Atc 5 Amops
Atc 5 Amops
Atc 5 Amops
Name of Work: Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at Shaheed Bhagat Singh
International Airport, Chandigarh
This Notice Inviting e-Tender Document Contains Pages serially numbered excluding index & cover page.
(Bid Manager)
Page 2 of 166
1. Item rate tenders are invited through GeM portal by Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL, Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh on
behalf of Chairman, CHIAL, from registered Firms / Companies / specialized agencies
/ Contractors having experience, for the work of “Facility Management Services
(Upkeeping) at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh” at an
estimated cost of Rs. 28,10,14,108.00 with period of completion of Three (03) years.
The original documents against EMD (if applicable) should be Speed Post to the
concerned officials as specified in the tender document. The same should reach to
O/o Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL, Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport,
Chandigarh, New Civil Air Terminal Mohali-140306, positively as per critical dates
mentioned at Point no 5 (Pg no. WNIT 10). The details of original documents
physically sent, should tally with the details available in the scanned copy and the
data entered during bid submission time.
2. Following two envelopes shall be submitted through on-line GeM -portal by the
bidder. Last date and time of submission of bids (Envelope I & II) is as per critical
dates mentioned in Point No. 5 (Pg no. WNIT 10).
Envelope-I: - Containing EMD, Pre Qualifying requirements (PQ) & Technical Bid
of Contractor / Firm: -
Page 3 of 166
data in support of their meeting each criteria mentioned below in the portal. Hard copy
of application shall not be entertained.
i) Agency specialized in the similar nature of work and registered with Registrar of
Companies / Firms / Central Govt. / State Govt. as the case may be and having
Permanent Account Number.
ii) The Bidder should have experience of similar works (definition of similar works
as below) during the last seven years ending on 30.09.2024. The bidder has to
submit the relevant work experience certificates to the tune of 03 works each of
Rs. 3,74,68,548.00 (or) 02 works each of Rs. 4,68,35,685.00 (or) 01 work of Rs.
7,49,37,095.00 in last 07 years.
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value
of work, date of start, date of completion as per agreement / status of ongoing
work. Firms showing work experience certificate from non-government / non-
PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at sources certificate in
support of their claim for having experience of stipulated value of work.
iii) Should have annualized average financial turnover of Rs. 2.81 crores against
works executed during last three years ending 31.03.2024. As a proof, CA
attested copy (with UDIN) of Abridged Balance Sheet along with Profit and
Loss Account Statement of the firm should be submitted along with the
application. Firms showing continuous losses during the last three years in the
balance sheet shall be summarily rejected.
iv) The Bidders to submit the proof of the owning the machineries OR Hire
agreement with the Equipment Owners (On Stamp Paper of Rs 100/-) as
mentioned in Annexure –A.
v) Scanned copy of EMD (if Applicable).
vi) The Unconditional Acceptance of CHIAL’s Tender Conditions as per
Annexure-1 of GCC
vii) Undertaking regarding Debarment/Blacklisting as per Annexure-8 of GCC
viii) Integrity pact as per Annexure-5 of GCC.
ix) All documents issued/attested by Charted accountant shall have UDIN. Any
document issued/attested by Charted accountant without UDIN shall not be
B. Technical Bid:-
Documents for Technical Evaluation (Segregated type) having separate file of
each criteria including soft copy of presentation in PPT(<15slides).
Page 4 of 166
i) Scanned copy of Demand Draft/Bankers cheque/Insurance Surety Bond / BG
against EMD with copy of (as per Annexure-6 of GCC) along with letter of
undertaking (as per Annexure-7 of GCC).
The technical bids of qualifying bidders (i.e. only those, who fulfill the complete PQ
criteria as per tender conditions) shall be evaluated based on the available documents
submitted by the bidder. To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the
bids, and qualification of the bidders, the client may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a
clarification of its bid. Any clarification submitted by a bidder that is not in response to a
request by the client shall not be considered. The client’s request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing.
If a bidder does not provide clarifications of its bid by the date and time set in the Client’s
request for clarification, its bid may be rejected.
Client also reserves right to seek confirmation/clarification from the issuer agency, on the
supporting documents submitted by the bidder.
1. The Client shall follow the system where the technical bid and financial bid shall be
evaluated separately.
2. The technical bid evaluation shall be done based on the following criteria:
3. During the technical evaluation stage, each bidder shall be assigned different marks out of
a total of 100 marks, as per the criteria specified below:
Page 5 of 166
02 Scale & Size 15 (a) Single work of similar nature Similar nature works mean –
of Operations work more than 9.37 crores during Mechanized cleaning of airport
awarded work duration- (15 terminals, non-residential PSU
Marks) / Govt. office buildings, MNC
Buildings/ Cyber city,
(b) Single work of similar nature shopping malls / complex,
work is 7.03 cr to 9.37 cr during Five Star Hotels,
awarded work duration – (10 Multispecialty Hospitals,
Marks) metro rail premises,
Embassies buildings,
(c) Single work of similar nature Supreme court of India / High
work is 4.68 cr to less than 7.03 cr court buildings, Parliament/
during awarded work duration - Vidhan Sabha buildings.
(05 Marks)
Client certificate for experience
(d) Single work of similar nature should show the nature of work
work is less than 4.68 cr during done, the value of work, date of
awarded work duration – (02 start, date of completion as per
Marks) agreement / status of ongoing
04 Manpower on 15 (a) Overall manpower on roll more Manpower on roll will be all
Roll than 2040 nos. - (15 marks) employees on the books of the
company on the date of release
(b) Overall manpower on roll is of the tender
1020 to 2040 nos. - (10 Marks)
Duly CA audited statement (with
(c) Overall manpower on roll is UDIN) of manpower wages/
510 nos. to less than 1020 nos. - manpower roll for the previous
(05 Marks) four quarters to be submitted as
Page 6 of 166
part of the technical bid.
(d) Overall manpower is less than
510 nos. - (02 Marks) For winning contractor, EPFO
Challan /bank account statement
in support of available
manpower (duly submitted to
EPFO) in respect of the previous
four quarters may be verified
during award of contract.
Inability to produce the same will
lead to blacklisting of agency
from future CHIAL MESS
06 Possession of 15 (a) If Invoice Value / Invoice value The Bidders to submit the proof
Machinery of Rented of Machinery more than of the owning the
72.73 lakhs - (15 Marks) machineries i.e.
"CA certificate (with
(b) If Invoice Value / Invoice value UDIN) showing total Invoice
of Rented of Machinery is 36.36 value of machineries as
lakhs to 72.73 lakhs - (10 Marks) mentioned in Annexure-
A on31.03.2024”
(c) If Invoice Value / Invoice value OR
of Rented of Machinery is 18.18 "Hire/Rent/Lease agreement
lakhs to less than 36.36 lakhs – with the Equipment Owners (On
(05 Marks) Stamp Paper of Rs 100/-) with
details of the Rent
(d) If Invoice Value / Invoice value Value of machineries and detail
of Rented of Machinery is less of invoice value of machinery as
than 18.18 lakhs - (03 Marks) mentioned in Annexure-A on
1) In case of Rented Machinery,
bidder has to submit CA
Certified proof (with UDIN) of
payment made towards rent.
2) All machines should be in the
possession of bidder and
should not be more than 05
years old. Hydraulic Aerial
Access platform/ Z Boom /
Crawler Boom Lift should not be
more than 7 years old.
07 Presentation 10 'Presentation by the firm on the 'Presentation will be evaluated
work to be done; by a panel appointed by CHIAL
on the aspects defined in scoring
(a) Work plan methodology criteria
(Chemicals / Machinery /
Manpower) with cleaning plan for Bidders are encouraged to study
critical areas of referred airport the referred airport and also
suggest improvements for
(b) New Technology usage / upkeep. Bidder is supposed to
Innovations in Housekeeping explicitly detail out work plan of
chemical usage (make and
Page 7 of 166
(c) Worker retention / incentive monthly consumption quantity),
plan manpower deployment (quantity
and qualifications) as well as
machinery plan (no. of machines
and make) in the presentation.
4. i) Bidder who score 75 or more marks (out of 100) in Technical Evaluation shall be
technically qualified and only their Financial Bid shall be opened. Work shall be awarded to
the bidder with lowest financial quote.
5. The Bidder shall be required to submit attested scan copies of the relevant documents in
support of para 3 in addition to the documentary evidences for (PQQ documents) in Envelop
–I for being considered during technical evaluation.
6. A substantially responsive bid shall be one that meets the requirements of the bidding
document in totality. The technical bid not meeting the minimum requirements as per the
tender documents shall be rejected and their financial proposals will be returned unopened.
(i) The responsiveness of the bid, i.e. receipts of duly filled, signed and accepted bid
documents in complete form, including Authorization letter.
(iv) Any other documents as required to support the responsiveness of the bidder, as per
7. The bidder who qualified in the technical evaluation stage shall only be considered for
opening of financial bids. Client shall intimate the bidders, the time / venue for the financial
Bid opening.
8.1 The Financial Bids of all the technically qualified Bidders shall be opened on the
appointed date and time in presence of the qualified bidders / their authorized
representatives, who choose to be present at the time of opening of the financial bids.
8.2 Absence of bidders or their authorized representatives shall not impair the legality of
the process.
Page 8 of 166
8.3 The financial bid price, as indicated in the financial bid submission form of each bidder
shall be read out on the spot, however, it shall be clearly stated that the final financial
bid price would be arrived at after detailed scrutiny /correction of arithmetical error in
the financial bid.
8.4 Work shall be awarded to the bidder with lowest financial quote
8.5 Bidders are required to upload “Item wise Price Breakup of quoted amount" on GeM
portal as per the format failing which, the bid will be rejected. Bidders to note that this
price breakup shall not be a part of L1 evaluation. However, the price breakup
document uploaded by the bidder will be considered as part of the contract.
8.6 If the total quoted amount (sum of Item-wise Price Breakup) of the bidder is different
from their quoted amount on GeM portal, then bidder shall be disqualified.
8.7 If bidder’s total quoted cost is less than the total cost of manpower specified in tender
document / agreed during presentation (as per minimum wages inclusive of PF, ESI
and Bonus) plus applicable GST, then bidder shall be disqualified.
8.8 If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.
Envelope-II: - The Financial e- Bid shall be submitted in "Items" section of GeM portal.
Unconditional rebate i.e. header discount (%) if any is to be put in "Bid Invitation Information
Price Component" section only.
3. Original document against EMD (if applicable) to be sent to O/o Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL, Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh on or before
the date and time as specified in the tender document. Tender of the tenderers whose
EMD (if applicable) are not received by the time as specified in the tender document,
then their tenders will be summarily rejected. Any postal delay will not be entertained.
4. Bid Opening process is as below: Bids shall be submitted online only at GeM portal.
Page 9 of 166
separate file of each criteria including soft copy of presentation in PPT(<15slides).
Envelope 1 opening date is as mentioned in critical dates mentiond point no 5 (Pg no.
WNIT 10). (Any changes in the opening date shall be intimated).
If any clarification is needed from the bidder about the deficiency in his
uploaded documents in Envelope – I, he will be asked to provide it
through GeM portal. The bidder shall upload the requisite clarification / documents
within specified time by CHIAL, failing which the tender will be liable to be rejected.
Envelope-II: The financial bids of the contractors / firms found to be meeting the
qualifying requirements and technical criteria shall be opened as per critical dates
mentioned in point no 5. (Depending on Technical Bid evaluation any changes in the
date shall be intimated through GeM Portal).
Date of
Time in IST
Sl. No. Acitivity Start
1 Publishing Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
Bid Document Download / Sale start Date
1700 Hrs
2 (Next day of publishing date) 17-Oct-24
3 Clarification Start Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
4 Clarification End Date 31-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
5 Bid Submission Start Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
6 Bid Submission End Date 7-Nov-24 1700 Hrs
Last date and time of submission of original
1700 Hrs
7 document against EMD. 14-Nov-24
Opening of envelope- I (Eligibility &
8 Technical bids) on the GeM-portal 15-Nov-24
Opening of envelope II, Financial Bids on Will be intimated on the
9 GeM- portal of eligible bidders Gem portal
6. CHIAL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning
any reason. CHIAL also reserves the right to call off the process of tendering at any
stage without assigning any reason.
7. CHIAL reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at
ongoing project (s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of
restrain/Temporary or Permanent debarment/blacklisting by any department of
CHIAL/AAI/MoCA/DoE (Debarment applicable for all Ministries/Departments). CHIAL
reserves the right to verify the credential submitted by the tenderer at any stage
(before or after the award the work). If at any stage, any information/ documents
submitted by the applicant is found to be incorrect/false or have some discrepancy
which disqualifies the tenderer then CHIAL shall take the following action:
Page 10 of 166
ii) The agency shall be liable for debarment from the tendering in CHIAL, apart
from any other appropriate contractual / legal action.
8. No contract of any kind whatsoever shall be placed to debarred firm including its allied
firms after the issue of a debarment order by the CHIAL/AAI/MoCA/DoE (Debarment
applicable for all Ministries/Departments). Bids from only such firms shall be
considered for placement of contract, which are neither debarred on the date of
opening of tender (first bid, normally called as technical bid, in case of two packet/two
stage bidding) nor debarred on the date of contract. Even in the cases of risk
purchase, no contract should be placed on such debarred firms.
If case, any debar firms has submitted the bid, the same will be ignored. In case such
firm is lowest (L-1), next lowest firm shall be considered as L-1. Bid security submitted
by such debarred firms shall be returned to them.
Contracts concluded before the issue of the debarment order shall, not be affected by
the debarment Orders.
The terms “banning of firm”, ‘suspension’, ‘Black-Listing’ etc. convey the same
meaning as of “Debarment".
9. Consortium /Joint Ventures companies shall not be permitted. No single firm shall be
permitted to submit two separate applications.
10. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per
the directives of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
11. If the entity participation in any of the tenders is a private or public limited company.
Partnership firm or proprietary firm and any of the Directors / Partners of such
company is also a director of any other company or partner of a concern or a sole
proprietor having established business with CHIAL and has outstanding dues payable
to Authority, then the said entity shall not be allowed to participate in CHIAL tenders.
(Bid Manager)
For Chairman
Chandigarh International Airport Limited,
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh
Page 11 of 166
7 High Pressure Jet Machine (with Foaming, Rinsing & Vacuuming function)
8 Hydraulic Aerial Access platform / Z Boom / Crawler Boom Lift (self-propelled
battery operated, workable height at least 17 mtrs)
9 Aluminum Dual Mast (Electrical) Aerial work platform, or Scissor Lift height at
least 12 mtrs
1) All machines should be in the possession of bidder and should not be more than 05
years old. Hydraulic Aerial Access platform/ Z Boom / Crawler Boom Lift should not be
more than 7 years old.
Page 12 of 166
Annexure B
Name of work: Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at Shaheed Bhagat Singh
International Airport, Chandigarh
SN NIT Parameter Particulars of firm/contractor
1 Name and address of the firm/contactor.
2 PAN no of the firm. ………..(Documents enclosed
herewith at appendix -----)
3 Contractor’s registration / proof as Specialized Agencies / ……………..(Documents
Contractors in Mechanised cleaning & sweeping enclosed herewith at appendix
4 The Bidder should have experience of similar works …………...(Documents
(definition of similar works as below) during the last seven enclosed herewith at appendix
years ending on 30.09.2024. The bidder has to submit the -----)
relevant work experience certificates to the tune of 03
works each of Rs. 3,74,68,548.00 (or) 02 works each of Rs.
4,68,35,685.00 (or) 01 work of Rs. 7,49,37,095.00 in last 07
Similar nature works mean – Mechanized cleaning of
airport terminals, non-residential PSU / Govt. office
buildings, MNC Buildings/ Cyber city, shopping malls /
complex, Five Star Hotels, Multispecialty Hospitals, metro
rail premises, Embassies buildings, Supreme court of
India / High court buildings, Parliament/ Vidhan Sabha
Page 13 of 166
Page 14 of 166
7. Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings
and satisfy themselves before submitting their Tenders as to the nature of
the work (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the
means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require, working
conditions including space for stacking of materials, installation of T & P,
rates of various materials to be incorporated in works, conditions affecting
accommodation and movement of labours etc. and in general shall
themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and
other circumstances which may influence or effect their Tender. A Tenderer
shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or
not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise
shall be allowed.
10. All rates shall be quoted in item section on GeM portal as Envelope II (Price
Page 15 of 166
11. In the case of item rate Tenders only rates quoted shall be considered. Any
tender containing percentage below / above the rates quoted is liable to be
12. As this tender is an Item rate Tender, rates for all items quoted shall only
be considered. Any tender containing percentage below / above the total
estimated cost is liable to be rejected. Tenderers which propose any
alteration in the works specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in
the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other
conditions of any sort including conditional rebates will be summarily
13. EMD of the value of as given in Schedule-A of the tender (GCC) shall be
accepted online in CHIAL bank account or offline as Demand Draft /
Bankers Cheque / Bank Guarantee (BG) from Nationalized or scheduled
bank (but not from co- operative or Gramin bank) (if applicable).
For the earnest money deposit (EMD) submitted through online in CHIAL
bank account offline as Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque / Bank Guarantee
(BG)(if applicable) of value as stipulated in the GCC, a scanned copy shall
be submitted in relevant section on the GeM portal.
Note: EMD in the form of Cash or any other form shall not be accepted.
Vendors shall also note that they are not required to contact any CHIAL
employee or submit any documentary evidence of submission of EMD via
Bank Transfer in the form of RTGS/NEFT to any CHIAL employee during
the process of the tender.
The Tenders of the bidders who fail to submit the original documents
towards EMD before the stipulated time shall be rejected outright.
Refund of EMD
Page 16 of 166
lowest or, any tender or to give any reason for his decision.
15. A responsive bidder is one who submits priced Tender and accepts all
terms and conditions of the specifications and contract documents.
16. The Accepting Authority reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole
or any part of the Tender and Tenderer shall be bound to perform the same
at his quoted rates.
17. Chandigarh International Airport Limited will return the earnest money
where applicable to every unsuccessful Tenderer except as provided in the
Tender documents.
19. The Tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in Chandigarh
International Airport Limited responsible for award and execution of
contracts, in which his near relative is posted as Manager or Sr. Officer in
any capacity. He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working
with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are
near relatives to any officer in Chandigarh International Airport Limited/AAI.
Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be
debarred from Tendering for next 2 years.
20. The contractors shall give a list of CHIAL/AAI employees related to him.
22. The Tender for works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 180
days from the date of opening of Tenders. If any Tenderer withdraws his
Tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and
conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable to the Department, then
Chandigarh International Airport Limited shall without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money
Page 17 of 166
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative.
24. A tenderer shall submit the tender which satisfies each and every condition
laid down in this notice failing which the Tender will be liable to be rejected.
Also if the credential submitted by the firm found to be incorrect or have
some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then the CHIAL shall take the
following action:
25. All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies payable under
respective statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (46th
Amendment Act. 1982, if any further tax or levy is imposed by Statute, after
the last stipulated date for the receipt of tender including extensions if any
and the contractor there upon necessarily and properly pays such taxes /
levies, the contractor shall be reimbursed the amount so paid, provided
such payments, if any, is not, in the opinion of the Airport Director or his
authorised representative (whose decision shall be final and binding on the
contractor) attributable to delay in execution of work within the control of the
b) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such
further tax or levy, pursuant to the Constitution (46th amendment) Act 1982,
give a written notice thereof to the Airport Director or his authorised
representative that the same is given pursuant to this condition, together
with all necessary information relating thereto.
27. This notice of Tender shall form part of the contract documents. The
successful Tenderer / contractor, on acceptance of his Tender by the
Accepting Authority, shall within 15 days from the date of award of work sign
the contract consisting of Notice inviting Tenders, General conditions of
contract, special / additional condition, General and particular specifications,
Tender conditions as issued at the time of invitation of Tender and
acceptance thereof with any correspondence leading there to.
Page 18 of 166
The Accepting Authority reserves to himself the right to allow to the public
enterprises purchase preference facilities as admissible under the existing
policy on the date of opening of tender.
29. The CHIAL reserves the right to ask for submission of sample in respect of
material for which the tenderer has quoted his rates before the tender can
be considered for acceptance. If the tenderer who is called upon to do so
does not submit samples within 7 (Seven) days of written order to do so,
CHIAL shall be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money absolutely
and reject the tender.
The agency shall advise the branch of the bank issuing bank guarantee to
send the original Bank guarantee directly to the Chandigarh International
Airport Limited (CHIAL) under Registered Post (A.D). However, in
exceptional cases, where the guarantee is to be handed over by agency to
the CHIAL for any genuine reasons, the branch shall immediately send by
Registered Post (A.D) an unstamped duplicate copy of the guarantee
directly to the CHIAL with a covering letter with request to compare the
same with the original received from their customer and confirm that it is in
order. The agency shall also advise the issuing bank branch to incorporate
the address etc. of the Regional / Controlling Branch of the issuing Branch
in a suitable space in the Bank Guarantee. The A.D card shall be kept with
relevant guarantee.
The agency shall also advise the issuing bank branch that whenever any
letter is issued by CHIAL to the concerned Bank Branch, for confirmation of
having issued the guarantee, Branches must send the confirmation letter to
the concerned authorities promptly without fail.
31. The rate quoted by the agency shall be in Indian rupees only and inclusive
of all the taxes & duties, what so ever including excise duty, VAT / sales
tax, labour, cess, octroi, if any, work contract tax, applicable custom duties,
labour, tool and plants, packing freight / transportation of items up to the
Airport / place of working i/c insurance up to the site, loading, unloading
and hoisting arrangement for installation, testing of machinery including the
fee (s) payable for obtaining the statutory license / approval etc. from the
concerned departments including GST. Applicable GST paid by the agency
for this work will be paid by CHIAL on actual basis on production of
documentary evidence.
Page 19 of 166
33. The current intended contract is a composite contract involving material and
labours both. Such contracts involving transfer of property in goods in the
execution of the contract are deemed as sale transactions / works contracts
and differ from procurement of services and goods.
Hence, the contract has not been considered for Concessions to Micro &
Small Enterprises (MSEs) as per the provisions of Public Procurement
Policy on procurement of goods & services issued vide Gazette of India No.
503 dated 26.03.2012.
The contract period is 03 years or the date of transfer of the airport under
the PPP mode / O&M contract. The contract may be terminated with a
termination notice of 30 days without any liabilities to CHIAL on account of
anything else what so ever.
“The Authority agrees that during the Contract Period, in the event the
Authority transfers the rights to operate and maintain the Airport to a third
party(s), the Authority shall ensure that;
The rights and obligations under or pursuant to all contracts and other
arrangements entered into in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement between Authority and Contractor shall be vested in such third
For and on behalf of
Chief Executive Officer
Chandigarh International Airport Limited
Page 20 of 166
Item Rate Tender & Contract for Work
Item rate ‘e’ - Tender for the work of ” Facility Management Services (Upkeeping)
at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh ” by HOD(OPS),
CHIAL for and on behalf of Chairman, CHIAL.
Date of
Time in IST
Sl. No. Acitivity Start
1 Publishing Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
Bid Document Download / Sale start Date
1700 Hrs
2 (Next day of publishing date) 17-Oct-24
3 Clarification Start Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
4 Clarification End Date 31-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
5 Bid Submission Start Date 17-Oct-24 1700 Hrs
6 Bid Submission End Date 7-Nov-24 1700 Hrs
Last date and time of submission of original
1700 Hrs
7 document against EMD. 14-Nov-24
Opening of envelope- I (Eligibility &
8 Technical bids) on the GeM-portal 15-Nov-24
Opening of envelope II, Financial Bids on Will be intimated on the
9 GeM- portal of eligible bidders Gem portal
Bid Manager
Page 21 of 166
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, Specifications applicable, General
Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, Clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of
Rates & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in
the tender document for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the CHANDIGARH INTERNATIONAL
AIRPORT LIMITED within the time specified in Schedule and in accordance in all respects with the
Rules and Directions Conditions of contract and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far
as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the date of opening of financial bid and
not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs. 18,73,428.00 (Rupees Eighteen Lakhs Seventy-Three Thousand Four Hundred and
Twenty eight only) is hereby forwarded in form of receipt of a demand draft/ Bank Guarantee (where
applicable), of a Nationalised or any scheduled bank (but not from co-operative or gramin bank) as
earnest money. If I/we, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period,
I/we agree that the said CHIAL. or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/ we fail to commence
work as specified, I/we agree that CHIAL. or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the
performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him
towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms
and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, up
to maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule and those in excess of that limit at the rates to
be determined in accordance with the provision contained in clause 10.1 10.2 of General Rules &
Direction of the tender form. Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both
Earnest Money & Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the
re-tendering process of the work.
I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents and other records connected with the
work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/derived there from to
any person other than a person to whom I/we am/are authorised to communicate the same or use the
information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.
Signatures of Contractor
Postal Address
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All work proposed for execution by contract were notified in a form of invitation to tender
pasted in public places and signed by the officer inviting tender or by publication in
Newspapers or publication on GeM Portal. This form will state the work to be carried out, as
well as the date for submitting and opening tenders and the time allowed for carrying out
the work, also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the Bid/tender, and
the amount of the security deposit and Performance guarantee to be deposited by the
successful Tenderer and the percentage, if any, to be deducted from bills.
2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by
each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his
behalf by a person holding a power-of-attorney authorizing him to do so, such power of
attorney to be produced with the tender, and it must disclose that the firm is duly
registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1952.
3. Receipts for payment made on account of work, when executed by a firm, must also be
signed by all the partners, except where contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in
which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners, or by
some other person having due authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
4. Any person who submits an ‘e’ - tender shall follow the customized format of e-portal to
submit their rates, stating at what rate he is willing to undertake each item of the work.
Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to
tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other
conditions of any sort, including conditional rebates, will be summarily rejected. No
single tender shall include more than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for two
works shall submit separate tender for each.
5. The rate(s) must be quoted in decimal coinage. Amounts must be quoted in full rupees by
ignoring fifty paise and considering more than fifty paise as rupee one.
6. The officer inviting tender or his duly authorized representative will open tenders in the ‘e’ –
tender portal, and the e-portal system shall self-generate a comparative statement in a
suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, the earnest money shall thereupon be
treated as part of security deposit. In the event of a tender being rejected, the earnest money
shall thereupon be returned to the contractor remitting the same, without any interest.
7. The officer inviting tenders shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and will
not be bound to accept the lowest or any other tender.
8. The Tenderers shall sign a declaration under the officials Secret Act 1923, for maintaining
secrecy of the tender documents or other records connected with the work given to
them. Use of correcting fluid, anywhere in tender document is not permitted. Such tender is
liable for rejection. Correction if any, shall be initiated.
9. In the case of Item Rate Tenders, only rates quoted shall be considered. Any tender
containing percentage below / above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. Rates quoted
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by the contractor in item rate tender in figures shall be accurately filled in so that there
is no discrepancy in the rates. In event no rate has been quoted for any item(s), it will be
presumed that the contractor has included the cost of this / these item(s) in other items and
rate for such item(s) will be considered as zero and work will be required to be executed
10. In the case of any tender where unit rate of any item / items appear unrealistic, such tender
will be considered as unbalanced and in case the Tenderer is unable to provide satisfactory
explanation, such a tender is liable to be disqualified and rejected.
11. All rates shall be quoted in item section on GeM portal as Envelope II / Price Bid
(ii) The contractor, whose tender is accepted, will also be required to furnish by way of
Security Deposit for the fulfillment of his contract, an amount equal to 5% of the
contract amount of the work.
(iv) Security deposit will also be accepted in form DD or BG of Nationalised Bank or any
Scheduled Bank but not co-operative or Gramin Bank in accordance with the
prescribed form, provided confirmatory advice is enclosed.
12. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the
contractor who would be responsible for taking instructions from the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorized representative shall be communicated in writing to the CEO,CHIAL.
13. The contractor shall give a list of CHIAL employees related to him.
14. The contractor shall submit list of works which are in hand (progress) in the following form :-
15. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961, and the rules
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and orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a
breach of the contract and the CEO,CHIAL / HOD(OPS) may in his discretion, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, cancel the contract. The contractor
shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the
provisions of the said Act.
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1. The contract means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof and the
formal agreement executed between the competent authority on behalf of the Chairman, Chandigarh
International Airport Limited and the Contractor, together with the documents referred to therein
including these conditions, the specifications and instructions issued from time to time by the
CEO,CHIAL and all these documents taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract
and shall be complementary to one another.
2. In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have
the meanings, hereby respectively assigned to them:-
(i) The expression works or work shall, unless there be something either in the subject or
context repugnant to such work, be construed and taken to mean the works by or by virtue of
the contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent, and whether
original, altered, substituted or additional.
(ii) The site shall mean the land / or other places on, into or through which work is to be
executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street through which work is to be
executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street which may be
allotted or used for the purpose of carrying out the contract.
(iii) The Contractor shall mean the individual, firm or company whether incorporated or not
undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal representative of such individual
or the persons composing such firm or company, or the successors of such firm or company
and the permitted assignees of such individual, firm or company.
(v) The Authority or Chandigarh International Airport Limited means the Chairman, Chandigarh
International Airport Limited.
(vi) The CEO, CHIAL or his authorized representative means the Officer who shall supervise and
be in-charge of the work and who shall sign the contract on behalf of the Chairman,
Chandigarh International Airport Limited as mentioned in Schedule hereunder.
(vii) CHIAL shall mean the Chandigarh International Airport Limited.
(viii) The terms Member (operations) means the Head of Department of Operations, Chandigarh
International Airport Limited.
(x) Excepted Risk are risks due to riots (other than those on account of contractor’s
employees), war (whether declared or not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil
war, rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of Chandigarh
International Airport Limited, damages from aircraft, acts of God, such as earthquake,
lightening and unprecedented floods, and other causes over which the contractor has no
control and accepted as such by the Accepting Authority.
(xi) Market Rate shall be the rate as decided by the CEO,CHIAL on the basis of the Prevailing
cost of materials and labour at the site where the work is to be executed plus the percentage
mentioned in Schedule to cover, all overheads and profits.
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(xii) Schedule(s) referred to in these conditions shall mean the relevant schedule(s) annexed to
the tender papers.
(xiii) Department means Operations Department of Chandigarh International Airport Limited, which
invites tender on behalf of Chairman, Chandigarh International Airport Limited.
(ix) Tendered value means the value of the entire work as stipulated in the letter of award.
3. Works to be carried out The work to be carried out under the Contract shall, except as
otherwise provided in these conditions, include all labour, materials, tools, plants, equipment and
transport which may be required in preparation of and for and in the full and entire execution and
completion of the works. The descriptions given in the Schedule of Quantities (Schedule – A) shall,
unless otherwise stated, be held to include wastage on materials, carriage and cartage, carrying and
return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position and all other labours necessary in and
for the full and entire execution and completion of the work as aforesaid in accordance with good
practice and recognized principles.
4. Sufficiency of Tender The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before
tendering as to the of correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and
prices quoted in the Schedule of Quantities, which rates and prices shall, except as otherwise
provided, cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the
proper completion and maintenance of the works.
5.1 If there are varying or conflicting provisions made in any one document forming part of the
contract, the Accepting Authority shall be the deciding authority with regard to the intention of
the document and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.
5.2 Any error in description, quantity or rate in Schedule of Quantities or any omission
the reform shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of the
whole or any part of the works comprised therein according to specifications or from
any of his obligations under the contract.
(i) The notice inviting tender, all the documents the tender as issued at the time of invitation of
tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.
(a) Various standard clauses with corrections up to the date stipulated in Schedule
along with annexure thereto.
(c) Model Rules for the protection of health, sanitary arrangements for workers employed
by CHIAL or its contractors.
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(d) CHIAL/AAI Contractor’s Labour Regulations.
(e) List of Acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed.
(iii) No payment for the work done will be made unless contract in form of agreement is
signed by the contractor.
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Performance Guarantee
This clause is applicable for total estimated value of 5.0 crore and above.
(i) The contractor shall submit an irrevocable Performance Guarantee of 5% (Five percent) of
the Tendered amount in addition to other deposits mentioned elsewhere in the contract for
his proper performance of the contract agreement, (not withstanding and/or without prejudice
to any other provisions in the contract) within period specified in Schedule from the date of
issue of letter of acceptance. This guarantee shall be in the form of BG of Nationalised
Bank or any Scheduled bank but not Co-operative or Gramin bank in accordance with the
form annexed hereto. In case a BG of any Bank is furnished by the contractor to the
CHIAL as part of the performance guarantee and the Bank is unable to make payment
against the said BG, the loss caused thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor
shall forthwith on demand furnish additional security to make good the deficit.
(ii) Performance guarantee should be furnished within 30 days of issue of work order. In case
the contractor fails to deposit performance guarantee within the stipulated period, no payment
for the work done in respect of Ist Running Account Bill will be released to the contractor.
Moreover, interest @18% per annum on performance guarantee amount would be levied
(non-refundable) for delayed period of submission.
(iii) The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid up to the stipulated date of completion plus
180 days beyond that. In case the time for completion of work gets enlarged, the contractor
shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee extended to cover such enlarged time
for completion of work. After recording of the completion certificate for the work by the
competent authority, the performance guarantee shall be returned to the contractor, without
any interest.
(iv) The CEO,CHIAL shall not make a claim under the performance guarantee except for
amounts to which the CHIAL is entitled under the contract (not withstanding and/or
without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract agreement) in the event of:
(a) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the Performance Guarantee as
described herein above, in which event the CEO,CHIAL may claim the full amount of
the Performance Guarantee.
(b) Failure by the contractor to pay CHIAL any amount due, either as agreed by the
contractor or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the agreement,
within 30 days of the service of notice to this effect by CEO,CHIAL.
(v) In the event of the contract being determined or rescinded under provision of any of the
Clause/Condition of the agreement, the performance guarantee shall stand forfeited in full
and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the CHIAL.
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Recovery of Security Deposit
The person/persons whose tender(s) may be accepted (hereinafter called the contractor) shall permit
CHIAL at the time of making any payment to him for work done under the contract to deduct
a sum at the rate of 5% of the gross amount of each running bill till the sum along with the sum
already deposited as earnest money, will amount to security deposit of 5% of the tendered value
of the work. Earnest money shall be adjusted first in the security deposit and further recovery of
security deposit shall commence only when the update amount of security deposit starts
exceeding the earnest money. Such deductions will be made and held by way of Security Deposit
unless he/they has/have deposited the amount of Security at the rate mentioned above in the form of
DD or BG of Nationalised Bank or any Scheduled Bank but not Co-Operative or Gramin Bank. In
case a DD or BG of any Bank is furnished by the contractor to the CHIAL as part of the security
deposit and the Bank is unable to make payment against the said DD or BG, the loss caused thereby
shall fall on the contractor and the contractor shall forthwith on demand furnish additional security to
the CHIAL to make good the deficit. In works where condition of submission of performance
guarantee is not applicable, the security deposit at the rate of 10% (Ten Percent) of gross amount of
each running bill shall be deducted instead of 5%, till the sum along with the sum already deposited
as earnest money will amount to security deposit of 10% of the contract value of work. Other
conditions shall remain same as stated above. All compensations or the other sums of money
payable by the contractor under the terms of this contract may be deducted from, or paid by the sale
of a sufficient part of his security deposit or from the interest arising there from, or from any
sums which may be due to or may become due to the contractor by CHIAL on any account
whatsoever and in the event of his Security Deposit being reduced by reason of any such deductions
or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within 10 days make good in DD or BG tendered by the
Nationalised bank or Scheduled Banks (but not any Co-operative or Gramin bank) endorsed in
favour of the Airports Authority of India, any sum or sums which may have been deducted
from, or raised by sale of his security deposit or any part thereof. The security deposit shall be
collected from the running bills of the contractor at the rates mentioned above and the Earnest money
deposited at the time of tenders will be treated as part of the Security Deposit. The security deposit as
deducted above can be released against bank guarantee issued by Nationalised Bank or any
Scheduled Bank (but not from Co-operative / Gramin Bank), on its accumulations to a minimum of
Rs.5 lakh subject to the condition that amount of such bank guarantee, except last one, shall not be
less than Rs.5 lakh.
(i) If the contractor having been given by the CEO,CHIAL a notice in writing to rectify
any defective work or that the work is being performed in an inefficient or otherwise
improper or non-workman like manner shall omit to comply with the requirement of
such notice for a period of seven days thereafter.
(ii) If the contractor has, without reasonable cause, suspended the progress of the work or has
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failed to proceed with the work with due diligence so that in the opinion of the CEO,CHIAL
(which shall be final and binding) he will be unable to secure completion of the work
by the date for completion and continues to do so after a notice in writing of seven
days from the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative .
(iii) If the contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated period or items of work with
individual period of completion, if any stipulated, on or before such period of completion
and does not complete them within the period specified in a notice given in writing in that
behalf by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative.
(iv) If the contractor persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the contract and / or
commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract and
does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it within 7 days after a notice in
writing is given to him in that behalf by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
(v) If the contractor shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in CHIAL service or to any
other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward
for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation
to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract for CHIAL.
(vi) If the contractor shall enter into a contract with Chandigarh International Airport Limited in
connection with which commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to
his knowledge, unless the particulars of any such commission and the terms of payment
thereof have been previously disclosed in writing to the CEO,CHIAL.
(vii) If the contractor shall obtain a contract with CHIAL as a result of wrong tendering or
other non-bonafide methods of competitive tendering.
(viii) If the contractor being an individual, or if a firm, any partner thereof shall at any time
be adjudged insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administration of his
estate made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition(other
than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction)under any
Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or assignment of
his effects or composition or arrangement for the benefit of his creditors or purport so
to do, or if any application be made under any Insolvency Act for the time being in
force for the sequestration of his estate or if a trust deed be executed by him for
benefit of his creditors.
(ix) If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf
of a creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court
or the creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitle the court to make
a winding up order.
(x) If the contractor shall suffer an execution being levied on his goods and allow it to
be continued for a period of 21 days.
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The contractor shall not without the written consent of the competent authority (which consent
shall not be unreasonable withheld to the prejudice of the contractor) assign / sub-let this
contract or any portion of the work/services. In any case maybe the whole responsibility for
the entire work/services shall be of the contractor
When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases
aforesaid, the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative on behalf of the CHIAL shall
have powers :
(a) To determine the contract as aforesaid (of which termination notice in writing to the
contractor under the hand of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall
be conclusive evidence).Upon such determination, the Earnest Money Deposit,
Security Deposit already recovered and Performance Guarantee under the
contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be absolutely at the disposal
of the CHIAL.
(b) After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor
and to take such whole, or the balance or part thereof, as shall be un-
executed out of his hands and to give it to another contractor to complete the work.
The contractor, whose contract is determined as above, shall not be allowed to
participate in the tendering process for the balance work.
In the event of above courses being adopted by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative, the
contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reasons of his
having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances
on account or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case
action is taken under any of the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or
be paid any sum for any work thereof or actually performed under this contract unless and until the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative has certified in writing the performance of such work and
the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
In case, the work cannot be started due to reasons not within the control of the contractor within 1/8th
of the stipulated time for completion of work, either party may close the contract. In such eventuality,
the Earnest Money Deposit and the Performance Guarantee of the contractor shall be refunded, but
no payment on account of interest, loss of profit or damages etc. shall be payable at all.
Contractor liable to pay compensation even if action not taken under Clause-2. In any case in which
any of the powers conferred upon the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative by Clause-3
thereof, shall have become exercisable and the same are not exercised, the non-exercise thereof
shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall not withstanding
be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the contractor and the liability of the
contractor for compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative putting in force all or any of the powers vested in him under the preceding clause he
may, if he so desires after giving a notice in writing to the contractor, take possession of (or at the
sole discretion of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative which shall be final and binding on
the contractor) use as on hire (the amount of the hire money being also in the final determination of
the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative ) all or any tools, plant, materials and stores, in or
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upon the works, or the site thereof belonging to the contractor, or procured by the contractor and
intended to be used for the execution of the work/ or any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same
in account at the contract rates, or, in the case of these not being applicable, at current market rates
to be certified by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative , whose certificate thereof shall be
final, and binding on the contractor, foreman or other authorised agent to remove such tools, plant,
materials, or stores from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice) in the event of the
contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative
may remove them at the contractor’s expense or sell them by auction or private sale on account of
the contractor and his risk in all respects and the certificate of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative as to the expenses of any such removal and the amount of the proceeds and
expenses of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
All records of cleaning work done /measurement of all items having financial value shall be entered in
Register /Measurement Book so that a complete record is obtained of all works performed under the
All records of cleaning work done / measurements shall be taken jointly by the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative and by the contractor or his authorised representative from time to time
during the progress of the work and such records of cleaning work done/ measurements shall be
signed and dated by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative and the contractor or their
representatives in token of their acceptance. If the contractor objects to any of the measurements
recorded, a note shall be made to that effect with reason and signed by both the parties.
If for any reason the contractor or his authorised representative is not available and the work of
recording measurements is suspended by the CEO,CHIAL or his representative, the CEO,CHIAL or
his authorised representative and the Department shall not entertain any claim from contractor for any
loss or damages on this account. If the contractor or his authorised representative does not remain
present at the time of such measurements after the contractor or his authorised representative has
been given a notice in writing three (3) days in advance or fails to countersign or to record objection
within a week from the date of the measurement, then such measurements recorded in his absence
by the CEO,CHIAL or his representative shall be deemed to be accepted by the Contractor.
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The contractor shall, without extra charge, provide all assistance with every appliance, labour,
stationary and other things necessary for measurements, recording and maintaining office.
(ii) An authorisation in the form of a legally valid document such as power of attorney conferring
authority on the bank to receive payments and
(iii) His own acceptance of the correctness of the amount made out as being due to him by
Authority or his signature on the bill or other claim preferred against Authority before
settlement by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative of the account or claim by
payment to the bank. While the receipt given by such banks shall constitute a full and
sufficient discharge for the payment, the contractor shall whenever possible present his bills
duly receipted and discharged through his bank.
Nothing herein contained shall operate to create in favour of the bank any rights or equities
vis-à-vis the Chandigarh International Airport Limited.
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The contractor shall, at his own expense, provide all materials, required for the works.
The contractor shall, at his own expense and without delay; supply to the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative samples of materials to be used on the work and shall get these approved
in advance. All such materials to be provided by the contractor shall be in conformity with the
specifications laid down or referred to in the Contract. The contractor shall, if requested by the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative furnish proof, to the satisfaction of the CEO,CHIAL or
his authorised representative that the materials so comply. The CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative shall within thirty days of supply of samples or within such further period as he may
require intimate to the Contractor in writing whether samples are approved by him or not. If samples
are not approved, the Contractor shall forthwith arrange to supply to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative for his approval, fresh samples complying with the specifications laid down in the
contract. When material is required to be tested in accordance with specifications, approval of the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall be issued after the test results are received.
The contractor shall at his risk and cost submit the samples of materials to be tested or analysed and
shall not make use of or incorporate in the work any materials represented by the samples until the
required tests or analysis have been made and materials finally accepted by the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative. The contractor shall not be eligible for any claim or compensation either
arising out of any delay in the work or due to any corrective measures required to be taken on
account of and as a result of testing of materials.
The contractor shall, at his risk and cost, make all arrangements and shall provide all facilities as the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative may require for collecting and preparing the required
number of samples for such tests at such time and to such place or places as may be directed by the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative and bear all charges and cost of testing unless
specifically provided for otherwise elsewhere in the contract or specifications. The CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative shall at all times have access to the works and to all workshops and places
where work is being prepared or from where materials, manufactured articles or machinery are being
obtained for the works and the contractor shall afford every facility and every assistance in obtaining
the right to such access. The contractor shall deposit material in advance for 3 months as per
specification. The material will be issued for daily use from this stock and a material register is to be
The CEO,CHIAL shall have full powers to require the removal from the premises of all materials
which in his opinion are not in accordance with the specifications and in case of default, the
CEO,CHIAL shall be at liberty to employ at the expense of the contractor, other persons to remove
the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss or damage that may happen or arise
to such materials. The CEO,CHIAL shall also have full powers to require other proper materials to be
substituted thereof and in case of default, the CEO,CHIAL may cause the same to be supplied and all
costs which may attend such removal and substitution shall be borne by the Contractor.
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Work to be executed in Accordance with contract etc.
The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and
workman like manner both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance
with the specifications. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the contract and with the
care and diligence execute and maintain the works and provide all labour and materials, tool and
plants including for measurements and supervision of all works, and other things of temporary or
permanent nature required for such execution and maintenance in so far as the necessity for
providing these, is specified or is reasonably inferred from the contract. The contractor shall take full
responsibility for adequacy suitability and safety of all the works and methods of cleaning.
Deviations / Variations Extent and Pricing
The CEO,CHIAL shall have power (i) to make alteration in, omissions from, additions to, or
substitutions for the original specifications and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or
advisable during the progress of the work, and (ii) to omit a part of the works in case of non-
availability of a portion of the site or for any other reasons and the contractor shall be bound to carry
out the works in accordance with any instructions given to him in writing signed by the CEO,CHIAL
and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall form part of the contract as if
originally provided therein and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be
directed to do in the manner specified above as part of the works, shall be carried out by the
contractor on the same conditions in all respects including price on which he agreed to do the main
work except as hereafter provided.
10.1 The time for completion of the works shall, in the event of any deviations resulting in
additional cost over the tendered value sum being ordered, be extended, if requested by the
contractor, as follows:
(i) In the proportion which the additional cost of the altered, additional or substituted work, bears to
the original tendered value plus.
10.2 In the case of extra item(s) (items that are completely new, and in addition to the items
contained in the contract) the contractor may within fifteen days of receipt of order or occurrence of
the item(s) claim rates, supported by proper analysis, for the work and the CEO,CHIAL shall within
Six weeks of the receipt of the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration to the analysis
of the rates submitted by the contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates and the
contractor shall be paid in accordance with the rates so determined.
In the case of substituted items, (items that are taken up with partial substitution or in lieu of items of
work in the contract) the rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) and substituted item shall also
be determined in the manner as mentioned in the following para.
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(a) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is more than the market rate of the
agreement item (to be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for the substituted item
shall be the rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) so increased to the extent of the
difference between the market rates of substituted item and the agreement item (to be
(b) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is less than the market rate of the
agreement item (to be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for the substituted item
shall be the rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) so decreased to the extent of the
difference between the market rates of substituted item and the agreement item (to be
In the case of contract items, substituted items, contract cum substituted items, which exceed the
limits laid down in schedule, the contractor may within fifteen days of receipt of order or occurrence of
the excess, claim revision of the rates, supported by proper analysis for the work in excess of the
above mentioned limits, provided that if the rates so claimed are in excess of the rates specified in the
schedule of quantities, the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall within Six weeks of
receipt of the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration to the analysis of the rates
submitted by the contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates and the contractor
shall be paid in accordance with the rates so determined.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the decrease in the rates of items for
the work in excess of the limits laid down in Schedule, and the CEO,CHIAL shall after giving notice to
the contractor within one month of occurrence of the excess and after taking into consideration any
reply received from him within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice, revise the rates for the work in
question within one month of the expiry of the said period of fifteen days having regard to the market
10.3 Any operation incidental to or necessarily has to be in contemplation of Tenderer while filing,
tender, or necessary for proper execution of the item included in the Schedule of quantities or in the
schedule of rates mentioned above, whether or not, specifically indicated in the description of the item
and the relevant specifications, shall be deemed to be included in the rates quoted by the Tenderer or
the rate given in the said schedule of rates, as the case may be. Nothing extra shall be admissible for
such operations.
Foreclosure of contract due to Abandonment or Reduction in Scope of Work, if at any time after
acceptance of the tender, CHIAL shall decide to abandon or reduce the scope of the works for any
reasons whatsoever and hence not require the whole or any part of the works to be carried out, the
CEO,CHIAL shall give notice in writing to that effect to the contractor and the contractor shall act
accordingly in the matter. The contractor shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or
otherwise whatsoever, on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the
execution of the works in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the foreclosure of the
whole or part of the works.
The contractor shall be paid at contract rates, full amount for works executed at site.
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Suspension of Work
(i) The contractor shall, on receipt of the order in writing of the CEO,CHIAL, (whose decision
shall be final and binding on the contractor) suspend the progress of the works or any part
thereof for such time and in such manner as the CEO,CHIAL may consider necessary so as
not to cause any damage or injury to the work already done or endanger the safety thereof
for any of the following reasons:
(b) For proper execution of the works or part thereof for reasons other than the default of
the contractor; or
(ii) If the suspension is ordered or reasons (b) and (c) in sub-para (i) above:
The contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time equal to the period of every such
suspension PLUS 25% for completion of the item or group of items of work for which a
separate period of completion is specified in the contract and of which the suspended work
forms a part, and;
Where it affects only a part of the works as on omission of such part by CHIAL or where it
affects whole of the works, as an abandonment of the works by CHIAL, shall within ten days
of expiry of such period of 15 days give notice in writing of his intention to the CEO,CHIAL. In
the event of the contractor treating the suspension as an abandonment of the contract by
CHIAL, he shall have no claim to payment of any compensations on account of any profit or
advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but which he
could not derive in consequence of the abandonment.
All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract, shall at all times
be open and accessible to the inspection and supervision of the CEO,CHIAL, his authorize
subordinates in charge of the work and all the superior officers, officer of the Quality Assurance Unit
of the Department or any organization engaged by the Department of Quality Assurance and of the
vigilance officer, and the contractor shall, at all times, during the usual working hours and at all other
times at which reasonable notice of the visit of such officers has been given to the contractor, either
himself be present to receive orders and instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in
writing, present for that purpose. Orders given to the Contractor’s agent shall be considered to have
the same force as if they had been given to the contractor himself.
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If it shall appear to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorized subordinates in charge of the work or to the
CEO,CHIAL or his subordinate officers or the officers of the organization engaged by the Department
for quality Assurance or to the Chief Vigilance Officer or his subordinate officers, that any work has
been executed with unsound, imperfect, or unskillful workmanship, or with materials or articles
provided by him for the execution of the work which are unsound or of a quality inferior to that
contracted or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall, on demand in writing
which shall be made within 10 days of the completion of the work from the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative specifying the work, materials or articles complained of notwithstanding that
the same may have been passed, certified and paid for forthwith rectify, the work so specified in
whole or in part, as the case may require or as the case may be, remove the materials or articles so
specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own charge and cost. In
the event of the failing to do so within a period specified by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative in his demand aforesaid, then the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the
same rate as under clause 2 of the contract (for non-completion of the work in time) for this default.
In such case the CEO,CHIAL may not accept the item of work at the rates applicable under the
contract but may accept such items at reduced rates as the authority specified in Schedule may
considered reasonable during the preparation of on account bills or final bill if the item is so
acceptable without detriment to the safety and utility of the item and the structure or he may reject the
work outright without any payment and/or get it and other connected and incidental items rectified, at
the risk and cost of the contractor. Decision of the CEO,CHIAL to be conveyed in writing in respect of
the same will be final and binding on the contractor.
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Recovery of Compensation paid to Workmen
In every case in which by virtue of the provisions sub-section(i) of Section 12, of the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923, CHIAL is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the
contractor, in execution of the works, CHIAL will recover from the contractor, the amount of the
compensation so paid, and, without prejudice to the rights of the CHIAL under sub-section(2) of
Section 12, of the said act, CHIAL shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by
deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due by CHIAL to the contractor whether under
this contract or otherwise. CHIAL shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under sub-
section(1) of Section 12, of the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and upon his
giving to CHIAL full security for all costs for which CHIAL might become liable in consequence of
contesting such claim.
In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
act 1970, and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971, CHIAL is obliged
to pay any amounts of wages to a workman employed by the contractor in execution of the works, or
to incur any expenditure in providing welfare and health amenities required to be provided under the
above said Act and the rules under Clause 19H or under the CHIAL Contractor’s Labour Regulations
or under the Rules framed by CHIAL from time to time for the protection of health and sanitary
arrangements for workers employed by CHIAL Contractors, CHIAL will recover from the contractor
the amount of wages so paid or the amount of expenditure so incurred and without prejudice to the
rights of the CHIAL under sub section (2) of Section 20, sub section (4) of Section 21, of the Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, CHIAL shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any
part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due by CHIAL to the contractor
whether under this contract or otherwise CHIAL shall not be bound to contest any claim made against
it under sub section (1) of Section 20, sub section (4) of Section 21, of the said Act, except on the
written request of the contractor and upon his giving to the CHIAL full security for all costs for which
CHIAL might become liable in contesting such claim.
The contractor shall obtain a valid license under the contract labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and the Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971, before the commencement of the work, and
continue to have a valid license until the completion of the work. The contractor shall also abide by
the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
The contractor shall also comply with the provisions of the contract workers (Regulation of
Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and the Contract Welfare Cess Act, 1996.
It shall be the sole liability of the contractor (including the Contracting firm / company) to obtain and to
abide by all necessary licenses / permissions from the authorities the concerned as provided under
the various labour legislations including the labour license obtained as per the provisions of the
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.
The contractor shall ensure regular and effective supervision and control of the personnel deployed
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by him and gives suitable direction for undertaking the contractual obligations.
Any failure to fulfill these requirements shall attract the penal provisions of this contract arising out of
the resultant non execution of the work.
No labour below the age of eighteen years shall be employed on the work.
Payment of wages:
(i) The contractor shall pay to labour employed by him either directly or through sub-contractors,
wages not less than fair wages as defined in the CHIAL Contractor’s Labour Regulation or as
per the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) act, 1970 and the
contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 wherever applicable.
(ii) The contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary, cause to
be paid fair wage to labour indirectly engaged on the work, including any labour engaged by
his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labour had been immediately
employed by him.
(iii) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for performance of the
contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied
with the Chandigarh International Airport Limited contractor’s Labour Regulations made by
CHIAL from time to time in regard to payment of wages wage period, deductions
from wages recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorised made,
maintenance of wage books or wage slips, publication of scale of wages and other terms of
employment, inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other matters of the like
nature or as per the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971, wherever
(a) The CEO,CHIAL concerned shall have the right to deduct from the moneys due to
the contractor or any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the
loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfillment of the conditions of
the contract for the benefit of the workers, nonpayment of wages or of deductions
made from his or their wages which are not justified by their terms of the contract or
non-observance of the Regulations.
(b) Under the provision of Minimum Wages (Central) Rule 1950 the contractor is bound
to allow to the labours directly or indirectly employed in the works one day rest for 6
days continuous work and pay wages at the same rate as for duty. In the event of
default, the CEO,CHIAL shall have the right to deduct the sum or sums not paid on
account of wages for weekly holidays to nay labours and pay the same to the
persons entitled thereto from any money due to the contractor by the CEO,CHIAL or
his authorised representative concerned.
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In the case of Union Territory of Delhi, however, as the all-inclusive minimum daily
wages fixed under Notification of the Delhi Administration No.
F.12(162)MWO/DAB/43884-91, dated 31.12.1979 as amended from time to time are
inclusive of wages for the weekly day of rest the question of extra payment for weekly
holiday would not arise.
The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment of wages Act, 1936,
Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employees Liability Act, 1938, Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Maternity Benefits Act, 1961,
and the Contractor’s Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, or the modifications
thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rule made there under from time to
The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified Authority against payments to
be made under and for the observance of the laws aforesaid and the CHIAL
Contractor’s Labour Regulations with prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his
(v) The laws aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach thereof shall
be deemed to be a breach of this contract.
(vi) Whatever is the minimum wage for the time being, or if the wage payable is higher than such
wage, such wage shall be paid by the contractor to the workmen directly without the
intervention of contractor and that contractor shall not be entitled to deduct or recover any
amount from the minimum wage payable to the workmen as and by way of commission or
(vii) The contractor shall ensure that no amount by way of commission or otherwise is deducted
or recovered by the contractor from the wage of workmen.
(viii) The minimum wages payable to the workmen shall be the higher of the two, i.e. minimum
wages published by the Chief Labour Commissioner, Ministry of Labour and Employment
New Delhi (Central Govt.) (OR) published by the State Govt.
In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the work for the performance of the
contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety
provisions as per CHIAL Safety Code framed from time to time and shall at his own expense provide
for all facilities in connection therewith. In case the contractor fails to make arrangement and provide
necessary facilities as aforesaid, he shall be liable to pay a penalty of Rs.200/- for each default and
in addition, the CEO,CHIAL shall be at liberty to make arrangement and provide facilities as aforesaid
and recover the costs incurred in that behalf from the contractor.
The contractor shall submit by the 4th and 19th of every month, to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative a true statement showing in respect of the second half of the preceding month and the
first half of the current month respectively:
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(2) their working hours,
(4) the accidents that occurred during the said fortnight showing the circumstances under which
they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused by them, and
(5) the number of female workers who have been allowed maternity benefit according to Clause
19F and the amount paid to them
Failing which the contractor shall be liable to pay to CHIAL, a sum not exceeding Rs.200/- for each
default or materially incorrect statement. The decision of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative shall be final in deducting from any bill due to the contractor; the amount levied as fine
and be binding on the contractor.
In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the performance of the
contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with all the
rules framed by CHIAL from time to time for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for
workers employed by the CHIAL and its contractor.
1. Leave:
(i) In the case of delivery - maternity leave not exceeding 8 weeks, 4 weeks upto and including
the day of delivery and 4 weeks following that day.
2. Pay:
(i) In the case of delivery – leave pay during maternity leave will be at the rate of women’s
average daily earnings, calculated on total wages earned on the days when full time work
was done during a period of three months immediately preceding the date on which she gives
notice that she expects to be confined or at the rate of Rupee one only a day whichever is
(ii) In the case of miscarriage – leave pay at the rate of average daily earning calculated on the
total wages earned on the days when full time work was done during a period of three
months immediately preceding the date of such miscarriage.
No maternity leave benefit shall be admissible to a woman unless she has been employed for
a total period of not less than six months immediately preceding the date on which she
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proceeds on leave.
4. The contractor shall maintain a register of Maternity (Benefit) in the Prescribed Form as
shown in appendix–I and II, and the same shall be kept at the place of work.
In the event of the contractor (s) committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of the
Chandigarh International Airport Limited/AAI Contractor’s Labour Regulations and Model Rules for
the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for the workers as amended from time to time or
furnishing any information or submitting or filling any statement under the provisions of the above
Regulations and Rules which is materially incorrect, he / they shall, without prejudice to any other
liability, pay to the CHIAL a sum not exceeding Rs.200/- for every default, breach or furnishing,
making, submitting, filing such materially incorrect statements and in the event of the contractor(s)
defaulting continuously in this respect, the penalty may be enhanced to Rs.200/- per day for each day
of default subject to a maximum of 5 per cent of the estimated cost of the work put to tender. The
decision of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall be final and binding on the parties.
Should it appear to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative that the contractor (s) is / are not
properly observing and complying with the provision of the CHIAL Contractor’s Labour Regulations
and Model Rules and the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition ) Act 1970, and
the Contract Labour (R&A) Central Rules 1971, for the protection of health and sanitary
arrangements for work – people employed the contractor (s) (hereinafter referred as “the said Rules”)
the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall have power to give notice in writing to the
contractor (s) requiring that the said Rules be complied with and the amenities prescribed therein be
provided to the work-people within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice. If the contractor (s)
shall fail within the period specified in the notice to comply with and/ observe the said Rules and to
provide the amenities to the work-people as aforesaid, the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative shall have the power to provide the amenities hereinbefore mentioned at the cost of
the contractor(s). The contractor (s) shall erect, make and maintain at his / their own expense and to
approved standards all necessary huts and sanitary arrangements required for his / their work –
people on the site in connection with the execution of the works, and if the same shall not have been
erected or constructed, according to approved standards, the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative shall have power to give notice in writing to the contractor (s) requiring that the said
huts and sanitary arrangements be remodeled and / or reconstructed according to approved
standards, and if the contractor (s) shall fail to remodel or reconstruct such huts and sanitary
arrangements according to approved standards within the period specified in the notice, the
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall have the power to remodel or reconstruct such
huts and sanitary arrangements according to approved standards at the cost of the contractor (s).
The CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative may require the contractor to dismiss or remove
from the site of the work any person or persons in the contractors’ employ upon the work who may be
incompetent or misconduct himself and the contractor shall forthwith comply with such requirements.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to see that the building under service is not occupied by
anybody unauthorized during cleaning, and is handed over to the CEO,CHIAL with vacant possession
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of complete building. If such building though completed is occupied illegally, then the CEO,CHIAL
shall have the option to refuse to accept the said building/buildings in that position. Any delay in
acceptance on this account will be treated as the delay in completion and for such delay, a levy up to
5% of tendered value of work may be imposed by the CEO,CHIAL whose decision shall be final both
with regard to the justification and quantum and be binding on the contractor.
However, the CEO,CHIAL, through a notice may require the contractor to remove the illegal
occupation any time on or before construction and delivery.
Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provident Act 1952 and State Insurance (ESI) Act,
The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Employees Provident Fund & Misc.
Provisions Act, 1952, and ESI Act, 1948, amended from time to time and rules framed there under.
Some of the provisions are given below:
a) The contractor shall intimate his PF Account Code No. allotted by Regional PF Commissioner
and ESI Registration No. allotted by ESI Corporation, while submitting tender and shall
continue to have valid PF Account Code No. and ESI Registration No. till actual completion of
the contract.
b) The contractor shall provide a list of contract Workers engaged for contract work along with
their PF Account No. & ESI Registration No.
c) The contractor by 20th of every month shall provide a monthly statement showing recoveries
of contribution and proof of remittance of provident fund contribution to RPFC and ESI
contributions to ESI Corporation in respect of Workers engaged in contract work.
d) The contractor shall provide copies of PF & ESI challans of monthly contributions in respect
of contract workers engaged for contract work on month to month basis.
e) Wherever ESI is not applicable, agency shall take a group of mediclaim policy covering
health care of minimum Rs.2 lacs/ annum for each employee including his family members
(subject to maximum of 4 persons in family). As this amount is reimbursable, no payment
shall be deducted from the salary of an employee.
CHIAL reserves the right to withhold minimum amount as detailed under, from the running account
payments, if PF / ESI contributions are not paid by the contractor and proof to that effect have not
been produced regularly on due dates.
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The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of Competent Authority. And
if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contact, or attempt to do so, or become insolvent or
commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his creditors or attempt to do
so, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall
either directly or indirectly, be given, promised or offered by the contractor, or any of his servants or
agent to any public officer or person in the employ of CHIAL in any way relating to his office or
employment, or if any such officer or person shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested
in the contract, the CEO,CHIAL on behalf of the CHIAL shall have power to adopt the course
specified in Clause 3 hereof in the interest of CHIAL and in the event of such course being adopted,
the consequences specified in the said Clause 3 shall ensue.
All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as
reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of CHIAL without reference to the actual loss or
damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.
All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the
approval in all respects of the CEO,CHIAL who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in
what manner they are to be commenced, and from time to time carried on.
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Chandigarh International Airport Limited.
If a dispute of any kind, whatsoever, arises between the procuring entity and contractor in
connection with or arising out of the contact or the execution of the works, whether during the
execution of the works or after their completion and whether before or after repudiation or
termination of the contract, including any disagreement by either party with any action,
opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Officer-in-charge, the matter
in dispute shall in the first place, be referred to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC)
appointed by CEO,CHIAL / Member (Operations) / Chairman.
DRC, thus constitute may act as ‘conciliator’ and will be guided by principles of ‘conciliation’
as included in part III of Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996, DRC should take into
consideration, rights and obligations of parties, usage to trade concerned and circumstances
surrounding the dispute(s), including any previous business practices between parties. Efforts
of DRC should be to come to an amicable settlement of outstanding disputes. If parties
agree, a written settlement will be drawn up and signed by the parties. DRC will authenticate
the settlement agreement and furnish a copy to each party.
DRC will give its report within 45 days of its constitution. It is also a term of contract that fees
and other expense if payable to DRC shall be paid equally by both the parties i.e. CHIAL and
Unless the contract has already been repudiated or terminated, the contractor shall, in every
case, continue to proceed with the work with all due diligence. It is also a term of contract that
If the contractor does not make any demand for Dispute Resolution Committee in respect of
any claim in writing within 90 (Ninety) days of receiving the intimation from the CHIAL that the
bill is ready for payment, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waved and
absolutely barred and the CHIAL shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the
contract in respect of these claims.
(iii) Adjudication through Arbitration:- Except where the decision has become final, binding
and conclusive in terms of Sub Para (i) above, disputes or differences shall be referred for
adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Member (Operations) /
Chairman, CHIAL. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his
appointment or vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall
be appointed in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the
reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for appointment
of Arbitrator in respect of any claim in writing within 120 (One hundred Twenty) days of
receiving the decision / award from Dispute Resolution Committee, the claim of contractor(s)
will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the CHIAL shall be
discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
It is term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes with
amounts claimed in respect of each such dispute along with the notice for appointment of
arbitrator and giving reference to the rejection of their claims by the Dispute Resolution
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It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a person appointed by above
mentioned appointing authority, should act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not
possible, the matter shall not be referred to arbitration at all.
The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) and Arbitration and Conciliation (amendment) Ordinance
2015 (9 of 2015) or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made
there under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this
It is also a term of this contract that the arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as
are referred to him by the appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute
and claim referred to him and in all cases where the total amount of the claims by any party
exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these shall be
paid equally by both the parties.
It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the
reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to submit their
statement of claims and counter statement of claims. The venue of the arbitration shall be
such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole discretion. The fees, if any, of the
arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the award is made and published, be paid half
and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and of the award (including the
fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct to any
by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof shall be paid and fix or settle
the amount of costs to be so paid.
The contractor shall fully indemnify CHIAL against any action, claim or proceeding relating to
infringement or use of any patent or design or any alleged patent or design rights and shall pay and
royalties which may be payable in respect of any article or part thereof included in the contract. In the
event of any claims made under or action brought against CHIAL in respect of any such matters as
aforesaid, the contractor shall be immediately notified thereof and the contractor shall be at liberty, at
his own expense, to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation that may arise there from, provided
that the contractor shall not be liable to indemnify the CHIAL if the infringement of the patent or
design or any alleged patent or design right is the direct result of an order passed by the CEO,CHIAL
in this behalf.
In case there are no such specifications as required above, the work shall be carried out in all
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respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the CEO,CHIAL.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money or moneys so withheld or retained
under the lien referred to above by the CEO,CHIAL or CHIAL will be kept withheld or retained
as such by the CEO,CHIAL or CHIAL till the claim arising out of or under the contract is
determined by the arbitrator. (if the contract is governed by the arbitration clause) by the
competent court, as the case may be and that the contractor will have no claim for interest or
damages whatsoever on any account in respect of such withholding or retention under the
lien referred to above and duly notified as such to the contractor. For the purpose of this
clause, where the contractor is a partnership firm or a limited company, the CEO,CHIAL or
the CHIAL shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain towards such claimed
amount or amounts in whole or in part from any sum found payable to any partner/limited
company as the case may be, whether in his individual capacity or otherwise.
(ii) CHIAL shall have the right to cause an audit and technical examination of the works and the
final bills of the contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstract, etc,. to be made after
payment of the final bill and if as a result of such audit and technical examination any sum is
found to have been overpaid in respect of any work done by contractor under the contract or
any work claimed to have been done by the him under the contract and found not to have
been executed, the contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over payment and it
shall be lawful for CHIAL to recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in sub-
clause (i) of this clause or in any other manner legally permissible; and if it is found that the
contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contract in respect of any work
executed by him under it, the amount of such under payment shall be duly paid by CHIAL to
the contractor, without any interest thereon whatsoever.
Provided that the CHIAL shall not be entitled to recover any sum overpaid, nor the contractor
shall be entitled to payment of any sum paid short where such payment has been agreed
upon between the CEO,CHIAL on the one hand and the contractor on the other under any
term of the contract permitting payment for work after assessment by the CEO,CHIAL.
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Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor (including the security deposit returnable to
him) under the contract may be withheld or retained by way of lien by the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative or the CHIAL or any other contracting person or persons through
CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative against any claim of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative or CHIAL or such other person or persons in respect of payment of a sum of money
arising out of or under any other contract made by the contractor with the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative or the CHIAL or with such other person or persons.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained under this clause by
the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative or the CHIAL will be kept withheld or retained as
such by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative or the CHIAL or till his claim arising out of
the same contract or any other contract is either mutually settled or determined by the arbitration
clause or by the competent court, as the case may be and that the contractor shall have no claim for
interest or damages whatsoever on this account or on any other ground in respect of any sum of
money withheld or retained under this clause and duly notified as such to the contractor.
Water shall be supplied by the department at free of cost for carrying out the cleaning works at
specified locations. However, Contractor shall make their own arrangements for extending the same
to required place with the approval of competent authority.
The Department do not guarantee to maintain uninterrupted supply of water and it will be incumbent
on the contractor (s) to make alternative arrangements for water at his/their own cost in the event of
any temporary break down in the CHIAL’s water main so that the progress of his/their work is not held
up for want of water. No claim of damage will be entertained on account of such break down.
Hire of Machinery
The Contractor shall arrange at his own expense all tools, machinery and equipment (hereinafter
referred to as T&P) required for execution of the work.
i) The contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during execution of the work and
all along thereafter as may be necessary for proper fulfilling of the obligations under the
The Contractor shall immediately after receiving letter of acceptance of the tender and before
commencement of the work, intimate in writing to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative, the name (s), qualifications experience, age, address (s) and other particulars
along with certificates, of the principal Supervisory representative to be charge of the work
and other Supervisory representative (s) who will be supervising the work. Minimum
requirement of such Supervisory representative (s) and their qualifications and experience
shall not be lower than specified in schedule. The CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative shall within 3 days of receipt of such communication intimate in writing his
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approval or otherwise of such a representative (s) to the contractor. Any such approval may
at any time be withdrawn and in case of such withdrawal, the contractor shall appoint another
such representative (s) according to the provisions of this clause. Decision of the tender
accepting authority shall be final and binding on the contractor in this respect. Such a
principal Supervisory representative and other Supervisory representative (s) shall be
appointed by the contractor soon after receipt of the approval from CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative and shall be available at site before start of work.
All the provisions applicable to the principal Supervisory representative under the clause will
also be applicable to other Supervisory representative(s). The principal Supervisory
representative and other Supervisory representative (s) shall be present at the site of work for
supervision at all times when any cleaning activity is in progress and also present
himself/themselves, as required to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative and / or
his designated representative to take instructions. Instructions given to the principal
Supervisory representative or other Supervisory representative (s) shall be deemed to have
the same force as if these have been given to the contractor. The Principal Supervisory
Representative and other Supervisory representatives shall be actually available at site fully
during all stages of execution work, during recording / checking / test checking of
measurements of works whenever so required by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised
representative and shall also note down instructions conveyed by the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative or his designated representative (s) in the site order book and shall
affix his/their signature in token of noting down the instructions and in token of acceptance of
measurements / checked measurements / test checked measurements. The representative
(s) shall not look after any other work. Substitutes, duly approved by CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative – in-Charge of the work in similar manner as aforesaid shall be
provided in event of absence of any of the representative (s) by more than two days.
ii) The contractor shall provide and employ on the site only such Supervisory assistants as are
skilled and experienced in their respective fields and such foremen and supervisory staff as
are competent to give proper supervision to the work.
The contractor shall provide and employ skilled, semi-skilled sand unskilled labour as is
necessary for proper and timely execution of the work.
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The CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall be at liberty to object to and require
the contractor to remove from the works any person who in his opinion misconducts himself,
or is incompetent or negligent in the performance of his duties or whose employment is
otherwise considered by the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative -in Charge to be
undesirable. Such person shall not be employed again at works site without the written
permission of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative and the persons so removed
shall be replaced as soon as possible by competent substitutes.
ii) The contractor shall at his own expense, provide all materials required for the works other
than those which are to be supplied by CHIAL. The contractor is also bound to allow deduction from
his bills any difference in statutory taxes / royalty and penalty proposed by Local State Authorities to
CHIAL till finalization of settlement of all demands in this regard by Central / State Govt.
iii) If pursuant to or under any law, notification or order any royalty, cess or the like becomes
payable by the CHIAL and does not any time become payable by the contractor to the State
Government. Local authorities in respect of any material used by the contractor in the works then in
such a case, it shall be lawful to the CHIAL and it will have the right and be entitled to recover the
amount paid in the circumstances as aforesaid from dues of the contractor.
(iv) Conditions for reimbursement of levy / taxes if levied after receipt of tenders.
i) All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies (except GST) payable under
respective statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (46th Amendment) Act, 1982, if any
further tax or levy is imposed by Statute, after the last stipulated date for the receipt of tender
including extensions if any and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such
taxes / levies, the contractor shall be reimbursed the amount so paid, provided such payments, if
any, is not, in the opinion of the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative (whose decision
shall be final and binding on the contractor) attributable to delay in execution of work within the
control of the contractor.
ii) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose
of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised
representative of CHIAL or the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative and further shall
furnish such other information / document as the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative
may require from time to time.
iii) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such further tax or
levy, pursuant to the Constitution (Forty Sixth Amendment) Act, 1982, give a written notice
thereof to the CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative that the same is given pursuant to this
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condition together with all necessary information relating thereto.
NOTE: By the term “near relatives” is meant wife, husband, parents and grandparents, children and
grandchildren, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins and their corresponding in-laws.
No officer of any Dept. of CHIAL to work as Contractor within two years of retirement
No person or any officer employed in terminal or administrative duties in any department of CHIAL
shall work as a contractor or employee of a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement
from CHIAL service without the previous permission of CHIAL in writing. This contract is liable to be
cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found at any time to be such a person
who had not obtained the permission of CHIAL as aforesaid, before submission of the tender or
engagement in the contractor’s service, as the case may be.
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CLAUSE 36 (Applicable for contracts having estimated cost of Rs. 100 lakhs or more for
three years)
36.1 Signing of Integrity Pact is mandatory for every bidder participating in this tender and the
contract who is awarded the work. The Pact signed on each page by the person authorized
by the bidder / sub – contractor / associate to sign the bid for submission or the person
authorized to sign the contract on behalf of successful bidder. The scanned copy of the same
shall be uploaded by the bidder (along with unconditional acceptance as per Annexure-1 of
tender documentt in “Technical Bid /Attachments section of e- tendering portal) in Envelop – I
shall be enclosed with the agreement by the contractor.
36.2 All sub – contractors / associates whose contribution in the project is Rs. 0.50 Crores
(Rupees Fifty Lacs) or above shall sign Integrity Pact with the Authority after the work is
awarded to the successful bidder. All bidders shall inform their sub – Contractors / associates
36.3 The Independent External Monitor (IEM) for this work shall be as under. All correspondences
regarding implementation of Integrity Pact Shall be addressed to:
Sh. Ranjan Kumar Ghose, IAAS Sh. Ravindra Singh Rawal, IRS (Retd.)
E-mail – [email protected] E-mail – [email protected]
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The estimate and manpower/consumable requirement mentioned in the tender, have been
worked out on the basis of normal traffic movement/growth scenario of pre COVID-19
pandemic. However, the actual required manpower and average monthly consumables will be
assessed and reviewed by a constituted committee every quarter from the beginning of
contract, considering the present footfall/traffic & forecast in near future.
This process of quarterly assessment & revision of manpower & consumable will be
continued until the normalcy of footfall/traffic i.e. pre COVID-19 footfall/traffic. The monthly bill
shall be submitted by the contractor in accordance with actual manpower deployed and
considering the justified quantity and rates of consumables as assessed by CHIAL. The
payment will be made accordingly. The rates of consumables should not be more than the
estimated rates of CHIAL.
This clause may also be applicable in any other force majeure situation in which footfall/
passenger traffic is reduced/ declined.
The decision of CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative will be final in this regard.
Force Majeure
38.1.1 As used in the Agreement the expression “Force Majeure” or “Force Majeure Event”
shall mean occurrence in India of any or all of event, as defined in Clause 38.1.2, if it affects
the performance by the Party claiming the benefit of Force Majeure (“Affected Party”) of its
obligations under this Agreement and which act or event
38.1.2 A Force Majeure Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events:
(i) nation-wide lawful strike or lockout by persons other than the Concessionaire’s /agency's
personnel , employees and workmen; or
(ii) acts of God, fire, flood, lightning, storm, tornado, earthquake, landslide, soil erosion,
epidemics, pandemics, volcanic activity, tsunami or other natural disaster excluding
circumstances where the source or cause of the explosion or contamination or radiation is
brought or has been bought onto or near the Airport by the Affected Party or those employed
or engaged by the Affected Party unless it is or was essential for the performance of
obligations under this Agreement; or
(iii) loss of or serious accidental damage at the Airport; or
(iv) act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign
enemy, rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, blockade,
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embargo, hostilities (whether war declared or not), revolution, riot, bombs or civil commotion
or civil war; or
(v) any act, event or circumstance of a nature analogous to the foregoing.
Provided further that none of the following matters or their consequences shall be capable of
constituting or causing Force Majeure:
(i) failure or inability to make any payment; or
(ii) the effect of market conditions unless such market conditions were themselves caused by
or were a result of a Force Majeure event; or
(iii) strikes or labour disputes of any kind or collective bargaining agreements, by/of
Concessionaire/agency, resulting in a delay or stoppage of work (other than strikes, labour
disputes on a nationwide basis); or
(iv) economic hardship.
38.2.1 Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the Affected Party shall by notice report
such occurrence to the other Party forthwith. Any notice pursuant hereto shall include full
particulars of:
(i) the nature and extent of each Force Majeure Event which is the subject of any claim for
relief under this Clause 38 with evidence in support thereof;
(ii) the estimated duration and the effect or probable effect which such Force Majeure Event is
having or will have on the Affected Party’s performance of its obligations under this
(iii) the measures which the Affected Party is taking or proposes to take for alleviating the
impact of such Force Majeure Event; and
(iv) any other information relevant to the Affected Party’s claim.
The Affected Party shall not be entitled to any relief for or in respect of a Force Majeure Event
unless it shall have notified in accordance with Clause 38.2.1, the other Party of the
occurrence of the Force Majeure Event as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event
not later than 7 (seven) days after the Affected Party knew, or ought reasonably to have
known, of its occurrence, and shall have given particulars of the probable material effect that
the Force Majeure Event is likely to have on the performance of its obligations under this
38.2.2 For so long as the Affected Party continues to claim to be materially affected by such
Force Majeure Event, it shall provide the other Party with regular (and not less than weekly)
reports containing information as required by Clause 38.2.1, and such other information as
the other Party may reasonably request the Affected Party to provide.
38.3.1 Upon occurrence of any Force Majeure Event, the Parties shall bear their respective
Force Majeure Costs and neither Party shall be required to pay to the other Party any costs
38.3.2 Save and except as expressly provided in this Clause 38, neither Party shall be liable
in any manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect of any loss, damage, cost, expense,
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claims, demands and proceedings relating to or arising out of occurrence or existence of any
Force Majeure Event or exercise of any right pursuant hereto.
38.4.1 The Affected Party shall make all reasonable efforts to mitigate or limit damage to the
other Party arising out of or as a result of the existence or occurrence of such Force Majeure
Event and to cure the same with due diligence.
38.4.2 It is agreed by the Parties that when the Affected Party is able to resume performance
of its obligations under this Agreement, it shall give to the other Party notice to that effect and
shall promptly resume performance of its obligations hereunder.
If a Force Majeure Event subsists for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days or more
within a continuous period of 365 (three hundred and sixty-five) days, either Party may in its
discretion terminate this Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the other Party without
being liable in any manner whatsoever, save as provided in this Article 38, and upon issue of
such Termination Notice, this Agreement shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained herein, stand terminated forthwith; provided that before issuing such Termination
Notice, the Party intending to issue the Termination Notice shall inform the other Party of such
intention and grant 15 (fifteen) days’ time to make a representation, and may after the expiry
of such 15 (fifteen) days period, whether or not it is in receipt of such representation, in its
sole discretion issue the Termination Notice.”
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1. Suitable Scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely be done
from the ground, or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done safely from
ladders. When a ladder is used, an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the
ladder is used for carrying materials as well suitable footholds and hand-hold shall be provided on the
ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than ¼ to 1 (¼ horizontal and 1
2. Scaffolding of staging more than 3.6m (12ft.) above the ground or floor, swung or suspended
from an overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have a guard rail properly attached
or bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least 90 cm. (3ft.) high above the floor or platform of such
scaffolding on staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only
such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be
so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure.
3. Working platforms, gangways and stairways should be so constructed that they should not
sag unduly or unequally, and if the height of the platform or the gangway or the stairway is more than
3.6 m (12ft.) above ground level or floor level, they should be closely boarded, should have adequate
width and should be suitably fastened as described in (2) above.
4. Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided with suitable
means to prevent the fall of person or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose
minimum height shall be 90 cm.(3ft.).
5. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places.
Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9m. (30ft.) in length while
the width between side rails in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 29 cm. (11 ½ “) for ladder
upto and including 3m. (10ft.) in length. For long ladders, this width should be increased at least ¼”
for each additional 30cm. (1 foot) of length. Uniform step spacing of not more than 30cm shall be
kept. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials
on any of the site or work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any
person or the public. The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights to protect the public
from accident and shall be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other
proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the
above precautions and to pay any damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit, action
or proceedings to any such person on which may, with the consent of the contractor, be paid to
compensate any claim by any such person.
i All roads and open areas site shall either be closed or suitably protected.
iii All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk of fire or
explosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be so overloaded with
debris or materials as to render it unsafe.
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7. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the CEO,CHIAL should
be kept available for the use of the person employed on the site and maintained in a condition
suitable for immediate use, and the contractor should take adequate steps to ensure proper use of
equipment by those concerned while executing the work under contract.
8. Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage and supports
shall conform to the following standards or conditions:
(a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound materials and adequate
strength and free from patent defects and shall be kept repaired and in good working
(b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall
be of durable quality and adequate strength, and free from patent defects.
(c) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator, shall be properly qualified and no
person under the age of 21 years should be in charge of any hoisting machine
including any scaffolding winch or give signals to operator.
(d) In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle swivel and
pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension, the safe working load shall
be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to
above shall be plainly marked with the safe working load. In case of a hoisting
machine having a variable safe working load each safe working load and the
condition under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated. No part of any
machine or any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the
safe working load except for the purpose of testing.
9. Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting
appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting appliances should be provided with
such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental descent of the load. Adequate
precautions should be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part of a suspended load
becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on electrical installations which are
already energized, insulating mats, wearing apparel, such as gloves, sleeves and boots as may be
necessary should be provided. The worker should not wear any rings, watches and carry keys or
other materials which are good conductors of electricity.
10. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while it
is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near places of work.
11. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a
notice board at a prominent place at work spot. The person responsible for compliance of the safety
code shall be named therein by the contractor.
12. To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions
the arrangements made by the contractor shall be open to inspection by the Labour Officer or
CEO,CHIAL or their representatives.
Notwithstanding the above clauses from (1) to (15), there is noting in these to exempt the contractor
from the operations of any other Act or Rules in force in the Republic of India.
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These rules shall apply to all contract works in charge of CHIAL in which twenty or more workers are
ordinarily employed or are proposed to be employed in any day during the period during which the
contract work is in progress.
Work place means a place where twenty or more workers are ordinarily employed in connection with
contract work on any day during the period during which the contract work is in progress.
(i) At every work place, there shall be provided and maintained, so as to be easily accessible
during working hours, first-aid boxes at the rate of not less than one box for 150 contract
labour or part thereof ordinarily employed.
(ii) The first-aid box shall be distinctly written with red colour on white back ground for work
places in which the number of contract labour employed does not exceed 50. Each first-aid
box shall contain the following equipment :-
4. The above rules shall be incorporated in the contracts and in notices inviting tenders and
shall form an integral part of the contracts.
CHIAL may, from time to time, add to or amend these rules and issue directions - it may consider
necessary for the purpose of removing any difficulty which may arise in the administration thereof.
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(i) Workman means any person employed by CHIAL or its contractor directly or indirectly
through subcontractor with or without the knowledge of the CHIAL to do any skilled,
semiskilled or unskilled manual, supervisory, technical or clerical work for hire or reward,
whether the terms of employment are expressed or implied but does not include any person
b) Who, being employed in a supervisory capacity draws wages exceeding five hundred
rupees per day or exercises either by the nature of the duties attached to the office or
by reason of powers vested in him, functions mainly of managerial nature : or
c) Who is an out worker, that is to say, person to whom any article or materials are
given out by or on behalf of the principal employers to be made up cleaned, washed,
altered, ornamental finished, repaired adopted or otherwise processed for sale for the
purpose of the trade or business of the principal employers and the process is to be
carried out either in the home of the out worker or in some other premises, not being
premises under the control and management of the principal employer.
(ii) Fair Wages means wages whether for time or piece work fixed and notified under the
provisions of the Minimum Wages Act from time to time.
(iii) Contractors shall include every person who undertakes to produce a given result other than
a mere supply of goods or articles of manufacture through contract labour or who supplies
contract labour for any work and includes a subcontractor.
(iv) Wages shall have the same meaning as defined in the Payment of Wages Act.
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3. General Working Hours
(i) Normally working hours of an adult employee should not exceed 9 hours a day. The working
Day shall be so arranged that inclusive of interval for rest, if any, it shall not spread over more
than 12 hours on any day.
(ii) When an adult worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on any day or for more than 48
hours in any week, he shall be paid over time for the extra hours put in by him at double the
ordinary rate of wages.
a) Every worker shall be given a weekly holiday normally on a Sunday, in accordance
with the provisions of the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules 1960 as amended from
time to time irrespective of whether such worker is governed by the Minimum Wages
Act or not.
b) Where the minimum wages prescribed by the Central/State Government under the
Minimum Wages Act are not inclusive of the wages for the weekly day of rest, the
worker shall be entitled to rest day wages at the rate applicable to the next preceding
day, provided he has worked under the same contractor for a continuous period of
not less than 6 days.
The contractor shall before he commences his work on contract, display and correctly maintain and
continue to display and correctly maintain in a clear and legible condition in conspicuous places on
the work, notices in English and in the local Indian languages spoken by the majority of the workers
giving the minimum rates of wages fixed under Minimum Wages Act, the actual wages being paid, the
hours of work for which such wage are earned, wages periods, dates of payments of wages and other
relevant information as per Appendix ’III’.
i) The contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable.
iv) Where the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor the
wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the date
on which his employment is terminated.
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v) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day at the work premises and during the
working time and on a date notified in advance and in case the work is completed before the
expiry of the wage period, final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working
vi) Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct or to other person authorised by him in
this behalf.
viii) Wages shall be paid without any deductions of any kind except those specified by the Central
Government by general or special order in this behalf or permissible under the Payment of
Wages Act 1956.
ix) A notice showing the wages period and the place and time of disbursement of wages shall be
displayed at the place of work and a copy sent by the contractor to the CEO,CHIAL or his
authorised representative under acknowledgement.
x) It shall be the duty of the contractor to ensure the disbursement of wages in the presence of
the CEO,CHIAL or authorised representative of the CEO,CHIAL who will be required to be
present at the place and time of disbursement of wages by the contractor to workmen.
xi) The contractor shall obtain from CEO,CHIAL or the authorised representative of the
CEO,CHIAL a certificate under his signature at the end of the entries in the “Register of
Wages” or the “Wage-cum-Muster Roll” as the case may be in the following form:
“Certified that the amount shown in column No. ………… has been paid to the workman
concerned in my presence on ………………………….”
(i) The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the
(a) Fines
(b) Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or the places where by the
terms of his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in
proportion to the period for which he was absent.
(c) Deduction for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed
person for custody, or for loss of money or any other deduction which he is required
to account, where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or
(e) Any other deduction which the Central Government may from time to time allow.
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(ii) No fines should be imposed on any worker save in respect of such acts and omissions on his
part as have been approved of by the Chief Labour Commissioner.
Note: An approved list of Acts and Omissions for which fines can be imposed is enclosed at
(iii) No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be made
from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such
fines or deductions.
(iv) The total amount of fine which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker shall not
exceed an amount equal to three paise in a rupee of the total wages, payable to him in
respect of that wage period.
(v) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installment, or after the expiry
of sixty days from the date on which it was imposed.
(vi) Every fine shall be deemed to have been imposed on the day of the act or omission in
respect of which it was imposed.
(i) The contractor shall maintain a Register of persons employed on work on contract in Form
XIII of the CL(R&A) Central Rules 1971 (Appendix IV)
(ii) The contractor shall maintain a Muster Roll register in respect of all workmen employed by
him on the work under Contract in Form XVI of the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix V).
(iii) The contractor shall maintain a Wage Register in respect of all workmen employed by him on
the work under contract in Form XVII of the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix VI)
Register of accident - The contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such form as may be
convenient at the work place but the same shall include the following particulars:
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v) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Fines in the Form XII of the CL(R&A) Rules 1971
The contractor shall display in a good condition and in a conspicuous place of work the
approved list of acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed (Appendix-X)
vi) The contractor shall maintain a Register of deductions for damage or loss in Form XX of
the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix-XII)
vii) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Advances in Form XXIII of the CL (R&A) Rules
1971 (Appendix-XIII)
viii) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Overtime in Form XXIII of the CL (R&A) Rules
1971 (Appendix-XIV)
i) The contractor shall issue an Attendance card-cum-wage slip to each workman employed
by him in the specimen format (Appendix-VII).
iii) The contractor shall mark the attendance of each workman on the card twice each day, once
at the commencement of the day and again after the rest interval, before he actually starts
iv) The card shall remain in possession of the worker during the wage period under reference.
v) The contractor shall complete the wage slip portion on the reverse of the card at least a day
prior to the disbursement of wages in respect of the wage period under reference.
vi) The contractor shall obtain the signature or thumb impression of the worker on the wage slip
at the time of disbursement of wages and retain the card with himself.
The contractor shall issue an Employment Card in Form XIV of the CL (R&A) Central Rules 1971 to
each worker within three days of the employment of the worker (Appendix-VIII).
On termination of employment for any reason whatsoever the contractor shall issue to the workman
whose services have been terminated, a Service certificate in Form XV of the CL(R&A) Central
Rules 1971 (Appendix-IX).
All records required to be maintained under Regulations Nos. 6 & 7 shall be preserved in original for a
period of three years from the date of last entries made in them and shall be made available for
inspection by the CEO,CHIAL or Labour Officer or any other officers authorised by the Ministry of
Urban Development in this behalf.
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The Labour Officer or any person authorised by Central Government on their behalf shall have power
to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of Fair Wage
Clauses and the Provisions of these Regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding
the default made by the contractor or subcontractor in regard to such provision.
The Labour Officer or other persons authorised as aforesaid shall submit a report of result of his
investigation or enquiry to the CEO,CHIAL concerned indicating the extent, if any, to which the default
has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the contractor’s bill be made and the
wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. In case an appeal is made by the
contractor under Clause 13 of these regulations, actual payment to labourers will be made by the
CEO,CHIAL after Labour officer has given his decision on such appeal.
CEO,CHIAL shall arrange payments to the labour concerned within 45 days from the receipt of the
report from the Labour Officer.
Any person aggrieved by the decision and recommendations of the Labour Officer or other person so
authorised may appeal against such decision to the CEO,CHIAL concerned within 30 days from the
date of decision, but subject to such appeal, the decision of the officer shall be final and binding upon
the contractor.
c) Where the employer is not a member of any registered trade union, by an officer of a
registered trade union, connected with the industry in which the worker is employed
or by any other workman employed in the industry in which the worker is employed.
ii) An employer shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or enquiry under these
regulations by :
GCC 46
Page 66 of 166
of association of employer connected with the industry in which the employer is
engaged or by any other employer, engaged in the industry in which the employer is
The contractor shall allow inspection of all the prescribed labour records to any of his workers or to
his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the Labour Officer or any
other person, authorised by the Central Government on his behalf.
The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time.
The Central Government/CHIAL may from time to time add to or amend the regulations and on any
question as to the application/interpretation or effect of those regulations the decision of the
CEO,CHIAL concerned shall be final.
GCC 47
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GCC 48
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Proforma of Registers
GCC 49
Page 69 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Labour Board
Name of work
Name of Contractor
Address of Contractor
Weekly holiday
Wage period
Working hours
Rest interval
GCC 50
Page 70 of 166
Proforma of registers
Appendix IV
S. Name Age Father’s / Name and Permanent Local Date of Signature / Date of Reasons Remarks
No. and and Husband’s Employment home Address commencement Thumb termination for
Surname Sex Name Designation address of of employment impression of termination
of Workman of the employment
Workman (Vill. And workman
Taluk and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
GCC 51
Page 71 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix V
GCC 52
Page 72 of 166
Proforma of Registers
S. Name of Serial in Desig- No. of Units Daily Amount of wages earned Deducti Net Signature / Initial
No. Workman the nation / days of rate of on if Amou Thumb contrac-tor
register Nature of worke work wages / any nt paid impression or his
of work- Work done d done piece (indicat of the represen-
man rate e workman tative
Basic Dear- Ov Other Tot
wages ness er- cash al
allow tim payments
- e (indicate
ance nature)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
GCC 53
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GCC 54
Page 74 of 166
GCC 55
Page 75 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix IX
Form – XV (See Rule 77)
Service Certificate
GCC 56
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Proforma of Registers
Appendix 'X'
In accordance with rule 7(v) of the CHIAL Contractor's Labour Regulations to be displayed prominently at
the site of work both in English and local Language.
2 Theft fraud or dishonesty in connection with the contractors beside a business or property of
6 Habitual negligence.
7 Smoking near or around the area where combustible or other materials are locked
8 Habitual Indiscipline
9 Causing damage to work in the progress or to property of the CHIAL or of the contractor.
10 Sleeping on duty.
15 Bad workmanship in construction and maintenance by skilled workers which is not approved by
the Department and for which the contractors are compelled to undertake rectifications.
GCC 57
Page 77 of 166
18 Any Unauthorised divulgence of business affairs of the employees.
19 Collection or canvassing for the collection of any money within the premises of an
establishment unless authorised by the employer.
20 Holding meeting inside the premises without previous sanction of the employers.
21 Threatening or intimidating any workman or employer during the working hours within the
GCC 58
Page 78 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix XI
S. Name of Father / Designation / Act / Date of Whether Name of Wage Amount Date on Remarks
No. Workman Husband’s Nature of Omission offence workman person in period of fine which
Name employment for which showed whose and imposed fine
fine cause presence wages realised
imposed against employee’s payable
fine explanation
was heard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
GCC 59
Page 79 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix XII
Form – XX (See Rule 78 (2) (d))
Register of Deduction for Damage or loss
S. Name of Father / Designation / Particulars Date of Whether Name of Amount of Date of recovery Remarks
No. Workman Husband’s Nature of of damage damage workman person in deduction
Name employment or loss or loss showed whose imposed
cause presence
against employee’s
fine explanation
was heard
First Last
installment installment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
GCC 60
Page 80 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix XIII
Form – XXII (See Rule 78 (2) (d))
Register of Advances
S. Name of Father / Designation / Wage Date and Purpose No. of Date and Date by Remarks
No. Workman Husband’s Nature of period amount (s) fr installments amount of which last
Name employment and of which by which each installment
wages advance advance advance to installment was repaid
payable given given be repaid repaid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
GCC 61
Page 81 of 166
Proforma of Registers
Appendix XIV
S. Name of Father / Designation / Designation / Date on Total Normal Overtime Overtime Rate on Remarks
No. Workman Husband’s Nature of Nature of which overtime rate of rate of earning which
Name employment employment overtime worked or wages wages overtime
worked production paid
in case of
piece rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
GCC 62
Page 82 of 166
Bank Guarantee Bond
1. In consideration of the Chairman, CHIAL (hereinafter called “CHIAL”) having offered to accept the
terms and conditions of the proposed agreement between …………………………………........
3. We, the said Bank, further undertake to pay to the Chairman, CHIAL any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding
pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute
and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under his bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
there under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
GCC 63
Page 83 of 166
forebear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not
be relived from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extensions being granted to the said
contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on
the part of CHIAL or any indulgence by the CHIAL to the said contractor(s) or by any such matter or
thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect
of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
7. We…………………………………. (Indicate the name of the bank) lastly undertake not to revoke
this guarantee except with the previous consent of CHIAL in writing.
In presence of:
Dated this ________Day of_____________
1 For and on behalf of (The Bank)
2 Signature__________________________
Name & Designation_________________
Authorisation No.______________________
Name & Place ________________________
Bank’s Seal ___________________________
Name _________________________________
GCC 64
Page 84 of 166
Reference to General Conditions of Contract.
Name of work: Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport,
(i) Estimated cost of work : Rs. 28,10,14,108.00 (I/C EPF,ESI, Bonus & GST)
(ii) Earnest money : Rs. 18,73,428.00
(iii) Performance Guarantee : 5% of contract value
(iv) Security Deposit : 5% of contract value of work
(v) Time period of completion : 03 years.
Before quoting rates in “Items” Section in financial bid, the bidders are advised to read the full description
of respective items & unit of Abstract of Quantities mentioned in SOQ in conjunction with the short
description of items & unit.
Clause 1
(i) Time allowed for submission of :
Performance Guarantee from the date of 30 days
issue of letter of acceptance
Clause 4
Number of days from the date of issue of :
GCC 65
Page 85 of 166
letter acceptance for reckoning date of 30 days
Clause 9
Specification to be followed for execution of work : As per SCC
Clause 10
10.2 Deviation limit beyond which clauses 10 :
& 10.3 shall apply 30%
Clause 13
Competent Authority for deciding : CEO,CHIAL
reduced rates
Clause 15
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site:
List of mandatory tools and plants to be deployed by the contractor at site are mentioned in
special condition of contract.
GCC 66
Page 86 of 166
Dear Sir,
1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ from
GeM Portal web site(s) namely: as per your advertisement, given in the
abovementioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have inspected the site and read the entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents, corrigendum(s) and reply to query if any made available to me/ us which shall form
part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained
3. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of CHIAL’s tender documents in its totality /
entirety for above mentioned work.
4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of CHIAL for awarding
this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and further if any officer of
CHIAL asks for bribe/gratification, I will immediately report it to the Appropriate Authority in CHIAL’.
5. I/ We hereby submitted that I/ We paid/ submitted the required earnest money as per NIT conditions
6. I / We certify that all information/ documents furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the event at
any stage, the information/ documents is found to be incorrect/ untrue or found violated, then we shall be
liable for debarment from tendering in CHIAL without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily
reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the
forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
GCC 67
Page 87 of 166
1. In consideration of the Chandigarh International Airport Limited having its office at New Civil Air
Terminal, Mohali, Punjab (hereinafter called the “CHIAL” which expression shall unless repugnant
to the subject or context include its administrators, successors and assigns) having agreed under
the terms and conditions of Contract Agreement No. ______________dated ________made
between ____________________ and CHIAL in connection with the work of
________________________ (hereinafter called the said contract), to accept Deed of
Guarantee as herein provided’ for Rs._________________________________ (Rupees
_____________________only) from a Nationalized Bank in lieu of the Security deposit to be
made by the contractor or in lieu of the deduction to be made from the contractor’s bills, for the
due fulfillment by the said Contractor of the term and conditions contained in the said Contract.
We, the ________________bank (hereinafter referred to as “the said Bank” and having our
registered office at do hereby undertake and agree to indemnify and keep
indemnified CHIAL from time to time to the extent of Rs. ___________________________
(Rupees ______________________ only) against any loss or damage, costs, charges and
expenses caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by CHIAL by reason of
any breach or breaches by the said Contractor of any of the terms and conditions contained in the
said contract and to unconditionally pay the amount claimed by CHIAL on demand and without
demur to the extent aforesaid.
2. We, the ___________________ Bank, further agree that CHIAL shall be the sole judge of and as
to whether the said Contractor has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms and
conditions of the said contract and the extent of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by CHIAL on account thereof and
the decision of CHIAL that the said Contractor has committed such breach or breaches and as to
the amount or amounts of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by
or that may be caused to or suffered by CHIAL from time to time shall be final and binding on us.
3. We, the said Bank, further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Contracts and till
all the dues of CHIAL under the said Contract or by virtue of any of the terms and conditions
governing the said Contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged and till the
Accepting Authority of the contract certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Contract
have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor and accordingly discharges this
guarantee subject, however that CHIAL shall have no claim under this Guarantee after 90
(Ninety) days from the date of expiry of the Defects Liability Period as provided in the said
Contract, i.e., _____________ (date) or from the date of cancellation of the said Contract, as the
case may be, unless a notice of the claim under this Guarantee has been served on the Bank
before the expiry of the said period in which case the same shall be enforceable against the Bank
notwithstanding the fact, that the same is enforced after the expiry of the said period.
GCC 68
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4. CHIAL shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee or Indemnity from time to time to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
contract or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor or to postpone for any time and
from time to time any of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contactor and either to
enforce or forbear from enforcing any of terms and conditions governing the said Contract or
securities available to CHIAL and the said Bank shall not be released from its liability under these
presents by any exercise by CHIAL of any liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by
reason of time being given to the said Contractor or any other forbearance, act or omission on the
part of CHIAL or any indulgence by CHIAL to the said Contractor or any other matter or thing
whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have the effect
of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
5. It shall not be necessary for CHIAL to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding against
the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank,
notwithstanding any security which AAI may have obtained or obtain from the Contractor at the
time when proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder be outstanding or unrealised.
6. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with
the previous consent of CHIAL in writing and agree that any change in the Constitution of the
said Contractor or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder.
7. Address of Regional / Controlling branch of the issuing branch of bank Guarantee is -----------------
In presence of:
1. For and on behalf of (The Bank)
Signature ___________________
2. Name & Designation __________
Authorisation No. _____________
Name & Place________________
Bank’s Seal _________________
GCC 69
Page 89 of 166
*For Proprietary Concerns
For Companies
M/s _____________________a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office in the State of (Hereinafter called “the said Contractor” which expression shall unless the
context requires otherwise include its administrators, successors and assigns).
GCC 70
Page 90 of 166
1. Name of Work
3. Date of Acceptance
5. contract Sum
6. Peroid of Contract
GCC 71
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1. Shift
GCC 72
Page 92 of 166
This agreement made this (date in figures & words) between Chandigarh International Airport Limited, a
body corporate incorporated under the Company’s Act having its regd. Office at Room No. 1, Project
Office, New Civil Air Terminal, Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh,Mohali-140306
through its Chief Executive Officer (here in after referred to as “CHIAL” which expression shall include its
administrators, successors, executors and assign of the One part and
M/s.______________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”,
which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors and permitted assigns)of the
Other part.
Whereas CHIAL is desirous of getting the work of “Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh” (hereinafter called work) done by means of
a contract, had invited tenders for this work as per tender documents sold for this purpose.
And whereas the contractor had participated in the above referred bidding vide his tender application
dated _______________ and other subsequent referred letters. CHIAL accepting his tender offer
awarded the work to the contractor on the terms and conditions contained in its acceptance letter No.
Dated___________ and documents, terms and conditions referred to therein which have been accepted
by M/s.____________________________ resulting into a contract.
GCC 73
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07. General Conditions of Contract -
All the aforesaid contract documents shall form an integral part of this agreement in so far as the same or
any part thereof conform to the tender document and what has been specifically agreed to by CHIAL on
its letter of Award. Any matter inconsistent therewith, contrary or repugnant thereto or any deviation taken
by the contractor in its proposal not agreed to by CHIAL in its letter of Award or any other letter which
forms a part of contract documents mentioned sake of brevity this agreement along with its aforesaid
contract document shall be referred to as the agreement.
The scope of contract, consideration, terms of payment, wherever applicable, insurance, liquidated
damages, period of completion and all other terms and conditions are contained in aforesaid tender
documents. The contract shall be duly performed by the contractor strictly and faithfully in accordance
with the terms of agreement.
This agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and terms of the
presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to the extent of in-consistency or repugnancy to the
terms and conditions contained in the tender agreement. Any modification of the agreement shall be
effected only by written instrument signed by both the parties.
Any notice given by either party to the other under the agreement shall be written and shall be deemed to
have been duly and properly served upon the parties here to if delivered at the address mentioned hereby
in above.
In witness whereof, the parties have executed these presents, day, month and year first above mentioned
at _____________.
1. 1.
2. 2.
GCC 74
Page 94 of 166
This Pact made this …… of …… between Chandigarh International Airport Limited, a body corporate
incorporated under the Company’s Act having its regd. Office at Room No. 1, Project Office, New Civil Air
Terminal, Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh,Mohali-140306 hereinafter called the
Authority ( which term shall unless excluded by or is repugnant to the context, be deemed to include its
Chairman, or Member, CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representatives ,officers. or any of them specified by
the Chairman in this behalf, and shall also include its successors and assigns) of the one part
……represented by ……… of the other part, hereinafter called the “Bidder/Contractor “(which term shall
unless excluded by or is repugnant to the context be deemed to include its heirs, representatives,
successors and assigns of the Bidder/ Contractor)
WHEREAS the Authority intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, tender/ contract
for “Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport,
Chandigarh”. The Authority, while discharging its functions on business principles, values proper
compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of natural justice, ethics, equity,
fairness and transparency in its relations with the Bidders/ Contractors.
WHEREAS the Authority is desirous to make its business mechanism more transparent, thus to ensure
strict adherence of the aforesaid objectives/goals, the Authority hereby adopts the instrument developed
by the renowned international non-governmental organization “ Transparency International” ( T I )
headquartered in Berlin ( Germany ).The Authority will appoint an Independent External Monitor ( IEM )
who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles
mentioned above.
AND WHEREAS the Bidder is submitting a tender to the Authority for “----------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”. In response to the NIT (Notice
Inviting Tender) dated ……… Contractor is signing the contract for execution of “---------------------------------
NOW, therefore,
To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any
influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered
into with a view to
Enabling the Authority to obtain the desired said stores/equipment/execution of works at a competitive
price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of
corruption on public procurement, and
Enabling Authority to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other
corrupt practices and the Authority will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by
following transparent procedures.
The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows:
GCC 75
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1. Commitments of the Authority;
1.1 The Authority undertakes that no official of the Authority, connected directly or indirectly with the
contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe,
consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from
the BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the
contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or
implementation process related to the contract.
1.2 The Authority will, during the pre-contact stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will provide to all
BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER
which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs.
1.3 All the officials of the Authority will report to the appropriate authority office any attempted
or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of
such a breach.
2.0 In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER
to the Authority with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be
correct by the Authority, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit,
including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the Authority and such a person shall be
debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is
being conducted by the Authority the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled.
3. Commitments of Bidders/Contractor.
The Bidder/Contractor commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practice,
unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-
contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit
itself to the following:-
3.1 The Bidder/Contractor will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift,
consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission,
fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Authority, connected directly or indirectly with
the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange
for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.2 (i) The Bidder/Contactor further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit
or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Authority or
otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the Authority for showing or
forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other
contract with the Authority.
3.2 (ii) The Bidder /Contactor has not entered and will not enter with other bidders into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices,
specification, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any
actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process.
3.3 The Bidder/Contractor shall, when presenting his bid, disclose the name and address of agents
and representatives and Indian BIDDERs shall disclose their foreign principals or associates.
3.4 The Bidder/Contactor shall when presenting his bid disclose any and all the payments he has made
or, is committed to or intends to make to agents/brokers or any other intermediary, in connection
with this bid/contract.
GCC 76
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3.5 The Bidder/Contractor further confirms and declares to the Authority that the BIDDER is the original
manufacturer/integrator/ authorized government sponsored export entity of the stores and has not
engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any
way to recommend to the Authority or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the
award of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be
paid to any such individual, firm or company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or
3.6 The Bidder/Contractor, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before
signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make
to officials of the Authority or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in
connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
3.7 The Bidder/Contractor will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.
3.8 The Bidder/Contractor will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt Practice, unfair
means and illegal activities.
3.9 The Bidder / Contactor shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal
gain ,or pass on to others, any information provided by the Authority as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information
contained in any electronic data carrier. The Bidder / Contractor also undertakes to exercise due
and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
3.10 The Bidder/Contractor will inform to the Independent External Monitor.
i) If he receives demand for an illegal/undue payment/benefit.
ii) If he comes to know of any unethical or illegal payment/benefit.
iii) If he makes any payment to any Authority’s associate(s)
3.11 The Bidder/Contactor commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other
manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
3.12 The Bidder/Contactor shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of
the actions mentioned above.
3.13 If the Bidder/Contractor or any employee of the Bidder/Contractor or any person acting on behalf
of the Bidder/ Contractor, either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of the
Authority, or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of the Authority has financial interest/stake in
the Bidder’s/Contractor’s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the Bidder/Contractor at the time
filing of tender.
The term ‘relative’ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act 1956.
3.14 The Bidder/Contractor shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary
dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the Authority.
3.15 That if the Bidder/ Contractor, during tender process or before the award of the contract or during
execution of the contract/work has committed a transgression in violation of section 2 or in any
other form such as to put his reliability or credibility as Bidder/Contractor into question, the Authority
is entitled to disqualify him from the tender process or to terminate the contract for such reason and
to debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes.
GCC 77
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4. Previous Transgression
4.1 The Bidder/Contractor declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in
respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in
India or any Government Department in India that could justify Bidders’s exclusion from the
tender process.
4.2 The Bidder/Contractor agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be
disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated
for such reason and he may be considered for debarment for future tender/contract processes.
4.3 That the Bidder/Contractor undertakes to get this Pact signed by the sub- contractor(s) and
associate(s) whose value of the work contribution exceeds Rs 2.0 Crores.(Rupees Two Crore
only.) and to submit the same to the Authority along-with the tender document/ contract before
contract signing.
4.4. That sub-contractor(s)/ associate(s) engaged by the Contractor, with the approval of the Authority
after signing of the contract, and whose value of the work contribution exceeds Rs 1.5 Crs.
(Rupees One Crore Fifty Lacs .) will be required to sign this Pact by the Contractor, and the
same will be submitted to the Authority before doing/ performing any act/ function by such sub-
contractor(s)/ associate(s) in relation to the contract/ work.
4.5 That the Authority will disqualify from the tender process all Bidder(s) who do not sign this
Pact or violate its provisions or fails to get this Pact signed in terms of section 4.3 or 4.4
4.6 That if the Contractor(s) does/ do not sign this Pact or violate its provisions or fails to get this
Pact signed in terms of Section 4.3 or 4.4 above. Authority will terminate the contract and
initiate appropriate action against such Contractor(s).
5. Earnest Money, Security Deposit, Bank guarantee, Draft, Pay order or any other mode and its
validity i/c Warranty Period, Performance guarantee/Bond.
While submitting bid, the BIDDER shall deposit an EMD/SD/BG/DRAFT/PAY ORDER ETC I/C
WARRANTY PERIOD, PG/BOND, VALIDITY ETC, which is as per terms and conditions and
details given in NIT / tender documents sold to the Bidders.
6. Sanctions for Violations/ Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future
6.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle the Authority to take
all or any one of the following actions, wherever required:-
(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason or
giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other
BIDDER(s) would continue.
(ii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to
(iii) If the Authority has disqualified / debarred the Bidder from the tender process prior to the
award under section 2 or 3 or 4, the Authority is entitled to forfeit the earnest money
deposited/bid security.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the Authority, and in case of an Indian BIDDER with
interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of
India, while in case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at
2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the
GCC 78
Page 98 of 166
Authority in connection with any other contract or any other stores, such outstanding
payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if
furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the
BUYER, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay
compensation for any loss or damage to the Authority resulting from such
cancellation/rescission and the Authority shall be entitled to deduct the amount so
payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.
(vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes for a minimum period
of three years, which may be further extended at the discretion of the Authority.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middleman or
agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) In case where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contact
signed by the Authority with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened.
(x) Forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same
without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact.
(xi) That if the Authority have terminated the contract under section 2 or 3 or 4 or if the
Authority is entitled to terminate the contract under section 2 or 3 or 4, the Authority
shall be entitled to demand and recover from the contractor damages equivalent to 5%
of the contract value or the amount equivalent to security deposit or performance
bank guarantee, whichever is higher.
(xii) That the Bidder / Contractor agrees and undertakes to pay the said amount without
protest or demur subject only to condition that if the Bidder/Contractor can prove and
establish to the satisfaction of the Authority that the disqualification / debarment of the
bidder from the tender process or the termination of the contract after award of
the contract has caused no damage to the Authority.
6.2 The Authority will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 6.1(i) to (xii) of
this Pact also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in
Chapter IX of the Indian Penal code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other
statute enacted for prevention of corruption.
6.3 That if the Bidder/Contractor applies to the Authority for premature revocation of the
debarment and proves to the satisfaction of the Authority that he has installed a suitable and
effective corruption prevention system and also restored/recouped the damage, if any, caused
by him, the Authority may, if thinks fit, revoke the debarment prematurely considering the facts
and circumstances of the case, and the documents/evidence adduced by the
Bidder/Contractor for first time default.
6.4 That a transgression is considered to have occurred if the Authority is fully satisfied with the
available documents and evidence submitted alongwith Independent External Monitor’s
recommendations/suggestions that no reasonable doubt is possible in the matter.
GCC 79
Page 99 of 166
6.5 The decision of the Authority to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has been
committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER. However, the
BIDDER can approach the Independent External Monitor(s) appointed for the purpose of this
GCC 80
12.1 That this Pact comes into force when both the parties have signed it. It expires for the
Contractor 12 months after the final payment under the respective contract, and for all other
Bidders 3 months after the contract is awarded.
12.2. That if any claim is made / lodged during this period, the same shall be binding and
continue to be valid despite the lapse of this Pact as specified herein before, unless it
is discharged/determined by Chairman of the Authority.
12.3 That should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intentions.
Bidders are also advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of bribe and
other unethical behaviour) and a compliance program for the implementation of the code of conduct
throughout the company.
14. The parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at _____________ on _______________
Witness Witness
1. _______________________________ 1. ______________________________
2. _______________________________ 2. ______________________________
GCC 81
WHEREAS, contractor (Name of contractor) (hereinafter called “the contractor”) has submitted
his tender dated (date) for “Facility Management Services (Upkeeping) at Shaheed
Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh” (hereinafter called “the TENDER”).
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that we (name of bank) having our
registered office at (hereinafter called “the bank”) are bound
unto (Name of Senior Manager) (hereinafter called “the Officer-in-charge”) in
the sum of Rs. (Rs. In words ) for which payment well
truly to be made to the said Officer-in-charge the bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by
these presents.
We undertake to pay to the Officer-in-charge either up to the above amount or part thereof upon
receipt of his first return demand, without the officer -in-charge having to substantiates his demand,
provided that in his demand the Officer-in-charge will note that the amount claimed by him is due to
him owing to the concurrence of one or any of the above conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date* after the deadline
for submission of tender as such deadline is stated in the instructions to contractor or as it may be
extended by the officer-in-charge, notice of which extension (s) to the bank is hear by waived. Any
demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the bank not later than the above date.
GCC 82
(To be submitted along with Security Deposit / Earnest Money / Performance Guarantee to
Chandigarh International Airport Limited)
(To be submitted in the Letter head of the firm)
Sub: - My / Our Bank Guarantee bearing No……..dated ……. for amount……. Issued in
favour of Chandigarh International Airport Limited A/c……………
The subject Bank Guarantee is obtained from your bank for the purpose of Security
Deposit / Earnest Money / Performance Guarantee on account of contract awarded / to be
awarded by M/s Chandigarh International Airport Limited to me / us.
I hereby authorized the Chandigarh International Airport Limited in whose favour the
deposit is made to close the subject Bank Guarantee before maturity/ on maturity toward
adjustment of dues without any reference /consent /notice from me / our side and the bank is
fully discharged by making the payment to Chandigarh International Airport Limited.
GCC 83
Chief executive Officer,
Chandigarh International Airport Limited,
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh
New Civil Air Terminal
(i) Our firm is not restrained/ debarred/ blacklisted by CHIAL/AAI / MoCA / DoE(Debarment
applicable for all Ministries/Departments) and the debarment is not in force as on last date of
submission of proposal.
(ii) None of Proprietor /Partners /Board Members /Directors of M/s........................... (Name of firm)
has remained Proprietor /Partner /Board Member /Director in any firm which stands debarred/
blacklisted by CHIAL/AAI/ MoCA / DoE(Debarment applicable for all Ministries/Departments)
and the debarment is not in force as on last date of submission of proposal.
(iii) Our firm understands that if our firm either debarred before the date of opening of tender
or debarred before the date of contract by CHIAL/AAI / MoCA / DoE(Debarment applicable
for all Ministries/Departments), our bid is liable to be rejected at that stage.
(iv) Our firm understands that at any stage, if above statements are found to be false, our firm
shall be liable for debarment from bidding in CHIAL, apart from any other appropriate
contractual legal action including debarment/ blacklisting, termination of the contract etc.
as deemed fit.
GCC 84
1.1 Special conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of
Contract, Technical Specifications and any other documents forming part of this contract wherever
the context so requires.
1.2 Notwithstanding the sub-division of the documents into these separate sections and volume
every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary to and complementary of every other part
and shall be read with and into the CONTRACT so far as it may be practicable to do so.
1.3 Where any portion of the General Condition of Contract is repugnant to or at variance with
any provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract, unless a different intention appears, the
provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to over-ride the provisions of the
General Conditions of Contract and shall to the extent of such repugnancy, or variations, prevail.
2.1 The works shall be executed strictly as per time schedule mentioned in NIT. Contractor shall
have to plan his work and activities so as to complete the work in the stipulated period and
accordingly submit the schedule of various activities for the approval of Chief Executive Officer,
CHIALor his authorized representative.
2.2 No additional payment shall be made to the contractor for other incentive methods
contemplated by him in his work Schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative.
The scope of work includes Mechanized cleaning & sweeping of Airport terminals including toilets,
passenger chairs, sofas, office areas, internal & external façade, false ceiling work and all roads &
paved area of city/ air side including flyovers and pest control and allied services as conveyed by the
Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative and as per the shifts mentioned in
the contract. The inventory of toilet items shall be handed over to the agency during handing over the
site and shall be taken over back after completion of work.
Before quoting the bid the bidder should read the penalty clauses mentioned in SCC clause no.14.5
to 14.7 and other paras carefully in respect of the non-deployment of equipment, deficiency in
manpower, in-effective cleaning & not providing the consumable toiletries in time.
Before quoting the bid the bidder should read the clause of minimum deployment of labours in each
shift as per scope of work mentioned in SCC. The rate quoted by the bidders is inclusive of the
weekly off and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
5.1. The bill shall be submitted at monthly intervals or before the date fixed by the Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative for all the works executed
since previous bill. The contractor shall submit all the bills on the Performa prescribed
by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative, in triplicate.
5.2 The payment due to the contractor shall be made within 45 days of the submission of
the bill by the contractor and the measurements shall be verified by the Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative within 10 days of submission of the bill. The
payment shall be made from the CHIAL through RTGS directly in the Bank account of
5.3 The payment of wages should be made to the employed manpower/labour’s account
no. through RTGS/NEFT/Cheque by the 7th of every successive month. Delay in payment
will attract a penalty of Rs. 50 per day per employee and will be paid to his employee along
with salary.
6.1 Income Tax deductions shall be made from all payments made to the Contractor as
per the rules and regulations in force in accordance with the Income Tax Act prevailing from
time to time.
6.2 Labour cess as per rules and regulations in force shall be deducted from the bills of
the contractors and deposited with designated authorities.
Water will be provided by CHIAL free of cost. However, Contractor shall make their own
arrangements for extending the same to required place with the approval of competent authority.
The Department do not guarantee to maintain uninterrupted supply of water and it will be incumbent
on the contractor (s) to make alternative arrangements for water at his/their own cost in the event of
any temporary break down in the CHIAL’s water main so that the progress of his/their work is not
held up for want of water. No claim of damage will be entertained on account of such break down.
Power supply will be provided by CHIAL free of cost. However, for operating machineries at various
9.1 The contract agreement shall be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of value
Rs.100/- and cost of the stamp paper shall be borne by the Contractor.
9.2 Contractor's tender including the letters of clarifications between the contractor and
the CHIAL prior to the award of contract shall form a part of the Contract Agreement to the
extent they have been accepted by CHIAL.
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified CHIAL against all losses and claims for
injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever, which may arise out of or in
consequence of the construction and maintenance of the works by them and against all
claims, demands, and proceedings of or in relation thereof.
Before commencing the execution of the works the contractor (But without limiting his
obligations and responsibilities) shall insure against any damage, loss or injury which may
occur to any property (including that of the Employer) or to any person, including any
employee of the employer by or arising out of the execution of the works or temporary works
or in carrying out of the contract.
12.1 Such insurance shall be affected with any subsidiary of the General Insurance
Company of India or by a company approved by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of India
having total sum insured value as minimum 10% of contract value. The indemnity shall
cover any one occurrence / all occurrences in aggregate during the policy period. This
insurance will not cover mobile machineries for which separate insurance cover is also
required. Whenever required the contractor shall produce to the CHIAL the policy or policies
of Insurance and the receipts for payments of the premiums.
12.2 If the Contractor could not effect a comprehensive insurance cover against risks which
he may be required to effect under the terms of this clause, then he shall give his attention to
get the best insurance cover available and even in case of effecting a wider insurance cover
than the one which the subsidiary of the General Insurance Company or by a company
approved by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of India could offer, such an Insurance is
ought to be done after the CHIAL’s approval, by or through the subsidiary of the General
Insurance Company.
13.1 The contractor shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to execute and
complete the work as per specifications and time schedule, progressively deploy adequate
equipment, tools, tackles and augment the same as decided by the Chief Executive Officer,
CHIAL or his authorized representative depending on the exigencies of the work so as to suit
the cleaning schedule. However, contractor has to position and deploy following minimum
machineries at site from the date of start of work:-
Important Note:
In regard of Hydraulic Aerial Access platform/ Z Boom and Aluminum Dual Mast (Electrical) Aerial
work platform / Scissor Lift, 30 more days may be given subject to Supply Order has been placed by
the contractor within 7 days of issue of letter. However CHIAL will deduct hiring charges of machine
equal to half of penalty charges (up to 30 days).
Note: Quantity shown in 13.2 is indicative and bare minimum. Bidder is expected to submit actual
quantity to be deployed during the time of presentation as part of technical evaluation
Such machinery as mentioned in the tenders will be placed for use at all times during the contract at
the airport premises. The contractor is required to keep the adequate battery backup available on site
to keep the machineries (mentioned above at Sl No. 01 to 07) in use for at least 06 hrs of operation in
a shift. In the event of contractor failing to provide such machinery, the penalty to be charged for the
period of non-availability and deductions may be affected while finalizing the bills as per terms of the
High rise means height between floor and false ceiling/ ceiling more than 4 meters or external wall
height more than 8 meters without landing.
13.2.1 Biometric Attendance system – Sufficient number of Biometric attendance machines with
necessary software, sufficient identity storage, remote access & customized software application
shall be provided. The attendance of all staff to be engage in each shift for the Job shall be taken
through biometric attendance system and submitted to the CHIAL/ Airport Manager on duty within 30
minutes of the commencement of each shift.
Not providing the Biometric attendance record (In and Out) will attract a penalty of Rs.500 /- per day.
However, Decision of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL shall be final and binding in this regard.
Important Note:
• The contractor is required to submit the computer generated bill receipt (having GST details)
of monthly cleaning materials and any other item incorporated in work for which Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative directs.
• Chemicals used will be restricted to Johnson Diversey / Sealed Air / Eco Lab Inc./
Professional Lysol / Buzil Rossari / Atlantic care Chemicals/ Schevaran labs/ VIKR/ VOOKI
make with MSDS sheets and compliance of environment support.
• The contractor shall make necessary arrangement to establish the Automatic Chemical
Diluter in the store at the Airport through its vendor. No extra charges will be paid for
Automatic Chemical Diluter. An agreement with agency/vendor should also be executed to
this effect by the contractor.
• Cleaning tools should be of Eureka Forbes/ Johnson Diversey/ Partek /Approved Machines or
Chemical makes.
• Quantity shown in 13.4 is indicative and bare minimum. Bidder is expected to submit actual
quantity to be supplied during the time of presentation as part of technical evaluation.
14.1 Subject to the provisions in the tender document and without prejudice to contractors’
liabilities and responsibilities to provide adequate qualified and skilled personnel on the work.
Contractor shall deploy site organization and augment the same as decided by the Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative depending on the exigencies of work. No cleaning
14.2 In addition to tools, equipments, apparatus and instruments if any, additional tool equipment
apparatus and instrument is required for getting the test done as per technical specification of NIT
the same shall be provided by contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable to contractor on this
14.3 The Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative, may at his discretion, get
the test done at an approved laboratory. The cost of such material, transport, cost of testing etc. shall
be borne by the contractor.
14.4 The Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative and the contractor shall
agree upon a time and progress chart as per clause 2 on Page SCC 1. In time and progress chart
deployment of machineries, equipments, apparatus and instructions as listed in para 13. above are to
be treated as one of the sections of the work.
14.5 The following Penalties as mentioned below are leviable on the Contractor for not deploying
the Manpower as per plan/ chart:-
S. No Designation Recovery Rate Per Shift per person (In Rs.)
1.5x times of minimum wages for first two instances in
Absence of month
supervisor/floor manager
2x times of minimum wages for third instance onwards
i) No Penalty for first 60 Days from start of Contract*
ii) After 60 and up to 90 Days: 1.25 x times of
Absence of Sweeper / minimum wages for each absence in any shift.
Operator iii) After 90 Days: 2 x times of minimum wages for
each absence in any shift.
Note:*However, actual wages as per latest minimum wages for absent sweepers/Operator will
be recovered.
“However, Decision of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL shall be final and binding in this regard.”
14.6 The following Penalties as mentioned below are leviable on the Contractor for not deploying the
Machinery as given below:-
14.6.1 Contractor shall submit equivalent monthly rental values of each machinery item in 13.2 at the
start of work and the same will be approved by the representative of the Chief Executive Officer,
CHIAL . These monthly rental values will be treated as item rates for the purpose of penalty
14.6.3 If any machine is not available / out of order for more than 5 instances a month, the contract
will be recommended for termination.
14.6.4 Proof of current AMC (along with a schedule of all servicing) for all machinery / equipment in
13.2 must be submitted to the representative of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL along with running
bill of each month.
14.6.5 New equipment/machinery, as specified in 13.2 (except Item 8 – Hydraulic Aerial Access
platform/ Z Boom / Crawler Boom Lift) will be placed by the Contractor at the start of the program and
will be used for the duration of the contract.
For item 8, machinery should not be more than 7 years old at any point during the contract period.
Item should be in good working condition and should possess fitness certificate from authorized
dealer / service center.
1 For not providing /placing of On Each one shift cost of work (for that
consumable in toilets complaint Toilet Block as per item rate)
received / each
recorded by
CHIAL staff on
daily inspection
2 Not maintaining Cleanliness On Each 2000/-
received / each
recorded by
CHIAL staff on
daily inspection
3 Not placing garbage collection On Each 500
bags timely in dust bins. complaint
received / each
recorded by
CHIAL staff on
daily inspection
On Each
Staff indiscipline like missing received / each
4 from designated place, not in instance 200
uniform, lack of response recorded by
CHIAL staff on
daily inspection
Note: “Decision of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL shall be final and binding in this regard”
15.2 Work shall be closed at 2 hrs notice for VVIP movement and also other exigencies, if directed
by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative. No compensation shall be
entertained on this account from the contractor.
All men and vehicles will observe the regulations in force in the operational area and will do nothing
to pose a danger to the aircraft and their operations. All vehicles will fly the mandatory red flag during
day light hours and obstacle lights during night while working in operational areas.
i) The Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative or his authorized
representative shall have full power to inspect any portion of the work, examine the materials and
workmanship at the contractor’s works or at any other place from where the material is obtained.
Acceptance of any material shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for meeting the
requirement of the specifications.
ii) Routine type/ factory acceptance tests for the various items of material shall be performed at
the contractor's works and test certificates furnished. The contractor shall permit the Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative to be present during any of or all factory acceptance
tests. After notification to the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative that
the work has been completed, the contractor shall make under the direction and in the presence of
Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative such tests and inspections as have
been specified or as the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative shall
consider necessary to determine whether or not the full intent of requirements of the plans and
specifications have been fulfilled. In case the work does not meet the full intent of the specifications it
shall be rectified by the Contractor at no extra cost and the contractor shall bear all the expenses for
any further tests considered necessary.
iii) All tools, instruments, plants and labour/operating personnel for the test shall be
provided by the contractor at his own cost.
iv) The Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative may at his discretion,
check the test results obtained by independent tests at an approved laboratory. The cost of such
material, transport, cost of testing etc. shall be borne by the contractor.
Necessary entry passes will be obtained from the concerned issuing authorities for working in
passenger and non-passenger areas. Applicable fees for obtaining the passes shall be paid by the
agency and the rates quoted are inclusive of such fees. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The tenderer has to make arrangements for police verification and security clearance for his agency
and staff.
Also, it is the duty of the contractor to ensure that airport passes are treated with utmost sanctity and
are not allowed outside the airport premises. Supervisor will collect the Airport entry pass (AEP) of all
workforce at the end of every shift. AEPs can be collected from the supervisor at the start of every
shift and can be distributed to contract workforce after their biometric attendance is completed.
SCC 10
A store room (with double lock arrangement) for keeping cleaning material will be provided by
CHIAL as per requirement & availability without any charges. Contractor shall make all
necessary arrangements to maintain the stock at his own cost to the satisfaction of Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorized representative. One lock’s keys will be with CHIAL and other lock’s
keys with contractor.
Agency shall identify space for parking of machineries, equipments, tools and washing space inside/
outside the terminal buildings in consultation with Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL .
Cost towards site office space will be charged as per CHIAL’s Policy updated time to time.
The current rentals of office space as per CHIAL’s policy is as given below:
1. AC Space rate (Inside Terminal Building) per sqm per month :- Rs. 3897.41/-
2. Non AC Space rate (Cityside Terminal Building) per sqm per month :- Rs. 2727.99/-
3. Paved space rate (Airside Terminal Building) per sqm per month :- Rs.1752.65/-
CAM Charges :- CAM Charges for the entire area, at the rate of 10% of CHIAL notified space rent.
Electricity & Water Charges :- As per actual metered consumption
Applicable Govt. taxes (GST, etc.):- All applicable Government Taxes including GST (presently at the
rate of 18%) or at the rates declared by Government of India or State Government from time to time.
Cost towards providing required internal partitions, furnishing of office space with required furniture’s,
computers with printers, stationeries, office assistants arrangement shall be borne by the agency.
Daily / weekly / monthly reports shall be submitted to CHIAL as required. The rate is inclusive of
above and nothing extra shall be paid.
21.1 To determine the acceptable standard of workmanship, the contractor shall execute portion of
the item of work as sample for approval of the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative, before taking up the actual cleaning work or work as defined in the scope of work.
22.1 The contractor shall comply with all bye-laws and regulations of local and statutory authorities
having jurisdiction over the works and shall be responsible for payment of all fees and other charges
and for giving and receiving of all necessary notices and keeping the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL
or his authorised representative, informed of the said compliance with the bye-laws, payments made,
notices issued and received.
22.2 The contractor shall indemnify the CHIAL against all claims in respect of patent rights,
design, trademarks of name or other protected rights in respect of any plant, machine, work or
materials used for or in connection with the work or temporary works and from and against all claims,
demands proceedings, cost, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation
SCC 11
i) Any materials or T & P etc. found lying outside the sites approved by the Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative shall be removed by the Chief Executive Officer,
CHIAL or his authorised representative at the risk and cost of the contractor.
ii) The contractor shall be responsible for any damage, resulting from his operations, either to
buildings, structures, airport fixtures such as underground cable, contact lights, hard surface areas,
water mains, other operational installations, Airport roads etc. The contractor shall restore, replace or
repair any such damage to the complete satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his
authorised representative and in default the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative may cause the same to be made good by any other means and deduct the expenses
from any sums due to contractor.
iii) The work shall be carried out in phases in such a way that there is least obstruction to the
airport working. The phasing shall be decided by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative, who will be at liberty to change the phasing to suit the requirements. The contractor
shall have to abide by these instructions and nothing extra shall be paid to him on this account.
24. The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid all accidents by exhibiting necessary boards.
25. No payment will be made to the contractor for damage caused by rains or other natural
calamities during the execution of the works and no such claim on this account will be entertained.
26. The contractor shall remove the temporary barricades etc. on completion of the work and
leave the site in a neat and tidy state. The payment of final bill will be subject to the compliance of
this condition by the contractor.
(a) Materials brought to the site by the contractor shall be stored by the contractor in a safe/dry
storage space. The contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of materials at site.
(b) The contractor is required to submit the computer generated bill receipt (having GST
details) of monthly cleaning materials and any other item incorporated in work for which Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative directs.
SCC 12
28.2 Other Equipments / tools / accessories: (From Approved Machines or Chemical agencies /
reputed manufacturers / Agencies)
9. Safety Belts 10
10. Retro reflective jacket for working in operational area 50
11. Work under progress standees 40
12. Safety Gloves(Pair) 150
13. Clip Dustpan 05
Note – 1. Penalty will be levied @ 100/ = Per item per day in case of non-availability of above item.
SCC 13
28.3.1 The contractor is to ensure placement of two months’ worth of stock of chemical consumables
and supplies of approved makes at CHIAL premises at the start of the contract.
At the end of every month (except last month of the contract), contractor is required to procure 1
months’ equivalent stock of chemical consumables and supplies. The material should strictly be
procured only from certified vendors of consumables mentioned in 28.3.
Penalty of 2 times of monthly value of chemical consumables and supplies will be applied if stock
levels fall below 1 months’ worth of chemical consumables and supplies at any point during execution
of work.
NOTE: The Chemical/ consumable items regarding Toiletries, Room freshener etc. other than
mentioned above should be EcoMark certified or Green Seal certified. The Consumption of above
Chemicals shall be as per Manufacturers specification.
28.4 Guidelines of cleaning tools and consumables required for mechanized environmental support
services (up-keeping) work
Micro Fiber Cloth Red, approx. Absorbency -1700-18m ml/m2 , 1 (no- 15(X)
washes Size 40 cm x 40cm (only for urinals / commodes)
Micro Fiber Cloth Blue, approx. Absorbency -1700-1800 ml/m2 , 1000- 1500 washes,
Size 40 cm x 40cm (only for glass /synthetic surfaces, aerobridges)
Micro Fiber Cloth Yellow, approx. Absorbency -1700-1800 ml/m2 , 1000- 1500 washes
Size 40 cm x 40cm (for washroom items except urinals /commodes)
Micro Fiber Cloth Green, approx. Absorbency -1700-1800 ml/m2 , 1000- 1500 washes,
Size 40 cm x 40cm
Wringer Mop set Micro Fiber String ( Band colour Red/ blue) / Handle -5ft / Holder -
Red /Blue; 22 -32 strands approx. requirement
Wringer Mop Refill Microfiber String , Band colour - Red/ Blue; 22 -32 strands approx.
SCC 14
SCC 15
28.5 Guidelines of toiletries required for mechanized environmental support services (up-
keeping) work
Restroom Toiletries
SCC 16
Specifications for Garbage Bin Liners: All garbage bin liners shall be biodegradable in nature.
Material Description Color 100% Compostable
L x W (cm)
GBL - Extra Large 110 x 105 Black Yes
GBL - Large 120 x 91 Black/Blue/Yellow Yes
GBL - Medium 90 x 60 Black/Blue/Yellow Yes
GBL - Small 54 x 48 Black Yes
SCC 17
SCC 18
SCC 19
SCC 20
NOTE: The contractor shall make necessary arrangements to ensure that passenger toilets are
exclusively manned on round the clock basis/ as per requirement of airport for effective upkeep and to
prevent any pilferage of equipments / fixtures / fittings / consumables etc.
SCC 21
Red cloth
If necessary flush WC
Deodorizing cleaner
Clean the bowl with a toilet brush
Clean and dry the toilet brush holder
Clean and dry the exterior of the bowl and tank P
Clean and dry the WC seat and cover
Restock toilet paper
For Urinals, clean with toilet brush
D = daily; W = weekly; M = Monthly; P = permanent control & cleaning; C = cleaning control and cleaning; X =
cleaning following order/ on request; 1-7 = frequency cleaning/related period
SCC 22
Item – PAVED
Mechanized Environmental Support Services and Maintenance of Paved/ Metalled areas i/c BMA, kerb
area, footpaths etc. of Airport Complex complete with labour, materials & machines as required as per
scope of work. (In 02 shifts)
1 Broom finished / smooth Mechanized In each shift Walk behind
finished concrete surface Area Sweeping Sweeper / Ride on
as detailed in the scope of Sweeper
2 Dust bins / garbage bags Emptying & In each shift / As Manually
replacing with & when required
new bags
3 Collection and Disposal of Clearing and In each shift / As Manually /
garbage - Area as detailed in Removal & when required Mechanically
the scope of work
SCC 23
SCC 24
1 Floor Scrubbing & Drying In each Shift Single Disc Scrubber &
2 Side Wall Wet & Dry wiping In each Shift Manually
3 Toilet cubical walls Wet & Dry wiping In each Shift Manually
and fixtures
4 Wash basin & Wet & Dry In each Shift High Pressure Jet &
surrounding area Cleaning Manually
SCC 25
Important Note: For extension of shift for each completed hour proportionate amount as per
quoted item rate of services rendered shall be paid.
SCC 26
The agency is entitled to take away all the above movable items like equipment, furniture, machinery,
etc. provided by the agency for the work after completion of the work and release of final bill as
directed by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative. The tender rates
shall be include the cost of the same and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
29.1.2 Frequency for periodic tasks for vendor (to be modified by airport as per requirement)
Quick cleaning 9D
Routine cleaning 3D
Deep cleaning 1W
Scale removal on fixtures 1F
Mirror Restoration 1M
Tiled Floor / Wall Scrubbing 1W
SCC 27
Apart from daily cleaning tasks, periodic tasks shall be given on regular basis. All these tasks will
repeat on weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. The Cleaning Frequencies and Schedules shall
be given regularly before the shift operation on daily basis.
Total 13 25 165
Important Note: - One Facility Manager in general shift (06 days in a week basis) for overall
contract should be deployed by contractor.
One shift means 8 hours duty. The shift timings will be decided by Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or
his authorized representative. However, deployment of manpower may be redefined by CHIAL.
SCC 28
The ladies toilets shall normally be cleaned by Female staff only however in special circumstances
male staff may be allowed with supervision of female employee only if toilet is vacant or vice versa.
The successful bidder shall engage shift supervisor & workmen having qualification as per clause
42.9.1 and shall provide training as per schedule mentioned as per clause 42.9.2 through Central
Government’s training institutes like Institute of hotel management, Food Craft Institutes, Hunar Se
Rojgar Tak scheme (Ministry of Tourism) or any other agencies which are giving training in the similar
field such as Taski, Eureka Forbes, Johnson Diversey, K’ar’rcher and other approved makes etc.
The successful bidder shall provide annual training to all the shift supervisor & workmen through
Central Government’s training institutes like Institute of hotel management, Food Craft Institutes,
Hunar Se Rojgar Tak scheme (Ministry of Tourism) or any other agencies which are giving training in
the similar field such as Eureka Forbes, JD, Karcher and other approved makes etc.
Copy of such certificate shall be submitted by the agency within 30 days from the date of taking over
of site. Agency is also required to give refresher course at an interval of 1 year for updating on
advancement. Failure to this; he will be liable to pay an amount of Rs. 500 /- per month per
SCC 29
29.4 Necessary diesel/petrol/fuel & lubricants etc. for smooth running of all the equipments,
vehicles and machineries deployed for the work shall be provided by the contractor at his
own expense. In the event of any break down of the plant, vehicles and machineries
deployed for the work, the contractor shall take prompt remedial measure to put them back in
working condition and nothing extra will be paid. To minimize break down period, necessary
spare parts shall be kept readily available at site by the contractor at his own expense.
29.5 The agency is also required to provide specific uniform and safety devices to the
manpower deployed at site for the work as detailed below:-
i) Minimum three sets of uniform annually as per climatic requirement. (Faded/ torn
uniforms not accepted)
ii) Safety helmets and foot wears are to be provided for the workers.
iii) Safety belts, protective Goggles, Hand gloves etc. are to be provided as per requirement and
nature of job. or as per the safety code given below.
iv) Specifications of uniform
Male staff –
Pant/trousers Minimum 3 Dark grey
Shirt Minimum 3 Light grey
Sweater / Pullower Minimum 3 Dark Grey
Shoes Minimum 1 pair Black
Socks minimum 3 pair Grey
Sleeveless coat (Terry cotton) Minimum 3 colour Dark Grey
for washroom workers
Disposable Caps Minimum 3 per shift
SCC 30
v) Agency shall get printed / stitch companies logo and name on the back and employees name
in the front left pocket space shirt, kurta, on the shoulder of the blouse and winter uniform. In case of
saree both will be clipped on the front side. The colour of the uniform shall be decided in coordination
with CHIAL.
29.6.1 Inspection log shall be maintained by shift supervisor and shall be endorsed by CHIAL
representative on shift basis or as and when required.
The above checklist is illustrative and vendor should get his own set of checklists which is
comprehensive and cover all key items.
SCC 31
29.7 The Contractor shall comply with minimum wages per worker as mandated by Labour Laws –
As of the date of the release of the tender, minimum wages as per CLC (Class B) are as follows
1. Highly skilled- Facility Manager : Rs. 954/day ( Can also be considered Market fair rate)
2. Skilled – shift supervisor : Rs. 868/day
3. Semi- Skilled – Operator : Rs. 739/day
4. Unskilled – Janitors : Rs. 654/day
Note: These rates may be abstracted from notification by state/ central Govt from time to time.
However, Contractor is encouraged to pay fair wages above the mentioned minimum rates and pay
out incentives in order to ensure minimum attrition and minimal absenteeism. It is also
encouraged to have an incentive plan for the employees based on individual performance and based
on quality of work delivered, regularity in attendance and any other performance parameters.
29.8 Before the submission of bid documents, bidder’s team of housekeeping / cleaning experts is
encouraged to survey the airport premises and form a detailed understanding of the overall scope of
Basis survey of airport premises, contractor is expected to prepare a detailed work plan of chemical
usage (make and monthly consumption quantity), manpower deployment (quantity and qualifications)
as well as machinery plan (no. of machines and make) over and above mandated minimum
requirement in 13.2 (machinery/equipment), 28.3 (chemicals) and 29.2 (manpower) to ensure high
quality upkeep of terminal.
The above along with any other technological innovations which the bidder intends to use during the
work to ensure quality output needs to be presented as part of technical evaluation.
Bidders should take note that the work plan presented to CHIAL during presentation as part of
technical evaluation will be binding on the contractor in case of award of work i.e. Manpower quantity
and qualifications, chemical make and usage quantities, equipment / machinery quantity and make
as described in the presentation will be included as part of the work contract and contractor will be
bound to adhere to it at all costs.
SCC 32
Area to be cleaned per shift.
31.1 In case the agency fails to provide the safety devices as specified above an amount of
Rs.200/- per head per day for safety devices shall be debited to the contractor's account.
31.2 However, these recoveries as stipulated above do not relieve the contractor to pay, levy of
compensation for delay as per clause no. 2 of GCC, in case work is not completed within the
stipulated time.
SCC 33
The contractor shall perform all works in substantial and acceptable manner in accordance
with the plans and specifications and in accordance with such further instructions as may
from time to time be given by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative. The work must be progressed within such sections and at each time as
directed by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative.
The contractor shall provide and do everything necessary for the proper cleaning work.
It must be clearly understood that the whole of the conditions are intended to be strictly
enforced and that no extra charges in respect of extra work will be allowed unless they are
clearly outside the spirit and meaning of the conditions or unless such works shall have been
ordered in writing by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative.
Figured dimensions to be followed in preference to scale dimensions and all dimension and
particulars to be taken from the actual work.
33.1 The rates quoted shall be in Indian Rupees only and inclusive of all taxes and duties,
what so ever including excise duty, VAT/Sales tax, labour cess, Octroi if any, work contract
tax, applicable customs duty in case of imported items, labour, tools & plants, packing freight
/ transportation of items from factory up to the installation site & insurance up to the site,
loading, unloading and hoisting arrangement for installation, fee(s) for testing, inspection
documents including the fee(s) payable for obtaining statutory license / approval etc. from
concerned department including GST. Applicable GST, paid by contractor for this work will
be paid by CHIAL on actual basis on production of documentary evidence. (Clause may be
amended as per new guidelines on GST)
33.2 The quoted rate shall include statutory labour components of PF, ESI and Bonus as per
the prevalent Govt. guidelines including GST. All such payment will be paid on production of
documentary evidence/ proof of depositing/ proof of remittance of such amount to statutory,
regulatory authorities. Any additional statutory taxes by state/Central govt. will be reimbursed
on production of documentary evidence of payment to statutory, regulatory authorities duly
certified by the in- charge..
The Contractor shall not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the Site or do anything
which shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to owners, tenants or occupiers of
other properties near the Site and to the Public generally.
SCC 34
The powers of the representative of the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative, are to watch and supervise the Works and to test and examine any materials to be
used or workmanship employed in connection with the Works.
35.1 The Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative may from time to time in
writing delegate to his Representative any of the powers and authorities vested in the Chief Executive
Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative and shall furnish to the Contractor a copy of all such
written delegation of powers and authorities. Any written instruction or written approval given by the
Representative of the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative to the
Contractor within the terms of such delegations shall bind the Contractor and CHIAL as though it had
been given by the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative.
35.2 Failure of the Representative of the Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised
representative to disapprove any work or materials shall not prejudice the power of the Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL or his authorised representative thereafter to disapprove such work or
35.3 If the Contractor is dissatisfied with any decision of the authorised representative of the Chief
Executive Officer, CHIAL , he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Chief Executive Officer,
CHIAL who shall thereupon confirm, reverse or vary such decision.
36. Contractor has to ensure positioning of all necessary machinery / equipment / T&P at the time
commencement of work. Site will not be handed over if contractor fails to position requisite machinery
/ equipment /T&P as listed above in contract.
All Trained manpower, consumables and machines etc. shall be positioned from the date of start of
work except Hydraulic access platform and dual mast aerial platform. These two machines in case
not available on the date of start may be positioned within 30 days from the date of start subject to
agency has confirmed their order within 7 days of issue of order. A recovery equal to half of penalty
charges (up to 30 days) shall be made.
In addition, no running account bill will be released till the above two machines are positioned for use.
37. The contractor shall have to intimate his Universal PF account code/ no. allotted by regional
PF commissioner, ESI registration no. allotted by ESI Corporation and labour license obtained as per
the provisions of the contract Labour Act, 1970 within 15 days of award of work, failing which no
payment shall be released to the contractor. Where ESI is not applicable contractor has to provide
medical cards.
38. If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at any stage not only
his tender will be rejected/cancelled but he shall also be liable to be debarred for a period to
be decided by the committee duly constituted by the competent authority for
tendering/taking up of work in CHIAL . The department reserves right to verify the particulars
furnished by the applicant independently.
SCC 35
1. Cleanliness
2. Cleanliness of washrooms/toilets
For these two parameters of Airport, “the ASQ target Score is 4.9 or Prevailing MoU Target”. If
average ASQ/ CSI SOCRE obtained by the contractor is below the target, the contractor shall be
liable to be penalized at percentage by which ASQ/ CSI falls below Target ASQ/ CSI for the period of
last survey from the current monthly bill payment subject to the maximum of 5% of the monthly bill
payment till carrying out the next round of customer satisfaction rating. If ASQ/ CSI value is achieved
above Target value, an incentive @ percent by which it is above the Target ASQ/ CSI of monthly bill
payments shall be given to the contractor. This incentive may be paid for one month only, every year.
Decision of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL shall be final and binding in this regard.
Further if rating consistently falls by 5% for consecutive three quarters, the contract
would be recommended for termination.
40. The contractor shall dump garbage / Malba / wastage at specified / demarcated / notified site /
ground by the local municipal authorities on his own cost and responsibility and shall not stack
building material / malba on the CHIAL land or road or on the land owned by any other authority, as
the case may be. It will be the responsibility of the contractor in consultation with CHIAL to identify
the dumping site/ground and to get permission from the concerned local authority / corporation on his
own responsibilities and expenses. In case, the Contractor is found stacking the building material /
malba or any equipment at CHIAL land /road or any other authority’s land as stated above, he shall
be liable to be levied penalty and also to face penal action, as decided by the Chief Executive Officer,
CHIAL or his authorized representative.
Municipal corporation charges for dumping the garbage if any will be reimbursed to agency on
production of documentary evidence.
41. MOEF norms shall be followed for collection and disposal of garbage. The management of
solid waste at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh shall be in compliance with
Municipal corporation, S.A.S Nagar Mohali Solid Waste Management and cleanliness & Sanitation
Bye-Laws 2019 framed under Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 of the Environment Protection
Act, 1986. The duties and obligations of the contractor:
1. The contractor shall collect the waste from terminal building and airside as and when required
throughout the day and store it at the pre designated disposal site at the airport premises.
2. The contractor shall ensure that the waste is segregated as per latest local laws and guidelines .
3. The contractor must deploy a motorized electric vehicle (having a minimum capacity of 175 cubic
feet) for the transportation of waste from terminal building and airside to the pre designated disposal
site at the airport premises for regularizing and speeding up the collection.
4. The contractor must ensure that the segregated waste is handed over or disposed the authorized
waste pickers or waste collectors as per the direction or notification by the Local Body from time to
5. The contractor shall ensure, as much possible that the biodegradable wastes like horticulture
waste, garden waste and waste food shall be processed, treated and disposed off through on-site
composting. The agency in initial inspection of the airport premises shall take account of the
SCC 36
42.3 All service requests given to the agency will be prioritized to enable performance to be
monitored and measured, the following categories, timescales and targets have been set.
SCC 37
Existing services;
Additional services;
Review procedures;
Service levels;
Service changes;
If the Agreement is to be extended, this process will define the framework within which services will
be delivered in the following year. Change could reflect changed client needs to provider options as
well as extension of the service open to external competition.
Progress Meetings
Daily meetings are held provide a mechanism for service issues identification and resolution
Service standards and conditions
Glass • Internal surfaces of glass are clear of all streaks, spots and marks,
including fingerprints and smudges where reachable.
• Window frames, tracks and ledges are clear and free of dust, grit, marks
and spots.
Doors • Internal and external doors and doorframes are free of dust, grit, lint, soil, film,
fingerprints and cobwebs.
• Doors and doorframes are free of marks caused by furniture, equipment or
• Air vents, relief grilles and other ventilation outlets are kept unblocked and free
of dust, grit, soil, film, cobwebs, scuffs and any other marks.
• Door tracks and doorjambs are free of grit and other debris.
• Polished surfaces are of a uniform lustre.
Hard Floors • The floor is free of dust, grit, litter, marks and spots, water or other liquids.
SCC 38
Concrete & • After sweeping all areas must be free of dirt, dust leaves and debris.
Pavers • After spot cleaning, hosing or pressure cleaning concrete & pavers all areas
must be free of dust, accumulated dirt, litter, sand and excess water leaving the
surfaces clean and reasonably dry
Soft Floors, • The floor is free of dust, grit, litter, marks and spots, water or other liquids.
Matting • The floor is free of stains, spots, scuffs or scratches on traffic lanes, around
furniture and at pivot points.
• Inaccessible areas (edges, corners and around furniture) are free of dust, grit,
lint and spots.
• When carpet extraction shampooing is complete, the carpet must be free of all
deep seated dirt, stains and soiling and be left in a reasonably dry condition
giving a uniform appearance.
Ducts, Grills • All ventilation outlets are kept unblocked and free of dust, grit, soil, film,
and Air Vents cobwebs, scuffs and any other marks where reachable.
Optional. To • Diffusers, All ventilation outlets are kept clear and uncluttered following
be Decided cleaning.
tendering by
Furnishings • Hard surface furniture is free of spots, soil, film, dust, fingerprints and spillages.
and Fixtures • Soft surface furniture is free from stains, soil, film and dust.
• Furniture legs, wheels and castors are free from mop strings, soil, film, dust
and cobwebs.
• Inaccessible areas (edges, corners, folds and crevices) are free of dust, grit, lint
and spots.
• All reachable high surfaces are free from dust and cobwebs.
• All vertical and horizontal blinds and are free from stains, dust, cobwebs, lint
and spoilage where reachable.
• Equipment is free of tapes/plastic, etc., which may compromise cleaning.
• Furniture has no odour that is distasteful or unpleasant.
• Shelves, bench-tops, cupboards are clean inside and out and free of dust and
litter or stains.
• Internal plants are free of dust and litter.
• Waste/rubbish bins or containers are clean inside and out, free of stains and
mechanically intact.
• Fire extinguishers are free of dust, grit, dirt and cobwebs.
Toilets and • Porcelain and plastic surfaces are free from smudges, smears, body fats, soap
Bathroom build-up and mineral deposits.
Fixtures • Metal surfaces, dispensers, shower screens and mirrors are free from streaks,
soil, smudges and soap build-up and oxide deposits.
• Wall tiles and wall fixtures (including soap and cream dispensers and towel
holders) are free of dust, grit, and smudges/streaks, mould, soap build-up and
mineral deposits.
SCC 39
• Bathroom fixtures are free from odours that are distasteful or unpleasant.
• Polished surfaces are of a uniform luster.
• Sanitary disposal unit external surfaces are clean and functional.
• Consumable items are in sufficient supply.
General • The area appears tidy and uncluttered.
Tidiness • Floor space is clear, only occupied by furniture and fittings designed to sit on
the floor.
• Furniture is maintained in a fashion that allows for cleaning.
• Fire access and exit doors are left clear and unhindered.
Odour Control • The area smells fresh.
• There is no odour that is distasteful or unpleasant.
• To ensure that Terminal Buildings, Offices, Wash Rooms, etc. are maintained in a neat and
tidy state 24X7.
• To provide a healthy and hygienic environment for use of various airport services and facilities
by passengers and other public.
• To ensure that best Health and Safety practices are adhered to by the housekeeping staff so
as to prevent any injuries or illness to any person.
• The contractor shall ensure that the staff engaged by them doesn’t have a criminal
background / police case. The Police clearance of each staff should be obtained before
applying for the Airport entry passes.
• The contractor shall obtain the Airport entry passes for his staff from BCAS. The contractor
shall obtain Airport Security clearance and Submit Airport Security Program as required by
BCAS and other regulating authorities.The related cost shall be borne by the contractor.
• To ensure staff is in proper uniform and well groomed.
• The contractor shall ensure that none of the staff is allowed to take the Airport Entry passes
from work place after duty hours. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to issue and
collect back PIC’s at start and end of shift in order to avoid any misuse of PIC’s.
• It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to collect back PIC of any staff separating from
job and deposit the same to issuing authority.
• A training officer should be appointed by the vendor who will ensure training of their staff.
• All the employees should be made aware of Safety, Security, and Environment requirements.
• In event of any untoward situation such as strikes etc. the vendor needs to have a
contingency back up manpower to man essential areas such as washrooms and Public areas.
• The contractor shall be responsible and liable for any accident caused to Passengers, staff,
stakeholders, CHIAL property etc.
• The Contractor should follow all the applicable environmental legal and other requirements
communicated by CHIAL time to time.
• The contractor should follow the requirements given in the CHIAL policy, Vision & Mission
statement and it is the responsibility of the contractor to communicate the same to the
employees working for him.
SCC 40
42.9.1 The Contractor shall depute adequately competent and medically fit staff for the job. As a
minimum, they should possess the following competence requirements:
Experience Min 2 yrs. as a Housekeeping Supervisor
Language Regional Language & Hindi preferable & English - Proficient
Thorough knowledge on Housekeeping Standards &
Skillset Procedures,
Age 18 years & above
Experience Min 1 years as a storekeeper
Language Regional Language & Hindi preferable & English - Mandatory
SCC 41
i. The successful Bidder shall be responsible for carrying out and providing periodic and daily skills training to
perform daily tasks. No staff shall be allowed to perform any task unless they are completely trained and
competent enough to perform the assigned task.
ii. In addition to initial training as mentioned above, the successful Bidder shall be responsible to provide
refresher training to its employees at minimum 1 day per quarter to each employee and the successful
Bidder shall submit the proof for the same.
iii. The successful Bidder shall provide below mentioned trainings at the time of induction of each
employee and all awareness trainings and all expenses shall be borne by the successful Bidder.
SCC 42
CHIAL may engage external agency to audit and assess the airport service quality (ASQ) and in
these audits the Successful Bidder shall be responsible for key performance indicators (KPI) related
to this Service and ensure to achieve the target service quality levels. SLAs for the same have been
specified in clause 39.
CHIAL employees or quality audit companies employed by CHIAL will carry out daily audits / regular
All observations will be quantified and notified to the successful bidder for corrective actions. The
successful Bidder shall take timely corrective actions to ensure all observations are resolved within
the stipulated period. The following are the areas where the audit will be carried out.
A. Quality of Work,
1. Cleaning & Housekeeping
2. Machine Operation
3. Supervision
SCC 43
Periodic monitoring, checks, inspection, audits, briefings, meetings, etc. carried out by the Contractor
and/or CHIAL on a regular basis using the checklist provided as per Standard Operating procedures
in 42.13 and checklist on 42.14. Infractions recorded on these checklists will be penalized as per
clause 14.7
CHIAL shall have the right to terminate the contract if the services provided by the
Agency is not found satisfactory after giving 30 days notice. Similarly the case of
foreclosing/ abandoning the contract a written notice of 30 days shall be served by
Registered Post or by hand at the respective address notwithstanding the above.
If the contractor is penalized for 10% of his overall monthly work bill over 3 consecutive
months as stipulated by conditions in the contract, the contract will be liable to be terminated.
The Agency shall however continue to provide the services as required in the contract
for further 90 days or till new tender is awarded, whichever is earlier.
“The decision of Chief Executive Officer, CHIAL shall be final in such cases.”
42.11 Any missing / damaged fittings, fixtures, machines or CHIAL property will be charged to the
contractor on actual/ The deductions due to above penalties should not affect minimum wages of
42.12 Agency will install Biometric attendance system for attendance check of their staff from day
one. CEO,CHIAL or his authorised representative shall have access to it.
Some SOPs are placed below for guidance. Agency has to study before date of start and finalize the
SOP as per site requirements. Any SOP which are not placed under shall also be prepared and get
approved. The works shall be carried out strictly as per SOP.
SCC 44
Material required for cleaning: Rubber gloves, appropriate shoes, face mask, damp cloth, dry cloth,
long handle nylon scrub brush
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
SCC 45
Materials required for cleaning: Protective gloves, bucket, Clean wash cloth or hand towel,
cleaning cloths, a stiff brush, dry and wet mop
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
SCC 46
D. Cleaning of Glass
Material required for cleaning: Window washer, Window squeeze, Telescopic rod, Glass cleaning
bucket, Glass scrapper, Glass duster, Check duster, Ladder (if required) Measuring jar, Safety Belt,
Dry vacuum cleaner
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
• Pre-inspect the glass for stains, breakage and cracks, if any
• If there are breakages and cracks inform the supervisor
• Ensure the glasses are dust free and clean
• Use the extension rod, if required
E. Cleaning of Mirrors:
SCC 47
Material/ Cleaning agent required for cleaning: Protective gloves, face mask, Clean wash cloth or
hand towel, a sponge, cleaning cloths, a stiff brush, dry and wet mop
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
SCC 48
• Collect all the equipments and cleaning agents
• Place the caution sign board at the entrance
• Make the area cluster free for cleaning
• Move guest toiletries and other supplies when necessary.
• Place a clean wash cloth or hand towel on that spot and keep the guest toiletries on it.
• Move the guest toiletries with the washcloth or towel.
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
H. Cleaning of Tiles
Materials required for cleaning: Protective gloves, Clean wash cloth or hand towel, scrubber,
sponge, cleaning cloths
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
• Collect all the equipments and cleaning agents
• Place the caution sign board at the entrance
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Apply diluted cleaning solution on to the scrubber and scrub top to bottom ensuring dirt/hair
etc are removed from the tiles.
• Scrub clean small area of the tile and grout and then dry with a sponge.
• Wet sponge with water and remove detergent.
• Tiles have to be cleaned daily with diluted Cleaning solution.
• Wipe dry, leaving no foreign object or marks on the tiles.
• Recheck all tiles to ensure no dirt are left on the tiles.
• Care has to be taken around toilet to make sure all tiles are dry.
• Wipe all surfaces area with a dry cloth.
• Spray Air freshener
• Take out all equipment and cleaning agents from the washroom
• Take out the caution sign board
• Clean all the equipment, empty all the spray bottles
• Store all the equipment and cleaning agents at the designated place
SCC 50
• Collect all the equipments and cleaning agents
• Place the caution sign board at the entrance
• Sweep the floor start at the farthest point into the bathroom and sweep towards the toilet
entrance door; sweep debris into a dust pan.
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Apply diluted cleaning solution on to floor and scrub from farthest point towards entrance,
ensuring dirt/dust are scrubbed from entire floor.
• Clean bathroom floor and grout. Be sure to scrub behind the door, under counter and, behind
/ around toilet base.
• Floors have to be cleaned regularly with diluted Cleaning solution.
• They have to be mopped wet and wipe dry, leaving no dust on the floor.
• Recheck entire floor to ensure no wipe marks are left on the tiles.
• Care has to be taken around W/C and under washbasin, vanity to make sure all floor is dry.
• Wipe all surfaces again with a dry mop.
• Spray Air freshener
• Take out all equipment and cleaning agents from the washroom
• Take out the caution sign board
• Clean all the equipment, empty all the spray bottles
• Store all the equipment and cleaning agents at designated place
Materials/cleaning agents required for cleaning: Protective gloves, Vacuum cleaner, Clean damp
cloth, brush.
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
• Collect all the equipments and cleaning agents
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Place the caution sign board at the entrance
• Remove loose cushions and place them on the furniture.
• Stain to remove as per stain removal procedure.
• Wipe spills from vinyl or leather furniture with a damp cloth.
SCC 51
• Empty out the waste paper basket in the room
• Cobweb cleaning when required by cobweb brush
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Clean the stains on the wall
• Clean the mirror by glass cleaner with dry cloth duster/ news paper
• Dust all painting , pictures on the wall
• Dust and clean the T.V
• Clean with damp cloth if require
• Clean all artifacts in the room
• Polish all brass items in the room
• Dust clean the sofa & other furniture etc by dry cloth and vacuum cleaner (follow the cleaning
• Remove dust by dry mop from the floor
• Mop the floor with well squeezed wet mop
• Remove stain if any by damp floor duster
• In case of wall to wall carpet clean with vacuum cleaner and if required shampoo with
shampooing machine
• Clean the staircase with dry and wet mop
• Clean the potted plants
• Change the flower decoration daily
• Empty and clean the garbage bin and replace the garbage bag
• Clean the pantry wall with wet mop and cleaning solution
• Clean all sanitary fitting with cleaning solution
• Clean the granite counter top with cleaning solution and clean cotton cloth
• Wipe Clean the cupboards walls and inner shelves with diluted cleaning solution
• Equip the pantry with good quality clean crockery, cutlery and glassware
• Clean and sanitize the pantry fridge
• In case of attached bathroom follow the Cleaning SOP
• Check all electrical and civil items and report to supervisor for any discrepancy
• Spray room freshener
• Check by visual inspection of the lounge
SCC 52
Material/ Cleaning agent required for cleaning: Protective gloves, w/c brush, cleaning
cloths, dry and wet mop, measuring jar
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
• Use measuring jar and add chemical and water to fill in the spray bottle
• Flush water
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Spray the solution
• Clean with the help of WC brush
• Use chemical for the stubborn stains
• Clean the external part of urinal pot using chemical and check duster
• Replenish the sanitary cubes
• Spray Air freshener
• Take out all equipment and cleaning agents from the washroom
• Take out the caution sign board
• Clean all the equipment, empty all the spray bottles
• Store all the equipment and cleaning agents at designated place
Material/ Cleaning agent required for cleaning: Duster(Yellow duster / Glass duster / Check duster),
Spray bottles, Paint Brush, Measuring Jar
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
Operation :
• Select the appropriate duster
• For metal surface use Yellow duster
• For Glass surface use Glass duster
• For other surface use check duster
• Use paint brush for those items which can’t be clean by the duster
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Use measuring jar and add chemical of water to fill in the spray bottles to make water solution
• Fold the duster
• Spray solution on duster
• Start dusting systematically, clockwise or anti clockwise, from top to bottom, lift each and every
items and placing it back in the right position
• Repeat till the complete surface is duster
• Ensure that the surface is clean by visual inspection
• Collect all equipment
• Wash the duster
SCC 53
To be Checked-Regularly
SCC 54
Material required for cleaning: Dry mop, wet mop, plastic dustpan, cobweb brush, soft broom, cloth
duster, feather brush, glass cleaner, garbage bin, bucket, newspaper
Cleaning Agents: as specified in 28.3
• Empty out the waste paper basket in the room
• Cobweb cleaning when required by cobweb brush
• Mix the Cleaning agent as per the prescribed ratio of manufacturer
• Clean the stains on the wall
• Clean the mirror by glass cleaner with dry cloth duster/ news paper
• Dust all painting , pictures on the wall
• Dust and clean the T.V
• Clean with damp cloth if require
• Clean all artifacts in the room
• Polish all brass items in the room
• Dust clean the sofa & other furniture etc by dry cloth and vacuum cleaner (follow the cleaning
• Remove dust by dry mop from the floor
• Mop the floor with well squeezed wet mop
• Remove stain if any by damp floor duster
• In case of wall to wall carpet clean with vacuum cleaner and if required shampoo with
shampooing machine
• Clean the staircase with dry and wet mop
• Clean the potted plants
• Change the flower decoration daily
• Empty and clean the garbage bin and replace the garbage bag
• Clean the pantry wall with wet mop and cleaning solution
SCC 55
SCC 56
Washroom No. :___________
S No. Theme Expected Standards (Ok/N Remarks
ot OK)
Staff present for the shift
(100% or not)
Staff present at the time of
1 Workforce
Proper staff deployment (Is
it <95%?)
Staff in full or proper
All toilets clean and dry
Discoloration of toilets not
Disinfectant used for
Toilet seat covers proper
Tissue papers not lying
Toilets /
2 Clean cubicle door without
WC / EWC Flush working
Waterjet in WC/EWC
Toilet bowl / seat cover is
stain free
Functional urinals without
Hand wash holder present
Hand wash holder has soap
Hand wash holder not
Air freshener machine
Air freshener available in
the machine
Consumabl Toilet paper roller present
es Toilet paper roller has
enough paper
Toilet paper roller functional
Hand tissue container has
enough tissues
Hand tissue container in
proper form
Urinal deodorizer blocks
SCC 57
Date: ___________________
Note :
1 The contract Supervisor / representative should accompany CHIAL Supervisor while inspection is carried
SCC 58
Note: 1) Rates as per units mentioned in the particular item shall be quoted for e tender. However for final conclusion amount of rates/ month will be multiplied by 36 to
decide L1 for 36 months work.
2) Bidders are required to upload "Item wise Price Breakup of quoted amount" on GeM portal as per the format failing which, the bid will be rejected.
Bidders to note that this price breakup shall not be a part of L1 evaluation. However, the price breakup document uploaded by the bidder will be considered
as part of the contract.
3) If the total quoted amount (sum of Item wise Price Breakup) of the bidder is different from their quoted amount on GeM portal, then bidder shall be
4) If bidder’s total quoted cost is less than the total cost of manpower specified in tender document / agreed during presentation (as per minimum wages inclusive of PF,
ESI etc.) plus GST@18%, then bidder shall be disqualified.
5) The bidders quoted rate shall be inclusive of all statutory component (wage, PF, ESI, Bonus) & all taxes (inc.GST).