SHEET Workshop

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Faculty of Technology and Education

Production Technology Department, 2nd Year

Specialized Workshop Practice

Machining Fundamentals

prepared by:
Eng./ Mohamed Almahdy
1. Which is not one of the objectives of industrial safety?
a- increase production. b- educate all c- long duration of work d- reduce workman’s
members regarding the compensation.
safety principles
2. The objectives of industrial safety are
a. The delays in b. increase workman’s c. An accident with d. It is needed to achieve
production compensation. damage, injuries, or better morale of the
loss of lives industrial employees
3. Which is not a type of common accidents?
a. Fatal b. Serious c. Hazard d. Minor
4. An accident with very less damage is called……
a. Fatal b. Serious c. Trivial d. Minor
5. It is an accident with very heavy damage. There may be dead is called……..
a. Fatal b. Serious c. Trivial d. Minor
6. An accident with no damage or injury is called
a. Serious b. Trivial c. Minor d. near accident
7. An accident with heavy damage and lot of injury is called ………
a. Serious b. Trivial c. Minor d. near accident
8. Which is not a direct cost of an accident
a- substitute worker b- compensation c- damaged tools d. treatment
9. Which is not an indirect cost of an accident?
a- lost time b- delays in production c- substitute worker d- damage to machine
10. work is not the place for……….
a- Serious job b- horseplay c- not talk to other persons d- good job
11. work is the place for…….
a- silly tricks b- horseplay c- practical jokes d- a- Serious job
e- Horseplay, practical jokes, in the work are...
a- Okay b- Not dangerous c- Okay if you are d- Always against the
working alone. rules.
12. Do not dry your hands using......
a- clean towels b- driers provided c- hot air dryers d- old rags
13. ……………. should never be used for skin-cleaning purposes;
a- paraffin b- petrol c- Soap d- A and b
14. Select the reasons for slips, trips, and falls...................
a- never throw rubbish b- keep gangways and c- oil or grease is d- wipe the water, oil,
on the floor work area free of metal spilled or grease
bars, components
15. General health and safety precautions......
a- run in the shop. b- take shortcuts c- look out for and obey d- ride on a vehicle not
warning notices and made to carry
safety signs passengers
16. helmets, goggles, gloves, masks is…….
a- material handling b- automatic guards. c- safety devices d- electrical equipment
17. Which is not a safety device
a- helmets b- goggles c- Alarm d- masks

18. do not use ladders with…….
a- damaged b- missing c- loose steps d- all the above
19. It is not a general health and safety precaution to always position ladders.....
a- firm base b- Moving base c- correct angle d- a and c
20. Which is a General Safety Precaution while the machine is in motion?
a- It's not important you b- keep your c- leave your machine d- clean a machine
know how to stop a concentration while unattended while it is while it is in motion
machine before you the machine is in in motion
set it in motion motion
21. What are the personal safety precautions while working on the machine?
a- clean swarf away with b- keep your hair c- wear loose d- wear rings, chains,
your bare hands short. clothing. or watches
22. Which is not a General Safety Precaution while Working in a Workshop?
a- take care not to b- do not allow the c- do not run in the d- do not ensure that all
disturb other unguarded bar to Workshop guards are correctly
machine operators extend beyond the fitted and in position
end of a machine
23. What should not you do when using any harmful substance?
a- find out what to do if b- do not take home any c- do not put liquids or d- do not learn to
it spills onto your clothes which have substances into recognize hazard
hand or clothes become soaked or unlabelled or wrongly warning signs and
damaged with labeled bottles or labels
harmful substances containers
24. .......before connecting or disconnecting any electrical equipment.
a- run b- unblock c- turn on d- switch off
25. ……. wire live conductor.
a- brown b- blue c- green d- yellow
26. ………. wire neutral conductor
a- brown b- blue c- green d- yellow
27. ………. wire earth conductor.
a- brown b- blue c- green d- red
28. it may blow in your face or someone else’s and cause an injury when used........
a- Harmful substances b- Electricity c- compressed air d- Not all the above
29. which of the following is used to exhauster fire?
a- water b- foam c- chemical d- all the above
30. which fire exhauster is suitable for electrical hazards?
a- water b- foam c- chemical d- dry powder
31. which type of fire exhauster must not be used in case of flammable liquids?
a- water b- foam c- CO2 gas d- dry powder
32. which type of fire exhauster must be used in case of flammable metals?
a- water b- foam c- CO2 gas d- dry powder
33. which type of fire exhauster must be used in case of cooking oils?
a- water b- foam c- chemical d- dry powder
34. which type of fire exhauster must not be used in case of freely burning materials?
a- water b- foam c- CO2 gas d- dry powder

35. Which is a General Safety Precaution while Working in a Workshop?
a- take care when using b- smoke in any areas c- do throw rubbish, d- matches and
flammable cigarette ends and cigarettes are not put
substances matches in corners or out before being
under benche them away
36. First aid is not important in workshops.
a- True b- c- d- false
37. have first aid treatment for ........injury.
a- Serious b- Trivial c- Minor d- all the above
38. Signals have red border, white background color with black symbols means……
a- Stop prohibition. b- Fire equipment c- Warning d- Safe condition
39. Signals have red border, white symbol, and text means……
a- Stop prohibition. b- Fire equipment c- Warning d- Safe condition
40. Signals have Yellow border, black symbol, and text means……
a- Stop prohibition. b- Fire equipment c- Warning d- Safe condition
41. Signals have Green border, white symbol, and text means……
a- Stop prohibition. b- Fire equipment c- Warning d- Safe condition
42. Signals have Blue border, white symbol, and text means……
a- Stop prohibition. b- Fire equipment c- Warning d- Mandatory action
43. By which color is the safety symbol related to the prohibition of work depicted?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
44. By which color is the safety symbol related to the Fire equipment of work depicted?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
45. By which color is the safety symbol related to the Warning of Work depicted?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
46. By which color is the safety symbol related to the Safe Condition of Work depicted?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
47. By which color is the safety symbol related to the Mandatory action of Work depicted?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
48. By which color is the safety symbol related to the example of use (escape routes)?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
49. By which color is the safety symbol related to the example of use (indication of hazard)?
a- red b- Yellow c- Green d- Blue
50. By which color is the safety symbol related to the example of use (extinguishers)?
a. red b. Yellow c. Green d. Blue
51. Machine process like…….
a- rolling b- shaping c- casting d- welding
52. Shop press is used for …
a- installing and b- removing ball and roller c- straightening and d- all the above
removing bushings bearings bending
53. The bench vise is not used ……
a- to hold work b- for filing, c- for hacksawing, d- for turning
54. Clamps are used for …
a- Filling b- Chiseling c- Holding work d- Hacksawing

55. Pliers are used for …
a- The slip joint grasps a b- Simple combination c- slip joint pliers d- Not all the above
56. Hard hammers have ………. Heads
a- steel b- Plastic c- Brass d- Lead
57. Soft hammers have ………. Heads
a- Plastic b- Brass c- Copper d- all the above
58. A built-up edge is caused by ........... of soft material.
a- cut dry b- too high cutting e- using chip breaker f- use negative rake
speed angle
59. Punches are useful for drive out …….
a- straight pins b- taper pins c- roll Pins d- all the above
60. Chisels are useful for ….
a- finishing a hole to an b- cutting off rivet heads c- cutting internal d- cutting external
exact dimension and welds thread thread
61. Which is not consists of parts a hacksaw?
a- Frame b- Handle c- Blade d- work piece
62. ……….. are either the solid or adjustable type
a- Frame b- Handle c- Blade d- work piece
63. The adjustable frame can be used with hacksaw blades from ...... to ...... in. in length
a- 0-4 b- 4-8 c- 8-12 d- 12-16
64. hand saw use the ……………. of a workpiece determine to a great extent which pitch blade to use.
a- hardness and thickness b- hardness and length c- Toughness and d- Toughness and length
65. A hand saw should a ……. tooth on soft materials
a- coarse b- Fine c- rough d- tough
66. In hand Hacksaw…….
a- at least two teeth b- fine-tooth blade on soft c- course-tooth blade on d- set of side teeth to
cutting at any time materials harder materials cut wider
67. In wavy set of Hacksaw blade……..
a- fine-toothed blades b- to cut a thin metal c- to reduce d- all are correct
is used vibration
68. Which of the following is a file cut type?
a- Rough b- coarse c- rasp d- bastard
69. Files are not made in lengths …… in.
a- 5 b- 10 c- 15 d- 20
70. Files are manufactured in different cuts ….
a- single b- double c- curved d- all the above
71. File bites easily into……… when checking its machinability.
a- mild steel b- medium carbon steel c- high carbon steel d- tool steel
72. File bites only with extreme pressure into…….. when checking its machinability.
a- low carbon steel b- medium carbon steel c- high carbon steel d- tool steel
73. A rasps files are used with ….
a- Wood b- Aluminum c- Brass d- Plastic
74. Curved tooth files are not used with ….

a- Wood b- Aluminum c- Brass d- Plastic
75. Files vary in their coarseness……
a- rough b- second cut c- dead smooth d- all the above
76. For maximum metal removal a ……………. file is used
a- Single-cut b- double-cut c- rasp d- rough
77. The harder the material should be the …….the strokes
a- slower b- faster c- very slow d- Very fast
78. Have round files are used for ……
a- Internal curves b- External curves c- Small curves d- Enlarge holes
79. Too much pressure on a new file may cause …..
a- Pinning b- Fracture c- Slipping d- Friction
80. A fill doesn't bite into metal except with difficulty, while cutting
a- High-alloy steel b- hardened tool steel c- medium-carbon steel d- mild steel
81. Which is not a reamer is used to…….
a- finish a hole b- hole in an exact c- a hole smooth finish. d- remove a major of
dimension material
82. Taps are used to cut ………. the hole.
a- Internal b- External c- Both internal and d- None of the above
83. A die is used to cut ……….. threads on the surface of a bolt or rod
a- Internal b- External c- Both internal and d- None of the above
84. A surface plate provides….
a- reference plane b- measurements c- both layout and d- all the above
85. The prick punch has an included point angle of …. degrees.
a- 30 b- 45 c- 60 d- 90
86. The center punch has an included point angle of …….. degrees
a- 30 b- 45 c- 60 d- 90
87. Which rake angle produces a stronger tool?
a- a positive rake b- a negative rake c- a zero rake d- both b and c are
88. Which rake angle produces a good surface finish at low cutting speeds
a- a positive rake b- a negative rake c- a zero rake d- both b and c are
89. A thin chip indicates a clean cutting action with a…….
a- rough finish b- built-up edge c- better finish d- negative rake angle
90. The ………. must be made to move into the work material to cut a chip
a- Moving tool b- rotating tool c- stop tool d- Both a and b are
91. An operator who uses ....... feeds and speeds to operate the machine will have a much higher
production rate
a- incorrect b- correct c- unsuitable d- inappropriate
92. Cutting a work by a Lathe is done by turning it against ……..

a- Multi edge cutting tool b- Tool post c- Drill d- Single point cutting
93. Speed Lathe is used for ………..
a- wood working b- threading c- knurling d- taper turning
94. Which is not a part of Speed Lathe?
a- Gear box b- Bed c- Tailstock d- Tool post
95. Which is not a part of Engine Lathe?
a- Hexagonal Turret b- carriage c- lead screw d- feed rod
96. The power in engine lathes may be transmitted by means of …….
a- belt b- electric motor c- gears d- all the above
97. The engine lathe can feed the cutting tool in …….. direction
a- cross b- longitudinal c- Both cross and d- None of the above
98. Bench Lathe is not used for …… work.
a- small b- precision c- Both small and d- None of the above
99. Tool Room Lathe operates with ….
a- wide range of spindle b- small range of spindle c- medium range of d- none of the above
speeds speeds spindle speeds
100. Tool Room Lathe is not used for .....
a- precision work b- dies c- gauges d- small work
101. .................. lathe is used to cut identical parts in the minimum time.
a- Speed b- Turret c- Tool room d- Bench
102. In the turret lathe, the tailstock of an engine lathe is replaced by a .........
a- Hexagonal Turret b- carriage c- lead screw d- feed rod
103. Automatic Lathes are not................
a- high speed b- heavy-duty c- mass production d- complete manual lathes
104. driving dog and catch plates are used to drive a job when it is held ….
a- in a chuck b- between centers c- in a face plate d- collet chuck
105. Chuck is not used for……… objects
a- Short b- cylindrical c- hollow d- mass
106. Angle plates clamped on ……
a- Face plate b- Tree jaw Chuck c- Four jaw chuck d- Magnetic chuck
107. Mandrel is a device used for holding and rotating a ………… job.
a- solid b- square c- cylindrical d- hollow
108. Rest is a lathe device, which ….
a- mounts work between b- supports a long slender c- clamps work on the d- none of the above
two centers work chuck
109. In turning operation, the job is secure1y and rigidly held in the chuck or in …………
a- between centers b- the vice c- C clamp d- Holder
110. Operations in a lathe can not be performed by holding the workpiece between centers or by a chuck are:
a- Taper b- Facing c- Reaming d- grooving
111. Operations in a lathe can be performed by holding the work by a chuck or a faceplate or an angle
plate are:
a- Taper b- Facing c- Reaming d- grooving

112. Operations in a lathe cannot be performed by using special lathe attachments are:
a- shouldering b- necking c- Taper d- drilling
113. A milling machine rotates a ……………………………… into the workpiece.
a- single point cutting b- thousand cutting edges c- multi-toothed cutter d- chuck
tool tool
114. The milling machine is capable of machining ……….
a- flat surfaces, b- slots, c- gears, d- all the above
115. For milling a circular slot……. is used.
a- gang mill b- form mill c- face mill d- rotary table
116. To machine a pocket on milling machine……is used.
a- cutter b- end mil c- face mill d- side mill
117. A radius is machined on a work using milling machine with .....
a- profile mill b- rotary table c- offset boring head d- side mill
118. The work to be machined in milling operation is held in a……
a- vice, b- rotary table, c- an index head, d- all the above
119. Which of the following is not a milling process?
a- Face b- thread c- profile d- gang
120. Calculate the index crank turns to machine a hexagon (6 sides), when using an indexing head with
a 40:1 gear ratio and the available index plate has circles of 25, 28, 30, 34, 37, and 38 holes are ….
a- 6 turns plus 20 holes b- 6 turns plus 20 holes in c- 6 turns plus 20 holes d- 6 turns plus 20 holes
in the 28 hole circle the 34 hole circle in the 38 hole circle in the 30 hole circle
121. …………… is a foundation member for all the other parts of milling machine, which rest upon it
a- Saddle b- Arbor c- Column d- Bed
122. ……………. is placed on the top of the knee and it slides at 90° to the column face
a- Knee b- Saddle c- Table d- Bed
123. ……………. receives power from the motor through belts, gears. and clutches and transmit it to
the arbor.
a- Overhanging arm b- Spindle c- Column d- Saddle
124. ……………is the main supporting member mounted vertically on the base.
a- Overhanging arm b- Spindle c- Column d- Saddle
125. ………………….is a rigid grey iron casting which slides up and down on the vertical ways of the
column face.
a- Knee b- Saddle c- Table d- Bed
126. ………………… rests on ways on the saddle and travels longitudinally.
a- Knee b- Saddle c- Table d- Bed
127. ………….is mounted on the top of the column, which extends beyond the column face and serves
as a bearing support for the other end of the arbor
a- Overhanging arm b- Spindle c- Column d- Saddle
128. ……………is an extra support, which is fitted between the knee and the over-arm to ensure
further rigidity to the arbor and the knee
a- Saddle b- Arbor c- Column d- Front brace
129. …………… an extension of the machine spindle on which milling cutters are securely mounted
and rotated.
a- Saddle b- Arbor c- Column d- Front brace

130. A milling operation is being carried out at a feed f=0.25 mm/tooth and a depth of cut d= 3 mm.
the cutter is D=50 mm in diameter, has 20 straight teeth, rotates at N=200 rpm, and, by definition, is
wider than the block to be machined. Calculate the feed rate (linear speed of workpiece)
a- 1000 m/min b- 500 m/min c- 1500 m/min d- 2000 m/min
131. The index crank turns to machine a gear with 28 teeth, when using an indexing head with a 40:1
gear ratio and the available index plate has circles of 25, 28, 30, 34, 37, and 38 holes is.
a- one turn plus 10 b- one turn plus 10 c- one turn plus 10 d- one turn plus 10
holes in the 25 holes in the 28 hole holes in the 30 holes in the 38 hole
hole circle circle hole circle circle
132. If the milling cutter diameter is 40 mm and the cutting speed is 60 m/min. then the spindle speed
is …….. rpm
a- 477.5 b- 478.5 c- 479.5 d- 480.5
133. In shaper machine tool the arm ………………
a- moves backwards and b- reciprocates c- rotates d- both a and b are
forwards in a straight correct
134. Which is not a shaping operation?
a- V block b- Rack c- Reaming d- Keyway
135. Which is a shaping operation?
a- drilling b- Rack c- Reaming d- Cutting off
136. The shaper is driven using the …………….
a- quick return b- rack and pinion gear c- hydraulic means d- motor
137. several tools can cut simultaneously on the…………..
a- Planner b- milling machine c- shaper d- both a and b are correct
138. In the shaper a ……………… is held in the tool holder.
a- single point cutting b- thousand cutting edges c- multi-toothed cutter d- chuck
tool tool
139. In the Shaper, cutting of material takes place during the …..
a- forward stroke b- return stroke c- reciprocating motion d- rotary motion
140. In the Shaper, the feed is given to the workpiece and depth of cut is adjusted by moving the tool
…………. towards the workpiece.
a- forward b- return c- downward d- upward
141. In standard shaper, the table has only ………………… , to give the feed.
a- horizontal movement b- vertical movement c- both horizontal and d- rotary motion
vertical movements
142. In Universal Shaper the table can be ………..
a- rotated b- swiveled c- reciprocated d- moved
143. Planer is used for machining ………….
a- Heavy workpieces b- large workpieces c- small workpieces d- both a and b are correct
144. Tool heads in both Shaper and Planer can be moved …….
a- up and down b- up c- down d- horizonal
145. the primary motion of the worktable in Planer is normally accomplished by ….
a- a rack and pinion b- a screw and nut c- a hydraulic system d- a quick return

146. grinding makes use of a……………… .
a- single point cutting b- thousand cutting edges c- multi-toothed d- chuck
tool tool
147. Types of surface grinders include: ……….. spindle
a- Horizontal b- Vertical c- Horizontal and d- Not all above
148. Types are not of cylindrical grinders include……………
a- Center-type b- Roll-type c- Internal d- External
149. In roll-type grinder the workpieces are supported…….
a- between centers b- in bearings c- in chuck d- on table
150. In Centerless Grinding the………. controls the spin of the workpiece.
a- work rest b- grinding wheel c- C-regulating d- special attachment
151. …………… especially useful in the grinding of ceramics and tungsten carbide.
a- Aluminum Oxide b- Silicon Carbide c- Cubic Boron Nitride d- diamond
152. ………is especially useful in the grinding of steels.
a- Aluminum Oxide b- Silicon Carbide c- Cubic Boron d- diamond
153. ………produce short carrier lines with many red carbon bursts when held against the grinding
a- cast iron b- high carbon steel c- low carbon steel d- high speed steel
154. …produce straight and yellow carrier lines with small carbon bursts when held against the
grinding wheel
a- cast iron b- high carbon steel c- low carbon steel d- high speed steel
155. Which of the following is not correct for the higher drill helix angle?
a- the smaller the cross- b- the weaker the drill c- the higher the d- the higher the
sectional area of the cutting speed feed rate
156. Higher drill helix angle is used when cutting, ....
a- ferrous metals b- aluminum c- hard materials d- soft sheet metals
157. Straight fluted drills has ................ rake angle.
a- Zero b- 12 c- 30 d- 40
158. Straight fluted drills is used when cutting ................
a- ferrous metals b- aluminum c- hard materials d- soft sheet metals
159. When cutting stronger material (alloy steel), the ........... helix angle must be
a- Zero b- low c- normal d- high
160. Flat angle drill points 135° -150°, Used to drill ......... Materials.
a- ferrous metals b- hard and tough c- plastics d- soft cast iron
161. Which of the following is not a Factor causing early dulling of Drill?
a- feed may be too b- feed may be too light c- drill supported d- drill speed too high
heavy properly
162. Which of the following is not a typical drilling operation?
a- countersinking b- counterboring c- V grooved d- sanding
163. Which of the following is used for drilling large, heavy workpieces that are difficult to move?
a- Radial drill b- upright drill c- gang drill d- center drill

164. Which of the following is not a Factor causing early dulling of Drill?
a- feed may be too heavy b-feed may be too light c-drill supported properly d-drill speed too high

1. A 150-mm-long, 12.5-mm-diameter 304 stainless-steel rod is being reduced in
diameter to 12.0 mm by turning on a lathe. The spindle rotates at N = 400 rpm, the tool
is traveling at an axial speed of 200 mm/min and the product of torque=3.1N.m.
Calculate the cutting speed, material-removal rate, cutting time, power dissipated, and
cutting force.

2. A cylindrical work-part 200 mm in diameter and 700 mm long is to be turned in an

engine lathe. Cutting speed = 2.30 m/s, feed = 0.32 mm/rev, and depth of cut = 1.80
mm. Determine (a) cutting time, and (b) metal removal rate.

3. A 15 in-long, 6-in-diameter 304 stainless-steel rod is being reduced in diameter to 5.78

in by turning on a lathe. The spindle rotates at N = 180 rpm, and the tool is traveling at
an axial speed of 100 in/min and the product of torque=27.41 in*lbf. Calculate the
cutting speed, material-removal rate, cutting time, power dissipated, and cutting force

4. A4.00-in-diameter workpiece that is 25 in long is to be turned down to a diameter of

3.50 in, using one passe on an engine lathe using a cutting speed = 300 ft/min, feed =
0.015 in/rev and depth of cut = 0.125 in, and the product of torque=27.41 in*lbf.
Calculate the material-removal rate, cutting time, power dissipated, and cutting force

5. A 200-mm-long, 15-mm-diameter 304 stainless-steel rod is being reduced in diameter

to 14.5 mm by turning on a lathe. The spindle rotates at N = 630 rpm, the tool is traveling
at an axial speed of 250 mm/min and the product of torque=7N.m. Calculate the cutting
speed, material-removal rate, cutting time, power dissipated, and cutting force.

6. A slab-milling operation is being carried out on a 300 mm long, 100 mm wide annealed
mild-steel block at a feed f=0.25 mm/tooth and a depth of cut d= 3 mm. the cutter is
D=50 mm in diameter, has 20 straight teeth, rotates at N=100 rpm, and, by definition, is
wider than the block to be machined. Calculate the material removal rate, estimate the
power and torque required for this operation, and calculate the cutting time.

7. Refer to the figure, assume that D=150 mm, w=60 mm, L= 500 mm, d=3 mm, v=0.6
m/min, and N=100 rpm. The cutter has 10 inserts, and the workpiece material is a high-
strength aluminum alloy. Calculate the material removal rate, cutting time, and feed per
tooth, and estimate the power required.

8. A peripheral milling operation is performed on the top surface of a rectangular work-

part which is 400 mm long x 60 mm wide. The milling cutter, which is 80 mm in
diameter and has five teeth, overhangs the width of the part on both sides. Cutting speed

= 70 m/min, chip load = 0.25 mm/ tooth, and depth of cut = 5.0 mm. Determine (a) the
actual machining time to make one pass across the surface and (b) the maximum
material removal rate during the cut.

9. A face milling operation is used to machine 6.0mm from the top surface of a rectangular
piece of aluminum 300 mm long by 125 mm wide in a single pass. The cutter follows a
path that is centered over the workpiece. It has four teeth and is 150 mm in diameter.
Cutting speed = 2.8 m/s, and chip load =0.27 mm/tooth. Determine (a) the actual
machining time to make the pass across the surface and (b) the maximum metal removal
rate during cutting.

10. A slab milling operation is performed on the top surface of a rectangular steel workpiece
12.0 in long by 2.5 in wide. The helical milling cutter, which has a 3.0 in diameter and
ten teeth, is set up to overhang the width of the part on both sides.

11. Cutting speed is 125 ft/min, feed is 0.006 in/tooth, and depth of cut = 0.300 in.
Determine (a) the actual machining time to make one pass across the surface and (b) the
maximum metal removal rate during the cut. (c) If an additional approach distance of
0.5 in is provided at the beginning of the pass (before cutting begins), and an over-travel
distance is provided at the end of the pass equal to the cutter radius plus 0.5 in, what is
the duration of the feed motion.

12. A slab-milling operation will take place on a pert 300 mm long and 40 mm wide. A
helical cutter 75 mm in diameter with 10 teeth will be used. If the feed per tooth is 0.2
mm/tooth and the cutting speed is 0.75 m/sec, find the machining time and metal
removal rate for removing 6 mm from the surface of the part.

13. Estimate the time required to machine a cast iron surface 250 mm long and150 mm wide
on a shaper with cutting-to return ratio of 3/2. Use a cutting speed of 21 m/min, a feed
of 2 mm/double stroke and a clearance of 25 mm.

14. Find the machining time required for machining the surface 600 × 800 mm, on a shaping
machine. Assume, cutting speed as 8 m/min. The return to cutting time ratio is 1:4, and
the feed is 2 mm/double stroke. The clearance at each end is 70 mm.

15. Estimate the time required to machine a cast iron surface 250 mm long and150 mm wide
on a shaper with cutting-to return ratio of 3/2. Use a cutting speed of 21 m/min, a feed
of 2 mm/stroke and a clearance of 25 mm. The available ram strokes on the shaper are:
28, 40, 60 and 90 strokes/min. Also, determine MRR assuming depth of cut as 4 mm.

16. while shaping a work, the length of stroke is 240 mm. the number of double strokes per
minute is 30 and the ratio of return time to cutting is 2:3 calculate the cutting speed of
the shaper

17. A plate of 600 mm x 600 mm is to be machined on a shaper by a HSS cutting tool. The
cutting speed of the tool is 10 m/min, the return to cutting ratio is 1:4, the feed of tool is
2 mm and clearance at each end is 60 mm. find the time required for taking a complete
cut on the plate

18. Use simple indexing to calculate the number of tums the index crank must be rotated to
obtain 76 teeth of a gear blank on which are to be cut, the following index-plates are
Plate 1: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Plate 2: 21, 23, 27, 29, 31 and 33.

19. Use simple indexing to calculate the number of tums the index crank must be rotated to
obtain 62 teeth of a gear blank on which are to be cut, the following index-plates are
Plate 1: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Plate 2: 21, 23, 27, 29, 31 and 33.

20. Differentiate between Up-milling and Down-milling?

21. What are the differences between Shaper and Planer?

22. List the most shaping operations.

23. List some Grinding Wheel Safety Rules.

24. Explain the meaning of each of the marking system of the Grinding Wheel

a- A 300 B 15 R
a- A 10 Z 12 B
b- C 150 B 15 s
c- C 300 Y 2 E
d- D 150 z M 3

‫مع أطيب األمنيات بالتوفيق والنجاح‬


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