Satic Equlibrium

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Static Equilibrium of Forces


The purpose of this lab is to investigate static equilibrium and the component
forces needed to reach it.


A force is a push or pull on an object with mass causing it to change its

velocity. A force is measures in Newtons (N) which can be derived as
(kg/(m/s^2)). This derivation means that the magnitude of a force is
proportional to the mass of an object. Static equilibrium occurs when a
multitude of forces acting on an object cancel each other out resulting in a
net force of 0.

In the following experiment a ring undergoes forces from 3 different masses

in different directions. The ring is not in static equilibrium invariably since
each mass does not have the same magnitude, the angles at which the
forces are applied to the ring is the dependant variable which allows the ring
to be in a state of static equilibrium. The masses connected the ring have
different magnitudes, but they still cancel out due to the direction they are

Observation Table:

Figure a:

Mass 1 Mass 2 Mass 3

Weight (kg) 350 300 250
Angle 45˚ 270˚ 165˚
Net Acceleration of each mass and the ring is 0 m/s 2.
Figure b:

Mass 1 Mass 2 Mass 3

Weight 350 300 c250
Angle 65˚ 290˚ 185˚
Net Acceleration of each mass and the ring is 0 m/s 2.

Vector Scale Diagram

Figure A: Figure B:

Free body diagrams of each mass:

Ft1= 3.43N

Vector Compositions:
Figure A:

Figure B:
For both Firgure A and B the net force in the x direction is surprisingly high. I
can only deduce innacuracy to stem from a mistake while recording the


The experiment was successful in investigating static equilibrium and

the component forces surrounding it. As expected, the static equilibrium is
only possible due to the angles at which the masses are connected to the
ring. The static equilibrium present on the ring is only possible due to the
arrangement at which the masses are connected to the ring. In both figure A
and B the vector composition should show a net force of 0 or very near 0.
The net force on the ring calculated by us was very small but not as close to
0 as expected (<0.02). I believe this error stems from the picture taken to
record the angles might not have been perfectly centered. This would have
caused the reading for the angles to be slightly off.

In the case of a retrial lab, a method that could be used to improve the
lab, is instead of simply changing the angle of each mass by 20 degrees for
figure B. Change only one mass by 20 degrees and let the students discover
that you the rest of the masses only change by 20 degrees as well.

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