Apes 3e TRM 04 Lecture Slide 4
Apes 3e TRM 04 Lecture Slide 4
Apes 3e TRM 04 Lecture Slide 4
Figure 9.1
The amount of solar energy reaching
Earth varies with location
As the Sun's energy passes through the atmosphere and
strikes land and water, it warms the surface of Earth. But
this warming does not occur evenly across the planet
Figure 9.3
Differential heating of Earth. Tropical regions near the equator receive more solar
energy than mid-latitude and polar regions, where the Sun’s rays strike Earth’s surface at
an oblique angle.
The Amount of Solar Energy Reaching Earth
Figure 9.4
Earth's tilt causes seasonal changes
in climate
Figure 9.5
Earth’s seasons. Because Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted 23.5°, the latitude that receives
the most direct rays of the Sun and the most hours of daylight changes throughout the year
as Earth orbits the Sun. Thus Earth’s tilt produces predictable seasons. This diagram
illustrates the pattern of seasons in the Northern Hemisphere.
Module 10
Air Currents
After reading this module you should be able to
Figure 10.2
Atmospheric Convection Currents
Figure 10.4
The Coriolis effect. (a) A ball thrown from the North Pole toward the equator would be
deflected to the west by the Coriolis effect. (b) The different rotation speeds of Earth at different
latitudes cause a deflection in the paths of traveling objects.
The Coriolis Effect
Prevailing wind
patterns. Prevailing
wind patterns around
the world are produced
by a combination of
atmospheric convection
currents and the
Coriolis effect.
Figure 10.6
Rain shadows cause mountains to be
dry on one side
Figure 10.7
Rain shadow. Rain shadows occur where humid winds blowing inland from the ocean meet
a mountain range. On the windward (wind-facing) side of the mountains, air rises and cools,
and large amounts of water vapor condense to form clouds and precipitation. On the leeward
side of the mountains, cold, dry air descends, warms via adiabatic heating, and causes
much drier conditions.
Rain Shadows
• Air moving inland from the ocean contains a large amount of
water vapor. When it meets the windward side of a mountain
range (the side facing the wind), it rises and begins to
experience adiabatic cooling.
• The cold, dry air then travels to the other side of the mountain
range (the leeward side), where it descends and experiences
higher pressures, which cause adiabatic heating.
• This air is now warm and dry and produces arid conditions on
the leeward side forming the region called a rain shadow.
Module 11
Ocean Currents
Figure 11.1
Oceanic circulation patterns. Oceanic circulation patterns are the result of differential
heating, gravity, prevailing winds, the Coriolis effect, and the locations of continents. Each of
the five major ocean basins contains a gyre driven by the trade winds in the tropics and the
westerlies at mid-latitudes. The result is a clockwise circulation pattern in the Northern
Hemisphere and a counterclockwise circulation pattern in the Southern Hemisphere. Along
the west coasts of many continents, currents diverge and cause the upwelling of deeper and
more fertile water.
Ocean Currents
Figure 11.2
Figure 11.3
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation
• First, the trade winds near South America weaken.
Figure 12.3
Figure 12.4
Figure 12.5
Boreal Forest
Figure 12.6
Temperate Rainforest
• Temperate rainforest A coastal biome typified by
moderate temperatures and high precipitation.
Temperate rainforest
Temperate rainforests
have moderate mean
annual temperatures and
high precipitation that
supports the growth of
very large trees.
Figure 12.7
Temperate Seasonal Forest
Figure 12.8
• Woodland/shrubland A biome characterized
by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters.
Woodland/shrubland biome.
The woodland/shrubland biome is
characterized by hot, dry summers
and mild, rainy winters.
Figure 12.9
Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert
• Temperate grassland/cold desert A biome
characterized by cold, harsh winters, and hot, dry
Temperate grassland/cold
desert biome.
The temperate grassland/cold
desert biome has cold, harsh
winters and hot, dry, summers
that support grasses and
nonwoody flowering plants.
Figure 12.10
Tropical Rainforest
• Tropical rainforest A warm and wet biome found
between 20°N and 20°S of the equator, with little
seasonal temperature variation and high precipitation.
Figure 12.11
Tropical Seasonal Forest/ Savanna
• Tropical seasonal forest/savanna A biome marked
by warm temperatures and distinct wet and dry
Figure 12.12
Subtropical Desert
Figure 12.13
Module 13
Aquatic Biomes
• Freshwater wetlands
Streams and Rivers
• Littoral zone The shallow zone of soil and water in lakes and
ponds where most algae and emergent plants grow.
• Salt marsh
• Mangrove swamp
• Intertidal zone
• Coral reefs
• Open ocean
Salt Marsh
Figure 13.9
The open ocean. The open ocean can be separated into several distinct zones.