Unit 15
Unit 15
Unit 15
15.0 Introduction
15.1 Objectives
15.2 Introduction to NoSQL
15.2.1 What is NoSQL
15.2.2 Brief History of NoSQL Databases
15.2.3 NoSQL Database Features
15.2.4 Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL
15.3 Types of NoSQL Databases
15.3.1 Column Based
15.3.2 Graph Based
15.3.3 Key-Value Pair Based
15.3.4 Document Based
15.4 Summary
15.5 Solutions/Answers
15.6 Further Readings
In the previous Unit of this Block, you have gone through the concept of relational
database management systems and data warehousing. However, these technologies are
somewhat slower for scalable web applications. NoSQL databases arose because
databases at the time were not able to support the rapid development of scalable web-
based applications.
NoSQL databases have changed the manner in which data is stored and used, despite
the fact that relational databases are still commonly employed. Most applications come
with features like Google-style search, for instance. The growth of data, online surfing,
mobile use, and analytics have drastically altered the requirements of contemporary
databases. These additional requirements have spurred the expansion of NoSQL
databases, which now include a range of types such as key-value, document, column,
and graph.
In this Unit, we will discuss the many kinds of NoSQL databases, including those that
are built on columns, graphs, key-value pairs, and documents respectively.
Databases are a crucial part of many technological and practical systems. The
phrase "NoSQL database" is frequently used to describe any non-relational
database. NoSQL is sometimes referred to as "non SQL," but it is also referred
to as "not only SQL." In either case, the majority of people agree that a NoSQL
database is a type of database that stores data in a format that is different from
relational tables.
Whenever you want to use the data, it must first be saved in a particular structure
and then converted into a usable format. On the other hand, there are some
circumstances in which the data are not always presented in a structured style,
which means that their schemas are not always rigorous. This unit provides an
in-depth look into NoSQL and the features that make it unique.
NoSQL is a way to build databases that can accommodate many different kinds
of information, such as key-value pairs, multimedia files, documents, columnar
data, graphs, external files, and more. In order to facilitate the development of
cutting-edge applications, NoSQL was designed to work with a variety of
different data models and schemas.
In the late 2000s, as the price of storage began to plummet, No-SQL databases
began to gain popularity. No longer is it necessary to develop a sophisticated,
difficult-to-manage data model to prevent data duplication. Because developers'
time was quickly surpassing the cost of data storage, NoSQL databases were
designed with efficiency in mind.
2010 Adoption of Cloud DBaaS (Database as a Service)
As storage costs reduced significantly, the quantity of data that applications were
required to store and query grew. This data came in all forms— structured, semi-
structured, and unstructured — and sizes making it practically difficult to define
the schema in advance. NoSQL databases give programmers a great deal of
freedom by enabling them to store enormous amounts of unstructured data.
The use of the public cloud as a platform for storing and serving up data and
applications was another trend that arose, as cloud computing gained popularity.
To make their applications more robust, to expand out rather than up, and to
strategically position their data across geographies, they needed the option to
store data across various servers and locations. These features are offered by
some NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
Every NoSQL database comes with its own set of one-of-a-kind capabilities.
The following are general characteristics shared by several NoSQL databases:
• Schema flexibility
• Horizontal scaling
• Quick responses to queries as a result of the data model
• Ease of use for software developers
The differences and similarities between the two DBMSs are as follows:
• For the most part, NoSQL databases fall under the category of non-
relational or distributed databases, while SQL databases are classified as
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).
• Databases that use the Structured Query Language (SQL) are table-
oriented, while NoSQL databases use either document-oriented or key-
value pairs or wide-column stores, or graph databases.
• Unlike NoSQL databases, which have dynamic or flexible schema to
manage unstructured data, SQL databases have a strict or static schema.
• Structured data is stored using SQL, whereas both structured and
unstructured data can be stored using NoSQL.
• SQL databases are thought to be scalable in a vertical direction, whereas
NoSQL databases are thought to be scalable in a horizontal direction.
• Increasing the computing capability of your hardware is the first step in
the scaling process for SQL databases. In contrast, NoSQL databases
scale by distributing the load over multiple servers.
• MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server are all
examples of SQL databases. BigTable, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra,
RavenDb, Hbase, CouchDB, and Neo4j are a few examples of NoSQL
Vertical scalability is required for SQL databases. This means that an excessive
amount of load must be able to be managed by increasing the amount of CPU,
SSD, RAM, GPU, etc. on your server. When it comes to NoSQL databases, the
ability to scale horizontally is one of their defining characteristics. This means
that the addition of additional servers will make the task of managing demand
more manageable.
3) Differentiate between the NoSQL and SQL.
For instance:
• Row Database: “Customer 1: Name, Address, Location". (The fields for each
new record are stored in a long row).
• Columnar Database: “Customer 1: Name, Address, Location”. (Each field
has its own set of columns). Refer Table 2 for relational database example.
Column databases: Disadvantages
While there are many benefits to adopting column-oriented databases, there are
also a few drawbacks to keep in mind.
Before we conclude, we should note that column-store databases are not always
NoSQL-only. It is frequently argued that column-store belongs firmly in the
NoSQL camp because it differs so much from relational database approaches.
The debate between NoSQL and SQL is generally quite nuanced, therefore this
is not usually the case. They are essentially the same as SQL techniques when it
comes to column-store databases. For instance, keyspaces function as schema,
so schema management is still necessary. A NoSQL data store's keyspace
contains all column families. The concept is comparable to relational database
management systems' schema. There is typically only one keyspace per
program. Another illustration is the fact that the metadata occasionally
resembles a conventional relational DBMS perfectly. Ironically, column-store
databases frequently adhere to ACID and SQL standards. However, NoSQL
databases are often either document-store or key-store, neither of which are
column-store. Therefore, it is difficult to claim that column-store is a pure
NoSQL system.
Figure 3. Example-Five friends sharing Social network.
• Delivery of personalized ads to users based on their data profiles
• Cache data for infrequently updated data
There are numerous other circumstances where key-value works nicely. For
instance, because of its scalability, it frequently finds usage in big data research.
Similar to how it works for web applications, key-value is effective for
organizing player sessions in MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) and
other online games.
{ BookID 978-1449396091
“BookID”: “978-1449396091”,
“Title”: “DBMS”, Title DBMS
“Author”: “Raghu Ramakrishnan”,
“Year”: “2022”, Author Raghu Ramakrishnan
} Year 2022
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Example of Document and Key-value database
When to use a document database?
• When your application requires data that is not structured in a table
• When your application requires a large number of modest continuous
reads and writes and all you require is quick in-memory access.
• When your application requires CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
• These are often adaptable and perform well when your application has to
run across a broad range of access patterns and data kinds.
How does a Document Database Work?
It appears that document databases work under the assumption that any kind of
information can be stored in a document. This suggests that you shouldn't have
to worry about the database being unable to interpret any combination of data
types. Naturally, in practice, most document databases continue to use some sort
of schema with a predetermined structure and file format.
Document stores do not have the same foibles and limitations as SQL databases,
which are both tubular and relational. This implies that using the information at
hand is significantly simpler and running queries may also be much simpler.
Ironically, you can execute the same types of operations in a document storage
that you can in a SQL database, including removing, adding, and querying.
Each document requires a key of some kind, as was previously mentioned, and
this key is given to it through a unique ID. This unique ID processed the
document directly instead of being obtained column by column.
Document databases often have a lower level of security than SQL databases.
As a result, you really need to think about database security, and utilizing Static
Application Security Testing (SAST) is one approach to do so. SAST, examines
the source code directly to hunt for flaws. Another option is to use DAST, a
dynamic version that can aid in preventing NoSQL injections.
This unit covered the fundamentals of NoSQL as well as the many kinds of
NoSQL databases, such as those based on columns, graphs, key-value pairs, and
documents. Numerous businesses now use NoSQL. It is difficult to pick the best
database platform. NoSQL databases are used by many businesses because of
their ability to handle mission-critical applications while decreasing risk, data
spread, and total cost of ownership.
Despite their incredible capability, column-store databases do have their own set
of problems. Due to the fact that columns require numerous writes to the disk,
for instance, the way the data is written results in a certain lack of consistency.
Graph databases can be used to offer content in high-performance scenarios
while producing threads that are simple to comprehend for the typical user,
beyond merely expressive information in a graphical and effective way (such as
in the case of Twitter). The simplicity of a key-value store is what makes it so
brilliant. Although this has potential drawbacks, particularly when dealing with
more complicated issues like financial transactions, it was designed specifically
to fill in relational databases' inadequacies. We may create a pipeline that is even
more effective by combining relational and non-relational technologies, whether
we are working with users or data analysis. Document-store data models are
quite popular and regularly used due to their versatility. It helps analytics by
making it easy for firms to store multiple sorts of data for later use.
1) Next Generation Databases: NoSQL and Big Data 1st ed. Edition, G. Harrison,
Apress, December 26, 2015.
2) Shashank Tiwari, Professional NoSQL, 1st Edition, Wrox, September 2011.
3) https://www.kdnuggets.com/