A Survey of Co-Design Ideas and Methodologies

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August 19, 2003

A Survey of Co-Design Ideas and Methodologies


G. Bosman

Dr. Ir. A. M. Bos (Chess-iT)

Ing. P. G. C. Eussen (Chess-iT)

Dr.-Ing. R. Lämmel (Vrije Universiteit)

To my parents, Jaap & Mieke.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Traditional design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Microprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 Von Neumann bottleneck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 Paradigm shift problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Other types of hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Application specific integrated circuits . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Programmable logic devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.3 New design strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Outline of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Background on Co-Design 5
2.1 Co-Design research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Related approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.1 Software in the loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.2 Reconfigurable hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.3 Adaptive computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.4 Hybrid systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Co-Design 8
3.1 Specification and modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Modelling approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1 Modelling with a single IDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2 Modelling using multiple IDRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.1 Hardware/software partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.2 Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Computational Models 13
4.1 Properties of computational models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.1 Modelling of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.2 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1.3 Main application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Example: internal combustion engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


4.3 Common computational models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.3.1 Continuous Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3.2 Discrete Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.3 Discrete-Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.4 (Co-Design) Finite-State Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.5 Kahn Process Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.6 Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.7 Petri Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.8 Rendez-vous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.9 Synchronous/Reactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.10 Other Models of Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 Requirements for Co-Design methodologies 24

5.1 Paradigm shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.2 Origin of IDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.3 Design-space exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.4 Target architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.5 Dealing with complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.5.1 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.5.2 Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.5.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6 Co-Design methodologies 30
6.1 Ptolemy II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2 COSYMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.3 ForSyDe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.4 Polis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.5 SpecC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.6 SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.6.1 SpecC vs. SystemC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.7 VULCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.8 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7 Conclusions 37
7.1 Internal design representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.2 Co-Design approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.3 Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.4 Chess roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Bibliography 39

A Vocabulary 46
Chapter 1


Designing embedded systems becomes more and more complex due to the in-
creasing size of integrated circuits, increasing software complexity and decreas-
ing time-to-market requirements and product costs. The ongoing increasing
complexity of embedded systems motivates the search for a high-level system
design approach at Chess. High-level system design is currently a major aca-
demic research area world-wide and it is deeply rooted in traditional areas such
as control theory and digital design theory. For Chess such a design approach
could mean a faster and better design process. This paper investigates aspects
of high-level system design and the current state of the art in existing tools and
methods that allow high-level system design. It will provide input for the Chess
design strategy for the following years.
A system design notation should allow reasoning at a high level of abstrac-
tion. However, in order to be useful it should also be able to synthesize hardware
and software. Questions like how to divide the functionality of the system into
hardware and software are a very important aspect of this synthesis. Tradi-
tionally the decision what to implement in hardware and what to implement
in software is made early in the design process. Both parts are then made in
separate tracks by separate design teams. Too often, the validity of this decision
is not validated before system integration. This is far too late with respect to
project risk.
When the emphasis lies on the hardware-software partitioning problem,
system-level design methods are also called “Co-Design” methods. The terms
Co-Design and system-level design are often used interchangeably; in this paper
the term Co-Design will be used.
The goal of Co-Design is to explore the whole design-space to be able to
make well-informed critical design decisions. This would lead to a more optimal
partitioning and more flexibility in the process from design to implementation.
To really understand the improvement that a high-level system design paradigm
makes, it is important to see how traditional system design works and what it


1.1 Traditional design

1.1.1 Microprocessors
Traditionally, complex embedded systems are designed around a microprocessor
in a Von Neumann architecture. A Von Neumann system is fundamentally a
sequential system. There is heavy optimalization inside the CPU itself (for
instance using pipelining) but ultimately the commands are executed one at a
time. Systems based on microprocessors have several benefits. Microprocessors
are very well optimized and they allow design of families of products that can be
built. Such a family of products can provide various feature sets at a different
price point and can be extended to keep up with rapidly changing markets [57].

1.1.2 Von Neumann bottleneck

However, the fact that each command is executed sequentially leads to a fun-
damental limitation. Backus calls this the “Von Neumann bottleneck” [3]. He
points out that this bottleneck is not only a physical limitation, but has also
been an “intellectual bottleneck” in limiting the way we think about computa-
tion and how to program.

1.1.3 Paradigm shift problem

This fundamental limitation is a major motivation for Chess to do this inves-
tigation: how to prevent the ‘paradigm-shift’ that often occurs in designing
systems. There is a fundamental difference between hardware and software in
the type of computation [19].
Some parts of an embedded system are easiest to describe using modelling
languages that do not fit nicely onto microprocessor based hardware. Typical
examples are data-filtering or physical movement modelling. A filter can be eas-
ily described in a drawing, and ultimately it is possible to imagine a specialized
chip that implements this drawing immediately in gates.
However, more commonly the algorithm will first be translated into C code,
which will then be compiled into something to run on a CPU. Even though op-
timalizations such as loop unrolling or inlining can often lead to a more efficient
use of hardware than simply implementing the original algorithm, the resulting
hardware algorithm is essentially the same.
The fundamental difference between these two approaches lies in their deal-
ing with concurrency: if the drawing is implemented onto hardware directly,
concurrent processing comes naturally. A translation to C code loses this ad-
vantage, which is the paradigm shift problem.

1.2 Other types of hardware

1.2.1 Application specific integrated circuits
Not all embedded systems are designed around microprocessors. It is possible
to design embedded chips that compute in a parallel way. Application Specific
Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are specialized chips that are used for example to
implement encryption algorithms. They are similar to processors in the sense

that they are also ‘hardwired’ solutions. It is very expensive to design an ASIC,
and the design is a significantly time-consuming process. Therefore, customizing
an ASIC for a single application is only feasible when the project is reasonably
large. In any case an ASIC can only be produced when the layout is final: it is
not possible to experiment with the layout and try several versions.
Although you’ll loose the optimalizations found in microprocessors there is
a huge potential gain when designing hardware that is parallel in nature. The
layout of the hardware can then be tailored exactly to the functional require-
ments. This can be extremely profitable, especially when the problem to be
solved is mainly parallel in character. ASICs are therefore often used in areas
which are parallel ‘in nature’, such as compression or encryption.

1.2.2 Programmable logic devices

An important reason for the rising interest in Co-Design is the introduction of
another type of chip that is much more flexible than ASICs: programmable logic
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are computer chips that can be pro-
grammed to implement circuits that require both combinational and sequential
logic. Reconfigurable logic devices are a class of programmable logic devices that
may be reprogrammed as often as desired. A type of reconfigurable logic devices
that are becoming very popular [11] are Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FP-
GAs). Three direct benefits of the reconfigurable approach can be recognized:
specialization, reconfigurability and parallelism [50].

1.2.3 New design strategy

FPGAs shorten the development cycle dramatically and are much cheaper to
use than ASICs. Their capacity has grown to such a size that they can handle
real application for a fair price for prototype series. This allows research in
Co-Design to increase a lot and make it more worthwhile. It makes it possible
for Chess to experiment with various hardware configurations, without the very
high costs associated the use of custom-made ASICs.
Early approaches in Co-Design started with components of high granularity,
such as ASICs and microprocessors. Today parts of the hardware are designed
from scratch on a FPGA in combination with microprocessor and ASICs. This
allows the system to benefit from both the microprocessor’s specialization and
the parallelism offered by the FPGAs and ASICs. Difference in granularity is an
important feature to discriminate on various Co-Design approaches. A reason to
(still) use ASICs and not to implement all the functionality in microprocessors
and FPGAs is the power-consumption. The flexibility of the FPGA comes with
the price that they are, in general, power inefficient compared to dedicated
custom hardware [48].
Obviously designing hardware and software for a system in an integral man-
ner is an extremely complex task with many aspects. There is a wide range of
architectures and design methods, so the hardware/software Co-Design problem
is treated in many different ways.

1.3 Assignment
This papers surveys Co-Design ideas and methodologies, and investigates what
direction research in system-level design methods will be concentrated on.

1.4 Outline of this thesis

Chapter 2 gives an overview of related work. Chapter 3 looks into the field
of Co-Design and the problems it tries to solve. Different types of Co-Design
approaches are described, and the classifications that can be made. Understand-
ing the paradigms, the computational models, is very important to decide on
selecting a design strategy to use. Therefore Chapter 4 describes computational
models that are commonly used to model (parts of) systems.
A single paradigm approach has serious limitations so various modelling
approaches have been proposed in literature that allow a mixture of 2 or more
computational models. To help investigate such approaches the various aspects
of system-level modelling will be discussed in Chapter 5. This Chapter will
serve as a guide for Chess in assessment of future developments. In Chapter 6
a number of existing projects and models will be described and analyzed using
the classifications and ideas found in the first part of the paper. This thesis
ends with conclusions on the type of approaches that exist, which of these
can be valuable for Chess and what directions research in Co-Design will be
concentrated on.
Chapter 2

Background on Co-Design

2.1 Co-Design research

The field of Co-Design is about 10 years old now. Two papers that give a broad
overview of the field are those by Gajski [17] and De Michelli [37].

2.2 Related work

• The SAVE project of the Linköping University in Sweden did a survey on
Co-Design representation models in 1999 [9].
• At the Leiden University in the Netherlands a survey was done comparing
8 tools and their underlying methodologies [56].
• O’Nils presented ComSys, an approach to the generation of interfaces
between application software and hardware IP components. In his PhD
thesis from 1999 he reviewed several Co-Design methods [41].

• Some authors made a broad overview of various Co-Design development

methods, e.g. [58], [21].
• Edward Lee wrote a very readable introduction to the field of Embed-
ded Software and various computational models [29] and how embedded
software is different from traditional computer science areas.

2.3 Related approaches

A number of areas that are related to Co-Design have been researched.

2.3.1 Software in the loop

Some of the issues Co-Design tries to solve are also handled by ‘Software-In-
The-Loop’ [27]. This is developing software in a virtual hardware environment.
Although it eases the design of software for given hardware, it does not allow the
full improvements made possible by Co-Design. This is because the partitioning
between hardware and software is not flexible. Within Chess the SHAM has


been developed. This is a device (a printed circuit board) that allows software
testing for onboard software [52].

2.3.2 Reconfigurable hardware

Reconfigurable systems exploit FPGA technology, so that they can be person-
alized after manufacturing to fit a specific application.
The Economist states:

A promise of reconfigurable hardware is that it should allow the

logic and memory resources in a chip to be used more efficiently,
especially in applications that need massive computing power. But
there is a further commercial advantage. It could turn finished prod-
ucts into a source of service revenue. Imagine a music player that
includes programmable logic. When a new music-compression for-
mat emerges to replace MP3, owners of the player could download,
for a fee, a new decompression algorithm for their player from the
maker’s website [51].

Within Chess these opportunities have been recognized, and reconfigurable FP-
GAs are used in projects like the Interpay Terminal Application (ITA). This
is a payment terminal, which can be remotely updated by downloading new
The operation of reconfigurable systems can either involve a configuration
phase followed by an execution phase or have concurrent (partial) configuration
and execution [37]. The major problem in this type of systems consists of
identifying the critical segments of the software programs and compiling them
efficiently to run on the programmable hardware. This identification of critical
segments is very related to the partitioning-step of Co-Design methods, which
will be discussed in §3.3.1.

2.3.3 Adaptive computing

Adaptive Computing Systems (ACS) refer to systems that reconfigure their
logic and/or data paths in response to dynamic application requirements [46].
The field of adaptive computation is closely related to reconfigurable hardware.
According to Neema [39] the primary challenge of the Adaptive Computing
approach is in system design.

2.3.4 Hybrid systems

Most Co-Design methods explore ways of modelling digital systems. Embedded
systems, however, often interact with an analog environment. Traditionally, this
is the domain of control theory and is defined in the digital domain. Because
of the way models are often treated, digitally, the analog environment is often
translated to a digital representation by computer scientists. This translation is
not trivial but must be done very carefully otherwise it’s not possible to formally
verify guarantee safety and/or performance of the embedded device.
To address this issue hybrid embedded system models have been designed [1,
49]. The issues that Co-Design faces, such as combining various models of

computations and making sure properties are valid throughout the whole design
phase, can also be found in this hybrid system modelling.
Chapter 3


Co-Design is “A design methodology supporting the concurrent development of

hardware and software in order to achieve system functionality and performance
goals. In particular, Co-Design often refers to design activities prior to the
partitioning into Hardware and Software and the activity of design partitioning
itself.” [54]
The Co-Design process for embedded systems includes specification, mod-
elling, validation, and implementation [37]. To comprehend the benefits of vari-
ous Co-Design technologies it is important to understand how the design process
works. This process is subject of this chapter.

3.1 Specification and modelling

Modelling is the process of conceptualizing and refining the specification. The
result of the modelling phase is a model, which is specified in an Internal Design
Representation (IDR) [21].
That model may contain multiple models of computation and there is a
trade-off between scalability and expressiveness in this IDR [53].
Modelling in the context of Co-Design is sometimes called cospecification.
The design process has been depicted in Figure 3.1 and will be described in this

3.2 Modelling approaches

Hardware/software Co-Design of embedded systems can be differentiated in sev-
eral ways. This thesis will distinguish approaches in the difference between the
internal design representations. If there is a single IDR that is used throughout
the development process it will be a homogeneous modelling approach. Other-
wise, when multiple IDRs are used the approach will be called heterogeneous.
Another possibility is to consider the number of system-level specification
languages. Mooney et al. make this distinction: if a method has only a single
specification language they will call it a homogeneous approach, otherwise a
heterogeneous approach [38]. I believe this is a bit too superficial, as very often
multiple specification languages can be used in the beginning of the specification
process that are then mapped in one Internal Design Representation.


3.2.1 Modelling with a single IDR

In approaches that use a single IDR, Co-design starts with a global specifica-
tion. This can be given in either a single language or multiple languages that
are converted into one IDR. This IDR should be independent of the future im-
plementation and of the partitioning of the system into hardware and software
parts. This type of Co-Design approach includes a partitioning step aimed to
split this model into hardware and software. The outcome is an architecture
made of hardware processors and software processors. This is generally called
a virtual prototype and may be presented in a single language or different lan-
guages [21].
² ¯
± °

² ? ¯
Model (IDR)
± °

² ¼¯ j
² ¯
SW model HW model
± ° ± °
? ?
SW generation (co)simulation HW synthesis


Figure 3.1: Co-Design design process based on a single IDR

An approach that is based on a single IDR is called compositional by Mooney

and Coste [10]. It aims at integrating the partial specification of sub-systems
into a unified representation which is used for the verification and design of the
global behavior. The design process using a single IDR has been depicted in
Figure 3.1.
Many researchers are doubting whether such an approach will work. Specif-
ically the group of Edward A. Lee (who created the Ptolemy system) has
doubts about this [7]. He calls modelling using a single IDR the ‘grand uni-
fied method’ [28]. In order to be sufficiently rich to encompass the various
computational models of the competing approaches the IDR becomes unwieldy
and too complex for formal analysis and high quality synthesis. Lee sees a sig-
nificant problem in the fact that a homogenous approach is based on a single
IDR. This IDR would impose a model of computation which might be good for

a subset of systems but bad for others [28].

Examples of homogeneous methods are Polis [4], COSYMA [15] and SpecC [18].

3.2.2 Modelling using multiple IDRs

Lee states that generality can be achieved through heterogeneity, where ex-
plicitly more than one model of computation is used. Coste calls this the co-
simulation based approach [10].
Heterogenous modelling allows the use of separate languages (and underlying
IDRs) for the hardware and software parts. The Co-Design starts with a virtual
prototype where the separation of the system in hardware and software parts is
already done. This early partitioning decision is a fundamental difference with
the homogeneous approach. See Figure 3.2 for an overview of the design process
when modelling using multiple IDRs. Co-simulation is typically supported on
the model-level, in addition to simulation during and after the synthesis phase.
² ¯
± °
Modelling & manual partitioning

² ¼¯ j
² ¯
SW model (co)simulation HW model
± ° ± °
? ?
SW generation (co)simulation HW synthesis


Figure 3.2: Co-Design design process based on multiple IDRs

Often the emphasis in this type of approaches is on the integral designing of

the parts to make sure that the overall system has the required properties. The
key issues are validation and interfacing [21]. A lot of research has been done
on the integration of different system parts that enables system optimization
across language boundaries. Fernandes calls it a tool box approach: “...where
each systems module may be specified individually using the technique most
adequate for it. This approach seems very useful for specifying complex sys-
tems, that are generally composed of several components, each one with its own
idiosyncrasies.” [2]
The co-simulation-based approach consists in interconnecting the design en-
vironments associated to each of the partial specifications. As its name suggests,
co-simulation means that the software processors and the hardware processors
of a system and their interactions are simulated in one and the same simula-
tion. It does not provide such a deep integration as the compositional approach
does [21]. However, it does allow for modular design. Communication between

the processors would typically be implemented using a cosimulation bus which

is in charge of transferring data between the different simulators.
A typical example of a co-simulation approach is Ptolemy II [12].

3.3 Implementation
The model found in the modelling phase has to be implemented into hardware
and software. An important notion in Co-Design approaches is that there must
not be a continuity problem. That is: the steps from model to the synthesis
should all be in the design process [47].
In the implementation phase architectural information is taken into account.
Varea [53] calls this a merger between the IDR and the technology library. It
is important that the intermediate IDR or specification is not too strongly in-
fluenced by the current target technology. Steps in the implementation phase
1. hardware/software partitioning;

2. synthesis of the code for software and hardware.

3.3.1 Hardware/software partitioning

Partitioning is a crucial step in Co-Design. The model must be split into parts:
software parts and hardware parts. The ideal approach would be one with
automatic partitioning, in which tools will take into account the model and the
target architecture and will automatically make the split. Hence, it is important
that the target architecture is known by the tools. In §5.3 this issue will be
discussed further.
The partitioning step is deliberately left vague here, as it differs strongly per
design method. Often the partitioning step will be split into sub-steps, each
dealing with a specific part of the creating of the split, such as scheduling and
interface synthesis (see for example [17]). Other design methodologies do not
have a single partitioning step. Instead, before the final code and hardware
synthesis, there is an iterative process of refining and transformation, such as
in ForSyDe (see §6.3).

3.3.2 Synthesis
On the lowest level, FPGAs can be used to implement (small) microprocessors,
datapaths and nearly any digital circuit. The outcome of the synthesis process is
a final implementation of the embedded system. As an extra validation step the
result of the implementation is often checked by first creating a small amount
of prototypes.

3.4 Validation
The validation process in a design model should give the designer a reasonable
level of confidence about how much of the original embedded system design
will be in fact reflected in the final implementation [53]. A lot of research has

been conducted on the simulation of heterogeneous hardware/software systems

[7, 26, 53]. There are three methods for validation:
1. simulation;
2. prototyping;
3. formal verification.

Most design methods incorporate validation throughout the entire design

process. Simulation is mostly used early in the design process. Some design
methods support this explicitly. For example, some models are so detailed that
they allow ‘execution’ on a very high level. More often, simulation is used after
the partition step but before the hard- and software synthesis. In this context
the term co-simulation is often used.
Formal verification allows for a more thorough evaluation of the embedded
system behavior (i.e. maximum behavioral coverage) by means of logics.
It is important to note that in simulations the hardware is often simulated
instead of being first synthesized and then executed. However, has also been
done research in replacing the hardware simulator with an FPGA that simulates
the real target hardware [26]. This makes it possible to come closer to the real
real-time behavior of the hardware than it is with software based simulations.

3.4.1 Conclusion
The discussion of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous modelling and about parti-
tioning of an initial model into hardware and software parts is related to the
paradigm shift problem discussed in §1.1.3. Both the heterogenous and ho-
mogenous modelling approach implicitly acknowledge that different parts of the
system should be treated differently in respect to modelling.
Both types of approaches take into account that a system will ultimately
consists of hardware and software, but they differ in the way they try to solve
the paradigm shift problem. In heterogenous methods the partitioning in hard-
ware and software parts is manually done when constructing the initial models.
This early decision allows the use of a specialized IDR for hardware parts, in
which hardware algorithms can easily be modelled, and a separate IDR for soft-
ware parts. In contrast, in homogenous approaches the partitioning step is an
explicit part of the design process. This means that an IDR must be used that
would support both the modelling of hardware- and software-like algorithms
and computations.
The following chapter will expand on the differences between IDRs and their
different applications in Co-Design.
Chapter 4

Computational Models

Modelling is at the heart of all development methods. All Co-Design systems are
based on a computational model, or combine a few of them. The computational
models can be found in the Internal Design Representation.
A computational model is a formal, abstract definition of a computer. It
describes the components in a system and how they communicate and exe-
cute [34]. In this chapter common computational models are described and
compared. This type of overview can never be complete. Many variants of the
selected Computational Models exists, and there is a lot of research into new
computational models.
This chapter ends with a matrix that compares the discussed models.

4.1 Properties of computational models

There are three characteric properties of computational models important for
system design:
1. Modelling of time
2. Orientation (activity–, state– or time–based)
3. Main application

4.1.1 Modelling of time

An essential difference between concurrent models of computation is their mod-
elling of time [28]. Liu [32] states that the different notions of time make pro-
gramming of embedded systems significantly different from programming in
desktop, enterprise or Internet applications. Lee [31] proposed a mathematical
framework to compare certain properties of models of computation. This allows
for a precise definition of the various computational models. Time modelling
alternatives are:
• continuous time, real numbers are taken as time-axes (see §4.3.1)
• discrete time, there’s a global clocktick
• partial ordered time, events are ordered


• No explicit notion of time

Synchrony hypothesis
A very useful abstraction when dealing with time is assuming synchroneous op-
erations. The synchrony hypothesis forms the base for the family of synchronous
languages. It assumes, that the outputs of a system are synchronized with the
system inputs, while the reaction of the system takes no observable time. In
this manner time is abstracted away. The synchrony hypothesis serves as a base
of a mathematical formalism.
In these synchronous languages, every signal is accompanied by a clock sig-
nal. The clock signal has a meaning relative to other clock signals and thus
defines the global ordering of events. When comparing two signals, the associ-
ated clock signals indicate which events are simultaneous and which precede or
follow others. A clock calculus allows a compiler to reason about these ordering
relationships [7].
Whether or not a language is synchronous has quite big implications. It is
therefore added in the matrix at the end of this chapter.

4.1.2 Orientation
A commonly used taxonomy by Gajski distinguises five categories of models of
specification [17]:
• State-oriented

• Activity-oriented
• Structural-oriented
• Data-oriented

• Heterogeneous
These categories reflect the distinct perspectives that one can have of a system,
namely its control sequence, its functionality, its structure and the data that it
manipulates [2].
This taxonomy is useful as it gives an indication of the application area of a
computational model. Gajski’s taxonomy has been critized by Jerraya et al. as
being to much focussed on specification style and not enough on the true nature
of the MoC [21].
Structural and data-oriented models of specification are not used to specify
models of computations. In this paper a distinction will be made between state-
oriented and activity-oriented specifications. Gajski did not classify all models
discussed here in his paper. In addition it is therefore necessary to recognize a
third category for models that are neither state- nor activity-based, but have
an emphasis on different notion of time. These will be called time-oriented.

4.1.3 Main application

Fundamental to embedded software is the notion of concurrency. There is a
lot of research done on compiling concurrent languages into sequential code

that can be run on a microprocessor, for example as described by Jiang [22].

For this thesis however it is more interesting to see what happens when this
paradigm-shift does not have to be made.
There are models that are designed to describe dataflow oriented systems (ie
DSPs) and there are models more suitable for control-flow systems.However this
approach lacks generality as most systems are not easily put in either one cate-
gory. It should be noted that the difference between a control-flow or data-flow
oriented computational model is important for both control and data-oriented
systems. Many control-systems use complex sensors or subsystems such as im-
age processing algorithms that are best specified using a type of data-oriented
computational model [34].

4.2 Example: internal combustion engine

A good illustration of the need for multiple computational models can be found
in a paper by Liu [33], where the working of an internal combustion engine is
described using various models of computation:

Figure 4.1: An internal combustion engine is made up of several parts that

should be modelled by different MoCs. Adopted from Liu [33].

A cylinder of an internal combustion engine has four working phases: intake,

compress, explode, and exhaust. The engine generates torque that drives the
power train and the car body. Depending on the car body dynamics, the fuel
and air supply, and the spark signal timing, the engine works at different speeds,
and thus makes phase transitions at various time transitions. The job of the
engine controller is to control the fuel and air supplies as well as the spark signal
timing, corresponding to the drivers demand and available sensor information
from the engine and the car body.
The engine and the car body in this example are mechanical systems, which
are naturally modelled using differential equations. The four phases of the
engine can be modelled as a finite state machine, with a more detailed continuous

dynamics for the engine in each of the phases. While all the mechanical parts
interact in a continuous-time style, the embedded controller – which may be
implemented by some hardware and software – works discretely.
Additionally, sensor information and driver’s demands may arrive through
some kind of network. The controller receives this information, computers the
control law, controls the air and fuel values, and produces spark signals, dis-
cretely. So, we want to use a model that is suitable for handling discrete events
for the network and the controller.
In this very common example, we have seen both continuous-time models
and several discrete models: finite state-machines, discrete events, and real-
time scheduling. These models, and other, will be described in the rest of this

4.3 Common computational models

Time Continuous,
4.3.1 Continuous Time Orientation Timed
Synchronous? Yes
As we saw above a computational model describes components and their interac-
Main app. Mechanical
tions. Embedded systems often contain components that can best be described parts,
using differential equations. Differential equations describe the rate at which analog
variables change. They are often used to model (electro-)mechanical dynamics, circuits
analog circuits, chemical processes and many other physical systems [14].

Figure 4.2: Forces on a car shock absorber that result in a differential equation
relationship between road height signal u(t) and the car height signal y(t) [40].

In our car controller example of Chapter 4.2 the mechanical behavior of the
engine and the car body are good candidates of components that can well be
described using differential equations. Mechanical systems are often described

using large number of difference equations, that can be hard to understand.

In [40] a relatively easy example is given. It shows how mechanical interactions
quickly lead to differential equations (thus to a continuous model).
In Figure 4.3.1 the chassis of a car is depicted and how it’s connected to
the road with a spring and damper. The interaction of these 3 physical forces
(gravity, the spring and the damper) lead to a differential equation (Equation
d2 kd d ks kd d ks
y(t) + y(t) + y(t) = g + u(t) + u(t) (4.1)
dt2 m dt m m dt m
This differential equation gives a relationship between the road-height and the
car-height. For an embedded car-control system this can be important informa-
tion; for example to slow down the car when the shocks are getting bigger.
Fundamental to this computational model is that it uses real numbers as
time model – that’s why this model is called continuous time. Formally said:
“continuous-time systems are active over the entire time axis processing their
input and producing output” [49]. The ‘execution’ of a continuous time model
mean that a fixed point must be found by the execution environment. This
means that a set of functions of time must be found that satisfy all the relations.
Hybrid systems (see §2.3.4) specifically deal with the integration of these type
of Computational Models with others.
Time Discrete,
4.3.2 Discrete Time Orientation Timed
Synchronous? Yes
Difference Equations are a discrete counterpart of differential equations. Where
Main app. Filters,
the latter works in the continuous time difference equations are discrete time periodically
based. Discrete-time systems can only react to their input and produce new sampled
output at distinct, equidistant time instances [49]. Difference equations are often data
rearranged as a recursive formula so that a systems output can be computed
from the input signal and past outputs. Difference equations are commonly used
for modelling filters (that manipulate sound) and periodically sampled data
streams. They can been seen as discretized version of differential equations.
Time Sorted
4.3.3 Discrete-Event events,
In a discrete-event system, modules react to event that occurs at a given time Orientation Timed
instant and produce other events either at the same time instant or at some Synchronous? No
Main app. Digital cir-
future time instant. Execution is chronological [7]; time is an integral part of cuits
the model. Events will typically carry a time stamp, which is an indicator of
the time at which the event occurs within the model.
Typical parts of a system that are described using discrete-event models are
the controller and network interactions [33]. It is often useful to simulate an
embedded controller in software. A simulator for such discrete-event models
will typically maintain a global event queue that sorts events by time stamp. It
is difficult to implement such a simulator efficiently in software [7].

4.3.4 (Co-Design) Finite-State Machines

The finite-state machine model has been widely used in control theory and
is the foundation for the development of several models for control-dominated
embedded systems. The classical Finite State Machine (FSM) consists of a set

of states, a set of inputs, a set of outputs, a function which defines the outputs Time Events
with time-
in terms of input and states and a next-state function. [9]. stamp
FSMs model systems where the system at any given point in time can exist Orientation State
in one of finitely many unique states. This makes them excellent for control Synchronous? No
logic in embedded systems. They can very well be formally analyzed and it is Main app. Control-
relatively straightforward to synthesis code from this model [28].
FSM can be visualized very well using a state transition graph (see Figure
4.3.4). FSM have a number of weaknesses. They are not very expressive, and the

Figure 4.3: A state transition graph.

number of states can get very large even in the face of only modest complexity. Is
intended for control-oriented systems with relatively low algorithmic complexity.

Extensions of the FSM

A number of variations has been proposed to overcome to weaknesses of the
classical FSM model. Using FSMs in a hierarchical model was first made popular
by Harel [34]. He proposed StateCharts, which combine hierarchical FSMs and
concurrency. Statecharts are essentially a combination of FSMs with a SR. The
tools Statemate from Ilogix uses statecharts as its control specification model.
In cases when a FSM must represent integer or floating-point numbers, a
state explosion problem could be encountered. If each possible value for a
number requires a state, the FSM could require a enormous amount of states.
This can be solved by introducing a data-path to the FSM. Basically this extends
the FSM with variables and operations to manipulate them. This solution was
described by Gaiski [17]; it could be used for computation-dominated systems.
An obvious extension to the FSM would be the addition of concurrency
and hierarchy. Such a system is then called a Hierarchical Concurrent FSM
(HCFSM). Like the FSM, the HCFSM models consists of a set of states and
transitions. However, each state of the HCFSM can be further decomposed into
a set of substates, thus modelling hierarchy. Each state can also be decomposed
into concurrent substates which execute in parallel and communicate through
global variables. An example can be seen in Figure 4.3.4. State Y is decomposed
in two concurrent states, A and D. The bold dots in the figure show when the
starting point of the states are.
Perhaps the most successful extension to the classical FSM is the Co-Design
Finite State Machine (CFSM) which is used in Polis. In Chapter 6.4 there will be
more about this. Important in this extension is the hierarchy and concurrency
that are added. The communication primitive in the CFSM system is the event.
The behavior of the system is defined as sequences of events that can be observed
when interact with the environment [9]. The notion of time in this model is thus:
events with a time-stamp (ordered time).

Figure 4.4: Hierarchical concurrent states [17].

Figure 4.5: A dataflow graph for (a ∗ b) + (c/d) − (e mod f ).

4.3.5 Kahn Process Networks Time No explicit

In a process network model of computation the arcs represent sequences of data Orientation Activity
Synchronous? No
values (token) and the bubbles represent functions that map input sequences
Main app. Digital
into output sequences. Certain technical restrictions are necessary to ensure signal
determinacy [28]. processing

Time No explicit
4.3.6 Data Flow timing
Orientation Activity
Data flows are a common representation formalism for modeling algorithms, Synchronous? No (ADF)
often dealing with signal processing. Data flow can been seen as a special case Main app. Digital
of Kahn process networks. There are many different variants of dataflows, an
overview of which can be found in a paper by Lee [30]. Specifically there can
be made a distinction between synchronous and asynchronous data flow models Time No explicit
(SDF and ADF). Orientation Activity
Synchronous? Yes (SDF)
Main app. Digital

Figure 4.6: Petri net representing: (a) sequential order, (b) branching, (c) syn-
chronization, (d) resource contention and (e) concurrency [17].

4.3.7 Petri Nets Time Order of

A Petri net is a well-known graphical and mathematical modeling tool. A Petri Orientation State or
Net is a bipartite graph of transitions and places connected by directed edges.
Synchronous? No
Each place has a number of tokens which are not ordered and at least in the Main app. Scheduling,
basic Petri net model do not carry additional information. control,
In the classical approach a Petri net is composed of 4 basic elements: a set network
of places, a set of transitions, an input function that maps transitions to places,
and an output function which is also a mapping from transitions to places.
A Petri net executes by means of firing transitions. A transition can fire only
if it is enabled, i.e. if each of its input places has at least one token. Transitions
may fire if each of its input places contains at least as many tokens as there are
edges from the input place to the transition. At firing, a transition removes one
token via each incoming edge and produces a token via each outgoing edge.
Two important features of Petri nets are its concurrency and asynchronous
nature [9], this can be modelled quite naturally as seen in Figure 4.3.7.
It can be considered both activity- and state-based model, depending on the
exact interpretation used in the modelling approach.
Time Atomic
events on
4.3.8 Rendez-vous timeline
Orientation State
In a rendezvous model, the arcs represent sequences of atomic exchanges of Synchronous? No
data between sequential processes, and the bubbles presents the processes [28]. Main app. Resource
Examples are Hoare’s CSP and Milner’s CCS. This model of computation has agement
been realized in a number of concurrent languages, like Lotos and Occam. The problems
interaction between the processes is synchronous. However, the processes them-
selves are usually not (except in extensions such as SCCS). Therefore it is hard
to say if the model is synchronous or not. In this paper the definition used
by Lee et al. will be used, in which Rendez-vous models are not considered
synchronous [28].

An example of a design tool for embedded (control) systems based on this

computational model is the CTJ (Java) library developed by Jovanovic et al. [23].

Time No explicit
4.3.9 Synchronous/Reactive timing
Orientation Timed
In synchronous languages, modules simultaneously react to a set of input events Synchronous? Yes
and instantaneously produce output events. If cyclic dependencies are allowed, Main app. Reactive
then execution involves finding a fixed point, or a consistent value for all events real-time
at a given time instant [7].
Very often real-time systems are specified by means of concurrent processes,
which communicate asynchronously [45].

4.3.10 Other Models of Computation

In this chapter a number of computational models have been discussed. How-
ever, this list is not complete. There are many extensions and variants of the
computational models we’ve seen. Specifically Petri Nets are being researched
a lot, such as Coloured Petri Nets and High Level Petri Nets. These can of-
ten be used well as Internal Design Representations. Varea proposed an IDR
called Dual Flow Net (DFN), which provides tight control and data flow in-
teraction [53]. Another mixed IDR is FunState, which are functions driven by
state machines.
Another way that to specify a model in a Co-Design method could be to
use an imperative programming languages. Programming languages provide
a basic set of concepts that allow the description of a system; in the form of
an algorithm. The IDR would then be the syntax graph of the language. In
Gajski’s taxonomy such an IDR can be classified as “heterogeneous”.
The use of a programming language as an IDR has the disadvantage that it is
too complex to use in formal verification. Furthermore, imperative programming
languages do not explicitly model the system’s state which makes them harder
to use in modeling embedded systems [17].

4.4 Comparison
Three important characteristics have been described in Table 4.4. It shows
that there are a number of computational models suitable for digital signal
processing (the dataflow and process networks). Others are suitable mainly for
control-oriented work (CFSM, synchronous/reactive). This indicates that for a
real system various MoCs are necessary. Experience also suggest that several
MoCs are required for the design of a complete system [7].
Next to the computational models discussed in this chapter, there is a lot of
research into new Internal Design Representations, such as Dual Flow Nets and
FunState. These are still experimental, and there are no methodologies using
these IDRs.
The formal computational models are not the only way a model can be spec-
ified; some design methods use the syntax graph of an imperative programming
language as their IDR.
Because of the very different notions of time in the various MoCs, ranging
from continuous time to no time-notion at all, integrating them is by no means

trivial. This is one of the problems Co-Design approaches must solve before
being usable in system-design. In the next chapter various problems will be

Table 4.1: The main characteristics of the models of computation described in

this chapter.

Computational model Time Synchronous? Orientation Main application

Continuous Time Continuous, Yes [13] Timed Continuous con-
global notion of trol laws, mechan-
time. ical parts, analog
Discrete Time Global notion of Yes [13] Timed Periodically sam-
time. Every signal pled data systems,
has a value at ev- cycle accurate
ery clock tick [34] modelling
Discrete-Event Globally sorted no [9] Timed Digital circuits
events with time
(Co-Design) Finite Events with time- no State Control-parts
State Machinea stamp
Kahn Process Net- No explicit timing no Activity Digital Signal
works Processing
SDF No explicit timing yes Activity Digital Signal
ADF No explicit timing no Activity Digital Signal
Petri Nets No explicit tim- no State- or ac- Scheduling, con-
ing. Just order of tivity trol, network pro-
transitions [9] tocols
Rendez-vous Atomic events no [31] State Modelling re-
along line of source manage-
time [9] ment problems
Synchronous/Reactive No explicit timing yes Timed Reactive real-time

The Codesign Finite State Machine is chosen as a representative because the
basic FSM is not sophisticated enough to be used as a Model of Computation
(see §4.3.4).
Chapter 5

Requirements for
Co-Design methodologies

In this chapter requirements for usable Co-Design methods are discussed. The
result of this Chapter is a list of requirements and important aspects of Co-
Design methodologies.

5.1 Paradigm shift

It has been recognized in literature that there is an important relationship be-
tween the model of computation and the target-architecture. Kienhuis et al. [25]
speak in this context about a mapping between a model of computation and the
architecture: “In mapping we say that a natural fit exist if the model of com-
putation used to specify applications matches the model of architecture used to
specify architectures and that the data types used in both models are similar.”
This concept of a natural fit is the same concept of preventing a paradigm shift;
when there is a natural fit between the application’s IDR and the target archi-
tecture then there is no paradigm shift. This concept is thus recognized by the
research community. However, a question still being faced is how to integrate How is
these various models of computation. As we saw in Chapter 3 there are basically integration of
two approaches: models dealt
• Using a single IDR (compositional approach)
• Using more than one IDR (co-simulation approach)

The main difference in the two approaches is that the co-simulation approach
allows for more MoCs in a methodology and are better capable of working with
optionally new developed MoCs. The other option promises a closer integration.
This relates to the conventional wisdom that high performance while minimizing
resources needed (or time needed) can be obtained by matching the architecture
to the algorithm [39].


5.2 Origin of IDR

Many languages and tools that were developed based on a single model start to
embrace other models [14]. The downside of such large languages that compose
multiple MoCs in an ad hoc fashion is that formal analysis may become very
difficult [7]. It compromises the ability to generate efficient implementations
or simulations and makes it more difficult to ensure that a design is correct.
It precludes such formal verification techniques as reachability analysis, safety
analysis and liveness analysis.
This is not to be said that compositional approach does not work. It does
mean that a language should take the ability to integrate MoCs in it’s design
from the beginning. In this sense it’s important to realize that it’s not the
language itself, but the IDR that a language will be converted in is fundamental.
A lot of research goes into composite MoCs, suitable for both data- and control-
flow. We saw for example some extensions of the classic FSM in Chapter 4.3.4.
Varea [53] proposes a classification for internal design representations according
to the following taxonomy:
1. Models originally developed for control-dominated embedded systems and
later expanded to include data-flow (these models will be called MCD ).
2. Models developed in a data-dominated basis extended to support also
control flow (referred to as MDC )
3. Unbiased model developed specifically to deal with combined control/data-
flow interactions (Mb )
Such a classification can be useful to discriminate between various approaches. What is the
As noticed in Chapter 2.3.4 the modelling of hybrid digital-analog systems origin of the
IDR of the
is a related field that is gaining more attention too. Also in this field there are approach?
existing tools that are extended with functionality to deal with hybrid mod-
elling. An example of this is VHDL-AMS [8], or another example is SimuLink,
a framework that is commonly used [32]. It’s a modelling and simulation envi-
ronment for continuous-time dynamic systems with discrete events that recently
has been extended with statemachine modelling of discrete control [1].

5.3 Design-space exploration

Many parts in the design of embedded systems require manual decisions. Some
Co-Design methods try to automate an important part of the design process:
the decision what parts to implement in hardware, and what on software. This
is called automatic partitioning. Is automatic
However, this is certainly not easy for a design methodology. In fact, most partitioning
of them do not support it. Still, even with methodologies that do not have
automatic partitioning, Co-Design is valuable. It makes validation and synthesis
of code a lot easier, because of the shared model (IDR) that has been made.
Because of the complexity of most systems, optimal manual decisions are
sometimes not feasible. There are simply too many possibilities to consider. To
use all of the potential improvements that a later HW/SW partition decision
allows, it is therefore very important to reduce the user decisions as far as
possible. This has been recognized and there are various methods for systematic Is there a
possibility of
exploration in
the approach?

design space exploration. Neema states:

In order to perform rigorous analysis and synthesis it is essential to

prune the design space retaining only the most viable alternatives.
In the past heuristics have been used to prune large design spaces.
However, due to the complex behavior and interactions in multi-
modal systems it is difficult to come up with effective heuristics.
A better approach is to use constraints to explore and prune the
design spaces; constraint satisfaction can eliminate the designs that
do not meet the constraints. The pruned design space contains only
the designs that are correct with respect to the applied constraints.
These designs can then be simulated, synthesized and tested [39].

5.4 Target architecture

When a Co-Design methodology allows for the generation of both software and
hardware, it must also generate the communication mechanisms between these
two parts. This include the operating system perhaps, and the device drivers of
some sort.
Not only the design process can be improved. Many suggestions brought up Does the
in this chapter deal with the methodology itself. However, O’Nils points out that approach allow
IP reuse?
very often off-the-shelf IP components are used in system design, and that often
a major part of the work will be in interfacing these IP components. Tools like
Polis are primarily designed for cases in which the whole design functionality
is captured within the tools environment and communication refined during
system synthesis. That is, the device drivers are generated together with the
custom hardware and the operating system. However, if users want tot use IP
blocks and off-the-shelf operating systems they will face the same problems that
occur in manual design [41]. This has important implications for the commercial
use of Co-Design methods and design space exploration tools: if they do not
take into account off-the-shelf IP components they are not suitable for many
types of projects. So next to the design methodology and design process itself,
there is also the matter of whether or not IP reuse is explicitly supported.
Keutzer et al. states: “We actually believe that worrying about HW-SW What type of
boundaries without considering higher levels of abstraction is the wrong ap- target
proach. HW/SW design and verification happens after some essential decisions are supported?
have been already made, and this is what makes the verification and the syn-
thesis problem hard. SW is really the form that a behavior is taking if it is
‘mapped’ into a programmable microprocessor or DSP. [...] The origin of HW
and SW is in behavior that the system must implement” [24].
It is possible to generate a complete system using only FPGAs, but it’s more
common to use a combination of 1 (or more) processors with dedicated hardware
(ASICs) or with flexible hardware (FPGAs). This is combination of processor
with extra hardware is called coprocessing [37], and the term co-processor is
often used for the ASIC’s.
The issue here is thus to create a useful mapping between an application and
a target architecture. There is a design-space exploration method that is build
on this premise, the Y-Chart approach1 as proposed by Kienhuis [25]. This
1 This term is rather unfortunate, as there exists another Y-Chart in Co-Design. The

Figure 5.1: The Y-Chart approach [25].

method follows a general scheme that can be visualized by an Y-shaped figure

(see Figure 5.4). In the upper right part in that Figure is the set of application
descriptions that drives the design of the architecture. The effectiveness of the
initial architecture is to be evaluated, using performance measurements. The
various applications will be mapped on the architecture, and using quantita-
tive numbers the performance will be determined. If this does not match the
requirements, either the applications or architecture should be changed.
The power of this method is seen when these steps are supported by the
development method. Therefore it is required to allow architecture to be defined
within the same method, and to perform performance analysis. Newer Co-
Design methods, such as Ptolemy II and SpecC have tools that help with design-
space exploration.

5.5 Dealing with complexity

5.5.1 Abstraction
It is obvious that low-level languages such as VHDL are able to implement differ-
ent models of computation. An imperative language can be used to implement
for example a dataflow MoC [7].
However, lack of abstraction disqualifies low-level languages as candidates
for modelling combined computational model-systems because it leaves pro-
grammers no freedom to make trade-offs between programmability, utilization
of resources and silicon area. It’s common for a specification language to allow
more than 1 model of computation. However this does not always mean that
this allows for suitable high-level mixture of 2 models.
A goal of all design methods is to allow systems to be designed on a higher
level than the implementation level. Ultimately the goal is to be able to design
a system in a textual or graphical way, in such a manner that there will be an
Gajski Y-Chart was introduced in 1983 for describing the taxonomy of electronic systems in
3 dimensions: behavioral, structural and physical.

automatic compiler from this high-level representation into the implementation

level: hardware, software or (often) a combination of both. Sometimes such
an approach is called model compilation [47]. This is a fundamental notion in
computer science. Examples are programming languages, that allow humans to
reason about variables or flow-of-control on a much higher level than machine
code allows. There has also been a lot of research into finding languages to
design hardware from a higher level. Nowadays it is very common to use a
language as VHDL to define hardware. There are compilers available to generate
netlists (hardware descriptions) from languages like VHDL. Although VHDL is
probably considered by software engineers to be low-level, it is a major step
forward compared to the arcane art of programming cells and gates directly.
What is the
A higher level of abstraction in modelling decreases the gap between func- abstraction level
tional requirements of a system and the modelling process, leading to a better used in the
fit between these. There is of course no definition for “high level” or “lower
level”. Still, we’ll try to get a view of a method by looking at the level of its
specification language(s), and stay in line with Jerraya [21], who also used these
words. In our result three different levels will be discriminated: low-, medium-
and high-level specification language.

5.5.2 Hierarchy
Brute-force composition of heterogeneous models could cause emergent behav-
ior. Model behavior is emergent if it is caused by the interaction between
characteristics of different formal models and was not intended by the model
designer [14].
A common way to prevent unwanted emergent behavior is isolating various
subcomponents and letting these subcomponents work together in a hierarchical
way. Hierarchical in the sense of a containment relation, where an aggregation
of components can be treated as a (composite) component at a higher level.
In general, hierarchies help manage the complexity of a model by information
hiding — to make the aggregation details invisible from the outside and thus a
model can be more modularized and understandable [32]. This is about behav-
ioral hierarchy, composition of child behaviors in time, as opposed to structural
In the Ptolemy project a lot of research has gone into this type of behavioral
composition. Chang et al. wrote a paper on mixing two models of computations
(discrete event and dataflow) using Ptolemy. They state:

This means that two MoCs do no interacts as peers. Instead, a

foreign MoC may appear inside a process. In the old version of
Ptolemy, such a process is called a wormhole. It encapsulates a
subsystem specified using one MoC within a system specified using
another. The wormhole must obey the semantics of the outer MoC
at its boundaries and the semantics of the inner MoC internally.
Information hiding insulates the outer MoC from the inner one [7].

This approached of worm-holes was a bit biased towards data-flow computa-

tional models. In Ptolemy II it was replaced with opaque composite actors [12].

5.5.3 Implementation
A discrete-event model of computation is well suited for generating hardware.
It is not very suitable to generate (sequential) software [7]. This is for example
why VHDL simulation surprises the designer by taking so long. A model that
heavily uses entities communicating through signals will burden the discrete-
event scheduler and slow down the simulation. Thus, a specification built on
discrete-event semantics is a poor match for implementation in software.
By contrast, VHDL that is written as sequential code runs relatively quickly
but may not translate well into hardware. The same goes for C: it runs very
quickly and is well suited for software, but not for specifying hardware.
Dataflow and finite-state models of computation have been shown to be
reasonably re-targettable. Hierarchical FSMs such as StateCharts can be used
effectively to design hardware or software. It has also been shown that a single
dataflow specification can be partitioned for combined hardware and software
implementation.’ [7]
What phases of
the development
process are
5.6 Conclusion supported in the

In this chapter various requirements for modern system-level design methods

have been discussed. The following points should be covered by Co-Design

1. How is integration of various MoCs dealt with?

2. What is the origin of the IDR of the approach?

3. Is there a possibility of design-space exploration in the approach?

4. Does the approach allow IP re-use?

5. What types of target-architectures are supported?

6. What is the abstraction level of the approach?

7. Is there a ‘gap’ in the development process; what phases of the process
are supported?
8. Is (automatic) partitioning supported (if the approach allows synthesis at

These aspects will be taking into account in the next chapter, where a number
of Co-Design methodologies will be analyzed.
Chapter 6

Co-Design methodologies

In this Chapter we’ll discuss a number of existing modelling approaches. The

selection of these based on their popularity in literature. Care has been taken
to make sure a reasonable variety of tools is shown.

6.1 Ptolemy II
The Ptolemy project studies heterogeneous modelling, simulation and design of
concurrent systems, where the focus is on embedded systems.[12].
The primary investigator of the Ptolemy project is Edward A. Lee. In 1991
he presented a paper that described the Ptolemy system[5]. This system has
been in use for many years, and it’s now succeeded by a new version, Ptolemy
The Ptolemy II software environment provides support for hierarchically
combining a large variety of models of computation and allows hierarchical nest-
ing of models[14]. It combines the wish for a homogeneous and thus predictable
model with the desire to mix partial models of different kinds in a common het-
erogeneous model by hierarchically nesting sub-models of potentially different
A very good description of how this hierarchical mixed approach works in
practice can be found in [34].
Ptolemy II is a component-based design methodology. The components in
the model are called actors. A model is a hierarchial composition of actors. The
atomic actors, such as A1, only appear at the bottom of the hierarchy. Actors
that contain other actors, such as A2, are composite. A composite actor can be
contained by another composite actor.
Atomic actors contain basic computation, from as simple as an AND gate to
more complex as an FFT. Through composition, actors that perform even more
complex functions can be built. Actors have ports, which are their communi-
cation interfaces. For example in Figure 6.1, A5 receives data from input ports
P3 and P4, performs its computation, and sends the result to output port P5.
A port can be both an input and an output. Communication channels among
actors are established by connecting ports.
The possibility to have various MoC’s can be found in the director. A direc-
tor controls the execution order of the actors in a composite, and mediates their


Figure 6.1: Example of a hierarchical specification of a systems using two (possi-

bly different) Models of Computation. The directors controls the flow of control
and data in such a MoC.

communication. In figure 1, D1 may choose to execute A1, A2 and A3 sequen-

tially. Whenever A2 is executed, D2 takes over and executes A4-A7 accordingly.
A director uses receivers to mediate actor communication. As shown in figure
2, one receiver is created for each communication channel; it is situated at the
input ports, although this makes little difference. When the produces actors
sends a piece of data (a token) to the output port, the receiver decides how
the transaction is completed. Within a composite actor, the actors under the
immediate control of a director interact homogeneously.
Ptolemy II is a successor to Ptolemy Classic. It is written in Java, while the
original version was made in C++.
The focus in Ptolemy is on simulation. However, Ptolemy is often used in
combination with other tools, such as Polis (see Chapter 6.4)[36], to provide
co-simulation functionalities. It is possible to use Ptolemy to generate software
for specific processors (DSPs) too[43].
Ptolemy does not explicitly support the Y-chart approach[56]. However,
Ptolemy is a very extensible system. There is an extension of the Ptolemy kernel
in the direction of a Y-chart like tool for evaluation of architecture trade-offs,
see [42].

An older design method is COSYMA, “CoSynthesis for Embedded Architec-
tures”. It was developed at the IDA, Germany. It covers the entire design flow
from specification to synthesis. The target architecture consists of a standard
RISC processor, a fast RAM for program and data with single clock cycle access
time and an automatically generated application specific co-processors. Com-
munication between processors and co-processor takes place through shared
memory. The goal of Cosyma is basically speeding up existing programs by
replacing parts in hardware[41].
The system is designed in Cx . This is a C-extension with support for parallel
processes and timing constraints. The Cx specification is then converted into
an Extended Syntax Graph (ESG), the IDR. This is similar to a CDFG. The

ESG describes a sequence of declarations, definitions and statements and is

overlayed with the Data Flow Graph (DFG) containing information about data
dependencies. This shows the software-background of the tool, it is something
like an extended compiler.
“The chief advantage of this approach is the ability to utilize advanced
software structures that result in enlarging the complexity of system designs.
However, selective hardware extraction based on potential speedups makes this
scheme relatively limited in exploiting potential use of hardware components.
Further, the assumption that hardware and software components execute in an
interleaved manner (and not concurrently) results in a system that under-utilizes
its resources”[20].
Research using COSYMA has been discontinued in 1999.

6.3 ForSyDe
ForSyDe is a model based on the synchronous-assumption (see Chapter 4.3.9).
It has been developed by Sander and Jantsch[44, 45].
In their model events are totally-ordered by their tags. Every signal has the
same set of tags. Events with the same tag are processed synchronously. There
is a special value ⊥ (“bottom”) to indicate the absence of an event. These are
necessary to establish a total ordering among events. A system is modelled by
means of concurrent processes, which are Haskell functions or ‘skeletons’.
Fundamental to the approach is the transformation process. The specifica-
tion of the system is done in Haskell, and an iterative process of rewriting the
specifications goes on until the requirements are met. ForSyDe does not allow
for architectures do be described in the method, as such it does not support
design space exploration directly.
Lu[35] shows how to transform a system specification described in ForSyDe
into its hardware and software counterparts. He does not provide a mixed
implementation of HW and SW. [Guus: why not per module possible to make
this decision?]
The hardware version of the Digital Equalizer that Lu makes is described
using behavioral VHDL. The process are described using skeletons and these
are then synthesized to VHDL code. The process described is manual. The
Haskell code turns into behavioral VHDL quite easily. To generate (naturally
sequential) C code an analysis phase is done to create a PASS.
IP reuse has not been specifically addressed.

6.4 Polis
The Polis research project started in 1988 by the UC Berkeley. It is a design
environment for control-dominated embedded systems. It supports designers
in the partitioning of a design and in the selection of a micro-controller and
The system specification language is Esterel, but a graphical specification
can also be given.
The generated software part consists of:
1. the application that has been modelled in CFSMs

2. a generated application-specific operating system for the selected processor

3. the I/O drivers
Hardware is synthesized as well. The Polis environment provides an interface for
verification and simulation tools as well as an simulator. Automatic partitioning
is not supported in Polis.
A fundamental limitation of the Polis system is the MoC used, the Codesign
Finite State Machine (CFSM). A CFSM is an extended finite state machine that
communicates with other CFSMs asynchronously with unbounded delay and by
means of events. The communication model between CFSMs is not efficient in
representing systems with intensive data processing, since CFSMs communicate
over channels with one-place buffers and have non-blocking write communica-
tion semantics. Therefore, a buffer is overwritten every time the sender emits
an event before the receiver has consumed the previous event. This can be
avoided either by means of scheduling constraints or with a blocking write pro-
tocol: however, both mechanisms often result in a loss of performance. This
means that POLIS is mainly useful for control-dominated embedded systems.
Although the POLIS method allows performance-estimation for the simple con-
troller that is generated, estimation techniques for more complex processor mod-
els are lacking[56].
The Polis project has led to a set of commercial tools. For example, the Can-
dence Virtual Component Co-Design toolkit (VCC) has been built op top of Po-
lis. VCC allows better IP reuse than Polis, and follows the Y-chart approach[56].
Because the CSFM is not biased towards either hardware or software, it allows
for a very late decision of what part to implement is software and what in hard-
ware. This is also a great help for design space exploration: the options stay

6.5 SpecC
SpecC is a new language based on the C programming language. SpecC in-
cludes a methodology for system design, that allows a systematic design space
exploration, called specify-explore-refine[16]. This methodology does not tend
to support complex target platform[55].
The IDR used in SpecC, the SpecC Internal Representation (SIR) is similar
to ones used in software compilers, essentially a syntax graph.

6.6 SystemC
The SystemC language is a C++ language subset for specifying and simulating
synchronous digital hardware. It’s based on a class library of C++; it’s not a
new language by itself. It’s a initiative by a group of vendors and embedded
software companies to create a common (open source) standard.
In SystemC a complete system description consists of multiple concurrent
processes. The system can be specified at various levels of abstraction (behav-
ioral hierarchy).
SystemC is a language, and doesn’t have a complete methodology for system-
level design[55].

6.6.1 SpecC vs. SystemC

SystemC and SpecC are two languages both coming from industry, only from
different providers. Another difference is that SpecC works on a little higher
abstraction level and it’s process is more structurized. SystemC on the other
hand is better suited towards RTL modelling of hardware design. It is possible
and fruitful to mix the two approaches as Cai et. al. illustrated[6].

At the Stanford University the VULCAN system has been developed. The
specification language used is called HardwareC. Although its syntax is C-like
its semantics are that of a Hardware Design Language; thus rather low-level.
Initially, a system will be specified as a complete hardware solution (in Hard-
wareC). When the timing and resource constraints are specified, an iterative
automatic partitioning approach will be started. The basic idea of VULCAN
is to move suitable parts of the system to software (that will then be run on a
general purpose processor), thus making the dedicated hardware part smaller
in each iteration. This all under the given performance constraints. The main
purpose of this is cost reduction.
Internally Vulcan used a Flow Graph as its IDR. The design process Vul-
can offers is complete: its support specification, (automatic) partitioning and
synthesis of both software and hardware components. The ‘price’ paid in this
approach is that the specification level is low.

6.8 Comparison
Some approaches don’t try to incorporate many different models of computa-
tions. Polis for example is targetted towards control-oriented systems. It allows
for a complete design process from high-level model to implementation. Because
the computational model used in Polis is partly based on FSMs, the according
state-space explosion causes the Polis approach to be only suitable for smaller
Not all approaches described here are ‘industry-ready’. There is a lot of
research going on into new internal representation languages (such as ForSyDe).
This shows that many researchers believe the current IDRs are not rich enough.
A rough classification can be made of the direction research into IDRs is going:
• FSM based approaches (such as Polis)

• Petri-net based approaches

Not every approach that has been described support all the phases of Co-
Design described in Chapter 3. Ptolemy is a bit of an outsider here. The main
focus of Ptolemy II is (co-)simulation and the other phases get less attention.
The fact that it’s possible to use multiple Models of Computation in one system
is very interesting. A tool similar in this aspect is Music[10].
Two older approaches that do have a complete design process are Vulcan and
Cosyma. They have a lower ambition though: the level of abstraction is rather

Model MoC based on Specification language(s)

COSYMA (Extended) Syntax Cx
ForSyDe Functions (‘skeletons’) Haskell
Polis CFSM Esterel, graphical
Ptolemy II Multiple MoC’s Various graphical, others
SpecC Syntax Graph SpecC
SystemC Syntax Graph SystemC
Vulcan Flow Graph HardwareC

Table 6.1: Languages and Internal Design Representations of Co-Design meth-


low: they are both extensions of existing processes. Vulcan from a hardware
side, Cosyma from a software side.
SystemC and Specc also have a lower level of abstraction than for example
Polis offers. An important difference is that they do take IP integration into
account. It can be said that there are 2 ways to improve productivity: improving
the design process, and reusing more IP[41]. SystemC is less complete in its
methodology, but IP reuse has been an important feature. The same goes for
SpecC, but SpecC’s design methodology is much more mature. At the same
time there are languages that have a complete methodology, such as COSYMA
and Vulcan, but do not take IP reuse into account.
A recent trend in system design is platform based design, in which IP reuse
takes a prominent place. Most of the methods here can be described as top-down
methods, using a specification and than refining it. Platform based design works
more ad hoc: existing components are ‘glued’ together. Extensions to Polis that
take IP reuse into account [36] make it possible to use the best of two worlds.
A commercial tools based on Polis that also deals with IP reuse is VCC, from
It is clear that the choice of IDR is fundamental to a Co-Design methodol-
ogy. Using a mathematically strong IDR such as CSFM, allow POLIS to reach
a high level of abstraction and allow design-space exploration, with a broad
variety of target architectures. SpecC and SystemC, using a more pragmatic
IDRs based on syntax graphs (with extensions), also allow synthesis to many
target architectures, while supporting IP reuse. However, they pay a ‘price’ in
abstraction level, and the partitioning is not automated. Two other languages
based on similar IDR, COSYMA and Vulcan, do allow automatic partitioning,
but only for a very limited type of architecture. Their representation languages
(Cx and HardwareC respectively) are on a low level of abstraction.
Table 6.2: Questions from Chapter 5.

COSYMA ForSyDe Polis Ptolemy II SpecC SystemC Vulcan

Integration 1 IDR ? 1 IDR 1 IDR Multiple 1 IDR 1 IDR 1 IDR
various MoCs
What is the MCD Mb MCD [53] - MCD MCD MDC [53]
origin of the
IDR of the
Design-space no no Y-chart[56] Y-chart specify- no no
exploration like[42] explore-
supported? refine[16]b
IP re-use no no yesa yesd yes yes no
Target- Single RISC Single Multiple Variousc Various Various Single proces-
architecture(s) processor processore processors sor, various
(Sparc), (MIPS), and ASICs
with one CFSMs im-
ASIC (co- plemented
processor) in hardware
that com- (multiple co-
municate processors).
using shared

The abstrac- - ++ ++ varies ++ + -

tion level of
the approach
Is (au- yes no, manual no, manual noc no, manual no, manual yes


In Polis itself this has not specifically been addressed, but there are extensions[36] that take IP reuse into account. Also in tools based
on Polis such as VCC it can be found.
The design-space exploration of SpecC is less strong than a real Y-chart approach[55]
No complete synthesis-trajectory exists for stand-alone Ptolemy, only for specific MoC’s.
Ptolemy can certainly be used together with other tools that support IP reuse specifically, such as in [36].
Using ForSyDe either sequential C code for a processor can be generated, or (behavioral) VHDL to synthesize hardware.
Chapter 7


A high level design in which a synergistic approach of hardware and software

is implemented, is nowadays recognized as mandatory. This is the only way
to keep up with the increasing complexity of embedded systems design and
increasing market pressure for shorter time-to-market period and lower costs.
This observation made by Chess is shared by the whole industry and academic

7.1 Internal design representation

Most Co-Design methodologies make use of an internal representation for the
refinement of the input specification and architectures. Many such internal
representations exist. They are all based on one or more computational models,
and as we saw in §4.4 different Models of Computation are needed for the
separate parts of the system.
There is a ‘natural mapping’ between a MoC and certain system parts.
Experiments with system specification languages have shown that there is not
a single universal specification language to support the whole design process for
all kinds of applications [21]. Some tools use one, others use multiple internal
design representations.
A lot of research is being conducted on new (potential) IDRs. This indicates
that the computational models underlying the current IDRs are considered un-

7.2 Co-Design approaches

Hardware software partitioning is not the question, the question is how to make
the right trade-offs. These trade-offs can only be examined by design-space
exploration tools, which allow the comparison between the various mappings
from MoC to architecture.
If a single specification language is chosen, it will be very difficult to prevent
the paradigm-shift problem. It is hard to imagine an (efficient) language that
allows both control- and dataflow types to be presented and makes it possible
to generate efficient code for all types of applications. On the other hand, if
making the HW/SW decision earlier in the design process is acceptable, there


are very good integrated tools and frameworks that allow working with both
parts of the system in a systematic way. In such a system a simulation-tool like
Ptolemy can be valuable as it allows co-simulation between the various software
and hardware components.
Ptolemy II seems to be a very mature tool, specifically the theoretical foun-
dation of mixing various computational models is well thought-out. However,
it is mainly focussed towards simulation, while true software and hardware-
synthesis is not sufficiently supported. This can still be a valuable addition to
existing design processes: the co-simulation made possible by Ptolemy can be
used much earlier in the design process than with existing approaches. Problems
can therefore be acknowledged at an earlier stage.
The homogeneous Co-Design approach, where the partitioning decision will
be supported by the method itself, as opposite to requiring the user to specify
this in front, is very attractive. However, there are no real tools that support
this completely. In this context Kienhuis [25] speaks about the refinement ap-
proach. He says: “the refinement approach has proven to be very effective for
implementing a single algorithm into hardware. The approach is, however, less
effective for a set of applications. In general, the refinement approach lacks the
ability to deal effectively with making trade-offs in favor of the set of applica-
tions”. It can therefore be concluded that an integral Co-Design approach is
possible for some specific algorithms or small applications, but not (yet) for a
broad range of applications.

7.3 Future research

Future research in high-level system design will be concentrated in 4 directions:
1. Special complete design flows for specific types of systems. Small control
dominated approaches such as Polis, or the creation of DSPs based on a
Ptolemy subdomain [43] are examples of such methods. They allow code
generation and sometimes automatic partitioning (notably Polis). Because
of the fact that a single IDR is used, the application of these tools is limited
to specific domains (either control dominated, or DSP generation).
2. Research into internal design representations that would allow a wider
range of applications to be modelled in the manner described above. This
is based on the thought that today’s IDRs are not rich enough to really
support a wide variety of applications. An example of such research is
ForSyDe. In the field of hybrid systems similar research is conducted. It
is fair to say that the dealing with time must be key for such IDRs.
3. Co-simulation based approaches. They allow for a wide range of appli-
cations and high level representation but do not offer code-generation for
the entire system. Most likely the partitioning between hardware- and
software-components will be done manually. Ptolemy is a good example
of such an approach.
4. Platform based design. Instead of aiming at high-level languages, these
methods use a lower level representation. These approaches fully support
synthesis of hardware and software components. C-like languages that are
examples of this approach are SpecC and SystemC.

7.4 Chess roadmap

For Chess the most valuable investment would be research into the first and
third option. The first option, application-type specific design flows, can offer
a valuable insight in a Co-Design methodology, from high-level specification,
through automatic partitioning, to synthesis. The third option, co-simulation
based approaches, is also very interesting. These approaches are maturing (al-
though not significantly used in industry) to a useable level.

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List of Figures

3.1 Co-Design design process based on a single IDR . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.2 Co-Design design process based on multiple IDRs . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1 A combustion engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2 Forces on a car shock absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 A state transition graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4 Hierarchical concurrent states [17]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.5 A dataflow graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.6 Petri net examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.1 The Y-Chart approach [25]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

6.1 Modelling in Ptolemy II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Appendix A


ASIC Application specific Integrated Circuit

FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array (a specific type of PLD)
FSM Finite State Machine (see §4.3.4)
IDR Internal Design Representation
IP Intellectual Property. Used in the field of embedded sys-
tems to refer to existing modules (from other vendors)
that can be used to build a system
MoC Model of Computation, or computational model
PLD Programmable Logic Device
VHDL A language to describe layout and or behavior of hard-
ware. Comparable to a program-language for software


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