The Relationship of Massage The Perineum
The Relationship of Massage The Perineum
The Relationship of Massage The Perineum
Departement of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Alma Ata, Jalan Brawijaya No. 99,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55183
*Coresponding author: [email protected]
Backgrounds: The cause of maternal mortality can directly or indirectly. (1) The number of maternal mortality
in DIY years 2014 (40 mothers) decline compared with the years 2013 (46 mothers). In 2015
maternal mortality very significant a decrease in the number of cases to 29. However in 2016
return to 39 cases and 34 in 2017 (2). The cause of Maternal Mortality is most commonly found in
DIY is because the heart (10 cases), embolism (1 cases), shock (3 cases), sepsis/infection (5 cases),
bleeding (5 cases), eclampsia (1 cases), preeclampsia (3 cases), pneumonia (2 cases), hyperthyroid
(2 cases), a seizure hypoxia (1 cases), unknown (1 cases) (3). Still a lot of cases as bleeding one
of the bleedings is the birth canal mother her apart (3). Based on research from Lestari, 2016
in Yogyakarta 50% happen rips the perineum on the number of spontaneous delivery (4). Rips
the perineum could be problematic because of increased morbidities and mortality postpartum
Objectives: To influence massage the perineum for pregnant women with the perineum rupture.
Methods: Research methodology true-experiment using posttest only control design in community health
center Yogyakarta city. The sample is pregnant women 37-42 week gestational age.
Results: Research pregnant women IRT the largest 56 people (70%), Education is high school 51 people
(63,8%), had a massage the perineum 56 people (70%) and 42,5 people had not to massage the
Conclusions: No relationship massage perineum with rupture perineum.