AP Logistics
AP Logistics
AP Logistics
2. Definitions.
6. Jurisdiction.
9. The Chancellor.
23. Statutes.
25. Ordinances.
26. Regulations.
1. The Chancellor.
2. The Vice-Chancellor.
4. Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
5. Registrar.
7. Heads of Department.
8. Proctor.
9. Librarian.
14.Board of Faculties.
16.Finance Committee.
17.Selection Committee.
20. Committees.
24.Seniority list.
29. Convocations.
31. Resignation.
32. Disqualifications.
36. Regulations.
1. Short title, and commencement - (1) The Act may be called the Andhra
Pradesh Logistics University Act, 2017.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
by notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, appoint.
(3) The University may open additional campus centres beyond the
initial campus at Kakinada;
(q) to fix, demand and receive or recover fees and such other
charges as may be prescribed by the Statutes;
7. University open to all classes, castes and creeds - The University shall
be open to persons of either sex and of whatever caste, creed, race or class,
and it shall not be lawful for the University to adopt or impose any person
any test whatsoever of religious belief or profession in order to entitle him to
be appointed as a teacher of the University or to hold any other office there
in or to be admitted as a student in the University or to graduate there at or
to enjoy or exercise any privilege thereof;
Provided further that any person in the service of the University who
is aggrieved by the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor under this sub-
section shall have the right to appear against such action to the Executive
Council within three months from the date on which decision on such action
is communicated to him and thereupon the Executive Council may confirm,
modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor;
11. The Dean of Student Affairs - (1) The Dean of Student Affairs shall be
a whole-time officer and shall be appointed by the Board in the manner
prescribed by the Statutes;
(2) The salary and allowances payable to the Dean of Students Affairs
shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes;
(3) The Dean of Student Affairs shall discharge the following duties
namely, -
12. The Registrar - (1) The Registrar shall be appointed in such manner as
may be prescribed by the Statutes;
(2) The Registrar shall have the power to enter into agreement, sign
documents and authenticate records on behalf of the University and shall
exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may be prescribed by
the Statutes.
13. The Finance Officers - The Finance Officer shall be appointed in such
manner and shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may
be prescribed by the Statutes.
14. The Librarian - The Librarian shall be appointed in such manner and
shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may be prescribed
by the Statutes.
15. Other Officers - The manner of appointment and powers and duties of
the other officers of the University shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
17. The Executive Council - (1) The Executive Council shall be the
principal executive body of the University;
(2) The constitution of the Executive Council, the term of office of its
members and its powers and functions shall be as prescribed by the
18. The Academic Council - (1) The Academic Council shall be the
principal academic body of the University and shall, subject to the
provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, co-ordinate and
exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University.
(2) The Constitution of the Academic Council, the term of office of its
members and its powers and functions shall be as prescribed by the
19. The Board of Faculties - The constitution, powers and functions of the
Board of Faculties shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
21. The Planning Board - The Constitution, powers and functions of the
Planning Board shall be as prescribe by the Statutes.
23. Statutes - Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes may
provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
24. Statutes how to be made - (1) The first Statutes are those set out in
the Schedule;
(2) The Executive Council may, from time to time, make new or
additional Statutes or may amend or repeal the Statutes referred to in sub-
Provided that the Executive Council shall not make, amend or repeal
any Statues affecting the status, powers or constitution of any authority of
the University until such authority has been given an opportunity of
expressing an opinion in writing on the proposed changes and any opinion
so expressed shall be considered by the Executive Council;
Provided that the Chancellor may, on the expiry of the said period of
three years, make, within one year from the date of such expiry, such
detailed Statutes as he may consider necessary and such detailed Statutes
shall be laid before the Legislature of the State.
25. Ordinances - (1) The first Ordinances shall be made by the Vice-
Chancellor during the period for two years immediately after the
commencement of this Act and the Ordinances so made may be amended,
repeal or added to at any time by the Executive Council in the manner
prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, the
Ordinances may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(q) all other matters which by this Act or the Statutes may
be provided for by the Ordinances.
27. Annual Report - (1) The annual report of the University shall be
prepared under the direction of the Executive Council which shall include,
among other matters, the steps taken by the University towards the
fulfillment of its objects and shall be submitted to the Chancellor on or
before such date as may be prescribed by the Statutes;
28. Annual Accounts - (1) The annual accounts and balance-sheet of the
University shall be prepared under the directions of the Executive Council
and shall, once at least every year and at intervals of not more than fifteen
months, be audited by the Director of State Audit or any Audit or appointed
by him or Accountant-General;
(2) A copy of the annual accounts together with the audit report
thereon along with the observations, of the Executive Council, if any, shall
be submitted to the Government;
(4) A copy of the annual accounts together with the audit report
submitted to the State Government shall, as soon as may be, laid before he
State Legislature.
29. General and other Funds - (1) The income from the fees and other
charges realized by, any contribution and endowment received by, and all
grants made to the University, shall Form one general fund to be called the
“General Fund of the University” and all money so realized and received
shall be credited to it.
(2) The University may have such other funds and shall maintain such
accounts in respect of every fund as may be prescribed by the Statutes;
30. Borrowing of money - The University may accept money from the
Government of India, the State Government, the University Grants
Commission and other agencies and also borrow money from a Bank or a
Corporation, for the purposes of the University;
(2) Any dispute arising out of the contract between the University and
any employee shall, at the request of the employee, be referred to an
Arbitration Tribunal consisting of one member appointed by the Executive
Council, one member nominated by the employee and an umpire appointed
by the Chancellor;
(3) The decision of the Tribunal shall be final and no suit shall lie in
any civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
(2) Any dispute arising out of any disciplinary action taken by the
University against a student shall, at the request of such student, be
referred to an Arbitration Tribunal and the provisions of sub-sections (2)
and (3) of section 31 shall, as far as may be, apply to a reference made
under this sub-section;
34. Provident and pension funds - (1) The University shall constitute, for
the benefit of its employees in such manner and subject to such conditions
as may be prescribed by the Statutes such provident or pension fund or
provide such insurance schemes as it may deem fit;
If any question arises whether any person has been duly elected or
appointed as, or is entitled to be, a member of any authority or other body of
the University, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision
thereon shall be final.
37. Filling of Casual vacancies - All casual vacancies among the members
(other than ex-officio members) of any authority or other body of the
University shall be filled, as soon as may be, by the person or body or other
body who appoints, elects or co-opts the member whose place has become
vacant and any person appointed, elected or co-opted to a casual vacancy
shall be member of such authority or body for the residue of the term for
which the person whose place he fills would have been a member.
(2) Every notification made under this section shall be laid, as soon as
may be after it is made, before the State legislature.
(c) the first Registrar and the first Finance Officer shall be
appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and each of the said
officers shall hold office for a term of three years;
(d) the first Executive Council shall consist of not more than
twenty members and they shall hold office for a term of
three years;
(e) the First Academic Council shall consist of not more than
twenty-one members, and shall hold office for a term of
three years;
(2) Every Statute, Ordinance or Regulation made under this Act shall
be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before both houses of the State
Legislature, while it is in session, for a total period of fourteen days which
may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and
if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the
successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any
modification in the Statute, Ordinance or Regulation or both Houses agree
that the Statute, Ordinance or Regulation should not be made, the Statute,
Ordinance or Regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified
form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, any such
modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of
anything previously done under that Statute, Ordinance or Regulation.
(See section 24)
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of three years from
the date on which he enters upon his office, and shall, on the expiration of
his term of office, be eligible for re-appointment to that office for a second
Provided that the Chancellor may direct any Vice-Chancellor, after his
term has expired, to continue in office for such period, not exceeding a total
period of one year as may be specified by him or till his successor is
appointed and enters upon his office, whichever is earlier.
Provided also that where such employee had been a member of any
pension scheme, the University shall make the necessary contribution to
such scheme.
(3) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that this Act, the
Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations are duly observed, and he
shall have all the powers necessary to ensure such observance.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise control over the affairs of the
University and shall give effect to the decisions of all the authorities of the
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall have all the powers necessary for the
proper maintenance of discipline in the University and he may delegate any
such powers to such persons or person as he deems fit.
(3) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be such as may be prescribed by the Executive
Council from time to time;
(2) He shall be appointed for a term of three years and shall be eligible
for re-appointment.
(3) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service the
Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed by the Executive Council from
time to time;
Provided that the Registrar shall retire on attaining the age of sixty
two years.
(4) When the Office of the Registrar is vacant or when the Registrar is,
by reasons of illness, absence, or any other cause, unable to perform the
duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such
person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(5) (a) The Registrar shall have power to take disciplinary action
against such of the employees, other than teachers and academic staff, as
may be specified in the Ordinance and to suspend them pending inquiry, to
administer warnings to them or to impose on them the penalty of censure or
withholding of increment:
6. The Finance Officer - (1) The Finance Officer shall be appointed by the
Executive Council on the recommendations of Selection Committee
constituted for the purpose and he shall be a whole-time salaried officer of
the University.
(2) He shall be appointed for a term of three years and shall be eligible
for re-appointment.
(3) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the
Finance Officer shall be such as may be prescribed by the Executive Council
from time to time:
(4) When the office of the Finance Officer is vacant or when the
Finance Officer is, by reasons of illness, absence, or any other cause, unable
to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed
by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(7) Subject to the control of the Executive Council, the Finance Officer
(a) maintain the accounts of the University and also the
advise the University on all matters relating to income and
(c) ensure that the limits fixed by the Executive Council for
recurring and non-recurring expenditure for a year are not
exceeded and that all moneys are expended for the purpose
for which they are granted or allotted;
(e) keep a constant watch on the state of the cash and bank
balances and on the state of investment;
(8) Any receipt given by the Finance Officer or the person or persons
duly authorized in this behalf by the Executive Council for any money
payable to the University shall be sufficient discharge for payment of such
7. Heads of Departments -
(a) In the case of Departments which have more than one Professor,
the Head of the Department shall be appointed by the Executive Council on
the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor from among the Professors;
(c) A person appointed as the Head of the Department shall hold office
as such for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment;
(d) A Head of Department may resign his office at any time during his
tenure of office;
8. Proctor - (1) The Proctor for shall be appointed by the Executive Council
on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and shall exercise such
powers and discharge such duties as may be assigned to him by the Vice-
(2) The Proctor shall hold office for a term of two years and shall be
eligible for re-appointment.
(2) The Librarian shall exercise such powers and discharge such
duties and shall have such emoluments, terms and conditions of service as
may be prescribed by the Executive Council.
10. The Executive Council - (1) The Executive Council shall consist of the
following members, namely,-
(2) All the members of the Executive Council, other than the Vice-
Chancellor and pro-Vice Chancellor, shall hold office for a term of three
(3) Five members of the Executive Council shall form a quorum for a
meeting of the Executive Council.
11. Powers and functions of the Executive Council - (1) The Executive
Council shall have the power of management and administration of the
revenue and property of the University and the conduct of all administrative
affairs of the University not otherwise provided for;
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the
Ordinances, the Executive Council shall, in addition to all other powers
vested in it, have the following powers, namely,-
(g) To fix limits on the total recurring and the total non-
recurring expenditure for a year on the recommendations of
the Finance Committee;
12. The Academic Council - (1) Academic Council shall consist of the
following members namely,-
(2) All members of the Academic Council, other than the ex-officio
members, shall hold office for a term of three years;
(3) Ten members of the Academic Council shall form quorum for a
meeting of the Academic Council.
13. Power and functions of the Academic Council - (1) Subject to the
provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Academic
Council shall be in-charge of the academic affairs of the University and
supervise, direct and control, and be responsible for, the maintenance of
standards of instruction, education and examinations and other matters
connected with the obtaining of degrees, diplomas and certificates and shall
exercise such other duties as may be laid down by the or under this Act.
14. Board of Faculties - (1) The University shall have the Faculties of
Technology, Management and such other Faculties as may be prescribed;
(4) there shall be a Board for each Faculty, the constitution and
powers of which shall be prescribed;
(5) there shall be a Dean for each faculty of study who shall be
appointed in such manner and for such period, as may be prescribed;
(6) the Dean shall be the Chairman of the Board of the Faculty and be
responsible for the faithful observance of the statutes and regulations
relating to the Faculty and for the organization and conduct of the teaching,
research and extension work of the departments comprised therein.
(8) the constitution of the Board of faculties and the term of office of
its members shall be prescribed by the Ordinances;
15. Planning Board - (a) the Planning Board shall be the Principal Planning
body of the University and shall be responsible for monitoring the
development of the University on the lines indicated in the objects of the
(b) the Constitution of Planning Board and its powers and functions
shall be such as may be prescribed by the statutes.
16. Finance Committee- (1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the
following members, namely,-
(3) All the members of the Finance Committee, other than ex-officio
members, shall hold office for a term of three years;
(4) The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice every year to
examine the accounts and to scrutinize proposals for expenditure;
(1) (2)
(7) no teacher holding a post lower in rank than the one to which
appointment is to be made, shall be a member of Selection Committee;
19. Appointment for a fixed tenure - The Executive Council may appoint
a person selected in accordance with the procedure laid down in Statute 17
for a fixed tenure on such terms and conditions as it deems fit.
20. Committees - (1) Any authority of the University may appoint as many
standing or special Committees as it may deem fit, and may appoint to such
Committees persons who are not members of such authority;
(2) Any such Committee appointed under clause (1) may deal with any
subject delegated to it subject to subsequent confirmation by the authority
(b) Every teacher and member of the academic staff of the University
shall be appointed by a written contract, the form of which shall be
prescribed by the Ordinances;
(e) There shall be a Board for each faculty, the constitution and
powers of which shall be prescribed;
(f) There shall be a Dean for various faculties who shall be appointed
in such manner and for such period, as may be prescribed;
(g) The Dean shall be the Chairman of the Board of Faculty and be
responsible for the faithful observance of the statutes and regulations
relating to the Faculty and for the organization and conduct of the teaching,
research and extension work of the departments comprised therein;
(i) The age of superannuation for all the persons who are holding
teaching positions on regular employment against sanctioned post shall be
65 years and thereafter no extension of service shall be given. However, it
may be open to the University to re-employ a superannuated teacher up to
the age of 70 years.
23. Research and Extension - (a) the University may establish and
maintain one or more Logistics field experiment stations for research, both
fundamental and applied in all faculties. The Executive Council shall
appoint, in the manner prescribed, a person who had expertise in Logistics
and supply chain field as the Director of Logistics Experiment Stations.
The Director shall institute, guide and coordinate all Logistics and supply
chain research with focus on Logistics and supply chain and be responsible
for the efficient working of such stations;
(b) the University may, at any time, with the approval of the
Government close down, either permanently of temporarily any of the
Logistics and supply chain Experiment Stations specified in sub-clause(a);
24. Seniority List - (a) whenever, in accordance with the Statutes, any
person is to hold on Office or be a member of an authority of the University
by rotation according to seniority, such seniority shall be determined
according to the length of continuous service of such person in his grade,
and in accordance with such other principles as the executive Council may,
from time to time, frame;
(3) Save as aforesaid, the Executive Council or as the case may be, the
appointing authority, shall not be entitled to remove any teacher, member of
the academic staff or other employee except for a good and sufficient
reasons and after giving three months notice or on payment of three months
salary in lieu thereof;
29. Convocations –
Convocations of the University for the conferring of degrees or for
other purposes shall be held in such manner as may be prescribed by the
31. Resignation -
32. Disqualifications -
(1) a person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a
member of any of the authorities of the University:-
(3) The Executive Council shall not have power to amend any draft of
any Ordinance proposed by the Academic Council under clause (2) but may
reject the proposal or return the draft to the Academic Council for re-
consideration, either in whole or in part together with any amendment,
which the Executive Council may suggest;
(4) Where the Executive Council has rejected or returned the draft of
an Ordinance proposed by the Academic Council, the Academic Council may
consider the question afresh and in case the original draft is reaffirmed by a
majority of not les than two-thirds of the members present and voting and
more than half of the total number of members of the Academic Council, the
draft may be sent back to the Executive Council which shall either adopt it
or refer it to the Vice-Chancellor whose decision shall be final;
(5) Every Ordinance made by the Executive Council shall come into
effect immediately;
36. Regulations -
(b) providing for all matters which are required by this Act,
the Statutes or the Ordinance to be prescribed by
(3) The Executive Council may direct the amendment in such manner
as it may specify, or any regulation made under the Statutes or the
annulment of any such regulation.
37. Delegation of powers -
Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, any officer or
authority of the University may delegate his or its powers to any other officer
or authority or person under his or its respective control and subject to the
condition that overall responsibility for the exercise of the powers so
delegated shall continue to vest in the officer or authority delegating such
Secretary to Government (FAC),
Law Department.