100011IJBTINA2013 Ahmed
100011IJBTINA2013 Ahmed
100011IJBTINA2013 Ahmed
Nafis Ahmed1, Senthil Kumar R2 Ahmed N, Kumar SR. A guide to organizing a voluntary
Affiliations: 1(Medical Lab. Technologist), Post Graduate blood donation camp. International Journal of Blood
Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Transfusion and Immunohematology 2013;3:13–18.
Chandigarh, India; 2(Junior Resident), Post Graduate Insti-
tute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chan-
digarh, India. Article ID: 100011IJBTINA2013
Corresponding Author: Senthil Kumar, Department of Fo-
rensic Medicine and Toxicology, Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, In- *********
dia; Ph: 08872842888; Email: [email protected]
IJBTI – International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, Vol. 3, 2013. ISSN – [2230-9020]
IJBTI 2013;3:13–18. Ahmed et al. 14
IJBTI – International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, Vol. 3, 2013. ISSN – [2230-9020]
IJBTI 2013;3:13–18. Ahmed et al. 15
of public assembly, viz, educational institutions, 7. Few days before the camp, NGO/ social worker/
youth groups, offices, factories, etc. donor motivator can arrange a talk on the
2. Arrangement of sufficient cots, tables with chair importance of voluntary blood donation to the
for registration, medical checkups, and for blood potential donors.
donation procedures. 8. Media may be approached to give adequate
3. Clean drinking water with disposable glasses in coverage and support to the camp.
camp area and refreshment area. 9. Sponsors can be approached to provide financial
4. Volunteers to help in registration of donor, medical support for media coverage, refreshment, and
checkups and refreshment after donation. publicity and to honor blood donors through
5. Placing blood donation banners at the entrance, badges/pins.
registration areas and donation areas, etc. to guide 10. Relevant correspondence should be documented
the members of the blood donation camp and for future reference.
donors. A communication plan should be designed
according to a good strategy like displaying posters Camp phase
and distributing informative leaflet at the public 1. The blood bank team arrives at the venue of camp
areas a week in advance to motivate the blood before the time given to donors.
donors. 2. Supervise the venue for adequate facilities like
space, furniture, heaters/coolers and other
C. Procedure/Method equipment.
Outdoor voluntary blood donation camps in India are 3. Inspect pre-donation, donation and post-donation
organized in three phases [7, 8]. areas as per standards.
4. Liaise with the organizer and voluntary donor
Pre-camp phase 5. IEC materials and banners should be displayed
1. First, the organizer of blood donation camp has to everywhere.
contact the incharge of blood bank with official letter 6. Arrange a celebrity to inaugurate the camp.
requesting to conduct the camp on particular date 7. The camp should be started on time.
and proper place. If target segment is a residential
community, it is best to conduct the camp on The path of the donor
holiday. However, if the target segment is a college The ‘path of the donor’ refers to the areas in the
campus, factors like exam schedules and holidays voluntary blood donation camp through which the donor
should be kept in mind. Similarly, if a camp is for need to pass. The first one is usually the waiting area,
office goers, it can be held on a working day at the at which donors enter and then pass through the donor
work place to make it convenient for donors. registration area, where the registration work is done.
2. A simple official letter should be given to the From here they proceed to the donor testing area where
organization from blood bank incharge mentioning hemoglobin test is done, and then to the medical officer
that the blood bank team will reach the venue one for examination. If they are accepted as donors, they go to
hour before the scheduled time, so that the blood the second waiting area where they have to wait for their
bank team can get time to make arrangement for turn to enter the blood donation site or bleeding area.
blood donation. Instruction should be given to the After donating blood they leave from the blood donation
organizer to arrange a huge hall and two rooms site to the resting area, then to the donors cafeteria or
with a facility of water, electricity and a toilet. If refreshment area where food and liquid refreshment
separate room is not available then one big hall are served by staff who also supervise the post donation
may be converted into three separate sections period. Finally, the donors leave the voluntary blood
using screens or curtains. donation camp. These areas should be properly arranged
3. The blood bank has to estimate its requirement of so that donors can find their way easily.
blood units for a particular period.
4. Based on the availability of blood units in their Camp phase arrangements
stock, they determine the number of blood units The following are six steps of camp phase
required by them through camps. arrangements:
5. Blood banks take a prior permission from the state Registration: Blood donor’s personal detail such
blood transfusion council (SBTC). as name, father’s name, age, address, telephone no., etc.
6. Social worker related to the blood bank visits the is recorded and the questionnaire is given to donors to
venue to inspect its suitability for the camp - a access their present and past health status. The purpose
checklist may be provided to the organizer, the is to select a suitable donor whose blood will be safe for
number of donations required is discussed with the a recipient.
IJBTI – International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, Vol. 3, 2013. ISSN – [2230-9020]
IJBTI 2013;3:13–18. Ahmed et al. 16
Hemoglobin test: This has to be done in the blood - Prepare bag level with donor identity, unit no.,
donation camp itself and by the technician on duty before blood group, date of bleeding on the bag.
the donor is declared fit. Blood donor’s hemoglobin level - Pass the donor and the bag to the phlebotomist.
will be checked to ensure that he/she is not suffering from - Phlebotomist will recheck the donor identity with
anemia and can safely donate a unit of blood. the bag and donor form.
Medical examination: A medical officer asks the - Blood is withdrawn with the help of a sterile
blood donor certain questions about his medical history and disposable kit after cleaning blood donors
to ascertain that blood donor is fit to donate blood and arm with an antiseptic solution. All together, the
he will examine donors. Donor’s weight, blood pressure, process takes only 5-8 minutes.
pulse and temperature are recorded. Only good health, - Strip the donor tubing completely as possible
mentally alert and physically fit individuals are accepted in to the bag, starting at seal. Work quickly to
as blood donors. prevent blood from clotting in the tube. Invert
Donation of blood: On receiving the donor from bag several time to mix thoroughly, and then
the medical officer, check the identity of the donor with allow tube to refill with anticoagulated blood
the donor form. from the bag. Repeat this procedure.
- Make necessary entries in the donors register, - Care of donor after phlebotomy is very important.
select appropriate bag, inspect bag for any defects Apply pressure with sterile gauze over the point of
and discoloration, and apply pressure to check entry of the needle, apply bandage after bleeding
for any leaks. The anticoagulant and additive stops.
solution should be inspected for appropriate - Keep the donor under observation for some time.
volume, color and particulate contaminates, - Talk with the donor, divert his attention and
enter back tube no. in the donor register. keep the donor comfortable. Cool and friendly
environment keep the donor comfortable. After
waiting Registration Hemoglobin donation, allow donor to sit.
Area Area Test
Examination - The serious complication of blood donation is
syncope (fainting or vasovagal syndrome) it may
Area be caused by the sight of blood (psychological) or
A guide to organizing a voluntary due to withdrawal of blood (neurophysiologic),
blood donation camp
Exit - All blood bank technicians should aware of this
reaction and they should keep necessary kits
Blood Donation
Area ready for resuscitation.
- When reaction occurs to a donor, motivator or
Area Area medico-social worker should remain calm and try
not to get other donors upset and call the medical
Figure 1: A floor plan for organizing a voluntary blood donation
camp. officer-in-charge of the blood collection team, but
ensuring the prevention of the donor from falling
down. Placing the donor on the bed or floor with
a pillow under the feet, helps in subsiding minor
reactions. But doctors should check up the donor
in all such cases. In case of bleeding from the seal
of venipuncture, give pressure with cotton wool,
folding the arm with a cotton wool pad in between
and raise the folded hand a little upward helps in
stopping such bleeding. Once the bleeding stops,
the venipuncture site may be sealed again.
- All the discarded blood bag tubing and needles
have to be segregated separately for disposal as
per bio-safety protocols and waste management.
They should never be left unattended.
- Needles, lancet and syringes should be destroyed
with the needle cutter.
- The entire area should be cleaned with a
disinfectant—sodium hypochlorite (working area
and phenyl or bleaching powder- floor) after the
Figure 2: The blood is stored in insulated boxes at low
camp is over.
temperature of 2 to 60C. This low temperature is slow down - Camp should be completed at the stipulated time.
the metabolism and also prevents bacterial multiplication and - The blood bank team should reach their
blood clotting. destination on time.
IJBTI – International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, Vol. 3, 2013. ISSN – [2230-9020]
IJBTI 2013;3:13–18. Ahmed et al. 17
Refreshment: After donation, allow donor to sit in of patients to donate blood and to become regular
the refreshment area under observation and served with voluntary blood donor. The blood bank staff should be
some light refreshments. The donors should be advised to courteous interested, cheerful and friendly, as well as
remain in refreshment room for at least 15 minutes and professional and efficient. With increase in population
should be advised to increase their water consumption and development of more advanced medical and surgical
during the day and refrain from smoking for half an hour. procedures, the need for blood is ever increasing. Only
A hearty good-bye with a request to the donor to donate voluntary blood donors can help to maintain an adequate
again after three months is destined to inspire a donor supply of blood to save the lives of those who are in need.
to become a regular donor. The problems faced by donor Conducting voluntary blood donation camp efficiently
in camp should be handled with tender, love, care and and regularly will provide adequate round the clock
compassion. availability of blood units during emergency situation and
Donor should be made understand that refreshment they are the sources of safe blood also. By donating blood,
has nothing to do with immediate recuperation of blood one gives a second chance of life to someone unknown.
loss due to donation. A piping hot or cold drink and light The blood donors become part of an exceptional group
refreshment are offered to compel the donor to spend that is dedicated to alleviate the human suffering. Blood
some time in a relaxed mood. Whatever be the items of donation is a divine experience. One unit of blood saves
refreshment, they should be served neatly and nicely three lives. Donating blood may reduce the risk of heart
with a smile. This is the last stage of the camp; it leaves a disease and stimulate the generation of red blood cells.
permanent impression in the mind of the donors. Talking There is no substitute for human blood. It can be acquired
with the donor throughout all the stages is extremely only from a generous blood donor.
important, as it helps donors to feel happy and also helps
the first time donors to get rid of their fear. *********
Storage of blood: The blood bag is stored as per
instructions, at correct temperatures. Author Contributions
Post-camp phase Nafis Ahmed – Substantial contributions to conception
Medical director must send letters of appreciation and design, Acquisition of data, Drafting the article, Final
to the organizer for arranging the camp. approval of the version to be published
2. They should be encouraged to organize similar Senthil Kumar - Substantial contributions to conception
camps on a regular basis. and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting
Blood donors of the camp should receive thanks the article, Revising it critically for important intellectual
giving letters and blood group identity certificate, content, Final approval of the version to be published
etc. All mandatory tests like malaria, HIV, HbsAg,
HCV and syphilis will be done on the collected Guarantor
blood units and information given to donors, if The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission.
4. Constant touch with blood donors should be Conflict of Interest
maintained through birthday cards, anniversary Authors declare no conflict of interest.
cards, etc. [9–11].
© Nafis Ahmed et al. 2013; This article is distributed
under the terms of Creative Commons attribution 3.0
CONCLUSION License which permits unrestricted use, distribution
and reproduction in any means provided the original
The purpose to organize a blood donation camp is to authors and original publisher are properly credited.
motivate people to donate blood and social works. The (Please see www.ijbti.com/copyright-policy.php for more
purpose of blood donation camp to select a suitable donor information.)
whose blood will be safe to the recipient and who himself
shall not in any way be harmed by blood donation.
Organization of blood donation camp should be best and
safe to the patient/recipients and to the blood donor. REFERENCES
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