EFY Express October 2024

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OCTOBER 2024 | VOL. 4 NO.


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3D lithium-ion batteries in customisable shapes

3D structural lithium-ion batteries (Credit: Composites Science and Technology, 2024)

The future of electric vehicles (EVs) hinges on advance- Researchers at Shanghai University have developed 3D-
ments in fast-charging, efficient batteries that support printed structural lithium-ion batteries with customisable
long operations. A promising innovation is the develop- shapes, overcoming previous limitations of low energy
ment of structural batteries, which serve as both en- density and poor performance. This technology, which
ergy storage systems and integral parts of the vehicle’s integrates energy storage with structural support, has
structure. Unlike traditional external batteries, these are potential applications in EVs, autonomous robots, and
embedded into the vehicle’s design, enhancing efficiency. warehouse logistics vehicles.

Quantum chip simplifies molecule study

Researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU),
in collaboration with members from Nanyang Technological
University, City University of Hong Kong, Beijing Institute of
Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, the
Institute of Microelectronics, and Chalmers University of Technol-
ogy in Sweden, have introduced a 16-qubit quantum micropro-
cessor chip. This chip, designed specifically for the simulation
of molecular spectroscopy for large and complex molecules, is
part of a comprehensive system that includes optical-electrical-
thermal packaging and a fully programmable control module and
software. This development marks a significant step forward in
quantum chemistry and computational applications, exceeding
the capabilities of classical computing. Such quantum technology
paves the way for new applications in molecular docking and Researchers at PolyU have introduced a quantum microprocessor
chip for simulating molecular spectroscopy in complex molecules,
quantum machine learning techniques like graph classification. a global first (Credit: https://www.polyu.edu.hk)


research & innovation

Human-hair thick battery for and Fudan University have developed a new low-power,
two-dimensional field-effect transistor (FET). The research
autonomous micro-robots addresses key challenges like high gate leakage and low
MIT engineers have developed a tiny battery, just 0.1mm dielectric strength, which have hindered silicon-based FET
long and 0.002mm thick—comparable to a human hair— miniaturisation. Using ultrathin single-crystalline alu-
that could revolutionise autonomous, cell-sized robots for minium oxide as a dielectric, the team created an FET with
medical uses like drug delivery and detecting gas leaks. high-quality interfaces. This advancement could lead to
smaller, more efficient chips, crucial for 5G, AI, and Inter-
net of Things (IoT) applications.

First carbon nanotubes tensor chip

Researchers at Peking University have developed a carbon
nanotube (CNT)-based tensor processing unit (TPU), mark-
ing a breakthrough in energy-efficient chip design. This
TPU addresses
the limitations
of silicon-based
The zinc-air battery is 0.1mm long and 0.002mm thick (Credit: Courtesy of processors in AI
the researchers)
applications by
This zinc-air battery captures oxygen from the air to gener- leveraging CNTs’
ate a 1-volt current, enough to power tiny circuits, sensors, unique properties.
or actuators. The team is integrating robotic functions into Built on a systolic
the battery itself, enabling micro-robots to operate indepen- array architecture
dently in inaccessible spaces, unlike previous solar-depend- with 3000 CNT
ent designs. This innovation could transform miniature field-effect transis-
robotics for various applications. Schematic diagram illustrates the structure of a tors, the chip
carbon-nanotube-based tensor processing unit
(Courtesy of Peking University) efficiently handles
matrix multiplica-
RF-VLC tech for line-of-sight tions while minimising energy consumption. It powers a
communication convolutional neural network with 88% accuracy in image
Researchers from Central University (CU), IIDM, and CU recognition, consuming just 295μW. Operating at 850MHz
J&K in India have developed a hybrid RF-VLC communica- and achieving energy efficiency over 1 TOPS/W, this TPU
tion system aimed at enhancing indoor communication could revolutionise AI processing with improved perfor-
by offering high data transmission rates while simultane- mance and reduced power demands.
ously reducing energy consumption. This system integrates
radio frequency and visible light communication (VLC) to
provide both illumination and communication, optimising
Ultra-stable gradient NMC cathode
power usage according to user demand while maintaining batteries
quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for Researchers are advancing battery technology by enhancing
various applications. The system comprises a transmitter, cathode materials, focusing on layered oxide cathodes to im-
which sends binary data through light produced by LEDs, prove performance and sustainability. Traditional cathodes
and a receiver, equipped with a photo-sensitive device like degrade quickly at high voltages, but Argonne National
a photodiode or camera, that captures the data from the Laboratory’s team has developed ultra-stable NMC (nickel-
light when in direct line of sight to the transmitter. The manganese-cobalt) cathodes. These use a full-gradient
team has also introduced modulation schemes that ensure design, where nickel concentration decreases and manga-
consistent data flow and power use. nese increases from core to surface, improving stability and
energy density. Their design, patented in 2012, also reduces
cobalt content, lowering costs and environmental impact.
Energy-efficient 2D FET These innovations allow batteries to operate at higher volt-
Engineers from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and ages (up to 4.7V), offering better performance, especially for
Information Technology, City University of Hong Kong, electric vehicles and other next-gen applications.

12 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com


Customisable woven actuators Manganese as alternative for

Researchers from Jiangnan University have developed a
lithium-ion batteries
scalable and customisable textile engineering method to Researchers are investigating manganese (Mn) as a sustain-
create woven, soft actuators for healthcare technologies able, cost-effective alternative for Li-ion battery production.
and robotics. Their approach organises warp and weft A study published in ACS Central Science on 26th August
explores using a lithium/manganese-based material for the
positive electrode, aiming to match the performance of nick-
el/cobalt-based materials while reducing costs. The team,
led by Naoaki Yabuuchi, synthesised nanostructured LiMnO2
with a monoclinic layered structure, enabling a transition to a
high-performance spinel-like phase. This innovation achieved
energy densities of 820Wh kg-1, outperforming nickel-based
materials. However, challenges like manganese dissolution
remain, though solutions like lithium phosphate coatings
show promise for future EV applications.

Schematic representation of soft weaving robots for healthcare wearable

devices (Source: Li et al) Drone-based electric grid
yarns during the weaving process to precisely custom- monitoring for remote areas
ise actuator properties. When stretched, the actuators’ Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have
conductive yarns separate, disrupting electrical signals, developed a drone-based system to improve electric grid
enabling strain detection. An advantage is that these sens- monitoring, especially in
ing yarns are fully integrated into fabrics, maintaining remote areas. The sys-
flexibility without adding weight or stiffness. The method tem, demonstrated with
also enables multi-morphing actuators capable of bending, EPB of Chattanooga,
twisting, and spiralling, which is ideal for robotic grippers uses drones equipped
mimicking animal movements like octopus tentacles. with sensors to detect
grid anomalies like
electrical arcing. During
Triboelectric nanogenerators a recent test, a scout
produce power from movement ORNL researchers demonstrated the use drone was triggered by a
of drones equipped with cameras and
Researchers at the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technol- other sensors to check power lines at simulated electrical fault,
ogy Institute have developed an efficient nanotechnology an EPB of Chattanooga training centre relaying real-time data
for electrical line workers (Credit: Jason
that converts everyday movements, like running, into elec- Richards/ORNL, US Dept. of Energy) to EPB and ORNL’s labs.
trical power for wearable devices. These flexible nanogen- This approach enables
erators have shown a 140-fold increase in power density faster, more efficient inspections without human presence,
compared to traditional ones, reducing costs and preventing outages.
generating over 1000 milliwatts
of power. The technology uses
a triboelectric effect, where Test suite for enhancing PUF security
materials become electrically Crypto Quantique has introduced TuRiNG, a randomness
charged through contact and test suite specifically designed for physical unclonable func-
separation. This could revolu- tions (PUFs). PUFs are crucial in semiconductors for secure
tionise energy harvesting for random number generation, device identities, and crypto-
small devices, such as self- graphic keys. Unlike traditional RNGs, PUFs generate fixed-
powered healthcare sensors. length outputs, making existing randomness tests inade-
The team plans to commercial- quate. TuRiNG adapts tests from NIST 800-22 and includes a
The technology aims to drive ise the technology, highlighting specialised test to ensure the independence of PUF outputs,
new activities in sustainable its potential in green energy vital for cryptographic security. The suite is comprehensive
health technology, with an
emphasis on industrial scalability solutions for the growing num- yet efficient, minimising data requirements and accounting
(Credit: University of Surrey) ber of IoT devices. for spatial correlations in PUFs.



Wireless charging powers vehicles alternative. Researchers at Tsinghua University developed

super-resolution diffractive neural networks (S-DNNs) for
in motion all-optical DOA estimation. These surpass the Rayleigh
Advancements in electric vehicle (EV) technology are diffraction limit, providing faster, more accurate results
minimising the need for charging stations. A research team without RF circuits. S-DNNs operate by modulating elec-
from UNIST has developed a wireless charging system tromagnetic waves, improving performance and robust-
that powers vehicles in motion via a robust magnetic field ness, especially in reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS)
for 6G communications.

Artificial muscle powered robotic

leg mimics biological leg
A team from ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Institute have
introduced a muscle-powered robotic leg using electro-
hydraulic actuators, called HASELs, which mimic biological
muscle movements. These actuators are energy-efficient,

Application of a track type dynamic wireless power transfer system in

logistics (Credit: Applied Energy, 2024)

generated by a wired network. This eliminates costly fer-

romagnetic materials and allows vehicles to move freely
along power tracks. The system improves power trans-
fer efficiency by up to 90% with optimised power track
and receiver algorithms. Safety standards from IEEE and
ICNIRP are met. This technology could reduce battery size,
decrease charging times, and lower pollution linked to
lithium extraction, promoting sustainability.
While conventional robotic legs are driven by an electromagnetic rotary
Portable system harvesting water motor (left), for their musculoskeletal system the researchers use
electrohydraulic actuators, i.e. artificial muscles (right) (Credit: Thomas
from air Buchner/ETH Zurich and Toshihiko Fukushima/MPI-IS)

An eco-friendly technology for water harvesting has been avoiding the heat waste of traditional motors. The robotic
developed in South Korea, inspired by natural mechanisms leg can perform high jumps and adapt to uneven terrain
in plants and animals. Researchers at the Korea Institute with simple input signals, offering agility and efficiency.
of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) created a portable This innovation could transform future robots, especially
system that captures and purifies moisture from the air, in rescue missions or delicate tasks, by enhancing mobility
producing drinkable water. Weighing only three kilograms, and adaptability.
the system has received safety certifications and is highly
energy-efficient, doubling the performance of traditional
dehumidifiers. It uses thermoelectric modules and sterilises
Novel hot-emitter transistor for
bacteria with heat. post-Moore era
Researchers are advancing transistor technology to address
the limitations of shrinking transistor sizes. A team from
Optical computing revolutionises the Institute of Metal Research at the Chinese Academy of
DOA estimation efficiency Sciences developed a novel hot-emitter transistor (HOET)
Wireless sensing and communication are crucial in civilian using a new mechanism called stimulated emission of
and military applications, with direction-of-arrival (DOA) heated carriers (SEHC). This transistor, combining gra-
estimation playing a key role. Traditional methods like the phene with germanium, achieves an ultralow sub-threshold
MUSIC algorithm rely on complex RF circuitry, leading swing of less than 1mV/dec and a peak-to-valley current
to high power consumption and latency. To overcome ratio above 100. These features enable faster, more energy-
these limitations, optical computing offers a promising efficient devices, suitable for post-Moore era applications.



Amongst numerous press releases of new products received by us, these are the ones
we found worthy of the title Truly Innovative Electronics

End-to-end asset modules to save nearly two megawatts

(MW) per hour, equivalent to power-
SiP for app
tracking service ing over 700 homes annually. These development or use
U-blox has introduced CloudTrackTM, modules also as a modem
an end-to-end asset tracking service require fewer
designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) units to achieve Nordic Semiconductor has launched its
sector. The service offers low-power the same system-in-package (SiP), the nRF9151,
positioning, power level along with its development kit. The
connectivity as previous nRF9151 is an integrated, pre-certified
worldwide, generations, SiP that
and cloud reducing power includes an
integra- device compo- MCU for
tion. A key nent costs by more than 25%. The FS7 application
feature is IGBTs reduce turn-off losses and lower development
its ability to switching losses by up to 8%, while the or use as a cel-
achieve six times the energy efficiency EliteSiC diodes enhance switching per- lular modem.
of traditional GNSS systems starting formance and decrease voltage flicker by The nRF9151 provides a solution in
cold and transmitting data online. The 15% compared to previous models. cellular IoT technology. This package
service combines data from GNSS, Onsemi offers hardware with a programmable
cellular, and Wi-Fi sources for posi- https://www.onsemi.com application processor, software, cloud
tioning, even in environments with services, development tools, and sup-
poor GNSS signals or indoors—areas
typically prone to rapid battery deple-
Memory module IC port. Supported by Nordic’s SDK and
cloud services, it also manages regu-
tion. It offers a simplified experience for enhanced data latory certifications and carrier pre-
by consolidating multiple location and
connectivity needs under one provider.
processing approvals, ensuring support for long-life
IoT applications.
This approach eliminates the hassle ABLIC has released the S-34HTS08AB Nordic Semiconductor
of managing multiple contracts and SPD IC, designed for DDR5 memory https://www.nordicsemi.com
vendors, supported by a straightforward modules. The module adds a HUB
pricing model.
function to
facilitate device
1mm-thin active micro-
https://www.u-blox.com communication cooling ‘fan on a chip’
and supports the xMEMS Labs has launched the xMEMS
Power modules to boost high-speed I3C
standard—an evo-
XMC-2400 µCoolingTM chip. This is
the first all-silicon, active micro-cooling
solar inverters’ power lution of the I2C fan designed
Onsemi has launched silicon and silicon protocol—alongside traditional EEPROM for mobile
carbide hybrid power integrated modules and temperature sensor capabilities. It devices and
(PIMs) in an F5BP package, designed for advances data processing capacities, artificial
enhancing the power output of utility- making the IC suitable for both client intelligence
scale solar string inverters or energy and server DDR5 DIMMs. The company applications.
storage system (ESS) applications. The claims that the input-output circuits The chip introduces active, fan-based
modules increase power density and effi- ensure high-speed, stable communi- micro-cooling at the chip level, allowing
ciency within the same footprint, raising cation and broad compatibility with manufacturers to incorporate cooling
the total system power of a solar inverter devices from other manufacturers, offer- into smartphones, tablets, and other
from 300kW to 350kW. This enhance- ing flexibility in component purchasing. mobile devices. The chip measures only
ment allows a one-gigawatt (GW) capac- ABLIC 1 millimetre in thickness. It has dimen-
ity utility-scale solar farm using these https://www.ablic.com sions of 9.26 x 7.6 x 1.08 millimetres and


weighs less than 150 milligrams. It is
smaller and lighter than other active-
computation for time series process-
ing. The networks are then trained and
Chip with dual core
cooling solutions. The chip can move up compiled using a toolchain, and run and dual architecture
to 39 cubic centimetres of air per second, on a neural Raspberry Pi has introduced a micro-
achieving 1000Pa of back pressure. This fabric, which controller, the RP2350. The chip
all-silicon solution provides semiconduc- reduces power integrates two ARM Cortex M33 cores
tor reliability, uniformity across parts, consumption with a floating point unit and two
durability, and is IP58 rated. by minimising RISC-V HAZARD3
xMEMS Labs data move- cores, though only
https://xmems.com ment within the chip. The TSP1 is a two of these cores
single-chip solution for time series can be active
4-in-1 MEMS air quality inference applications such as real-
time speech recognition, text-to-speech
Its clock speed has
sensor for indoors synthesis, natural language interfaces, been increased to
Bosch Sensortec has introduced the and sensor fusion. 150MHz. Thanks
BME690, a gas sensor that tracks gases, Applied Brain Research to its new architecture, floating point
temperature, pressure, and humidity. https://www.appliedbrainresearch.com unit, and three PIO units, the chip
This sensor builds on the technology achieves roughly double the perfor-
of its predecessors, the BME688 and
BME680, main-
World’s first open mance of its predecessors at standard
clock speeds while consuming less
taining the same architecture RISC-V power. The RP2350 features a dual-
dimensions for
easy integration
security chip core, dual-architecture design, offering
two industry-standard ARM Cortex-
as an upgrade. Unisoc has launched what it claims to M33 cores and two open-hardware
The sensor mon- be the world’s first security chip based Hazard3 RISC-V cores. These can be
itors indoor air, on the RISC-V open instruction set selected either through software set-
detecting volatile organic compounds architecture (ISA). The E450R chip is tings or by programming the on-chip
(VOCs) from cleaners, cooking, and reported to enhance the performance OTP memory.
other sources. It is also used for analys- of security Raspberry Pi
ing breath and detecting food spoilage, algorithms, https://www.raspberrypi.org
helping reduce waste. Equipped with AI according
features through Bosch Sensortec’s BME
AI-Studio software, the sensor allows
to IT Home.
A feature
customers to create solutions swiftly, of the chip accelerator
giving them a competitive edge. The is its asymmetric cryptographic PKE Synthara has completed the first tape-
sensor also reduces power consumption algorithm engine, which reportedly out of the network-on-chip accelerator,
by up to 50% compared to its prede- operates 50% faster than its predeces- Watchdog (WDG). The team developed
cessor, making it suitable for portable sor. This improvement is maintained WDG in response
devices such as wearables and asset even as key lengths are increased, to the demands of
trackers. ensuring security without compromis- AI and machine
Bosch Sensortec ing on speed. The chip also shows a learning. It connects
https://www.bosch-sensortec.com 50% increase in performance for typical multiple processing
transaction-based applications, making elements, enabling
World’s first single chip it suitable for environments that require
quick processing. Additionally, the
them to communi-
cate and share data effectively. This
solution for speech chip has a 15% increase in the erase/ integration leads to quicker and more
recognition write speed of its non-volatile memory
(NVM), enabling more efficient data
efficient data transfers, improving
the performance of AI models. A key
Applied Brain Research (ABR) has storage in applications that frequently feature of Watchdog is its compute-in-
launched the world’s first single- perform memory operations. Moreover, memory capability, which minimises
chip speech recognition system. This the chip’s microarchitecture not only data movement and latency by process-
introduces the TSP1, ABR’s first time reduces the size of application code ing data directly where it is stored. This
series processor chip, designed for by 30% but also doubles the speed of approach allows for faster processing
real-time, low latency automatic speech application loading, which is important speeds, significantly enhancing com-
recognition. It starts with the Legendre for real-time applications. putation capabilities.
memory unit (LMU; patented), the first Unisoc Synthara
state-space network, which optimises https://www.unisoc.com/en_us https://synthara.ai



COMPONENTS & CHIPS CryptoAuthentication ICs

Securing key provisioning is critical for
protecting sensitive keys from tamper-
ing and malicious attacks, especially in
Automotive multiplexer 7th generation TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 consumer, industrial, data centre, and
Diodes Incorporated has introduced product line with the CIPOS Maxi medical applica-
the PI3DPX1225Q, a 10Gbps 6:4 active intelligent power module (IPM) series, tions. Developing
crossbar multiplexer with a linear targeting secure key provi-
ReDriver, designed low-power sioning processes
for automotive motor drives. can be complex
applications, such The new and costly. To simplify this, Micro-
as smart cock- IM12BxxxC1 chip Technology has expanded its
pits and rear-seat series, built on 1200 V TRENCHSTOP TrustFLEX portfolio with the ECC204,
entertainment. It supports USB 3.2 IGBT7 technology, features the EmCon SHA104, and SHA105 CryptoAuthen-
and DisplayPort 2.1 signals via a USB 7 diode for superior control and effi- tication ICs. These hardware-based
Type-C connector with three operating ciency. Designed for HVAC systems, devices offer secure key storage and
modes. The compact device is housed pumps, and motors, it offers EMI pro- meet high security standards like JIL
in a 40-pin W-QFN package with a tection, thermal management, and a and FIPS. They are energy-efficient,
4mm x 6mm footprint, operating on a 6-channel SOI gate driver for versatile compatible with any microprocessor,
3.3V supply. It offers ultra-low latency application use. and ensure confidentiality, integ-
and supports I2C programming. Infineon Technologies AG rity, and authenticity across various
Diodes Incorporated https://www.infineon.com systems.
https://www.diodes.com Microchip Technology
Sealed tactile switches https://www.microchip.com
SMD high-current inductors Littelfuse, Inc. has updated its C&K
TDK Corporation has expanded its Switches KSC2 sealed tactile switch Coreless current sensor
ERU27M series of SMD high-current, series, now featuring an electrical Molex has launched the percept current
flat-wire inductors, designed for height enhancement. These surface- sensors, targeting the growing need
automotive and mounted, waterproof for accurate busbar current sensing
industrial applica- switches are ideal for in industrial and automotive sectors.
tions with increasing various industries, These sensors utilise Infineon’s coreless
power demands. including medical current sensing
These inductors use devices (surgical tools, technology
an alloy powder core wearables), transpor- and Molex’s
with a soft saturation characteristic tation (door handles, advanced pack-
and flat-wire helical winding, offer- steering columns), and aging, resulting
ing rated currents from 36A to 48A, high-end consumer products (power in a compact, lightweight design—86%
inductance values of 2.3µH to 8.5µH, tools, lawnmowers). With improved lighter and up to 50% smaller than
and DC resistances between 0.68mΩ durability, extended lifespan, and clear competitors. This allows for higher-den-
and 1.66mΩ. Custom designs are also tactile feedback, the switches ensure sity device packaging, reducing system
available. reliable, long-term performance. Avail- weight and offering design flexibility.
TDK Corporation able in tape and reel format, the series The sensors maintain 2% accuracy over
https://www.tdk.com/en/index.html suits industrial applications like eleva- a broad temperature range, minimising
tors and automation systems. EMI impact with a differential Hall-
Intelligent power module Littelfuse Inc. effect sensor design. Molex’s packaging
Infineon Technologies has expanded its https://www.littelfuse.com also cuts environmental impact, using


99% less water and eliminating haz- reliability are crucial, the RMCA series near-infrared wavelengths, crucial
ardous chemicals. is produced on dedicated lines with for detecting blood volume and flow
Molex strict quality controls. This results in changes. These advancements make
https://www.molex.com/en-us/home superior performance and a sig- it highly effective for health monitor-
nificantly lower failure rate, up to ten ing and high-speed photodetection in
CMOS image sensor times better than standard resistors. wearable devices.
OMNIVISION has launched the Stackpole Electronics Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.
OV50M40 image sensor, designed https://www.seielect.com https://www.vishay.com
for smartphone cameras, offering a
50MP CMOS sensor with 0.61-micron Isolated DC/DC converter EMBEDDED
pixels. It supports Traco Power’s TEC 3UI series of
front, main, ultra- isolated DC/DC converters supports 2GB Raspberry Pi 5
wide, and telephoto a wide input voltage range from 9V Raspberry Pi has introduced a new
setups. Its 4-cell to 75V DC, replacing traditional 2:1 2GB model to the Raspberry Pi 5
binning enhances and 4:1 converters family, now available from element14.
low-light performance with up to 64x while accommodat- Since its launch, the
analogue gain. The sensor supports ing various standard Raspberry Pi 5 has
up to 50MP stills at 12fps and 12.5MP bus voltages. The fulfilled its vision of
images at 60fps, using OMNIVISION’s converters operate in offering an afford-
PureCelPlus-S technology for compact temperatures from -40°C to +80°C able, general-purpose
design. It also supports CPHY/DPHY and altitudes up to 5000 meters, offer- desktop computer. It is 150 times more
MIPI interfaces and dual DOVDD volt- ing 1600V DC I/O isolation. Housed in powerful than the original 2012 model,
age levels. a compact SIP-8 plastic case, the TEC thanks to technological advancements
OMNIVISION 3UI series is available in single- and and mass production. The 4GB and
https://www.ovt.com dual-output models, certified to IEC/ 8GB versions use the BCM2712C1
EN/ES 62368-1 standards, making processor and RP1 I/O controller, but
Chip resistors it ideal for space-limited industrial the new D0 stepping removes unused
Stackpole has expanded its RMCA applications. features, reducing production costs.
series of automotive-grade resistors Traco Power Raspberry Pi
by introducing a smaller 0201 chip http://www.tracopower.com https://www.raspberrypi.org
size, enhancing
their versatility in PIN photodiode SOM for Edge IIoT
compact electronic Vishay Intertechnology’s VEMD8082 MYIR has launched the MYC-LMA35
devices. These resis- silicon PIN photodiode is designed system-on-module (SOM) featuring
tors offer improved for biomedical applications like Nuvoton’s NuMicro MA35D1 proces-
electrical stability heart rate and sor, with dual 64-bit
and environmental reliability, meeting blood oxygen ARM Cortex-A35
stringent automotive industry stand- monitoring. Its cores (800MHz) and
ards (AEC Q200 qualified) without compact size a Cortex-M4 core
the typical high costs of established makes it ideal (180MHz), ideal for
reliability components. Ideal for for low-profile devices, such as Edge IIoT gateway applications. The
consumer electronics and industrial smartwatches. The VEMD8082 offers SOM includes 256MB DDR3L memory,
handheld devices, where space and enhanced sensitivity in visible and options for 256MB NAND Flash or


8GB eMMC, and a 32kbit EEPROM. provides a complete development eco- TEST & MEASUREMENT
It supports various interfaces, includ- system with NuTool – CodeGenerator,
ing UART, CAN FD, Gigabit Ethernet, Keil, IAR, and NuEclipse IDE support. Intelligent circuit board
USB, and more. A development board Nuvoton Technology Corporation detection system
for prototyping includes the SOM and http://www.nuvoton.com JB Instruments introduces the Intel-
expansion for additional peripherals ligent circuit board detection system,
like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G, and System-on-module a solution for PCB testing. This system
display interfaces. iWave recently introduced the iW- optimises testing by selecting the most
MYIR RainboW-G58M system-on-module suitable method for
https://www.myirtech.com (SoM) featuring the Intel Agilex 5 each PCB’s unique
FPGA series, expand- characteristics, ensuring
PD evaluation board ing its FPGA offerings comprehensive and effi-
Eggtronic’s SmartEgg 240W PD 3.1 for midrange appli- cient inspections. Cen-
evaluation board (EVB) streamlines cations. Supporting tral to its functionality
the development of high-power 240W Intel Agilex 5 E-Series is the JBM-SE smart camera, featuring
power delivery (PD) 3.1 applications, SoCs and the B32A high-precision positioning, measure-
reducing both package, this compact SoM (60mm ment calibration, advanced OCR, and
size and cost x 70mm) operates in harsh condi- a multi-focal-length lens. With built-in
while boost- tions (-40°C to +85°C) and offers multi-colour lighting, RS-232, and Eth-
ing efficiency. long-term availability with a 15-year ernet outputs, it integrates seamlessly
It achieves over 95% peak efficiency longevity program. into various processes. The system
and maintains over 90% across the iWave excels in detecting, measuring, and
load range, using a single-stage design https://www.iwavesystems.com verifying patterns, edges, and colours,
with zero voltage switching (ZVS), with advanced tools for logic judgment,
power factor correction (PFC), and MANUFACTURING defect detection, and precise calibra-
quasi-forward isolated regulation. This EQUIPMENT tion, ensuring reliable PCB inspections.
approach cuts the bill of materials JB Instruments
and component size, offering up to High-speed chip mounter https://www.jbinstruments.com
50% energy savings at light loads and Hanwha Precision Machinery’s
21.9W/in³ power density. XM520, a general-purpose chip A huge neutrino detector
Eggtronic mounter, is redefining surface mount Neutrinos, once thought to be mass-
https://www.eggtronic.com technology (SMT) and through-hole less, are now believed to have a small
technology (THT) mass and can oscillate between three
32-bit microcontroller production. With ‘flavours.’ These elusive particles pass
Advancements in semiconduc- high-speed capabili- through matter undetected, making
tor technology have enhanced the ties, it can place up to them hard to study. To
performance and reduced the cost of 100,000 components address this, the Euro
32-bit microcontrollers, driving their per hour with ±22μm 400 million JUNO
widespread use in applications like accuracy. It supports component detector, located 750
AIoT, industrial sizes from 0201 chips to 22mm, metres underground
automation, and PCBs up to 150mm x 55mm. in Jiangmen, China, was created
smart homes, Awarded the 2024 NPI Award for by 730 scientists from 17 countries.
energy storage, high-speed component placement, Operational by 2024, JUNO will be
and automotive electronics. Nuvoton the XM520 features advanced tools the world’s largest neutrino detector,
Technology addresses these needs like the stage camera and dock- advancing particle physics and multi-
with the M2003 series, based on ing cart for seamless operation. Its messenger astronomy.
the ARM Cortex-M23 core, offering compact design, dual gantry, and Spectrum Instrumentation
features like a hardware multiplier/ 10-spindle configuration offer excep- https://spectrum-instrumentation.com
divider, 32kB Flash, and 4kB SRAM. tional flexibility, making it ideal for
Integrated peripherals include timers, diverse production environments. Optical emission spectrometer
UARTs, I²C, ADC, and PWM. The Hanwha Precision Machinery Metal Power Analytical Pvt Ltd (MPA),
series supports ISP/IAP updates and https://www.hanwha-pm.com/en an Indian manufacturer of analytical


instruments, has launched the motion control; the AI-powered thanks to DISPLAY VISIONS’ adaptor
Metavision-8i, a new optical emis- MINAS A7 servo system, including for the Raspberry Pi Zero’s GPIO con-
sion spectrometer (OES) aimed at the MINAS CZ1 and A6SC, tailored for nector. This adaptor supports touch
metal industry. India; and the HL-G2 Series, a high- functionality
The Metavision-8i accuracy laser displacement sensor. for the TFT015,
addresses the need TFT020,
for affordable yet TFT028,
advanced elemental analysis, espe- and TFT035
cially benefiting MSMEs by offering displays, with
high-end features at a competitive downloadable Raspberry code for
price. Traditionally, smaller manufac- These solutions enhance productivity, various applications. The compact
turers faced barriers due to the high reduce errors, and improve safety. 51.6mm x 17mm adaptor connects to
cost of OES systems, limiting market Ideal for industries like semiconduc- the display via a flexible FPC cable
access. The Metavision-8i provides tors, electronics, and packaging, they and supports low-power operations.
precision, low-ppm analysis with fea- support real-time monitoring, precise The 2.4mm (1.5-inch) IPS TFT dis-
tures like dual optics, high-resolution measurement, and Industry 4.0 inte- plays offer excellent colour stability
DUV optics, and CMOS detectors. gration, driving digital transformation from different angles, brightness over
Metal Power Analytical Pvt Ltd and aligning with the Make in India 1000cd/m², and multiple interface
https://www.metalpower.net initiative. modes like RGB and SPI. Ideal for
Panasonic Life Solutions India industrial and medical use, they also
AUTOMATION https://www.panasonic.com/in operate under direct sunlight.
Industrial IoT gateway Machine vision, mobile robots https://www.displayvisions.us/index.html
IBASE Technology Inc. introduces the Hikrobot recently introduced its latest
AGS104T, an industrial IoT gateway innovations in machine vision and PCB component library
powered by Intel Atom x7433RE mobile robots, including the Forklift PCBPartz.com is a collaboration
and x7211RE Latent Mobile between Zettaone Technologies Inc.
processors Robot QF-1000 and and PCB Libraries
for high the Tugging AMR, Inc., providing a
performance in India. The comprehensive
in demand- QF-1000 features a PCB component
ing environments. Featuring up to versatile chassis, library and out-
16GB DDR5-4800 memory, dual 2.5G integrated forks for pallet handling, sourcing services.
Ethernet ports, and versatile COM and enhanced mobility in narrow Designed for
ports, it supports industrial flexibility spaces, with a 25% speed increase. PCB designers, manufacturers, and
with M.2 and Mini PCI-E expansion It also offers 360° safety protection, engineers, the platform streamlines
slots. With TPM 2.0 security, GPIO Wi-Fi connectivity, and seamless workflows, improves accuracy, and
4-in/4-out, and mounting options for operation. The Tugging AMR can tow ensures consistency in PCB production
DIN-rail or wall, the AGS104T is a reli- up to 2000kg, with 5mm precision and by offering industry-standard symbols
able, adaptable solution for critical IoT automatic hooking/unhooking. Hikro- and footprints, including IPC-7351
applications. bot’s exhibit also showcased AI-pow- compliant parts. By outsourcing
IBASE Technology Inc. ered smart cameras, visual inspection library tasks, companies can avoid
http://www.ibase.com.tw controllers, DWS systems, and other project delays. PCBPartz enhances
industrial automation solutions. efficiency through its high-quality,
Factory automation solutions Hikvision customisable library data, helping
Panasonic Life Solutions India www.hikvisionindia.com to minimise design errors. Users can
(PLSIND), through its industrial try a 30-day free evaluation with 10
devices division (INDD), has launched MISCELLANEOUS download and part credits or sub-
a range of factory automation solu- scribe to the Platinum plan for $300/
tions to boost industrial efficiency. Small TFT displays adaptor year, with 300 downloads monthly.
Key products include the GM1 motion The Raspberry Pi Zero becomes more Zettaone Technologies Inc.
controller, combining PLC logic and versatile with a small TFT display, https://www.zettaone.com


electroons 2.0
Janardhana Swamy and neha j.s.

This is a very affordable waveform generator; I am beginning to doubt if this is the right method
you just need to be richer! to jump-start the car.

People are becoming more tech-savvy, Sir. How about Did you say you worked all night attaching
we put this to mark it as one-way? those four wheels to make the server run?

I have been here since morning. By the time I reach the Good thing we support both dark and light
checkout counter, there’s already a newer model! modes, but I see many bugs in the light mode!

30 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

Electroons 2.0

I have fully stuffed it with many components, I know what a current meter is. But I wanted an
Madam. There’s no room left for any errors! update on the current matters!

Nowadays, more of our customers are robots.

Looks like we need to play ‘techno’ or ‘heavy metal’ Lost your dog, too? I am also searching for my
music all the time! robot dog since yesterday!

The capacitors in our circuits are exploding, Sir.

Ship them to the Defence as explosives or just For our ‘Alien Finding’ tender, we have received a
save them for Diwali? bid from someone in the Andromeda Galaxy!

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 31


Automotive Traceability,
Payments, Sustainability
From advanced battery passports to carbon credits and fortified
payments, blockchain is reshaping EV data handling and connectivity.

transparency, and decentralisation— of each component’s journey, from

make it indispensable for industries manufacturer to end user. Every
requiring secure and verifiable transaction, inspection, and transfer
data exchanges between multiple is logged on the blockchain, offering
KAMLESH NAGWARE stakeholders. a transparent and tamper-proof
is Co-founder of
FSV Capital
By providing an immutable record, history. This level of traceability
blockchain ensures the authenticity of allows OEMs to swiftly identify and
automotive parts, reduces the risk of recall faulty components, enhancing

he automotive industry has counterfeits, and streamlines vehicle product safety and lowering the cost
consistently driven techno- registration and ownership transfer. of large-scale recalls.
logical innovation, embracing Additionally, it enables more trans- In the EV context, tracing critical
advancements that enhance effi- parent and efficient vehicle financing components like batteries is espe-
ciency, safety, and environmental and leasing through secure smart cially important. Batteries are the
sustainability. Blockchain technol- contracts. As blockchain adoption most expensive and environmentally
ogy has recently become a vital increases, it is expected to foster sensitive part of an EV. Blockchain
solution for overcoming key chal- greater collaboration for innovation enables the tracking of a battery’s
lenges, such as traceability, secure across the industry, reflecting success- lifecycle, from sourcing raw materials
data management, and payment ful initiatives in regions like Gujarat’s like cobalt and lithium to manufac-
systems in electric vehicles (EVs). GIFT City, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, turing, usage, and eventual recy-
Its applications span digital battery and Karnataka. cling or disposal. This transparency
passports, carbon credit systems, ensures that manufacturers, regula-
and secure payment infrastructures Blockchain in automotive tors, and consumers can verify both
for EV charging, positioning block- supply chain traceability the authenticity and environmental
chain as a transformative force A key application of blockchain impact of batteries.
within the automotive sector. in the automotive sector is supply
Before exploring its specific chain traceability. The automotive Digital battery passport:
uses, it is essential to understand supply chain is complex, involving Ensuring accountability and
the fundamentals of blockchain. A numerous participants from original sustainability
decentralised, distributed ledger, equipment manufacturers (OEMs) The digital battery passport concept
blockchain securely records trans- to suppliers, distributors, and is gaining momentum within the EV
actions across multiple computers, regulators. Each vehicle component industry. A digital battery passport is
ensuring that once data is entered, it passes through several stages before a blockchain-based record that details
cannot be altered or deleted without reaching the consumer, making it a battery’s origins, composition, per-
network consensus. This archi- essential to verify the authenticity formance history, and environmental
tecture provides unmatched data and quality of parts. impact, accessible to all stakeholders
security and integrity. Blockchain’s Blockchain addresses these issues to ensure it meets standards through-
core attributes—immutability, by creating an unchangeable record out its lifecycle.


Key Blockchain Applications in the EV Ecosystem FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS
The key applications of blockchain in the EV ecosystem aim to elevate safety, streamline
efficiency, and ensure seamless market interoperability. Some of the major applications Torque Precision Fully
and benefits of blockchain technology in the EV ecosystem include: Automatic Electric Screw driver
• Smart contracts in EVs. Smart contracts can be used to automate maintenance and for Production Line MARK-A2640L
warranty processes, ensuring that components are serviced or replaced before failure,
enhancing vehicle safety and reducing operational costs.
• Peer-to-peer energy trading. Although not yet fully implemented in India, blockchain
can enable peer-to-peer energy trading, where EV owners with surplus energy can sell
it directly to others, fostering a decentralised energy market.
• Dynamic insurance premiums. Using blockchain to record driving behaviour and
vehicle usage, insurance companies can offer dynamic premiums based on real-time
data, offering more personalised and fair insurance rates.
ESD Safe Brushless
In Europe, the digital battery limits can purchase additional Screw driver
passport is becoming a regulatory credits from those with surplus
requirement. The European Union allowances. Blockchain technol-
mandates that all EV batteries must ogy can enhance the efficiency
have a digital passport tracking their and transparency of carbon credit
lifecycle, promoting sustainable systems, improving their effective-
production and recycling practices ness in reducing emissions.
to reduce the environmental impact Blockchain’s role in carbon Torque Precision Fully
of EVs. Blockchain is the ideal credit systems lies in accurately Automatic
Electric Screw driver
platform for this initiative, offering measuring, recording, and trading
a secure, immutable, and transpar- credits. Through blockchain, each
Torque Range: 0.5-3.5 N.m
ent record of a battery’s journey. carbon credit becomes a token,
Torque Accuracy: ± 3%
Beyond regulatory compliance, creating a digital asset that can be Speed Adj. : 700-1300 RPM
the digital battery passport provides tracked and traded on a decentral- Voltage: DC Low Voltage
manufacturers with a competitive ised platform. This tokenisation Brushless Electric
edge, demonstrating their commit- ensures that carbon credits are Screw drivers W ith
ment to sustainability and respon- tamper-proof and transactions trans- Counter
MARK- A8640L
sible sourcing. Consumers, in turn, parent and auditable.
gain confidence that the batteries in In the automotive industry,
Torque Range: 0.3-1.83 N.m
their vehicles are safe, reliable, and blockchain-enabled carbon credit Speed Adj. : 1200-1500 RPM
environmentally sound. Additionally, systems can integrate with EV man- Inbuilt Counting System
in the event of a recall, the digital ufacturing and operations. Manufac- Voltage: 24/32 VDC

passport allows for precise identifi- turers, for instance, can earn carbon Adjustable Torque
cation of affected units, minimising credits for producing lower-emission Screw driver
disruption and cost. vehicles or using recycled materi- Pneumatic Tools
Mark- 1630TL
als. These credits can be traded on
Carbon credit systems: blockchain platforms, generating Torque Range: 7-65 kgf.cm
Leveraging blockchain for additional revenue while promoting Speed Adj. : 900 RPM
environmental impact further emission reductions.
Pipe Diameter : 8 mm
Air Pressure: 6 (kg/cm²)
As the global community tackles Consumers, too, can partici-
climate change, the automotive pate in carbon credit systems. EV
industry faces mounting pressure owners, for example, could earn
to reduce its carbon footprint. carbon credits based on their vehi- ADD: J-9/36, UNIT NO: 402-403,RAJOURI
One approach is the use of carbon cle’s energy efficiency or through
credits, which allow companies to carpooling programmes. Blockchain- MR. B.S BATRA : +91 98735 71533
MR. A.KRISHNA : +91 79075 58994
emit a certain amount of carbon based applications could track and
: [email protected]
dioxide or other greenhouse gases. manage these credits, allowing
: www.jbinstruments.com
Companies exceeding their emission consumers to offset their carbon


Moves: Technology
footprint or even sell their credits on ability to support dynamic pricing blockchain solutions can be complex
the market. models. As the demand for EV and costly. Additionally, the scalabil-
charging fluctuates throughout the ity of blockchain networks remains a
EV charging payment day, blockchain can facilitate real- concern, particularly as the volume
infrastructure time adjustments to pricing based on of data in the automotive industry
The rise of electric vehicles has supply and demand. This dynamic continues to grow.
led to the rapid expansion of EV pricing can help balance the load Another challenge is the regula-
charging infrastructure, with various on the grid, encourage off-peak tory environment. While blockchain
companies and governments invest- charging, and ultimately reduce costs is gaining acceptance in many
ing in charging stations worldwide. for consumers. industries, the legal and regulatory
However, the variety of charging frameworks governing its use in the
networks has presented challenges Case studies: Real-world automotive sector are still evolving.
in terms of payment compatibility applications of blockchain in Governments and industry bodies
and user experience. Blockchain the automotive industry need to collaborate to establish clear
technology offers a solution by Several automotive companies and guidelines and standards for block-
enabling a unified and secure consortiums have already begun chain implementation, particularly in
payment system that can operate implementing blockchain solutions areas such as data privacy, security,
across different networks. to address the challenges in the EV and cross-border transactions.
One of the key advantages of ecosystem. For instance, BMW and Despite these challenges, the
blockchain in EV charging payment Bosch are part of the MOBI (mobility future of blockchain in the automo-
infrastructure is the ability to facili- open blockchain initiative) consor- tive industry looks promising.
tate seamless and secure transac- tium, which is developing block- Blockchain technology is poised
tions between multiple stakeholders. chain-based standards and solutions to revolutionise the automo-
For instance, an EV owner using a for the automotive industry. MOBI’s tive industry by addressing some
blockchain-based wallet can pay initiatives include creating a decen- of its most pressing challenges.
for charging services at any par- tralised vehicle identity system, From ensuring the traceability of
ticipating station, regardless of the improving supply chain transpar- components and promoting sus-
operator. The transaction is recorded ency, and developing smart contracts tainability through carbon credit
on the blockchain, ensuring that for vehicle transactions. systems to streamlining payments
all parties involved—such as the In another example, the Dutch in EV charging infrastructures,
EV manufacturer, charging station company Circularise has developed blockchain offers solutions that
operator, and energy provider— a blockchain platform that tracks enhance transparency, security,
are compensated accurately and the lifecycle of automotive parts, and efficiency. As the industry
transparently. ensuring that materials used in continues to evolve, the integration
Moreover, blockchain can manufacturing are sourced sustain- of blockchain technology will be
enable the use of smart contracts ably and that the parts are properly crucial in driving innovation and
to automate payment processes. A recycled at the end of their life. This meeting the demands of a rapidly
smart contract is a self-executing platform helps automotive compa- changing market. The automotive
contract with the terms of the agree- nies comply with stringent environ- industry’s journey with blockchain
ment directly written into code. In mental regulations while also provid- is still in its early stages, but the
the context of EV charging, a smart ing consumers with assurance about potential for transformative impact
contract could automatically execute the sustainability of the products is clear. By embracing this technol-
a payment once the charging session they purchase. ogy, automotive companies can not
is complete, based on predefined While blockchain technology only improve their operations and
conditions, such as the amount of offers numerous benefits to the products but also contribute to a
energy consumed and the current automotive industry, its adoption is more sustainable and secure future
price per kilowatt-hour. This automa- not without challenges. One of the for all stakeholders involved.
tion reduces the risk of disputes and primary challenges is the integration
delays, ensuring a smooth and effi- of blockchain with existing legacy This article is based on a tech talk at EFY Expo
2024, Pune, by Kamlesh Nagware, Co-founder of
cient payment experience for users. systems. Many automotive companies FSV Capital. It has been transcribed and curated
Another significant advantage have invested heavily in their current by Akanksha Sondhi Gaur, Senior Technical Jour-
of blockchain in this context is its IT infrastructure, and integrating nalist at EFY.

36 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com


Indian Smartphone Shipments Soar 7.2% in 1H24 India Emerges as Second-Largest

The Indian smartphone market shipped 69 million units in the first 5G Handset Market in 1H24
half of 2024, a 7.2% YoY increase. 2Q24 alone saw a rise of 3.2% In the first half of 2024, India emerged as the world’s second-largest
YoY. The average selling price rose 2.8% YoY to $248 but fell 5.6% 5G handset market with a 60% YoY shipment increase, surpassing
QoQ. The entry-level segment declined 36% YoY despite Xiaomi the US. Global 5G handset shipments grew by 20% YoY. India’s
leading. The entry-premium segment grew 42%, with Oppo, vivo, rapid adoption, driven by budget segments, saw Xiaomi and vivo
and Samsung as key players. The super-premium segment rose achieve growth. Globally, Apple led with a 25% market share,
22%, with Apple dominating at 83%. followed by Samsung with a 21% share, and Xiaomi came third.

India Top Ten Smartphone Brands, 2Q 2024 (Unit Market Share) Global 5G Handset Shipment Share by Country, 1H 2024 vs 1H 2023

18% YoY % Shipments

16% Changes
14% 34% 34% Others +24%
10% 3% 3% UK +33%
5% 4%
6% 15% 13% Japan –2%
4% 10% 13%
2% USA +2%
2Q 2023 3Q 2023 4Q 2023 1Q 2024 2Q 2024 34% 32% India +60%

vivo Xiaomi Samsung realme Oppo

China +14%
Apple Motorola Poco OnePlus iQOO (Mainland only)
1H 2023 1H 2024

(Source: IDC) (Source: Counterpoint Research)

Indian PC Market Shipments Rise to 3.39M Units Indian Tablet Shipments Soar 128.8% YoY
In Q2 2024, India’s PC market shipped 3.39 million units, in Q2 2024
growing 7.1% YoY. Desktops, notebooks, and workstations grew India’s tablet market shipped 1.84 million units in the second quarter,
5.9%, 7.4%, and 12.4% YoY, respectively. The consumer segment a 128.8% YoY increase. Slate tablets surged 178.1% YoY, while
rose 11.2% YoY, with e-tail up 22.4%. The commercial segment grew detachables grew 23.6%. Samsung led with a 48.7% share,
3.5% YoY fueled by an increase in demand in small and medium dominating both commercial (54.1%) and consumer (38%) segments.
businesses, and large business segments. Acer was second with a 23.6% share, Apple third with 9.5%,
Lenovo fourth at 6.9%, and Xiaomi fifth with 4.7%.

Company 2Q 2024 2Q 2024 2Q 2023 2Q 2023 YoY Unit Company 2Q 2024 2Q 2024 2Q 2023 2Q 2023 YoY Unit
Shipments Market Shipments Market Change Shipments Market Shipments Market Change
(thousands Share (thousands Share (2Q 2024 vs (thousands Share (thousands Share (2Q 2024 vs
of units) of units) 2Q 2023) of units) of units) 2Q 2023)

HP Inc. 1075 31.7% 987 31.1% 8.9% Samsung 901 48.7% 300 37.1% 200.4%

Lenovo 595 17.5% 512 16.2% 16.2% Acer Group 437 23.6% 27 3.3% 1548.4%

Dell Technologies 501 14.8% 485 15.3% 3.3% Apple 176 9.5% 157 19.4% 12.3%

Acer Group 497 14.7% 360 11.4% 38.3% Lenovo 127 6.9% 131 16.2% –2.8%

Asus 241 7.1% 228 7.2% 5.4% Xiaomi 87 4.7% 47 5.8% 85.8%

Others 483 14.2% 596 18.8% -19.0% Others 121 6.6% 148 18.3% –18.2%

Total 3392 100.0% 3167 100.0% 7.1% Total 1849 100.0% 808 100.0% 128.8%

(Source: IDC) (Source: IDC)



At-a-glance view of key industry trends that

can shape the future of your business…

AI Demand Causes Global Foundry Market to Surge

In Q2 2024, the global foundry industry saw a 9% QoQ and 23% YoY revenue increase, driven by AI demand. TSMC led with a
62% share and revenue growth. Samsung’s revenue rose due to smartphone restocking, maintaining a 13% market share.
SMIC and UMC showed strong results, with SMIC benefiting from China’s recovery. GlobalFoundries also reported solid results,
with a 5% market share, driven by automotive growth and stabilising demand.

Global Foundry Market Share Ranking

Rank 2Q 2023 Share % 3Q 2023 Share % 4Q 2023 Share % CY 2023 Share % 1Q 2024 Share % 2Q 2024 Share %

1 tsmc 58% tsmc 59% tsmc 61% tsmc 60% tsmc 62% tsmc 62%

2 Samsung* 12% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 14% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 13% Samsung* 13%

3 GlobalFoundries 7% GlobalFoundries 6% GlobalFoundries 6% GlobalFoundries 6% SMIC 6% SMIC 6%

4 UMC 7% UMC 6% UMC 6% UMC 6% UMC 6% UMC 6%

5 SMIC 6% SMIC 6% SMIC 5% SMIC 5% GlobalFoundries 5% GlobalFoundries 5%

6 Huahong Group 4% Huahong Group 3% Huahong Group 2% Huahong Group 3% Huahong Group 2% Huahong Group 2%

* Separate line of Samsung Foundry sales to external clients (estimated)

** Includes its affiliate company HLMC (FAB 5/6)
(Source: Counterpoint Research)

Concurrently Global IC Sales Surge 27% YoY in Q2 Global Chip Sales Record 18.7% YoY Growth
In Q2 2024, integrated circuit (IC) sales surged 27% YoY globally, in July 2024
with a 29% projected increase in Q3 due to AI demand. Wafer fab In July 2024, global semiconductor sales rose to $51.3 billion, an 18.7%
capacity hit 40.5 million, expected to grow 1.6% in Q3. Foundry increase from $43.2 billion YoY and a 2.7% rise MoM. The Americas (North
and logic capacities rose 2% in Q2, projected to increase 1.9% in and South) led with a 40.1% YoY increase to $15.41 billion, followed by
Q3. Memory capacity grew 0.7%, expected to rise 1.1%. Chip capital China’s 19.5% YoY increase to $15.23 billion. However, Japan and Europe
expenditures fell 9.8% YoY but are expected to rise in Q3. experienced YoY declines of 0.8% and 12%, respectively.

IC Sales Worldwide Semiconductor Revenues (YoY % Change)

Memory IC Sales ($B) Logic IC Sales ($B) Billions/$

175 60 70
150 50 50
125 40 30
100 20
75 0
10 -20
25 -30
July 2024 = 18.7% Y/Y
0 -40
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul
0 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24
3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 4Q 23 1Q 24 2Q 24F 3Q 24F
Revenue Y/Y % Change

(Sources: SEMI and TechInsights) (Sources: WSTS


1 Dhruv Vidyut’s Retrofit Kit
Converts Normal Vehicle Into EV 2 Starya Mobility: Shifting Gears From
Developing Motors Towards Retrofitting 3 ThinkRaw India’s Solar Solutions
For The Agricultural Sector


Innovation begins with simple ideas. Curious how a basic bicycle can become an electric vehicle?
Dhruv Vidyut’s retrofit kit is quietly leading this transformation.

monitoring. In essence, it boosts a

bicycle’s functionality, acting as a
generator when pedalled.
After 26 design iterations,
DVECK has significantly evolved,
with each change aligning with
practical needs. “Our guiding prin-
ciple was ‘form over function,’ and
the front design draws inspiration
from vintage radios, evoking a sense
of nostalgia,” says Gursaurabh.
Their New Delhi manufacturing
facility is equipped with machinery
like VMCs, CNC machines, laser
cutters, manual lathes, and welding
setups, operated by a team of 10-15
They have partnered with logis-
Gursaurabh Singh, Founder, Dhruv Vidyut Pvt Ltd displaying the product
tics companies for deliveries. The
kits come in two variants, priced

he startup, based in Nazaf- manufacture everything in-house. at `10,000 and `13,999, differing
garh, Delhi, has developed “Our goal is to ensure our product only in battery capacity and range.
a conversion kit that targets is made in India, so we handle The 6AH battery covers 18 to 20km,
rural areas. Established in 2022 all design and manufacturing while the 12AH battery offers 36
by its founder Gursaurabh Singh, internally. This gives us control to 40km. The startup also provides
Dhruv Vidyut Pvt Ltd is envisioned over quality, design, and pricing. after-sales services and claims to
as a new direction or guiding light Managing our design process also have invested approximately `17.2
for electric vehicles. The company allows us to consider manufacturing million in research and development
has developed DVECK, a retrofit kit methods, making our product more so far.
that can convert any pedal-driven cost-effective and scalable,” explains Most of their orders come from
vehicle, such as a bicycle, into an Gursaurabh. Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
electric-powered one without requir- The kit features waterproof, fire- Pradesh, and Maharashtra, with
ing modifications. Additionally, the proof, and rustproof components, a current monthly sales figure of
company has two co-founders, Ritu along with USB charging capability. over 1500 units. The company aims
Raj Singh and Simranjeet Singh. It supports up to 170kg and includes to increase this to 8500 units by
The startup claims to location tracking and battery year-end. The team consists of 20


strategy: Innovators
members, both permanent and con- challenging. Despite initial strug- The startup plans to expand its
tractual staff. gles in marketing, the startup has manufacturing operations and scale
Gursaurabh mentions that capitalised on its global popularity up to sell millions of units monthly.
finding mechanical engineers across social media platforms to —Nitisha Dubey
and R&D resources has been overcome these hurdles.

2 Starya Mobility: Shifting Gears

From Developing Motors
Towards Retrofitting
Starya Mobility, a Bengaluru-based startup, evolved from developing EV components to retrofitting
scooters, is adapting to India’s dynamic electric vehicle market.

tarya Mobility, established in
2018 by co-founders includ-
ing CEO Ravi Kumar and CTO
Gowrav, has evolved from focusing
on developing motors and con-
trollers for new electric vehicles
(EVs) to specialising in retrofitting
existing ones. With its headquarters
in Bengaluru and a workforce of
65-70 employees, the company has
pivoted towards retrofitting, show-
casing its capabilities with the suc-
cessful transformation of an Activa
scooter. This strategic shift was
driven by the co-founders’ passion
for vehicles and technology, mainly Starya Mobility and Exedy Clutch India teams
influenced by the high costs associ-
ated with new EVs. around field-oriented control (FOC) services and potentially developing
Initially focused on creating technology, ensuring efficiency new EVs. This dual approach aims
affordable electric solutions without and reliability. These components, to cater to individual consumers and
compromising quality, Starya along with a robust warranty business clients (B2B), as demon-
Mobility now offers retrofitting system covering various parts like strated through a strategic partner-
services for select scooter models, the battery, motor, and controller, ship with Exedy Clutch India, a
such as the Activa, priced between underline the company’s commit- subsidiary of a Japanese tech giant.
`55,000 and `89,000, depending on ment to quality. This collaboration, involving a
the model’s power. The retrofitting Starya’s business model covers significant investment from Exedy,
process includes a thorough scooter vehicle retrofitting as well as supports Starya’s technological
evaluation, multiple retrofit options, post-conversion servicing and advancements and expansion plans
required RTO inspections and maintenance, all managed in line in India and internationally.
approvals, conversions at Starya’s with government regulations. The However, Starya Mobility faces
facility, and rigorous quality checks process also includes legal disposal challenges, notably the lack of
to ensure safety and compatibility. of internal combustion engine parts government subsidies for retro-
Their retrofit kits include per- through authorised dealers. fitting, which affects its pricing
manent magnet synchronous (PMS) The company’s growth strategy competitiveness against subsidised
motors and controllers designed includes expanding its retrofitting new EVs. To counter this, they

42 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

strategy: Innovators
propose extending similar subsidies scooters in Bengaluru and plan to retrofitting as a sustainable solution
to retrofitting services, significantly scale up once demand is firmly that preserves existing vehicles
lowering costs and enhancing market established. Their approach includes while upgrading their functionality.
competitiveness. maintaining high quality standards Strategic partnerships complement
Despite these challenges, Starya and utilising both locally produced their efforts, and a focus on both
Mobility is actively working to and imported materials to ensure consumer and business markets
validate its market fit and prepare for the efficiency of their retrofit kits. positions them well for future
future growth by confirming strong Starya Mobility represents growth despite current regulatory
demand for its retrofitted scooters. a significant player in India’s and market challenges.
They have already converted 300+ evolving EV landscape, focusing on —Aryaman Raghuvanshi

3 ThinkRaw India’s Solar Solutions

for the Agricultural Sector
ThinkRaw’s blend of technology and tradition is revolutionising agriculture with solar-powered
solutions that enhance efficiency and sustainability in farming and aquaculture.

Dhivara Mitra Krishi Dhanu

stablished in 2016 by integrate IT and solar technologies. offers comprehensive aquacul-
Minushri Madhumita and Dhivara Mitra addresses aquaculture ture functionality. It regulates
Amrita Jagatdeo, ThinkRaw challenges by using IoT and solar feed distribution, pH levels, and
India Private Limited is a solar power to manage feed distribution, aeration, ensuring optimal fish and
EPC (equipment procurement and dissolved oxygen levels, and pH prawn harvesting. Embedded with
commissioning) contractor based levels in water bodies. Additionally, IoT sensors, it provides real-time
in Delhi. They have introduced two they have developed Krishi Dhanu, monitoring of the dissolved oxygen
innovative products—Dhivara Mitra a solar-powered portable device and pH levels of the water body
and Krishi Dhanu—to simplify the designed to dispense solid fertiliser and alerts farmers in case of any
aquaculture and agriculture sectors. in the agriculture sector. imbalance.
Minushri describes ThinkRaw as Dhivara Mitra, a floating vessel For agriculture, they have intro-
embodying the concept of ‘thinking equipped with 1.1 kilowatts of duced Krishi Dhanu, a solar-pow-
outside the box’. Their products solar-powered off-grid power, ered portable device that simplifies

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 43

strategy: Innovators
solid fertiliser dispensing. Unlike tra- agricultural tasks despite labour
ditional methods involving manual shortages,” she adds.
spreading or spraying, Krishi Dhanu The startup has an assembly unit
directly dispenses solid fertiliser. in Paradeep, Odisha, and is seeking
It operates with two motors for funds to expand its business.
grinding and dispersing the fertiliser ThinkRaw employs 11 individuals
and includes a moderator to control and generates revenue by selling
the application rate. The device solar setups and providing rental
features an IoT-enabled weighing services for market-ready versions of
scale that records and stores data its products.
on fertiliser usage and types. It The startup follows two poten-
also integrates with crop and soil tial business approaches: The first
monitoring applications, providing involves directly engaging with
insights into fertiliser requirements large-scale farmers who buy in bulk,
and soil conditions. while the second focuses on col-
“We have filed for three patents laborating with FPOs, which have
for Dhivara Mitra, covering its member bases ranging from 300 to
DC motor, design pattern, and 2000. The first approach involves
feeding solution, with two already direct sales to farmers, while the
granted. These patents include the Minushri Madhumita, Co-Founder, ThinkRaw India second involves selling through
overall design and the feed dis- FPOs, which receive a 10% commis-
pensing system. Additionally, we `550,000 to `660,000 per unit. The sion on sales.
have applied for a patent for Krishi `660,000 tier includes sensors for Societal perceptions of farming
Dhanu, which is expected to be digital oxygen and pH level meas- as a low-status occupation hinder
approved within the next one to two urement, which are suitable for efforts to convince farmers to adopt
months,” shares Minushri. farmers with one-acre land. Some our products despite their affordabil-
They claim to have procured the opt for the cheaper option due to ity. “Our challenge lies in show-
glass-fibre-based bodies of Dhivara sensor costs. Government subsidies casing product benefits, altering
Mitra and Krishi Dhanu from a cover 40-50% in Odisha and 30% entrenched views on farming, and
renowned shipbuilding company in from the National Fishery Develop- recognising farmers’ progressive
India, which ranks as the country’s ment Board across India. nature,” adds Minushri.
second-best. While customising If someone cannot afford to The startup plans to establish
motors sourced from the market, buy it outright, they can rent it. a presence in Canada within the
their in-house capabilities extend “As mentioned earlier, five units of next few months. Minushri shares,
to acquiring solar panels and other Dhivara Mitra have been sold to a “With 30% of Canada’s economy
components. They fabricate the farmer-producer company, and one stemming from fish and prawn
vessel’s structure and internal unit has been rented out to a farmer farms, we see tremendous potential
components in-house, including at a monthly rate of `10,000,” says in this market. Furthermore, we
sensors, solar panels, and other IoT Minushri. are eyeing opportunities in other
applications developed through their “The ten units of Krishi Dhanu American countries and Asian
R&D efforts. However, for hardware sold to the Odisha Livelihoods nations like Indonesia and Bangla-
devices, they rely on market Mission-supported Farmer Fed- desh. Our goal is to become a truly
availability. eration are rented out by various global company.”
Fifteen units of Krishi Dhanu Farmer Producer Organisations From 2016 to 2023, their
have been sold: five to the Farmer (FPOs). Here is how it works: Let’s revenue, team size, and brand
Federation aided by the Odisha Live- consider a self-help group with 14 recognition have doubled, surpass-
lihoods Mission in the Kalahandi members. One member is trained ing all expectations. Despite starting
district of Odisha, and the remaining to operate the machine, and they with minimal investment, they
ten units allocated to FPOs sup- collectively cover the labour charges have achieved remarkable growth,
ported by SELCO Foundation. and machine rental, amounting to with revenues now exceeding `20
Depending on the features, around `1000 per day. This setup million.
Dhivara Mitra boats are priced at helps them efficiently manage —Nitisha Dubey

44 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com


India Semiconductor Mission 2.0 likely soon

with twenty new projects under review
The Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY) is planning to extend
fiscal support for ISM Phase-II from five to
eight years, possibly removing technology
transfer funding and boosting administra-
tive budgets. The revised phase may reduce

Representational image
incentives for outsourced assembly while
increasing support for domestic chip pro-
duction and skill development. A $10 bil-
lion budget is expected soon, with twenty
new projects under review to enhance the
semiconductor industry.

Cabinet approves `109 billion PM E-DRIVE scheme

The Union Cabinet has approved the `109 billion PM Elec- electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, buses, trucks,
tric Drive Revolution In Innovative Vehicle Enhancement and hybrid ambulances, excluding cars. It includes
(PM E-DRIVE) scheme to boost electric vehicle adoption subsidies, EV chargers, and funds for electric buses
in India. Replacing the FAME initiative, it focuses on and ambulances.

PEOPLE (on the move)

experience, will oversee human capital
Preeti Bajaj becomes the new president of IBMA management and enhance the company’s
At its third Annual General Meeting, the Indian talent and work culture. Previously in
Battery Manufacturers Association (IBMA) leadership roles at Wipro and other firms,
appointed Preeti Bajaj, CEO of Luminous Power Kapoor also founded an HR tech startup
Technologies, as its new president, succeeding and brings a strategic, innovative approach
Arun Mittal. A Harvard graduate, she has nearly to Servotech.
two decades of leadership experience. Bajaj aims
to advance IBMA’s sustainability and innovation Phlux Technology appoints new leaders in marketing
goals while enhancing India’s position in global and operations
battery manufacturing. Phlux Technology, a UK firm specialising in avalanche
Raj Ahuja joins 3i Infotech as its CEO photodiode infrared sensors, has appointed Christian Rookes
as Vice President of Marketing, Brian Williams as Vice
3i Infotech has appointed Raj Ahuja as CEO. President of
With over 30 years of experience in various Operations,
industries, he has previously served as the CFO and John
of Ampersand Group. His background includes Fuller as
leadership roles at Yes Bank, Jio Financial Director of
Services, and Philips. Ahuja will guide the Engineering.
company’s global strategy, financial, and operational performance. Rookes
will drive
Digvijay Kapoor becomes the VP-HR of Servotech Power marketing strategies, whereas Williams will focus on
Systems operational excellence, and Fuller will advance product
Servotech Power Systems has appointed Digvijay Kapoor as development. CEO Ben White highlighted their experience as
Vice President of Human Resources. Kapoor, with 20 years of HR essential for leading the business further.


industry news
Government greenlights Calendar of Forthcoming Electronics
Kaynes’ Gujarat OSAT Fairs/Exhibitions/Seminars/Events
facility Event, Date and Venue Topics Contact for details

The Union government has approved Open Source India 2024 Open Source For You magazine, in partnership with India’s open Website: https://www.
October 23-24, 2024 source community and industry, brings various stakeholders under opensourceindia.in
Kaynes Semicon’s plan to build a Nimhans Convention one roof to accelerate development and deployment of open
`33.07 billion outsourced-semicon- Center, Bengaluru source in India, and beyond.
C-Touch Display The International Touch & Display Exhibition integrates global Website: https://www.
ductor assembly and test (OSAT) Shenzhen 2024 industrial resources, helps enterprises in the new display and smart quanchu.com.cn
facility in Sanand, Gujarat. The plant November 6-8, 2024 touch industry chain, continuously enhances brand influence,
will produce 6.3 million chips daily, Shenzhen World Exhibition expands global business opportunities, and leads the new trend
& Convention Center of the development of the global new display, smart touch and
with investments split between the terminal application industry.
central and Gujarat governments NEPCON Asia 2024 NEPCON Asia is an important sales channel and partner for Website: https://www.
and self-financed by Kaynes. This November 6-8, 2024 electronic manufacturing solution providers to develop new nepconasia.com
Shenzhen World Exhibition business, develop new customers and obtain new orders.
facility supports India’s semiconduc- & Convention Center
tor ecosystem and aims to enhance (Bao’an)
EFY Expo Chennai Major tech conference focusing on electronics, IoT, and AI. Website: https://chennai.
competitiveness in global markets. December 12-14, 2024 Simplifies new product development and manufacturing challenges efyexpo.com
Chennai Trade Centre, in India. Offers assistance from leading suppliers, even for small
Central government to inject Chennai batch productions.
`60 bilion into BSNL 4G India Electronics Week
February 26-28, 2025
India’s No. 1 event for creators of smart electronics solutions to
discover latest techniques, best practices and technologies for
Website: www.
The Indian government is planning KTPO Expo Center, developing electronics better, cheaper and faster, and meet service
to allocate over `60 billion to BSNL Whitefield, Bengaluru providers, suppliers and partners who can enable growth of your
to address delays in its 4G rollout, EFY Expo Pune Electronics expo with conferences on automotive electronics, EVs, Website: https://www.
the lack of which has been worsen- May 15-17, 2025 and Industry 4.0 (IIoT). Covers a wide range of electronics-related efyexpo.com/PUNE/?
Auto Cluster Exhibition technologies, products, and topics, including electric drives, battery
ing its subscriber losses. This fund- Centre, Pimpri, Pune management systems, and IIoT solutions.
ing will support the installation of Since this information is subject to change, all those interested are advised to ascertain the details
network gear for 100,000 sites, with from the organisers before making any commitment.

the new completion target set for

mid-2025, pushing back the original tem in both nations through joint Dixon, HKC’s `2.5 billion
Diwali 2024 deadline. initiatives and assessments. partnership targets display
Maharashtra approves NXP Semiconductors to modules
Adani-Tower two-phase chip invest `84 billion in Indian Dixon Technologies plans to form
fab venture R&D a joint venture with China’s HKC,
Maharashtra’s cabinet sub-commit- NXP Semiconductors plans to acquiring a 74% stake and invest-
tee has approved the `839.47 billion invest over $1 billion (`84 billion) ing `2.5 billion to produce display
semiconductor fabrication plant by in expanding its R&D operations in modules for tablets, laptops, and
Israel’s Tower Semiconductor and India, aiming for more than double smartphones. The venture, pending
Adani Group in Panvel. The project, this amount in the future. Announced government approval, will establish
split into two phases, will create at SEMICON India, this investment a new manufacturing plant in 8-10
15,000 jobs, and will start with a supports India’s growing semiconduc- months, expanding Dixon’s electron-
monthly capacity of 40,000 wafers, tor sector, which benefits from a $10 ics manufacturing capabilities.
expanding to 80,000. This venture billion government incentive and is
follows the cancellation of the projected to reach $63 billion by 2026. Igus plans polymer plant
Vedanta-Foxconn plant. in Bengaluru for chip and
LG hints IPO for Indian unit renewable energy sectors
US eyes to partner with eyeing $75 billion goal Polymer manufacturer Igus plans to
India to diversify global chip LG Electronics is considering an IPO invest `1 billion in a new 8559 sq. m
ecosystem for its Indian operations to boost facility in Mandur, Bengaluru, focus-
The US Department of State has dis- its global revenue to $75 billion by ing on semiconductors and renew-
closed plans to collaborate with India 2030. CEO William Cho highlighted able energy equipment. Allotting
under the International Technology the Indian market’s potential, noting `200 million for setup, `400 million
Security and Innovation (ITSI) Fund, increased investor interest. Although for advanced machinery, and `200
part of the CHIPS Act of 2022, to no final decision or valuation has million for manufacturing processes
strengthen the global semiconductor been set, LG Electronics is tapping in the Bengaluru unit, Igus is also
supply chain. This partnership aims major banks, as the IPO aligns with investing in logistics and assembly
to reduce dependence on China and LG’s strategy to grow its consumer centres and clean room facilities in
enhance the semiconductor ecosys- electronics division. Pune, Gurugram, and Noida.

48 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

industry news

TSMC receives $1.95 billion aid from China, Japan US Chip repairer KoMiCo purchases facility in Arizona
TSMC has received $1.95 billion (NT$62.5 billion) in subsidies for semiconductor cleaning and coating
from China and Japan since 2022, aiding its expansion in Europe Texas-based KoMiCo Phoenix LLC has acquired an 11,613
and the US. This funding supports TSMC’s facilities in Nanjing square meter facility in Mesa, Arizona, for $17.5 million. Sched-
and Kumamoto and its new fab in Dresden, Germany. Despite its uled to open in 2026, the site will focus on semiconductor
global growth, TSMC has yet to receive US government subsidies.
cleaning and coating, generating 200 jobs. With over $50 million
Shanghai increases semiconductor fund to $2 billion invested, it will be KoMiCo’s third US location and eighth globally.
The Shanghai government has increased its chip investment RECOM acquires LECO to strengthen power solutions
fund to approximately CNY 14.5 billion ($2 billion) to bolster
RECOM Power has acquired Austria-based LECO, enhancing its
China’s semiconductor market, especially for advanced AI chips.
power electronics portfolio with new custom and standard solu-
This funding, supported by state-backed companies, is part of
tions for industrial automation. The acquisition aims to leverage
a broader strategy under the China Integrated Circuit Industry
LECO’s expertise and technology to strengthen RECOM’s capac-
Investment Fund, which has previously invested heavily in major
ity in AC/DC converter and power supply systems. However,
semiconductor firms.
financial details were not disclosed.
US to grant $50 million to HP for Oregon fab VDL denies job cuts amid ASML’s potential loss of
The US Commerce Department will award $50 million to HP
under the CHIPS Act to expand and modernise its Corvallis, Or-
Chinese market access
egon fab and R&D facility. The funding will enhance life sciences ASML’s chip equipment supplier, VDL, denied layoff claims, stat-
and AI technologies, leveraging HP’s expertise in microfluidics ing it only periodically reduces flexible workers. Meanwhile, due
and MEMS. This investment supports advancements in the semi- to new US export restrictions, ASML faces a potential loss of Chi-
conductor supply chain. nese market access. The Dutch government might halt ASML’s
servicing of DUV lithography machines sold to China, impacting
Texas Instruments secures government fund and tax Chinese chipmakers like SMIC and Huawei.
credits for fabs
Texas Instruments has secured $1.6 billion in funding and $6-8
Swiss sensor-maker LEM opens R&D facilities
billion in tax credits from the US government to build three wafer in Europe and Asia
fabs in Texas and Utah. The facilities will focus on sustainable LEM has opened new R&D centres in Munich and Shanghai to
chip production, operating on renewable energy, and aiming to meet the rising global demand for current and voltage sensing
meet LEED Gold standards. This investment supports the com- driven by decarbonisation and electrification. The Munich facility
pany’s broader $18 billion plan through 2029. will focus on ASIC and semiconductor tech, while Shanghai will
enhance sensor intelligence. These expansions aim to improve
Poland secures EU approval to start construction global operations and customer service.
of a new Intel chip plant
The European Commission has approved Poland’s plan to pro-
Samsung may set up semiconductor assembly line
vide over $1.9 billion in state aid for Intel’s new chip plant. The in Vietnam
total investment is expected to exceed $6 billion through 2026. Samsung Electronics is planning to expand its semiconductor
Poland needs to finalise legislation and notify the Commission operations by setting up an assembly line in Vietnam, where it
before concluding the deal. The project, part of the European already manufactures nearly half of its smartphones. This move
Chips Act, aims to boost Europe’s chip market share and is supports Vietnam’s goal of becoming a tech manufacturing hub.
expected to start construction this year. The government is offering incentives, though financial and loca-
tion details are not yet disclosed.
Taiwan and Czech Republic plan to partner
for a semiconductor hub US smartphone company OSOM shutting down
Taiwan plans to collaborate with the Czech Republic to establish California-based smartphone startup OSOM, founded by Andy
a semiconductor cluster in Europe, leveraging TSMC’s new Dres- Rubin and Jason Keats, has announced its closure due to
den fab. Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General financial troubles and a lawsuit against CEO Keats for alleged
Joseph Wu emphasised the need for stable infrastructure and misconduct. Despite privacy-focused products like the Saga
skilled talent. Czech officials are open to offering tax incentives to smartphone, the company struggled with poor performance and
attract Taiwanese investments. failed partnerships, leading to its shutdown.

(30,000 square feet), will produce

Suchi Semicon planning to up to 3 million chips daily and create
Tata teams with Tokyo
build Gujarat’s first OSAT 1200 jobs. Partnering with local
Electron for semicon
facility before year end engineering colleges, Suchi Semicon
Suchi Semicon will invest over $100 aims to enhance local semiconduc- Tata Electronics has signed an MoU
million to build Gujarat’s first OSAT tor production, reduce supply chain with Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) to
facility by November 2024. The delays, and support India’s growing enhance its semiconductor facilities
plant, spanning 2787 square metre tech sector. in Gujarat and Assam. The agreement

50 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

industry news
covers equipment procurement, staff
training, and R&D support. snippets
IT hardware sector seeks • Fujifilm Electronic Materials plans entry into Indian semiconductor market
MeitY’s import policy clarity • Infineon considers entering India’s chip market, says IT Minister
• Army halts Dhaksha drone contract amid Chinese components concerns
before IMS expiration • Darsh Dronobotics partners with Canadian firm for hydrogen air taxi
The IT hardware sector has urged the • Tata Power’s Tirunelveli facility begins solar cell production
Ministry of Electronics and Informa- • IT Minister meets Ecolab for pure water provision in semiconductor manufacturing
tion Technology (MeitY) to provide • State of Maine to have the world’s first floating offshore wind turbine
clear guidelines on upcoming import • Chip Design startup BigEndian receives $3 million investment
policies for products under the HS
8471 category and increase stake- SEMI’s semiconductor network and the hospital with remote areas and
holder engagement. Earlier, MeitY representing it in India. The partner- begin trial runs soon.
modified import norms following ship will further boost domestic pro-
previous restrictions, allowing ship- duction, workforce development, and Dixon partners with HP India
ments under new regulations. With policy advocacy, aligning with India’s to make laptops and PCs
the import management system (IMS) ‘Make in India’ initiative. Dixon’s subsidiary Padget Electron-
set to expire on September 30, 2024, ics has signed an MoU with HP India
the sector seeks clarity and a transi- India and Singapore forge to produce PCs and laptops in a new
tion period for any policy changes. semiconductor and digital 27,870 square metres (300,000 square
tech deals during PM visit foot) plant in Oragadam, Tamil Nadu.
Bans lifted, India resumes During PM Modi’s visit to Singapore, The facility, supported by the PLI 2.0
Chinese investments in India and Singapore signed an MoU Scheme, aims to manufacture up to
electronics for the ‘India-Singapore Semiconduc- 2 million units annually and create
An Indian inter-ministerial commit- tor Ecosystem Partnership.’ This agree- around 1500 jobs. Production is
tee has approved several investment ment seeks to facilitate Singaporean expected to start by February 2025.
proposals in electronics manufactur- investment in India’s semiconductor
ing, including those from Chinese sector, enhancing bilateral collabora- BPE opens battery
firms like Luxshare and a joint tion in this crucial industry. manufacturing factory in
venture involving Bhagwati Prod- Greater Noida
ucts and Huaqin Technology. India’s Indian drone manufacturer Best Power Equipments (BPE) has
electronics sector, though expanding, integrates the Dassault opened a new 1858 square metres
still heavily relies on China and Hong Systèmes cloud platform (20,000 square foot) factory in Greater
Kong, which supplied over $18 billion Paris-based Dassault Systèmes Noida, focused on manufacturing
in components during the financial announced that Indian drone large-scale lithium-ion batteries
year 2023-24. manufacturer Magic Myna is using and battery-energy storage systems
its ‘3DEXPERIENCE’ cloud platform (BESS). The facility features advanced
UP government allocates to improve UAV design and devel- automation and aims to enhance pro-
land for both HCL and opment. The platform enhances duction capacity and market presence
Kaynes’ IC plants collaborative design, simulation, and locally and in Southeast Asia and the
The Uttar Pradesh cabinet has data management, helping Magic Middle East.
approved 50 acres each for HCL and Myna develop lighter, more stable
Kaynes Technology to build small drones for sectors like healthcare and Samsung India cutting jobs
panel driver ICs and display driver agriculture. as market slows down
integrated circuits (DDIC) units in Samsung Electronics is planning to
Noida’s YEIDA (Yamuna Expressway Skye Air partners with Kerala lay off over 200 executives in India,
Industrial Development Authority) hospital for drone-based impacting about 9-10% of its manage-
Sector 10. They will invest over `80 delivery rial staff across various departments.
billion and create 5000+ jobs. Central Delhi-based drone startup Skye Air This move comes as growth slows
government approval is pending. Mobility has partnered with CARiTAS due to decreased consumer demand.
Hospital in Kottayam, South Kerala, Affected employees will receive
SEMI and IESA unite to boost to use drones to deliver medical sup- severance packages. Additionally,
domestic semiconductor plies and test samples. This initiative Samsung’s Chennai factory is facing
sector aims to reduce delivery times from strikes and operational challenges.
SEMI and the India Electronics and hours to minutes, cut carbon emis- The company is considering restruc-
Semiconductor Association (IESA) sions, and enhance regional health- turing and further layoffs, with final
have partnered, with IESA joining care efficiency. The service will link decisions expected after Diwali.

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 51


From a nonchalant teenager to
authoring a book on Verilog at 25
and launching successful IPOs for
startups on the US stock market,
Rajeev Madhavan exemplifies how
the right guidance can transform
a life. This is the story of one of
Silicon Valley’s most influential
venture capitalists, written by
Yashasvini Razdan.


rowing up in Kochi, with If I wanted to go play cricket and buy most of his wishes. His interests were
a father who worked in gear, my dad would let me, but my limited to playing cricket, reading
Customs and a homemaker mum would not. She turned her family comic books, and overall mischief.
mother, Rajeev Madhavan was the home into an apartment complex, “I managed to get decent grades, but
youngest and only boy among three sold some apartments, and kept some I never really worked hard on my
siblings. Pampered by everyone, for rentals. Her business acumen was studies, mostly because I was more
young Rajeev’s dad, T.K. Madhava impeccable, but she probably never interested in playing cricket and
Panicker, was at the forefront of realised it,” recalls Rajeev, with admi- running around,” he laughs.
letting him prance and play cricket. ration and awe for his mother’s tight His raging passion for cricket
However, his mother, Sathy Devi, grip and financial foresight. was quelled by his mother, who,
was a tough taskmaster who ensured like a strict disciplinarian, ensured
that none of her children slipped up A comical business that Rajeev stuck to studying and
on studies, maintaining a balance Rajeev did not spend any time achieving decent grades. Recalling
between pampering and control. concerning himself with the family’s an incident that ended very badly,
“My mother was a homemaker. finances or anything his parents did. Rajeev chuckles, “I was on the school
She controlled the finances at home. His dad always found a way to fulfil cricket team. Just a week before the


strategy: my story
exams, I was out playing cricket. When I got back, my
mum took my cricket bat and set it ablaze, warning me
to start studying. I was furious, but she was firm and
made sure I studied.” The arson did not quell Rajeev’s
love for cricket; he continued to play, and to this day,
he makes it a point to watch India’s World Cup cricket
matches live with his friends.
A brilliant public speaker at school, Rajeev’s
mornings usually began in front of the microphone on
the stage of Rajagiri High School, Kochi, delivering the
morning school prayers at the Catholic school, and then
standing in line to be punished for mischief right after.
Oblivious to his mother’s business dealings and
prompted by necessity, Rajeev started a full-fledged
business venture in the ninth grade. His love for
comics and the lack of high-end Tintin and Asterix
comics propelled him to start a comic rental service on
his school bus every morning. “My dad had given me
some money to buy Amar Chitra Katha comics, but I
had to find a way to get expensive Tintin, Asterix, and
other Western comics. I came up with the idea to rent
out my Amar Chitra Katha comics to other kids on the
bus,” he recounts.
Every morning, on the 45-minute bus ride, young
Rajeev, along with two of his friends, ran this little
operation. “We carried only a few textbooks in our big
school bags; the rest were comics we rented out on the
bus,” he grins mischievously.
Like any business, this too came with its share of
problems. Being one of the smallest kids in the ninth
grade—only about four feet nine inches (145cm) tall—
some kids would skip paying back the money. Sharp
as a button, Rajeev discloses his innovative solution to
this grave problem: “I made a deal with the biggest guy
in class. He was actually a nice guy, but the kids feared
him because of his sheer size. Our deal allowed him to
read the comics first and, in return, he would collect the
money from the kids who had not paid me.”
The business venture ended in the first semester
of the tenth grade when the school principal caught
the kids collecting money on the bus, resulting in the
suspension of Rajeev and his two co-founders from the
school bus.
Back then, the concept of encouraging entrepre-
neurial skills was non-existent. Despite the public
shame in school, Rajeev’s father supported him for
starting an honest business venture to buy all his
favourite comics. “The cash flow from renting out
those comics allowed me to buy more books, read
more, and earn more,” he says proudly.
Years later, the school invited him to give a talk
about entrepreneurship. “I started my speech by

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 55

Rajeev’s tricks and, University,” he narrates.
instead of throwing Rajeev eventually ended up going
him out, told him to Queen’s University, Ontario—not
to go to the library because it was his college of prefer-
and study. “He ence. Young and boisterous, Rajeev
followed me to had developed unbridled passions for
the library, which a junior in his college, Geetha. “She
was a shock to was a Canadian citizen and came
me. After two or to Surathkal as a foreign student.
three days of this, My father figured out my intention
I started studying behind studying in Canada, and soon
the course. No after we got engaged,” he smiles,
wonder I ended up recalling his vivacious youth.
in digital design The couple has two daughters—
Magma Nasdaq Podium and VLSI!” he Meera and Maya. The older one, Meera,
exclaims. lives in London, pursuing her second
narrating the story of how my first Rajeev attributes Dr Bhatt Master’s in AI and Biomedical Sciences,
business was shut down by the for guiding him at the right time while Maya lives with the family and
school’s management,” he quips. and urging him to apply for a works at Meta. “I went to meet Geetha
Master’s in North America. A PhD with the unsuccessful intention to
VLSI on the beach from the State University of New rag her, and since then, she has been
After his failed business venture, York (SUNY), Dr Bhatt suggested ragging me! I live in a women’s hostel,”
young Rajeev returned to his studies that Rajeev rewrite his last three he jests and goes on to narrate his first
and got into the best local college semester exams along with the meeting with Geetha.
for his higher secondary educa- ongoing one all in one go to have a “I called her out of her class—
tion (pre-degree). Once settled, he chance at scoring better. “I was the being a year senior—and took her for
resumed his carefree ways, resulting only person in the university who coffee in the college canteen. I could
in slipping grades. It was only when did that, and everyone thought I not rag her as her uncle was my
one of his friends publicly shamed was crazy,” he laughs. father’s friend, but the warden of the
him that he would not qualify for “If Dr Bhatt had not shown up in men’s hostel suspended me because
engineering that Rajeev took it as my life, I would probably be doing word had spread that I did rag her. I
a challenge to turn things around, something else. I managed to catch sent word to her through two of my
working hard to gain admission in up in the last two semesters, and friends who lived in the girl’s hostel
the National Institute of Technology, Dr Bhatt wrote the most glowing to clarify that I did not rag her. She
Suratkal, a beautiful engineering reference letters I could have ever went to the principal, explained eve-
college with a beachside campus. received, which opened the doors rything, and they lifted my suspen-
“I spent more time on the beach of several schools in the US and sion,” he narrates.
than in any classroom throughout Canada, including the University “She bailed me out once, and to this
the first three years of engineering,” of Michigan, McGill, and Queen’s day, while I claim that I went to rag her
he grins, revealing his trick for once, she has ragged me forever.
avoiding lectures. “My usual However, she claims she has
trick was to make so much been bailing me out ever since!”
noise in class or the lab that I he jokes.
would get thrown out, receive
attendance, and then be left Fool’s day prankster
alone to study for the final to author
exams.” Rajeev cruised through
Rajeev’s antics would have Canada’s cold climate and,
continued had he not crossed after graduation, was faced
paths with Dr P.S. Bhatt, who with two choices—a job at Bell
taught digital design at NIT Northern Research (BNR), a
Surathkal. He recognised Clear Ventures Co-Founders Rajeev Madhavan and Chris Rust research subsidiary of Nortel,


strategy: my story
or working in a startup called Newbridge Microsys-
tems, which employed very few people. Apprehensive
about joining a startup that no one had ever heard
of, Rajeev opted for the safer and more conventional
choice and started working at BNR. He soon realised it
was a mistake after his peers from college became suc-
cessful within a few years of joining after the startup
went public. “Even though I made the wrong choice in
terms of financial success, BNR was a great place for
research,” he says.
Even with immense potential and brilliance,
Rajeev’s youthful exuberance continued at his new
workplace. “I was a bit of a party animal, buying stereo
systems with my money instead of focusing on work,”
he recalls. For everyone else, he was just another
guy working alongside the 10,000 other employees.
However, a single prank on April Fool’s Day steered the
course of his life in a direction that would make him
the leader we know today.
It was only when his tough manager, Ed Vopni,
guided him to utilise his potential that Rajeev started
working towards excellence. “On April Fool’s Day, the
new guy at BNR would get pranked. Out of the many
pranks everyone played on me, one guy locked me out
of my IBM mainframe account, raising the fear that I
had been fired. For 15 minutes, I was sweating until
they all shouted, ‘April Fool’s!’ and made fun of me,”
narrates Rajeev.
Swearing to get back at them, Rajeev managed
to knock out the UNIX accounts on the workstation
for the pranksters. Within fifteen minutes, everyone
realised what had happened, and he was called in by
his manager, Ed Vopni, a tough guy who, in any other
situation, would not have tolerated such behaviour.
However, Vopni recognised Rajeev’s brilliance and told
him to channel this tenacity into his actual work to
succeed. “That conversation shook me out of a long
deep slumber, and I realised that I needed to work
harder to make something of myself,” he recalls.
Rajeev began taking every course that BNR offered,
especially in VLSI. Within six months, he started
working on various VLSI semiconductor chips and EDA
software. “During a meeting, some potential partners
offered an ASIC solution to BNR. I suggested moving
away from schematic methods and using logic synthe-
sis to launch the ASIC offerings,” he shares.
While everyone else on the team dismissed it as
youthful idiosyncrasy, Vopni supported Rajeev’s idea.
“That was the first time I felt validated by someone I
respected,” Rajeev says. For young Rajeev, this small
acknowledgement from a manager who had been tough
on him gave him a glimpse into what hard work could

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 57

sent on a flight to Florida to present
the product to Harris Semiconductor.
On the way back, Jim Solomon, the
founder of Cadence, invited Rajeev
to sit next to him. After a few glasses
of wine and some questions from
Rajeev, Solomon revealed that if he
had a second chance at doing things
differently, he would have launched
the analogue division of Cadence as
a startup.
The conversation lit a spark in
Rajeev, who realised that pursuing
an idea as a startup was possible. He
wanted to start his own company.
The following week, he decided to
Rajeev Madhavan with family work with Vinod Agarwal and formed
LogicVision. Solomon tried to warn
bring. From that point on, there was he wanted to skip his yearly review him against leaving his job, citing that
no looking back. as he planned to move to California. the market for test automation was not
“I thank my stars for coming His manager, in turn, guided him very large then. “I had no idea about
across Prof. P.S. Bhatt and Ed Vopni, down the correct route and suggested market size at that time. I was simply
who guided me in the right direc- an assignment from BNR on a joint driven by the idea of starting some-
tion. Vopni’s harsh truths opened my project with Cadence Design Systems. thing new,” reveals Rajeev.
eyes. I advise all young managers to “He proposed sending me to California Thus, once again driven by
be truthful to their employees and let for a year and a half so I could decide passion and vigour, Rajeev dove
them know how they are perform- if I really wanted to move perma- headfirst into another challenge. Back
ing,” he remarks. nently,” shares Rajeev. home, his mother was furious and
Two years into working at BNR, Around the same time, Rajeev could not understand why Rajeev
at the age of 25, Rajeev authored a met a venture partner named Lucio would leave a job at BNR (more than
book on Verilog, which went on to Lanza from US Venture Partners, 10,000 employees) for Cadence (800
become one of the pioneering text- who was funding a company called employees at that time) and give up a
books on HDL-based logic design, Epic Design, a major success in chip good job and stable salary to become
synthesis, and verification. design automation software. Lanza an entrepreneur and start a business!
would discuss business plans with With zero business sense and a
California calling Rajeev due to his strong design back- singular focus on getting customers
Between work, supporting custom- ground at BNR. The conversations to use the software he had created,
ers, and long hours, Rajeev battled with Lanza intrigued him, sowing the Rajeev and his co-founders managed
the cold and harsh winters of Ottawa, first seeds of pursuing a direction in to get Apple to use their product.
trying to acclimatise himself to the startups. Rajeev and his team spent their
chill, but to no avail. “My friends Rajeev started working at mornings working with Apple’s team
tried taking me skating on the Ottawa Cadence as a BNR employee, specify- and returned at night to write code.
River several times, but I kept falling ing the needs of BNR for analogue “My wife would bring food, and I
while kids skated circles around me,” design. He wrote a specification would sleep on a pullout couch in
he recalls, laughing it off. for a product for analogue HDL, the office. There were many days
In December 1990, Rajeev attended which later became a product at when I did not go home because I
a conference in California to present Cadence. As he made the decision was so determined to get things done.
a paper. “I loved California. The to move permanently to a California This was where I built a work ethic
weather was fantastic, and I called company, Cadence offered him a and learnt that making the customer
my wife, telling her we should move position to implement the analogue successful was the most important
there,” he narrates. On returning to HDL. A year later, as the product thing,” he shares.
Ottawa, Rajeev told his manager that was being launched, Rajeev was After a year, Rajeev concluded


strategy: my story
that a startup needed to make money, which was
becoming difficult at LogicVision. Two years later,
he started Ambit Design Systems. The company was
bought by Cadence for $280 million in under four
years, putting him on the map and giving him the
freedom to think about other ventures.
The successful exit also left Rajeev with a few life
lessons. “I once walked away from a partner who was
willing to fund us on a conditional basis, at a time
when we did not have any money to pay salaries.
I walked away from the deal without being able to
explain my reasons to my team members and took a
unilateral decision,” he shares.
Cautioning against this attitude, Rajeev elucidates,
“This approach never works. Over the years, I got
better at explaining my decisions. A startup is not an
individual sport; it is a team sport.”
Immediately after Ambit, Rajeev jumped into
Magma Design Automation as Founder, President, and
CEO. By this time, Rajeev’s mother had given up rep-
rimanding him and concluded that her son could not
hold on to a job!
Magma’s software tools became known for their
efficiency in facilitating low-power semiconductor
designs without sacrificing performance, making it
possible to build more power-efficient chips. The
company’s approach allowed designers to make adjust-
ments and corrections early in the process, reducing
the risk of costly revisions later.
Magma provided core infrastructure software to
semiconductor pioneers, such as Qualcomm, NVIDIA,
and Samsung, and enabled ASIC (application-specific
integrated circuit) service providers, such as Open-
Silicon (co-founded by Naveed Sherwani and Dr Satya
Gupta), to offer timing and area predictability for
reliable, predictable chip designs, which in turn helped
them scale their businesses. Magma and Open-Silicon
signed one of the largest EDA deals in India, and Chitra
Hariharan and her team in India taped-out more than
100 chips using the Magma EDA tools. Many of the
technologies developed by Magma became industry
One of the pioneering examples of innovation at
Magma was the use of parallel threads, which allowed
designers to run multiple simulations simultaneously,
reducing the overall time required for verification, even
for complex chip designs. Parallel processing became a
key enabler for handling the increasing complexity of
modern semiconductor designs, especially in advanced
nodes, such as 28nm, 14nm, and beyond.
Magma was listed on Nasdaq in 2001. During
the time between Ambit’s exit and Magma’s sale to

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 59

strategy: my story
Synopsys in 2012, Rajeev gives me the break that I
helped fund or form 28 need,” he says.
companies as an entrepre- Over time, Rajeev
neur-angel-investor. expanded the garden to
Rajeev attributes his include a greenhouse with
business sense and the papaya, mango, and other
desire to understand plants that remind him
business to his mother. of his home in Kerala. “It
“I do believe some people is more than just a rose
have a natural inclination garden—it has become a
for business—it is in their bit of a Kerala greenhouse
DNA. I probably have now!”
some of that business
DNA from my mum. From follower to
Negotiation and decision- leader, learner to guide
making are learned skills, Rajeev’s rose garden A leader is not born; a
but the desire to under- leader learns and leads.
stand business and how it works garden,” he claims proudly. Rajeev too spent the next decade at
comes from within.” The garden, which is more than Magma learning from his mistakes
His dad continued to encourage two decades old, sprouted into exist- and striving to be the guide for his
him. “He was always my biggest ence on a flight to Portland, Oregon, peers, just as Prof. P.S. Bhatt and Ed
fan,” he says. Rajeev’s mother finally immediately after Magma went public. Vopni had been for him. The road
came around when a local Kochi “I was going for an investor meeting. was rocky, and the learning never
newspaper wrote a story about On the flight, I was sitting next to seemed to end, but somehow Rajeev
Magma going public. “It was only a man who was flipping through never took the same turn twice, thus
when she read that news report that pictures of roses,” he narrates. Upon avoiding going in circles, and moved
she concluded I had finally achieved enquiring, the man revealed that on to the path of leadership.
something in life,” he jests. he ran a rose nursery and invited “A leader needs to be tough
Rajeev to visit. “I saw his roses and, and empathetic at the same time. I
The gardener never smells his impressed, I told him I would buy reached this level of thinking by the
roses! one of each variety. I thought he had third startup,” he states.
Not many people know, but tough maybe 20 varieties—turns out he had At Magma, Rajeev built a strong
boss Rajeev is up at 5:30 AM every 400! And so, he shipped all 400 varie- internal team of engineers and
Saturday morning. Assisted by two ties to me,” he laughs. experts who contributed to the
gardeners, the founder of Clear Despite the hours and the effort, company’s success and drove innova-
Ventures can be seen working for the Rajeev doesn’t ever stop to smell the tion in areas like physical synthesis,
next three to five hours, forgetting roses! “I just keep growing them and design for manufacturability, and
his gloves, tending to his rose garden fixing issues as they come up. I focus sign-off tools. Young professionals
with around 3000 rose bushes! “It on mending whatever needs atten- hired by Rajeev are today working
has become a very large private rose tion, but I do not believe in staying as C-suite executives, architects, and
there to marvel at their beauty. leaders at top technology firms in
That is for others to do, while I Silicon Valley.
Some Favourites of Rajeev move on to the next thing,” he Sharing his experiences, he recalls
Favourite Food: Korean, Japanese, or Kerala shares. hiring Anirudh Devgan, the current
Favourite Drink: Water Interestingly, Rajeev’s wife, President and CEO of Cadence
Favourite Travel Destination: Norway Geetha, is allergic to roses and Design Systems, who presented
Favourite Book: Art of War by Sun Tzu needs to take anti-allergy drugs Rajeev with a startup idea. “I imme-
Favourite Sport: Cricket to spend time in the garden. diately realised he was very sharp
“She jokes that I maintain the and offered him a position at Magma.
Real-Life Role Model: Virat Kohli or Sunil Gavaskar
garden just to keep her out of Within three months of joining,
Real-Life Model as a VC: Mark Perry, NEA partner
it! This garden is therapeutic for it was clear that he was excep-
(Gentleman VC)
me. It keeps me grounded and tional, fair, and very data-driven,

60 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

strategy: my story
so I gave him a business to run, and eventually, he
was managing half of Magma,” he narrates. “It is an
honour to have had such a great team, and I am proud
of all their accomplishments.”
Creating a legacy at Magma, Rajeev managed around
1500 to 2000 people in Silicon Valley. He emphasises
fairness and believes that the job of a CEO is to get the
best out of everyone. He adds, “You should measure
people’s performance from day one. If there is excep-
tional talent, you must promote and elevate those
individuals as quickly as possible. The success of these
individuals in future endeavours reflects on the leader.”
During his time at Magma, Rajeev was fortunate to
have Mark Perry from New Enterprise Associates, one of
the biggest venture capital firms in Silicon Valley, as an
investor and board member. “He was the best VC you
could ever have—he would give me advice, was very
refined, and helped me understand the financial aspects
of business,” he reminisces, admitting that he “wanted
to try venture capital because of him. I thought if I
could be as polished a gentleman as he was with startup
founders, I would have achieved something.”
Once Magma was acquired by Synopsys, Rajeev,
who had been used to making his own decisions since
the age of 25, left a week after the acquisition. “Once
you are tuned to being part of active leadership, being
in an authoritative position without any real power
isn’t interesting,” he states.
He continued investing in more startup companies
until around 2014-2015, when he partnered with Chris
Rust to start a venture fund. “It took me about six
months to make a decision and, finally in 2016, we
formed Clear Ventures,” he narrates.
Clear Ventures has partnered with around 32
companies, most of which were early-stage startups.
The venture firm has raised three funds, with many
companies reaching significant milestones.
Rajeev shares the secret sauce for this success. “My
approach is that of an entrepreneur turned venture
capitalist. A lot of VCs in Silicon Valley are profession-
als trained at Wharton, Stanford, or Harvard Business
School, who then joined a VC fund. My view is more
operational, allowing me to build a relationship with
the founder and work closely with them right from the
preliminary stages of startup growth,” he explains.
Inspired by his two early-stage mentors, Rajeev
continues to be what Dr Bhatt and Ed Vopni were for
him. A hard taskmaster and an enthusiastic cheer-
leader, Rajeev’s mentorship has been instrumental in
changing the lives of many tech entrepreneurs who
are bursting with ideas and need guidance towards the
clearest path to success.

www.efymag.com Electronics For You express | October 2024 61


“We Are Building

With Drone Assembly And
Maintenance Training”

AVPL is creating village-level entrepreneurs and jobs through drone technology

and agriculture training. In an interview with EFY’s Nitisha, Co-founder and Chairman
Preet Sandhu discloses how their 70 centres across 12 states offer
offline courses in RPC and agricultural spraying.


What services and products does agricultural drones for spraying. 12th-standard graduates. These
AVPL provide? These are the two key courses individuals should have some
At AVPL, we offer skill develop- related to pilot training that we understanding of what they are
ment training focusing on drone offer. Also, we are the first organi- getting into. However, when it
technology and agriculture. We also sation to execute the Kisan drone comes to junior drone engineers
manufacture and sell drones. The operator course, affiliated with the and preparing candidates for the
company was founded in December Agriculture Skill Council of India, research departments of drone com-
2016. Our uniqueness lies in our and partner with Drone IT from panies, our target audience requires
physical presence across 12 states, Australia for dual certifications and higher qualifications, such as those
with centres in 70 locations, primar- drone cadets from the USA in drone pursuing a B.Tech degree.
ily in semi-urban and rural areas. training.
Are your courses designed solely
What is the purpose of this training What are the requirements and for agricultural use?
programme? structure of your five-day course? Our courses are designed for
We aim to create one village- We have four DGCA-approved the entire industry, but our com-
level drone entrepreneur and one bases, which are open for public pany’s vision focuses on agricultural
village-level agri-entrepreneur across viewing. The process is straight- drones. Our end users are farmers,
India. Our vision goes beyond skill forward: it is a five-day course as the drones are intended for their
development training. We follow with two days dedicated to theory use. However, our primary audience
the National Skill Qualification classes, one day for simulator consists of individuals who will
Framework, providing level-wise training, and two days for practi- become service agents to deliver
training while incorporating entre- cal flying. Our toll-free number these drone services to farmers.
preneurship into the curriculum. connects directly to our supportive We train these individuals because
Our primary focus is to create team. For eligibility, candidates who they have direct connections with
job opportunities for candidates have completed at least the 10th or farmers and their families and are
upon completing the training and 12th-grade education standards are familiar with village life. They can
encourage them to become micro- qualified to enrol in our programme. effectively communicate with and
entrepreneurs. Ultimately, our main convince farmers about the benefits
vision is to develop village-level Are your courses conducted online of using drones, including increased
entrepreneurs. or offline? productivity and improved soil and
All these courses are conducted individual health.
What types of drone courses do offline. According to the National
you offer? Skill Qualification Framework What are the costs and conditions
One of our courses is the (NSQF) mandate, we cannot provide for your drone training courses?
Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC). In online training for Kisan drone According to market standards,
this five-day programme, students operators. However, for the RPC our drone pilot training course
undergo training and receive a certificate, the theory class is con- costs 35,000 rupees plus GST for
licence valid for ten years, allowing ducted online over two days, while a five-day programme. The cost of
them to fly drones anywhere in the remaining three days are offline other classes varies based on their
India (Green Zone). In addition and dedicated to practical flying duration. Our drone assembly and
to the RPC, we have developed classes. service technician courses are often
a seven-day Agriculture Spray run under government-subsidised
Course. Students can fly drones after What qualifications are needed for programmes, so candidates are not
completing the RPC and obtaining micro-entrepreneurship and drone charged for these. For paid courses,
their licence. However, agricul- programmes? the starting fee is 35,000 rupees plus
tural drones used for spraying are The candidate should be 18 GST. If a trainee purchases a drone
significantly heavier, around 20 years old and should have passed from us, this fee is adjusted, and we
to 25kg, compared to the 2 to 3kg the 10th grade. For micro-entrepre- provide the training at no additional
training drones. To address this, neurship and village-level entre- charge. Therefore, when someone
we have designed a comprehensive preneurship, our target audience buys a drone, we ensure they are
course where, after completing the includes students from diploma trained to operate it without extra
RPC, students learn how to operate programmes, ITI, or 10th and cost. We also assist students with


strategy: interview
job searches upon completing their DGCA, as the regulatory body, repair shops in the past, we foresee
training. conducts rigorous viva and assess- a future where individuals will
ments for candidates aspiring to establish drone repair shops, given
How many candidates have you become instructors. This is a chal- the increasing use of drones across
trained? lenging examination process. Only various industries. Currently, we
We began with skill training those qualified by the DGCA can offer four to five courses, providing
programmes and have successfully become instructors and must also training across India in 12 states
trained many candidates. Since have a certain amount of flying with 70 centres operating these
our inception, we have trained experience. We are hiring instruc- courses.
130,000 candidates. Our efforts tors and planning to develop our
have primarily focused on spon- in-house ecosystem to create a pool What is the process for obtaining
sored programmes in collaboration of trainers, although this is still in a pilot certificate through your
with various ministries and state the planning stages. training programme?
departments. Students must complete a set
What is involved in generating RPC number of flying hours in the
What career opportunities and certificates? curriculum. Once these hours are
support do your drone pilot training For RPC certification, we train completed, the details are submitted
graduates receive upon completing candidates and upload the neces- to Bharat Kosh, a portal where we
the programme? sary data, like their training assess- generate a challan to issue a pilot
Over the last three months, I ment forms, skill training certifi- certificate to the student. Addition-
have observed individuals with just cates, flying assessment forms, etc, ally, we submit these details to
a 10th-grade education completing to generate the certificates. This the DGCA website. On the DGCA
our five-day drone pilot training and involves a structured process. Our platform, you can see numerous
securing jobs with salaries ranging responsibilities include mobilising remote pilot certificates generated
from 20,000 to 25,000 per month, the candidates and providing the online and offline.
including accommodation and food. training while the regulatory body
This is due to the rapidly evolving oversees the certification process. What qualifications do you look
drone industry and the high demand It operates similarly to running a for when hiring faculty for drone
for drone pilots. Students pay for school, where everything must be training?
the training, complete the five-day available for regulatory inspections. We employ individuals who are
course, and then obtain jobs graduates and have a minimum of
boasting a 100% placement rate. How do your courses address 50 hours of instructional experi-
Additionally, some graduates pursue drone industry skills and entrepre- ence, particularly those with a
self-employment as micro-entrepre- neurship? background in agriculture. We
neurs. After completing the five-day New startups are emerging in the prefer candidates with agricultural
training, they undergo an additional drone industry. A major challenge knowledge because they understand
two to three days of agricultural within this ecosystem is identify- spraying techniques, pesticides, and
spraying training to learn how to ing individuals skilled in drone soil fertility. This expertise is advan-
handle heavy drones. Following assembly and maintenance. We tageous for our company, which
this, they can obtain financing from offer drone assembly and techni- manufactures agricultural drones,
NBFCs to purchase a drone with our cian courses and drone maintenance as they can effectively train others
assistance. They then offer drone engineer courses to address this. on the correct usage of pesticides,
services to farmers, creating their These courses are aligned with chemical handling, and application
own business opportunities. NSQF standards and are conducted methods. Graduates with a farming
at our training centres. The courses background who meet the RPC and
What are the qualifications and require a minimum qualification RPA requirements as per DGCA
assessment processes required of 10th or 12th standard pass out. norms are ideal for our training
by the DGCA to become a certified We specifically select candidates and operational needs. We have
drone instructor? who show a genuine interest in the around 20 instructors who work in
According to DGCA regulations, drone industry, focusing on foster- rotational shifts. This allows us to
candidates must be graduates, hold ing micro-entrepreneurship. Similar allocate them efficiently according
an RPC, and be RPI-certified. The to how many people opened mobile to our needs.

64 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com


Why Did Rajguru Electronics,

A Leading Distributor Of
Components And Development DILEEP JAIN
Boards, Enter Manufacturing? CEO, RAJGURU ELECTRONICS

After nearly three decades in distribution, Rajguru Electronics pivoted to manufacturing, setting up a unit for its
ADIY subsidiary in Bengaluru. EFY’s Yashasvini Razdan interviewed CEO Dileep Jain to explore the reasons
behind the shift and the company’s growth strategy.

What prompted Rajguru Electronics, workforce, and we can produce 10,000 have access to raw materials, which
known for distributing components boards in a single shift. allows me to offer benefits such as
and development boards, to step warranties and a repair or replace-
into manufacturing? Why not outsource your manufac- ment service, if any issues arise. This
During the distribution of modules turing to another company in India, aligns with the government’s focus on
and boards in India, we faced chal- given that there are many other locally made goods, which are also
lenges due to uncommunicated companies that do EMS, PCBA, and preferred by schools and labs, giving
changes, resulting in customer rejec- development boards? us an advantage in the market.
tions and product returns. This led to In that scenario, I will have to
losses as returning products to China work as per their demand. I have How do you manage inventory in
was not feasible. However, recog- around 150 different products to your business?
nising the need for self-reliance in manufacture, so it is not feasible for We have around 10,000 SKUs
India, we started receiving orders for me to plan according to their timelines (stock keeping units) for 150 products,
locally manufactured products. So, we while ensuring timely delivery and making manual tracking impractical.
decided to move into manufacturing quality. Secondly, when they provide Therefore, we rely on CRM software
to provide Made-in-India products to the products, they will add their profit to automatically monitor stock levels
a wider customer base while remain- margin and additional costs. I need and alert us when we need to replen-
ing cost-competitive. We anticipate to keep my costs low in comparison ish or import more. It helps us identify
establishing a strong presence within to Chinese manufacturers to compete products to manufacture based on
three to four years and competing effectively in the Indian market. demand. We aim to maintain at least
effectively in the market while being three months’ worth of stock.
capable of mass production in India. How do you justify such a major
capital investment with the demand For your manufacturing setup, what
How has the process flow changed for the development boards you job opportunities have been created?
since you transitioned to a manufac- manufacture and assemble? Currently, we have employed
turing business? Rather than making a significant 24 semi-skilled personnel who do
We were already importing upfront investment and waiting for the hands-on assembly, testing, and
modules and components for our outcome, we will continue to invest quality control, and qualified indi-
distribution business. As a manu- more based on results and demand. viduals to operate the SMT machines.
facturer, we needed to know where We reinvest all our profits into acquir- They are trained at the ITI level and
to source the components from and ing more machinery, without taking supported by a local organisation that
which components to use to minimise a big loan, as this approach will yield provides training and assistance.
costs or optimise quality. Initially, better results in the long run.
it used to take at least 20 days to What is the roadmap for the future?
manufacture 10,000 Arduino boards, How is your manufacturing business We plan to increase production
but by increasing our staff, we com- benefiting from your components levels by adding faster machines to the
pleted 10,000 boards in just five days distribution and development board assembly line or acquiring machines to
using a single assembly line. We now distribution business? streamline processes and boost output,
have two assembly lines and a larger As a components distributor, I within the next four to five months.


strategy: policy

EMS Vs Components Manufacturing:

Employment In Electronics
Industry Of India

A recent article in a leading business newspaper reported that industry executives, during a
government meeting, had suggested that EMS firms create more employment than electronics
component manufacturers—for every rupee invested. To verify this claim, a review was conducted
with both component manufacturers and EMS firms, as well as several trade associations.

rahul chopra he media has long been a powerful or aimed at steering policy in a particular
tool in shaping government policy, direction. It suggested that EMS firms (elec-
which makes it essential for tronics manufacturing services, or contract
research and reporting to remain unbiased. manufacturers) provide significantly more
When prominent outlets publish stories employment than electronics compo-
citing unnamed ‘industry experts,’ all nent manufacturers—for every 10 million
seemingly aligned in the same direction, it invested. The responsibility for this claim
inevitably raises concerns. was attributed to anonymous ‘industry
India’s electronics industry has already executives,’ with further suggestions that
suffered the effects of policies influenced the government of India might use these
by those with limited investment in its findings to justify offering more subsidies
long-term growth. Now, as the sector sees or incentives to EMS firms over component
fresh opportunities, it is critical to ensure manufacturers.
that past mistakes are not repeated. This raises the possibility of policy
The article in question, published by a influence.
leading business daily, raised doubts about Yet, the article failed to name these
whether it was based on thorough research industry executives or provide their

66 October 2024 | Electronics For You express www.efymag.com

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credentials. They could just as easily can be set up in rural areas too, growth of their suppliers—like the
be PR or marketing professionals while EMS firms are better suited proverbial egg and chicken situa-
with vested interests in shaping for urban settings. tion. The government must support
these decisions. • The level of automation in EMS both industries simultaneously.”
Were any counterarguments is exceeding that in the manufactur- Abhishek Malik, Executive
presented? No. ing of components. There is already Director, Calcom Vision Limited
Dismissing such claims outright talk about dark-room factories— (EMS): “Yes, assembly (EMS) can
without a thorough investigation, ones where there are no humans on create more employment; however,
however, would not align with the floor. Thus, the employment-
responsible journalism. Instead, the to-investment ratio will continue
Electronics For You team—Nijhum to drop faster in EMS than in the
Rudra, Nitisha Dubey, and Yashas- manufacturing of components.
vini Razdan—consulted industry Plus, there are more strategic
sources. To ensure an unbiased reasons for manufacturing electron-
approach, representatives from both ics components in India, namely:
EMS firms and component manufac- a steady supply chain and more
turers were interviewed, along with predictability in input pricing for
leaders from various trade associa- manufacturers of electronics. These
tions, many of whom represent both two factors are critical to support
sectors. our manufacturers of electronics
• The obvious: the level of auto- in India and make India’s electron-
mation differs across manufacturing ics industry truly ‘aatmanirbhar’ it is only temporary until the gov-
of components and EMS firms. Not (self-reliant). ernment stops providing benefits.
every firm (EMS or components) The above conclusions are all Electronic components are generally
has the same degree of automa- thanks to inputs shared by industry more capital-intensive and have a
tion. More automation means less leaders representing different facets much longer-term outlook, thereby
employment per investment (or of the electronics industry of India, creating long-term employment.”
turnover). which are shared below (in alpha- Pankaj Gulati, Exec. VP & COO,
• Just as there are product cat- betical order with respect to the CDIL (components): “There will be
egories which require more labour name of the organisation): much more job creation in the com-
in EMS, there are categories of com- Rajesh Bhope, VP, Alcon ponents industry than I can see in
ponents (such as passives) which Electronics (components): “EMS
require a high degree of manual (electronic manufacturing services)
labour. companies are buying components
• On average, component manu-
facturers can hire three to five times
more labour than an EMS firm of
the equivalent size!
• Since many functions in EMS
firms can be non-skilled, the per-
centage of contractual labour tends
to be higher. Components manu-
facturing needs more skilled labour
and, hence, these firms tend to hire
employees—thus providing much EMS because there hardly exists any
longer-term employment, plus more components industry in India today.
opportunities to upskill. I need help finding skilled workers
• The seasonality of work, and and then assembling them. They in the components industry.”
thus seasonality in demand for are, first of all, dependent upon all Jairaj Srinivas – Director-
labour, is more common in EMS types of component manufactur- General, CIMEI (trade association):
than in components manufacturing. ers. If their supply chain improves, “No! Labour hiring in EMS (elec-
• Components manufacturing they will grow and thereby fuel the tronics manufacturing services)


firms is definitely not more than workers—both male and female—
in electronics components manu- and also for semi-skilled and techni-
facturing. In EMS, everything is cal employees up the stream of
mechanised and automated, so not product development. It is not only
ESDM or assembly of mobile phones

weeks, but in components manufac-

turing, many skill requirements are
such that it will take the workforce
3-6 months just to come to the line.”
much labour is required in EMS Rajoo Goel, Secretary-General,
companies. However, when it comes ELCINA (trade association): that generate jobs but also the
to component manufacturing, it is “Components manufacturing also parts that are used for every type of
more labour-oriented. If the govern- electronic product, whether the end
ment is serious about setting up a application is white goods, instru-
component industry, they will need mentation, aerospace and defence,
to employ more labour, especially power electronics, automation, and
women, as physical labour is often others.”
required in electronics components M. Thiyagarajan, President,
manufacturing. IPCA (trade association): “The
To further grow employment reality is that manufacturing elec-
within the EMS sector, the current tronics components in India will fuel
cap of `180 million should be growth across the entire industry.
removed because not all players
within the EMS industry have that
capacity or need to invest. But if supports EMS and assembly manu-
they get incentives too—they will facturing and, thus, is the building
certainly grow their operations and block of the ESDM ecosystem.”
hire more labour.” Girish Vaze, CMD, Elcom
Vinod Sharma, MD, Deki Elec- International (components): “The
tronics (components): “If you look statement that job creation is tech-
at the finished goods industry where nically tough in electronic parts’
SKD is being done, the number of is incorrect. Electronic parts are
jobs for every crore (10 million) of of various types. There are some
turnover is about 0.5 to 1. However, parts which require automation
in the EMS industry, where we are for final assemblies or processes, With components currently being
doing CKD, SKD, and even box but there are an equal number of imported, manufacturers, including
packaging, the ratio is taken as 10 parts, most of which are electro- EMS firms, face significant fluctua-
million for one person in terms of mechanical, that employ labour- tions in both pricing and delivery.
turnover. In passive component intensive processes where auto- Indirect employment dominates
manufacturing, the number could be mation is not feasible due to the the electronics sector. For example,
between two and five people per ten high level of customisations and countries like the US are producing
million of rupees of turnover. variations required. AI chips in large volumes, which not
In an EMS company, a person Our experience is that our only generates jobs in that specific
assembling a manual component products have generated a lot sector but also drives manufactur-
on a PCB can be trained in a few of employment for assembly ing in related electronics, ultimately


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creating employment across various In some cases, one person can
industries. handle two lines. Machines are also
While EMS operations typically available for DIP assembly. While
require larger areas, component certain tasks require labour, much
manufacturing and smaller indus- of it is unskilled. On the other hand,
tries can thrive in rural regions as component manufacturing requires
well.” far less unskilled labour.
Shishir Gupta, CEO, Oakter Varun Manwani, Director,
(EMS): “The claim that EMS firms Sahasra Group (EMS & compo-
should receive more incentives due nents): “First, India’s EMS industry
to better job opportunities for labour is continuously importing com-
ponents, which puts them at a
disadvantage to their global peers. manufacturing tends to be more
Therefore, component manufactur- skill-oriented.”
ing must be localised. Aniket Pathak, Uniglobus
Electricals and Electronics (compo-
nents): “While it is true that EMS
firms may show higher immedi-
ate labour hiring, it is crucial to
consider the development time

is a significant oversimplification.
Both EMS firms and component
manufacturers are vital contributors
to India’s electronics industry, each
with its own unique value propo- It is incorrect to say that com-
sition. Disregarding the intercon- ponent manufacturing is highly
nectedness and contributions of automated across the board. It
both sectors can lead to misguided depends on the specific component
policy decisions that may hinder the being produced. A workforce is
overall growth and development of always necessary when manufac- required for electronics component
the electronics industry.” turing lower-level components like manufacturing. This sector often
Dileep Jain, CEO, Rajguru passive items, such as connectors. involves more complex processes,
(electronics products & components): For instance, in PCB manufacturing, demanding significant time for
“EMS companies have automated or even connector manufacturing, research, development, and innova-
most of the work. SMT lines require a significant number of workers tion before employment levels can
only a single person to manage the are required as these processes are match those of EMS firms. Both
entire process from start to finish. highly labour-intensive.” EMS and component manufacturing
Nandini B, Director, TESCOM are integral to the electronics eco-
(EMS): “In the EMS industry, there system, each with its own timeline
are entry-level jobs available, many and impact. A more nuanced
of them in the operator category. approach that takes these differ-
However, component manufactur- ences into account would likely
ing is more complex and offers lead to more balanced and effective
fewer opportunities for unskilled industry growth.”
labour. Additionally, the ratio of
jobs to investment is higher in the
EMS industry. While EMS is more Rahul Chopra is Editor of Electronics For
labour-intensive for both skilled You and Open Source For You magazines
and Managing Director of the EFY Group.
and unskilled labour, component


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