In Voice 5405252308619
In Voice 5405252308619
In Voice 5405252308619
Supplier: Tema Retail Egypt Customer: أحمدمحمد
Trade Registery No: 53804 Adresa: رع خالد بن الوليد الرئيسي من البحر بجوار كشري الزعيم و أمام صيدلية دكتور
17 صفوت عمارة لؤلؤة األسكندراني تحت العماره فضيات أحمد ذكي الدور ال, سكندريه
Tax ID: 379-456-249 األسكندرية, مصر
Fiscal Representative
Invoice No: EG 1355024 Date: 27.05.2024 Invoice Type: Sales Order Number: 2405252305766
Product Code / Unit Price Total Price Disc. Without (VAT %) (VAT) .Tax
Nr. Description U.M Quantity Net Amount Total
Barcode Without VAT Without VAT VAT Tax Rate Amount
تيشرت/ S4GP82Z1-
1 8684138188711 PCS 1 265٫95 EGP 265٫95 EGP 29٫90 EGP 236٫05 EGP %14٫00 33٫05 EGP 269٫10 EGP
تيشرت/ S4AF16Z8-
2 8684136921150 PCS 1 318٫14 EGP 318٫14 EGP 97٫72 EGP 220٫42 EGP %14٫00 30٫86 EGP 251٫28 EGP
تيشرت/ S4DN59Z1-
3 8684138195269 PCS 1 265٫95 EGP 265٫95 EGP 29٫90 EGP 236٫05 EGP %14٫00 33٫05 EGP 269٫10 EGP
بلوزه قصيره/
4 8684137882252 PCS 1 177٫01 EGP 177٫01 EGP 19٫90 EGP 157٫11 EGP %14٫00 21٫99 EGP 179٫10 EGP
5 8684138511823 ليجن/ S4I076Z1-GS5 PCS 1 181٫40 EGP 181٫40 EGP 55٫72 EGP 125٫68 EGP %14٫00 17٫60 EGP 143٫28 EGP
6 8684138511915 ليجن/ S4I076Z1-HNK PCS 1 181٫40 EGP 181٫40 EGP 55٫72 EGP 125٫68 EGP %14٫00 17٫60 EGP 143٫28 EGP
Cargo And Service
1 0٫00 EGP 0٫00 EGP 0٫00 EGP 0٫00 EGP %14٫00 0٫00 EGP 0٫00 EGP
Returning Reason
RETURNING ADDRESS: Plot# (61/62/63/64) – Developers Area – 1st Industrial Compound -
1 I did not like the product
6th of October City
2 Other
Fill the following form for products you want to return and put it in the package to be returned with your
3 Defective product
invoice. Adhere the return barcode included in the package on the return package you will sent and deliver
it to the cargo company from which you received package 4 Wrong product sent
5 Size not suitable
Select the products that you would like to return and choose a returning reason from the table.Mark the selection box from product lines.
Selection Product Code / Barcode Description Returning Reason Quantity Unit Amount
8684138188711 S4GP82Z1-FPR / تيشرت 269٫10 EGP
8684136921150 S4AF16Z8-CVL / تيشرت 251٫28 EGP
8684138195269 S4DN59Z1-LRL / تيشرت 269٫10 EGP
8684137882252 S44558Z8-Q6K / بلوزه قصيره 179٫10 EGP
8684138511823 S4I076Z1-GS5 / ليجن 143٫28 EGP
8684138511915 S4I076Z1-HNK / ليجن 143٫28 EGP