Government has renewed its focus on high potential sectors like IT, SMEs, mines and minerals,
tourism, exports and agriculture. These sectors can pay rich dividends and lend support to the
country’s balance of payments position. Complementing this, are efforts to reinvigorate foreign
investments in the country and extend all out facilitation to overseas Pakistanis for realizing the
full potential of home remittances. Going forward, fiscal discipline through curtailment of non-
essential expenditures coupled with all-encompassing reforms at the Federal Board of Revenue
will ensure financial self-sustainability. Support from bilateral and multilateral development
partners remains important. The Stand-by Arrangement with the IMF, signed by the Government
at the outset of FY2024 was concluded successfully as Pakistan now looks forward to an extended
stabilization and home-grown growth program.
During FY2024, Pakistan’s economy registered moderate recovery reflected by a GDP growth of
2.38 percent against previous year’s contraction of 0.21 percent. Agriculture emerged as a main
driver of economic growth, registering a growth of 6.25 percent on the back of double- digit
growth in output of major crops. Industrial and services sectors also showed resilience with each
posting a growth of 1.21 percent. Current account deficit was kept under check, with marked
improvement in foreign exchange reserves, reaching US$ 14.6 billion by end May 2024. The fiscal
sector progressed towards stability, propelled by consolidation efforts and targeted reforms. Fiscal
deficit remained manageable with an overall primary surplus. Rupee appreciated by almost 3.0
percent during the first eleven months.
The release of Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 marks a significant event as it coincides with
Pakistan’s steady progress towards economic recovery and stabilization. The document examines
key sectors of the economy, highlighting growth catalysts for the year. It also provides an update
on macroeconomic and socioeconomic variables during the first nine to ten months of FY2024.
I would like to commend the efforts of Finance Secretary Mr. Imdad Ullah Bosal, and Economic
Adviser Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad and his team for compiling this publication. Hopefully, it will serve as
a valuable source of information and data for policymakers, development partners, researchers,
academia, and the wider public alike.
The Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 presents an overview of the country’s economic
performance during the outgoing fiscal year. It underscores the resilience and robustness of
Pakistan’s economy in the face of multifaceted domestic and external challenges.
Pakistan’s economy witnessed a slight contraction in FY2023 mainly due to global economic
slowdown, high global inflation, and flood damages. However, due to government’s timely and
effective policy measures, the economy has witnessed a moderate recovery in FY2024 despite
challenges of fiscal consolidation, monetary tightening, geopolitical tensions, and persistently
high inflationary pressure.
Quarterly growth estimates has indicated a consistent positive trend in economic activities,
culminating in an overall growth of 2.38 percent for the outgoing fiscal year. Agriculture sector has
recorded highest growth in the last 19 years which is a significant achievement towards ensuring
food security and price stability. Economic activities have benefited from improvements in the
agriculture sector, paving the way for further strengthening in the upcoming months. The positive
spillover effects are observed on industry and services sectors. Economic activities are gradually
improving, inflation is trending downward, and the external sector has stabilized. Moving forward,
the economy is expected to have favorable external and domestic economic prospects.
I appreciate and acknowledge the diligent work put forth by the Economic Adviser and his entire
team in preparation of this document. I am confident that the Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24
will serve a valuable resource, offering insightful information to relevant stakeholders including
but not limited to the decision-makers, academia, policy experts and researchers.
GROWTH (2024)
Agriculture 6.25%
Industries 1.21%
Services 1.21%
Investment 13.1%
(as % of GDP)
Savings 13.0%
(as % of GDP)
Agriculture 6.25%
Crops 11.03%
Livestock 3.89%
Forestry 3.05%
Fishing 0.81%
Jul-Mar FY2024
Furniture 23.1%
Fertilizer 16.4%
Pharmaceutical 23.2%
Jul-Mar FY2024
Total Revenue (Rs. Trillion) 9.78
Tax Revenues
Rs 7.26 tr
Non-Tax Revenues
Rs 2.52 tr
Total Expenditure (Rs. Trillion) 13.68
Current Expenditure
Rs 12.33 tr
■ To fight against historic high inflation, ■ During July-March FY2024, Broad Money
central banks around the world had (M2) has posted growth of 7.0% to Rs
adopted tight monetary policy stance by 2,216.1 billion as compared growth of
increasing interest rates during last two 4.4% to Rs 1,211.5 billion during same
years. period last year.
Policy Rate (Avg Jul-Apr FY2023)
Rs 2,216 bn*
Broad Money (M2) (Growth of 7.0%)
*: Jul-Mar FY2024
■ The KSE-100 index of Pakistan posted a ■ Decrease has been observed in SET Index
significant growth of 82.8 percent from of Thailand (10.5%), Shanghai Composite
41,453 (end June 2023) to 75,878 (end Index of China (3.6%), and PSEi
May 2024) owing to successful IMF’s Composite Index of Philippines (0.5%).
program under Stand-by Arrangement
and stability on economic & political ■ Market capitalization of the Pakistan
front. Stock Exchange (PSX) increased by 59.7
percent to Rs 10,170 billion by end May
■ The Morgan Stanley Capital International 2024 against Rs 6,369 billion on 30th June
Emerging Market (MSCI-EM) Index, an 2023.
index of 24 emerging stock markets,
increased by 6.0 percent during July-May ■ As of May 31, 2024, the number of listed
FY2024. companies at PSX stood at 524.
Jul-Mar FY2024
Market Capitalization
Rs 9,447.7 bn
Incorporation of
Companies (No.) 20,810
■ The coordinated policy response helped and non-food 25.7 percent as against
to reduce inflation significantly to 11.8 37.3 percent and 20.3 percent in the
percent in May 2024 from its peak of corresponding period last year.
38 percent recorded in May 2023. It is
lowest inflation after 30 months. ■ Food inflation-Rural during July-May,
FY 2024, is recorded at 23.7 percent
■ The decline in inflation is broad-based, and non-food 23.8 percent as against
reflecting the combined impact of 41.1 percent and 24.9 percent in the
monetary tightening, fiscal consolidation, corresponding period last year.
smooth supplies of food items, favorable
global commodity prices, and base ■ Core inflation-Urban and Rural during
effect. July-May, FY 2024, stood at 16.4 percent
and 23.3 percent, respectively against
■ The headline CPI national inflation, 16.0 percent and 20.1 percent last year.
averaged at 24.5 percent during July-
May, FY 2024 against 29.2 percent last ■ WPI inflation during July-May, FY 2024
year. is recorded at 21.1 percent against 33.9
percent last year.
■ Food inflation-Urban during July-May,
FY 2024, is recorded at 24.2 percent
Consumer Price 24.5% 29.2%
Index (CPI) (FY2024)* (FY2023)*
25.1% 26.8%
CPI Urban (FY2024)* (FY2023)*
23.8% 32.7%
CPI Rural (FY2024)* (FY2023)*
*: Jul-May
■ The financial account witnessed net ■ The FOREX reserves recorded at US$14.0
inflows of US$3.9 billion during Jul-Apr billion including SBP’s reserves of US$8.9
FY2024 mainly augmented by inflows billion as on June 05, 2024.
under IMF’s SBA and from friendly
countries, against outflows of US$0.6 ■ The PKR appreciated by almost 2.8
billion last year. percent, from the end–June 2023 till
May 2024.
■ FDI inflows increased by 8.1 percent
to $1.5 billion during Jul-Apr FY2024
Jul-Apr FY2024 ($ billion)
Exports 25.7
Imports 43.4
Remittances 23.8
Domestic Debt (Rs. billion)
External Public Debt (Rs. billion)
ATM of GoP Securities
■ According to the Labor Force Survey ■ Out of School Children (OOSC) are 32%
2020-21, the literacy rate in Pakistan (Male: 27%, Female: 37%)– as per PSLM
stood at 62.8 percent in 2020-21 as 2019-20. Punjab has 24%, KP 32%, Sindh
compared to 62.4 percent in 2018-19. 44%, and Balochistan 47% OOSC.
The rate is higher for Males (73.4%) than
females (51.9%) however, the disparity is ■ The “Challenge Fund to Address the
narrowing down with time. OOSC Crisis in Pakistan” project,
costing Rs. 25.0 billion, launched by the
■ Area-wise analysis suggests literacy Planning Commission, aims to provide
increased in both rural (53.7% to 54.0%) quality education to all inhabitants,
and urban (76.1 % to 77.3%). enhance girls’ education through various
approaches, ensure a suitable learning
■ Literacy rate had registered environment for different OOSC groups,
improvement in all provinces in FY2021, and expand community engagement
Punjab (66.1% to 66.3%), Sindh (61.6% through multifaceted interventions.
to 61.8%), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (52.4%
to 55.1%) and Balochistan (53.9% to ■ During FY2024, the Government has
54.5%). allocated Rs 69.7 billion (including Rs.
Expenditure (FY2023) (as % of GDP)
Universities 263
Public Health Expenditure (As% of GDP FY2023)
Health Sector PSDP Allocation (Rs billion)
Hospitals (2023)
Basic Health Units (2023)
Life Expectancy
Population Size (2023) (million)
Rate (LFS 2021)
Workers Regd. for 862,625
Employment Abroad (2023)
■ The cargo and container handling at the ■ Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation has
Karachi Port during July-March FY 2024 broadcasting network of about 80 units
was 64.2 million tonnes as compared housed in 32 broadcasting houses across
to 31.8 million tonnes during last year, the country. During FY2024, an amount
recording an increase of 50 percent. of Rs 5.8 billion were allocated to the
PBC for its operational expenditures,
■ The electronic media network consists of around 89% have been released upto
May, 2024
NHA’s Network Length (Km)
Pakistan Post’s Network
PBC’s Broadcasting 80
Network (units)
* : Jul-Mar FY2024
** : Karachi Port, Port Qasim, Gwadar Port
Chapter: 14
Gas 3,207
Coal 17.3
(million tonnes)
IT and ITeS Companies (Regd. with PSEB)
IT Exports (US$ million)
Trade Surplus of IT and ITeS (US$ million)
Freelancers’ Remittances (US$ million)
* : July-March FY2024
** : End March 2024
BISP Disbursement (Rs. billion)
* : Jul-Mar FY2024
■ National Clean Air Policy (NCAP) 2023, ■ The 2023 United Nations Climate Change
aiming to enhance air quality by reducing Conference (COP 28) convened, in Dubai,
pollution nationwide. United Arab Emirates (UAE). Pakistan
actively engaged as a responsible
■ M/o CC&EC launched National member of the global community,
Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2023 provides an upholding the principles outlined in the
overview of the country’s climate risks UN Framework Convention on Climate
and vulnerabilities. Change (UNFCCC).