Probation Teaching Observation Form FINAL
Probation Teaching Observation Form FINAL
Probation Teaching Observation Form FINAL
This form is to be used to record the outcomes of observations of those who deliver and support learning and teaching. Schools should use this form only to provide
evidence of satisfactory/unsatisfactory completion of probationary periods for new staff.
It is based on a standard common framework consisting of five domains which align with the Higher Education Academy’s (HEA) Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)
to support staff gaining external recognition and accreditation for their teaching, learning support, curriculum and professional activities. The framework is set out in
Appendix 1 and the links are shown for each domain. It should be used alongside the Guidance [link]. Teaching Observations during a probationary period should be
undertaken by a Head of Department, Deputy Head or Head of School.
What are the learning outcomes for the session / materials? How do the learning outcomes for the session relate to the assessment pattern?
How do the learning outcomes relate to module and subject learning Were there any special factors/problems that you took into consideration when
outcomes? planning the session or materials? (please provide planning ahead of the observation)
Are there any particular aspects which you would like to form the basis for discussion in the pre-meeting or on which you would especially appreciate feedback
following the observation?
Pre-observation meeting comments (For probation teaching observations, this should be discussed in a face to face meeting).
Brief comments should be recorded under the following headings. These comments should inform the writing of the overall judgement i.e. if more comments in the emerging
column, then the judgement overall will be emerging and the language used will reflect this. Additionally, not all domains will be commented upon in every teaching
Domain Comments: (These could include professional standards e.g. health professionals)
1. Session content
Shows good command of subject matter as
appropriate for HE level for student group
Observee comments:
Performance summary:
The summary is to be completed at the end of probation,. The summary should include a judgement related to not meeting, meeting or exceeding