Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Individual/Group: Individual
Assessment Weighting: 100%
Issue Date: June 2021
Hand In Date: 4pm, Friday 20th May 2022
Planned Feedback Date: Within 20 working days
Mode of Submission: On-line
Number of copies to be submitted: One uploaded to Solent Online Learning (SOL)
We have studied many key areas of marketing during this module and this report
will allow you to use this knowledge to provide a report around a case study
organisation of your choosing covering some of these key marketing concepts.
Assessment Task
Choosing an organisation you are familiar with, you will deliver a report
considering the assessment requirements of:
1). Show your understanding to the role of marketing; Describe your chosen
organisation, and the industry they are in; link your understanding of the role of
marketing within your chosen organisation to support organisational objectives
2) Discuss the factors in an organisation’s marketing environment, which impact on
the marketing of a product or service and developing a PESTLE and SWOT analysis
for your chosen organisation (using the suggested PESTEL & SWOT Tables provided)
4) A Personal reflection on your practice of sales and negotiation skills that you
completed in taught sessions and the key points you will take away and use in the
future and an outline of your chosen organisation’s strategies in this area
3. Discussion and Analysis of Marketing Mix: Illustrate and discuss how your
chosen organisation applies its marketing tactical tools (i.e. marketing mix-
7P) to market its products and services (using the suggested Marketing Mix
Discussion Table provided).
4. Sales and Negotiation skills applied by your chosen organisation : Provide
a reflection on the skills you learnt in the sales and negotiation sessions
(which can be from your Formative assessment 2) and where possible
identify how your chosen organisation have applied its Sales and
Negotiations skills for marketing products and services; evaluate related
5. Conclusion and Recommendation: Provide a discussion of the major
findings, concluding analysis and recommendations in relation to how your
chosen organisation markets its products and services to support
organisational objectives (using the suggested Marketing Mix
Recommendations Table provided).
6. Reference List
Other Instructions
1). Your report must be in report format with appropriate headings and paragraph
numbering. You must include all sources and references in a ‘References’ section.
You are expected to refer to appropriate theory and models, and to reference your
work correctly, using the Harvard system. If you are unsure of the Harvard system
a guidance leaflet is available from the library.
2). The word limit is very tight; therefore, you will need to be concise. Use
minimum words for clarity and do not repeat yourself. Please note the marks
weighting for each of the tasks and the weighting for report structure and
Your work will be assessed using the attached marking scheme below.
3). The suggested Tables for PESTEL & SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix and Marketing
Mix Recommendations MUST BE placed in the body of your Report. Use bullet
points in these suggested Tables and you MUST provide in-text citations for each
bullet point. In addition, the Tables in the body of the Report DO NOT count
towards the word count for the Report.
Assessment criteria
Criteria A1 – A2 A3 – A4 B1 – B3 C1 – C3 D1 – D3 F1 – F3
Introduction outlines Exemplary Excellent Good introduction Satisfactory Limited Very Limited/No
the role of marketing introduction which introduction which which summarises introduction which introduction which introduction which
summarises the role summarises the the role of summarises the role summarises the summarises the role of
to support the of marketing to role of marketing marketing to of marketing to role of marketing marketing to support
achievement of an support the to support the support the support the to support the the achievement of an
organizational achievement of an achievement of an achievement of an achievement of an achievement of an organizational
objectives organizational organizational organizational organizational organizational objectives.
objectives. objectives. objectives. objectives. objectives.
Very Limited/No
Conclusions are Exemplary conclusion Good conclusion Satisfactory Limited conclusion conclusion drawn from
drawn from the drawn from very Excellent drawn from conclusion drawn drawn from basic very limited/no
evaluation and detailed evaluation conclusion drawn detailed evaluation from basic evaluation and evaluation; no or vague
recommendations are and recommendations from detailed and evaluation and recommendations recommendations are
given are given which are in evaluation and recommendations recommendations are given which are given which are not in
line with the recommendations are given which are are given which are in line with the line with marketing mix
marketing mix and are given which are in line with the in line with marketing mix and and are of poor
are extremely in line with the marketing mix and marketing mix and are of basic/poor effectiveness.
effective. marketing mix and are effective. are mainly effective. effectiveness.
are very effective.
Marketing Exceptional level of Excellent level of Good level of Satisfactory level of Limited level of Very limited/no level of
environment and understanding in all understanding in understanding in understanding in all understanding in understanding in the
aspects of marketing all aspects of all aspects of aspects of marketing the aspects of aspects of marketing
PESTEL/SWOT analysis environment and marketing marketing environment and marketing environment and and
marketing tactical environment and environment and marketing tactical environment and marketing tactical tools
Discussion and tools implementation marketing tactical marketing tactical tools and marketing implementation with
analysis of marketing with exceptionally tools tools implementation with tactical tools very limited detail,
mix (i.e. marketing detailed evaluation of implementation implementation satisfactory detailed implementation evaluation of PESTEL,
PESTEL, SWOT with excellent with a good evaluation of with limited detail, SWOT analysis and
tactical tools) analysis and detailed evaluation detailed PESTEL, SWOT evaluation of marketing mix,
marketing mix of PESTEL, SWOT evaluation of analysis and PESTEL, SWOT discussion and academic
discussion and analysis and PESTEL, SWOT marketing mix and analysis and argument shown, with
academic argument marketing mix analysis and academic argument marketing mix limited/no support from
shown, which was discussion and marketing mix and shown, which was discussion and academic sources. Very
backed up with academic argument academic argument mostly backed up academic argument limited/no
academic sources. shown, which was shown, which was with academic shown, with very identification of
Exceptional backed up with backed up with sources. limited support organisations and/or
identification of academic sources. academic sources. Satisfactory from academic evaluation of challenges
organisations and Excellent Good identification identification of sources. Limited and how these have
evaluation of identification of of organisations organisations and level of been overcome.
challenges and how organisations and and evaluation of evaluation of identification of
these have been evaluation of challenges and how challenges and how organisations and
overcome. challenges and how these have been these have been evaluation of
these have been overcome. overcome. challenges and how
overcome. these have been
Sales and Negotiation Exemplary reflection Excellent Good reflection Satisfactory Limited reflection Little/no reflection and
and insight into why reflection and and insight into reflection and and insight into insight into why and
reflection and and how to apply the insight into why why and how to insight into why and why and how to how to apply the
discussion effective sales and and how to apply apply the effective how to apply the apply the effective effective sales and
negotiation skills is the effective sales sales and effective sales and sales and negotiation skills is
important. and negotiation negotiation skills is negotiation skills is negotiation skills is important.
skills is important. important. important. important.
Exceptional logic and Excellent logic and Good logic and Satisfactory logic Poor logic and flow Little/no logic and flow
General presentation flow of academic flow of academic flow of academic and flow of of academic of academic argument,
and use of Harvard argument, which was argument, which argument, which academic argument, argument, which which was not
extremely persuasive was very was persuasive which was mainly was not always persuasive throughout
Referencing along throughout the whole persuasive throughout the persuasive persuasive the whole essay
with credible essay structure with throughout the whole essay throughout the throughout the structure with a very
academic sources an exceptionally high whole essay structure with a whole essay whole essay poor professional finish.
professional finish. structure with a good professional structure with a structure with a Little/no level of
Exceptional level of very high finish. Good level satisfactory poor professional Harvard referencing
Harvard referencing professional finish. of Harvard professional finish. finish. Poor level used throughout with
used throughout from Excellent level of referencing used Satisfactory level of of Harvard little/no range of
an exceptionally good Harvard throughout from a Harvard referencing referencing used credible academic
range of credible referencing used good range of used throughout throughout from a sources.
academic sources. throughout from an credible academic from a basic range of very basic range of
excellent range of sources. credible academic credible academic
credible academic sources. sources.
Grade marking
The University uses a letter grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless students
have been specifically informed otherwise their marked assignment will be awarded a
letter grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be
found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.