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DR - Shashi Paper Final To Upload 1
DR - Shashi Paper Final To Upload 1
Assistant Prof. Department of Obs. & Gynae., R.B.T.S Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Associate Prof. Department of Materia-Medica, R.B.T.S Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23953/cloud.ijaayush.506
Copyright © 2021 Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh, Dr. Ravi Prakash. This is an open access article distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Abstract Cervical spondylosis is one of the commonly seen diseases nowadays. Neck pain, which
usually arises from diseases of the cervical spine & soft tissues of the neck, is common.
“SPONDYLO” is a Greek term, meaning “Vertebra” & spondylosis generally mean changes in the
vertrbral joint characterized by increasing degeneration of the intervertebral disc with subsequent
changes in the bones & soft tissue. The management of cervical spondylosis is very much effective
with Homoeopathic medicine. This article stress upon the risk factor, pathophysiology,
symptomatology, investigation in concise manner as well as emphasises how homoeopathy can
manage in such cases by its holistic approach of treatment.
Neck pain is one of the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life. It is probably
as common as common cold. Cervical spondylosis may be caused by one or more of several
complaints. A very common mistake for cervical spondylosis is to perceive the cause of illness as a
singular factor. Treating the patient for a single factor like a spur seen on X-ray or a slipped disc in the
neck seen on a myelogram or CT.
Cervical spondylosis tends to develop after the age of 30, and becomes more common with
increasing age. The underlying cause is the age-related degeneration ('wear & tear') of the vertebrae
and discs in the neck region.
As the 'discs' degenerate, over many years they become thinner. Sometimes the vertebrae develop
small, rough areas of bone on their edges. The nearby muscles, ligaments, and nerves may become
irritated by these degenerative changes which can cause troublesome symptoms. The most
commonly effected nerve roots are C5, C6, C7.
IJAAYUSH – An Open Access Journal (ISSN: 2320 – 0251)
Risk Factor
Cervical spondylosis is the degeneration of the intervertebral disc. When we get older, the disc
fragment loose water content & collapse. Intervertebral disc loose its elasticity & compress each
Clinical Features
Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. You may have a flare up of symptoms if you over- use your
neck, or if you sprain a neck muscle or ligament. Symptoms include:
Pain in the neck: This may spread to the base of the skull and shoulders. Movement of theneck
may make the pain worse. The pain sometimes spreads down an arm to a hand or fingers.
This is caused by irritation of a nerve which goes to the arm from the spinal cord in the neck.
The pain tends to wax and wane with flare-ups from time to time. However, some people
develop chronic (persistent) pain.
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1. Multiple sclerosis
2. Cervical spondylosis
3. Cervical disc herniation
4. Cervical spinal cord tumor
5. Chiari I malformation
6. Radiation myelopathy
7. Subacute combined degeneration (caused by vitamin B 12 deficiency)
b) Computed Tomography: Computed tomography (CT) can highlight the bony changes
associated with degenerative spondylosis (arthritis). Osteophytes can be observed and
evaluated as well. However, CT does not provide for optimal evaluation of discs (although it may
sometimes show disc herniations).
c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful tool in the
assessment of patients with cervical spondylosis. Images from MRI’s can help doctors to identify
disc herniations, osteophytes and joint arthrosis. MRI is best suited for soft disc herniations, but
often times more information is needed.
d) Myelogram/Ct: This is the “gold standard”. It is often utilized in complex cases involving multi-
level disease, or suboptimal MRI images.it is very useful in delineating bone spurs from safe disc
e) Discography: As in the lumbar and thoracic spine, cervical discography (see figure) remains
controversial. Although the discogram may add to the children’s knowledge, it should not be
used by itself to predicate treatment.
After conducting the necessary tests to identify the problem in the cervical spine, a treatment plan
will then be developed. Various treatment options are available, and can be subdivided into two
Non-operative treatment
Operative treatment
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Non-operative treatment
Immobilization can be achieved using a collar or braces; most beneficial during acute
exacerbations of pain by reducing motion at the symptomatic levels.
Physical therapy consists of traction, Diathermy and manipulation (chiropractic) can be useful
in decreasing muscle spasms that can contribute to symptoms; this is where heat, electrical
stimulation, and exercise have their maximum benefit.
Medications including painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and muscle laxants. In
many cases, non operative treatment can provide good long-term results.
Homoeopathic system of medicine provides a complete cure of this problem. The most
common Homoeopathic remedies used in such cases are:
Exercise your neck and keep active: Aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible. As far
as possible, continue with normal activities.
Other advice:
A good posture may help. Brace your shoulders slightly backwards, and walk 'like a
model'. Try not to stoop when you sit at a desk. Sit upright.
A firm supporting pillow seems to help some people when sleeping.
Physiotherapy. Therapies such as traction, heat, cold, manipulation, etc, may be tried when
you have a flare-up of pain. However, the evidence that these help is not strong. What may be
most helpful is the advice a physiotherapist can give on neck exercises to doat home.
The treatment of CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS by Homoeopathy has a very good scopeand favorable
outcome. Unlike modern treatment which has many limitations to treat this conditions, we have a
whole lot of medicines for its treatment.
Acute onset of cervical pain is mainly due to cervical spondylosis. As Master Hahnemann, has stated
in aphorism no 5 that ‘exciting cause’ is the most probable causative factor of acute diseases, so at
first, we have to look for the exciting cause. The exciting cause of neck pain may be trauma, sprain,
strain, exertion, exposure to cold etc. the above-mentioned causes may be solely responsible for
neck pain if of sufficient intensity.
But in cases where there are underlying constitutional derangements any trivial exciting factor may
cause same degree of neck pain.
Neck pain of chronic character are almost always due to fundamental cause which is generally due
to a chronic Miasm; Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. So, to investigate the fundamental cause the
ascertainable physical constitution of the patient, his moral and intellectual character, his
occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual function, etc
are to be taken into consideration. Apart from the fundamental cause the maintaining cause should
also be investigated.
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IJAAYUSH – An Open Access Journal (ISSN: 2320 – 0251)
The basis of Homoeopathic prescription is individualization which again depends upon correct
evaluation of symptoms. In the process of evaluation, the exciting, maintaining and fundamental
cause of disease are of supreme importance and thereafter the rare, uncommon, peculiar and
characteristic symptoms of the patient. In some cases, we get some uncommon symptoms of the
disease and a few characteristic symptoms of the patients. The knowledge of pathology helps us to
differentiate between common and uncommon symptoms of the disease and peculiar characteristic
symptoms of the patient.
We can treat the patient in various ways. Homoeopathic prescription can be done on the following
Apart from these, sometimes in treatment of neck pain an intercurrent or block removal medicine may
be needed to cure a chronic case. Palliative treatment can be given in some selected cases as in;
cases with advanced and irreversible structural change, patient lacking in any vital organs, most
urgent cases where danger to life and imminent death allows no time for the action of Homoeopathic
medicine, as in accidents, spondylolisthesis. Finally, I am focusing my view on the treatment of neck
pain. Different physicians have different angle of treatment. But in my opinion one should be open
minded to treat any disorder.
Homoeopathic Therapeutics
1. Agaricus muscaris: - sore aching pain in cervical regions, during exertion in the daytime,
< while eating, in cold weather, before thunderstorms. Single vertebra sensitive to touch.
2. Arnica Montana: - neck pain from over exertion and straining, every part is bruised, lame
and sore. Trauma on neck. Everything on which he lies seems too hard, whole body
oversensitive but patient says there is nothing the matter with him.
3. Bellis perennis: - it is a very good remedy for neck pain. Bad posture, sprain or strain may
be the cause. Railway spine, auto traumatism. Especially useful for gardeners. Great
soreness, insomnia at 3 a.m.
4. Bryonia: - Painfull stiffness of neck worse by sudden change in weather, movement.
Better by hard pressure, lying on painful side and cold things.
5. Calcarea carbonicum: - stiffness and rigidity at the nape of the neck in morning on turning
head. Burning pain in the nape of the neck to occiput, lasting all day and ceasing only on
going to sleep at night. Rheumatic pain in the upper cervical vertebrae with stiffness of
neck. Easily overstrains himself from lifting, from which neck becomes stiff and rigid with
headache. Pain between the shoulders and in the lower part of back, drawing pain
between the shoulder blades. Dull shocks upwards in between shoulder blades, from
posterior wall of chest. Cervical spondylitis. Most successful remedy in treating cervical
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6. Calcarea flouricum: - neck pain from strains; pains < after rest, > from moving a little and
from warmth (after failure of Rhustox). Features like Calcarea group and Fluoric acid.
7. Calcarea phoshorica: - useful in cervical spondylosis. Pain from draught of air. Soreness
in cervical region as if broken. Violent pain in neck from slightest bodily effort. Spine weak
disposed to curvatures, especially to the left. Unable to support head. Pain< autumn and
cold weather, > spring. To unite fracture bone.
8. Cimicifuga racemosa:- rheumatic pain in the muscles of neck and back; feels stiff lame
and contracted, spine sensitive, from using arms in sewing typewriting, piano playing.
Muscular rheumatism. Crick in cervical region. The active principle Macrotin is used
especially in neck pain.
9. Guiacum: - rheumatic stiffness of whole left side of the neck. Contraction of limbs,
stiffness and immobility. Feeling that he must stretch. < Motion heat, cold wet weather.>
External pressure. Aversion to milk; secretion are free and foul.
10. Hypericum: - after a fall, slightest motion of arms and neck, extorts cries, violent pains and
inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx. Spinal injury. Pain remains after spinal
11. Gnaphalium:- chronic muscular rheumatism of back and neck.
12. Lachnantes:- rheumatism of neck. Stiffness of neck. Pain in nape, as if dislocated. Severe
muscle spasm so much so that head is drawn to one side.
13. Lycopodium:- pains are tearing, often on right side, with or without swelling. In neck pain
if Bryonia has not significantly relieved and the pain is worse from slightest motion. A
constitutional remedy, if indicated acts infalliably.
14. Magnetis Poli Ambo: -painful stiffness in the cervical vertebrae in morning, during motion.
Crackling in the cervical vertebrae in morning during motion.
15. Magnetis Polus Arcticus: -crackling or cracking in the cervical vertebrae especially in the
atlas, during motion. Pain and bruised feeling in the middle of spine, when bending the
spine backward. Gurgling and creeping sensation between the scapula.
16. Ustilago: - pain in the back of neck < by walking.
17. Medorrinum: -for the persons suffering from gout, rheumatism. Pains arthritic rheumatic, a
sequel of suppressed gonorrhoea. Constiction seems to tighten whole body, sore all over
bruised feeling. Pain in the back between the scapulae. Whole length of the spine sore to
touch. Intense burning pain beginning in nape of neck and extending down spine, with a
contractive stiffness, < by stretching
18. Oreodaphne:-cervico-occipital pain. Constant dull ache in the cervical and occipital region,
extending to scapula down spine, into head. Constant desire to move the head which does
not relieve.
19. Paris Quadrifollia: -sense of weight and weariness in nape of neck and across shoulders.
Arms become stiff, fingers clenched. Fingers often feel numb. Usually on the left side.
20. Rhododendron: -joints swollen. Stiffness of the neck. Pain in shoulders, arms and wrist
worse when at rest. Pain in the bones in spots reappear by change of weather.
21. Rhus Toxicodendron:-drawing pain in the fibrous tissues, joints and sheaths of nerves,
right side more than the left; caused by exposure to wet damp weather, to rain.< Rest, first
motion; >motion, continuous motion, warm application. Restlessness cannot remain in bed
must change position often to obtain relief from pain. Desire for milk.
22. Ruta Graveolens:-lameness and sprains. Neck pain relieved by pressure and lying on
back < moving. Injury to spinal processes (Periosteum).Bruised lame sensation all over, as
after a fall or blow; worse in limbs and joints.
23. X Ray:- stiffness on left side of the neck, turning in bed. Stiffness on right side of neck, with
intense pain at night; occurs in paroxysms during the day > somewhat by hot application.
Sudden cricks attack first on the right side of the neck, then the other side< on getting cold,
turning the head nearly produces convulsions. Pains more severe behind the ears-the
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mastoid process.
24. Zincum Metalicum:-Nape of neck weary from writing or any exertion. Trearing in shoulder
blades. Cannot bear back touched. Tension and stinging between shoulder blades.
Cervical spondylosis is very much growing disease in this modern era. There are lots of therapy &
medication used in conventional method, but it gives patient for relief of sometime. In Homoeopathy,
there is lots of medicine for such kind of disease. We have lots of medicine to relief pain & reduce its
reoccurance. For such kind of disease, we must follow management, exercise, and diet along with
medication which gives a very pleasant result.
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