collected for HR audit?

Ans. For the purpose of HR audit, data are collected by the outsider
and insider. In collecting data, outsider reports are more important
than the insider.

i. Asking Questions of the Data:

Most of the time data is found to be misleading. Therefore, the most

purposes, trend comparisons may be preferable.

ii. Interpreting the Data:

After asking questions about the data, it is the responsibility of the

HR department to assist the management in analyzing and
interpreting the data.

iii. Stimulating Remedial Action:

Most organisations in the public sector are generating more than the
adequate quantity of data. The main purpose of it is to stimulate
remedial action. In some cases, the action may require consultation
between the supervisor and the higher management.

HRM 79. Explain the meaning of stress.

Ans. The word stress is derived from the Latin term “stringers” which
means “to draw tight”. Some defines stress as the non-specific
response of the body to any demands made on it Stress is different
from anxiety which is a state of uncertainty.

It is also different from agitation which is the physical part of anxiety.

Stress also differ from frustration, which is blocked goal attainment.

Stress is a pressure condition causing hardship. It is an internal

phenomenon and a mental attitude. If stress is the condiment strain
is the salt and if there is an imbalance in condiment-salt relationship,
the result is impala-table. Stress is generally believed to have a
deleterious effect on health and performance.

HRM 80. What is the meaning and definition of selection?

Ans. Meaning of Selection:

Selection refers to the process by which qualified applicants are

selected by means of various tests in pre-determined numbers, out
of large number of applicants.

Definitions of Selection:

Following are the main definitions of selection:

(1) According to Dale Yoder, “Selection is the process in which
candidates for employment are divided in two classes those who are
to be offered employment and those who are not.”

(2) According to Weihrich and Koontz, “Selecting manager is

choosing from among the candidates the one who best meets the
position requirements.”

HRM 81. What are the steps involved in employee grievance



(i) Identify grievances- Employee dissatisfaction should be identified

by the managers if they are not expressed.

(ii) Define correctly- Management has to define the problem

properly and accurately, after it is identified/acknowledged.

(iii) Collect data- Complete information should be collected from all

the parties relating to the grievance. Information should be classified
as facts, data, opinions etc.

(iv) Analyse and solve- Information should be analysed, alternative

standard to the problem should be developed and best solution
(v) Prompt redressal- The grievance should be redressed by
implementing the solution.

(vi) Follow up- Implementation and follow-up of the solution must be

followed up at every stage in order to ensure effective and speedy

HRM 82. What do you mean by QWL?

Ans.The quality of work life (QWL) is defined as the favourableness

or otherwise of the job environment to the people. Some definitions
interpret it as the degree to which employees are able to meet their
personal needs through their experience in the organization.

The improvements in QWL are aimed at the enhancement of human

dignity and growth by creating appropriate processes in which all the
stakeholders, that is, management, unions, and employees,
collectively work together to decide upon the workable actions and
changes/improvement for achieving the twin objectives of improving
the living standards of employees and also the efficacy of the

HRM 83. What is the main difference between between wages and
Ans.Wage ;-Wage represents hourly rates of pay which is given to
workers for manual or physical work. Thus wage is given to
compensate the unskilled workers for their services rendered to
organisation. Wages may be based on hourly, daily, weekly or even
monthly basis. Wages may be based on number of units produced
(i.e. piece wage system) or time spent on job.

Salary:Salary refers to the monthly rate of pay, irrespective of the

number of hours put in by an employee. Salary is given to office
employees, foremen, managers, professional and technical staff. It is
based on monthly and yearly basis. Thus time period for which
salaries are paid is generally higher than in case of wage payments.
Salary is always based on time spent on job.

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