Reviewer Maam Kim

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FORMAT AND PARTS OF LESSON the standards by which the performance will be

DESIGNING rated (acceptable performance) .

In a multigrade classroom, a teacher’s day is LEARNING CONTENT

filled with planning. Effective teachers devote
time to creating lesson design as part of their must fully cover what are essential, thus a
job. balance in content and values, significant to the
varying needs and developmental stages of the
THESE ARE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS multigrade students, and can be carried out in
1.LEARNING OBJECTIVES- What do I want the
students to learn and be able to do at the end of this includes a variety of instructional methods,
the class? both traditional and authentic learning. Learning
experiences guide students toward content
2. STUDENTS- What are the academic, social, engagement and assist them learning new skills.
physical, personal, and emotional needs of my Below are the different strategies that can
students in different grade levels? applied in Multi grade class.


students to learn and be able to do at the end of

4. STUDENTS- What are the academic, social, the J.F. Herbart’s instructional ideas which were
physical, personal, and emotional needs of my particularly applicable to instruction had a strong
students in different grade levels? influence on late-nineteenth-century teaching
practices, particularly in the United States where
5. MATERIALS- What instructional materials educational leaders founded the National
and resources do I need for the lesson to be Herbart Society in 1895(Kim,2009)
II. 5 A’S- this four-phase structure is based on
6. STRATEGIES- Which teaching strategies will Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory, which aims
help my students learn the most? to educate students holistically. Learning is the
process by which knowledge is created by
7. GROUPINGS- Should I group in a transforming experience (Kolb, 1984)
heterogenous or homogenous manner?What
should be the size of my groups? III. 3 I’S- this format refers to the three
fundamental steps in supporting teaching and
7. ASSESSMENT- Did my students understand? learning.


INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES this well-known teaching structure includes the
-are statements that outline what the learner will progressive stages of learning which guides the
eventually be able to demonstrate (cognitive, teaching of units, lessons or programs
affective and psychomotor) as a result of the particularly in science and mathematics.
learning engagement. The following objectives V. 4 P’S
have the following characteristics:
this four-step format is appropriate for skill
In summary, objectives indicate a) what the acquisition in physical education, music and art.
learner should be able to accomplish
(performance), b) the circumstances under
which the doing will happen (condition), and c)
- is a form of information tools which is the basis LESSON DESIGNING- A lesson designing is a
of teachers to evaluate the students’ blue print for the teacher or a template for
performance. facilitating a lesson. It is a major pillar of the
educational structure and a center of learning.
- It is also a systematic process that involves (Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2007)
acquiring, arranging, and evaluating data, facts,
and knowledge. -According to Nesai and Heidari, 2014, it
contains the objectives, how the objectives will
- Hill (2022) identified the following information- be fulfilled, and a methodology to assess how
gathering techniques for purposes of evaluation. well the objectives were met. One of the most
OBSERVATION-is an extensive means of important aspects of the educational process is
assessing and evaluating students’ behavior and the lesson design or plan.
learning. It can also provide valuable data to Multigrade Lesson Design- A multigrade
make valid judgements and evaluations. lesson design consist of details pertaining to the
By carefully observing students, the teacher lesson, the outcomes that will be addressed by
learns about each student’s unique, interests, grade levels, the methods that will be used
personality, learning style and learning needs. which involved differentation and groupings, and
the materials and activities that will be included
CHECKLIST- Can give valuable information to engage and assess tha students.
about what students know and can do againts a
set criterion. They can also be used by students Lesson designing
as means of self-evaluation. - is at the heart of effective teaching. It is a
SELF EVALUATION- it the most important part creative process that allows the teacher to map
of students because they are going to assess out curriculum goals into skills and task (Posner,
their own performances againts set criteria. Also 2003). It ensures Continuity of Learning and the
the teacher will now informed of what the integration of skills and knowledge across the
students consider as their stengths and multigrade curriculum.
weaknesses. -a tool for evaluation for instructional approaches
ANECDOTAL NOTES utilized. In other words, careful lesson designing
leads to an effective Multigrade Learning
- Is a teacher’s narration about significant environment.
student behavior which includes student’s
development, interest in learning and work Benefits of Effective Lesson Design:
habits, or exhibited behavior. *It organizes the thoughts of the teacher and
PORTFOLIO coordinates the ideas well which facilitates good
teaching and learning. It equips the teacher with
-Is a compilation of students’ work that creates a general oullines of the goals and the resources
picture of a student’s learning growth. The needed to achieve them.
teacher is able to see the progress of each
student and the areas of learning which need *It saves energy for both the teachers and the
attention.It contains the picture of students’ best students. As a result, It completes the expected
work, anecdotal record, teacher’s observation tasks for both students and teachers and
sheet of the student, assessment records, and develops a sense of order among learners.
more. *It allows the teacher to spend less time in
RATING SCALES- are useful for gathering flipping through the textbooks, worrying about
information about students’ learning. It is created what to do next, or rushing to make photocopies.
according to predetermined criteria.It can use To encourage students to participate in
numbers, word, phrase or letter scales. activities, time is being maximized.
*It improves achievement and increases the recognize individuals differences in learning. It
likehood of providing meaningful learning promotes learning that focuses on enhancing
experences to students. learning rather than for the purpose of promoting
students to the next grade level (Hargreaves,
*It gives the teacher confidence to teach hence, 2001). Here are some key points on assessment
facilitates happy and productive learning. in multigrade classes (The Gambia Teachers'
MONITORING MONITORING ASSESSMENT Handbook on Multi-Grade Teaching, 2008). -
AND ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN must be related to the learning outcomes;-
EVALUATION IN MULTIGRADE CLASSES should be differentiated;-results man be used for
planning strategies to enhance learning;-should
Self-regulate learning (SLR) -students acquire utilize assessment methods that cater to varied
the adaptive and independent learning skills types of students;-should be communicated;
which expectedly improve students motivation, students should know the scoring plan; and -
academic performance and the achievement of should always be purposefully planned.
the learning outcomes. It promotes life long
learning in affective and cognitive domain and it C. Evaluation
enhances the motivation to learn, the reasoning - It is a judgment which a teacher makes to find
and meta-cognitive skills and performance out whether or not the students achieved the
outcomes(Clark 2012) learning outcomes. There are factors that may
For differentiation to be effective, teachers need affect the assessment performance of the
to consider where a student begins in its journey students. It can be because of time constraints,
toward meeting the spected learning outcomes language barrier, or an invalid scoring system. A
(Hattie, 2012b as cited in Tomlinson & Moon, teacher may use student feedback, student
2013). Asessment of student learning is one of work, and her own reflection to evaluate the
the challenges that hamper the use of success of the lesson and or teaching practices.
efferentiated instruction (Shareefa, 2020). (The Gambia's Teachers Handbook on Multi
Grade Teaching, 2008). Evaluation is done to
Monitoring make judgments.
-Constant monitoring or observation is essential PARTNERSHIP-
in multigrade classes. A teacher must be very
observant of all the students who are engaged in  Is defined as an agreement between two
differentiated independent activities. or more people or groups to work
together toward the same goal. When
-This helps the teacher to know the students two parties come together for the
progress in the lesson; to know the time needed common good of a school to enhance
by students to complete given tasks; to enhance student learning, it is called educational
time management, to know the number of pupils partnership (Gurlui, 2015)
who understand the lesson; to know the  IT IS LEARNER-CENTERED
behavior problems that need to be addressed;  IT REACHES DECISIONS THROUGH
and to respond to the difficulties of students. MUTUAL AGRREMENT
When monitoring, the teacher gives enough  ITS PRIMARY FOCUS IS ON
attention and support to all the students (The EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES
Gambia's Teachers' Handbook on Muli-Grade  IT HOLDS A HIGH REGARD FOR
- ln multigrade settings, regular and frequent COMMUNICATING WITH THE
formative assessment is a vital tool in teaching- PARTNERS
learning process (Little, 2005 as cited in  IT DEVELOPS AND USES
Brown, B., 2010). Multigrade settings are STRATEGIES TO RESOLVE
suitable for assessment because teachers CONFLICTS
IMPORTANCE OF PARTNERSHIP Decision Making. Involve parents in
school decision making by nurturing
 Partnerships are established for a parent leaders and representatives.
variety of reasons which include
providing the best education possible, Collaborating with the community.
improving public relations, obtaining Determine and incorporate resources
additional funding, and pursuing a and services from the community to
specific cause or concern. In the case of support school activities and family
many multigrade schools with practices.
insufficient resources, partnerships is of
great importance (Mathot, 2001) Purpose and Methods of Assessment
 Partnerships can help to improve Assessment -is an integral part in the
program quality, make better use of teaching-learning process. Assessments
resources, and align goals and curricula are utilized by teachers for different
(Harvard Family Research Project, reasons or purposes. According to
2010). Aside from directly enhancing SEAMEO-INNOTECH (A review of the
student learning, partnership can also Currennt Situations and Practices of
provide additional benefits to students, Multigrade Schools in the
their families and the community. Philippines ,2020) , assessment results
are used to
- other forms of assistance that were  identify strengths and weaknesses as
provided through partnership are inputs to:
financial assistance for school
• Modify and differentiate teaching and
projects and activities, honoraria for
learning activities;
parent-teacher, hardship allowance
of school teachers, payment of • Determine what was learned by pupils
school utilities bills, feeding or the learning progress of pupils;
programs, school repair and
construction materials, medical • Report the learning outcomes to parents
assistance for pupils, and moral and other stakeholders
• Determine the readiness of learners to
EPSTEIN'S FRAMEWORK OF SIX move to the next competency level
• Measure what a pupil has achieved in
relation of the expected learning
Parenting. Assist all families in creating outcomes;
home conditions that will promote their
• Give feedback to pupils on their learning
students success.
Communicating. Create effective
• Give feedback to teachers regarding
home-in-school and school-to-home
appropriate teaching strategies and
communications about the educational
instructional materials to use; and
experiences of the student.
• Assess the effectiveness of the teaching
Volunteering. Organize and recruit
method used;
parent assistance and support
• Inform decision-makes who review or
Learning at Home. Provide families
evaluate Multigrade schools for
with information and ideas on how to
continous improvement; and
assist students at home.
• Provide quality assurance from both
internal and external sources.
Methods of Assessment

Multigrade teachers must understand that aside

from factual knowledge, pupils also acquire skills
and positive attitudes. Therefore, the teacher
must use varied assessment tools and methods
to assess the pupils’ understanding of the lesson
such as games, assignments, research, tests,
experiments, projects, etc. (The Gambias’s
Teachers’ Handbook on Multi-Grade

Authentic Assessment

-Authentic assessment methods can be used

align with the constructivist teaching approach,
differentiated instruction and self- regulated
teaching strategies utilized in multigrade
classes. Authentic tasks imitate real-world task
challenges and standard performance. Authentic
tasks must “involve students in the actual
challenges, standards, and habits needed for
success in the academic desciplines or in the
workplace” (Koh, 2017).

-Authentic assessment enables students

demonstrate their deep understanding and
higher-order thinking skills. Hence authentic
assessment can effectively assess students 21st
century competencies.

Lesson design

- refers to the process of planning, organizing,

and structuring educational lessons or learning
experiences to achieve specific learning
objectives. It involves carefully considering the
content to be taught, the instructional methods to
be used, the sequence of activities, and the
assessment strategies to evaluate student

Key components

 Learning Objectives

 Content

 Instructional Methods

 Assessment

 Differentiation

 Sequencing

 Resources

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