Unit 15

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Structure Page Nos.

15.0 Introduction
15.1 Objectives
15.2 Introduction to NoSQL
15.2.1 What is NoSQL
15.2.2 Brief History of NoSQL Databases
15.2.3 NoSQL Database Features
15.2.4 Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL
15.3 Types of NoSQL Databases
15.3.1 Column Based
15.3.2 Graph Based
15.3.3 Key-Value Pair Based
15.3.4 Document Based
15.4 Summary
15.5 Solutions/Answers
15.6 Further Readings


In the previous Unit of this Block, you have gone through the concept of relational
database management systems and data warehousing. However, these technologies are
somewhat slower for scalable web applications. NoSQL databases arose because
databases at the time were not able to support the rapid development of scalable web-
based applications.

NoSQL databases have changed the manner in which data is stored and used, despite
the fact that relational databases are still commonly employed. Most applications come
with features like Google-style search, for instance. The growth of data, online surfing,
mobile use, and analytics have drastically altered the requirements of contemporary
databases. These additional requirements have spurred the expansion of NoSQL
databases, which now include a range of types such as key-value, document, column,
and graph.

In this Unit, we will discuss the many kinds of NoSQL databases, including those that
are built on columns, graphs, key-value pairs, and documents respectively.


After going through this unit, you should be able to:

• define what is NoSQL;
• differentiate between NoSQL and SQL;
• explain the basic features of Column based NoSQL Database;
• explain the Graph-based NoSQL Database;
• explain the Key-value pair based NoSQL Database and
• explain the Document based NoSQL Database.

Databases are a crucial part of many technological and practical systems. The
phrase "NoSQL database" is frequently used to describe any non-relational
database. NoSQL is sometimes referred to as "non SQL," but it is also referred
to as "not only SQL." In either case, the majority of people agree that a NoSQL
database is a type of database that stores data in a format that is different from
relational tables.

Whenever you want to use the data, it must first be saved in a particular structure
and then converted into a usable format. On the other hand, there are some
circumstances in which the data are not always presented in a structured style,
which means that their schemas are not always rigorous. This unit provides an
in-depth look into NoSQL and the features that make it unique.

15.2.1 What is NoSQL?

NoSQL is a way to build databases that can accommodate many different kinds
of information, such as key-value pairs, multimedia files, documents, columnar
data, graphs, external files, and more. In order to facilitate the development of
cutting-edge applications, NoSQL was designed to work with a variety of
different data models and schemas.

The great functionality, ease of development, and performance at scale offered

by NoSQL have helped make it a popular name. NoSQL is sometimes referred
to as a non-relational database due to the numerous data handling features it
offers. Due to the fact that it does not adhere to the guidelines established by
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), you cannot query your
data using conventional SQL commands. We can think of such well-known
examples as MongoDB, Neo4J, HyperGraphDB, etc.

15.2.2 Brief History of NoSQL Databases

In the late 2000s, as the price of storage began to plummet, No-SQL databases
began to gain popularity. No longer is it necessary to develop a sophisticated,
difficult-to-manage data model to prevent data duplication. Because developers'
time was quickly surpassing the cost of data storage, NoSQL databases were
designed with efficiency in mind.

Table 1: History of Databases

Year Database Solutions Company / Database

1970-2000 Mainly RDBMS related Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server,
2000-2005 DotCom boom – new scale Google, Facebook, IBM,
solutions, start of NoSQL dev, amazon
2005-2010 New open source & Cassandra, Riak, Apache
mainstream databases Hbase, neo4j, MongoDB,
CouchDB, Redis

2010 Adoption of Cloud DBaaS (Database as a Service)

As storage costs reduced significantly, the quantity of data that applications were
required to store and query grew. This data came in all forms— structured, semi-
structured, and unstructured — and sizes making it practically difficult to define
the schema in advance. NoSQL databases give programmers a great deal of
freedom by enabling them to store enormous amounts of unstructured data.

In addition, the Agile Manifesto was gaining momentum, and software

developers were reconsidering their approach to software development. They
were beginning to understand the need of being able to quickly adjust to ever-
evolving requirements. They required the flexibility to make rapid iterations and
adjustments to all parts of their software stack, including the underlying
database. They were able to achieve this flexibility because of NoSQL

The use of the public cloud as a platform for storing and serving up data and
applications was another trend that arose, as cloud computing gained popularity.
To make their applications more robust, to expand out rather than up, and to
strategically position their data across geographies, they needed the option to
store data across various servers and locations. These features are offered by
some NoSQL databases like MongoDB.

Figure 1: Cost per MB of Data over Time (Log Scale)

(Adapted from https://www.mongodb.com)

15.2.3 NoSQL database features

Every NoSQL database comes with its own set of one-of-a-kind capabilities.
The following are general characteristics shared by several NoSQL databases:
• Schema flexibility
• Horizontal scaling
• Quick responses to queries as a result of the data model
• Ease of use for software developers

15.2.4 Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL

The differences and similarities between the two DBMSs are as follows:
• For the most part, NoSQL databases fall under the category of non-
relational or distributed databases, while SQL databases are classified as
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).
• Databases that use the Structured Query Language (SQL) are table-
oriented, while NoSQL databases use either document-oriented or key-
value pairs or wide-column stores, or graph databases.
• Unlike NoSQL databases, which have dynamic or flexible schema to
manage unstructured data, SQL databases have a strict or static schema.
• Structured data is stored using SQL, whereas both structured and
unstructured data can be stored using NoSQL.
• SQL databases are thought to be scalable in a vertical direction, whereas
NoSQL databases are thought to be scalable in a horizontal direction.
• Increasing the computing capability of your hardware is the first step in
the scaling process for SQL databases. In contrast, NoSQL databases
scale by distributing the load over multiple servers.
• MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server are all
examples of SQL databases. BigTable, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra,
RavenDb, Hbase, CouchDB, and Neo4j are a few examples of NoSQL
Vertical scalability is required for SQL databases. This means that an excessive
amount of load must be able to be managed by increasing the amount of CPU,
SSD, RAM, GPU, etc. on your server. When it comes to NoSQL databases, the
ability to scale horizontally is one of their defining characteristics. This means
that the addition of additional servers will make the task of managing demand
more manageable.

☞ Check Your Progress 1

1) What is NoSQL?
2) What are the features of NoSQL databases?

3) Differentiate between the NoSQL and SQL.


In this section, we will discuss the many classifications of NoSQL databases.

There are typically four types of NoSQL databases:
1) Column-based: Instead of accumulating data in rows, this method
organizes it all together into columns, which makes it easier to query
large datasets.
2) Graph-based: These are systems that are utilized for the storage of
information regarding networks, such as social relationships.
3) Key-value pair based: This is the simplest sort of database, in which each
item of your database is saved in the form of an attribute name (also
known as a "key") coupled with the value.
4) Document-based: Made up of sets of key-value pairs that are kept in

15.3.1 Column Based

A column store, in contrast to a relational database, is arranged as a set of
columns, rather than rows. This allows you to read only the columns you need
for analysis, saving memory space that would otherwise be taken up by
irrelevant information. Because columns are frequently of the same kind, they
are able to take advantage of more efficient compression, which makes data
reading even quicker. The value of a specific column can be quickly aggregated
using columnar databases.
Although columnar databases are excellent for analytics, because of the way they
publish data, it is challenging for them to remain consistent because writes to all
the columns need several write events on the disk. However, this problem never
arises with relational databases because row data is continuously written to disk.

How Does a Column Database Work?

A columnar database is a type of database management system (DBMS) that
allows data to be stored in columns rather than rows. It is accountable for
reducing the amount of time needed to return a certain query. Additionally, it
is accountable for the significant enhancement of the disk I/O performance.
Both data analytics and data warehousing benefit from it. Additionally, the
primary goal of a Columnar Database is to read and write data in an efficient
manner. Column-store databases include Casandra, CosmoDB, Bigtable, and
HBase, to name a few.
Columnar Database Vs Row Database:
When processing big data analytics and data warehousing, there are a number
of different techniques that can be used, including columnar databases and row
databases. But they each take a different method.

For instance:
• Row Database: “Customer 1: Name, Address, Location". (The fields for each
new record are stored in a long row).
• Columnar Database: “Customer 1: Name, Address, Location”. (Each field
has its own set of columns). Refer Table 2 for relational database example.

Table 2: Relational database: an example

ID Number First Name Last Name Amount

A01234 Sima Kaur 4000

B03249 Tapan Rao 5000

C02345 Srikant Peter 1000

In a Columnar DBMS, the data will be stored in the following format:

A01234, B03249, C02345; Sima, Tapan, Srikant; Kaur, Rao, Peter; 4000,
5000, 1000.

In a Row-oriented DBMS, the data will be stored in the following format:

A01234, Sima, Kaur, 4000; B03249, Tapan, Rao, 5000; C02345, Srikant,
Peter, 1000.

Columnar databases: advantages

The use of columnar databases has various advantages:

• Column stores are highly effective in compression, making them storage

efficient. This implies that you can conserve disk space while storing
enormous amounts of data in a single column.
• Aggregation queries are fairly quick with column-store databases
because the majority of the data is kept in a column, which is beneficial
for projects that need to execute a lot of queries quickly.
• Load times are also quite good; a table with a billion rows can be loaded
in a matter of seconds. This suggests that you can load and query
practically instantly.
• A great deal of versatility because columns do not have to resemble one
another. The database would not be affected if you add new or different
columns, however, updating all tables is necessary to input whole new
record queries.
• Overall, column-store databases are excellent for analytics and reporting
due to their quick query response times and capacity to store massive
volumes of data without incurring significant costs.

Column databases: Disadvantages

While there are many benefits to adopting column-oriented databases, there are
also a few drawbacks to keep in mind.

• It takes a lot of time and effort to create an efficient indexing schema.

• Incremental data loading is undesirable and is to be avoided, if at all
possible, even though this might not be a problem for some users.
• This applies to all forms of NoSQL databases, not just those with
columns. Web applications frequently have security flaws, and the
absence of security features in NoSQL databases does not help. If
security is your top goal, you should either consider using relational
databases or, if it's possible, use a clearly specified schema.
• Due to the way data is stored, Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
applications are incompatible with columnar databases.

Are columns databases always NoSQL?

Before we conclude, we should note that column-store databases are not always
NoSQL-only. It is frequently argued that column-store belongs firmly in the
NoSQL camp because it differs so much from relational database approaches.
The debate between NoSQL and SQL is generally quite nuanced, therefore this
is not usually the case. They are essentially the same as SQL techniques when it
comes to column-store databases. For instance, keyspaces function as schema,
so schema management is still necessary. A NoSQL data store's keyspace
contains all column families. The concept is comparable to relational database
management systems' schema. There is typically only one keyspace per
program. Another illustration is the fact that the metadata occasionally
resembles a conventional relational DBMS perfectly. Ironically, column-store
databases frequently adhere to ACID and SQL standards. However, NoSQL
databases are often either document-store or key-store, neither of which are
column-store. Therefore, it is difficult to claim that column-store is a pure
NoSQL system.

15.3.2 Graph Based

The initial hardware hurdles that made it feasible for SQL to handle vast
quantities of data are no longer there, despite the fact that SQL is an excellent
superb RDBMS and has been used for many years to manage massive amounts
of data. As a result, NoSQL has rapidly emerged as the dominant form of
contemporary database management and many of the largest websites, we rely
on today, are powered by NoSQL, like Twitter's use of FlockDB and Amazon's
A database that stores data using graph structures is known as a graph database.
It represents and stores data using nodes, edges, and attributes rather than tables
or documents. Relationships between the nodes are represented by the edges.
This makes data retrieval simpler and, in many circumstances, only requires one
action. Additionally, it works fantastically as a database for fast, threaded data
structures like those used on Twitter

How does a Graph Database Work?

Graphs, which are not relational databases, rely heavily on the idea of multi-
relational data "pathways" for their functionality. However, the structure of
graph databases is typically simple. They are largely made up of two elements:
• The Node: This represents the actual data itself. It may be the number of
people who watched a video on YouTube; it could be the number of
people who read a tweet; or it could even be fundamental information
like people's names, addresses, and other such details.
• The Edge: This clarifies the real connection between the two nodes. It is
interesting to note that edges can also have their own data, such as the
type of connection between two nodes. Similar to edges, mentioned
directions may also describe the direction in which the data is flowing.
Graph databases are mostly utilized for studying relationships. For instance,
businesses might extract client information from social media using a graph
database. For example, some organization might use a graph database to extract
data about relationships between Person, Restaurant, and City, as shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2. Different Nodes and Edges in Graph Database.

(Adapted from https://www.kdnuggets.com/)

When do we need Graph Database?

1) It resolves issues with many-to-many relationships. For example, many-
to-many relationships include friends of friends.
2) When connections among data pieces are more significant. For example,
there is a profile with some unique information, but the main selling
point is the relationship between these different profiles, which is how
you get connected inside a network.
3) Low latency with big amounts of data. The relational database's data sets
will grow significantly as you add more relationships, and when you
query it, its complexity will increase and it will take longer than usual.
However, graph databases are specifically created for this purpose, and
one can easily query relationships.

Now, let’s look at a more specific illustration to explain a group of people's

complicated relationships. For example, five friends share a social network.
These friends are Binny, Bhawna, Chaitaya, Manish, and Mohit. Their personal
data may be kept in a graph database that resembles this, as shown in Figure 3
and Table 3:

Figure 3. Example-Five friends sharing Social network.

Table 3: Relational database: an example

Id Firstname Lastname Email Mobile
1001 Biney Dayal [email protected] 8645212321
1002 Bhawna Rao [email protected] 9645212323
1003 Chaitaya Robert [email protected] 7645212356
1004 Manish Kumar [email protected] 9955212320
1005 Mohit Jain [email protected] 9945212329
This means we will need yet another table to keep track of user relationships.
Our friendship table (refer Table 4) will resemble the following:

Table 4: Friendship Table

user_id friend_id
1001 1002
1001 1003
1001 1004
1001 1005
1002 1001
1002 1003
1002 1004
1002 1005
1003 1001
1003 1002
1003 1004
1003 1005
1004 1001
1004 1002
1004 1003
1004 1005
1005 1001
1005 1002
1005 1003
1005 1004
We won't go too deeply into the theory of the database's main key and foreign
key. Instead, presume that the friendship table uses both friends' ids. Let's say
that every member on our social network gets access to a feature that lets them
view the personal information of their other users who are friends with them.
This means that if Chaitaya were to ask for information, it would be regarding
Biney, Bhawna, Manish and Mohit. We shall address this issue in a conventional
(relational database) manner. First, we need to locate Chaitaya's user id in the
database's Users table (refer Table 5).

Table 5: Chaitaya’s Record

Id Firstname Lastname Email Mobile
1003 Chaitaya Robert [email protected] 7645212356
We would now search the friendship table (refer Table 6) for all tuples with the
user id of 3. The resulting relationship would look like this:

Table 6: Friendship Table for user id 3

user_id friend_id
1003 1001
1003 1002
1003 1004
1003 1005
Let us now examine the time required for this Relational database strategy. This
will be close to log (N) times, where N is the number of tuples in the friendship
table. In this case, the database continues to keep the entries in sequential order
based on their ids. So, in general, the time complexity for 'M' number of queries
is M*log (N). Only, if we had used a graph database strategy the overall time
complexity has been O (N). For the simple reason that once Chaitaya has been
located in the database, all the rest of her friends may be found with a single
click, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Accessing other data with a single click.

Graph Database Examples
Although graph databases are not as widely used as other NoSQL databases,
there are a handful that have become de facto standards when discussing
Neo4j is both an open-source and an interestingly developed on Java graph
database. It is considered to be one of the best graph databases. In addition to
that, it comes with its own language known as Cypher, which is comparable to
the declarative SQL language but is designed to work with graphs. In addition
to Java, it supports a number of other popular programming languages, including
Python, .NET, JavaScript, and a few others. Neo4j excels in applications such as
the administration of data centers and the identification of fraudulent activity.
RedisGraph is a graph module that is integrated into Redis, which is a key-
value NoSQL database. RedisGraph was developed to have its data saved in
RAM for the same reason that Redis itself is constructed on in-memory data
structures. As a result, a graph database with excellent speed and quick searching
and indexing is created. RedisGraph also makes use of Cypher, which is ideal if
you're a programmer or data scientist looking for greater database flexibility.
Applications that require blazing-fast performance are the main uses.
OrientDB It is interesting to note that OrientDB supports graph, document store,
key-value store, and object-based data formats. Having stated that, the graph
model, which uses direct links between databases, is used to hold all of the
relationships. Although it does not use Cypher, OrientDB is open-source and
developed in Java, just like Neo4j and the two prior graph databases. OrientDB
is designed to be used in situations when many data models are necessary, and
as a result, it is optimized for data consistency as well as minimizing data

15.3.3 Key-value pair Based

Key-value stores are perhaps the most widely used of the four major NoSQL
database formats because of their simplicity and quick performance. Let us
examine key-value stores' operation and application in more detail. With some
of the most well-known platforms and services depending on them to deliver
material to users with lightning speed, NoSQL has grown in significance in our
daily lives. Of course, NoSQL includes a range of database types, but key-value
store is unquestionably the most used.
Because of its extreme simplicity, this kind of data model is built to execute
incredibly quickly when compared to relational databases. Furthermore, because
key-value stores adhere to the scalable NoSQL design philosophy, they are
flexible and simple to set up.
How Does a Key-Value Work?
In reality, key-value storage is quite simple. A value is saved with a key that
specifies its location, and a value can be pretty much any piece of data or
information. In reality, this design idea may be found in almost every
programming language as an array or map object, refer Figure 5. The fact that it
is persistently kept in a database management system makes a difference in this

Figure 5. Example Key-Value database.

Popularity of key-value stores is due to the fact that information is stored as a
single large piece of data instead of as discrete data. As a result, indexing the
database is not really necessary to improve its performance. Instead, because of
the way it is set up, it operates more quickly on its own. Similar to that, it mostly
uses the get, put, and delete commands rather than having a language of its own.
Of course, this has the drawback that the data you receive in response to a request
is not screened. Under certain conditions, this lack of data management may be
problematic, but generally speaking, the trade-off is worthwhile. Because key-
value stores are both quick and reliable, the vast majority of programmers find
ways to get around any filtering or control problems that may arise.
Benefits of Key-Value
Key-value data models, one of the more well-liked types of NoSQL data models,
provide many advantages when it comes to creating a database:
Scalability: Key-value stores, like NoSQL in general, are infinitely scalable in
a horizontal fashion, which is one of its main advantages over relational
databases. This can be a huge advantage for sophisticated and larger databases
compared to relational databases, where expansion is vertical and finite, as
shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Horizontal and Vertical Scalability.

More specifically, partitioning and replication are used to manage this.
Additionally, by avoiding things like low-overhead server calls, it decreases the
ACID guarantees.
No/Simpler Querying: With key-value stores, querying is really not possible
except in very particular circumstances when it comes to querying keys, and
even then, it is not always practicable. Because there is just one request to read
and one request to write, key-value makes it easier to manage situations like
sessions, user profiles, shopping carts, and so on (due to the blob-like nature of
how the data is stored). Similar to this, concurrency problems are simpler to
manage because only one key needs to be resolved.
Mobility: Because key-value stores lack a query language, it is simple to move
them from one system to another without modifying the architecture or the code.
Thus, switching operating systems is less disruptive than switching relational
When to Use Key-Value
Key-value stores excel in this area because traditional relational databases are
not actually designed to manage a large number of read/write operations. Key-
value can readily scale to thousands of users per second due to its scalability.
Additionally, it can easily withstand lost storage or data because of the built-in
As a result, key-value excels in the following instances:
• Profiles and user preferences
• Large-scale user session management
• Product suggestions (such as in eCommerce platforms)

• Delivery of personalized ads to users based on their data profiles
• Cache data for infrequently updated data
There are numerous other circumstances where key-value works nicely. For
instance, because of its scalability, it frequently finds usage in big data research.
Similar to how it works for web applications, key-value is effective for
organizing player sessions in MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) and
other online games.

Key-Value Database Examples

Some key-value database models, for instance, save information to a solid-state
drive (SSD), while others use random-access memory (RAM). We depend on
key-value stores on a daily basis in our lives since they are some of the most
popular and frequently used databases. The fact is that some of the most popular
and commonly used databases are key-value stores.
Amazon DynamoDB is most likely the database that is used the most often for
key-value storage. In point of fact, study into Amazon DynamoDB was the
impetus for the rise in popularity of NoSQL.
Aerospike is a free and open-source database that was designed specifically for
use with in-memory data storage.
Berkeley DB: Another free and open-source database, Berkeley DB is a high-
performance framework for storing databases, despite the fact that it has a very
simple interface.
Couchbase: Text searches and querying in a SQL-like format are both possible
with Couchbase, which is an interesting feature.
Memcached not only saves cached data in RAM, which helps websites load
more quickly, but it is also free and open source.
Riak was designed specifically for use in the app development process, and it
plays well with other databases and app platforms.
Redis: A database that serves as both a memory cache and a message broker.

15.3.4 Document Based

A non-relational database that stores data as structured documents is known as a
document database (also known as a NoSQL document store). Instead of using
standard rows and columns, JSON format is a more recent technique to store
data. An XML or JSON file, or a PDF, are all examples of documents. NoSQL
is everywhere nowadays; just look at Twitter and its use of FlockDB or Amazon
and their use of DynamoDB. Figure 7 shows the difference between the
Relational and Document Store model.
Figure 7: Relational Vs Document Store Model.
In spite of the fact that there are a great deal of data models, each of which
contains hundreds of databases, the one we are going to investigate today is
called Document-store. One of the most common database models now in use,
document-store functions in a manner that is somewhat similar to that of the key-
value model in the sense that documents are saved together with particular keys
that access the information. Figure 8 (a) shows the document that holds
information about a book. This file is a JSON representation of a book's
metadata, which includes the book's BookID, Title, Author, and Year and Figure
8 (b) shows the same metadata for Key value database.

A Document Key Value

{ BookID 978-1449396091
“BookID”: “978-1449396091”,
“Title”: “DBMS”, Title DBMS
“Author”: “Raghu Ramakrishnan”,
“Year”: “2022”, Author Raghu Ramakrishnan
} Year 2022
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Example of Document and Key-value database
When to use a document database?
• When your application requires data that is not structured in a table
• When your application requires a large number of modest continuous
reads and writes and all you require is quick in-memory access.
• When your application requires CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
• These are often adaptable and perform well when your application has to
run across a broad range of access patterns and data kinds.

How does a Document Database Work?
It appears that document databases work under the assumption that any kind of
information can be stored in a document. This suggests that you shouldn't have
to worry about the database being unable to interpret any combination of data
types. Naturally, in practice, most document databases continue to use some sort
of schema with a predetermined structure and file format.
Document stores do not have the same foibles and limitations as SQL databases,
which are both tubular and relational. This implies that using the information at
hand is significantly simpler and running queries may also be much simpler.
Ironically, you can execute the same types of operations in a document storage
that you can in a SQL database, including removing, adding, and querying.
Each document requires a key of some kind, as was previously mentioned, and
this key is given to it through a unique ID. This unique ID processed the
document directly instead of being obtained column by column.
Document databases often have a lower level of security than SQL databases.
As a result, you really need to think about database security, and utilizing Static
Application Security Testing (SAST) is one approach to do so. SAST, examines
the source code directly to hunt for flaws. Another option is to use DAST, a
dynamic version that can aid in preventing NoSQL injections.

Document database advantages

One major benefit of document-store is that all of the data is stored in a single
location, rather than being spread out over many interconnected databases. As a
result, if you do not employ relational processes, you perform better than a SQL
• Schema-less: Because there are no constraints on the format and
structure of data storage, they are particularly effective at keeping huge
quantities of existing data.
• Faster creation of document and maintenance: The creation of a
document is a fairly straightforward process, and apart from that, the
upkeep requirements are virtually nonexistent.
• Open formats: It offers a relatively easy construction process that makes
use of XML, JSON, and other formats.
• Built-in versioning: Because it contains built-in versioning, it means
that when the documents expand in size, there is a possibility that they
will also expand in complexity. Versioning makes conflicts less likely.
More precisely, document stores are excellent for the following applications
because schema can be changed without any downtime or because you could not
know future user needs:
• eCommerce giants (Like Amazon)
• Blogging platforms (such as Blogger, Tumblr)
• CMS (Content management systems) (Like WordPress, windows
• Analytical platforms (such as Tableau, Oracle server)
Document databases' drawbacks
• Weak Atomicity: Multi-document ACID transactions are not supported.
We will need to perform two different queries, one for each collection,
in order to handle a change in the document data model involving two
collections. This is where the atomicity criteria are violated.
• Consistency Check Limitations: A database performance issue may
arise from searching for documents and collections that aren't linked to
an author collection.
• Security: In today's world, many online apps do not have enough
security, which in turn leads to the disclosure of critical data. Thus, web
app vulnerabilities become a cause for concern.
Document databases examples
• One of the best NoSQL database engines is MongoDB, which is not only
well-known but also uses JSON like format. It has its own query
• A search engine built on the document-store data architecture is
Elasticsearch. Database searching and indexing may be accomplished
using this straightforward and easy-to-learn tool.
• CouchDB: In addition to Ubuntu, it also works with the social
networking site Facebook. It utilizes Javascript and is developed in the
Erlang programming language.
• BaseX is a simple, open-source, XML-based DBM that makes use of

☞ Check Your Progress 2

1) How Does a Column Database Work? Discuss.
2) What are the different Graph Database Examples?

3) Explain document based NoSQL database.



This unit covered the fundamentals of NoSQL as well as the many kinds of
NoSQL databases, such as those based on columns, graphs, key-value pairs, and
documents. Numerous businesses now use NoSQL. It is difficult to pick the best
database platform. NoSQL databases are used by many businesses because of
their ability to handle mission-critical applications while decreasing risk, data
spread, and total cost of ownership.

Despite their incredible capability, column-store databases do have their own set
of problems. Due to the fact that columns require numerous writes to the disk,
for instance, the way the data is written results in a certain lack of consistency.
Graph databases can be used to offer content in high-performance scenarios
while producing threads that are simple to comprehend for the typical user,
beyond merely expressive information in a graphical and effective way (such as
in the case of Twitter). The simplicity of a key-value store is what makes it so
brilliant. Although this has potential drawbacks, particularly when dealing with
more complicated issues like financial transactions, it was designed specifically
to fill in relational databases' inadequacies. We may create a pipeline that is even
more effective by combining relational and non-relational technologies, whether
we are working with users or data analysis. Document-store data models are
quite popular and regularly used due to their versatility. It helps analytics by
making it easy for firms to store multiple sorts of data for later use.


Check Your Progress 1

1) NoSQL is a way to build databases that can accommodate many different
kinds of information, such as key-value pairs, multimedia files, documents,
columnar data, graphs, external files, and more. In order to facilitate the
development of cutting-edge applications, NoSQL was designed to work
with a variety of different data models and schemas.
• Schema flexibility
• Horizontal scaling
• Quick responses to queries as a result of the data model
• Ease of use for software developers
3) It is different in the following ways:
• For the most part, NoSQL databases fall under the category of non-
relational or distributed databases, while SQL databases are classified
as Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).
• Databases that use the Structured Query Language (SQL) are table-
oriented, while NoSQL databases use either document-oriented or key-
value pairs or wide-column stores, or graph databases.
• Unlike NoSQL databases, which have dynamic or flexible schema to
manage unstructured data, SQL databases have a strict, preset or static
• Structured data is stored using SQL, whereas both structured and
unstructured data can be stored using NoSQL.
• SQL databases are thought to be scalable in a vertical direction,
whereas NoSQL databases are thought to be scalable in a horizontal
• Increasing the computing capability of your hardware is the first step in
the scaling process for SQL databases. In contrast, NoSQL databases
scale by distributing the load over multiple servers.
• MySQL, SQLite, Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server
are all examples of SQL databases. BigTable, MongoDB, Redis,
Cassandra, RavenDb, Hbase, CouchDB, and Neo4j are a few examples
of NoSQL databases.

Check Your Progress 2

1) A columnar database is a type of database management system (DBMS)
that allows data to be stored in columns rather than rows. It is
accountable for reducing the amount of time needed to return a certain
query. Additionally, it is accountable for the significant enhancement of
the disk I/O performance. Both data analytics and data warehousing
benefit from it. Additionally, the primary goal of a Columnar Database
is to read and write data in an efficient manner. Column-store databases
include Casandra, CosmoDB, Bigtable, and HBase, to name a few. Also,
refer 15.3.1.

2) Graph Database Examples:

• Neo4j is both an open-source and an interestingly developed on Java

graph database. It is considered to be one of the best graph databases in
the world. In addition to that, it comes with its own language known as
Cypher, which is comparable to the declarative SQL language but is
designed to work with graphs. In addition to Java, it supports a number
of other popular programming languages, including Python, .NET,
JavaScript, and a few others. Neo4j excels in applications such as the
administration of data centres and the identification of fraudulent
• RedisGraph is a graph module that is integrated into Redis, which is a
key-value NoSQL database. RedisGraph was developed to have its data
saved in RAM for the same reason that Redis itself is constructed on in-
memory data structures. As a result, a graph database with excellent
speed and quick searching and indexing is created. RedisGraph also
makes use of Cypher, which is ideal if you're a programmer or data
scientist looking for greater database flexibility. Applications that
require blazing-fast performance are the main uses.
• OrientDB: It's interesting to note that OrientDB supports graph,
document store, key-value store, and object-based data formats. Having
stated that, the graph model, which uses direct links between databases,
is used to hold all of the relationships.

3) It is generally agreed that document stores, which are a sort of NoSQL

database, are the most advanced of the available options. They use JSON
as their data storage format, which is different from the more traditional
rows and columns layout. Most of the day-to-day activities that we carry
out on the internet are supported by NoSQL databases. NoSQL is
everywhere nowadays; just look at Twitter and its use of FlockDB or
Amazon and their use of DynamoDB. Also, refer 15.3.4.


1) Next Generation Databases: NoSQL and Big Data 1st ed. Edition, G. Harrison,
Apress, December 26, 2015.
2) Shashank Tiwari, Professional NoSQL, 1st Edition, Wrox, September 2011.
3) https://www.kdnuggets.com/

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