Activity 1

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Activity 1.

1: Your Media Habits

 Ask someone face-to-face

 Turn on the radio
 Turn on a television
 Text someone to find out (friend or family)
 Google it and read info under first link
If you heard from a friend  Check social media platform (TikTok, IG, Snapchat)
that there was a meteor  Try to find it on a news platform (CTV, CBC, CNN,
crash in your city/town, how BBC)
would you confirm this story?  Try to see if it comes up in several different online
 Other: ______________________________

 Friends
 Family
 News stations on TV- reliable sources and easily
accessible for me
 The radio- reliable sources and easily accessible
What are your main sources  Online news stories from mainstream media (CBC,
of news and information and CTV, CNN, Toronto Star, Hamilton Spectator)
why?  Online news stories from other sites (6Buzz,
InfoWars, Rebel Media)
 Social media posts
 Other: ______________________________

 Multiple times per day

How often do you share news  Once per day
with your friends through  3-4 days per week
social media or messaging  Once per week
apps?  A few times per month
 Almost never

 Yes
 No
Do you ever check to see if  Sometimes – it depends on the story. For
news is true before sharing example: __________________
Write down THREE things that you think make a website a
credible source.

1. A verified symbol

2. A recent date
When you come across an
unfamiliar website, how do 3. Relevant to what you’ve searched for
you know if you should trust

I remember seeing something online about the actor

Robert De Niro yelling at anti-Israel protesters on video in
NYC. I thought that was false because he is a well-known
and respected actor who would probably never do
Identify a story you have seen something like that especially where lots of people would
online that you thought was hear him and cancel him. It could ruin his career to do
FALSE or misleading. How something like that. I learned later that it was part of a
could you tell? movie and he wasn’t referring to the protesters.

 Not at all confident – I believe everything I read

and see online
 I am ok – I recognized outright lies when I see
How confident are you in them
your ability to assess the  I am pretty good – my instincts tell me what fact
quality of information you or fiction is
see online?  I am really good – I can verify information as being
false within minutes of investigating it

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