DONE Dina-Melanieka-Sintikhe-Henukh FP MCH
DONE Dina-Melanieka-Sintikhe-Henukh FP MCH
DONE Dina-Melanieka-Sintikhe-Henukh FP MCH
Dina Melanieka Sintikhe Henukh. Study Program of Midwifery, Universitas Citra Bangsa, Kupang,
East Nusa Tenggara. Jl. Bhakti Warga 34, East Nusa Tenggara. Email: [email protected].
Mobile +6285238629495
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents nant women who experienced emesis. Most
aged 20-35 years were 54 people (90.0%), of the mothers who experienced emesis were
most of the respondents were multigravidas mothers aged 20-35 years 92.7% (38 people)
who had been pregnant more than 1 time, as and those aged <20 years as much as 7.3% (3
many as 36 people (60.0%), and most of the people) and none of them aged> 35 years
respondents at the Tenau Auxiliary Commu- experienced emesis gravidarum. emesis as
nity Health Center experienced emesis du- many as 19 people. Most of the pregnant wo-
ring their pregnancy, namely 41 people men who did not experience emesis were at
(68.3%). the vulnerable age of 20-35 years, 84.2% (16
2. Bivariate Analysis people) and aged> 35 years were 15.8% (3
Table 2 shows the results of the bivariate people). The results of statistical tests show
analysis of the relationship between indepen- that there is a significant relationship bet-
dent and dependent variables. The results of ween the age of pregnant women and the
the analysis showed that there were 41 preg- incidence of emesis seen from p= 0.019.
Table 2. Bivariate Analysis Relationship between Age and Incidence of Emesis Gravidarum
Emesis Gravidarum P
No Emesis Emesis
Age <20 years 0 3 0.019
20-35 years 16 38
> 35 years 3 0
Table 2 shows the results of the bivariate variables and the dependent variable. The
analysis of the relationship of independent results of the analysis showed that there were
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Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 207
41 pregnant women who experienced emesis, functions so that it affects a person's health
most of these pregnant women were primi- status. Women aged <20 years of develop-
gravida’s, namely 51.2% (21 people) and mul- ment of the development of reproductive
tigravidas were 48.8% (20 people). There organs and functions physiological have not
were 19 mothers who did not experience yet reached the optimal and psychological
emesis, most of these pregnant women were emotions mature enough, it will increase the
multigravidas as many as 84.2% (16 people) occurrence of interruption of pregnancy. A
and primigravida mothers were 15.8% (3 person's age can affect their pregnancy. If a
people). The results of statistical tests show woman is pregnant during the reproductive
that there is a significant relationship bet- period, it is less likely to experience compli-
ween maternal age and the incidence of cations than women who are pregnant under
emesis seen from the p = 0.009. or above the reproductive age (Marmi, 2014).
2. Relationship between Gravidity and
DISCUSSION. Emesis Gravidarum
1. Relationship between maternal age Based on the results in table 3, after statis-
and the incidence of gravidarum tical tests were carried out on the results of
emesis the study, it was found that there was a
Out of the 60 respondents, 41 pregnant wo- relationship between maternal gravidity and
men experienced emesis, all pregnant women the incidence of emesis gravidarum. Of the
aged < 20 years experienced emesis, while 60 respondents, 41 pregnant women expe-
for mothers aged 20-35 years, 38 women ex- rienced emesis, more primigravida women
perienced emesis and no mother experienced experienced emesis than multigravida mo-
emesis at the age> 35 years. The difference in thers, this is based on the results of gravidity
the number of respondents in each variable and the incidence of emesis gravidarum is
category is a deficiency in this study but 0.009 which is smaller than the significant
based on the results, maternal age and the in- value 0.05 which indicates a significant rela-
cidence of emesis gravidarum is 0.019 which tionship between gravidity and the incidence
is smaller than the significant value 0.05 of emesis gravidarum.
which indicates a significant relationship bet- The results of this study are the same as
ween maternal age and the incidence of Study conducted by Atika (2016) which asse-
emesis gravidarum. ssed the relationship between parity and
hyperemesis gravidarum in inpatients at
This is also in accordance with Study hospital in Palembang.
conducted by Rudiyanti (2019) which was Gravidity is the total number of preg-
conducted in 2018 which stated that 70% of nancies that have been experienced, regard-
ages are at risk and there is a relationship less of gestational age. Gravida is a woman
between age and emesis gravidarum. who is pregnant, a primigravida is a woman
This study is not in line with Study con- who is pregnant for the first time, a multigra-
ducted by Suryaningrum (2019) which states vida is a woman who is pregnant for more
that there is no relationship between mater- than the second time (Oxorn, 2010).
nal age and the incidence of emesis gravida- In primiparous pregnancy, her emo-
rum in pregnant women in the first trimester. tions are not yet optimal, tend to be unstable,
According to Ekasari (2019) age is an mentally immature so that prone to shocks
important part of reproductive status. Age is resulting in a lack of attention to meeting the
related to the increase and decrease in bodily needs of nutrients during pregnancy. This is
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Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 208
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be concluded that there is a significant rela- UH
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