EFY Express October 2024
EFY Express October 2024
EFY Express October 2024
: Rahul Chopra
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54 MY STORY: “Becoming 65 INTERVIEW: Why Did Rajguru NEW DELHI : Phone: +91-9811155335
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62 INTERVIEW: “We Are E-mail: [email protected]
Building Future Entrepreneurs 66 POLICY: EMS Vs TAIWAN : J.K. Media
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With Drone Assembly And Components
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Preet Sandhuu, Co-Founder & ment In Electronics UNITED STATES : E & Tech Media
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Published and owned by Ramesh Chopra. Published from D-87/1, Okhla
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magazine in any manner without the written permission of the publisher
10 Research & Innovation Updates 38 Dashboard: Key Industry Trends That
is prohibited. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no
18 Truly Innovative Electronics Can Shape The Future Of Your Business responsibility whatsoever is taken for any loss due to publishing errors.
22 New Products 40 Startups & Innovators EFY will not be responsible for any wrong claims made by an advertiser.
Disputes, if any, will be settled in a New Delhi court only.
30 Electroons 2.0 46 Industry News: Industry Updates
The future of electric vehicles (EVs) hinges on advance- Researchers at Shanghai University have developed 3D-
ments in fast-charging, efficient batteries that support printed structural lithium-ion batteries with customisable
long operations. A promising innovation is the develop- shapes, overcoming previous limitations of low energy
ment of structural batteries, which serve as both en- density and poor performance. This technology, which
ergy storage systems and integral parts of the vehicle’s integrates energy storage with structural support, has
structure. Unlike traditional external batteries, these are potential applications in EVs, autonomous robots, and
embedded into the vehicle’s design, enhancing efficiency. warehouse logistics vehicles.
Human-hair thick battery for and Fudan University have developed a new low-power,
two-dimensional field-effect transistor (FET). The research
autonomous micro-robots addresses key challenges like high gate leakage and low
MIT engineers have developed a tiny battery, just 0.1mm dielectric strength, which have hindered silicon-based FET
long and 0.002mm thick—comparable to a human hair— miniaturisation. Using ultrathin single-crystalline alu-
that could revolutionise autonomous, cell-sized robots for minium oxide as a dielectric, the team created an FET with
medical uses like drug delivery and detecting gas leaks. high-quality interfaces. This advancement could lead to
smaller, more efficient chips, crucial for 5G, AI, and Inter-
net of Things (IoT) applications.
An eco-friendly technology for water harvesting has been avoiding the heat waste of traditional motors. The robotic
developed in South Korea, inspired by natural mechanisms leg can perform high jumps and adapt to uneven terrain
in plants and animals. Researchers at the Korea Institute with simple input signals, offering agility and efficiency.
of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) created a portable This innovation could transform future robots, especially
system that captures and purifies moisture from the air, in rescue missions or delicate tasks, by enhancing mobility
producing drinkable water. Weighing only three kilograms, and adaptability.
the system has received safety certifications and is highly
energy-efficient, doubling the performance of traditional
dehumidifiers. It uses thermoelectric modules and sterilises
Novel hot-emitter transistor for
bacteria with heat. post-Moore era
Researchers are advancing transistor technology to address
the limitations of shrinking transistor sizes. A team from
Optical computing revolutionises the Institute of Metal Research at the Chinese Academy of
DOA estimation efficiency Sciences developed a novel hot-emitter transistor (HOET)
Wireless sensing and communication are crucial in civilian using a new mechanism called stimulated emission of
and military applications, with direction-of-arrival (DOA) heated carriers (SEHC). This transistor, combining gra-
estimation playing a key role. Traditional methods like the phene with germanium, achieves an ultralow sub-threshold
MUSIC algorithm rely on complex RF circuitry, leading swing of less than 1mV/dec and a peak-to-valley current
to high power consumption and latency. To overcome ratio above 100. These features enable faster, more energy-
these limitations, optical computing offers a promising efficient devices, suitable for post-Moore era applications.
Amongst numerous press releases of new products received by us, these are the ones
we found worthy of the title Truly Innovative Electronics
This is a very affordable waveform generator; I am beginning to doubt if this is the right method
you just need to be richer! to jump-start the car.
People are becoming more tech-savvy, Sir. How about Did you say you worked all night attaching
we put this to mark it as one-way? those four wheels to make the server run?
I have been here since morning. By the time I reach the Good thing we support both dark and light
checkout counter, there’s already a newer model! modes, but I see many bugs in the light mode!
I have fully stuffed it with many components, I know what a current meter is. But I wanted an
Madam. There’s no room left for any errors! update on the current matters!
Automotive Traceability,
Payments, Sustainability
From advanced battery passports to carbon credits and fortified
payments, blockchain is reshaping EV data handling and connectivity.
he automotive industry has counterfeits, and streamlines vehicle product safety and lowering the cost
consistently driven techno- registration and ownership transfer. of large-scale recalls.
logical innovation, embracing Additionally, it enables more trans- In the EV context, tracing critical
advancements that enhance effi- parent and efficient vehicle financing components like batteries is espe-
ciency, safety, and environmental and leasing through secure smart cially important. Batteries are the
sustainability. Blockchain technol- contracts. As blockchain adoption most expensive and environmentally
ogy has recently become a vital increases, it is expected to foster sensitive part of an EV. Blockchain
solution for overcoming key chal- greater collaboration for innovation enables the tracking of a battery’s
lenges, such as traceability, secure across the industry, reflecting success- lifecycle, from sourcing raw materials
data management, and payment ful initiatives in regions like Gujarat’s like cobalt and lithium to manufac-
systems in electric vehicles (EVs). GIFT City, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, turing, usage, and eventual recy-
Its applications span digital battery and Karnataka. cling or disposal. This transparency
passports, carbon credit systems, ensures that manufacturers, regula-
and secure payment infrastructures Blockchain in automotive tors, and consumers can verify both
for EV charging, positioning block- supply chain traceability the authenticity and environmental
chain as a transformative force A key application of blockchain impact of batteries.
within the automotive sector. in the automotive sector is supply
Before exploring its specific chain traceability. The automotive Digital battery passport:
uses, it is essential to understand supply chain is complex, involving Ensuring accountability and
the fundamentals of blockchain. A numerous participants from original sustainability
decentralised, distributed ledger, equipment manufacturers (OEMs) The digital battery passport concept
blockchain securely records trans- to suppliers, distributors, and is gaining momentum within the EV
actions across multiple computers, regulators. Each vehicle component industry. A digital battery passport is
ensuring that once data is entered, it passes through several stages before a blockchain-based record that details
cannot be altered or deleted without reaching the consumer, making it a battery’s origins, composition, per-
network consensus. This archi- essential to verify the authenticity formance history, and environmental
tecture provides unmatched data and quality of parts. impact, accessible to all stakeholders
security and integrity. Blockchain’s Blockchain addresses these issues to ensure it meets standards through-
core attributes—immutability, by creating an unchangeable record out its lifecycle.
passport allows for precise identifi- turers, for instance, can earn carbon Adjustable Torque
cation of affected units, minimising credits for producing lower-emission Screw driver
disruption and cost. vehicles or using recycled materi- Pneumatic Tools
Mark- 1630TL
als. These credits can be traded on
Carbon credit systems: blockchain platforms, generating Torque Range: 7-65 kgf.cm
Leveraging blockchain for additional revenue while promoting Speed Adj. : 900 RPM
environmental impact further emission reductions.
Pipe Diameter : 8 mm
Air Pressure: 6 (kg/cm²)
As the global community tackles Consumers, too, can partici-
climate change, the automotive pate in carbon credit systems. EV
industry faces mounting pressure owners, for example, could earn
to reduce its carbon footprint. carbon credits based on their vehi- ADD: J-9/36, UNIT NO: 402-403,RAJOURI
One approach is the use of carbon cle’s energy efficiency or through
credits, which allow companies to carpooling programmes. Blockchain- MR. B.S BATRA : +91 98735 71533
MR. A.KRISHNA : +91 79075 58994
emit a certain amount of carbon based applications could track and
: [email protected]
dioxide or other greenhouse gases. manage these credits, allowing
: www.jbinstruments.com
Companies exceeding their emission consumers to offset their carbon
India Top Ten Smartphone Brands, 2Q 2024 (Unit Market Share) Global 5G Handset Shipment Share by Country, 1H 2024 vs 1H 2023
Indian PC Market Shipments Rise to 3.39M Units Indian Tablet Shipments Soar 128.8% YoY
In Q2 2024, India’s PC market shipped 3.39 million units, in Q2 2024
growing 7.1% YoY. Desktops, notebooks, and workstations grew India’s tablet market shipped 1.84 million units in the second quarter,
5.9%, 7.4%, and 12.4% YoY, respectively. The consumer segment a 128.8% YoY increase. Slate tablets surged 178.1% YoY, while
rose 11.2% YoY, with e-tail up 22.4%. The commercial segment grew detachables grew 23.6%. Samsung led with a 48.7% share,
3.5% YoY fueled by an increase in demand in small and medium dominating both commercial (54.1%) and consumer (38%) segments.
businesses, and large business segments. Acer was second with a 23.6% share, Apple third with 9.5%,
Lenovo fourth at 6.9%, and Xiaomi fifth with 4.7%.
Company 2Q 2024 2Q 2024 2Q 2023 2Q 2023 YoY Unit Company 2Q 2024 2Q 2024 2Q 2023 2Q 2023 YoY Unit
Shipments Market Shipments Market Change Shipments Market Shipments Market Change
(thousands Share (thousands Share (2Q 2024 vs (thousands Share (thousands Share (2Q 2024 vs
of units) of units) 2Q 2023) of units) of units) 2Q 2023)
HP Inc. 1075 31.7% 987 31.1% 8.9% Samsung 901 48.7% 300 37.1% 200.4%
Lenovo 595 17.5% 512 16.2% 16.2% Acer Group 437 23.6% 27 3.3% 1548.4%
Dell Technologies 501 14.8% 485 15.3% 3.3% Apple 176 9.5% 157 19.4% 12.3%
Acer Group 497 14.7% 360 11.4% 38.3% Lenovo 127 6.9% 131 16.2% –2.8%
Asus 241 7.1% 228 7.2% 5.4% Xiaomi 87 4.7% 47 5.8% 85.8%
Others 483 14.2% 596 18.8% -19.0% Others 121 6.6% 148 18.3% –18.2%
Total 3392 100.0% 3167 100.0% 7.1% Total 1849 100.0% 808 100.0% 128.8%
Rank 2Q 2023 Share % 3Q 2023 Share % 4Q 2023 Share % CY 2023 Share % 1Q 2024 Share % 2Q 2024 Share %
1 tsmc 58% tsmc 59% tsmc 61% tsmc 60% tsmc 62% tsmc 62%
2 Samsung* 12% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 14% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 13%
6 Huahong Group 4% Huahong Group 3% Huahong Group 2% Huahong Group 3% Huahong Group 2% Huahong Group 2%
Concurrently Global IC Sales Surge 27% YoY in Q2 Global Chip Sales Record 18.7% YoY Growth
In Q2 2024, integrated circuit (IC) sales surged 27% YoY globally, in July 2024
with a 29% projected increase in Q3 due to AI demand. Wafer fab In July 2024, global semiconductor sales rose to $51.3 billion, an 18.7%
capacity hit 40.5 million, expected to grow 1.6% in Q3. Foundry increase from $43.2 billion YoY and a 2.7% rise MoM. The Americas (North
and logic capacities rose 2% in Q2, projected to increase 1.9% in and South) led with a 40.1% YoY increase to $15.41 billion, followed by
Q3. Memory capacity grew 0.7%, expected to rise 1.1%. Chip capital China’s 19.5% YoY increase to $15.23 billion. However, Japan and Europe
expenditures fell 9.8% YoY but are expected to rise in Q3. experienced YoY declines of 0.8% and 12%, respectively.
he startup, based in Nazaf- manufacture everything in-house. at `10,000 and `13,999, differing
garh, Delhi, has developed “Our goal is to ensure our product only in battery capacity and range.
a conversion kit that targets is made in India, so we handle The 6AH battery covers 18 to 20km,
rural areas. Established in 2022 all design and manufacturing while the 12AH battery offers 36
by its founder Gursaurabh Singh, internally. This gives us control to 40km. The startup also provides
Dhruv Vidyut Pvt Ltd is envisioned over quality, design, and pricing. after-sales services and claims to
as a new direction or guiding light Managing our design process also have invested approximately `17.2
for electric vehicles. The company allows us to consider manufacturing million in research and development
has developed DVECK, a retrofit kit methods, making our product more so far.
that can convert any pedal-driven cost-effective and scalable,” explains Most of their orders come from
vehicle, such as a bicycle, into an Gursaurabh. Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
electric-powered one without requir- The kit features waterproof, fire- Pradesh, and Maharashtra, with
ing modifications. Additionally, the proof, and rustproof components, a current monthly sales figure of
company has two co-founders, Ritu along with USB charging capability. over 1500 units. The company aims
Raj Singh and Simranjeet Singh. It supports up to 170kg and includes to increase this to 8500 units by
The startup claims to location tracking and battery year-end. The team consists of 20
tarya Mobility, established in
2018 by co-founders includ-
ing CEO Ravi Kumar and CTO
Gowrav, has evolved from focusing
on developing motors and con-
trollers for new electric vehicles
(EVs) to specialising in retrofitting
existing ones. With its headquarters
in Bengaluru and a workforce of
65-70 employees, the company has
pivoted towards retrofitting, show-
casing its capabilities with the suc-
cessful transformation of an Activa
scooter. This strategic shift was
driven by the co-founders’ passion
for vehicles and technology, mainly Starya Mobility and Exedy Clutch India teams
influenced by the high costs associ-
ated with new EVs. around field-oriented control (FOC) services and potentially developing
Initially focused on creating technology, ensuring efficiency new EVs. This dual approach aims
affordable electric solutions without and reliability. These components, to cater to individual consumers and
compromising quality, Starya along with a robust warranty business clients (B2B), as demon-
Mobility now offers retrofitting system covering various parts like strated through a strategic partner-
services for select scooter models, the battery, motor, and controller, ship with Exedy Clutch India, a
such as the Activa, priced between underline the company’s commit- subsidiary of a Japanese tech giant.
`55,000 and `89,000, depending on ment to quality. This collaboration, involving a
the model’s power. The retrofitting Starya’s business model covers significant investment from Exedy,
process includes a thorough scooter vehicle retrofitting as well as supports Starya’s technological
evaluation, multiple retrofit options, post-conversion servicing and advancements and expansion plans
required RTO inspections and maintenance, all managed in line in India and internationally.
approvals, conversions at Starya’s with government regulations. The However, Starya Mobility faces
facility, and rigorous quality checks process also includes legal disposal challenges, notably the lack of
to ensure safety and compatibility. of internal combustion engine parts government subsidies for retro-
Their retrofit kits include per- through authorised dealers. fitting, which affects its pricing
manent magnet synchronous (PMS) The company’s growth strategy competitiveness against subsidised
motors and controllers designed includes expanding its retrofitting new EVs. To counter this, they
stablished in 2016 by integrate IT and solar technologies. offers comprehensive aquacul-
Minushri Madhumita and Dhivara Mitra addresses aquaculture ture functionality. It regulates
Amrita Jagatdeo, ThinkRaw challenges by using IoT and solar feed distribution, pH levels, and
India Private Limited is a solar power to manage feed distribution, aeration, ensuring optimal fish and
EPC (equipment procurement and dissolved oxygen levels, and pH prawn harvesting. Embedded with
commissioning) contractor based levels in water bodies. Additionally, IoT sensors, it provides real-time
in Delhi. They have introduced two they have developed Krishi Dhanu, monitoring of the dissolved oxygen
innovative products—Dhivara Mitra a solar-powered portable device and pH levels of the water body
and Krishi Dhanu—to simplify the designed to dispense solid fertiliser and alerts farmers in case of any
aquaculture and agriculture sectors. in the agriculture sector. imbalance.
Minushri describes ThinkRaw as Dhivara Mitra, a floating vessel For agriculture, they have intro-
embodying the concept of ‘thinking equipped with 1.1 kilowatts of duced Krishi Dhanu, a solar-pow-
outside the box’. Their products solar-powered off-grid power, ered portable device that simplifies
Representational image
incentives for outsourced assembly while
increasing support for domestic chip pro-
duction and skill development. A $10 bil-
lion budget is expected soon, with twenty
new projects under review to enhance the
semiconductor industry.
The Union government has approved Open Source India 2024 Open Source For You magazine, in partnership with India’s open Website: https://www.
October 23-24, 2024 source community and industry, brings various stakeholders under opensourceindia.in
Kaynes Semicon’s plan to build a Nimhans Convention one roof to accelerate development and deployment of open
`33.07 billion outsourced-semicon- Center, Bengaluru source in India, and beyond.
C-Touch Display The International Touch & Display Exhibition integrates global Website: https://www.
ductor assembly and test (OSAT) Shenzhen 2024 industrial resources, helps enterprises in the new display and smart quanchu.com.cn
facility in Sanand, Gujarat. The plant November 6-8, 2024 touch industry chain, continuously enhances brand influence,
will produce 6.3 million chips daily, Shenzhen World Exhibition expands global business opportunities, and leads the new trend
& Convention Center of the development of the global new display, smart touch and
with investments split between the terminal application industry.
central and Gujarat governments NEPCON Asia 2024 NEPCON Asia is an important sales channel and partner for Website: https://www.
and self-financed by Kaynes. This November 6-8, 2024 electronic manufacturing solution providers to develop new nepconasia.com
Shenzhen World Exhibition business, develop new customers and obtain new orders.
facility supports India’s semiconduc- & Convention Center
tor ecosystem and aims to enhance (Bao’an)
EFY Expo Chennai Major tech conference focusing on electronics, IoT, and AI. Website: https://chennai.
competitiveness in global markets. December 12-14, 2024 Simplifies new product development and manufacturing challenges efyexpo.com
Chennai Trade Centre, in India. Offers assistance from leading suppliers, even for small
Central government to inject Chennai batch productions.
`60 bilion into BSNL 4G India Electronics Week
February 26-28, 2025
India’s No. 1 event for creators of smart electronics solutions to
discover latest techniques, best practices and technologies for
Website: www.
The Indian government is planning KTPO Expo Center, developing electronics better, cheaper and faster, and meet service
to allocate over `60 billion to BSNL Whitefield, Bengaluru providers, suppliers and partners who can enable growth of your
to address delays in its 4G rollout, EFY Expo Pune Electronics expo with conferences on automotive electronics, EVs, Website: https://www.
the lack of which has been worsen- May 15-17, 2025 and Industry 4.0 (IIoT). Covers a wide range of electronics-related efyexpo.com/PUNE/?
Auto Cluster Exhibition technologies, products, and topics, including electric drives, battery
ing its subscriber losses. This fund- Centre, Pimpri, Pune management systems, and IIoT solutions.
ing will support the installation of Since this information is subject to change, all those interested are advised to ascertain the details
network gear for 100,000 sites, with from the organisers before making any commitment.
TSMC receives $1.95 billion aid from China, Japan US Chip repairer KoMiCo purchases facility in Arizona
TSMC has received $1.95 billion (NT$62.5 billion) in subsidies for semiconductor cleaning and coating
from China and Japan since 2022, aiding its expansion in Europe Texas-based KoMiCo Phoenix LLC has acquired an 11,613
and the US. This funding supports TSMC’s facilities in Nanjing square meter facility in Mesa, Arizona, for $17.5 million. Sched-
and Kumamoto and its new fab in Dresden, Germany. Despite its uled to open in 2026, the site will focus on semiconductor
global growth, TSMC has yet to receive US government subsidies.
cleaning and coating, generating 200 jobs. With over $50 million
Shanghai increases semiconductor fund to $2 billion invested, it will be KoMiCo’s third US location and eighth globally.
The Shanghai government has increased its chip investment RECOM acquires LECO to strengthen power solutions
fund to approximately CNY 14.5 billion ($2 billion) to bolster
RECOM Power has acquired Austria-based LECO, enhancing its
China’s semiconductor market, especially for advanced AI chips.
power electronics portfolio with new custom and standard solu-
This funding, supported by state-backed companies, is part of
tions for industrial automation. The acquisition aims to leverage
a broader strategy under the China Integrated Circuit Industry
LECO’s expertise and technology to strengthen RECOM’s capac-
Investment Fund, which has previously invested heavily in major
ity in AC/DC converter and power supply systems. However,
semiconductor firms.
financial details were not disclosed.
US to grant $50 million to HP for Oregon fab VDL denies job cuts amid ASML’s potential loss of
The US Commerce Department will award $50 million to HP
under the CHIPS Act to expand and modernise its Corvallis, Or-
Chinese market access
egon fab and R&D facility. The funding will enhance life sciences ASML’s chip equipment supplier, VDL, denied layoff claims, stat-
and AI technologies, leveraging HP’s expertise in microfluidics ing it only periodically reduces flexible workers. Meanwhile, due
and MEMS. This investment supports advancements in the semi- to new US export restrictions, ASML faces a potential loss of Chi-
conductor supply chain. nese market access. The Dutch government might halt ASML’s
servicing of DUV lithography machines sold to China, impacting
Texas Instruments secures government fund and tax Chinese chipmakers like SMIC and Huawei.
credits for fabs
Texas Instruments has secured $1.6 billion in funding and $6-8
Swiss sensor-maker LEM opens R&D facilities
billion in tax credits from the US government to build three wafer in Europe and Asia
fabs in Texas and Utah. The facilities will focus on sustainable LEM has opened new R&D centres in Munich and Shanghai to
chip production, operating on renewable energy, and aiming to meet the rising global demand for current and voltage sensing
meet LEED Gold standards. This investment supports the com- driven by decarbonisation and electrification. The Munich facility
pany’s broader $18 billion plan through 2029. will focus on ASIC and semiconductor tech, while Shanghai will
enhance sensor intelligence. These expansions aim to improve
Poland secures EU approval to start construction global operations and customer service.
of a new Intel chip plant
The European Commission has approved Poland’s plan to pro-
Samsung may set up semiconductor assembly line
vide over $1.9 billion in state aid for Intel’s new chip plant. The in Vietnam
total investment is expected to exceed $6 billion through 2026. Samsung Electronics is planning to expand its semiconductor
Poland needs to finalise legislation and notify the Commission operations by setting up an assembly line in Vietnam, where it
before concluding the deal. The project, part of the European already manufactures nearly half of its smartphones. This move
Chips Act, aims to boost Europe’s chip market share and is supports Vietnam’s goal of becoming a tech manufacturing hub.
expected to start construction this year. The government is offering incentives, though financial and loca-
tion details are not yet disclosed.
Taiwan and Czech Republic plan to partner
for a semiconductor hub US smartphone company OSOM shutting down
Taiwan plans to collaborate with the Czech Republic to establish California-based smartphone startup OSOM, founded by Andy
a semiconductor cluster in Europe, leveraging TSMC’s new Dres- Rubin and Jason Keats, has announced its closure due to
den fab. Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General financial troubles and a lawsuit against CEO Keats for alleged
Joseph Wu emphasised the need for stable infrastructure and misconduct. Despite privacy-focused products like the Saga
skilled talent. Czech officials are open to offering tax incentives to smartphone, the company struggled with poor performance and
attract Taiwanese investments. failed partnerships, leading to its shutdown.
From a nonchalant teenager to
authoring a book on Verilog at 25
and launching successful IPOs for
startups on the US stock market,
Rajeev Madhavan exemplifies how
the right guidance can transform
a life. This is the story of one of
Silicon Valley’s most influential
venture capitalists, written by
Yashasvini Razdan.
rowing up in Kochi, with If I wanted to go play cricket and buy most of his wishes. His interests were
a father who worked in gear, my dad would let me, but my limited to playing cricket, reading
Customs and a homemaker mum would not. She turned her family comic books, and overall mischief.
mother, Rajeev Madhavan was the home into an apartment complex, “I managed to get decent grades, but
youngest and only boy among three sold some apartments, and kept some I never really worked hard on my
siblings. Pampered by everyone, for rentals. Her business acumen was studies, mostly because I was more
young Rajeev’s dad, T.K. Madhava impeccable, but she probably never interested in playing cricket and
Panicker, was at the forefront of realised it,” recalls Rajeev, with admi- running around,” he laughs.
letting him prance and play cricket. ration and awe for his mother’s tight His raging passion for cricket
However, his mother, Sathy Devi, grip and financial foresight. was quelled by his mother, who,
was a tough taskmaster who ensured like a strict disciplinarian, ensured
that none of her children slipped up A comical business that Rajeev stuck to studying and
on studies, maintaining a balance Rajeev did not spend any time achieving decent grades. Recalling
between pampering and control. concerning himself with the family’s an incident that ended very badly,
“My mother was a homemaker. finances or anything his parents did. Rajeev chuckles, “I was on the school
She controlled the finances at home. His dad always found a way to fulfil cricket team. Just a week before the
After nearly three decades in distribution, Rajguru Electronics pivoted to manufacturing, setting up a unit for its
ADIY subsidiary in Bengaluru. EFY’s Yashasvini Razdan interviewed CEO Dileep Jain to explore the reasons
behind the shift and the company’s growth strategy.
What prompted Rajguru Electronics, workforce, and we can produce 10,000 have access to raw materials, which
known for distributing components boards in a single shift. allows me to offer benefits such as
and development boards, to step warranties and a repair or replace-
into manufacturing? Why not outsource your manufac- ment service, if any issues arise. This
During the distribution of modules turing to another company in India, aligns with the government’s focus on
and boards in India, we faced chal- given that there are many other locally made goods, which are also
lenges due to uncommunicated companies that do EMS, PCBA, and preferred by schools and labs, giving
changes, resulting in customer rejec- development boards? us an advantage in the market.
tions and product returns. This led to In that scenario, I will have to
losses as returning products to China work as per their demand. I have How do you manage inventory in
was not feasible. However, recog- around 150 different products to your business?
nising the need for self-reliance in manufacture, so it is not feasible for We have around 10,000 SKUs
India, we started receiving orders for me to plan according to their timelines (stock keeping units) for 150 products,
locally manufactured products. So, we while ensuring timely delivery and making manual tracking impractical.
decided to move into manufacturing quality. Secondly, when they provide Therefore, we rely on CRM software
to provide Made-in-India products to the products, they will add their profit to automatically monitor stock levels
a wider customer base while remain- margin and additional costs. I need and alert us when we need to replen-
ing cost-competitive. We anticipate to keep my costs low in comparison ish or import more. It helps us identify
establishing a strong presence within to Chinese manufacturers to compete products to manufacture based on
three to four years and competing effectively in the Indian market. demand. We aim to maintain at least
effectively in the market while being three months’ worth of stock.
capable of mass production in India. How do you justify such a major
capital investment with the demand For your manufacturing setup, what
How has the process flow changed for the development boards you job opportunities have been created?
since you transitioned to a manufac- manufacture and assemble? Currently, we have employed
turing business? Rather than making a significant 24 semi-skilled personnel who do
We were already importing upfront investment and waiting for the hands-on assembly, testing, and
modules and components for our outcome, we will continue to invest quality control, and qualified indi-
distribution business. As a manu- more based on results and demand. viduals to operate the SMT machines.
facturer, we needed to know where We reinvest all our profits into acquir- They are trained at the ITI level and
to source the components from and ing more machinery, without taking supported by a local organisation that
which components to use to minimise a big loan, as this approach will yield provides training and assistance.
costs or optimise quality. Initially, better results in the long run.
it used to take at least 20 days to What is the roadmap for the future?
manufacture 10,000 Arduino boards, How is your manufacturing business We plan to increase production
but by increasing our staff, we com- benefiting from your components levels by adding faster machines to the
pleted 10,000 boards in just five days distribution and development board assembly line or acquiring machines to
using a single assembly line. We now distribution business? streamline processes and boost output,
have two assembly lines and a larger As a components distributor, I within the next four to five months.
A recent article in a leading business newspaper reported that industry executives, during a
government meeting, had suggested that EMS firms create more employment than electronics
component manufacturers—for every rupee invested. To verify this claim, a review was conducted
with both component manufacturers and EMS firms, as well as several trade associations.
rahul chopra he media has long been a powerful or aimed at steering policy in a particular
tool in shaping government policy, direction. It suggested that EMS firms (elec-
which makes it essential for tronics manufacturing services, or contract
research and reporting to remain unbiased. manufacturers) provide significantly more
When prominent outlets publish stories employment than electronics compo-
citing unnamed ‘industry experts,’ all nent manufacturers—for every 10 million
seemingly aligned in the same direction, it invested. The responsibility for this claim
inevitably raises concerns. was attributed to anonymous ‘industry
India’s electronics industry has already executives,’ with further suggestions that
suffered the effects of policies influenced the government of India might use these
by those with limited investment in its findings to justify offering more subsidies
long-term growth. Now, as the sector sees or incentives to EMS firms over component
fresh opportunities, it is critical to ensure manufacturers.
that past mistakes are not repeated. This raises the possibility of policy
The article in question, published by a influence.
leading business daily, raised doubts about Yet, the article failed to name these
whether it was based on thorough research industry executives or provide their
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is a significant oversimplification.
Both EMS firms and component
manufacturers are vital contributors
to India’s electronics industry, each
with its own unique value propo- It is incorrect to say that com-
sition. Disregarding the intercon- ponent manufacturing is highly
nectedness and contributions of automated across the board. It
both sectors can lead to misguided depends on the specific component
policy decisions that may hinder the being produced. A workforce is
overall growth and development of always necessary when manufac- required for electronics component
the electronics industry.” turing lower-level components like manufacturing. This sector often
Dileep Jain, CEO, Rajguru passive items, such as connectors. involves more complex processes,
(electronics products & components): For instance, in PCB manufacturing, demanding significant time for
“EMS companies have automated or even connector manufacturing, research, development, and innova-
most of the work. SMT lines require a significant number of workers tion before employment levels can
only a single person to manage the are required as these processes are match those of EMS firms. Both
entire process from start to finish. highly labour-intensive.” EMS and component manufacturing
Nandini B, Director, TESCOM are integral to the electronics eco-
(EMS): “In the EMS industry, there system, each with its own timeline
are entry-level jobs available, many and impact. A more nuanced
of them in the operator category. approach that takes these differ-
However, component manufactur- ences into account would likely
ing is more complex and offers lead to more balanced and effective
fewer opportunities for unskilled industry growth.”
labour. Additionally, the ratio of
jobs to investment is higher in the
EMS industry. While EMS is more Rahul Chopra is Editor of Electronics For
labour-intensive for both skilled You and Open Source For You magazines
and Managing Director of the EFY Group.
and unskilled labour, component
Apollo Micro Systems Limited (http://apollo-micro.com)..............................................13 India Electronics Week 2025 (http://www.indiaelectronicsweek.com).........................41
Binay Opto Electronics Pvt Ltd (www.binayLED.com)........................Front Gatefold, 78 IndusBoard Coin (https://indus.electronicsforu.com).................................55, 57, 59, 61
EFY Digital marketing Services (https://profitwithefy.com)....................................32, 33 National Controlling & Equipments (www.nacei.com).................................................75
EFY Expo Chennai 2024 (chennai.efyexpo.com)..................................................52, 53 Open Source India 2024 (https://www.opensourceindia.in).........................................37
electronics for you BUSINESS (https://www.electronicsforyou.biz).............................29 Sanjay Technologies Private Limited (http://www.sanjaytechnologies.co.in)...............17
element14 India Pvt Ltd (https://in.element14.com).....................................Front Cover SIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD (http://int.siglent.com).................................... 11