Small Trees For The Tropical Landscape

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plant guide

Fred D. Rauch, Ph.D., is emeritus profes- ver the past several decades,
sor of horticulture at the University of the U.S. cityscape has changed

Small Trees
Hawai‘i. radically. Large areas have

rauch & weissich

by the same authors been cleared of natural vegetation to
Paul R. Weissich, A.S.L.A., director
accommodate new development. The
emeritus of the Honolulu Botanical Gar-
dens, is currently a licensed landscape Plants for Tropical Landscapes “urban forest,” which consists of all city
trees, natural and planted, has been
architect. A Gardener’s Guide severely and negatively impacted. A
Fred D. Rauch and Paul R. Weissich
2000, 232 pages, color illus.
for the Tropical Landscape 2003 study indicates that we are losing
through clearing and grading four trees
for every one planted. This is a wake-up

Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape

Cloth isbn: 978-0-8248-2034-3
call for greatly increased planting in the
“An excellent reference for Hawaii.”— Honolulu Star-Bulletin urban forest and the need to popularize
small trees (defined as trees that grow up
“A gold mine in the desert of books for Hawai‘i’s gardeners and to thirty feet high) for diminished city
landscapers. And all for a price that won’t break most budgets. . . . spaces.
I am very happy with this book. I have only had it for a few weeks, Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape
but I have already referred to it many times to get information describes and illustrates 129 species and
about a plant I already know or to help me figure out a plant I just subspecies and 48 named varieties, cul-
discovered. When you go out and get a copy for yourself, buy one tivars, and forms plus 23 hybrids appro-
for a gardening friend and share the wealth.”— Hawai‘i Horticul- priate for the home garden and confined
ture Magazine public landscape spaces. The authors
Carefully selected plants add color, character, and charm to a have also included a section on “Tailored
wide variety of outdoor settings, providing much enjoyment and Small Trees,” large shrubs that are read-
increasing the value of your home. Plants for Tropical Landscapes ily transformed into small trees through
will help you select and group plants to create a successful tropical intelligent, selective pruning. They iden-
garden tailored to your needs and tastes. Gardeners and landscap- tify and describe 67 species and subspe-
ers will find this treasury of more than 500 common plants easy cies; 40 named varieties, cultivars, and
to use and one of the most comprehensive guides available today. forms; and 21 hybrids that are appropri-
ate for this conversion.
Several appendices will assist the gar-
dener with tree selection for specific pur-
University of Hawai‘i Press poses (screens and windbreaks, coastal
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822-1888 gardens, edible fruit, and colorful flowers
and foliage). Species that may cause skin
irritation or that are poisonous are iden-
tified in the text as are those trees with
the ability to fix nitrogen. The authors
also warn against planting a number of species known to be invasive in Hawai‘i
and advise caution when planting others
fred d. rauch and paul r. weissich that have the potential to escape cultiva-
tion and become weeds.

Cover design: April Leidig-Higgins

Small Trees
for the Tropical

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Small Trees
for the
a g a r d e n e r ’s g u i d e

Fred D. Rauch
Paul R. Weissich

University of Hawai‘i Press


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© 2009 University of Hawai‘i Press
All rights reserved
Printed in China
14 13 12 11 10 09 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rauch, Fred D. (Fred Donald), 1931–
Small trees for the tropical landscape : a gardener’s guide /
Fred D. Rauch and Paul R. Weissich.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8248-3308-4 (hard cover : alk. paper)
1. Trees in cities — Tropics. 2. Ornamental trees —
Tropics. 3. Urban forestry — United States.
I. Weissich, Paul R. II. Title.
SB436.R38 2009
635.9'770913 — dc22 2008049086

University of Hawai‘i Press books are printed on acid-free

paper and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability
of the Council on Library Resources

Designed by April Leidig-Higgins

Printed by Everbest Printing Co., Ltd.

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 4 3/6/09 11:27:24 AM


Acknowledgments vii
Introduction 1
Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape 4
Tailored Small Trees 126

a. Hawai‘i-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment Project 194
b. Small Trees for Windbreak or Screening 195
c. Small Trees for Coastal Gardens 196
d. Small Trees with Significant Flowers
or Colored Fruit or Foliage 197
e. Small Trees with Edible Fruit or Leaves 199
f. Small Trees for Warm, Dry Environments 200

References 201
Index 203

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The authors are indebted to the following for providing tum and Botanical Garden, and the Amy Greenwell
special professional information or services: Frankie Se- Ethnobotanical Garden; the Friends of Honolulu Botani-
kiya; Don Hodel: photos of Plumeria obtusa (Bahamas) cal Gardens; Mr. and Mrs. Lelan Nishek and staff of the
(habit and close-up), Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia Kauai Nursery and Landscaping Co.; and the authors of
(habit), Pterocarpus rohrii (habit), Hibiscus arnottianus Nā Lei Makamae, Marie A. McDonald and Paul R. Weis-
subsp. immaculatus and Lysiloma bahamensis (flower sich, for permission to use the following photographs
close-ups), Schefflera elegantissima, and Graptophyllum from that publication: Kokia drynarioides, Metrosideros
pictum (habit); Keith Leber: Parmentiera cerifera (trunk tremuloides (close-ups of flowers), and Pandanus tecto-
with fruit); Leland Miyano; Dr. and Mrs. Albert Yellin; rius (close-up of hīnano, the male inflorescence). Hono-
Larry Yoshida; Nathan Wong; James Little; the staffs lulu graphic artist David Swann produced the pruning
of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Honolulu sketches on page 126. Dr. Fred Rauch is responsible for
Botanical Gardens, Lyon Arboretum, Waimea Arbore- all photography with the exceptions noted above.

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During the past several decades the American cityscape 30 feet in height. Variation must be expected, however,
has seen radical changes. Large areas have been cleared due to soil and rainfall differences and to the level of
of natural vegetation to accommodate new residential care provided by the gardener. Also, many references
subdivisions, shopping malls, freeways, and airports. frequently vary widely in recording heights, which may
Condominiums and large apartment complexes have be attributed to environmental differences and/or clonal
proliferated, replacing single family residential areas. variation. The authors’ practical, local experience has
Streets have been widened to allow for greatly increased been a major factor in listing appropriate small trees.
traffic flow and the installation of new utility lines. We have included several species that, in time, will
The large trees once shading these streets have been or may grow to a greater height than that of our defini-
removed. As a result, the “Urban Forest”—consisting of tion of a small tree. The tree, however, will probably
all city trees natural and planted—has been severely and stay within our height limit for the life of the garden or
negatively impacted. the life of its gardener. In each case, these have been so
The Urban Forest provides major services to the com- noted. These are highly useful species and should not, in
munity. In addition to enhancing our quality of life the view of the authors, be ignored.
through beautifying our gardens, parks, playgrounds, The second portion of the text, “Tailored Small
and roadsides, trees reduce water runoff and erosion and Trees,” beginning on page 126, is rather unorthodox but
augment the seeping of water into the aquifer. Trees pro- very useful for the small property. It recommends the
duce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and gaseous pollut- planting of large shrubs to be used in the Urban Forest—
ants, trap particulates, and reduce summer temperatures. shrubs that may be readily transformed into appropriate
Those with pulmonary and cardiovascular problems fare small trees or “tailored trees” through intelligent, selec-
better in air “cleaned” by trees. In fact, we are all ben- tive pruning. This special section lists sixty-eight species
efited, although there are a few of us who react unfavor- and subspecies, forty named varieties and cultivars and
ably to certain seasonal pollens and other tree products. forms, and twenty-one hybrids that are appropriate for
In February 2003, Dr. Michael. P. Dombeck, former this conversion.
chief of the U.S. Forest Service, published a study in the This publication is in compliance with the Hawai‘i-
Chicago Tribune indicating that we are losing four trees Pacific Weed Risk Assessment Project (HPWRA). See
through clearing and grading for every tree planted Appendix A.
in real estate and other land developments. This is a
wake-up call for the critical need that exists for greatly Plant Names
increased planting in the Urban Forest and the need to Trees are listed alphabetically by genus. For the most
popularize small trees appropriate for planting in dimin- part, the scientific names are those appearing in A
ished urban landscape spaces. Tropical Garden Flora by Dr. George W. Staples and
Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape lists 129 species Dr. Derral R. Herbst. Other taxonomic and descrip-
and subspecies and 48 named varieties, cultivars, and tive resources are listed in the bibliography. Every effort
forms, plus 23 hybrids appropriate for the home garden has been made to obtain the most current correct plant
and for confined public landscape spaces unable to ac- name. Errors are the sole responsibility of the authors.
commodate larger-growing species formerly in common Common names for plants vary widely throughout the
use. They all contribute to the total of urban ecological, world. Those most commonly used in Hawai‘i, plus
health, and beautification benefits enhancing our lives. Hawaiian plant names where appropriate, have been
“Small trees” are defined as those that—under optimal selected. Where no common name was found, we have
horticultural practices—may grow up to approximately taken the liberty of suggesting one.

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Plant Selection making small tree selections. Some have thorns, irritat-
The following are helpful guidelines for the selection ing hairs or sap, and even poisons that may create prob-
of the best small tree for the home landscape, condo- lems if not recognized and dealt with. Of major concern
minium/apartment complexes, and public areas with to parents are plants that contain toxins that might be
restricted landscape spaces: fatal to small children. Reactions vary from adult person
to adult person and from child to child depending on
1. Determine the function of the small tree: to shade a the amount of exposure and body weight. Teach your
walkway, as foundation planting, as a focal point, for children not to smell, pick, and—especially—ingest
screening or windbreak, and so forth; leaves and flowers. To be certain, stress that ALL leaves
2. Determine desired characteristics such as height and flowers are to be avoided—not touched, chewed, or
(within the range offered), color of foliage, or flowers; swallowed. Those species in the text that may pose prob-
3. List your site’s environmental characters: rainfall, lems are marked as follows: (T) after the common name
wind exposure and amount of sunshine (both prob- indicates the presence of thorns; (S) indicates species
lems are complicated by high-rise structures), salt air known to have caused skin, eye, mouth, or throat irrita-
exposure, and soil quality; tions; (P) indicates plants with toxic sap, leaves, flowers,
4. List possible negative considerations (toxic sap, or seeds; and (+) indicates plants deserving extra care
thorns, allergies, excessive leaf or fruit fall) when handling.
5. Use the tree guide to match landscape needs toward
making selections providing minimal maintenance Nitrogen Fixing
and maximum satisfaction. A number of plants have the ability to absorb nitrogen
Several appendices at the end of this guide will serve to from the atmosphere and convert it to a form available
assist the gardener with selection. A list of references to the plant in the soil. This is a great advantage in the
provides sources of information that will greatly aug- garden. In the plant lists that follow, nitrogen fixers are
ment the gardener’s understanding and appreciation of noted by the addition of (N) following the common
small tropical trees. name. (NP) indicates that other species of the same
genus are listed as nitrogen fixers, and there is a high
A Word to the Wise Gardener probability that this species is also a nitrogen fixer.
Plants produce a wide range of chemical substances as
well as physical properties that must be considered in

2 introduction

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Small Trees
for the Tropical

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Acnistis arborescens drained soil. Moderate watering is recommended. Its na-
Gallinero tive lands include the islands of the Caribbean, Mexico,
Solanaceae (Potato Family) and south to Peru and Brazil. It provides a pleasant,
open shade and is well used to line both sides of a walk-
A small tree growing slowly to 20 feet in height, this spe- way in a narrow space. Gallinero is moderately wind
cies develops a fissured, corky bark that is an excellent tolerant but will not tolerate drought or salt.
site for the hobbyist-grower to display his collection of
small epiphytic ferns, bromeliads, and orchids. Its yel- Note: A number of genera and species of the Potato
lowish flowers are inconspicuous. Branching is rather Family (formerly called the Nightshade Family) contain
vertical, forming an open canopy. Minor pruning may toxic substances. Always maintain care when handling.
enhance its shape. Plant it in full sun in an open, well-

4 small trees

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Amherstia nobilis
Amherstia (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Flowers of a striking pink with a yellow spot are borne in

long pendant racemes on this delicate tree from Myan-
mar. New foliage is pendant, a colorful purplish turning
green, and becoming erect upon maturity. Amherstia
must be planted in the light shade of a larger cover tree.
It must have protection from wind. A rich, well-drained,
moist soil will produce good but slow growth. Amher-
stia will reach 30 feet in height, although some authors
ascribe a greater height. It is considered one of the jewels
of tropical trees and produces a striking color accent and
focal point for the garden.

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Anacardium occidentale
Cashew Nut Tree (p) (s)
Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family)

Growing to 30 feet, this drought-, wind-, and salt-

tolerant tree is native to tropical America. It is best
known from dry areas of coastal northeastern Brazil. It
bears attractive foliage on a wide-spreading crown, in
addition to the popular but toxic cashew nut. Great care
must be taken to process the fruit, which is high in es-
sential vitamins. Avoid handling the fruit without hand
protection, as juice from around the shell may cause ir-
ritation on susceptible skin. Many gardeners eat the deli-
cious, nontoxic, red fleshy fruit base and discard the nut
itself. It is a moderately slow grower. Use this tree for its
fruit, as a windbreak, as a small shade tree, and for the
reddish color of its new foliage. It is recommended for
the beach garden and xeriscape.

6 small trees

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Annona muricata
Soursop (p)
Annonaceae (Custard Apple Family)

Prized for its large fruit used to make a delicious sher-

bet, for its juice, or eaten as a dessert fruit, this tropical
American tree will reach 20 feet in height. There are sev-
eral improved selections, including ‘Dulce’ and ‘Fiberless
Cuban’. A moderate grower, it produces best in a well-
drained, moist soil with regular watering and feeding. It
will tolerate moderate wind but not salt or drought. Its
shape is enhanced by careful pruning. Soursop seeds are
reputedly toxic. Another species of Annona is a popular
landscape subject: Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa).
It grows to 20 feet in height and is another tropical
American tree whose fruit is eaten fresh or made into a
refreshing beverage or to flavor ice cream. It requires a
well-drained soil but tolerates a wide range of soils and
is moderately salt and wind resistant. A hybrid, Annona
x atemoya, called Atemoya, has similar size and growth
requirements as the species and is thought by some to
produce a superior-tasting fruit.

A. squamosa

A. x atemoya

small trees 7

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Archidendron clypearia India east to southeastern Asia, New Guinea, and the
Archidendron Philippines. Flowers appear in late winter, the colorful
Fabaceae (Bean Family) seed pods following in early spring. Plant it in full sun
in a rich, well-drained loam. This species is moderately
Evergreen, delicate, dark green foliage forming a slow growing. It requires regular watering. It shows no
rounded canopy to 30 feet in height marks this spe- tolerance of drought or salt but is moderately tolerant of
cies as a good candidate for the small tree list. White, wind. In addition to its pleasant, light shade, it finds use
fuzzy flowers, much like a small powder puff, and many as an unusual color accent against a light-colored wall or
twisted, bright orange-red fruits complete the ornamen- tall, light green background plants.
tal character of this tree from high rainfall areas of north

8 small trees

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Averrhoa carambola
Carambola, Star Fruit
Oxalidaceae (Wood-Sorrel Family)

This small Malaysian tree reaches 25 feet in height

and is a moderately rapid grower. It is valued for its
fruit, which may be carried several times a year but in
profusion in summer. Selections such as ‘Kajang’ and
‘Kary’are excellent. Plant Carambola where its plentiful
fruit may be easily picked. It does best in full sun in a
rich, well-drained soil with regular watering. Its droop-
ing branches may require moderate pruning to lift the
crown, especially when fruit laden. Its dense crown
makes it a useful screening species. Fruit trees such as
Carambola are a source of highly desirable fruit, but
be aware that unpicked fruit may create a smelly mess
on the ground and attract insects and rodents. See
Appendix D.

small trees 9

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Bauhinia x blakeana
Hong Kong Orchid Tree (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

A hybrid originating many years ago in Hong Kong, this

species will reach 30 feet in height. Its flowers, a bright
rose-purple, are fragrant and appear much of the year.
It is sterile and therefore produces no messy beans. It is
used in the landscape for its color and light shade, as an
accent, or as a screen. It is used as a street tree. Plant it
in a light, well-drained soil in full sun. The Hong Kong
Orchid Tree grows moderately rapidly. It is heat and
wind tolerant and moderately drought tolerant but does
not thrive in areas with strong salt winds.

10 small trees

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Bauhinia hookeri
Alibangbang (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Long confused locally with a similar species from the

Philippines, this small tree is native to tropical Australia.
The Filipino name, Alibangbang, is locally applied to
this Aussie relative. A fairly rapid grower, it will reach
25 feet in height and produces a light canopy with pen-
dent branches. Its white flowers appear much of the year
and are accented by long reddish stamens that protrude
well beyond the petals. Alibangbang is wind tolerant
and moderately drought tolerant. It is best away from
salt wind. When small it tends to form basal shoots that
must be pruned off. This tendency diminishes with
maturity. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil. It is
a fine small tree for residential use and can be used for
its shade, for its flowers, or as a screening tree, and it has
been successfully used as a street tree.

small trees 11

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Bauhinia monandra flowers in late spring. It shows tolerance to wind and
H (HPWRA) heat and moderate tolerance to drought but not to salt.
Its plentiful seed pods may be a maintenance problem,
Pink Bauhinia, Butterfly Bauhinia (n)
but if planted over a shrubby ground cover, they may
Fabaceae (Bean Family)
be absorbed. It is probably native to Southeast Asia. A
Reaching 30 feet in height, this is a moderate grower white flowering variety, B. monandra var. alba, is also
performing best in an open, well-drained soil in full available.
sun. It is briefly winter deciduous, followed by its showy

12 small trees

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Bauhinia purpurea ers that may be pink, red, violet, or white. They are seen
H (HPWRA) mostly in the fall and into winter. A moderate grower,
it thrives in a friable, well-drained soil in full sun. It is
Purple Orchid Tree (n)
wind and heat tolerant and moderately drought tolerant
Fabaceae (Bean Family)
but does not show resistance to salt. The Purple Orchid
Also from Southeast Asia, this showy tree reaches 30 feet Tree provides a strong color accent in the part of the year
in height, bearing an abundant crop of fragrant flow- when other trees have finished flowering.

small trees 13

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Bauhinia tomentosa
Yellow Bauhinia (n) (p)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Attaining a height of 20 feet, this tree is native to the

wide geographical range from tropical southern and
eastern Africa eastward to China. It is drought and wind
tolerant but not salt tolerant. Plant it in a hot, full sun
area in almost any well-drained soil. It is a moderate
grower. It finds good use as a color accent, as its yellow
blossoms are seen throughout the year. It can be used as
a hedge or screen and has been used as a street tree.

14 small trees

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Bolusanthus speciosus borne on pendant racemes are blue-violet, appearing
Rhodesian Wisteria Tree (n) in spring. Foliage is delicate. Plant in full sun in a well-
Fabaceae (Bean Family) drained soil. It is fairly drought, heat, and wind tolerant.
It is a good color and foliar accent. In flower, it forms
This is a beautiful, graceful tree that may grow slowly to a strong focal point in the garden. It flowers better at
30 feet in height. It is native to hot, dry areas of Angola, higher, dry elevations but is satisfactory near sea level.
South Africa, and north into Mozambique. Flowers

small trees 15

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Brexia madagascariensis
Grossulariaceae (Gooseberry Family)

From Madagascar, the Seychelles, and East Africa, this

handsome small tree grows rather slowly to 30 feet in
height, developing a slender, columnar form. Its native
habitats are coastal bushland and at the edge of saltwater
swamp forests. Its seed is adapted to ocean distribution,
retaining viability for several months. It is not particular
as to soil, but moisture and good drainage are essential.
It is wind and salt-air tolerant. Use Brexia as a vertical
accent in a narrow space or grouped to form a wind-
break or screening hedge. Its foliage is decorative; flow-
ers are an attractive chartreuse but are inconspicuous.

16 small trees

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Brownea latifolia
Mountain Rose (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Pendent clusters of bright red flowers appear during the

winter but also periodically through the year on this
small tree from Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.
Planted in light shade in a rich, well-drained soil with
regular watering, the Mountain Rose will grow slowly to
20 feet in height. In its native habitat, it is an understory
tree and must have protection from strong wind. New
growth is purplish and pendent, turning green upon
maturing, providing an interesting focal point. Its bright
flowers provide an excellent color accent. It is neither
drought nor salt tolerant. Other small Browneas include
B. coccinea subsp. coccinea, the Scarlet Flame Bean;
B. coccinea subsp. capitella, Lantern Brownea; and
Brownea grandiceps, Rose of Venezuela. All are tropi-
cal American, reach 12 feet in height with orange-red
flowers, and have the same growth requirements as the
Mountain Rose. They are also nitrogen fixers.

small trees 17

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Brownea macrophylla
Rouge Pu≈ (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Panama, Venezuela, and Colombia are home to this 30-

foot shrubby tree. (One reference cites a height of 60 feet,
but this is far beyond local experience with this species.)
It bears large inflorescences of upright, brilliant orange,
clustered blooms in winter and spring and periodically
throughout the year. It requires moisture and a well-
drained soil. Light shade is beneficial, as is protection
from wind. A little judicious pruning will help in devel-
oping a tree shape. New growth is pendent and purplish-
brown, turning green and erect upon maturity. It makes
an ideal color accent and garden conversation piece.

18 small trees

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Brugmansia x candida number of species. Forms with pale apricot and yellow
Angel’s Trumpet, Nānāhonua (p) flowers and variegated foliage are available. Plant it in
Solanaceae (Potato Family) a moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. It
shows moderate tolerance to drought but none to wind
Growing rapidly to 15 feet in height, this South Ameri- and salt. It provides a very strong color accent planted
can tree bears large, pendant, fragrant white flowers either singly or as a hedge. Flowering is more profuse in
through summer and fall. It is a complex hybrid of a cooler elevations. Take extra care to avoid its toxic sap.

small trees 19

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Brunfelsia densifolia
Serpentine Hill Raintree (p)
Solanaceae (Potato Family)

Rare and endangered, this Puerto Rican species becomes

a slender tree 30 feet in height. Its 5-inch-long tubular
flowers are white, turning yellowish with age, and are
highly fragrant after dark. Bright orange, spherical fruits
add a color accent. A modicum of pruning will assist in
enhancing its rather columnar but bushy shape. It re-
quires full sun or light shade, good, rich soil, and ample
moisture. It is somewhat wind tolerant but not salt or
drought tolerant. Use in the night garden, where its fra-
grance may be appreciated, and as a shade tree, screen,
or hedge. It is a moderately slow grower.
Note: Brunfelsias, like other members of the Potato
Family, may contain toxins. It is prudent to avoid ingest-
ing any member of the genus.

20 small trees

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Bucida molineti
Dwarf Geometry Tree (t)
Combretaceae (Combretum Family)

Native to the Bahamas, the Dwarf Geometry Tree may

reach 25 feet in height, displaying strong horizontal
branching. It is a rather slow grower. It thrives in most
well-drained soils in sun or light shade. Although par-
tially tolerant of salt air, it should be planted away from
extremely salty conditions. It is wind tolerant. Well used
as an accent tree for its unusual branching, it is also val-
ued as a tubbed specimen on a sunny lanai or deck.

small trees 21

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Callistemon citrinus
Red Bottlebrush, Crimson Bottlebrush
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family)

On its partially pendant branches, bright red flowers

clustered into a bottlebrush-shaped inflorescence up to 2
and ¾ inches in length are seen throughout the year on
this versatile, evergreen Australian tree. It may reach 30
feet in height. It prefers full sun and a well-drained soil
with moderate watering. It is drought and wind tolerant,
with moderate tolerance to salt. It develops an excellent
canopy, providing light shade, and is useful as a strong
color accent, as a screening specimen, or as a windbreak.

22 small trees

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small trees 23

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Callistemon rigidus Callistemon viminalis
Sti≈ Bottlebrush Weeping Bottlebrush
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family) Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family)

Another evergreen, somewhat slow growing, small tree A rapid growing, variable species from Queensland,
from Australia, this species displays a rather rigid form. Australia, Weeping Bottlebrush may attain 30 feet in
Branches carry showy red flower spikes, appearing spo- height. Its clustered, bright red, bottlebrush inflores-
radically throughout the year. It has good drought, wind, cence may be up to 5 inches in length. They appear on
heat, and salt tolerance. In full sun in any well-drained strongly “weeping” branches primarily in spring but
soil, it will grow to 15 feet in height. It is a good color ac- may show again lightly throughout the year. Many culti-
cent specimen or may be used as a screen or windbreak. vars have been selected. Some are favored as street trees
in its native areas. For best results this species should be
planted in a deep, open, moist soil with good drainage
and in full sun. It will tolerate light shade and wind. New
foliage is soft, fuzzy, and reddish, turning green upon
maturity. It is only moderately drought tolerant. Use it
for its light shade-producing canopy or as a bright color
accent, hedge, or screen.

24 small trees

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Cassia roxburghii
Red Cassia (n) (p)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Usually flowering in October-November, this colorful

species has been known to bloom as early as late August.
Red Cassia is native to hot, dry areas of southern India
and Sri Lanka. In well-drained soils it grows rather
rapidly to 25 feet in height, with a spreading, somewhat
drooping evergreen canopy. Red Cassia shows fair toler-
ance to wind and great tolerance to heat and drought. It
is used for its shade and for its unusual, colorful flower-
ing that produces a striking color accent in the garden.
Its seed pods are used in veterinary medicine in its na-
tive lands.

small trees 25

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Cerbera manghas is poisonous. The tree is salt tolerant, thriving near the
Sea Mango, Madagascar Ordeal Bean (p) (s) high-tide line, and it is wind tolerant but not drought
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) tolerant. Care should be taken when pruning, as the
white sap may irritate sensitive skin. In coastal gardens
From coastal areas ranging from the Indian Ocean it may be used for its shade, as a tall screen, or as a wind-
through Southeast Asia, tropical Australia, and the Pa- break. Its large, dark green leaves provide contrast for
cific islands, this tree, readily attaining 30 feet in height, the small, textured, light gray-green foliage common in
bears white, fragrant flowers much of the year. The seed beach gardens.

26 small trees

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Chrysobalanus icaco
Coco Plum
Chrysobalanaceae (Coco Plum Family)

Reaching 30 feet in height, this native of southern Flor-

ida, the West Indies, Mexico, Brazil, and—strangely—
tropical West Africa is seen both as a tree and—in dry,
salt wind areas—as a shrub to 6 feet. It grows at the edge
of both fresh and saltwater swamps, where it becomes a
tree, and in dry, onshore salt wind in seaside situations
throughout its range, where it develops into a dense
6-foot shrub. It produces an edible “plum” that was an
important food for Seminole Indians and is still prized
for the jelly made from the fruit. In Mexico parts of the
tree are used medicinally and to make a black dye. Its
oily seeds are used for food or strung on sticks to make
candles. It is heat, salt wind, and drought tolerant and
will grow in both poorly drained and well-drained soils
and even in pure sand. Use it as a shade tree, windbreak,
screen, and for its useful fruit. It is an excellent choice for
the beach garden and the xeriscape.

small trees 27

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Cinnamomum verum
H (hpwra)
Ceylon Cinnamon
Lauraceae (Laurel Family)

Originating from the rain forests of Sri Lanka, India, and

Burma, this famous tree grows rather slowly to 30 feet
in height. An essential oil is derived from young green
shoots that provides both strong flavor and a delicate
aroma. This is the cinnamon of commerce. Leaves yield
another oil that may be used as a substitute for clove.
Cinnamon has been prized since ancient times and was
an important article of trade with the West. It is men-
tioned in the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon and
the book of Proverbs. Romans favored cinnamon for sac-
rificial offerings. The tree carries rather dense, evergreen
foliage, producing heavy shade. It grows best where some
protection from strong winds is available. Plant Ceylon
Cinnamon in a rich soil. It requires ample watering. Use
it as a shade tree or as a high, screening hedge.

28 small trees

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Citrus maxima
Pummelo (t)
Rutaceae (Citrus Family)

A native of Southeast Asia and Malaysia, Pummelo has

been cultivated since ancient times. It is a handsome,
round-headed evergreen tree reaching 25 feet in height,
bearing quantities of large, round, very attractive yel-
low fruit. A heavy crop may require branch support to
prevent breakage. Plant Pummelo in full sun in a rich,
well-drained soil and provide regular watering and feed-
ing. It is useful as an ornamental accent in the landscape
as well as for its delicious fruit. It is a moderately slow
grower. See notes under Plumeria rubra below for infor-
mation concerning the recent introduction of the Papaya
Mealybug, which also infests citrus.

small trees 29

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Citrus x reticulata x C. x Tangelo or hedge. Other successful citrus, not pictured, include
Tangerine (t) Citrus nobilis cv ‘Temple’ [Temple Orange (T)], which
Rutaceae (Citrus Family) may reach 25 feet in height. It produces best in hot, dry
areas, which bring the fruit to full sweetness. It must,
Among a number of very complex hybrids, two out- however, be watered regularly and planted in a rich, well-
standing crosses, ‘Fairchild’ and ‘Page’, are grown locally drained soil. Pruning will enhance its overall shape. An-
and develop into excellent small trees for the home gar- other citrus, Citrus reticulata, Mandarin Orange or Tan-
den. Citrus growers recommend growing pollinator trees gerine (T), possibly originating in Southeast Asia and the
nearby to assure good fruit set. ‘Fremont’, a Mandarin Philippines, produces a broad canopy reaching 25 feet in
Orange, is recommended among others to accomplish height. It is a moderately slow grower. Cultivars ‘Dancy’
pollination. When making a selection, be certain that and ‘Fremont’ are good producers planted in rich, well-
your choice flowers at the same time as the pollinator watered, well-drained soil. Protection from strong winds
tree. Tangerine does well in a rich, open, deep soil with is advised. Light pruning will enhance its shape. In ad-
good drainage. It is a moderately slow grower, producing dition to its fruit-producing value, this citrus provides a
a colorful crop of fruit, making it a strong accent in the strong color accent and shade. The dense canopies of all
garden and providing shade. It may be used as a screen citrus make them good screening material.

30 small trees

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small trees 31

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Clerodendrum quadriloculare
H (hpwra)
Starburst, Bagauak
Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)

This species from the Philippines will reach 15 feet in

height. A little pruning will assist in creating a tree
shape. It produces invasive suckers that may be best
controlled by planting it within a space surrounded by
paving. If planted in a frequently mown grassy area, this
may not be a problem. It is spectacular when in bloom
during winter and into spring. Its purple under-leaves
accent the large flower clusters, as well as providing color
throughout the year. Give it a well-drained, rich soil,
regular watering, and full sun. It is a great color accent
but may also be used for its shade or as a screen or hedge.
This Clerodendrum is a moderate grower.

32 small trees

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Clusia rosea and does well in large containers and roof gardens. Its
Evaluate (hpwra) common name comes from the fact that numbers or let-
ters scratched on a leaf will turn white and persist. The
Autograph Tree
inscribed leaves have been used as place cards at a din-
Clusiaceae (Clusia Family)
ner or as a substitute for playing cards. The Autograph
Reaching 30 feet in height, this species, native through- Tree is an excellent windbreak, screen, or wide-spreading
out the Caribbean area, is a tough addition to the land- shade tree. A green-and-white-leaved variegation is avail-
scape. It is drought, wind, and salt tolerant and will able. The seed germinates readily under both dry and
grow in almost any garden soil, lava rock, and sand. It moist conditions in soil, on stone walls, or in crotches of
is a prime choice for the xeriscape and beach garden trees. It is considered invasive in many areas.

small trees 33

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Coffea arabica
H (hpwra)
Arabian Co≈ee
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

In addition to its importance as a valuable commercial

crop, Arabian Coffee is an attractive garden plant. It
will grow to 20 feet in height, bearing abundant, highly
fragrant white flowers in spring and in the fall a plenti-
ful crop of bright red “berries.” It fares best at higher,
cooler elevations. Usually grown in full sun, it shows
remarkable adaptation to shaded situations and has
been used as an indoor tree with strong overhead light.
A good, well-drained soil produces good growth. Regu-
lar watering and feeding are requirements. Use coffee
as a shade tree in narrow spaces or as a screen. Plant it
where its fragrance may be enjoyed. It is possibly native
to Ethiopia. Arabian Coffee readily naturalizes in moist
areas and is best used in drier situations to reduce inva-
siveness. Another coffee, not shown, is Coffea liberica,
Liberian Coffee, from tropical West Africa. It is similar
in size and may also be developed as an attractive small
tree. It does better at lower elevations than Arabian

34 small trees

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small trees 35

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Colobrina oppositifolia
Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family)

This rare and endangered endemic tree, a slow grower,

may eventually reach up to 40 feet in height but is usu-
ally a much smaller tree. Found in dry to mesic forest in
O‘ahu’s Wai‘anae Mountains and on the leeward side of
Hawai‘i, it produces an extremely hard wood formerly
used for making spears, kapa beaters, and other hard-
use articles, in effect taking the place of metal. The wood
sinks in water. It is a handsome plant. New growth bears
an attractive reddish tomentum. Use Kauila as an accent
specimen, providing a point of interest in the landscape.
It can also be used as a screen or hedge. It requires a
well-drained soil and full sun. It is heat and wind toler-
ant and shows moderate tolerance to drought.

36 small trees

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Cordia lutea It bears bright yellow flowers throughout the year. It
Peruvian Cordia does require minimal pruning to achieve its tree form.
Boraginaceae (Borage Family) Use it as a color accent, a shade tree, or as a screening
hedge. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil. It is very
A small heat-, drought-, and wind-tolerant tree from drought tolerant and will withstand moderate amounts
dry areas of Peru, Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands, and of salt.
the Marquesas, this species will reach 25 feet in height.

small trees 37

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Cordia sebestena
Kou Haole, Geiger Tree
Boraginaceae (Borage Family)

Originating from tropical America and the Caribbean

Islands, this colorful tree grows slowly to 25 feet in
height, displaying clusters of brilliant orange-red flow-
ers much of the year. Its white, fleshy fruits are similarly
seen. The tree is best placed away from paved surfaces,
where fruitfall may cause slipping. It grows in any well-
drained soil and performs best in full sun, although it
will also thrive in light shade. Kou Haole has good wind,
drought, and salt tolerance and serves well in the land-
scape as a shade tree, strong color accent, or as a screen.

38 small trees

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Crescentia cujete fruit. It develops a spreading canopy. Plant the Calabash
Calabash Tree Tree in full sun where it will have space. It is not par-
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family) ticular to soil type as long as it is well drained. The dried
fruit may be hollowed and used to make containers and
Native to Mexico, northern Central America, and the musical instruments. Its wood, tough and hard, may be
Caribbean Islands, this tough wind-resistant and rather used for making boats and small hard-use articles. With
drought resistant tree will attain 30 feet in height. It has pruning it makes an excellent shade tree. Its corky bark
moderate salt tolerance. Flowers, yellowish with purple may be used for planting epiphytes such as orchids and
markings, are borne directly on large branches and the bromeliads.
trunk. Its common name relates to its large spherical

small trees 39

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Diphysa americana December and January and sporadically at other times.
Guachipilin, Cuachepil (n) Plant it in any well-drained soil in full sun. It is quite
Fabaceae (Bean Family) drought and wind tolerant but is not tolerant of salt. Its
bark is attractive, deeply fissured, and suitable for grow-
Native to dry parts of tropical Mexico south through ing small epiphytes. Its wood is hard, heavy, and durable
Central America, this species will grow moderately and finds use for wood sculpture, in construction, furni-
slowly to 30 feet in height, although one reference credits ture making, flooring, and general carpentry and is the
it reaching as much as 60 feet in height under optimal source of a yellow dye. Use it for its light, shade-produc-
conditions. A local mature forty-year-old specimen has ing canopy, which permits the growing of understory
grown to only 25 feet in height. Its very fine, almost lacey plants. Its foliage and strong color provide accents.
foliage is contrasted with bright yellow flowers during

40 small trees

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Dracaena draco
Dragon Tree
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

A slow-growing tree native to the Canary Islands,

Madeira, and the Cape Verde Islands, this species will
eventually reach 30 feet or more in height, with a dense,
many-branched crown of gray-green leaves. It is quite
drought tolerant, wind tolerant, resistant to light salt
wind, and thrives in any well-drained soil in full sun.
A closely related slow-growing species from the island
of Socotra, the Socotran Dragon Tree (Dracaena cin-
naberi), has similar qualities and garden uses. The bases
of old leaves of both are a bright orange color and are
prized by arrangers and arts and crafts people. Use both
species as strong foliage accents. Both are suitable for the

small trees 41

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Dracaena fragrans
Fragrant Dracaena
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

Widely distributed throughout tropical Africa, this small

tree may reach 25 feet in height. A good, well-drained
soil and regular watering are preferred. The species
bears uniformly green foliage. This Dracaena develops a
slender canopy, making it ideal for use in narrow spaces.
It is good in light shade and, for best foliage production,
protected from strong wind. It is its cultivars, however,
that have reached great horticultural importance world-
wide. These range from cv ‘Knerckii’, with uniformly
light to medium green, drooping leaves, to cv ‘Massan-
geana’, with its green, drooping leaves center-striped
with yellow and light green. It is popularly known as
the Corn Plant. Another cultivar, cv ‘Lindenii’, bears
drooping leaves, green in the center with greenish yel-
low bands at the sides; cv ‘Rothiana’ displays narrower,
ascending rather than drooping leaves of deep green,
strongly banded in white; a rare cultivar, cv ‘Victoriae’,
bears green-centered foliage widely margined in tints
of yellow. All forms may be used to create attractive
potted or tubbed specimens for interior use, the use
most frequently seen in cold and temperate climates. In
the tropical landscape, it makes an excellent form and
foliage color accent tree and is especially valuable in nar-
row spaces. It may also be used as a hedge or screen. All
produce masses of night-fragrant white flowers.

42 small trees

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small trees 43

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Dracaena marginata
Madagascar Dragon Tree, Money Tree
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

Slowly forming a broad, round-headed, dense canopy,

this tough Madagascan tree attains 25 feet in height. It
is wind and drought tolerant and tolerant of salt air. It
thrives in almost any well-drained soil. Several cultivars
are available, displaying foliage color in pink, white,
and green as opposed to the species that has green foli-
age with mahogany-reddish margins. The Madagascar
Dragon Tree has become very popular also as a potted
or tubbed specimen and will survive a wide range of
interior conditions and abuse. In the garden, use it as a
shade tree, an accent against a wall, or use its colorful
cultivars as strong color accents. It also may be used as a
dense screen, hedge, or windbreak. There is also a very
similar but much broader leaved Dracaena available. Its
actual identification has not been determined. Plants are
derived from cuttings obtained in French Polynesia that
were reputedly from Madagascar, but this has not been
verified. In any event, it is a useful, strong foliar accent.
It is heat, wind, and drought tolerant. Its salt tolerance
has not been tested.

44 small trees

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D. marginata ‘Tricolor’

D. marginata ‘Tricolor’ D. marginata ‘Colorama’

small trees 45

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Eriobotrya japonica
Evaluate (hpwra)
Rosaceae (Rose Family)

A small tree from China and Japan, Loquat may reach

20 feet in height, forming a dense canopy of large, at-
tractive foliage. Its small white flowers are fragrant and
are followed by spherical orange fruits in winter. Fruit
production is best at cool elevations, although growth is
satisfactory at lower elevations. Plant it in full sun in a
well-drained, open soil and provide moderate watering.
It is wind tolerant and partially drought tolerant. It is a
moderately slow grower. In the landscape it provides an
ornamental foliage accent or may be used as a screen, as
well as a small shade tree.

46 small trees

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Erythrina cristi-galli
Common Coral Tree,
Cock’s Spur Coral Tree (t) (p) (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Originating in South America, the Common Coral Tree

is a rapid-growing, semideciduous tree reaching 25 feet
in height. Flowers varying from deep red to pinkish red
appear most of the year but primarily during the winter
months. Spent flower stems are persistent and must be
cut away to produce satisfactory visual results. It devel-
ops a wide crown, requiring space to appear at its best.
Almost any well-drained soil, preferably in a sunny spot,
will produce good growth and flowering. It requires reg-
ular watering. It is a popular color accent and shade tree.
Note: Erythrinas are excellent garden subjects and have
been popular for many years. In 2005, however, the Ery-
thrina Gall Wasp (Quadristichus erythrinae) found its
way to Hawai‘i, with devastating results. Until biological
controls for this serious pest have been established, the
planting of all species of Erythrina is strongly discour-
aged. The home gardener, using regular spraying with
an appropriate insecticide, can, however, control the
Ery thrina Gall Wasp on E. cristi-galli, E. abyssinica,
and E. sacleuxii, all of which show good tolerance to the
wasp attacks. Keep other Erythrinas in mind for future

small trees 47

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Eugenia brasiliensis Eugenia uniflora
Spanish Cherry, Brazil Cherry H (hpwra)
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family) Surinam Cherry
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family)
A small tree from southern Brazil, this species will attain
30 feet in height. It is a slow grower, preferring a rich, Growing rather slowly to 30 feet in height, this Brazilian
well-watered soil. It is wind tolerant but not drought tree finds many uses in the landscape. Abundant small
or salt tolerant. Although performing best in full sun, but attractive white flowers are followed by edible fruit
it will tolerate light shade. Dark, lustrous foliage is ac- used to make drinks, jams, or jellies. Foliage is pleas-
cented by the red, edible fruit. Use it as a background antly aromatic, while its bark is decorative. It may be
tree singly or as a screening hedge. clipped into a tight hedge or used as a screen or wind-
break. Best planted in full sun in a friable, well-drained
soil, Surinam Cherry responds to regular watering, al-
though moderate drought tolerance is attributed to it.
It has no tolerance of salt.

48 small trees

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small trees 49

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Euphorbia cotinifolia
Red Spurge, Hierba Mala (p) (s)
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

Carrying inconspicuous flowers but very showy red-

dish foliage, this evergreen tree is native from Mexico
to northern South America. It is best grown in full sun
in a well-drained soil. It will reach 25 feet in height and
is a moderate grower. It has low drought tolerance but
no salt or strong wind tolerance. Caution should be ex-
ercised in handling this spurge to avoid contact with its
sap, which may cause skin irritation. It makes a strong
color accent or can be used as a hedge or screen. Light
pruning will assist in making it into a small shade tree.

50 small trees

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Ficus carica
Common Fig, Fig Tree
Moraceae (Mulberry Family)

A tree reaching 30 feet in height, the fig has been culti-

vated from ancient times for its edible fruit, eaten either
raw or dried, and its shade-producing foliage. From
rocky, hot, dry areas of the Middle East, the fig is wind
and drought tolerant. Its dense canopy may be broader
than the tree’s height. It is a moderate grower in almost
any well-drained soil. Locally, Chinese prize its fruit for
making a delicious soup. We have not found its varietal
name. There are, however, a number of named culti-
vars: ‘Excel’, a white fig, and ‘Kadota’, with purple skin,
are recommended for local gardens. The fig figures in
many myths and legends. It is credited with being man’s
first clothing, as leaves were strategically placed to hide
Adam and Eve’s nakedness. Ancient Greeks believed
that Bacchus created the fig. Mohammed is quoted as
saying, “If I were to say that any fruit had come down
from Paradise, I would say it of the Fig.” Ancient Egyp-
tians believed that the fig was the favorite food of the
Blessed Dead. In addition to its shade-producing canopy
and fruit, the fig makes a useful screen or foliar accent.
It may be used in the xeriscape.

small trees 51

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Ficus dammaropsis Ficus triangularis
Dinner Plate Fig, Highland Breadfruit Triangle Leaf Fig
Moraceae (Mulberry Family) Moraceae (Mulberry Family)

This unusual species is named for its large leaves and Attaining 20 feet in height, this fig from wet areas of
fruit, both of which are edible. It is native to the high Southeast Asia, Borneo, and the Philippines forms a
rainfall areas of upland New Guinea and must be good small tree. A little judicious pruning will assist in
planted in a moist, loamy soil and given ample water. It curbing its somewhat sprawling tendency. Plant it in a
will thrive in either full sun or light shade. Owing to the good, moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade.
size of the leaves, it is best given some protection from It is wind tolerant but not drought or salt tolerant. It is
strong winds. It will reach 20 feet in height and benefits a useful shade tree in a small space or can be grown to
from a little pruning to give it a better shape. Use it as a produce a dense screening hedge or windbreak. There is
shade tree or as a strong foliar accent. The Dinner Plate also a green and white variegated form, F. triangularis
Fig would be better named the “Turkey Platter Fig,” ‘Variegata’.
which comes closer to indicating the size of its leaves.

52 small trees

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F. triangularis ‘Variegata’

small trees 53

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Guaiacum officinale tive orange fruits in late summer into winter, providing
Lignum Vitae a good color accent much of the year. While tolerating
Zygophyllaceae (Tribulus Family) light shade, it performs best in full sun in a well-drained
soil. It is wind and partially drought tolerant but only
A slow-growing, bushy tree reaching 25 feet in height, moderately salt air tolerant. Lignum Vitae wood is ex-
Lignum Vitae is native to Central America and the West tremely hard and is used to make furniture and small
Indies. It bears a profusion of bright lavender-blue flow- hard-use articles. A resin derived from the wood is used
ers in late spring and early summer, followed by attrac- medicinally. It is the national tree of Jamaica.

54 small trees

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Guaiacum sanctum
Holywood Lignum Vitae
Zygophyllaceae (Tribulus Family)

A closely related species, Holywood Lignum Vitae grows

slowly to 20 feet in height and is native to the Florida
Keys, larger Caribbean islands, and Central America. It
bears its abundant flowers in early spring, but a few may
be found into summer. They are a darker, more intense
blue than G. officinale. Both are good shade and color
accent trees, make a good screen or windbreak, and can
be used as a tubbed specimen on a hot, windy deck in
full sun. Both species display highly attractive bark. It
is wind and heat tolerant and is moderately tolerant of
drought. Give it a place in the garden in full sun in a
well-drained soil.

small trees 55

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Guettarda speciosa
Beach Gardenia, Pua Pua, Wut
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Attaining 30 feet or more in height, this coastal species

originates from a very wide geographical range extending
from the tropical Pacific islands to Australia, Southeast
Asia, the Philippines, and islands of the Indian Ocean.
Some references attribute a greater height, but local ex-
perience indicates a small-tree stature. It is a moderate
grower. Its small white flowers are fragrant, especially
at night, and are seen throughout the year. In India the
flowers are thought to promote relaxation. In Micronesia
they may be made into garlands, worn in the hair, or used
for scenting coconut oil. It is the flower emblem of the
Marshall Islands. Bark, leaves, and fruit have medicinal
uses. The durable wood is used for light construction; in
Tonga, tapa anvils are made from this tree. In Kiribati
and Tuvalu, it figures in myths and legends. Growing
best in a sandy soil, it will also thrive in a well-drained
loam. It is salt tolerant but does better with protection
from wind, which damages its large leaves. An excellent
choice for the beach garden. A good shade tree and foli-
age accent among small-leaved, dark green plants.

56 small trees

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Haematoxylon campechianum
Logwood (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

A small, slow-growing tree reaching 30 feet in height,

this species is from tropical America. Although in its
native areas it is frequently found in semimarshland, it
has naturalized in rather dry places in Hawai‘i. Plant
it in a well-drained, open soil in full sun. Its dark red
heartwood is used to make furniture, dyes, and stains. It
has medicinal uses. Use it for its dense, shade-producing
canopy or as a screen or windbreak. Its small racemes of
creamy white flowers are fragrant.

small trees 57

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Harpephyllum caffrum ant. It bears small, sour fruits highly prized for making
Ka≈ir Plum (s) a delicious jelly. The fruit and all parts of the tree should
Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family) be handled with caution to avoid contact with its sap,
which, like almost all members of the Cashew Family,
This slow-growing South African tree will reach 30 feet contains substances that may result in skin eruptions on
in height. It must have full sun and a well-drained soil. It persons who are susceptible. It is a good shade tree and
is wind and heat tolerant and moderately drought toler- can be used as a windbreak.

58 small trees

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Harpullia pendula
Tulipwood Tree
Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family)

From Australia, the Tulipwood Tree will reach 25 feet

in height, bearing insignificant flowers, followed by
highly attractive fruit. Its dense crown of evergreen foli-
age makes it an excellent shade tree for small spaces, as
well as a screening tree. It thrives in sun or part shade
in most well-drained soils. Its wood is used by furniture
and cabinetmakers.

small trees 59

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Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. Hibiscus clayi
punaluuensis Clay’s Koki‘o
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)
Koki‘o Ke‘oke‘o, Punalu‘u White Hibiscus
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family) Occurring in fairly low, somewhat dry elevations in east-
ern Kaua‘i, this highly ornamental endemic will grow
Native to the Ko‘olau Range on O‘ahu, this excellent
slowly to 20 feet in height. It bears a profusion of dark
endemic tree will grow to 30 feet in height. It is a mod-
red flowers. Horticultural requirements are the same
erately rapid grower. It bears masses of white, fragrant
as for Koki‘o ‘Ula, but it will tolerate short periods of
flowers most of the year. They may be used to make leis.
drought. The flowers are used by the lei maker. It makes
It is fairly wind tolerant and partially salt-air tolerant but
a fine color accent or can be used to form a hedge or
requires regular watering to produce heavy foliage and
background for other smaller species. A bit of judicious
bloom. A rich, moist, well-drained soil will bring top re-
pruning will enhance the overall attractiveness.
sults. Use the Punalu‘u White Hibiscus as a good shade
tree, a hedge or screen, or as a floral focus. Pruning will
assist in producing the traditional tree shape.

60 small trees

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Hibiscus hamabo Hibiscus kokio
Hamabo Koki‘o ‘Ula
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family) Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

Producing a rounded, dense, evergreen canopy of dark A beautiful endemic rather slowly reaching 20 feet in
green foliage, this tree from southern Japan and the height, Koki‘o ‘Ula bears bright red, orange-red, orange,
Bonin Islands will reach 30 feet in height and is a mod- or, not commonly, yellow flowers. They may be used by
erately rapid grower. It bears large yellow flowers most of the lei maker. It is found on all the major islands except
the year. Plant it in full sun in a good, well-drained soil Ni‘ihau and Kaho‘olawe in partially dry to wet forests.
and provide regular watering. It is moderately wind and It thrives in a rich, well-drained soil and grows more
salt tolerant. Use it as a fine shade tree or as a tall wind- strongly in full sun, but it will produce satisfactorily in
break, screen, or hedge. light shade. Pruning is required to produce a good tree
shape. Use it as a good color accent or focal point. It can
be espaliered easily.

small trees 61

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Hibiscus waimeae Ipomoea pauciflora
Koki‘o Ke‘oke‘o, Koki‘o Kea Tree Morning Glory, Casahuate, Palo del Muerto (p)
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family) Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family)

This small endemic tree is found from upper Waimea A highly ornamental tree from arid parts of tropical
Canyon to the western and northern coasts of Kaua‘i. Mexico and Central America, the Tree Morning Glory
It will reach 30 feet in height, bearing large, white, fra- produces clusters of large white flowers along its arch-
grant flowers that may be used by the lei maker. It is ing branches during late fall and winter months when it
a moderate grower. Although growing best in good, is partially leafless. Its bark is white. It is drought, heat,
well-drained, moist soils, it also occurs at lower, drier and wind tolerant. It may grow to 25 feet in height. The
elevations of Waimea Canyon. Once established it may seeds, which are not produced locally, are poisonous and
tolerate some drought. It has fair wind tolerance. It may contain hallucinogenic substances. There are, however,
be trained into a good shade tree or may be used as a several medicinal uses, including the treatment of rattle-
screening hedge and floral accent. snake bite and the treatment of paralysis. The Spanish
name, Palo del Muerto, translates as “Walking Stick of
the Dead,” no doubt in reference to its poisonous charac-
ter. It makes a striking floral accent during months when
other trees are not flowering.

62 small trees

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Jatropha integerrima care to avoid its sap when pruning or handling. It is par-
Rose-Flowered Jatropha, Peregrina (p)+ (s)+ tially wind tolerant but is not drought or salt tolerant.
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family) It makes a color accent and can be used en masse as a
colorful hedge or screen. A little pruning will hasten its
This bushy evergreen tree will reach 20 feet in height. It tree shape. There is also a pink-flowered form. See notes
is native to the West Indies and produces its red flowers under Plumeria rubra for information relative to the new
throughout the year. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained Papaya Mealybug, which infests Jatrophas.
soil. As it is a member of the Euphorbia Family, take

small trees 63

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Kokia drynarioides
Koki‘o, Hau Hele ‘Ula
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

An endangered endemic, this species will reach 25 feet in

height. It is a tree for dry areas above 1,000 feet but also
thrives at lower levels and produces flowers. It carries
large ornamental leaves and beautiful, large, bright red
blossoms. It was formerly cultivated by Hawaiians for
its flowers and for its bark, which yields a dye. It is eas-
ily cultivated in very open, well-drained soils. Use it as
a brilliant color accent planted in full sun in a very well-
drained soil. Once established, water sparingly.

64 small trees

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Kopsia arborea Kopsia pruniformis
Penang Sloe (p) Java Prune (p)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

Originating in high rainfall areas of Java and Australia, A small forest tree from Java, Kopsia pruniformis will
this species will grow rather slowly to 20 feet in height. slowly reach 30 feet in height. During most of the year,
It thrives in a rich, well-drained soil. Flowers, borne it bears clusters of fragrant white flowers followed by
abundantly, are white and fragrant and may be seen spo- attractive purplish fruit. The fruit contains a toxic sub-
radically throughout the year. Its purplish fruit contains stance. Avoid them. Plant this species in a rich, moist,
a toxic substance. A rain forest tree, this species requires well-drained soil. It is partially wind resistant but has no
regular watering. It has no drought and little wind toler- tolerance of drought or salt. Use it as an accent, a screen-
ance. It makes an excellent accent tree. Plant it where the ing tree, or a tall hedge. Its lustrous dark green foliage
fragrance of its flowers may be experienced. Old leaves would make a good accent against a dark wall or light
turn red and are attractive. green foliage. Old leaves turn bright red. A close relative,
not pictured, is Kopsia fruticosa, Pink Kopsia from India
to Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It reaches
20 feet in height and requires the same growing condi-
tions as the Java Prune. It also bears toxic fruit and, ob-
viously, pink, fragrant flowers.

small trees 65

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Lagerstroemia archeriana Flowers, a light pinkish-mauve, are borne abundantly.
Australian Queen Flower The bark is decorative, showing white, tan, and light
Lythraceae (Crape Myrtle Family) brown. Dried seed pods are used by wreath makers
and flower arrangers. Its overall form tends to be more
Native to moist areas of north Queensland and Western columnar than spreading, providing a candidate for nar-
Australia as well as Timor and New Guinea, this deli- row spaces or a dooryard specimen and for screening.
cate evergreen tree slowly reaches 30 feet in height. It is It is wind but not drought or salt tolerant. Give it good,
a welcome color accent in late spring and early summer. well-drained soil with regular watering.

66 small trees

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Lagerstroemia indica
Crape Myrtle
Lythraceae (Crape Myrtle Family)

A small tree from China growing to 30 feet in height,

Crape Myrtle bears masses of colorful flowers in sum-
mer. It is a moderate grower. Its plentiful flowers range
from pink to white to lavender-purple, with many
named cultivars. Its smooth bark is ornamental, show-
ing patches of tan and gray. It is wind resistant and will
tolerate some drought once well established. Plant it in
full sun in a rich, well-drained soil. Water deeply but not
often. It makes a good shade tree but finds its highest use
as a strong color accent. It also finds use as a screen or

small trees 67

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Lawsonia inermis Ligustrum sinense
Henna H (hpwra)
Lythraceae (Crape Myrtle Family) Chinese Privet
Oleaceae (Olive Family)
Native from North Africa to southern Asia, this is the
source of the popular reddish-orange dye, henna, used Native to southern China, this privet will reach 20 feet
in ancient times by the Egyptians and, later, by western- in height. It bears small, dark green leaves and has for
ers and Mohammedans. Crushed leaves mixed with an many years been prized for clipping into hedges or to-
acid produce the famous dye. It reaches 20 feet in height, piary and carefully shaped in local Japanese gardens.
bearing fragrant flowers of white or red. Once estab- Pruning is required to develop a tree form. It thrives best
lished, it is very drought tolerant and withstands heat in a good, well-drained soil in either full sun or light
and wind. It is rather slow growing. A bit of pruning will shade. It is wind tolerant and moderately drought toler-
hasten the production of a tree form. ant but shows little tolerance of salt air. Under ideal con-
ditions, it may be a rapid grower. There is a green-and-
white-leaved variegated form that tends to be shorter
and bushier than the species. It is useful in providing a
bright spot in the landscape and, with night lighting, it
is quite dramatic.

68 small trees

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small trees 69

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Lysiloma bahamensis
Wild Tamarind, Caribbean Walnut (n) (p)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

A small evergreen tree from the Bahamas, Florida, the

West Indies, and Mexico, this species will attain 30 feet
or a bit more in height. It bears small but attractive white
powder-puff blossoms. Foliage is very fine, its wide-
spreading, weeping canopy casting a light shade, permit-
ting the growth of grass below. It is wind, salt, heat, and
drought tolerant. It grows in a wide range of soils, as
long as they are well drained. This is an excellent choice
for a coastal garden exposed to salt wind and is a good
selection for the xeriscape. Use it for its shade or as a tex-
tural accent among species with large dark green foliage.
Its hard wood is used for flooring and cabinetry, as one
of its common names suggests.

70 small trees

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Lysiphyllum cunninghamii
Kimberley Bauhinia, Bohenia Tree (n) (p)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Growing rather slowly to 30 feet in height, this small

tree from dry parts of northern Australia is highly
drought, heat, and wind tolerant. It will thrive in most
well-drained soils. Flowers displaying pink petals with
protruding red stamens are borne on its pendulous
branches. Leaves vary from blue-grey to grey-green. The
bark, used in Aboriginal medicine as an antiseptic wash,
contains an antibacterial constituent. A thick exudate of
the bark, known as “toffee,” is edible. A modern essence
extracted from the tree reputedly encourages open-
mindedness and the ability to embrace new concepts.
Its slender canopy produces a light shade. It forms a
good foliar and flower accent specimen. It is a candidate
for the xeriscape.

small trees 71

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Majidia zanquebarica into a small tree reaching 30 feet in height. It produces a
Zanzibar Soapberry, Velvet Seed rounded canopy, providing light shade. Its main attrac-
Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family) tion is the crop of seed pods following its insignificant
flowers. The pods, about an inch across, open to display
A highly variable species from East Africa and Madagas- a bright red interior with dark, purplish-blue, fuzzy
car, the Zanzibar Soapberry is described as ranging in seeds; both the interior and the seeds retain their color
size from a shrub to a timber tree. Its geographical range when dry. These are highly prized by lei makers and
places it in both dry and heavy rainfall areas, which is flower arrangers. Plant the Zanzibar Soapberry in a well-
doubtless responsible for the development of variations. drained soil in full sun and use it as a good shade tree or
Locally, the Zanzibar Soapberry grows rather rapidly an accent where its showy pods may be appreciated.

72 small trees

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Malpighia emarginata
Acerola, Barbados Cherry
Malpighiaceae (Malpighia Family)

Native to tropical Central America, this useful small tree

grows to 20 feet in height. Attractive pink to purple flow-
ers are followed by bright red, tart fruits prized for their
high Vitamin C content. Up to three crops a year may
be realized if regularly watered. Superior cultivars have
been selected, which include ‘Manoa Sweet’, bearing a
nontart fruit, and ‘B-15’, with improved fruit and crop
size. Acerola performs best in a hot, dry area in full sun
and planted in a well-drained, open soil. It shows mod-
erate drought, heat, and wind tolerance but not good
salt tolerance. In addition to its edible fruit use, it can be
shaped into a small shade tree or as a screen, windbreak,
or hedge. As with other fruit trees, plant it where its fruit
may be readily harvested or over a ground cover that
raking will not disturb.

small trees 73

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Mangifera indica height and produces well in areas with a more moder-
Mango dwarf varieties (s) ate climate. It bears a crop of sweet, fiberless fruit. Both
Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family) varieties produce a dense, compact canopy that is wind
and moderately drought tolerant. Use the dwarfs as a
Horticulturists have developed dwarf varieties of this hedge or screen or as an accent tree. They are relatively
normally large tree. Considerable work is ongoing, espe- slow growers. Plant them where the fruit may be easily
cially in India, to increase the numbers of such varieties picked, using caution to avoid skin contact with their
and the quality of fruit. ‘Julie’, a variety developed in sap, which may cause skin irritation. In addition to
Trinidad and Tobago, grows to 20 feet in height. It fruits fruit, these dwarfs provide tough foliage for making fine
best in hot, dry areas. ‘Fairchild’ also reaches 20 feet in screening hedges or windbreaks.

74 small trees

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Manilkara zapota
Chicle Tree, Sapodilla
Sapotaceae (Sapodilla Family)

From its original habitats in Central America, the Chicle

Tree or Sapodilla was spread throughout the American
tropics in pre-Columbian times and today is also grown
throughout tropical Asia. The tree carries a dense can-
opy of dark green, leathery leaves, producing an attrac-
tive accent in the landscape, or it may be used as a screen
and as a source of excellent fruit. It will thrive in almost
any soil, even sand, as long as it has good drainage. Once
established it is fairly wind, heat, and drought tolerant
and shows good tolerance of salt. The Chicle Tree is
quite slow growing and will eventually exceed our 30-
foot ceiling. Improved cultivars, which may not exceed
the “small tree” definition, include ‘Martin’, with large,
round fruit containing white pulp, and ‘Makok’, which
has a high fruit production and bears small, highly sweet
fruit with orange pulp. Others, not pictured, include
‘Gonzales’, ‘Tikal’, ‘Alano’, and ‘Ponderosa’, all highly
recommended for the small residential garden.

small trees 75

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Melaleuca bracteata
‘Revolution Gold’
Black Tea Tree, ‘Revolution Gold’
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family)

A rather recent sport of a common Melaleuca native to

Australia, ‘Revolution Gold’ has become an extremely
popular small tree there, prized for its bright yellow foli-
age. A moderately rapid grower, this tree will reach 25
feet in height, developing a dense canopy. It is a strong
color accent in the garden or may be used as a windbreak
or screen. It is wind tolerant, partially drought tolerant,
but only moderately salt tolerant. Plant it in full sun in
an open, well-drained soil.

76 small trees

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Metrosideros polymorpha from the flower as well as from the liko and mu‘o. The
Lehua, ‘Ōhi‘a Lehua rich red-flowered lei was prized by the Volcano Goddess
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family) Pele. While a rich, moist soil will produce better growth
and bloom, ‘Ōh‘ia Lehua will thrive in almost any soil as
Although under perfect conditions in the wild this long as drainage is excellent. It does not tolerate soggy,
endemic species may reach 100 feet in height, it is also poorly aerated soils. In the wild it is found on bare lava
encountered as a shrub. It is of such slow growth that it as well as good forest loam. This valuable ornamental is
can be recommended for use as a small, columnar tree. wind tolerant and partially salt-air tolerant and, in the
Some pruning may be necessary. It is a highly variable wild, may even be found in extremely hot, dry locations.
tree: leaf size, shape, and texture may vary from one Nurseries specializing in native Hawaiian plants carry
population to the next, while newly opened colored rather large, tubbed specimens whose flower color, liko,
leaves (liko) vary from translucent red to opaque orange, and foliage can be seen and evaluated for the gardener’s
lavender, or white, and leaf bud (mu‘o) color variations selection. Hawaiians traditionally used its hard, tough
are frequently encountered. It is the blossom, however, wood for carving religious images and for fashioning
that attracts maximum attention. Color ranges from spears, mallets, and other hard-use articles. Today the
white (rare) through pale yellow, strong yellow, orange, wood is prized for furniture making and flooring.
and gold to reds and dark red. Leis are commonly made

small trees 77

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Metrosideros tremuloides
Lehua ‘Āhihi
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family)

A slow-growing, small endemic tree found only on

O‘ahu, Lehua ‘Āhihi will reach 15 feet in height, with a
somewhat weeping habit. Its red flowers are used by the
lei maker. The first verse of Queen Lili‘uokalani’s well-
known “Aloha ‘Oe,” composed in Maunawili in 1877,
refers to “seeking the buds and miniature lehua flowers
of the uplands.” This is a good small tree for moist areas.
A rich, well-drained soil produces the best results. It is
wind tolerant. It makes a fine color accent, as well as pro-
viding lei-making flowers and a landscape conversation

78 small trees

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Moringa oleifera branches are used as a charm against witchcraft. The
Horseradish Tree, Ben Oil Tree, Kalamungay Horseradish Tree grows rapidly to 30 feet in height, pre-
Moringaceae (Drumstick Tree Family) senting a slender form with drooping branches. Provide
a well-drained soil in a partially dry place in full sun.
Now widely planted throughout the tropics, the Horse- When harvesting edible parts, seeds, and young shoots,
radish Tree is native to dry areas of India, Arabia, and cut carefully to retain the shape of the tree. Unharvested
possibly to Africa and the East Indies. All parts of the pods are light brown and quite persistent. They eventu-
tree furnish useful products: grated roots provide a ally drop and can be a source of litter. It produces its
strong substitute for horseradish, and young foliage is clusters of small white flowers throughout the year. Use
eaten as greens, in salads, vegetable curries, and for sea- it not only for its edible qualities but for a source of light
soning. In Malaysia, seeds are eaten much as westerners shade or a small textured accent where its delicate foliage
eat peanuts. Seeds yield a fine, nondrying oil, called ben may be appreciated. It is more a tree for the edible gar-
oil, which is used to lubricate watches and fine machin- den than a subject for general landscaping. Locally, the
ery. There are many medicinal properties. In Africa its Horseradish Tree is highly prized by Filipinos.

small trees 79

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Munroidendron racemosum
Araliaceae (Panax Family)

An endemic tree reaching 25 feet in height, Munroi-

dendron is native to Kaua‘i. It is endangered but readily
grown under cultivation. It is a fairly rapid grower. It is
moderately wind, drought, and salt tolerant. Use it as
an accent or specimen plant against dark green, fine-
textured material. Its ornamental foliage and unusual
inflorescence form a good vertical accent in the land-
scape. Plant it in full sun in a good, well-drained soil.
Water moderately.

80 small trees

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Myoporum sandwicense
Naio, Bastard Sandalwood
Myoporaceae (Myoporum Family)

This is a good selection for difficult garden situations:

Naio is heat, drought, salt, and wind tolerant. Its thick
canopy crowns a tree up to 30 feet in height. It grows
well, although somewhat slowly, in almost any soil as
long as it has good drainage. Some pruning may be de-
sirable to hasten a good tree shape. Naio is native to both
dry and moist places in the Hawaiian Islands. It is valued
as a windbreak, screen, or, given time, for its light shade.
Its wood is fragrant, somewhat like that of Sandalwood,
and was at one time substituted for it. Hawaiians tra-
ditionally used Naio’s tough wood in house building.
Variable in leaf size and shape, there is also a decumbent
form used as a ground cover.

small trees 81

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Napoleonaea imperialis
Napoleon’s Buttons
Lethycidaceae (Brazil Nut Family)

A small, slender tree from tropical West Africa, this

species is grown for its strange flowers—looking much
like fancy buttons—that appear on the trunk. It will
grow slowly to 20 feet in height in both full sun and light
shade. Provide a rich, well-watered soil and some protec-
tion from strong wind. It has no tolerance to salt. It is
a good choice for a narrow garden space or to frame a
doorway planted where the “buttons” may be seen.

82 small trees

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Nolina recurvata
Pony Tail, Beaucarnea
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

In full sun and planted in a well-drained soil, this un-

usual tree will grow rather slowly to 30 feet in height.
It branches widely and develops a broad, water-storing
base. Give it plenty of room. The deserts of northern
Mexico are the home of this tree. It is highly drought
and wind tolerant and tolerates moderate salt-air ex-
posure. It is an excellent accent specimen or may be
clustered to form an unusual grove. Old, multibranched
specimens produce excellent shade. It is good in the

small trees 83

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Ochna integerrima
Tet Tree
Ochnaceae (Mickey Mouse Plant Family)

Growing slowly to 30 feet in height, the Tet Tree is native

to the wide area of tropical Asia from northeast India to
the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, Vietnam, and Hainan
Island. In Vietnam it bears bright yellow blossoms dur-
ing the Lunar New Year, when Vietnamese observe
holiday celebrations known as Tet. In Hawai‘i it flowers
sparingly several times during the year, with the heaviest
flowering in June. In its native areas it is found in both
moist and dry deciduous forest. Plant it in a rich, well-
drained soil. It is somewhat wind tolerant but shows no
tolerance to salt. It makes a good color accent and can be
made into a shade tree, screen, or hedge. Its cultural as-
sociation makes it a good garden conversation piece.

84 small trees

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Ochrosia elliptica
New Caledonia Tree, Pokosola (p)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

A small tree slowly reaching 25 feet in height, Pokosola

originates from tropical Australia and New Caledonia.
Dark green foliage is accented by bright red fruit. The
tree likes a rich, well-drained, moist soil and will grow
in full sun or light shade in both coastal and inland gar-
dens. In Hawai‘i, the seeds are made into jewelry. It may
be used as an accent specimen, a hedge, or a windbreak.
Some references allude to the presence of toxic sap. Use
caution in handling.

small trees 85

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Pandanus tectorius wide variety of containers. Fallen leaves must be raked
Hala, Screwpine (t) up regularly. Use gloves; their spiny edges can inflict a
Pandanaceae (Screwpine Family) painful scratch. There are, however, cultivars that are
spineless, as well as several with green and yellow strip-
Found on many tropical islands throughout the Pacific ing. P. tectorius var. laevis, called Lau Hala Kilipaki in
Ocean, hala, a native species, grows to 30 feet in height, Hawaiian, is grown for its spineless leaves that can be
with a broadly spreading crown usually supported by a fashioned into plaited products. Pandanus tectorius cv
system of aerial roots. It is a moderate grower. It is highly ‘Baptistii’ is prized for its highly ornamental, spineless
wind and salt tolerant and is an excellent small tree for a leaves whose midrib is strongly striped in yellow. It is
beachside garden. It thrives in almost any well-drained used by the flower arranger as well as in the landscape
soil, even pure beach sand in full sun, but it will tolerate as a color accent. It is especially dominant in the gar-
light shade. Its fruit ranges from orange to orange-red den when lighted at night. Another hala, P. tectorius cv
to red and is used to make long-lasting leis. Its fragrant, ‘Veitchii’, bears foliage with white stripes near the leaf
white male blossoms are similarly used. Leaves, an at- margin. Spines are greatly reduced. It is similarly valued
tractive bluish-green, are used to fashion mats and a as a color accent and in the lighted night garden.

86 small trees

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P. tectorius var. baptistii

P. tectorius var. baptistii

P. tectorius var. laevis P. tectorius var. veitchii

small trees 87

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Parmentiera aculeata directly on the trunk and large branches. These are fol-
Cuajilote, Guachilote (t) lowed by sweet, yellow fruit, eaten both raw and cooked.
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family) Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil. It tolerates heat,
wind, and moderate drought. Its rough bark makes a
A small tree from tropical Mexico and south to Guate- good home for small epiphytes. While pruning or har-
mala, Cuajilote grows rather slowly to 30 feet or slightly vesting, avoid the small spines found at leaf bases. Use it
more in height. It bears flowers of green and mauve as an accent tree or another conversation piece.

88 small trees

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Parmentiera cerifera foot-long, slender fruits hanging like candles. This char-
Candle Tree acter is the source of its common name. The fruit may
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family) be stewed and used in salads; it also has medicinal uses.
Planted in full sun, it prefers a well-drained, moist soil.
Growing to 30 feet in height, this tree from Panama and It is wind tolerant but does not thrive under drought
tropical Mexico is a good choice for a small tree in the conditions. With minor pruning, it makes an interesting
landscape. The whitish flowers are borne throughout shade tree.
the year on the trunk and main branches, producing

small trees 89

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Phyllanthus acidus
Otaheite Gooseberry
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

Grown for its large crop of small, yellow, round, acid

fruits, this tree, possibly originating in Madagascar,
will reach 30 feet in height. Flowers are reddish but not
outstanding. It is a moderate grower. Any friable, well-
drained soil with regular but not heavy watering will
produce optimal growth. It thrives best in full sun. The
fruit is used in cooking. In India it has medicinal uses.
In addition to its edible fruit, use it for its light shade or
as a textural accent, where its small-leaved canopy may
be a foil for other species with large-leaved, dark green

90 small trees

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Pisonia grandis cv ‘Alba’
Moonlight Tree, Lettuce Tree
Nyctaginaceae (Four-O’Clock Family)

This small evergreen tree from Malaysia attains 20 feet

in height. It is grown for its large, highly ornamental
semisucculent leaves, which are a pleasing chartreuse. It
requires a good, well-drained soil, regular watering, and
protection from strong wind. It shows moderate salt and
drought tolerance and performs best when not subjected
to drying. It is a moderate grower. Plant the Moonlight
Tree as a bright accent among darker, small-textured
plants or against a dark stone wall. It is beautiful at night
with up-lighting.

small trees 91

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Pittosporum confertiflorum to cream colored and are fragrant at night. It is a good
Hō‘awa small shade tree and can be used as a screen. Plant it
Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum Family) where its flowers may be appreciated. It is somewhat slow
growing and fairly wind tolerant but not salt tolerant.
An endemic Hawaiian species reaching 25 feet in height, See also P. flocculosum and P. hosmeri. All have impor-
this species will grow at low elevations. In the wild it is tant botanical differences but minor differences insofar
found in both dry and wet forests in full sun and light as landscape use is concerned. They may vary
shade. Good drainage and moderate watering are es- according to their response to one’s garden environment.
sential to good growth and flowering. Flowers are white

92 small trees

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Pittosporum flocculosum Pittosporum hosmeri
Hō‘awa Hō‘awa
Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum Family) Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum Family)

This rare, small endemic tree from O‘ahu is found at This endemic species will reach 30 feet in height, bearing
fairly low elevations in both wet and semidry places and a dense canopy of leaves. Flowers are white and highly
grows readily in a garden setting given good drainage, fragrant at night. Position it in full sun or light shade.
full sun, and regular watering. It is a moderate grower, It is a moderate grower, thriving in almost any well-
attaining up to 30 feet in height. Flowers are white, drained soil. This species will tolerate light wind but has
turning cream colored, and are fragrant after dark. It no salt-air or drought tolerance. Hawaiians used parts of
provides a small spot of shade and makes a good screen the fruit medicinally. Plant it where its fragrance may be
or windbreak. Place it where its fragrance may be appre- enjoyed. It makes a slender shade tree or hedge or screen
ciated in the evening. It is quite wind tolerant and semi- planting.
drought tolerant but not salt tolerant.

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Pittosporum viridiflorum
Evaluate (hpwra)
Cape Pittosporum
Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum Family)

A small, tough tree reaching 25 feet in height, Cape Pit-

tosporum is wind and partially drought tolerant. It is na-
tive to parts of South Africa, Madagascar, and southern
India and displays wide variability in growth. It develops
a heavy canopy of dark green leaves and bears fragrant
flowers. A slow grower, it will thrive in any well-drained
soil with moderate watering. It makes a good screen or
windbreak. It grows best in cool areas.

94 small trees

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Platycladus orientalis
Oriental Arbor Vitae
Cupressaceae (Cypress Family)

China and Korea are the homes of this evergreen tree,

which is variable as to size, foliage color, and shape. The
form widely planted in Hawai‘i grows somewhat slowly
to 30 feet in height. It is wind tolerant and, if given
minimal protection, will grow in coastal gardens. Give
it a loamy soil with good drainage in full sun. It may
be used as windbreak, screen, or as an accent, where its
unusual conical form is the focus of the landscape. Old
specimens may be trained with pruning into producing
a small shade tree.

small trees 95

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Pleomele hawaiiensis
Hala Pepe
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

There are six endemic species of Hala Pepe, all of them

highly attractive and bearing beautiful greenish-yellow
flowers in dense, pendant inflorescences. All are called
Hala Pepe. Pleomele hawaiiensis, once plentiful, is now
rare and endangered. It is a slow grower, eventually
reaching 20 feet in height with several branches. Its
abundant flowers, prized by the lei maker, are borne on
a pendent stalk. It is sacred to Laka, goddess of hula, and
was one of the plants placed on her hula altar. It is still
found in dry areas of Kona at elevations from 1,500 to
2,400 feet elevation, although it will grow successfully at
lower elevations. Drainage is critical. Plant this species in
full sun in an open soil, even ‘a‘ā, and water sparingly. It
is heat, wind, and somewhat drought tolerant. Pleomele
aurea (not pictured) occurs on Kaua‘i in somewhat dry
areas from near sea level to moist areas at a 3,000-foot
elevation. It grows slowly into a tree reaching 30 feet in
height. Plant P. aurea in full sun in a rich, moist soil.
Good drainage is essential. It is wind tolerant and mod-
erately drought tolerant.

96 small trees

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Plumeria lambertiana
Baja Plumeria (p) (s)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

An extremely drought and heat tolerant species from

the southern tip of Baja California, this plumeria was
collected growing among arborescent cacti and thorn
scrub. It is a valuable tree, reaching 20 feet in height with
a columnar habit of growth. It is moderately slow grow-
ing. Its white, fragrant flowers are borne abundantly. It
provides a strong flowering accent but not much shade
due to its growth habit. It is a good candidate for the
xeriscape. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil and
water sparingly once established. Planted on both sides
of a walkway exposed to hot sun, it will provide welcome
shade in a constricted space.
Note: For all plumeria, see notes below under Plumeria
rubra for information relative to the Papaya Mealybug,
which may infest your plumerias.

small trees 97

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Plumeria obtusa
Singapore Plumeria (p) (s) and Bahama Plumeria
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

Native to the West Indies, the Singapore Plumeria grows

to a little over 30 feet in height. It is semideciduous,
dropping much of its large, shiny green canopy during
the winter months and coming into massive bloom in
early spring. Flowering continues into fall. The large,
white, fragrant flowers are used in arrangements but not
usually made into leis due to their oversize, rather floppy
nature, and short-lived attractiveness. A well-drained
soil in full sun produces best results. It is a moderate
grower. Regular irrigation, in spite of its partially arid
native home, provides high flower production. It is an
excellent floral accent and overall shade tree. It serves
well as a screen or windbreak. Dwarf forms are also
A form of Plumeria obtusa was introduced to local
gardens a number of years ago from the Bahamas.
Taxonomically it is Plumeria obtusa, but for the sake
of gardeners we are taking the liberty of calling it “Ba-
hama Plumeria.” It is significantly different as far as the
landscaper is concerned. It will reach 25 feet in height,
bearing rough leaves about a quarter of the size of the
common Singapore Plumeria, abundant but smaller
fragrant flowers, and, with nearly vertical growth, it de-
velops a narrow canopy. It is native to coastal areas of the
Bahamas and is salt, wind, and drought tolerant. It does
not drop its leaves during the winter months. It is a good
candidate for the xeriscape and beach garden. Water
sparingly once established. Full sun is a must.

P. obtusa ‘Bahama’

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P. obtusa ‘Bahama’

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Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia in height, with an equal spread. It is heat, wind, drought,
Dominican Plumeria (p) (s) and moderately salt tolerant, a good candidate for both
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) xeriscape and the coastal garden. Its 2-inch, fragrant
white flowers are borne abundantly during spring and
A highly useful species from hot, dry, coastal areas of the summer. It does not lose its leaves in winter. In addition
Dominican Republic, this plumeria is characterized by to its shade-giving qualities, it may be used as a wind-
its rather husky growth and the pyramidal but not sharp break or screen. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil.
lumps that develop on older branches. It reaches 30 feet Water sparingly once established.

100 small trees

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Plumeria pudica
Puerto Rican Frangipani (s)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

An evergreen tree from the West Indies and Venezuela,

this plumeria grows to 20 feet in height. It bears un-
usual foliage described as “spoon shaped” or lobed. The
canopy, which is somewhat columnar, tends to become
quite dense. Some pruning is recommended to thin the
canopy as protection against strong winds, or plant it in
a protected place. It likes full sun and good drainage. It
has moderate salt tolerance and good drought tolerance
once established. Its unscented white flowers are borne
abundantly during the warm months. It is useful as a
flowering accent, a background for smaller species, or it
may be planted as a screen or as a shade tree in a narrow

small trees 101

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Plumeria rubra (hybrids) negative landscape impact on a wide range of popular
Plumeria, Temple Tree (p) (s) plants that mention of it seems appropriate. Gardeners
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) must be aware and take steps to control them or avoid
their inclusion in the garden. Originating probably in
Although slightly exceeding our height limitation for Mexico, the Papaya Mealybug has spread to many main-
small trees, Plumeria rubra is such a popular ornamen- land areas and was first found on Maui in 2004. It has
tal tree that it is included here. It is commonly seen spread to the Big Island, O‘ahu, and Kaua‘i. Among the
locally used as a small tree. Originating in semidry many host plants, there are several of concern to garden-
parts of tropical Mexico, this tree prefers a sunny loca- ers. These include plumeria, hibiscus, citrus, jatropha,
tion in a well-drained soil. It is a moderate grower and and avocado, in addition to many plants of general eco-
is deciduous during the winter months. Following the nomic importance. An infestation on plumeria results in
leafless period, large clusters of prized, fragrant flowers distorted and discolored foliage. Biological control ex-
are produced. Flowering continues for six months. It periments are showing significant success. Avoid chemi-
develops a broad canopy and must be given space. Over cal treatment that also kills the beneficial insect. At
a hundred cultivars have been selected from seedlings, first sign of trouble, use a strong jet of water on infected
providing a range of flower color from white to yellow, places twice a week. This will wash away the immature
gold, orange, light pink to dark pink, light red to dark mealybugs. Bag infected material and discard.
red, and bicolors. There are also large flowers, small
flowers, and even a semidouble flowered form. Several
dwarf growing selections are also available. Pictured are
several cultivars displaying the range of flower colors
commonly seen. Although derived from areas consid-
ered as arid, the cultivars have shown that moderate
watering is needed during the dry season if maximum
flower production is to be enjoyed. Oddly, plumerias also
thrive and flower abundantly in areas of very heavy rain-
fall as long as drainage is excellent. Plumeria displays
moderate tolerance to wind and salt. Used as a striking
color accent singly or in groves, it is also the source of
one of Hawai‘i’s most treasured leis. Smaller-flowered
cultivars are preferred, as they better tolerate handling
and are more comfortable for the wearer. Plumerias were
admired by the ancient Aztecs, who used the flowers
in ceremonials. Virgins of the nobility wore plumeria
blossoms in their hair. With other ingredients, a potion
containing plumeria sap was drunk as a remedy for fear
or faintheartedness. The sap was used in the treatment
of wounds and for cutaneous and venereal diseases. In
ancient times, commoners who touched plumeria flow-
ers once consecrated for ceremonials were put to death.
Currently, garlands made of the flowers are used in the
month of May in Taxco (Mexico) to present to the Vir-
gin Mary.

Note: Although detailed information relative to fertil-

izing, pruning, and plant pests are not usually included
in this publication, the recent introduction of the Papaya
Mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) has had such a major P. rubra ‘Hilo Beauty’

102 small trees

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P. rubra ‘Common Yellow’ P. rubra ‘Thornton Lilac’

P. rubra ‘Daisy Wilcox’ P. rubra ‘Kaneohe Sunburst’

P. rubra ‘Paul Weissich’ P. rubra ‘Kauka Wilder’

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Posoqueria latifolia
Needle Flower Tree
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

A small tree from Mexico, Peru, and Amazonian Bra-

zil, this species attains 30 feet in height. It is a moderate
grower. Its common name derives from the plentiful
clusters of long, tubular, fragrant white flowers borne
much of the year but more abundantly in spring. The
branching habit gives the tree a somewhat vertical shape
with a narrow canopy, making it a good subject for a
narrow space where it may be used as an accent tree or
screen. Pruning to raise its canopy is necessary to pro-
duce a shade tree. Use it where its fragrance and flower
beauty may be readily experienced. It must have a rich,
well-drained, moist soil in full sun or light shade. It fares
better when protected from harsh winds. It has a low
tolerance of salt.

104 small trees

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Psydrax odorata
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

A native tree bearing clusters of highly fragrant white

flowers sporadically through the year, Alahe‘e will rather
slowly attain 30 feet in height. It has shiny dark green fo-
liage. It is drought, wind, and quite salt tolerant. A good
selection for a difficult spot in the landscape, Alahe‘e
will grow in almost any well-drained soil. Its slow rate
of growth is enhanced by regular feeding and water-
ing. Minor pruning will assist in producing a tree form.
Nurseries specializing in native plants offer good-sized
specimens in tubs. Formerly, Hawaiians used its very
hard wood to make long digging sticks. Its flowers and
foliage are valued by the lei maker. Use it as a fine foliage
accent and a source of lei flowers or as a screen, hedge, or

small trees 105

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Pterocarpus rohrii and heavy rainfall areas. It is described as varying from
Mexican Pterocarpus (np) 20 to 90 feet in height. The local specimen is a very slow
Fabaceae (Bean Family) grower and has not reached 20 feet in height after many
years. In spring it bears an abundance of golden yellow
This is an amazingly variable species. It is found from flowers. It is wind and drought tolerant but not tolerant
dry parts of southern Mexico south through Central of salt. Plant it in full sun in a well-drained soil. It makes
America, Brazil, and into Peru and Bolivia in both low an excellent small shade tree and a strong color accent.

106 small trees

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Punica granatum
Punicaceae (Pomegranate Family)

Native to hot, dry areas of the orient, Iran, and Arabia,

pomegranate is one of man’s oldest cultivated plants.
Reaching 25 feet in height rather slowly, it is an excellent
choice for a problem area. Plant it in deep, well-drained
soil. It tolerates both acid and alkalai soils, drought, and
wind. Minimal pruning will enhance its tree shape. It
bears large, bright red flowers and fruit. A sterile form
with double flowers is available, as are several dwarf
forms. In its native areas, roots, leaves, fruits, and flowers
are a source of medicine, while in ancient Egypt, wine
was made from the fruit. A popular drink, grenadine, is
produced from the fruit, while a red dye famous for col-
oring Moroccan leather is another pomegranate prod-
uct. It will also stain clothing. The pomegranate is the
national floral emblem of Spain. In the landscape, use it
as a flower color accent, for its shade, and for its edible
fruit. It may be espaliered easily or planted against a wall
for its silhouette and form.

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Quassia amara in red. It is a slow grower and requires a good, open,
Amargo Bark moist soil in a lightly shaded location. It has no tolerance
Simaroubaceae (Torchwood Family) of heat, drought, or salt. Use it in a small space where its
unusual foliage and color may be enjoyed. It is a good
Growing slowly to 20 feet in height, this colorful ever- doorway specimen or general color accent. In its native
green tree from tropical South America bears bright red areas, it has many medicinal applications.
blossoms and attractive, large, dark green leaves veined

108 small trees

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Rhus sandwicensis It prefers areas of high rainfall, although it responds to
Neleau, Neneleau (p?) regular watering in drier environments. Neleau displays
Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family) minimal drought tolerance. Due to its tendency to pro-
duce root suckers, it should be planted in a contained
An endemic species reaching 25 feet in height, this tree area. It fares best in full sun and is a moderate grower.
carries attractive foliage, frequently red when immature. Use Neleau as a shade tree or a color and textural accent
It is a moderate grower in good, rich, well-drained soils tree where its foliage may be appreciated.
but may also be seen growing on damp, rocky road cuts.

small trees 109

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Saraca declinata
Red Saraca (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Bearing showy clusters of orange-red flowers in winter

through spring and sporadically throughout the warm
months, this tree from Java and Sumatra reaches 30
feet in height, although some authors indicate a greater
height. New foliage is pendant, colored whitish-lavender
turning green, and more upright upon maturity. Plant
it in full sun, in good soil, and in a place sheltered from
wind. It requires regular watering for best results and is
a moderate grower. It is a fine small shade tree and an
excellent color accent in the landscape. Saraca diversi-
folia, also pictured, is similar in all respects to the Red
Saraca but produces orange-yellow flowers. Another
closely related species but not pictured is S. palembanica,
or Orange Saraca, native to the tropical rain forest at the
eastern end of the island of Sumatra. It bears large clus-
ters of golden yellow-orange blossoms with red centers.
Its requirements are the same as for the Red Saraca, and
all are beautiful color accents in any garden.

S. diversifolia

110 small trees

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Saraca indica Saraca thaipingensis
Shasoka Tree (n) Yellow Saraca (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family) Fabaceae (Bean Family)

A tree reaching 30 feet in height, Shasoka is native to The Yellow Saraca hails from Thailand, Burma, the
the moist tropics of southeastern Asia, Sumatra, and Malay Peninsula, and Java. It grows to 30 feet in height
Java. The inflorescence is yellow to red and orange-red. and is spectacular when in full bloom. Flowers are clus-
Plant this beautiful small tree in full sun or light shade, tered and are a golden yellow. They may be seen in win-
in good soil, and in a place sheltered from wind. It must ter and spring and sporadically at other times. It requires
have regular watering and good drainage. There is a the same garden care as its cousins above and is an
long-standing nomenclatural problem: S. indica, locally excellent color accent in the landscape. It requires some
known for decades as the Sorrowless Tree under which protection from strong winds and must have generous,
the Buddha was born, is actually a different species. The regular watering.
true Sorrowless Tree, or Asoka, is Saraca asoca, native to
India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. In any event, both spe-
cies are beautiful and highly useful in the landscape as
color accents. Both have the same horticultural require-
ments. Both are moderate growers.

small trees 111

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Scaevola taccada Schefflera elegantissima
Beach Naupaka False Aralia
Goodeniaceae (Naupaka Family) Araliaceae (Panax Family)

The common native Beach Naupaka grows to 10 feet in This New Caledonian evergreen tree reaches 25 feet
height. This form from tropical South Pacific islands in height, although some references indicate a greater
reaches 20 feet in height producing a dense canopy. Like height. It requires good, well-drained soil and regular
the species, it will grow in any well-drained soil and watering. It is a moderate grower in full sun or light
pure sand. It is tolerant of wind, salt, drought, and heat. shade. Juvenile growth produces narrow, serrated leaf-
It is a valuable addition to the beach garden or xeriscape lets, while mature leaflets are broad. This may cause
as a screen or windbreak and with mimimal pruning identification confusion. Use this beautiful small tree
can be maintained as a small shade tree. Plant it in full for its shade-giving canopy and as a foliar accent.
sun. It is a moderate grower.

112 small trees

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small trees 113

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Senna surratensis Sesbania grandiflora
Evaluate (hpwra) Vegetable Hummingbird, Sesban,
Scrambled Eggs, Kolomona (n) (p) ‘Ōhai Ke‘oke‘o (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family) Fabaceae (Bean Family)

A fast-growing evergreen tree from dry parts of tropi- Native to tropical Asia, this rapid-growing small tree
cal Asia, Australia, and Polynesia, this species reaches reaches 30 feet and, under ideal conditions, a little more
20 feet in height. It bears masses of bright yellow flowers in height. It flowers all year, bearing large white flowers.
throughout the year. They may be used by the lei maker. There are rosy-pink flowered forms. Leaves are pubes-
It is highly drought tolerant, wind tolerant, and quite cent and of a pleasant gray-green. Its bark is furrowed
salt-air tolerant and thrives in any well-drained soil. and corky. All parts of the tree are useful: Flowers may
For best performance, plant it in full sun. It is used as a be battered and fried, while tender young leaves and im-
small shade tree, screen, or hedge or as a bright color ac- mature seed pods may be eaten fresh in salads or added
cent. It is a good selection for the xeriscape. to soups and curries. Other parts of the tree are a source
of fiber, gums, a dye, and medicine. The production of
seed pods is yearlong. If they are not harvested for their
edible qualities, they may become visually unattractive.
The tree will grow in any well-drained soil in full sun
and shows a high tolerance of drought and wind and a
moderate tolerance of salt. Use it in the landscape for its
edible qualities, for its good shade, and, in the pinkish-
rose flowered form, as a color accent.

114 small trees

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small trees 115

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Stemmadenia litoralis
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

Native to Central America, Lechoso is prized for its

plentiful, pure white flowers and handsome foliage. It is
a moderate grower, thriving in almost any well-drained
soil, and it reaches 20 feet in height. It requires regular
watering for optimal results. It does not show tolerance
to drought, wind, or salt. Use it as a bright accent against
a dark wall or as a good shade tree. It is evergreen and
produces its fragrant white flowers throughout the year.

116 small trees

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Tabebuia aurea
Silver Trumpet Tree
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family)

This popular Brazilian tree usually reaches 30 feet in

height and under ideal conditions may become slightly
taller. Flower color is variable, ranging from golden yel-
low to pale yellow. They are borne in late spring and
summer. Foliage varies from gray-green to silver-green,
borne in a rounded canopy. It will grow rather rapidly in
almost any well-drained soil. Plant it in full sun. It has
good drought tolerance and moderate wind tolerance. It
is a good selection for the xeriscape.

small trees 117

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Tabebuia berteroi Tecoma stans
Hispaniolan Rosy Trumpet Tree H (hpwra)
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family) Yellow Elder Tree
Bignoniaceae (Catalpa Family)
This species from the Island of Hispaniola in the Carib-
bean reaches 30 feet in height and tends to be somewhat Reaching 30 feet in height, this tree from several of the
columnar in shape. As its name suggests, it bears light most southern United States and south through Central
pink flowers most of the year. It grows rather rapidly, America and the West Indies to northern Argentina is
thriving in almost any well-drained soil. It is moderately prized for its abundant crop of bright yellow flowers. It
wind and drought tolerant. It needs full sun. is a moderate grower, requiring a well-drained soil, full
sun, and protection from salt winds. It is heat, wind, and
moderately drought tolerant and provides a strong color
accent in the landscape. It can also be used as a screen or
hedge. Pruning is needed to produce a tree shape.

118 small trees

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Tetraplasandra oahuensis a rich, well-drained soil and regular watering. It thrives
‘Ohe Mauka best in full sun but will tolerate light shade. It is wind
Araliaceae (Panax Family) tolerant but looks best when given some protection from
strong wind. It is not drought or salt-air tolerant. It is
Found on all the main islands except Ni‘ihau and prized for its highly attractive foliage, which produces an
Kaho‘olawe, this endemic tree will grow to 30 feet in interesting accent in the garden. It makes a good shade
height, preferring moist, cooler elevations. It requires tree or screen.

small trees 119

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Thevetia peruviana
H (hpwra)
Be-Still Tree (p) +
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

A tough tropical American species, the Be-Still Tree

grows to 25 feet in height and bears large, bright yellow
flowers. Cultivars ‘Alba’ and ‘Aurantiaca’ show white
and pale orange flowers respectively. It is heat, drought,
and wind tolerant, and in addition to its use as a shade
tree, it may be used as a windbreak or screen. It is valu-
able in the xeriscape. Growing moderately rapidly in any
well-drained soil in full sun, it makes a colorful accent
in the garden. Special caution must be used in handling
the Be-Still Tree, as all parts of the plant are toxic. A
rare close relative, not pictured, is Thevetia thevetioides,
which grows to 30 feet in height and bears larger flow-
ers. Its uses and horticultural requirements are similar
to those of the Be-Still Tree. All parts of both species are
seriously toxic.

120 small trees

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Tournefortia argentea
Beach Heliotrope, Tahinu
Boraginaceae (Borage Family)

Growing rapidly to 25 feet in height, this tree from beach

areas of tropical Asia and the South Pacific is an excel-
lent selection for the beach garden. It grows in any well-
drained soil and in pure sand. It has moderate drought
tolerance and shows good salt and wind tolerance. Its
canopy is broad. Give it space. Its wood is used in canoe
building and for firewood. Parts of the tree are used me-
dicinally to reduce fever. There are Micronesian legends
involving this tree.

small trees 121

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Uncarina grandidieri
Pedaliaceae (Sesame Family)

Growing to 25 feet in height, this unusual, somewhat

succulent Madagascan tree produces abundant yellow
flowers most of the year. It is a moderate grower. Al-
though heat tolerant, it is only moderately drought
tolerant and should be watered on a regular basis as
determined by its response. Plant it in full sun or light
shade in a well-drained soil. It provides a good color ac-
cent in the landscape and is particularly attractive when
backed by small dark green foliage.

122 small trees

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Warszewiczia coccinia
Trinidad Pride, Wild Poinsettia
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

From high rainfall areas in the Amazon Basin to Peru,

Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica, this
startling species produces a slender tree 30 feet in height.
It performs best in acid, rich, well-drained soils in
full sun or light shade. It requires ample watering and
benefits by protection from strong winds. Small yellow
flowers are accompanied by large, bright scarlet bracts,
which are the attractive aspect of this plant. There is a
double form, ‘David Auyong’, discovered in Trinidad
and commonly referred to as Double Chaconia, but the
persistence of its old brown bracts makes it unattractive.
Their removal may be a maintenance burden. Trinidad
Pride in full flower, during spring and summer, is a po-
tent color accent in the landscape. It displays a low toler-
ance to salt. It produces a slender, shade-giving canopy,
making it a good choice for planting along a walkway
bordering a narrow planting space. It also makes a good
screening plant. Its unusual color places it as an excellent
candidate for the tropical landscape.

small trees 123

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Yucca guatemalensis
Spineless Yucca, Giant Yucca
Agavaceae (Agave Family)

Native to dry parts of Mexico, Spineless Yucca grows to

30 feet in height. Foliage is dark green, long and narrow,
and long lasting. Flower clusters borne in spring and fall
are white and showy. It has a somewhat columnar shape
rather than a wide-spreading canopy. Plant it in full
sun in any well-drained soil. It shows good drought and
wind tolerance and moderate salt tolerance. The Varie-
gated Giant Yucca bears green leaves with white stripes.

124 small trees

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Small Trees

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In the Glossary of Botanical Terms in Hortus Third: A nothing. The results are not attractive and, if anything,
Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and would not induce the average gardener to attempt to cre-
Canada, a tree is defined as “a woody plant that pro- ate a tailored tree. These practices have also made it dif-
duces one main trunk and a more or less distinct and el- ficult in many instances to locate shrubs-to-trees photo
evated crown.” A shrub, on the other hand, is defined as ops that demonstrate the potential. Look for a transplant-
“a woody plant that remains relatively low and produces able specimen that has been pruned minimally—or bet-
shoots or trunks from the base, not tree-like or with ter, one that has been happily ignored and left to grow in
a single trunk; a descriptive term not subject to strict its natural form.
circumscription.” The sketches below suggest how to tailor a large shrub
There are many large shrubs that, with a few thought- into a small tree. Follow-through pruning will usually
ful, deft cuts with a clean, sharp pair of garden shears, be necessary at a declining rate of frequency until heavy,
can be transformed into respectable “tailored” small fully matured bark is in place and a sturdy crown is
trees with one or several trunks. Some of these are the established.
most colorful and attractive species available to the gar- A great advantage of the tailored tree is that large
dener in both flower and foliage. shrubs can be transplanted into the garden at full size
Unhappily, in the authors’ opinion, the most prevalent with little difficulty and with virtually instant landscape
concept of pruning is to behead a large, healthy shrub, re- results. Be sure to prune the shrub before transplanting.
ducing it to shapeless stubs, or just as bad, pruning it into We recommend the following tailored small trees.
a ball shape. In both cases, such brutal treatment gains

Candidate shrub Suggested cuts Tailored small tree

126 tailored small trees

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Acalypha hispida
Chenille Plant
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

Originating in Indonesia, the Chenille Plant will grow to

15 feet in height and is readily shaped into a small tree.
The long, pendant red flowers are borne much of the
year. There is also a white-flowered form (not pictured).
This species appreciates a rich, well-drained soil, regular
watering, and a place in the sun or in light shade. It has
low wind tolerance and little salt tolerance. Its flowering
habit makes this a color accent and a conversation piece.
It is also useful as a screen.

tailored small trees 127

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Acalypha wilkesiana
Copperleaf, Jacob’s Coat
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

This large shrub, growing to 15 feet in height in either

sun or part shade, produces foliage in red and green with
yellow variegation. A cultivar, Picotee Acalypha (Aca-
lypha wilkesiana ‘Picotee’), bears green and white foliage
with a white-fringed edge. All show considerable wind
and salt wind tolerance and are strong color accents.
They may also be used to form a high screen.

128 tailored small trees

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A. wilkesiana ‘Picotee’

tailored small trees 129

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Acca sellowiana Aglaia odorata
Feijoa Chinese Rice Flower, Mei-sui-lan
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus Family) Meliaceae (Mahogany Family)

From southeastern Brazil and Uruguay, this species will Areas of Southeast Asia are home to this shrub, which
reach 15 feet in height. It shows moderate tolerance to will reach 20 feet in height. It is readily trained into a
wind and drought. It is not salt tolerant. Its tasty fruit, handsome small tree. It is prized for its fragrant flow-
described as a combination of guava and pineapple, is ers, which are used to scent tea and linens and to wear
more prolifically borne at cooler elevations. Its fragrant in women’s hair and in leis. Plant this species in a rich,
pink flowers are also edible and may be used in salads. well-watered, and well-drained loam in full sun or light
Feijoa fares best in a well-drained soil in full sun. In ad- shade. It is partially wind tolerant but is not tolerant of
dition to providing a tailored tree, it can also be used as salt or drought. It makes an excellent small shade tree.
a screen or hedge. Plant it where its fragrance may be enjoyed.

130 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 131

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Bixa orellana
Lipstick Plant, Achiote
Bixaceae (Annatto Family)

This large tropical American shrub is readily trans-

formed into an attractive tailored tree up to 30 feet in
height. Pink flowers seen during late summer to early
fall and occasionally sporadically throughout the year
are followed by decorative pods colored variously from
dull red and bright pink-red to yellow, crowning a dense,
rounded canopy. These appear in fall to late fall and are
prized by flower arrangers and wreath makers. The pods
contain many seeds covered by a powdery red substance
that produces a strong dye. In small amounts, it is used
in coloring oleomargarine yellow. In former times in the
New World, this dye was used to color leather and feath-
ers and was the source of red war paint. Little pruning is
required to tailor this useful species.

132 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 133

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Bontia daphnoides Brunfelsia americana
Bontia Lady of the Night, Dama del Noche
Myoporaceae (Myoporum Family) Solanaceae (Potato Family)

A remarkably tough, large shrub or small tree native to Native to the West Indies, this species bears creamy
dry areas from the Bahamas, Cuba, and other Caribbean white flowers that are strongly fragrant at night. They
islands to Guiana, Bontia is drought, heat, wind, and may be used in lei making. Although only growing to 10
salt tolerant. It rather slowly attains 25 feet in height and feet in height, it can be pruned into a small tree to shade
requires a bit of pruning to realize a small tree shape. Its a walkway or frame an entry. It is moderately wind,
flowers are insignificant. In addition to its heavy shade- heat, and drought tolerant but does not thrive in areas
producing canopy, Bontia makes an excellent screen, exposed to salt wind. Plant it in full sun in a good, well-
windbreak, or hedge. Plant it in full sun in any well- drained soil. Because related species produce toxins, it is
drained soil. It is a good candidate for the xeriscape and wise to avoid ingesting any part of this plant.
for the beach garden.

134 tailored small trees

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Brunfelsia australis Brunfelsia lactea
Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow Vega Blanca, Jazmin del Monte
Solanaceae (Potato Family) Solanaceae (Potato Family)

The strange common name of this attractive spe- A Puerto Rican native, this shrubby species grows mod-
cies from southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina is erately slowly to a height of 20 feet. It requires pruning to
derived from its flowering pattern: blue-purple upon produce a tree shape. It bears large white blossoms that
opening, blue the following day, and almost white the slowly turn yellow with age. They are fragrant at night.
third day. Flowers are fragrant and may be used in leis. Its horticultural needs include planting in full sun or
Although usually seen in gardens as a spreading shrub light shade in a rich, well-drained soil. It does not show
growing rather slowly to 12 feet in height, it can be tolerance to heat, drought, or salt but will succeed in
trained into a small tree and used to line a walkway or areas of light wind. It is a framing species and finds its
frame an entry or garden gate. Plant this color accent in greatest use in the night garden, planted where its per-
light shade in a rich, well-drained soil. Provide ample, fume will be appreciated.
regular watering. Flowering, occurring in late winter
to early summer, is more profuse at cooler elevations.
Because related species contain toxins, it is wise to avoid
ingesting any part of this plant.

tailored small trees 135

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Caesalpinia pulcherrima flowers, ‘Comptonii’, are also available. There is also a
Dwarf Poinciana, Pride of Barbados, pale yellow–flowered form. All are heat, drought, wind,
‘Ohai Ali‘i (n) (p) (t) and salt tolerant and make significant color statements
Fabaceae (Bean Family) in the landscape. They are almost ever-flowering and are
popular with lei makers. Due to their sharp spines, they
Doing best in hot locations in full sun, this fast-growing, can be used to form an effective barrier hedge. Removal
tropical American evergreen shrub is readily pruned to of immature seed pods, as in many species, will prolong
tree form, attaining 15 feet in height. Yellow Dwarf Poin- its flowering.
ciana (C. pulcherrima f. flava) and a form with rose-pink

136 tailored small trees

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C. pulcherrima f. flava

tailored small trees 137

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Calliandra haematocephala Calliandra surinamensis
Red Powderpu≈, Lehua Haole (n) Pink Calliandra, Surinamese Stickpea (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family) Fabaceae (Bean Family)

Originating in Bolivia, this species may be trained into As its name implies, this species originates from north-
a tree reaching 20 feet in height with a broad canopy to ern South America. It may reach 20 feet in height under
20 feet in diameter. It produces its brilliant red flowers optimum conditions and can easily be trained into a fine
in fall and winter when planted in a rich, moist soil with small tree. Its flowers are pink and white and look like
good drainage, although it displays a moderate tolerance a powder puff. Foliage is fine textured. The corky bark
to drought once established. It has good tolerance to makes a good home for epiphytes such as small ferns, or-
wind and heat but only small tolerance to salt. It flowers chids, and bromeliads. It thrives in a good, well-drained
best when grown in full sun but will also thrive in light soil with ample watering. It is another fine color accent.
shade. There is a white and a pink flowering form. It is a
very useful color accent.

138 tailored small trees

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Calotropis gigantea
Crown Flower, Giant Milkweed,
Pua Kalaunu (p) + (s) +
Aesclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)

Although growing only to 15 feet in height, this tough

plant from India and Southeast Asia can be easily
trained into a good small tree. It is remarkably tolerant
of salt, drought, heat, and wind. It thrives in any well-
drained soil and even pure sand. Its bark is corky and
furrowed. Flowers are white or lavender and are prized
by the lei maker. In India the flower is sacred to Siva.
The buds form one of the arrows of Kama, the Indian
god of love, who, like Dan Cupid, shoots his arrows into
the hearts of mortals. Its attractive, succulent, whitish-
grey leaves are the favored food for the caterpillar of the
Monarch Butterfly, which in winter may completely de-
foliate the specimen. It quickly recovers. Plant it in
full sun.
Note: Great care should be used in handling any part of
the Crown Flower plant, as its milky sap contains a toxic
ingredient that irritates the skin and can even be fatal in
large doses. It does have medicinal uses, however.

tailored small trees 139

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Calotropis procera Carissa macrocarpa
Rooster Tree (p) + (s) + Natal Plum (t)
Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family) Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

A slightly smaller relative of the Crown Flower, this spe- A rapidly growing plant from South Africa, the Natal
cies originates from tropical, dry parts of Africa and Plum will reach 20 feet in height. It is heat, drought,
Asia. It grows to 12 feet in height and is readily pruned wind, and salt tolerant. Pruning turns it into a tough
into a small tree. Its flowers are purple and white and small tree bearing fragrant white flowers year-round,
used by lei makers. Thriving in any well-drained soil, followed by decorative, red, edible fruit. It has a milky
the Rooster Tree is highly drought, heat, wind, and salt white sap that—like that of the fig and papaya—is non-
tolerant. It must have full sun. Take precautionary ac- toxic. Preferring full sun, it will also tolerate light shad-
tions as described on the preceding page, as the milky ing. Almost any well-drained soil or even pure sand will
sap is toxic. Its growth habit and uses resemble those of produce satisfactory results. In addition to its usefulness
its larger cousin, C. gigantea. as a small tree, it may be used to form a barrier planting;
its forked thorns are sharp and hard. Cultivars with both
green and white and light yellow and white leaves are

140 tailored small trees

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Cestrum nocturnum pruning to reach a tree shape. It prefers a rich, well-
Lady of the Night, Night Cestrum (p) drained soil with regular watering. Plant it upwind
Solanaceae (Potato Family) where its fragrance will perfume the lanai. This Lady of
the Night is from the Caribbean islands, Mexico, and
Growing rather quickly to 12 feet in height, this plant Honduras. It has low tolerance of heat, drought, and salt.
has flowers that are highly fragrant at night. It requires

tailored small trees 141

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Codiaeum variegatum
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

Highly variable as to foliage color, size, shape, and ulti-

mate height of growth, Croton does have many cultivars
that will grow slowly to 25 feet in height. These can be
readily seen in older neighborhoods. Croton trans-
plants well. Best results are seen when planted in a well-
drained, rich soil with regular watering and feeding,
although it will withstand moderate drought conditions
once established. It is evergreen and thrives in both full
sun and light shade. It is readily pruned to a tree form,
making a strong color statement in the landscape. It also
can be used to make a tall hedge or screen. Croton origi-
nates in Melanesia.

142 tailored small trees

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Dodonaea viscosa
Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family)

An excellent, tough, trainable shrub or small tree grow-

ing to 24 feet in height, this native Hawaiian plant is
highly tolerant of wind, salt, heat, auto pollutants, and
drought. It will thrive in any well-drained soil and is a
moderate grower. Its papery fruits may vary from white
to red to mahogany, and they are a favorite of the lei
maker. Its dense, strong wood was used in old Hawai‘i
for house building. Use it in the garden as a small shade
tree, hedge, wind break, or screen.

tailored small trees 143

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Dracaena angustifolia Dracaena reflexa
Narrow-Leaved Dracaena Mauritius Dracaena
Agavaceae (Agave Family) Agavaceae (Agave Family)

Reaching 18 feet in height, this species is native to the The very vertical growth habit of this shrub makes it
broad tropical area from India and Southeast Asia to a candidate for pruning into a useful small tree grow-
Australia and certain Pacific islands. It is a popular ing to 12 feet in height. Foliage is dark green, curved
landscape subject and may be trained into a tree shape downward, and is retained along the branches as long
for use in narrow places, shading a pathway, or framing as ample water is applied. It originates on the islands of
an entry. It thrives in good, moist, but well-drained soils Reunion and Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. A bright,
in full sun or light shade. It is easily confused with D. yellow-bordered leaf form is sold under the name ‘Song
reflexa but has foliage bunched together at branch ends. of India’ but is correctly named D. reflexa cv ‘Variegata’.
It is moderately wind tolerant but not drought or salt Other variations are ‘Song of Jamaica’, showing a yellow
tolerant. A variety, D. angustifolia var. honoriae, the Yel- stripe down the middle of the leaf, and ‘Song of Bang-
lowback Dracaena, carries leaves with white margins. It kok’, showing a light green stripe down the middle of the
originates in the Solomon Islands. leaf. All find good use in narrow places planted in a good
soil, well-watered and protected from strong winds.
They thrive in both full sun and light shade.

144 tailored small trees

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D. reflexa ‘Song of India’

D. reflexa ‘Song of Bangkok’

D. reflexa ‘Song of India’

tailored small trees 145

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Duranta erecta
H (hpwra)
Golden Dewdrop (p)
Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)

Native to the broad area from the southern United

States to Argentina, this useful landscape plant is read-
ily converted into a small tree reaching 20 feet in height.
It flowers abundantly, later producing a heavy crop of
small, golden fruits carried in pendant clusters. Flow-
ers are blue-violet. There is a white-flowered variety,
D. erecta var. alba, as well as one with green and white
variegated foliage, ‘Variegata’, which provides a lumi-
nous quality in the landscape if backlighted by the sun
or night-lighted. The very popular ‘Gold’ carries small
golden-yellow leaves and lavender-blue flowers, while
‘Golden Edge’ produces green leaves bordered with
golden-yellow. Its flowers are purple. Another cultivar
is ‘Geisha Girl’, with dark green foliage and blue and
purple flowers. All may be clipped into formal hedges or
used as a natural hedge, screen, or windbreak. Golden
Dewdrop thrives in most well-drained soils with regular
watering and feeding. It is a moderate grower. It is best
in full sun. It shows good tolerance to wind and heat and
is moderately drought tolerant but not tolerant of salt.
All parts of the plant are toxic.

D. erecta var. alba

D. erecta ‘Variegata’

146 tailored small trees

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D. erecta ‘Gold’ D. erecta ‘Golden Edge’

D. erecta ‘Gold’ D. erecta ‘Geisha Girl’

tailored small trees 147

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Euphorbia leucocephala Euphorbia pulcherrima
Pascuita, Flor de Niño Poinsettia, Christmas Flower
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family) Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family)

This tall shrub from cool, moist areas of Central Probably the best-known Christmas flowering plant in
America produces masses of white bracts in late fall, fre- the northern hemisphere worldwide, this Mexican and
quently lasting into the Christmas season in the north- Central American species reaches 15+ feet in height and
ern hemisphere. It is readily maintained as a small tree, is readily pruned into a stunning small tree. Traditional
reaching 20 feet in height. Pascuita thrives in any well- bract color is a brilliant red. Poinsettias grow best in a
drained soil and fares best in full sun when given regular good, well-drained soil and produce their flowers plen-
watering and feeding. It is a moderate grower, showing tifully when regularly watered and fertilized. Its large
a fair amount of wind tolerance, but it is not tolerant colored bracts appear in late fall and may last several
of heat, drought, or salt. Gardeners with sensitive skin months. Although somewhat heat, drought, and wind
should avoid its possibly irritating white sap. tolerant, flowering is best at cooler elevations. Coastal
southern California, with its cold, foggy nights and warm,
sunny days produces spectacular flowering. On the Big Is-
land, Kona mauka poinsettias show similar growth. Poin-
settias fare best with moderate wind protection. Recent
research has shown that its white sap is not poisonous.

148 tailored small trees

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Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia Ficus septica
Wax Fig, Taiwan Fig Large Leaf Fig
Moraceae (Mulberry Family) Moraceae (Mulberry Family)

An Asian species, this fig will reach 12 feet in height. Described as a large shrub or small tree, this ornamental
It has a sprawling tendency but with minimal pruning species forms a beautiful tree shape with a little pruning.
can be trained into a handsome small tree. It is not par- The leaves are large (17 inches in length, 9 inches across),
ticular to soil as long as it has good drainage. Although medium green, and remain on the tree all year. It likes a
preferring full sun, it will grow in shady areas. Wax Fig good, well-drained soil and some protection from heavy
is highly salt, wind, and drought tolerant. It also serves winds, as the leaves may be damaged. It is native to
well in the xeriscape and the beach garden, where its northern Australia, Southeast Asia, and India. It shows
dark green foliage provides a foil for the usual light- little heat, drought, salt, or wind tolerance. In addition
colored foliage typical in both situations. to providing dense shade, it makes an excellent accent
specimen among plants with small dark green foliage or
against a wall.

tailored small trees 149

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Gardenia brighamii Gardenia latifolia
Nānū Gourri Cup
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

An endangered Hawaiian species, this rare gardenia Hot, dry areas of southern India and Sri Lanka are
is known from only a few rather dry locations in the home to this slow-growing shrub/tree, which will even-
Islands. It grows slowly to 18 feet in height and requires tually attain 30 feet in height. Pruning will hasten its
minor pruning to produce a real tree form. It requires an developing into a real tree. Flowers are white, fragrant,
open soil in full sun. Its rate of growth may be hastened and plentiful during the summer months. Plant it in
by careful watering and fertilizing. Its plentiful white full sun in a well-drained soil. Moderate watering will
flowers are fragrant and have long been used in leis. quicken growth. Use it as a small shade tree, hedge, or
Nānū has become a popular general landscape subject screen planted where its flowers may be appreciated. Its
and in the lei garden and is also useful in the xeriscape. canopy is dense, providing heavy shade. It is heat, wind,
Two other rare species—Gardenia mannii from O‘ahu and drought tolerant once well established. In its native
and Gardenia remyi, found on Kaua‘i, Moloka‘i, Maui, areas, it is rare and endangered.
and the Big Island at fairly low elevations—slowly grow
to about 40 feet in height. They require a moist but well-
drained soil. Both have fragrant white flowers. Unfortu-
nately, both are very difficult to locate in nurseries. All
three are placed in the tailored tree category due to their
slow growth. They are not pictured.

Gardenia latifolia

150 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 151

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Gardenia taitensis Gardenia volkensii
Tahitian Gardenia, Tiare, Tiare Tahiti Bushveld Gardenia
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Growing moderately rapidly in a sunny location, this Growing slowly to 25 feet in height, this South African
excellent landscape subject will attain 20 feet in height, gardenia bears a big crop of large, fragrant white flowers.
forming a dense canopy providing good shade. It does It must have full sun, preferring coastal gardens with high
best in warm coastal areas in any well-drained soil or insolation. Pruning is required to develop a tree form.
even sand. It has good wind and salt tolerance. Its large, Foliage is dark green and dense. It is wind, heat, and
fragrant white flowers occur plentifully during the warm drought tolerant. Flowers are followed by an attractive,
months. They may be used in cut flower arrangements woody fruit prized by flower arrangers. While reaching
and in leis. its full stature, it also makes a good screen or windbreak.

152 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 153

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Graptophyllum pictum
Caricature Plant
Acanthaceae (Acanth Family)

Probably native to New Guinea, this species is variable

as to foliar color, ranging from purple with pink var-
iegation to almost solid purple. Growing moderately
rapidly to at least 10 feet in height in either full sun or
light shade, the Caricature Plant lends itself well to being
trimmed into a small tree shape. It grows best in a good,
well-drained loam with regular watering and feeding.
It is wind but not salt tolerant. It is an excellent color
accent and can be used as a doorway tree or in a small
walled garden. It makes a good screen or hedge.

154 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 155

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Hamelia patens Hibiscus arnottianus subsp.
Scarlet Bush, Fire Bush
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) immaculatus
Koki‘o Ke‘oke‘o, Moloka‘i White Hibiscus
Native to tropical Mexico and Central America, this Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)
ornamental bush will grow to 20 feet in height. As its
common names suggest, it bears quantities of orange- A rare endemic hibiscus, this species grows moderately
red to red flowers much of the year. It bears best in a rapidly to 12 feet in height and is readily pruned into
rich, moist, well-drained soil in full sun. It is a moderate a tree shape. Its lightly fragrant flowers are pure white
grower. It shows no tolerance of drought or salt but will without the characteristic colored eye or staminal col-
withstand moderate wind. Scarlet Bush may be easily umn shown by other native Hawaiian white hibiscus.
pruned into a colorful shade tree or used as a major color Plant it in full sun in a good, well-drained soil. Provide
accent in a hedge or screen. regular watering. Use it as an accent tree, a dooryard
framing tree, or even as a hedge or screen. Some protec-
tion from strong wind will prevent flower and foliage
damage. It shows moderate tolerance to onshore wind.

156 tailored small trees

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Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton Rose, Confederate Rose
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

Growing to 18 feet in height, this species from south

China bears many flowers, which open white in the
morning and slowly turn to pink by late afternoon. Both
single- and double-flowered forms are available. Plant
this ornamental shrub-to-tree hibiscus in full sun in
a good well-drained soil with ample moisture. It will
tolerate moderate wind but not salt. Cotton Rose is a
moderately rapid grower. In addition to its shade-giving
properties, it can be used in the garden for its color.

tailored small trees 157

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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Common Red Hibiscus hybrids
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

While the Common Red Hibiscus will grow to 20 feet

in height and is easily tailored into a fine small tree, it
is its many complex hybrids that provide a wide selec-
tion of superior candidates for the gardener. The fol-
lowing extensive listing covers those hybrids that will
reach 18 to 20+ feet in height and are readily available:
dark red: ‘Lahaina’ and ‘Bobby Booth’; red: ‘Haleakalā’;
orange to yellow: ‘Beach Girl’, ‘Miss Hawaiian’, ‘Frank
Green’, ‘Golden Dust’, ‘O‘ahu Beauty’, ‘Kīna‘u Wilder’,
‘Miss Hawai‘i’, ‘New Vasco’, ‘Liberace’, ‘Princess
Kawānanakoa’; pink: ‘Double Rainbow’, ‘America’, ‘Ex-
quisite’, ‘Blush’; wine: ‘Maimai’; multicolored (orange-red
with yellow): ‘New Rainbow’, ‘Princess Hanako’; red
center, pink-yellow edge: ‘Charles Ni‘i’. Plant these in full
sun in a good friable soil and water moderately. They are H. rosa-sinensis ‘New Vasco’
quite wind resistant and will tolerate considerable salt
air. They are somewhat drought tolerant but will defoli-
ate. Regular feeding with a well-balanced fertilizer will
promote strong growth and abundant flowering. See
notes under Plumeria rubra for information concerning
the Papaya Mealybug, which also attacks hibiscus.

H. rosa-sinensis ‘Bobby Booth’

158 tailored small trees

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H. rosa-sinensis
‘Charlie Nii’

H. rosa-sinensis
‘Princess Hanako’

tailored small trees 159

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Hibiscus schizopetalus
Coral Hibiscus
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

A species from tropical East Africa long cultivated in

Hawai‘i, Coral Hibiscus grows to 20 feet in height and
has been the parent plant for a series of excellent hybrids.
The species is very droopy or weeping in shape and is
not readily tailored into a small tree. Its hybrids, how-
ever, grow more vertically, also to 20 feet in height, and
are readily shaped. They may be easily spotted: look for
the fringed edge of the petals. Flowers may be pendant
and range from deep red and red to yellow with a red
throat to pink and white. All are easily transplanted and
pruned. The most frequently seen hybrid is ‘Pink But-
terfly’ or ‘Pink Waterfall’. It is pictured. There are also
several forms with variegated foliage. ‘Snowflake’, with
its strong green and white leaves, is a striking garden
accent. All may be used as color accents, screens, and
windbreaks. All grow rapidly.

H. schizopetalus ‘Snowflake’

H. schizopetalus ‘Pink Butterfly’ H. schizopetalus ‘Butterfly’

160 tailored small trees

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Hibiscus syriacus
Rose of Sharon
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family)

Growing rather slowly to 15 feet, this large Chinese shrub

bears many flowers during much of the year. Flowers—
single, semidouble, and double—are seen ranging from
white to lavender, rose, pink, and deep pink. Some
hybrids may be striped with reddish-pink. It is widely
grown in China, Korea, and Japan and is the national
flower of Korea. Although growing more sturdily at
cooler elevations, Rose of Sharon is highly satisfactory in
lowland gardens where it furnishes color, may be used as
a hedge or screen, and is readily tailored into a small tree
shape. It does best in full sun in a well-drained soil with
regular watering, although it will tolerate short periods
of drought. It is wind resistant. Use it where its night fra-
grance may be appreciated.

tailored small trees 161

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Ixora finlaysoniana Ixora hookeri
Siamese White Ixora Fragrant Ixora
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Probably native to Thailand, this tall, slender shrub is Growing to 18 feet in height, this large shrub from Mad-
easily shaped into a small tree. It will reach 20 feet in agascar is readily trained into a good tree form. Its long,
height. Clusters of white flowers are borne throughout slender tubular flowers are fragrant. It requires good soil
the year. Planting in full sun or light shade in a well- with ample watering. Plant it in full sun for best flower-
drained soil with regular watering will produce excellent ing. It is somewhat wind tolerant but neither drought
results. It is a rather slow grower. It is moderately toler- nor salt tolerant. Fragrant Ixora is a moderate grower.
ant of wind and drought but shows little tolerance of salt.

162 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 163

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Ixora spp. but carries large clusters of coral-pink flowers. It is from
Ixora tropical China south to the Malay Peninsula and will
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) also grow to 12 feet or more. Red Ixora (Ixora coccinea)
from Sri Lanka and southern India bears clusters of
There are several selections from this highly ornamental flowers ranging from white through yellow, pink, and
genus that, with judicious pruning, can become valuable, red. All will develop sturdy trunks attaining 12 feet or
colorful small trees. Super King Ixora (Ixora casei ‘Super more in height. All prefer full sun. They thrive in a well-
King’) grows to 12 feet or more in height, bearing large drained soil with regular watering and feeding. They are
clusters of bright red flowers. It is native to the Caroline wind resistant, moderately salt wind tolerant, but suffer
Islands in the Western Pacific. Nora Grant Ixora (Ixora under dry conditions. All make excellent hedges and
chinensis ‘Nora Grant’) is similar to Super King Ixora screens.

I. casei ‘Super King’ I. chinensis ‘Nora Grant’

I. chinensis ‘Nora Grant’

164 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 165

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Jatropha aconitifolia providing significant amounts of vitamin C and iron.
Chaya (p) In Hawai‘i, young stems up to an inch in diameter are
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Family) peeled, removing all sap-containing material, and eaten
raw or cooked. Its ornamental leaves form a rounded
Native to Mexico and Central America, this useful spe- canopy. Plant Chaya in good, well-drained, moist soil in
cies requires little pruning to achieve a tree form up to full sun. It is wind tolerant and moderately drought tol-
20 feet in height. Chaya was known to the Aztecs and erant. In the landscape, use it as a handsome foliar
valued for its medicinal properties, although its sap is accent tree or as part of the edible garden.
poisonous. Tender new leaves are edible when cooked,

166 tailored small trees

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Ligustrum japonicum range of soil conditions, even sand, and is tolerant of
Evaluate (hpwra) strong wind and salt spray. White flowers appear in the
spring. A cultivar, L. japonicum ‘Rotundifolium’, has
Japanese Privet (p)
more compact growth, with dark green, rounded foliage,
Oleaceae (Olive Family)
and is equally good as a small tree. These are also valued
in the landscape as hedges, screens, and windbreaks. Sev-
This Japanese evergreen shrub growing to 15 feet in eral species of Ligustrum have proven toxic qualities. It is
height is usually seen as a dense shrub. It can be easily prudent to assume that the Japanese Privet is also toxic.
trained into a fine, tough small tree that tolerates a wide

tailored small trees 167

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Lysiloma thornberi
Feather Bush (n)
Fabaceae (Bean Family)

From warm, dry parts of the southern United States, this

species attaining 15 feet in height is readily trained into a
small tree. It is highly heat and drought tolerant and has
good wind and salt tolerance. It thrives in a well-drained
soil in full sun. Use it as a small shade tree where a light
shade is desired. The fine foliage of Feather Bush pro-
vides an interesting accent among other shrubs and trees
with dark green, large foliage. It is a moderate grower.

168 tailored small trees

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Malvaviscus penduliflorus a moderate grower. Plant it for best results in a good,
Turk’s Cap, Firecracker Hibiscus, Aloalo Pahūpahū well-drained soil in full sun. It likes regular watering. It
Malvaceae (Hibiscus Family) is thought by some botanists that the Turk’s Cap com-
monly seen in local gardens is a cultigen derived from a
A tropical American evergreen species reaching 15 species found in southern Mexico: Malvaviscus arboreus
feet in height, Turk’s Cap may be easily pruned into a var. arboreus. In any event, it is a very useful plant in the
small tree. Flowers, appearing throughout the year, are landscape, tolerating heat, some drought and wind, but
red, pink, or white and are used by the lei maker. It is not salt exposure.

tailored small trees 169

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Morinda citrifolia pāhoehoe and ‘a‘ā. It makes a fine shade tree, its large
H (hpwra) leaves casting a dense shade. Or it may be used as a
hedge or windbreak. Its mature fruit, however, emit
Noni, Indian Mulberry
a foul odor. Either remove all immature fruit or plant
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)
Noni downwind, keeping your neighbor in mind. A va-
Noni is an extremely tough, large shrub that is readily riety from Fiji, M. citrifolia var. podownwindtteri, bears
pruned into a small tree shape. Originating in South- variegated foliage but is not wind, heat, or salt tolerant. It
east Asia, it is a moderate grower and will reach 15 feet can be pruned into a small tree, providing a strong foli-
in height. It is highly tolerant of wind, heat, drought, age accent.
and salt. It will grow in any well-drained soil and in

170 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 171

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Murraya koenigii
Curry Leaf Tree
Rutaceae (Citrus Family)

An attractive small tree up to 10 feet in height, this In-

dian and Sri Lankan species bears clusters of fragrant
white flowers at branch tips in early spring. Foliage is
ornamental. This is a widely cultivated tree for its pun-
gent, aromatic fresh leaves—called Karripak (India) and
Karapincha (Sri Lanka)—used for flavoring curries. The
plant also has medicinal properties. Plant it in full sun
in a light, rich, well-drained soil. Water moderately. It
does not like wet feet. It is wind and partially drought
tolerant. There is also an Indonesian variety with larger
leaves and similar uses.

172 tailored small trees

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Murraya paniculata
Evaluate (hpwra)
Mock Orange, Chinese Box, Alahe‘e Haole
Rutaceae (Citrus Family)

This large evergreen shrub from India and east to the

Philippines will grow to 25 feet in height and is readily
pruned into a tree form. Dark green foliage and fragrant
white flowers mark this species as an excellent landscape
material. Flowering may be induced by withholding water
and then applying water generously. It is wind tolerant but
has only fair tolerance to drought and salt. A rich, well-
drained soil with regular watering produces best growth.
It prefers full sun but will accept a lightly shaded site.
Flowers and foliage are used to make garlands. In India,
Hindus use the flowers in religious ceremonies, especially
in the worship of Krishna and Durga. Its very hard wood
has been used in wood engraving, for tool handles, and
for walking sticks. Unhappily, the flowers cause an aller-
gic reaction similar to hay fever in susceptible persons.

tailored small trees 173

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Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussaenda philippica
Ashanti Blood Philippines Mussaenda
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family) Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Reaching 30 feet or more in height, this colorful tropical This species is found throughout the Philippines and
West African species requires frequent pruning to coun- bears flowers with but one white petaloid. It is a moder-
teract its climbing tendency. It may also be used to cover ate grower, reaching 15 feet in height, and it is deciduous
an arbor and will present a brilliant color accent if espal- during the winter months. It thrives in full sun in a rich,
iered or used to cover a fence. One expanded calyx lobe well-drained, moist soil. See also M. philippica var. auro-
is a strong red. It flowers most of the year. Ashanti Blood rae and cultivars.
grows well in a rich, well-watered, but well-drained soil.
Plant it in full sun. It will tolerate a moderate amount of
wind but not drought or salt.

Mussaenda erythrophylla
‘Doña Trining’
Doña Trining Mussaenda
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

A cultivar of Mussaenda erythrophylla, this variety can

be pruned into a 15-foot small tree, providing a colorful
accent or low screen much of the year. Cultural direc-
tions and requirements are the same as for Mussaenda

174 tailored small trees

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Mussaenda philippica
var. aurorae
Mussaenda Doña Aurora
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Native to the area near Mount Makiling, this rare vari-

ety was later named Mussaenda Doña Aurora. This vari-
ant has all five of its white sepals or calyx lobes fully ex-
panded, forming showy masses of white inflorescences.
Height and cultural requirements are the same as those
for M. philippica.
The Philippine cultivars: Shortly after the close of
World War II, plant breeders at the University of the
Philippines at Los Baños began highly successful work
involving M. philippica var. aurorae, M. philippica
forma philippica, and the African M. erythrophylla. A
number of highly landscape-worthy hybrids were de-
veloped with colors ranging from white to dark red. In
general, they were named after the wives of presidents
of the Philippines, although one was named for Queen
Sirikit of Thailand, one for the legendary goddess of
Mount Makaling, and others for the heroine of a famous
book, Maria Clara, and for Filipino ladies of outstand-
ing beauty, poise, and intelligence. They provide excel-
lent subjects for the tailored tree, growing to 10–15 feet
in height, preferring a rich, well-drained soil, full sun,
and ample watering. They are leafless during the win-
ter months and begin refoliating and flowering in late
spring, lasting on through the warm months.
Following are additional selections from the long list
of Mussaenda hybrids, indicating the range of colors
and forms available: ‘Doña Alicia’; ‘Doña Leonila’; ‘Doña
Luz’; ‘Magsaysay’; ‘Maria Makaling’; ‘Doña Paciencia’;
and ‘Queen Sirikit’.

tailored small trees 175

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Mussaenda ‘Doña Alicia’

Mussaenda ‘Doña Luz’

Mussaenda ‘Doña Alicia’

Mussaenda ‘Magsaysay’

Mussaenda ‘Doña Leonila’ Mussaenda ‘Maria Makaling’

176 tailored small trees

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Mussaenda ‘Doña Luz’

Mussaenda ‘Doña Paciencia’ Mussaenda ‘Queen Sirikit’

tailored small trees 177

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Nerium oleander
Oleander, Common Oleander, ‘Oliana (p)+ (s)+
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

This highly drought-, heat-, and wind-tolerant plant

grows to 30 feet in height. Oleander shows good salt-air
tolerance and tolerance of air pollution caused by traf-
fic. It is seen in southern California and Mediterranean
Europe as a street tree, although basal suckering must be
regularly cut back, posing a maintenance cost. Planted
in full sun, it will grow well in almost any well-drained
soil. Highly variable, there are cultivars that display
flowers ranging from white through pink, rose, red,
salmon, and pale yellow. There are double flowers and
those with variegated foliage. There are dwarf cultivars.
Fragrance varies from strong to mild. Flowers are borne
on new wood, so top pruning is inadvisable. Numer-
ous large, new suckers arise from ground level annually.
Retain several of these and remove an equal number of
old wood canes, creating an alternating collection of new
tree trunks that will produce maximum flower power.
This plant is good in the xeriscape and in beach gardens
away from direct salt spray. Use Oleander as a small
tree, a tough windbreak, a dense screen, or even potted
or tubbed on a hot, windswept deck or lanai. It tolerates
abuse and is almost indestructible. It is the plant for the
nongardener. All parts of Oleander are highly poison-
ous. Take great care in handling. Avoid burning, as the
smoke is toxic. Oleander is native to the very broad area
from the Mediterranean eastward to China. It tolerates a
range of temperatures, from light freezing to those of the
moist tropics.

178 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 179

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Pittosporum tobira
Evaluate (hpwra)
Japanese Pittosporum, Tobira
Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum Family)

Growing slowly to 25 feet in height, this large shrub from

Japan and China is a good subject for creative cutting
toward forming a small tree. It is tough, has good wind,
salt, and drought tolerance, and will thrive in almost any
well-drained soil. It prefers full sun but will perform in
light shade. It does not fare well in sand. A variety, Pit-
tosporum tobira ‘Variegata’, is available with grey-green
foliage edged with white. These plants are not known
to flower at lower elevations in Hawai‘i. It is a moderate

180 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 181

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Pseuderanthemum carruthersii
False Eranthemum
Acanthaceae (Acanth Family)

The highly colorful foliage of two False Eranthemum

varieties catches the eye in any garden situation. Purple
False Eranthemum (P. carruthersii var. atropurpureum)
displays foliage variegated with purple, pink, and green.
Variegated False Eranthemum (P. carruthersii var.
variegatum) shows dark green foliage splotched with
grey-green and yellow. They thrive in full sun and part
shade. Plant these varieties in a good, well-drained soil
and water regularly. All are moderately tolerant of salt
wind and minor drought once established. They will at-
tain 10 feet in height and are easily pruned into a small
tree form. Excellent color accents, they may also serve as
hedges, screens, and windbreaks.

182 tailored small trees

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tailored small trees 183

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Rhaphiolepis indica pruning into a small tree. Growing in full sun in a
Indian Hawthorn well-drained soil, it shows good wind tolerance and fair
Rosaceae (Rose Family) tolerance to drought and salt. It produces white flowers
flushed with pink, followed by blackish-purple fruit. It
Slowly reaching 10 feet in height, this evergreen shrub will tolerate light shade. Use it as an entryway accent or
from tropical China is well considered as a subject for screen. It also finds use as a hedge, screen, or windbreak.

184 tailored small trees

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Rhaphiolepis umbellata
var. integerrima
Yeddo Hawthorn
Rosaceae (Rose Family)

A Japanese evergreen shrub, this species under good

garden conditions will reach over 10 feet in height and
is easily pruned into a small tree shape. It has good salt,
wind, and drought tolerance. Attractive purple-black
fruits follow its white flowers, which are seen in winter.
Plant it in a well-drained soil in full sun for best results,
although it will tolerate light shade. It also finds use in
the garden as a screen, hedge, or windbreak.

tailored small trees 185

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Rondeletia odorata
Rubiaceae (Co≈ee Family)

Although usually placed in the up-to-6-feet category,

under ideal conditions specimens may be found reach-
ing 10 feet in height. It is readily pruned into a small tree
shape. A native of Cuba and Panama, it flowers much
of the year. It is wind tolerant and somewhat drought
tolerant once well established. It is not salt tolerant. Plant
it in full sun in a well-drained soil. Use Rondeletia as a
spectacular color accent or as a small tree bordering a
walkway or against a dark wall. It may be used to create
a colorful hedge or screen. In spite of its name, its flowers
are not fragrant.

186 tailored small trees

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Sambucus mexicana Mexican Elder in a contained area to prevent wide-
var. bipinnata spreading roots that produce new shoots and eventually
a “clump” rather than a tree. It can, in this way, become
Mexican Elder invasive. Elder is a form of a Central American species
Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) of similar character. It is a candidate for the planter box,
where it cannot spread. It is wind tolerant but cannot tol-
Easily grown in any well-drained soil, this rapidly grow-
erate drought and salt. Its handsome foliage is a good foil
ing shrub up to 30 feet in height is easily trained into a
for other plants with large, dark green leaves.
tough small tree. Broad clusters of small white flowers
appear much of the year. Care must be taken to plant

tailored small trees 187

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Solanum wrightii
Potato Tree
Solanaceae (Potato Family)

South America is the original home of this ornamental

species, which grows fairly rapidly to 15 feet in height. It
is readily trainable into a small tree form. It is prized for
its large flowers, which open purplish-blue or blue, turn-
ing white with maturity, much as its cousin, Brunfelsia
australis. Flowering is more profuse in cooler areas.
Plant it in full sun in a rich, moist, but well-drained soil
and protect from strong winds. It is neither drought nor
salt tolerant.

188 tailored small trees

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Tabernaemontana divaricata
Crepe Jasmine, Crepe Gardenia, Paper Gardenia
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

From northern India and eastward to northern Thai-

land and southwestern China, this beautiful shrub may
grow to 15 feet in height and, with a bit of shaping, has
been very successfully used as a small tree. It is readily
pruned. Its plentiful flowers are pure white with a yellow
throat, fragrant at night, and produced throughout the
year. Its wood is fragrant and may be used as incense.
Crepe Jasmine takes to almost any well-drained soil in
full sun or part shade and appreciates regular watering,
although when well established it tolerates a fair amount
of drought and wind. It is not tolerant of salts. A double-
flowered form, T. divaricata ‘Flore Pleno’ (Butterfly
Gardenia), also makes an attractive small tree. It bears
larger, dark green, shiny foliage. Both may be used in the
garden for hedging and screening.

tailored small trees 189

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Tabernaemontana pandacaqi
Small Flowered Crepe Jasmine
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

Growing to 20 feet in height with an equal canopy, this

is an evergreen tree from the Philippines, Southeast
Asia, Indonesia, Melanesia, and south to Australia.
One reference, however, attributes twice that height
in growth, which has not been experienced locally. It
blooms primarily in summer but its white, somewhat
fringed flowers may be seen sporadically throughout the
year. Flowers are considerably smaller than those of its
Crepe Jasmine cousin but are carried in dense clusters.
It requires a moist, well-drained soil in full sun or light
shade. It is not wind tolerant and should be given some
protection. It is neither drought nor salt tolerant. Use it
as a pruned-up shade tree or as a screen or hedge.

190 tailored small trees

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Tabernaemontana subglobosa
Philippine Crepe Gardenia
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

A delicate, beautiful, large shrub from the Philippines,

this species will attain 15 feet in height with an equal
canopy. Very little pruning is needed to produce a tree
shape. It bears small, white, pinwheel-shaped flowers
abundantly in the warm months and may flower lightly
at other times. The flowers are followed by attractive or-
ange, paired fruits. Plant it in full sun in a moist, friable
soil with good drainage. It likes moisture. It is somewhat
wind tolerant but shows no tolerance to drought or salt.
Use it as a graceful accent, small shade tree, or even as a

tailored small trees 191

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Thunbergia erecta shrub-to-tree list. Its blue-purple flowers are seen much
Bush Thunbergia, King’s Mantle of the year. Give it a moist, well-drained soil in full sun
Acanthaceae (Acanth Family) or light shade. It shows moderate tolerance of wind,
drought (once well established), and salt air. A white-
An evergreen shrub slowly reaching 15 feet in height, flowering form, T. erecta ‘Alba’, White Bush Thunbergia,
this African native provides a colorful candidate for the is also available.

192 tailored small trees

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Vitex trifolia
Blue Vitex
Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)

Blue Vitex is native to the broad area from eastern South

Africa to Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. It rapidly
reaches 20 feet in height, producing a sprawling shrub
that is commonly seen as a hedge but easily pruned and
maintained as a small tree. Some people report an aller-
gic reaction as a result of pruning. Before planting Blue
Vitex, find out if you are one of those people. Its aro-
matic foliage is grey-green and flowers are blue to deep
blue. It grows readily in poor soil, good soil, and sand
and is tolerant of heat, drought, wind, and salt. It must
have good drainage. Use it as a small tree, a hedge, or a
windbreak. It is a good choice for the xeriscape and the
beach garden. Quite similar is V. trifolia var. subtrisecta,
which bears both simple and trifoliate leaves on the same
plant and is also frequently used in local gardens. Also
popular is V. trifolia ‘Variegata’, bearing white-margined
leaves. Both have the same uses in the landscape as
Blue Vitex. There is also a variety with leaves whose
undersides are an attractive purplish color, possibly
Vitex trifolia ‘Purpurea’, sometimes listed in the trade
as Fascination Vitex. It is native from Asia to Australia
and has the same requirements and uses as those listed
above. It reaches 25 feet in height. Vitex nomenclature is
somewhat confusing. This does not detract from their
considerable usefulness.

tailored small trees 193

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 193 3/6/09 11:42:53 AM

Appendix A: Hawai‘i-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment Project

The Hawai‘i-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment Project (HPWRA) is a joint project of the University of Hawai‘i and Kaulunani
Urban and Community Forestry, a program of the State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of
Forestry and Wildlife, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. The intent of the project is to identify plants that
pose a high weed risk in Hawai‘i. There are four basic designations:

1. L and L (Hawai‘i) indicates that species are not currently (Starburst), Coffea arabica (Arabian Coffee), Duranta erecta
recognized as invasive. These designations are not included (Golden Dewdrop), Eugenia uniflora (Surinam Cherry), Li-
in this volume’s species listings. gustrum sinense (Chinese Privet), Morinda citrifolia (Noni),
2. H (Hawai‘i) indicates that the listed species is “docu- Tecoma stans (Yellow Elder), and Thevetia peruviana (Be-
mented to cause significant ecological or economic harm Still Tree). They are recommended for planting but with the
to Hawai‘i.” These species are not recommended by the request that if any sign of invasiveness is seen, both the par-
authors for planting, even though they are commonly ent plant and all seedlings be destroyed.
used landscape species. They include Psidium cattleianum 4. Several species are in the project’s “Evaluate” list and have
(Strawberry Guava), Psidium guajava (Common Guava), been included in the text. The “Evaluate” list reflects the
Schefflera actinophylla (Octopus Tree), and Schinus terebin- lack of important information or the difficulty of assessing
thifolius (Christmas Berry Tree). them using the project system. They are, however, valu-
3. H (HPWRA) indicates that the listed species is “likely to able landscape species and include Clusia rosea (Autograph
be invasive in Hawai‘i.” This is a prediction, but it lacks in- Tree), Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat), Ligustrum japonicum
the-field evaluation and, therefore, it is not yet documented. (Japanese Privet), Murraya paniculata (Mock Orange Tree),
These species include Bauhinia monandra (Pink Bauhinia), Pittosporum tobira (Japanese Pittosporum), Pittosporum
Bauhinia purpurea (Purple Orchid Tree), Cinnamomum viridiflorum (Cape Pittosporum), and Senna surratensis
verum (Cinnamon Tree), Clerodendrum quadriloculare (Scrambled Eggs, Kolomona).

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 194 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Appendix B: Small Trees for Windbreak or Screening

In an effort to expedite the gardener’s search for the best selection of a small tree, the two basic groups—“Small Trees” and
“Tailored Small Trees”—have been combined in the following lists. Species of Small Trees appear in italics, while Tailored
Small Trees are in bold italics.

Acalypha hispida Ficus triangularis Murraya paniculata

Acalypha wilkesiana Gardenia brighamii Myoporum sandwicense
Acca sellowiana Gardenia latifolia Nerium oleander and cultivars
Anacardium occidentale Gardenia taitensis Ochna integerrima
Averrhoa carambola Gardenia volkensii Ochrosia elliptica
Bauhinia hookeri Graptopetalum pictum Pandanus tectorius
Bauhinia tomentosa Guaiacum officinalis Pittosporum confertiflorum
Bauhinia x blakeana Guaiacum sanctum Pittosporum flocculosum
Bontia daphnoides Haematoxylon campechianum Pittosporum hosmeri
Brexia madagascariensis Hamelia patens Pittosporum tobira
Callistemon citrinus Harpephyllum caffrum Pittosporum viridiflorum
Callistemon rigidus Harpullia pendula Platycladus orientalis
Callistemon viminalis Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. Plumeria lambertiana
Calotropis gigantea immaculatus Plumeria obtusa
Calotropis procera Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. Plumeria obtusa (Bahamas)
Cerbera manghas punaluuensis Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia
Chrysobalanus icaco Hibiscus hamabo Plumeria rubra and hybrids
Cinnamomum verum Hibscus rosa-sinensis and hybrids Posoqueria latifolia
Citrus maxima Hibiscus schizopetalus and hybrids Psydrax odorata
Citrus x reticulata x C. x ‘Tangelo’ Hibiscus syriacus Punica granatum
Clerodendrum quadriloculare Hibiscus waimeae Rhaphiolepis indica
Clusia rosea Ixora finlaysoniana Rhaphiolepis umbellata var.
Codiaeum variegatum Ixora spp. integerrima
Coffea arabicum Jatropha integerrima Rondeletia odorata
Coffea liberica Lagerstroemia archeriana Scaevola taccada (Fiji)
Colobrina oppositifolia Lagerstroemia indica Senna surattensis
Cordia lutea Lawsonia inermis Tabebuia aurea
Cordia sebestena Ligustrum japonicum Tabebuia berteroi
Dodonaea viscosa Ligustrum japonicum ‘Rotundifolium’ Tabernaemontana divaricata
Dracaena angustifolia Ligustrum sinense Tabernaemontana pandacaqi
Dracaena cinnaberi Lysiphyllum cunninghamii Tabernaemontana subglobosa
Dracaena fragrans Malpighia emarginata Tecoma stans
Dracaena marginata and cultivars Malvaviscus penduliflorus Tetraplasandra oahuensis
Duranta erecta and cultivars Mangifera indica ‘Fairchild’ Thevetia peruviana
Eriobotrya japonica Mangifera indica ‘Julia’ Thevetia thevetioides
Eugenia brasiliensis Manilkara zapota Thunbergia erecta
Eugenia uniflora Melaleuca bracteata ‘Revolution Gold’ Vitex trifolia
Euphorbia cotinifolia Metrosideros polymorpha Vitex trifolia ‘Purpurea’
Ficus carica Morinda citrifolia Warszewiczia coccinia
Ficus microcarpa var. crassfolia Murraya koenigii

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 195 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Appendix C: Small Trees for Coastal Gardens

Numerals following the species name indicate the zone in which that species persists without severe damage from salt wind or
spray. Zone I is the area of the beach garden fully exposed to strong onshore winds; Zone II is the area sheltered by Zone I plant-
ings and/or a structure, if present; Zone III is the garden area sheltered by Zone II plantings. Recommended zones are conser-
vative, assuming regular, windward, strong onshore wind. In leeward areas, most of the Zone II species might be expected to
thrive in the Zone I area. (Small Trees are shown in italics, Tailored Small Trees in bold italics.)

Acalypha wilkesiana II Ligustrum japonicum II

Anacardium orientale II Ligustrum japonicum cv ‘Rotundifolium’ II
Bontia daphnoides I Lysiloma bahamensis I
Brexia madagascariensis II Lysiloma thornberi II
Bucida molineti II Manilkara zapota and cultivars II
Caesalpinia pulcherrima II Metrosideros polymorpha II
Caesalpinia pulcherrima ‘Comptonii’ II Morinda citrifolia I
Caesalpinia pulcherrima f. flava II Munroidendron racemosum III
Callistemon citrinus III Murraya paniculata II
Callistemon rigidus III Myoporum sandwicense I
Callistemon viminalis III Nerium oleander II
Calotropis gigantea I Nolina recurvata II
Calotropis procera I Ochrosia elliptica II
Carissa macrocarpa I Pandanus tectorius and cultivars I
Cerbera manghas II Pittosporum tobira I
Chrysobalanus icaco I Pittosporum tobira ‘Variegata’ I
Clusia rosea I Platycladus orientalis II
Codiaeum variegatum II Plumeria lambertiana II
Cordia lutea II Plumeria obtusa (Bahamas) I
Cordia sebestena II Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia II
Dodonaea viscosa II Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. atropurpureum III
Dracaena cinnaberi II Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. variegatum III
Dracaena draco II Psydrax odorata II
Dracaena marginata and cultivars II Rhaphiolepis indica II
Ficus carica II Rhaphiolepis umbellata var. integerrima II
Ficus microcarpa var. crassifolia I Scaevola taccada I
Gardenia taitensis I Senna surratensis II
Guaiacum officinale III Thevetia peruviana III
Guaiacum sanctum III Thevetia thevetioides III
Guettarda speciosa II Thunbergia erecta III
Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. immaculatus III Tournefortia argentea I
Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. punaluuensis II Vitex trifolia I
Hibiscus hamabo II Vitex trifolia cv ‘Variegata’ I
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and hybrids II Vitex trifolia var. subtrisecta I
Hibiscus schizopetalus and hybrids II Yucca guatemalensis II

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 196 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Appendix D: Small Trees with Significant
Flowers or Colored Fruit or Foliage

Small Trees are listed in italics, Tailored Small Trees in bold italics.

Acalypha hispida Cordia sebestena Kopsia fruticosa

Acalypha wilkesiana Diphysa americana Kopsia pruniformis
Acca sellowiana Dodonaea viscosa Lagerstroemia archeriana
Amherstia nobilis Dracaena cinnaberi Lagerstroemia indica
Anacardium occidentale Dracaena draco Lawsonia inermis
Archidendron clypearia Dracaena fragrans and cultivars Lysiphyllum cunninghamii
Averrhoa carambola Dracaena marginata and cultivars Majidea zanquebarica
Bauhinia x blakeana Dracaena reflexa and cultivars Malpighia emarginata
Bauhinia hookeri Duranta erecta and cultivars Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Bauhinia tomentosa Erythrina cristi-galli Melaleuca bracteata ‘Revolution Gold’
Bixa orellana Eugenia brasiliensis Metrosideros polymorpha
Bolusanthus speciosus Eugenia uniflora Metrosideros tremuloides
Brownea coccinea subsp. capitella Euphorbia cotinifolia Murraya koenigii
Brownea coccinea subsp. coccinea Euphorbia leucocephala Murraya paniculata
Brownea grandiceps Euphorbia pulcherrima Mussaenda erythrophylla
Brownea latifolia Gardenia brighamii Mussaenda erythrophylla ‘Doña
Brownea macrophylla Gardenia latifolia Trining’
Brugmansia x candida Gardenia mannii Mussaenda philippica ‘Aurorae’
Brunfelsia americana Gardenia remyi Mussaenda x ‘Doña Alicia’
Brunfelsia australis Gardenia taitensis Mussaenda x ‘Doña Aurora’
Brunfelsia densifolia Graptophyllum pictum Mussaenda x ‘Doña Luz’
Brunfelsia lactea Guaiacum officinalis Mussaenda x ‘Queen Sirikit’
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Guaiacum sanctum Napoleonaea imperialis
Caesalpinia pulcherrima ‘Comptonii’ Hamelia patens Nerium oleander and cultivars
Caesalpinia pulcherrima f. flava Harpullia pendula Ochna integerrima
Calliandra haematocephala Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. Ochrosia elliptica
Calliandra surinamensis immaculatus Pandanus tectorius cv ‘Baptistii’
Callistemon citrinus Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. Pandanus tectorius cv ‘Veitchii’
Callistemon rigidus punaluuensis Pisonia grandis ‘Alba’
Callistemon viminalis Hibiscus clayi Plumeria lambertiana
Calotropis gigantea Hibiscus kokio Plumeria obtusa (Bahamas)
Calotropis procera Hibiscus mutabilis Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia
Cassia roxburghii Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and hybrids Plumeria pudica
Cestrum nocturnum Hibiscus schizopetalus hybrids Plumeria rubra and hybrids
Citrus maxima Hibiscus syriacus Posoqueria latifolia
Citrus x reticulata x C. x ‘Tangelo’ Hibiscus waimeae Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var.
Clerodendrum quadriloculare Ipomoea pauciflora atropurpureum
Codiaeum variegatum Ixora finlaysoniana Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var.
Coffea arabica Ixora hookeri variegatum
Coffea liberica Ixora spp. Psydrax odorata
Colobrina oppositifolia Jatropha integerrima Pterocarpus rohrii
Cordia lutea Kokia drynarioides Punica granatum

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 197 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Quassia amara Sesbania grandiflora Tabernaemontana subglobosa
Rhus sandwicensis Solanum wrightii Tecoma stans
Rondeletia odorata Stemmadenia litoralis Thevetia peruviana
Sambucus mexicana var. bipinnata Tabebuia aurea Thevetia thevetioides
Saraca declinata Tabebuia berteroi Thunbergia erecta
Saraca indica Tabernaemontana divaricata Uncarina grandidieri
Saraca palembanica Tabernaemontana divaricata ‘Flore Vitex trifolia ‘Purpurea’
Saraca thaipingensis Pleno’ Warszwiczia coccinia
Senna surratensis Tabernaemontana pandacaqi Yucca guatemalensis

198 small trees with colorful flowers, fruit, or foliage

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 198 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Appendix E: Small Trees with Edible Fruit or Leaves

Small Trees are listed in italics, Tailored Small Trees in bold italics.

Acca sellowiana Citrus x nobilis cv ‘Temple’ Malpighia emarginata

Anacardium occidentale Citrus x reticulata x C. x Tangelo Mangifera indica ‘Fairchild’
Annona x atemoya Coffea arabicum Mangifera indica ‘Julie’
Annona muricata Coffea liberica Manilkara zapota and cultivars
Annona squamosa Eriobotrya japonica Morinda citrifolia
Averrhoa carambola Eugenia brasiliensis Moringa oleifera
Carissa macrocarpa Eugenia uniflora Murraya koenigii
Chrysobalanus icaco Ficus carica Parmentiera aculeata
Cinnamomum verum Ficus dammaropsis Phyllanthus acidus
Citrus maxima Harpephyllum caffrum Punica granatum
Citrus reticulata Jatropha aconitifolia Sesbania grandiflora

A note about the use of fruit trees in the landscape: do not plant fruit trees unless you intend to harvest the crop. Unpicked
fruit will create an odoriferous mess, attract flies and rodents, and constitute a potential slipping/falling hazard. If all ripe fruit
cannot be picked, use a ground cover that will enable the gardener to rake up fallen fruit. Avoid placing the tree over paving.
Fruit trees are not recommended for planting in public places as they may be considered an attractive nuisance and a source
of litigation.

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 199 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM

Appendix F: Small Trees for Warm, Dry Environments

Small Trees are listed in italics, Tailored Small Trees in bold italics.

Anacardium occidentale Ficus carica Pleomele hawaiiensis

Bauhinia hookeri Ficus microcarpa var. Plumeria lambertiana
Bauhinia tomentosa crassifolia Plumeria obtusa (Bahamas)
Bolusanthus speciosus Gardenia brighamii Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia
Bontia daphnoides Gardenia latifolia Plumeria pudica
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Gardenia volkensii Plumeria rubra and hybrids
Caesalpinia pulcherrima ‘Comptonii’ Guaiacum officinale Psydrax odorata
Caesalpinia pulcherrima f. flava Guaiacum sanctum Pittosporum tobira
Callistemon citrinus Harpephyllum caffrum Pterocarpus rohrii
Callistemon rigidus Ipomoea pauciflora Punica granatum
Callistemon viminalis Kokia drynarioides Rhaphiolepis indica
Calotropis gigantea Lawsonia inermis Rhaphiolepis umbellata var.
Calotropis procera Lysiloma bahamensis integerrima
Cassia roxburgii Lysiloma thornberi Rondeletia odorata
Chrysobalanus icaco Lysiphyllum cunninghamii Scaevola taccada
Citrus x nobilis cv ‘Temple’ Malpighia emarginata Senna surratensis
Clusia rosea Mangifera indica ‘Fairchild’ Sesbania grandiflora
Colobrina oppositifolia Mangifera indica ‘Julie’ Tabebuia aurea
Cordia lutea Metrosideros polymorpha Tabebuia berteroi
Cordia sebestena Morinda citrifolia Tecoma stans
Crescentia cujete Moringa oleifera Thevetia peruviana
Diphysa americana Myporum sandwicense Thevetia thevetioides
Dodonaea viscosa Nerium oleander and cultivars Vitex trifolia
Dracaena cinnaberi Nolina recurvata Vitex trifolia ‘Variegata’
Dracaena draco Parmentiera aculeata Vitex trifolia var. subtrisecta
Dracaena marginata and cultivars Pleomele aurea Yucca guatemalensis

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 200 3/6/09 11:47:32 AM


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202 references

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 202 3/6/09 11:47:33 AM

Plant Name Index

Main entries are indicated in boldface hookeri, 11, 195, 197, 200 Butterfly Bauhinia, 12
type. Kimberley, 71 Butterfly Gardenia, 189
monandra, 12, 194
‘A‘ali‘i, 143 Pink, 12, 194 Caesalpinia pulcherrima, 136–137, 196,
Acalypha purpurea, 13, 194 197, 200
hispida, 127, 195, 197 tomentosa, 14, 195, 197, 200 Calabash Tree, 39
Picotee, 128–129 Yellow, 14 Calliandra
wilkesiana, 128–129, 195, 196, 197 Beach Gardenia, 56 haematocephala, 138, 197
Acca sellowiana, 130, 195, 197, 199 Beach Heliotrope, 121 Pink, 138
Acerola, 73 Beach Naupaka, 112 surinamensis, 138, 197
Achiote, 132–133 Bean, Scarlet Flame, 17 Callistemon
Acnistis arborescens, 4 Beaucarnea, 83 citrinus, 22–23, 195, 196, 197, 200
Aglaia odorata, 130–131 Ben Oil Tree, 79 rigidus, 24, 195, 196, 197, 200
Alahe‘e, 105 Be-Still Tree, 120, 194 viminalis, 24, 195, 196, 197, 200
Alahe‘e Haole, 173 Bixa orellana, 132–133, 197 Calotropis
Alibangbang, 11 Black Tea Tree, 76 gigantea, 139, 195, 196, 197, 200
Aloalo Pahūpahū, 169 Blue Vitex, 193 procera, 140, 195, 196, 197, 200
Amargo Bark, 108 Bohenia Tree, 71 Candle Tree, 89
Amherstia nobilis, 5, 197 Bolusanthus speciosus, 15, 197, 200 Cape Pittosporum, 94, 194
Anacardium occidentale, 6, 195, 196, Bontia daphnoides, 134, 195, 196, 200 Carambola, 9
197, 199, 200 Bottlebrush Caribbean Walnut, 70
Angel’s Trumpet, 19 Crimson, 22–23 Caricature Plant, 154–155
Annona Red, 22–23 Carissa macrocarpa, 140, 196, 199
x atemoya, 7, 199 Stiff, 24 Casahuate, 62
muricata, 7, 199 Weeping, 24 Cashew Nut Tree, 6
squamosa, 7, 199 Box, Chinese, 173 Cassia
Apple, Sugar, 7 Brazil Cherry, 48 Red, 25
Arabian Coffee, 34–35, 194 Breadfruit, Highland, 52 roxburghii, 25, 197, 200
Aralia, False, 112–113 Brexia madagascariensis, 16, 195, 196 Cerbera manghas, 26, 195, 196
Arbor Vitae, Oriental, 95 Brownea Cestrum
Archidendron clypearia, 8, 197 coccinea Night, 141
Ashanti Blood, 174 subsp. capitella, 17, 197 nocturnum, 141, 197
Asoka, 111 subsp. coccinea, 17, 197 Ceylon Cinnamon, 28, 194
Atemoya, 7 grandiceps, 17, 197 Chaconia, Double, 123
Australian Queen Flower, 66 Lantern, 17 Chaya, 166
Autograph Tree, 33, 194 latifolia, 17, 197 Chenille Plant, 127
Averrhoa carambola, 9, 195, 197, 199 macrophylla, 18, 197 Cherry
Brugmansia x candida, 19, 197 Barbados, 73
Bagauak, 32 Brunfelsia Brazil, 48
Bahama Plumeria, 98–99 americana, 134, 197 Spanish, 48
Baja Plumeria, 97 australis, 135, 197 Surinam, 48–49, 194
Barbados Cherry, 73 densifolia, 20, 197 Chicle Tree, 75
Bastard Sandalwood, 81 lactea, 135, 197 Chinese Box, 173
Bauhinia Bucida molineti, 21, 196 Chinese Privet, 68–69, 194
x blakeana, 10, 195, 197 Bush Thunbergia, 192 Chinese Rice Flower, 130–131
Butterfly, 12 Bushveld Gardenia, 152–153 Christmas Berry Tree, 194

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Christmas Flower, 148 Dama del Noche, 134 Fig
Chrysobalanus icaco, 27, 195, 196, 199, Dewdrop, Golden, 146–147, 194 Common, 51
200 Dinner Plate Fig, 52 Dinner Plate, 52
Cinnamomum verum, 28, 194, 195, 199 Diphysa americana, 40, 197, 200 Large Leaf, 149
Cinnamon, Ceylon, 28, 194 Dodonaea viscosa, 143, 195, 196, 197, Taiwan, 149
Citrus 200 Tree, 51
maxima, 29, 195, 197, 199 Dominican Plumeria, 100 Triangle Leaf, 52–53
nobilis cv ‘Temple,’ 30, 199, 200 Doña Aurora Mussaenda, 175 Wax, 149
reticulata, 30, 199 Doña Trining Mussaenda, 174 Fire Bush, 156
x reticulata x C. x Tangelo, 30–31, 195, Double Chaconia, 123 Firecracker Hibiscus, 169
197, 199 Dracaena Flor de Niño, 148
Clay’s Koki‘o, 60 angustifolia, 144, 195 Fragrant Dracaena, 42–43
Clerodendrum quadriloculare, 32, 194, cinnaberi, 41, 195, 196, 197, 200 Fragrant Ixora, 162–163
195, 197 draco, 41, 196, 197, 200 Frangipani, Puerto Rican, 101
Clusia rosea, 33, 194, 195, 196, 200 fragrans, 42–43, 195, 197
Cock’s Spur Coral Tree, 47 Fragrant, 42–43 Gallinero, 4
Coco Plum, 27 marginata, 44–45, 195, 196, 197, 200 Gardenia
Codiaeum variegatum, 142, 195, 196, 197 Mauritius, 144–145 Beach, 56
Coffea Narrow-Leaved, 144 brighamii, 150, 195, 197, 200
arabica, 34–35, 194, 195, 197, 199 reflexa, 144–145, 197 Bushveld, 152–153
liberica, 34, 195, 197, 199 Yellowback, 144 Butterfly, 189
Coffee Dragon Tree, 41 Crepe, 189
Arabian, 34–35, 194 Madagascar, 44–45 latifolia, 150–151, 195, 197, 200
Liberian, 34 Socotran, 41 mannii, 150, 197
Colobrina oppositifolia, 36, 195, 197, 200 Duranta erecta, 146–147, 194, 195, 197 Paper, 189
Common Coral Tree, 47 Dwarf Geometry Tree, 21 Philippine Crepe, 191
Common Fig, 51 Dwarf Poinciana, 136–137 remyi, 150, 197
Common Guava, 194 Tahitian, 152
Common Oleander, 178–179 Elder taitensis, 152, 195, 196, 197
Common Red Hibiscus, 158–159 Mexican, 187 volkensii, 152–153, 195, 200
Confederate Rose, 157 Yellow, 118, 194 Geiger Tree, 38
Copperleaf, 128–129 Eranthemum, False, 182–183 Geometry Tree, Dwarf, 21
Coral Hibiscus, 160 Eriobotrya japonica, 46, 194, 195, 199 Giant Milkweed, 139
Coral Tree Erythrina crista-galli, 47, 197 Giant Yucca, 124
Cock’s Spur, 47 Eugenia Golden Dewdrop, 146–147, 194
Common, 47 brasiliensis, 48, 195, 197, 199 Gooseberry, Otaheite, 90
Cordia uniflora, 48–49, 194, 195, 197, 199 Gourri Cup, 150–151
lutea, 37, 195, 196, 197, 200 Euphorbia Graptophyllum pictum, 154–155, 195,
Peruvian, 37 cotinifolia, 50, 195, 197 197
sebestena, 38, 195, 196, 197, 200 leucocephala, 148, 197 Guachilote, 88
Cotton Rose, 157 pulcherrima, 148, 197 Guachipilin, 40
Crape Myrtle, 67 Guaiacum
Crepe Gardenia, 189 False Aralia, 112–113 officinale, 54, 195, 196, 197, 200
Philippine, 191 False Eranthemum, 182–193 sanctum, 55, 195, 196, 197, 200
Crepe Jasmine, 189 Fascination Vitex, 193 Guava
Small Flowered, 190 Feather Bush, 168 Common, 194
Crescentia cujete, 39, 200 Feijoa, 130 Strawberry, 194
Crimson Bottlebrush, 22–23 Ficus Guettarda speciosa, 56, 196
Croton, 142 carica, 51, 195, 196, 199, 200
Crown Flower, 139 dammaropsis, 52, 199 Haematoxylon campechianum, 57, 195
Cuachepil, 40 microcarpa var. crassifolia, 149, 195, Hala, 86–87
Cuajilote, 88 196, 200 Hala Pepe, 96
Curry Leaf Tree, 172 septica, 149 Hamabo, 61
triangularis, 52–53, 195 Hamelia patens, 156, 195, 197

204 plant name index

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Harpephyllum caffrum, 58, 195, 199, 200 Japanese Privet, 167, 194 Loquat, 46, 194
Harpullia pendula, 59, 195, 197 Jasmine Lysiloma
Hau Hele ‘Ula, 64 Crepe, 189 bahamensis, 70, 196, 200
Hawthorn Small Flowered Crepe, 190 thornberi, 168, 196, 200
Indian, 184 Jatropha Lysiphylluym cunninghamii, 71, 195, 197,
Yeddo, 185 aconitifolia, 166, 199 200
Heliotrope, Beach, 121 integerrima, 63, 195, 197
Henna, 68 Rose-Flowered, 63 Madagascar Dragon Tree, 44–45
Hibiscus Java Prune, 65 Madagascar Ordeal Bean, 26
arnottianus Jazmin del Monte, 135 Majidia zanquebarica, 72, 197
subsp. immaculatus, 156, 195, 196, Malpighia emarginata, 73, 195, 197, 199,
197 Kaffir Plum, 58 200
subsp. punaluuensis, 60, 195, 196, Kalamungay, 79 Malvaviscus
197 Karapincha, 172 arboreus var. arboreus, 169
clayi, 60, 197 Karripak, 172 penduliflorus, 169, 195, 197
Common Red, 158–159 Kauila, 36 Mandarin Orange, 30
Coral, 160 Kimberley Bauhinia, 71 Mangifera indica, 74, 195, 199, 200
Firecracker, 169 Kokia drynarioides, 64, 197, 200 Mango, 74
hamabo, 61, 195, 196 Koki‘o, 64 Sea, 26
kokio, 61, 197 Koki‘o, Clay’s, 60 Manilkara zapota, 75, 195, 196, 199
Moloka‘i White, 156 Koki‘o Kea, 62 Mauritius Dracaena, 144–145
mutabilis, 157, 197 Koki‘o Ke’oke‘o, 60, 62, 156 Mei-sui-lan, 130–131
Punalu‘u White, 60 Koki‘o ‘Ula, 61 Melaleuca bracteata cv ‘Revolution
rosa-sinensis and hybrids, 158–159, Kolomona, 114, 194 Gold’, 76, 195, 197
195, 196, 197 Kopsia Metrosideros
schizopetalus and hybrids, 160, 195, arborea, 65 polymorpha, 77, 195, 196, 197, 200
196, 197 fruticosa, 65, 197 tremuloides, 78, 197
syriacus, 161, 195, 197 Pink, 65 Mexican Elder, 187
waimeae, 62, 195, 197 pruniformis, 65, 197 Mexican Pterocarpus, 106
Hierba Mala, 50 Kou Haole, 38 Milkweed, Giant, 139
Highland Breadfruit, 52 Mock Orange, 173, 194
Hispaniolan Rosy Trumpet Tree, 118 Lady of the Night Moloka‘i White Hibsicus, 156
Hō‘awa, 92, 93 Brunfelsia, 134 Money Tree, 44–45
Holywood Lignum Vitae, 55 Cestrum, 141 Moonlight Tree, 91
Hong Kong Orchid Tree, 10 Lagerstroemia Morinda citrifolia, 170–171, 194, 195, 196,
Horseradish Tree, 79 archeriana, 66, 195, 197 199, 200
indica, 67, 195, 197 Moringa oleifera, 79, 199, 200
Indian Hawthorn, 184 Lantern Brownea, 17 Morning Glory, Tree, 62
Indian Mulberry, 170–171 Large Leaf Fig, 149 Mountain Rose, 17
Ipomoea pauciflora, 62, 197, 200 Lau Hala Kilipaki, 86–87 Mulberry, Indian, 170–171
Ixora, 195, 197 Lawsonia inermis, 68, 195, 197, 200 Munroidendron racemosum, 80, 196
casei ‘Super King’, 164 Lechoso, 116 Murraya
chinensis ‘Nora Grant’, 164 Lehua, 77 koenigii, 172, 195, 197, 199
coccinea, 164–165 Lehua ‘Āhihi, 78 paniculata, 173, 194, 195, 196, 197
finlaysoniana, 162, 195, 197 Lehua Haole, 138 Mussaenda
Fragrant, 162–163 Lettuce Tree, 91 Doña Aurora, 175, 197
hookeri, 162–163, 197 Liberian Coffee, 34 Doña Trining, 174, 197
Nora Grant, 164 Lignum Vitae, 54 erythrophylla, 174, 197
Red, 164–165 Holywood, 55 hybrids, 175–177, 197
Siamese White, 162 Ligustrum philippica, 174
Super King, 164 japonicum, 167, 194, 195, 196 var. aurorae, 175, 197
sinense, 68–69, 194, 195 Philippines, 174
Jacob’s Coat, 128–129 Lipstick Plant, 132–133 Myoporum sandwicense, 81, 195, 196, 200
Japanese Pittosporum, 180–181, 194 Logwood, 57 Myrtle, Crape, 67

plant name index 205

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Naio, 81 Phyllanthus acidus, 90, 199 Pterocarpus
Nānāhonua, 19 Picotee Acalypha, 128–129 Mexican, 106
Nānū, 150 Pink Bauhinia, 12, 194 rohrii, 106, 197, 200
Napoleonaea imperialis, 82, 197 Pink Calliandra, 138 Pua Kalaunu, 139
Napoleon’s Buttons, 82 Pink Kopsia, 65 Pua Pua, 56
Narrow-Leaved Dracaena, 144 Pisonia grandis cv ‘Alba,’ 91, 197 Puerto Rican Frangipani, 101
Natal Plum, 140 Pittosporum Pummelo, 29
Naupaka, Beach, 112 Cape, 94, 194 Punalu‘u White Hibiscus, 60
Needle Flower Tree, 104 confertiflorum, 92, 195 Punica granatum, 107, 195, 198, 199, 200
Neleau, 109 flocculosum, 93, 195 Purple False Eranthemum, 182–183
Neneleau, 109 hosmeri, 93, 195 Purple Orchid Tree, 13, 194
Nerium oleander, 178–179, 195, 196, 197, Japanese, 180–181, 194
200 tobira, 180–181, 194, 195, 196, 200 Quassia amara, 108, 198
New Caledonia Tree, 85 viridiflorum, 94, 194, 195 Queen Flower, Australian, 66
Night Cestrum, 141 Platycladus orientalis, 95, 195, 196
Nolina recurvata, 83, 196, 200 Pleomele Raintree, Serpentine Hill, 20
Noni, 170–171, 194 aurea, 96, 200 Red Bottlebrush, 22–23
Nora Grant Ixora, 164 hawaiiensis, 96, 200 Red Cassia, 25
Plum Red Hibiscus, Common, 158–159
Ochna integerrima, 84, 195, 197 Coco, 27 Red Ixora, 164–165
Ochrosia elliptica, 85, 195, 196, 197 Kaffir, 58 Red Powderpuff, 138
Octopus Tree, 194 Natal, 140 Red Saraca, 110
‘Ohai Ali‘i, 136–137 Plumeria, 102–103 Red Spurge, 50
‘Ohai Ke‘oke‘o, 114–115 Bahama, 98–99 Revolution Gold Melaleuca, 76
‘Ohe Mauka, 119 Baja, 97 Rhaphiolepis
‘Ōhi‘a Lehua, 77 Dominican, 100 indica, 184, 195, 196, 200
Oleander, 178–179 lambertiana, 97, 195, 196, 197, 200 umbellata var. integerrima, 185, 195,
‘Oliana, 178–179 obtusa, 98–99, 195, 196, 197, 200 196, 200
Orange var. sericifolia, 100, 195, 196, 197, Rhodesian Wisteria Tree, 15
Mandarin, 30 200 Rhus sandwicensis, 109, 198
Mock, 173, 194 pudica, 101, 197, 200 Rice Flower, Chinese, 130–131
Saraca, 110 rubra and hybrids, 102–103, 195, 197, Rondeletia odorata, 186, 195, 198, 200
Temple, 30 200 Rooster Tree, 140
Orchid Tree Singapore, 98–99 Rose
Hong Kong, 10 Poinciana, Dwarf, 136–137 Confederate, 157
Purple, 13, 194 Poinsettia, 148 Cotton, 157
see also Bauhinia Wild, 123 Mountain, 17
Ordeal Bean, Madagascar, 26 Pokosola, 85 Rose-Flowered Jatropha, 63
Oriental Arbor Vitae, 95 Pomegranate, 107 Rose of Sharon, 161
Otaheite Gooseberry, 90 Pony Tail, 83 Rose of Venezuela, 17
Posoqueria latifolia, 104, 195, 197 Rosy Trumpet Tree, Hispaniolan, 118
Palo del Muerto, 62 Potato Tree, 188 Rouge Puff, 18
Pandanus tectorius, 86–87, 195, 196, Powderpuff, Red, 138
197 Pride of Barbados, 136–137 Sambucus mexicana var. bipinnata, 187,
Paper Gardenia, 189 Privet 198
Parmentiera Chinese, 68–69, 194 Sandalwood, Bastard, 81
aculeata, 88, 199, 200 Japanese, 167, 194 Sapodilla, 75
cereifera, 89 Prune, Java, 65 Saraca
Pascuita, 148 Pseuderanthemum carruthersii, 182–183, asoca, 111
Penang Sloe, 65 196, 197 declinata, 110, 198
Peregrina, 63 Psidium diversifolia, 110
Peruvian Cordia, 37 cattleianum, 194 indica, 111, 198
Philippine Crepe Gardenia, 191 guajava, 194 Orange, 110
Philippines Mussaenda, 174 Psydrax odorata, 105, 195, 196, 197, 200 palembanica, 110, 198

206 plant name index

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Red, 110 Super King Ixora, 164 Uncarina grandidieri, 122, 198
thaipingensis, 111, 198 Surinam Cherry, 48–49, 194
Yellow, 111 Surinamese Stickpea, 138 Variegated False Eranthemum, 182–
Scaevola taccada, 112, 195, 196, 200 183
Scarlet Bush, 156 Tabebuia Vega Blanca, 135
Scarlet Flame Bean, 17 aurea, 117, 195, 198, 200 Vegetable Hummingbird, 114–115
Schefflera berteroi, 118, 195, 198, 200 Velvet Seed, 72
actinophylla, 194 Tabernaemontana Venezuela, Rose of, 17
elegantissima, 112–113 divaricata, 189, 195, 198 Vitex
Schinus terebinthifolius, 194 pandacaqi, 190, 195, 198 Blue, 193
Scrambled Eggs, 114, 194 subglobosa, 191, 195, 198 Fascination, 193
Screwpine, 86–87 Tahinu, 121 trifolia, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200
Sea Mango, 26 Tahitian Gardenia, 152
Senna surratensis, 114, 194, 195, 196, 198, Taiwan Fig, 149 Walnut, Caribbean, 70
200 Tamarind, Wild, 70 Warszewiczia coccinia, 123, 195, 198
Serpentine Hill Raintree, 20 Tangerine, 30–31 Wax Fig, 149
Sesban, 114–115 Tea Tree, Black, 76 Weeping Bottlebrush, 24
Sesbania grandiflora, 114–115, 198, 199, Tecoma stans, 118, 194, 195, 198, 200 White Bush Thunbergia, 192
200 Temple Orange, 30 White Hibiscus
Shasoka Tree, 111 Temple Tree, 102–103 Moloka‘i, 156
Siamese White Ixora, 162 Tetraplasandra oahuensis, 119, 195 Punalu‘u, 60
Silver Trumpet Tree, 117 Tet Tree, 84 White Ixora, Siamese, 162
Singapore Plumeria, 98–99 Thevetia Wild Poinsettia, 123
Small Flowered Crepe Jasmine, 190 peruviana, 120, 194, 195, 196, 198, Wild Tamarind, 70
Soapberry, Zanzibar, 72 200 Wisteria Tree, Rhodesian, 15
Socotran Dragon Tree, 41 thevetioides, 120, 195, 196, 198, 200 Wut, 56
Solanum wrightii, 188, 198 Thunbergia
Song of Bangkok, 144–145 Bush, 192 Yeddo Hawthorn, 185
Song of India, 144–145 erecta, 192, 195, 196, 198 Yellowback Dracaena, 144
Song of Jamaica, 144 Tiare, 152 Yellow Bauhinia, 14
Sorrowless Tree, 111 Tiare Tahiti, 152 Yellow Dwarf Poinciana, 136–137
Soursop, 7 Tobira, 180–181 Yellow Elder Tree, 118, 194
Spanish Cherry, 48 Tournefortia argentea, 121, 196 Yellow Saraca, 111
Spineless Yucca, 124 Tree Morning Glory, 62 Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow, 135
Spurge, Red, 50 Triangle Leaf Fig, 52–53 Yucca
Starburst, 32, 194 Trinidad Pride, 123 Giant, 124
Star Fruit, 9 Trumpet, Angel’s, 19 guatemalensis, 124, 196, 198, 200
Stemmadenia litoralis, 116, 198 Trumpet Tree Spineless, 124
Stickpea, Surinamese, 138 Hispaniolan Rosy, 118
Stiff Bottlebrush, 24 Silver, 117 Zanzibar Soapberry, 72
Strawberry Guava, 194 Tulipwood Tree, 59
Sugar Apple, 7 Turk’s Cap, 169

plant name index 207

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About the Authors

Fred D. Rauch, Ph.D., is emeritus professor of horticulture Paul R. Weissich, A.S.L.A., is currently a licensed landscape
at the University of Hawai‘i, where he served as extension architect whose familiarity with tropical landscape species
specialist in horticulture for twenty-five years. His interest in has resulted in numerous consultant assignments. From 1957
ornamental plants began while studying for the B.S. degree in to 1989 he was director of the Honolulu Botanical Gardens,
horticulture at Oregon State University. He studied tropical where he expanded the two-garden system from 50 to 650
landscape plants during research and instruction in horti- acres covering four sites of differing ecological situations. He
culture at Mississippi State University. Among his numerous also increased the plant collection to a position of interna-
publications are a comprehensive laboratory manual for use tional recognition. Weissich coauthored Plants for Tropical
in teaching tropical plant courses in the University of Hawai‘i Landscapes with Fred Rauch and Nā Lei Makamae: The Trea-
system and Plants for Tropical Landscapes, coauthored by Paul sured Lei with Marie McDonald. He also wrote Majesty II:
Weissich. He was instrumental in the formation of the Land- The Exceptional Trees of Hawaii.
scaping Industry Council of Hawai‘i.

Rauch/Wessich final text.indb 208 3/6/09 11:47:34 AM

plant guide

Fred D. Rauch, Ph.D., is emeritus profes- ver the past several decades,
sor of horticulture at the University of the U.S. cityscape has changed

Small Trees
Hawai‘i. radically. Large areas have

rauch & weissich

by the same authors been cleared of natural vegetation to
Paul R. Weissich, A.S.L.A., director
accommodate new development. The
emeritus of the Honolulu Botanical Gar-
dens, is currently a licensed landscape Plants for Tropical Landscapes “urban forest,” which consists of all city
trees, natural and planted, has been
architect. A Gardener’s Guide severely and negatively impacted. A
Fred D. Rauch and Paul R. Weissich
2000, 232 pages, color illus.
for the Tropical Landscape 2003 study indicates that we are losing
through clearing and grading four trees
for every one planted. This is a wake-up

Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape

Cloth isbn: 978-0-8248-2034-3
call for greatly increased planting in the
“An excellent reference for Hawaii.”— Honolulu Star-Bulletin urban forest and the need to popularize
small trees (defined as trees that grow up
“A gold mine in the desert of books for Hawai‘i’s gardeners and to thirty feet high) for diminished city
landscapers. And all for a price that won’t break most budgets. . . . spaces.
I am very happy with this book. I have only had it for a few weeks, Small Trees for the Tropical Landscape
but I have already referred to it many times to get information describes and illustrates 129 species and
about a plant I already know or to help me figure out a plant I just subspecies and 48 named varieties, cul-
discovered. When you go out and get a copy for yourself, buy one tivars, and forms plus 23 hybrids appro-
for a gardening friend and share the wealth.”— Hawai‘i Horticul- priate for the home garden and confined
ture Magazine public landscape spaces. The authors
Carefully selected plants add color, character, and charm to a have also included a section on “Tailored
wide variety of outdoor settings, providing much enjoyment and Small Trees,” large shrubs that are read-
increasing the value of your home. Plants for Tropical Landscapes ily transformed into small trees through
will help you select and group plants to create a successful tropical intelligent, selective pruning. They iden-
garden tailored to your needs and tastes. Gardeners and landscap- tify and describe 67 species and subspe-
ers will find this treasury of more than 500 common plants easy cies; 40 named varieties, cultivars, and
to use and one of the most comprehensive guides available today. forms; and 21 hybrids that are appropri-
ate for this conversion.
Several appendices will assist the gar-
dener with tree selection for specific pur-
University of Hawai‘i Press poses (screens and windbreaks, coastal
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822-1888 gardens, edible fruit, and colorful flowers
and foliage). Species that may cause skin
irritation or that are poisonous are iden-
tified in the text as are those trees with
the ability to fix nitrogen. The authors
also warn against planting a number of species known to be invasive in Hawai‘i
and advise caution when planting others
fred d. rauch and paul r. weissich that have the potential to escape cultiva-
tion and become weeds.

Cover design: April Leidig-Higgins

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