1.2 - Introduction To Cost X
1.2 - Introduction To Cost X
1.2 - Introduction To Cost X
This session explains you what is a ‘bill of quantities’ and introduces you to computer
aided measurement.
Copyright Notice
Bill of Quantities (BQ)
BQ is a list of items with estimated quantities of work of a proposed project.
The purposes of bill of quantities
1. Uniform basis for tendering
2. Valuation of interim certificates
3. Valuation of variations
4. Ordering of materials
5. Reference during the construction – quality and cost
6. Construction planning and monitoring
7. Sub-contractor quotation
8. Final accounts
9. Cost analysis for future use
BQ Layout
Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
This is the format of a bill of quantities. It is basically a table having 6 columns. The item
number, description of a work activity, the unit of measurement, the quantity, rate which
is the cost of a unit quantity, and the amount (quantity x rate) is given for all work
activities in a project. This course is all about how to prepare a bill of quantities.
Measurement /Taking-off
Measure quantities from drawings to prepare BQ
• Manual taking-off
Using DIM sheet/ DIM paper
• Computer-aided measurement
Measurement software
For bill of quantities, a quantity surveyor has to measure quantities from the drawings
prepared by the designers including Architects and Engineers. These measurements
were done manually up to say a decade ago. It is called “taking off”, the technical term
for taking quantities from drawings and writing down in a piece of paper, we call it DIM
sheet or DIM paper. However, with the advent of electronic drawings, manual
measurements became history.
Now, most of the consultancy and construction companies are using dedicated quantity
surveying software to measure work from drawings.
CostX is one such popular software and it will be used throughout this course for
measurement of work. You should learn how to use the software before we teach you
how to measure using CostX. As well as measurement,CostX can be used for pricing the
quantities that have been measured. This is done in Workbooks which are spreadsheets
similar to Excel.
CostX can be used, not only for preparing Bill of Quantities but, also, for any
document requiring the measurement of quantities of building works.
These can be builder’s estimates and tenders, measurement of quantities by sub-
contractors preparing prices for a builder and for professional quantity surveyors’
Cost Plans which are covered in other courses.
Obtain your license for educational version of CostX
For the version required for this course and more information visit:
Course Information > Computer Resources
To prepare CostX for measuring a project we must:
STEP 1 - Double click on the CostX icon, the CostX screen will open.
STEP 2 - Create a Project.
In the case of the Education Licenced version of CostX the only project
you can have is the “Default Project” which has already been created.
STEP 3 - Create a New Building.
STEP 4 - Fill in the “Building Properties”.
You need to follow these steps in order to start measurement with a building project.
STEP 1 - Double click on the CostX icon to open CostX
The CostX icon will appear on the computer’s Desktop after installation. Once the icon
has been double clicked CostX will open.
STEP 2 - Create a Project
Education version and the Commercial version of CostX are not compatible. If using the
Commercial version, it is necessary to create a “New Project”. With the Education
version you will use the “Default Project” and all “New Buildings” have to be linked to
that project. You can have only one project and a limited number of buildings in the
educational version.
STEP 3 - Create a Project (Warning Message)
A warning message will appear if an attempt is made to create a “New Project” in the
Education version. In this course, you need to use the CostX education version.
STEP 4 - Create a New Building
STEP 5 - Fill in the “Building Properties”
Provide Building Name and Code
Fill in the “Building Properties” with relevant details. You need to provide a name and a
Building Code. Type the relevant Building Name and Building Code.
For the “Project”, click on the down arrow on the right‐hand side and select “Default
Project”. You and also type the ‘Building Type’. Ignore the “Based On” section. Select the
Base Unit of Measurement (UOM) and provide the “Default Height” given for the
building. The height would be found on Sections and / or Elevation drawings.
Once the “Building Properties” have been completed click, on insert. Notes can be made
in the space under the “Default Height”.
The CostX screen will appear looking like this This heading may be
The “New Building” has now been created and the screen will be like this.
To prepare CostX for measuring a project we must:
1. Add drawings.
2. Fill in the Drawing Register.
3. Calibrate Drawings.
• Check drawings scale properly.
• This is not required for CAD drawings as they are drawn at 1:1.
• Sometimes, not very often, CAD drawings are drawn to other than a 1:1
scale and, if this happens they do need to be calibrated.
• Re-calibrate drawings if required i.e. when checking a dimension it does not
scale correctly.
There are several steps that must be taken before actual measurement can start. Once
these are done we can commence measurement. Although the above are little time
consuming it is important it is done carefully and properly. These steps will be
demonstrated in subsequent sessions.
End of session
Image references
All information, pictures and diagrams contained within this tutorial are the property of UniSA or the Author unless otherwise referenced