Nystrom Taina
Nystrom Taina
Nystrom Taina
Taina Nyström
– for FinEnviTech Global Ltd (partly confidential)
2014 | 80 + 10
Laura Heinonen
Taina Nyström
The purpose of this thesis was to create a business plan for FinEnviTech Global Ltd.
The company is producing and marketing products and services for Smart & Safe Living –
Green Environment. The business plan was written to examine the profitability of the company.
There are also intensions of presenting this business plan to the investors.
The business plan covers the market segmentation, products, marketing, financial and future
plans. Special attention has been paid to keep the plan as realistic as possible. Some of the
problems were encountered during the writing process. Most remarkable of there was how to
get the investors to believe this business opportunity. It is highly recommended to perform
market surveys before capitalizing the business plan presented in this thesis.
One of the main focuses of the project was an analysis of present market and the potential
customers. The comparison made between company‘s product and those already on the market
gives an understanding of what benefits these products and services can offer to the customers.
The SWOT-analysis helps the company to create its strategy. The final part of the business plan
focuses on the calculations of various expenses, such as starting costs, material costs and
production costs.
Business plan, business idea, green environment, safe & smart living
2014/80 + 10
Laura Heinonen
Taina Nyström
Picture 1. Innopoli 2 23
Picture 2. Green safe environment 37
Picture 3. Website green environment 57
UH University of Houston
People, Governments and Companies have to focus more and more for the
clean and safe environment. Global economic suffers from climate change.
Every new ton of release is a huge step to unknown and it is a huge risk. For
this reason, the climate emissions as quickly as possible is a scientifically justi-
fiable (Blog of Anni Sinnemäki).
1.1 Objective
Purpose of my theses was to help company to build a business plan for inves-
tors. This means analyzing the business environment and channels which could
be useful for the company. As FinEnviTech is a start-up company, it essential
that potential investors and other stakeholders will have an outlook of a written
plan, company´s operations, goals, as well as the strategies and plans with tar-
gets. Business Plan can be used effectively to support company´s development
and activities.
The business idea should not only be examined by idea of products and ser-
vices. It should also be examined from the perspective of the investor’s. Com-
pany should point out which benefits of the idea are benefit for the customers
and for the investors. The credibility of the idea should be tested by forming a
preliminary understanding of the market opportunities. The feasibility value and
the idea of the novelty has to be considered. This shows the problems which
are to be solved by business plan (McKinsey & Company 2000, 30).
The idea of the Business Plan is to support business. There are three ques-
tions, which business plan should support:
1. What is the benefit and what will the customer get from the busi-
ness idea?
All new companies should have a business plan. Doing a good business plan
company should focus on the big picture, all the risks should be considered.
Unexpected situations should be prepared. Budgets, financial plans and other
plans should compose. In this situation the entrepreneur has a lot of decisions
to make.
Planning should also consider marketing. How widely it is done, and how?
backgrounds, values
SWOT –analyses
visions for at least 3-5 years
short time plans
plans, indicators (Lipiäinen 2000, 20.)
Business plan is a good multipurpose tool. It can be used widely. Main four us-
es are:
2. Attract investors
Business plan is mostly a spiritual journey for the entrepreneur. It shows if the
business idea is good enough that it should be carried out (Viitala R.&Jylhä E.
2013, 51). Business plan has to be clear and understandable. It shows for the
reader clearly all relevant issues from the company.
More understandable it is, more likely an investor will read the entire business
plan. (McKinsey & Company 2000, 51.)
With a business plan company shows that it products and services has a busi-
ness opportunity. (Viitala R.&Jylhä E. 2013, 51.)
The business plan should be based on research data. It should be simple, rele-
vant and information-rich. It should be distinctly readable, based on proven
facts. (Lipiäinen 2000, 19.)
Pronouncement of BP
Implementation of BP
Correction of BP
The aim was to make a business plan for a start-up company - FinEnviTech
Global Ltd. I tried to make the thesis as accurately as possible. I figured out how
Business Plan would serve to best the company, since it will find funding for
the future.
The empirical part was carried out between January and April 2014. To have
more information about the company's current situation, we organized number
of meetings. We also had numerous e-mail discussions with the owners of the
company. The company's owners gave me enough information on the current
situation, business idea, products, and services. I tried to keep interview ques-
tions as simple as possible, I did not want to go too deep in this research com-
pany´s product details. The aim was to have an understandable overview of
business operations. The questionnaire is given in Appendix 1.
The study was conducted mostly together with the owner and founder Professor
Risto Orava. He has a very strong experience in this field, he strongly believes
that this is a fast-growing industry in the future. He has also number of new
product ideas for the future.
The third person was Mr. Jari Vepsäläinen. He is one of the owners. His main
responsibility is Asia market, especially China were he has over 25 years of ex-
perience in trade.
I also got material from a company called Sensorsoft Oy. Sensorsoft is FinEn-
viTech´s subsidiary. The material came from Engineer Jamilya Shestovskaya,
and it was mainly technical data. This data has been added to empirical part of
the products and services. At one meeting I met Mervi Wallenius. She is a Con-
sult at MIF – Management Institute of Finland. She is consulting mainly in mar-
I got a great deal of material from the interviews. I did not experienced that as a
face-to-face and e-mail accessible material were shortage. Sometimes entre-
preneurs are busy, so that the answers may be insufficient. For me it was easy
to focus more my questions during the interviews. I did not experienced superfi-
cial information.
I also made SWOT –analysis for the company. A SWOT -analysis is a struc-
tured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportuni-
ties, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. These four ele-
ments aggregates company´s and its operational environment most important
operators. Strengths and weaknesses are usually the company's internal fac-
tors, opportunities and threats are external environment for future macro-and
micro-environments of factors. From the analysis company can analysis were
improvement should be considered and in what environment they could be
more efficient.
I used The Business Model Canvas as a tool. The Business Model Canvas
consists different blocks like: Key Partners were company describes the net-
work of suppliers and partners. Key Activities block describes what are the most
important things a company must do to make its business model work. Custom-
er segment block defines the groups of people, partners and customers which
company aims to reach and serve. Customers Relationships block describes
the types of relationships. Value Propositions block is promise to the different
customer segments of company´s value. Channels block describes how com-
pany will communicate and raises its awareness. With Revenue Stream block
company sees how the cash is moving. This is a heart of a business model. Key
Recourses block describes the most important assets required business to
work. Finally Cost Structure block, this block describes what are the main costs
(The Business Model Canvas).
Interview summary
The study revealed that the owners believes very much to this business idea.
For now they have self-funded all the company's operations. Since the future
plans are high, more funding must come from elsewhere. Personal interviews
also revealed that the staff is currently very technical. Technical know-how is
the top quality, but the marketing and sales have not yet been sufficiently in-
vested. The interviews also revealed products and services current state. Some
of the products are already “selling order”, so to speak, but the lack of time has
taken sales. The company has already received a number of request for quota-
tion, but there has not been enough time to respond for those. Interviewed per-
sons believed, however, that products and services will have a demand in the
The study shows that the company should take the following things into consid-
• human resource
• production
• material costs
• quality
• suppliers
• investments
The current personnel is adequate for some time, but I think the marketing and
sales should be invested in Q3/2014 at the latest. Product design has been
studied well, and new ones are already in development, but they have not yet
been implemented. Now it is time to answer urgently for the request of quota-
tions and take them forward. By doing request of quotations more attention
should be taken into account cost of goods in different areas. Many of the costs
may come as a surprise if they are not prepared for. The company must also
pay attention to the quality. The quality criteria should meet and be presented to
the offer. The company should also consider the wider suppliers, how quickly
they are able to operate, how Audits will be carried out, how the operations are
performed, who is responsible for insurance and so on. Considering Investors it
would be good to show that the company has already considerable buyers and
SWOT –analysis shows were current strength is, FinEnviTech has a strong
technical background and already patents. This is a prove of quality products.
But what comes to weakness, it shows that FinEnviTech is a new company,
they don’t have yet investor’s. One of the weakness is also marketing. The re-
sources are of course at this time limited, but in the future they have to invest to
these weaknesses.
For me, this was a great opportunity to not only write a business plan , but also
to explore interesting people, and this unique business idea. I also learned
something from sensor technology.
The data has been collected from wide range of literature and other relevant
studies and publications. I added to this is my own business experience as well
as the study interviews. From the interviews and other materials I combined a
short study, which I hope will help the FinEnviTech in the future. In the empirical
part of the work calculations are estimated. The financial plan is done in coop-
eration with the company. Calculations, we agreed with the company that they
will change them if necessary.
My thesis aim was to make a business plan for FinEnviTech. The study was to
initially keep simple and easy to understand concerning investors. I hope that I
managed to do this study in the empirical part in the way FinEnviTech hoped.
Business market has different types of challenges and opportunities than nor-
mal consumer markets. The concepts of value, relationship and buyers decision
making are different (Vitale R., Giglierano J., Pfoertsch W., 2011, Business-to-
Business Marketing. Analysis and Practice. Pearson Education). The differ-
ences between consumer market and B2B market are not very different but
companies have to understand what are the marketing differences. Marketing
should be based on underlying needs. Companies has to make for each market
segment own strategy, explanation of the market needs. In this way company
can prove that products and services are profitable.
Is there really a need for this kind products on the markets? Is there already
other products and services which are on the market, and are they already fill-
ing the needs? It is highly recommend that company will make a market re-
search. It doesn’t have to be big, it can be simple and practical.
First look for existing, similar businesses. This is a very good first step. At this
field Finland is a small area. You have to look markets globally. By studying
other similar businesses, you not only get information but may also have good
partners and business relationships. Maybe even buying the existing company
might help in the future.
As with all marketing related activities, there are several industry fields who can
benefit with this green environment system. Nuclear power industry is global.
Although it is not anymore generally approved with citizens, it is still a growing
market. At this field monitoring is very important. Radiation is not only Nuclear
plant “problem”. Radiation is energy travelling through space (http://www.world-
nuclear.org/). Sources of Radiation are different, we need to understand that
although we cannot “see” it, smell it, we still can monitor it. Here again market
need is great. Like Radon and other particles, radiation has to be monitored at
There is a need for sensors across all market sector needs. The future will see
a move to more ubiquitous sensing as man´s need to better manage recourses
and optimize processes increases. Mega cities will be in the future fully sen-
sored. Infrastructure, services and people will benefit from sensing technology
(Report funded by Microelectronics iNet, Nov. 2011, Making Sense of Sensors).
“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” - Lord Kelvin -
Professor Risto Orava is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of
FinEnviTech Global Ltd.
Professor Risto Orava has 16 patents on sensors, sensor systems, and X-ray
A short story of company in the beginning of Business Plan will tell to the inves-
tors what kind of company it is.
The iWSS provides a solution for the rapidly growing markets in Smart and Safe
City applications, such as environmental monitoring of underground parking
facilities, monitoring and regulation of air conditioning systems in buildings,
safety monitoring of air quality steel recycling plants and mines.
FinEnviTech uses winning technologies in its real time monitoring systems for
the rapidly growing markets of safe and smart cities. The iWSS will create new
applications in areas where conventional technologies cannot be used.
erator and space applications (up to 20 000 individual radiation detectors). Pro-
fessor of high energy physics at UH, HIP and CERN, owner and founder of
FinEnviTech, Finphys, Finsensor, extensive network in radiation research.
Risto Orava Scientific advisor strong background in advanced sensors (16 pa-
CEO tents on sensor technology) and instrumentation
(responsible for large scale instrumentation pro-
jects (up to 20 000 individual radiation detectors).
Professor in High energy physics at UH and
CERN, owner and founder of Finenvitech, Fin-
phys, Finsensor, extensive network in radiation
Plan for personnel is to have a growth from 9 to 18 person by the end of the
year 2018.
Company need sales and marketing people. When markets grow company
needs to have personnel for technical support. Also assistant for daily routine
are required. We will offer also traineeship for University students.
Board of Directors
Risto Orava
Jari Vepsäläinen
Ari T. Hirvonen
Picture 1. Innopoli 2.
Vision goal has to be planned at least for 3-5 years. Company has to build an-
nual growing plans. Vision is not only a word for investors, it has to be a ground
for company´s business development. It gives a clear guidance for business
idea, it gives values to employees and motivates people. It also gives a clear
goals to stakeholders, customers and employees (Lipiäinen 2000, 55-59.)
FinEnviTech will execute its mission by: developing reliable and sustainable
technological solutions for monitoring air radiation and other air pollutants;
providing a versatile sensing technology platform delivering real time data and
that will be used by most cities and industries for monitoring air quality indoors
and outdoors; employing top individuals and partners. We let our customers to
decide what our products and service will move on.
Figure 4. Radon gas emissions pose a major health risk globally and is ac-
counted for about 50% of the lung cancer cases. (Orava R., 2013, Real Time
Radon Gas Detection System).
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
The following criteria is generally accepted to help identify valid and reliable
segments. For a market segment to be favorable it should fill the following crite-
(Fill & Fill 2005, 63-64; Kotler & Keller, 2009, 268).
Nuclear power
Nuclear power has an important role in China, especially in the coastal areas
remote from the coalfields and where the economy is developing rapidly. Main-
land China has 20 nuclear power reactors in operation, 28 under construction,
and more about to start construction.
China’s policy is to ‘go global’ with exporting nuclear technology including heavy
components in the supply chain.
Mega Cities
Here is a huge potential for the future for air monitoring. Air pollution in Mega
Cities is a significant environmental threat which contributes to an estimated
6% of annual deaths. Improving our city’s air quality is a difficult task because
there are many types of air pollutants that can come from millions of sources,
inside and outside city boundaries.
Business idea specifies company´s own way to do business and profit. It also
shows prosperity. Business idea is very wise to write down precisely, so that it
can be evaluate by others. With exact description it is easy to improve in the
future (Viitala R.&Jylhä E. 2013, 42.)
At the business idea company specifies its customers, products and services
with the competitive advantage. Business idea should be based to the customer
Keys to Success
Cutting edge technologies required for the acute market needs, top level partner
network, economic and political requirements for finding break through solutions
for environmental monitoring needs. FinEnviTech will focus on value creation.
Company will establish long-term relationships with the right communications
partners. Starting point is technical results considering customers and stake-
holders expectations.
Value Chain Analysis is a useful tool for working out how company can create
the greatest possible value for the customers. With the Value Chain company
will achieve excellence in the things that really matters.
Key Partnerships
With the liability suppliers and contractors business cannot be done effectively.
Company has to have strategic alliances between competitors. Company has
already made few agreements, but still is looking for new partners.
Another important factor influencing the choice of distribution channel is the na-
ture of the target market. Company has to choose the most efficient and effec-
tive suppliers, partners and distributors. Those partners has to know targeted
markets and customers. This is a decision which is very important for a busi-
ness to sustain long term profitability.
It includes:
Business solutions
• Commissioning
• Remote Support
Technical Support • On-site support
• System training
Brand Management
Brand audit is the first step to build our brand process. In Asia FinEnviTech will
cooperate with Fintrade-Mercer Group. That will involve company analyses,
customer analysis, competitor analysis. With the help of Fintrade-Mercer group
FinEnviTech will have a better understanding of customer’s needs, preferences
and priorities in the Asia market.
Our brand will be the face of a successful business strategy and we promise for
all stakeholders that they can expect this from the corporation. Our brand will
add value when these expectations are consistently met. Our group of expertise
will ensure that customers are handled with great care, according to internal
specifications and outside expectations.
Brand Indetity
Brand image
How does it look
at eyes of
is 2020?
Financing Requirements
Exit Strategy
Own strengths shows to the company where they are good and should focus
on its development. By that companies can compensate for the their own weak-
nesses and strengths of the head to obtain information about threats on the
background of the future impact of the elimination purposes. Weaknesses can
be eliminated by emphasizing the strengths. External opportunities can be ob-
tained from the company's use of research and development activities, teaming
with trusted partners and outsourcing some activities.
Industrial Analysis
Company knows its products and main customers, but doing effectively market-
ing and selling it is important to know competitors. Competitive analysis has to
be made so that marketing, pricing, managing and other strategic planning
could be done effectively. Although major competitive edge is the unique indus-
trial solutions, competitors should be written down.
Lord Microstrain is a global provider. At their webpage they say: “Sensors are
literally changing our world; we're inspired to work with our customers to intro-
duce advanced sensing technology that will enable the next generation of
smarter and safer machines, civil structures, and implanted devices.”
Industry trends
According to Frost and Sullivan report (Global sensor outlook 2013), the sensor
market is categorized as growth market. The total sensor market in 2012 was
worth 64,8B$ where wireless sensor will experience the biggest growth rate of
CAGR of 36,4% in 2012 to 57,5% in 2016. Currently, the markets have concen-
trated in US and Europe but India and China will be growing markets.
The global radiation detection, monitoring and safety market for nuclear power
plants, homeland security defense and the manufacturing industry were valued
at $312 million, $131.5 million and $83.6 million, respectively, in the year 2012
(RnR market report, Jun 2013).
Quality Control
The quality of the environment is important. The value of environment care has
risen. FinEnviTech´s environmental policy will be in written form and it will pro-
vide direction goals and objectives. “Most of the companies are bound to com-
ply with statutory requirements; most recently, the ROHS Directive are met.
Senior management is responsible for determining the company's environmen-
tal policy which must be in written form and provide direction objectives and
goals.” (FK/Finanssialan Keskusliitto, ISO 9001:2008 LAATUKÄSIKIRJAN
ISO 9001 quality management standard is divided into eight basic principles:
Continuos improvement of
quality control
The Responsibility of
Customers Customers
Other stakehold-
stakeholders Vision,
Strategy Analysis
Values Improvement
Every business idea has it risks. By adjusting all the possible risks to the busi-
ness plan, it shows that the idea of business is precisely thought in advance.
Risks should also show that the company is not thinking too optimistic way
(McKinsey&Company 2000, 123).
Majority of the risks are company´s way of doing business or how the environ-
ment of market is changing. Risks has to estimate ongoing. At the business
plan it also good to write down how risks are limited (McKinsey&Company
2000, 124).
The answer for the question “Why investors should invest?” is: FinEnviTech
business solutions are so unique, team is highly expertise so this company will
not only be local, but instead it will manage to do it globally and also been
owned internationally.
course effective. But marketing has to be done focusing first to the main cus-
tomers with the help of management team.
In the future company will focus more on marketing for high technical solutions
instead of only sensors. Main focus will be in Asia, were the challenges are high
but still there is a strong economic growth and lots of potentials customers. In
the beginning Asia market has to be like a source of learning.
Every business model calls for a number of Key Activities (The Business Model
Canvas). FinEnviTech has to now consider which are the most important ac-
tions. For the investors it is important to know how company will operate suc-
cessfully, who are maintaining customers, who will take care of financial and
revenues? What is the main Key Activity in the near future and for the next five
CERN: home.web.cern.ch.
Fill, C.&Fill, K. E. 2005, Business to Business Marketing. Relationships, systems and communi-
Kapferer, Jean- o l. 1997, Strategic Brand Management. Creating and Sustaining Brand Equi-
ty Long Term. 2nd Edition.
Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. 2004, Principles of marketing. 10th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. New
Kotler, P. % Keller, K. L. 2009, Marketing Management. 13th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. New
Lasserré P.&Schütte H. 1999, Strategies for Asia Pacific. Beyond the Crisis.
Lasserré P.&Schütte H. 2005, Strategies for Asia Pacific. Meeting new challenges. 3 ed.
Orava R.,2013, Real Time Radon Gas Detection System. Wide Area Network for Safety Moni-
Roll M. 2006, Asian Brand Strategy. How Asia Builds Strong Brands.
Yang-Ikävalko M., 2012. Bachelor´s Thesis. A situational analysis of supplier relationship man-
agement in an SME manufacturing company. Turku University of Applied Science.
Vitale R., Giglierano J., Pfoertsch W., 2011, Business-to-Business Marketing. Analysis and
Practice. Pearson Education.
Interview questions
10. Has the company’s marketing strategy included the building of FinEn-
viTEch´s as a brand?
14. What marketing channels do you think FinEnviTech should take advantage
15. What answers would you like to get from this research?
Investment Proposal