Solar Radiation and Heat Balance
Solar Radiation and Heat Balance
Solar Radiation and Heat Balance
• The Earth receives its energy primarily from the sun, known as
incoming solar radiation or insolation.
• Due to the Earth's spherical shape, the sun's rays hit the
atmosphere obliquely, and only a small portion of the sun's
energy is intercepted.
• On average, the Earth receives 1.94 calories per square
centimeter per minute at the top of its atmosphere.
• The distance between the Earth and the sun varies during its
revolution, causing slight variations in the annual insolation.
Aphelion (farthest) occurs on 4th July, and perihelion (nearest)
occurs on 3rd January.
Variation in Solar Output:
• Atmospheric Transparency:
• The atmosphere is mostly transparent to short-wave
solar radiation.
• Water vapor, ozone, and other gases in the
troposphere absorb near-infrared radiation.
• Scattering of Light:
• Small particles in the troposphere scatter visible
spectrum, adding color to the sky.
• The red and blue colors of the rising/setting sun and
the sky, respectively, result from light scattering.
• Spatial Distribution of Insolation:
• Varies from around 320 Watt/m² in the tropics to
about 70 Watt/m² at the poles.
• Subtropical deserts receive maximum insolation due
to lower cloudiness.
• Continents generally receive more insolation than
oceans at the same latitude.
• Conduction:
• Heat transfer through direct contact, where warmer
air or surfaces transmit energy to cooler ones.
• Important in heating the lower layers of the
• Convection:
• Vertical movement of heated air, especially in the
• Heat is transferred as air rises and transmits warmth
to upper layers.
• Advection:
• Horizontal movement of air, playing a crucial role in
middle latitudes.
• Responsible for diurnal variations in daily weather.
• Example: In northern India during summer, the local
winds known as 'loo' are a result of advection.
Terrestrial Radiation
• Insolation:
• Energy received at the top of the atmosphere is
considered 100%.
• Passing through the atmosphere, some energy is
re ected, scattered, and absorbed.
• Albedo Effect:
• Approximately 35 units are re ected back to space,
constituting the Earth's albedo.
• 27 units are re ected from the top of clouds, and 2
units from snow and ice-covered areas.
• Absorption:
• Of the original 100 units, 65 units reach the Earth's
• 14 units are absorbed within the atmosphere, and 51
units are absorbed by the Earth's surface.
• Terrestrial Radiation:
• The Earth radiates 51 units back into space in the
form of terrestrial radiation.
• 17 units are radiated directly, and 34 units are
absorbed by the atmosphere.
• Radiation from Atmosphere:
• 48 units absorbed by the atmosphere (14 units from
insolation + 34 units from terrestrial radiation) are
radiated back into space.
• Heat Budget Balance:
• The total radiation returning from the Earth and the
atmosphere (17+48=65 units) balances the 65 units
received from the sun.
• This equilibrium is termed the heat budget or heat
balance of the Earth.
• Latitudinal Variation:
• Figure 9.3 illustrates the latitudinal variation in the net
radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system.
• Regions between 40 degrees north and south experience
a surplus of net radiation, while regions near the poles
have a de cit.
• Heat Redistribution:
• Surplus heat energy from the tropics is redistributed
• This redistribution prevents the tropics from excessively
heating up or the high latitudes from becoming
permanently frozen due to excess de cit.
Glossary of Dif cult Words:
2. **Altitude:**
- *Example:* Mountainous regions have lower temperatures due
to the normal lapse rate, which is a decrease of 6.5°C per 1,000
meters in altitude.
**Distribution of Temperature:**
- **Global Distribution:**
- *Example:* Isotherms (lines connecting places with equal
temperature) on maps illustrate temperature distribution globally.
- **Temperature Range:**
- *Example:* The northeastern part of the Eurasian continent
experiences the highest temperature range (>60°C) due to
continentality, while the least range (3°C) is found between 20° S
and 15° N.
- **July Isotherms:**
- *Example:* In July, equatorial oceans record temperatures
>27°C, subtropical continental Asia along 30° N latitude >30°C, and
10°C isotherms at 40° N and 40° S.
Understanding temperature distribution involves considering
latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, air masses, and ocean
currents. These factors, illustrated through examples, shape
temperature variations globally and seasonally.
**1. Introduction:**
- **Normal Lapse Rate:** Typically, temperature decreases with
an increase in elevation, known as the normal lapse rate.
- **Inversion of Temperature:** In some situations, the normal
lapse rate is reversed, leading to temperature inversion.
**7. Conclusion:**
- Understanding temperature inversion is crucial for
comprehending atmospheric stability and localized weather
- The in uence of topography, clear skies, and calm air on
inversion highlights its dynamic nature.
- Observing and studying temperature inversion aids in predicting
and managing weather-related challenges, particularly in speci c
geographic features such as hills and polar regions.