Reviewer Maam Kim
Reviewer Maam Kim
Reviewer Maam Kim
4. STUDENTS- What are the academic, social, the J.F. Herbart’s instructional ideas which were
physical, personal, and emotional needs of my particularly applicable to instruction had a strong
students in different grade levels? influence on late-nineteenth-century teaching
practices, particularly in the United States where
5. MATERIALS- What instructional materials educational leaders founded the National
and resources do I need for the lesson to be Herbart Society in 1895(Kim,2009)
II. 5 A’S- this four-phase structure is based on
6. STRATEGIES- Which teaching strategies will Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory, which aims
help my students learn the most? to educate students holistically. Learning is the
process by which knowledge is created by
7. GROUPINGS- Should I group in a transforming experience (Kolb, 1984)
heterogenous or homogenous manner?What
should be the size of my groups? III. 3 I’S- this format refers to the three
fundamental steps in supporting teaching and
7. ASSESSMENT- Did my students understand? learning.
Authentic Assessment
Lesson design
Key components
Learning Objectives
Instructional Methods