JEE Adv Nurture CBT Schedule and Syllabus
JEE Adv Nurture CBT Schedule and Syllabus
JEE Adv Nurture CBT Schedule and Syllabus
Test No. Test Date Test Type Test Pattern Test Timings Mode of Test* Subject Topics Covered
1 18/08/2024 REVIEW TEST-1 JEE (MAIN) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Basic Maths Used In Physics , Unit & Dimension , Vectors, Kinematics-1D , 2D, Newton Laws
(Available in Online
JEE (ADVANCED) 1 PM-4 PM CBT mode for Practice) of Motion , Friction
Chemistry Mole Concept & Eudiometry ,Concentration Terms, Quantum Number & Electronic
Con guration , Periodic Table & Periodic Properties,Chemical Bonding
Mathematics Sets , Numbers & Intervals , Fundamental of Algebra , Quadratic Equations, Logarithms ,
Sequence & Series , Trigonometric Ratio & Identities
2 29/09/2024 REVIEW TEST-2 JEE (MAIN) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Basic Maths Used In Physics , Unit & Dimension , Vectors, Kinematics-1D , 2D, Newton Laws
(Available in Online
JEE (ADVANCED) 1 PM-4 PM CBT mode for Practice) of Motion , Friction, Circular Motion, Work, Power & Energy
Chemistry Mole Concept & Eudiometry ,Concentration Terms, Quantum Number & Electronic
Con guration , Periodic Table & Periodic Properties,Chemical Bonding, Redox &
Equivalent Concepts, Nomenclature & Common Names , Electronic Displacement Effects
Mathematics Sets , Numbers & Intervals , Fundamental of Algebra , Quadratic Equations, Logarithms ,
Sequence & Series , Trigonometric Ratio & Identities, Trigonometric Equation ,
Fundamental of Geometry , Straight Line
3 24/11/2024 REVIEW TEST-3 JEE (MAIN) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Center of Mass, Momentum & Collision, Rotational Dynamics, Elasticity, Thermal
JEE (ADVANCED) 1 PM-4 PM Expansion , Calorimetry & Heat Transfer
Chemistry Electronic Displacement Effects , Acidic Strength & Basic Strength, Ideal Gas , Real Gas ,
Atomic Structure
Mathematics Circle, Parabola , Ellipse , Hyperbola, Permutation & Combination , Binomial Theorem
4 16/02/2025 REVIEW TEST-4 JEE (MAIN) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Center of Mass , Momentum & Collision, Rotational Dynamics, Elasticity, Thermal
JEE (ADVANCED) 2 PM-5 PM Expansion , Calorimetry & Heat Transfer, KTG ,Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics , Simple
Harmonic Motion
Chemistry Electronic Displacement Effects , Acidic Strength & Basic Strength, Ideal Gas , Real Gas ,
Atomic Structure, Chemical Equilibrium, Isomerism , Puri cation & Characteristics of
Organic Compounds
Mathematics Circle, Parabola , Ellipse , Hyperbola, Permutation & Combination , Binomial Theorem,
Complex Number, Relation , Statistics , Function , Limit & Derivatives , 3D , Probability ( All
Elementary Level )
1 23/03/2025 MAJOR TEST JEE (MAIN) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Full Syllabus
2 20/04/2025 MAJOR TEST JEE (ADVANCED) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Full Syllabus
(2 PAPERS) 2 PM-5 PM Chemistry
Session : 2024-25
JEE(Main+Advanced) : Topic Wise Syllabus & Schedule
For : Nurture Computer Based Test Series (Class XI Undergoing Students)
Test No. Test Date Test Type Test Pattern Test Timings Mode of Test* Subject Topics Covered
3 04/05/2025 MAJOR TEST JEE (ADVANCED) 9 AM-12 NOON CBT Physics Full Syllabus
(2 PAPERS) 2 PM-5 PM Chemistry
Note :
1. *If the number of students are less /minimum at the CBT Center or due to the non-availability of computer labs; the test will be available on your DSAT panel ( in ONLINE CBT mode (attempt test paper from home in online
mode) as per the schedule.
2. Mode of test will be CBT as per given in the test schedule. No live “Online CBT” exam will be given.
3. For each CBT, the student has to download and print their CBT Admit Card from Student Control Panel.
4. For JEE (MAIN) pattern tests please refer JEE (MAIN) syllabus only.
5. Number of Tests/Dates/Timings/Pattern may differ according to the dates of Main Exams declared by the exam governing body.
6. DLP question paper & answer key will be available after completion the exam on DSAT ( in PDF format (downloadable & printable format).
7. Test syllabus may be change as per NTA/Exam governing body noti cation .
8. Under any unforeseen circumstances, if it is not possible to conduct a test in CBT mode at center then the test will be available on your DSAT panel in ONLINE CBT mode (attempt test paper from home in online mode) as per the schedule.
9. If the Students are unable to attempt the exam on the pre-scheduled Test Dates due to late registration or absence can avail their missed exams as Practice Tests on the DSAT panel and will also get the All India Predicted Rank (PR) among the
pool of students after the declaration of AIR for the particular test.